Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

We have a member of the supporting cast. They're important to the plot. Although, like any other minor character, they fall Out of Focus at times. Then comes the sequel, or a new season, or the adaptation, or The Movie, and... hey, where'd they go? They weren't completely written out, but they just weren't good enough to keep what importance they had in the previous story

The Opposite of this is Spotlight Stealing Squad


Castiel and most of the old team of Team Free Will with the exception of Lydia Lopez, Lincoln Loud and Ford Pines became less focused on as time passed on throughout the series since Team Free Will was introduced of plenty of characters introduced.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Nina Cortex, Starfire, Skipper, Jorgen Von Strangle, Phineas, Isabella, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Heloise, V and The V Crusaders, Maka Albarn and The Soul Eater Gang, Knuckles and his friends, Scorpion, Hunson Abadeer and Discord in the M.O.D.A.B Storylines when Phase 4 started all got regulated to guest star roles when Crossover4everfan returned and started Phase 4 of his storyline.

All items (22)
