In literature, the deuteragonist or secondary main character (from Ancient Greek: δευτεραγωνιστής, deuteragōnistḗs, second actor) is the second most important character, after the protagonist and before the tritagonist.[1] The deuteragonist may switch between supporting and opposing the protagonist, depending on the deuteragonist's own conflict or plot.
- Bubbles and Slade in The Beginning to Dib
- The Joker, Dib, Bender, Lizbeth, X and Slade as the role of protagonist, deuteragonist and triagonist change frequently
- Skipper, Lizbeth, Starfire, Marceline, Jorgen, Scrouge, Negaduck, Lara Su, Fiona Fox to Bender and Eddy in The V Team Island Adventure
- Dib, Bender, Boomer, Scorpion, Darkwing Duck, Dark Warrior Duck, The Joker and Marceline's Dad to Lizbeth in The Great Time Travel Adventure
- Twilight Sparkle, Discord and Captain Knuckles to Bender, Skipper and Heloise in The Great Summer Season Trek
- Edd, Fiona, Iron Queen and Asami Sato to Bender, Skipper, Lizbeth, Eddy, Lara Su and Heloise
- Myotismon to Angewomon in Legends of the Multiuniverse
- Dib, Bender, Lizbeth and Knuckles flipflop in The Multiuniversal War of Destiny between protagonist, deuteragonist and triagonist
- Slade and Anti Cosmo to Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas and Isabella (Though the latter two also quafliy due to the former three sharing the role of main protagonist)
- Kratos, Starkiller, Knuckles Riso, Lizbeth, Scorpion, Cruger, Sub-Zero, V, Alucard, Zero, Ciel, Linkara, Hunson Abadeer, Deimos, Pyrrha, Brock Samson, Kaim Argonar, Nathan Drake, Jinx, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog, Rainbow Dash, Terra (Teen Titans), Julie Su, Karai, Riolu, Blue and Zeus to Maka Albarn in Meister of War
- Slade's Ensemble,The B Team, Team Free Will and Mr.Gold to The Star Alliance in Blackpool
- Knuckles RIso, Boomer, Hunson and Ares to Lizbeth and Maka in The Legend of Maka Albarn
- (Spoilers) Bender of all characters in LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour to the actual main protagonist
- Deathstroke (Arrow) to Bender, Skipper and Lydia of TGTTA 2
- Symphogear Heroines and their friends to Luigi Latorre
- Professor Sento Kiryu, Hinako Shirai, and Milinda Brantini to Luigi Latorre
- Terence Tamiel to Luigi Latorre
- Kokoro Yotsuba to Hayato Hayasugi
- Marcy Wu and to a lesser extent Cleo to Lydia, Ford and Lincolin in Return of the Weirdmageon Cult
- Lizbeth, Boomer ,Dib, and Deathstroke in Entropized
- Kate Beckett to Asuhi Imizu
- Ford Pines and Marcy Wu to Lydia and Lincoln in To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud
- Dib and Luan Loud to Boomer and Bender (respectively) in Multiuiversal Noir
- Larke Tanner, Deathstroke, and Cleopatra to Lydia, Lincoln, Ford and Sid Chang in Team Free Will: Diassembled
- Luan Loud, Slade Wilson, Anti Cosmo Cosma, Harry Wells and The Prankster to Marcy Wu and Bender in The Prankster Point Paradox
- Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan to Bender in Anglesmith Orgins
- Ford Pines, Marcy Wu, Luz Noceda and Bender to Sid, Lincoln and Lydia to Chang's Guide To The Galaxy
- Cassie Lang and Joker (Persona 5) to Lizbeth/Eliza in Chronicles of Zaragoza
- Fox Mulder, Dana Scully and Starlight to Mr.Wolf, Hughie Campbell, Mr.Snake and Billy Butcher
- Molly Mcgee, Scratch Mcgee and Cricket Green to Lydia, Lincoln and Marcy Wu in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica
- Wile E Coyote and Mop Girl to Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender in House of Disenchanted Cards
- Hilda to Lydia and Lincoln to Streamverse
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