There is sexy, and then there is adorable and cute. Now most characters who are in this category are usually kids instead of adults. So listen to that, This is one category for cute kids or creatures like ponies.
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All items (1864)
- A-ko Magami
- Aang
- Abra
- Absol
- Ace Ripley
- Adeleine
- Adorkable
- Aelita Stones
- Agnes Gru
- Agumon
- Agumon Expert
- Ahiru
- Ahsoka Tano
- AiAi
- Aipom
- Air Bud (Disney)
- Airi (Queen's Blade)
- Aisling
- Ajar
- Akane Isshiki
- Akane Tendo
- Akane Tsunemori
- Akiko Ayanaka
- Ako Shirabe
- Alcremie
- Aleu
- Alexandra Ehle
- Alexis Castle
- Ali (The Land Before Time)
- Alice (Hero of Robots)
- Alice The Bully
- Aliyah Din
- All My Heart Bear
- Alleyne
- Alpha Hatsuseno
- Alphaponymon
- Alrish
- Altaria
- Aluna Gomes
- Alyssa Enrilé
- Amalthea (The Last Unicorn)
- Amaura
- Ambipom
- Amelie Lukas (JV - The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne)
- Ami Onuki
- Amigo Bear
- Amitie
- Amonsun
- Ampharos
- Amu Hinamori
- Amy (Gargantia)
- Amy Rose
- Andy Panda
- Angel (Disney)
- Angel (KOF)
- Angel (Lilo and Stitch)
- Angela Leon
- Anghel
- Anguirus
- Anila
- Annabelle
- Anne Marie
- Annerose Vajra
- Annette
- Annie (Little Einsteins)
- Antauri
- Anya Forger
- Aoi Futaba (Vivid Red Operation)
- Appa
- Apple Bloom
- Applejack
- April (Menslady125)
- Arcanine
- Aron
- Artemis (Sailor Moon)
- Articuno
- Aryana Mendez
- Aschen Brodel
- Assassin/Kato Danzou (Fate/Grand Order)
- Astro Boy
- Asuka Kazama
- Athena (Campione)
- Audino
- Aurora Pekkanen
- Aurora's Fangirls
- Ava
- Axew
- Aya Drevis
- Ayame Hatano
- Ayumu Kasuga
- Azelf
- Azumarill
- Azurill
- Azusa Aizawa
- Azymondias
- B'dg
- B-Dawg
- B. Jenet
- Babs Bunny
- Babs Seed
- Baby Daisy
- Baby Kong
- Baby Luigi
- Baby Mario
- Baby Moondancer
- Baby Natasha
- Baby Peach
- Baby Zillas
- Bagi
- Bailey (The Creature)
- Balto
- Baltro
- Bambi
- Bamm-Bamm Rubble
- Bananas in Pajamas
- Bandit (Jonny Quest)
- Banjo and Kazooie
- Banner
- Baragon
- Baroness Shapiro
- Bartok
- Bashful Heart Bear
- Batgirl
- Batso the Bat
- Bayleef
- Baymax
- BB-8
- Bean The Dynamite Duck
- Beast Boy
- Beastly
- Beautifly
- Bedtime Bear
- Beelzebub IV
- Beethoven
- Belinda (OC)
- Bella (Filly Funtasia)
- Belle (Disney)
- Bellossom
- Ben Rodríguez
- Benny the Ball
- Berlioz
- Bernadet
- Bernie (Zig and Sharko)
- Berry
- Berserker/Chacha (Fate/Grand Order)
- Best Friend Bear
- Betty Barrett
- Betty Boop
- Betty Cooper
- Bia, Carla, and Tiago
- Bianca (Pokemon)
- Bianca (Spyro)
- Bidoof
- Big McIntosh
- Billy Hatcher
- Bingo (Dave & Ava)
- Biyomon
- Black Cuervo
- Blair (Soul Eater)
- Blake Belladonna
- Blaze (101 Dalmatians)
- Blaze Summers
- Blissey
- Blitzle
- Blossom
- Blossom (Powerpuff Girls Z)
- Blu (Rio)
- Blue (Blue's Clues)
- Blue Eyes
- Bobby Bear
- Bodi
- Bokomon
- Bolt
- Boltund
- Bomberman
- Bombette
- Bonnie (Pokemon)
- Bonsly
- Boo-Boo Bear
- Booby (Perman)
- Booker
- Boomer Jojo
- Bounsweet
- Bow Sparrow
- Bradley/R.O.B.O.B.R.A.D.L.E.Y/Numbuh 6
- Braeburn
- Braixen