Dark Lords are villains who are in charge and have a mysterious aura about them. Well, that, and they can also simply be villains of royalty or some other noble birth, or who have seized power over someone or something.
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- Daemon (Digimon)
- Dai Shi
- Dark Heaven
- Dark Kahn
- Dark Laser
- Dark Lord (Ragnarok)
- Dark Lord Sauron
- Dark Tohka
- Dark Yabu
- Darkseid
- Darth Bane
- Darth Baras
- Darth Jadus
- Darth Malak
- Darth Malgus
- Darth Marr
- Darth Maul
- Darth Nihilus
- Darth Quellus
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vader
- Darth Vitiate
- Dartz
- Death (Castlevania)
- Deathborn
- Deathwing
- Demise
- Devimon
- Diablo (Diablo)
- Dimentio
- Dr. Doom
- Dr. Hämsterviel
- Dracula (Castlevania)
- Dracula (Dracula Untold)
- Dracula (The Batman vs. Dracula)
- Dracula (Van Helsing)
- Druaga
- Duke of Zill
- Leohart the Prince of Hell
- Leohart's Cult
- Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
- Lolth
- Long
- Lord Destro
- Lord Dominator
- Lord Dregg
- Lord Garmadon
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Lord Nekron
- Lord of Darkness
- Lord Shen
- Lord Voidus
- Lord Voldemort
- Lord Vyce
- Lucemon
- Lucifer (Chaos!)
- Lucifer (Dante's Inferno)
- Lucifer (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Lucifer (Supernatural)
- Ludd Whitehill
- Makuta Teridax
- Malebolgia
- Maleficent (Disney)
- Maleficent (Maleficent 2014 film)
- Malefor
- Malmoth
- Maltruant
- Mana Ouma
- Martian General Z-9
- Master Cyclonis
- Master Org
- Master Vile
- Megatron
- Mehrunes Dagon
- Melancholia
- Melkor/Morgoth
- Mephistomon
- Michael Langdon
- Ming the Merciless
- Miraak
- Mirage (Aladdin)
- Mister Dark
- Molag Bal
- Moloch (CIS Productions)
- Moo
- Morgaine Le Fey
- Morgana (Tales of Arcadia)
- Morgana le Fay
- Mother Hydra
- Mother Talzin
- Mr. Dark (Rayman)
- Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
- Myotismon