Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

These are characters who break the fourth wall. They may look at the camera, acknowledge that they are in a story or talk to us. The champion of 4th wall breaking is Deadpool, of course. But there are other 4th wall breakers as well.


Black Star breaks the 4th wall in his Blackpool series and his own ideas.

SMG4 Universe breaks the 4th wall with random references.

Lincoln commoningly breaks the 4th wall in Loud House and can teach others to do it as he did so with Ronnie Anne in The Loudest Mission

Bender in The4everevival's storylines commently refers to the 4th wall and scripts, even quoting Deadpool's use of it

Mojo Jojo comments on how he has gotten no respect after 6 seasons of the originial Show as well as Team Rocket constantly being meta throughout Pokemon.

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