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All items (1002)
- Abis Mal
- Abominable Snowman (Matterhorn Bobsleds)
- Agent K (The Replacements)
- Airiels
- Akela
- Aladar
- Aladdin
- Alameda Slim
- Alberto Scorfano
- Alice Green
- Alistair Krei
- Alternate Doofenschimtz
- Amunet
- Anansi
- Andrea Davenport
- Andrei Strasser
- Andy Duckerman
- Angel (Disney)
- Angel (Lilo and Stitch)
- Angela (Gargoyles)
- Annie (Little Einsteins)
- Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
- Aracuan Bird
- Archimedes
- Ardalan
- Ariel
- Armstrong
- Artemis Fowl
- Arthur (Ralph Breaks the Internet)
- Arthur Pendragon (Disney)
- Ashley Spinelli
- Astra Torch
- Athena (Kim Possible)
- Atticus Thorn
- Audrey (Descendants)
- Aunt Cass
- Avalon Clan
- Ayam Aghoul
- Aziz
- Azrael (DC standard)
- B.O.B.
- Babe the Blue Ox
- Bagheera
- Bailey (Finding Dory)
- Baloo
- Balthazar Blake
- Bambi
- Bananas B
- Barley Lightfoot
- Baron Von Sheldgoose
- Baron Von Steamer
- Baroness von Hellman
- Baymax
- Beagle Boys
- Bebes
- Belle (Disney)
- Benny the Cab
- Berlioz
- Bernadette the Chicken
- Beshte
- Big Jet
- Bill Andersen
- Bill Green
- Bill Sykes
- Bing Bong
- Bjornson the Cheesemonger
- Blendin Blandin
- Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
- Bob the Viking
- Bobby Zimmeruski
- Bolt
- Bonkers D. Bobcat
- Booster (Buzz Lightyear)
- Bori Khan (Mulan)
- Borra
- Boudicca
- Bradford Buzzard
- Bradley Uppercrust III
- Brain Sponge
- Brentwood
- Brer Fox
- Brewster the Beast Trapper
- Bridget (Mighty Med)
- Broadway
- Bronx
- Brooklyn
- Bruno (Cinderella)
- Bruton
- Bucky the Squirrel
- Burbank
- Buster
- Buzz Lightyear
- C.A.R.T.E.R.
- Cahu
- Captain Klegghorn
- Captain Nathaniel Flint
- Captain Rochefort
- Cardinal Richelieu
- Carl Fredricksen
- Carnotaurus (Disney)
- Cashew
- Cassandra (Tangled the Series)
- Cassie Pixiehead
- Cecil Clayton
- Cedric the Sorcerer
- Chameleon (Mighty Ducks)
- Charlie Pizer
- Charlotte LaBouff
- Check "Grin" Hardwing
- Cheetaya and Cheetahto
- Chernabog
- Cheshire Cat
- Chi-Fu
- Chick and Stu
- Chick Hicks
- Chicken Little
- Chief Powhatan
- Chip and Dale
- Chip Whistler
- Chopsuey
- Christopher Robin
- Chuckles the Silly Piggy
- Cinderella
- Clan Ishimura
- Clan McDuck
- Clara Stahlbaum
- Claw (Gargoyles)
- Clinton Coot
- Clone Rangers
- Clover (Disney)
- Cody (The Rescuers Down Under)
- Collette
- Commander Rourke
- Conrad Fleem
- Constance (Gargoyles)
- Constance Hatchaway
- Copper (Disney)