After the Great Time Travel Adventure there will be a new spinoff adventure for the summer and here are characters
Heroes that won't appear
Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Edd, Boomer, Nina, Starfire, Launchpad, Gosalyn, Carl, Scorpion, Noob, Hans, Agent 9, Axel, Carl, Nibbler, Dr.Doof, Dr.Blowhole, Stewie, Lucius, Oscar,Leon, Ada, Peep, Pinky, The Brain
Returning Heroes: Bender, Skipper, Jorgen, Django, Marceline, Heloise, Finn, Ice King and King Julian
New Characters to join him: Twlight Sparkle, Spike, Sagat, Flame Princess, 22 new characters I'm keeping secret too
New Allies: The P Team
Returning VIllains: Vega (Yes just Vega)
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