As you know we have this main villain of a story and we have to defeat this guy. When we do we learn that he isn't the real villain and usually we are presented to who our real villain is.
Spoilers are very alert here, so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
- Slade in Slade Strikes Back where the Joker takes up the role of the main villain. Funny as he was a major villain before hand.
- Uka Uka in The V Team Island Adventure. He was the force behind the attacks on the heroes and when he was defeated by Eddy, Bender and the rest. He was revealed to have been a puppet to the real antagonist Hunson Abadeer (a.k.a) Marceline's dad
- Vilgax in The Grand Summer Season Trek. It was highly assumed that he was the main villain and the final foe. After Knuckles defeated him, Discord his 2nd in command hijacked the plot and acted as the actual villain who the heroes needed.
- Iron Queen for most of Totally Mobian Spies was thought to be the main antagonist, but after the heroes take out her forces. It's revealed that Terrance Lewis was the actual villain of the story, having masquerading himself as Jerry all along and manipulating the V Team and W.H.O.O.P
- Fatman and Malachite in P Team and Miracle Elite Vs Malachite's Empire, Fatman and his group were prepared to attack the P Team and Miracle Elite but the villain that both heroes teams are shocked revealed to be Malachite as a "true villain" of the story, he killed his ex allies in cold blooded, he later was defeated by Knuckles and he said he will return however, the real true villain was actually Galactus all along wanted to get his revenge on Malachite for "killing him", so he suck Malachite's soul and energy to him everyone was shocked to see Galactus as the real mastermind of all this.
- Demise in To Crossover Flee: Project Darkness. Demise was the main villain of this story, but he was betrayed by the real villain Zeus,King of the Gods, he uses him and his deathless league as pawns so he can use his plans for his own team.
- Dormammu was ready to fight Tuxedo, Gabriel, and Marceline, but he got away while Big Cheese took over.
- Sigma and Discord were a main villain ensemble but Discord became the real threat and was victorious in his schemes. Sigma was eventually killed by Dib, Boomer and X in a climatic fight
- Mechuckles, Phobos, and Sith Stalker were the three main villains in The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of the Sith Stalker. However, Ares is the real and true villain of the story, he use them as pawns and got themselves killed by the heroes. However, Ares didn't know that his father is using him as a pawn and got Ares killed by Maka Albarn. Zeus becomes the real true villain.
- Minster Sinister and Garret Bobby Ferguson for LOTM: Nest Gen Island Tour were killed after Act 4. Jesse is a subversion as he was supposedly killed but returned in early Act 5 and sided with the heroes against BlackGarurumon.
- Haytham Kenway and Anarky were the main villains in Blackpool however, one of them dies and other one escaped while the true antagonists are Rodrigo and Cesare Borgia.
- BlackGarurumon, Loki, Albert Wesker, CSM, Dukat and Crowley in LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour 2nd half
- Zaheer in Future Warfare was responsible for plunging the Multi-Universe into darkness 58 years after Next Gen Island Tour. But the true villain was revealed to be Jonathan Irons who allowed all of it to happen in order to increase Atlas' reputation.
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