Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Use the rod, beat the child! That's my motto!"
Agatha Trunchbull

"You want her? Go ahead. Take her. No? Then get back in line."
Hopper, accepting Flik's will to defend Dot from him

"I'll kidnap A THOUSAND children before I let this company die! And I'll silence ANYONE who gets in my way!"
Henry J. Waternoose III telling Sully that we will kidnap a thousand children before his company dies.

Villains who have abused people much younger than them as aggressors (children), have tried to murder them, or who have a deep hatred of children. Or rather, try to dominate them. Many of these villains are parents who abuse their own children or even people who treat children like slaves like Mr. Bumble did to all the orphans in the workhouse. Child-Abusers can also beat down the hero and heroine as they grew up, like Medusa Gorgon did with Crona and what Lady Tremaine and Drizella Tremaine did with Cinderella.

IMPORTANT: Please do not add villains who only abuse teenagers and/or adults to this category, since teenagers and adults are not children.

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