This is a page where you place characters who died in the series, both good and bad. While some of these characters are dead in one story, they're alive in another.
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Abbie (Fundamental Paper Education) -
Buppa -
Saber of Black/Siegfried (Fate/Apocrypha) -
Kenzo Tenma -
Creto -
Caster of Black/Avicebron (Fate/Apocrypha) -
Leon Scott Kennedy -
Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17
All items (2594)
- Aang
- Aayla Secura
- Abbie (Fundamental Paper Education)
- Abbie Mills
- Abis Mal
- Abomination
- Abra Kadabra
- Abrakadaver
- Abyss (Soul Calibur)
- Abyss Zurg
- Achilles (Assassin's Creed)
- Achilles (Smite)
- Adagio Dazzle
- Adam Lyon
- Adam Taurus
- Adam the Clown
- Adi Gallia
- Admiral Akainu
- Admiral Malkor
- Admiral Razorbeard
- Admiral Salen Kotch
- Admiral Zhao
- Adolf Hitler (Downfall)
- Adolf Hitler (LOTM: Sword of Kings)
- Adon
- Adéwalé
- Aerisi Kalinoth (CIS Productions)
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Agent 9
- Agent Abracadabra
- Agent Michael Ford
- Agent Michigan (LOTM)
- Agent North
- Agent Smith
- Agent South
- Agent Texas
- Agent Trout
- Ai Enma
- Aiden Price
- Air Bud (Disney)
- Ajax (Marvel)
- Akane Taira
- Akaza
- Aki Honda
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akrak Couteau
- Aku
- Al Mualim
- Alaindelon
- Albert Wesker
- Albus Dumbledore
- Alec Trevalyn
- Alessandro Marchi
- Aleu
- Alexander Fox Xanatos
- Alfred (Bloodstained)
- Ali Al-Saachez
- Alice (Pandora Hearts)
- Alice McCoy
- Alister Azimuth
- Allen Gregory
- Allison Church
- Almec
- Almighty Tallests
- Aloyse Von Roddenstein
- Alpha (Men In Black)
- Alternate Doofenschimtz
- Alva (Pokémon)
- Amanda Payne
- Amane Kagami/Kamen Rider Kenzan
- Ambassador Donnel Udina
- American Rite of the Templar Order
- Amidamaru
- Anak ng Dilim
- AncientBeetlemon
- AncientGarurumon
- AncientGreymon
- AncientKazemon
- AncientMegatheriummon
- AncientMermaidmon
- AncientSphinxmon
- AncientTroiamon
- AncientVolcanomon
- AncientWisemon
- Andrea Beaumont
- Andreas Sanchez
- Andrei Strasser
- Andrew Oikonny
- Android 13
- Android 14
- Android 15
- Android 16
- Android 19
- Andy Brooks
- Andy Panda
- Angel (Borderlands)
- Angel (Disney)
- Angel Eyes
- Angela Moss
- Angelica Pickles
- Angor Rot
- Aniu
- Ant-Man
- Antasma
- AntiSora
- Anton Chigurh
- Aoi Kanzaki
- Apollo (God of War)
- Aporia
- Araghast The Pillager
- Arakune (Sacred Seven)
- Arch Druidness
- Archie Mitchell
- Arcturus
- Ares (DC)
- Arfoire
- Argyle Starshine
- Aria Blaze
- Ariella Cortania
- Ariscratle
- Arkham Knight
- Arlen Crane
- Armstrong
- Arnim Zola
- Arnold Flass
- File:Artemisia Ashcroft.jpg
- Artemisia Bell Ashcroft
- Arthur Slugworth
- Aryana Westcott
- Arzonia Brothers
- Asajj Ventress
- Ashi (Samurai Jack)
- Assassin of Red/Semiramis (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Assassin/Kato Danzou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Asura (Soul Eater)
- Atra Mixta
- Atticus Nevins
- August Kuratov
- Auron
- Aut-O
- Avalos (Kingofevil9)
- Aveline de Grandpré
- Axe
- AxeKnightmon
- Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
- Axol (SMG4)
- Ayame Hatano
- B-Dawg
- Baboon (Skunk Fu!)
- Baby (Dragon Ball)
- Baby Moondancer
- Babydoll's Stepfather
- Bad Bean
- Bagura
- Bail Organa
- Bakuraiman
- Balrog (Street Fighter)
- Balthazar Blake
- Balto
- Bananas B
- Barb Mentir
- Bark The Polarbear
- Barkis Bittern
- Barodius/Mag Mel
- Baron Ashura
- Baron Mordo
- Baron Zemo
- Barry Dylan
- Bartello
- Basco ta Jolokia
- Bask Om
- Bass
- Baz-El
- Beagle Boys
- Bean The Dynamite Duck
- Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go!)
- Beastman (F-Zero)
- Beatrice (Dante's Inferno)
- Beatrice Bergamot
- Beatrice Prior
- Beelzemon
- Beezel
- Beezy Heinous
- Behemecoatyl
- Bel
- Bell/Kamen Rider Lucifer
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Ben (Barnyard)
- Ben Fujinami
- Ben Ravencroft
- Ben Rodríguez