Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

When the Right-Hand Man is shared between at least two characters in a team

They will usually have distinctive personalities, roles, or skill-sets, or may perform the same job but in different regions, , they are answerable only to the man in chagreand are significant threats in their own right. Some of them don't necessarily have a team dynamic- in fact,  If they do interact, they'll likely be rivals.


  • Bender and Lizbeth to Dib in general
  • Bubbles and Scorpion to Dib in The Membrane Elite Storyline
  • Skipper ,Heloise and Rick to Bender (Marceline has this rank too in The Great Time Travel Adventure and possibly in Tuxedo Lovelace vs CarnEvil)
  • Anti Cosmo , Celes and Harry Wells (Earth 2) to Slade
  • The Chameleon and Waspinator  to Joker
  • Brother Blood and Tarus Bulba to Uka Uka
  • Alternate Doofenschimtz and Joker to Hunson before their death, then Amon and Lockdown
  • Discord and Porky to Vilgax (before the former took over) in The Grand Summer Season Trek
  • Astrid and Zuko to Hiccup in Legends of Light and Darkness
  • Count Dooku and Mecha Sally to Iron Queen
  • Obdoiah Stane and Omega to Discord and Dr.Weil
  • Alucard, Lizbeth, Zero, Ciel and Linkara to V
  • Zero and Maka to Lizbeth in The Lone Ranger of M.O.D.A.B Storyline
  • Terra was formerly work for Slade and allied with Tuxedo Lovelace
  • Takua and Numbuh 362 to Katniss Everdeen
  • Magneto and Ozymandias to Protoman
  • Aqua and Brooklyn to Blue
  • Merrin and Tech E. Coyote to Cal Kestis
  • Fairy Leviathan and Ragna the Bloodedge to Kaim Argonar
  • Garcia Hotspur and Johnson as well as Marino to Nathan Drake
  • Khan Noonien Singh and Maxim Horvath to Malefor
  • Alexander Fox Xanatos and Tony Almedia to Dr.Strange
  • Devin Weston, Steve Haines, Daniel Linderman, and Abraham Kane to Haytham Kenway, Charles Lee, and White Star
  • Maximilian and Felix to Peter Pan
  • The Joker and Deathstroke to Eobard Thawne, Theo Noble takes Deathstroke's place after his betrayal
  • Guzma and Number Two to Deathstroke
  • Simone Doffler and Riot to Lycaon
  • Abomination and Red Claw to Dark Kat
  • Masakuni Mido to Gunther Prozen

All items (24)
