Characters have problems, right? Well this problem is that these people are constantly backstabbing teams to get what they want. They never stop doublecrossing others for their benefit.
In Order to qualify they have to backstab at least 2 or 3 sides. Reaver and Starscream are very good example's
Reaver has betrayed every group and person he has worked with and sacrifices them
Starscream has betrayed Megatron every chance's he get's and he fails every time. He has also betrayed the Autobots a number of times to.
Joker has betrayed Slade, Emperor X, The V Team and Megatron
Albert Wesker has betrayed Umberlla, S.T.A.R.S, Oswald Spencer and Excella
TheIhatemishkaclub betrayed Galvatron to kill Angewomon and anyone else who loved Mishka and Laika
Jack of Blades betrayed Megatron in order to kill the Disney Angels and take over the Multi-Universe
Profion betrayed Galvatron in order to keep the 22-Element Dragon, take over the Multi-Universe, and keep Angewomon
Revolver Ocetot has betrayed many people, First Colonal Vorgin, then Liquid Snake, Then Soldius Snake, Then The Patriots
Galvatron has betrayed the Disney villains, as he planned on destroying them all along
Django once had this problem as he filp floped inbetween Dib and Slade's sides but he got better and settled on Dib or more appriaotely Bender's side
Discord betrayed and sold out all of his allies to the heroes, personally killed Vilgax and backstabbed Galvratron. He then works with Terrance Lewis to betray Iron Queen and kill her using Mecha Sally. He is also going to backstab and elminate the remaining members of the Vilgax's allegiance and emperor fat cat's allegiance
Malachite Use and Betrayed Fatman's Group, He Use them Test the Heroes, and Killed ALOT of His Former Allies, Except One member Is Still Alive.
Seth betrayed The Exiled ones and Killed Taven and half of the members
Dimitri Rascalov betrays Niko Bellic as well as his own best friend, Mikhail Faustin. He's also known to betray everyone he knows, presumably with the exception of Ray Bulgarin.
Sentinel Prime -
Archer/Future Shirou Emiya -
Sephiria KnightWalker -
Kiana Kronii -
Raym Ars Apocalypse -
Roodaka -
Discord -
Duke Igthorn
All items (116)