Characters in an intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional intimacy. Physical intimacy is characterized by friendship, platonic love, romantic love or sexual activity. While the term intimate relationship commonly implies the inclusion of a sexual relationship, the term is also used as a euphemism for a relationship that is strictly sexual.
Intimate relationships play a central role in the overall human experience. Humans have a general desire to belong and to love, which is usually satisfied within an intimate relationship. These relationships involve feelings of liking or loving one or more people, romance, physical or sexual attraction, sexual relationships, or emotional and personal support between the members. Intimate relationships allow a social network for people to form strong emotional attachments.
Chloe (Kuroinu) -
Claudia Levantine -
Ingrid (Taimanin) -
Shamsiel Shahar -
Aori -
Anakin Skywalker -
Sora (Kingdom Hearts) -
Berserker/Kriemhild (Fate/Grand Order)
All items (1457)
- Aang
- Abbie (Fundamental Paper Education)
- Abby (Barnyard)
- Abigail the Sorceress
- Ace Savvy JR
- Ada Wong
- Aelita Stones
- Aerisi Kalinoth (CIS Productions)
- Agent California (LOTM)
- Agent K (The Replacements)
- Agent Michigan (LOTM)
- Agent Nevada (LOTM)
- Agent Texas
- Agent York
- Aigis
- Aile
- Ainz Ooal Gown
- Air Bud (Disney)
- Aja Tarron
- Ajar
- Akame
- Akane Isshiki
- Akane Taira
- Akari Tsukimura
- Akela
- Akeno Himejima
- Akiha Tohno
- Akima Kunimoto
- Aladar
- Aladdin
- Albedo (Overlord)
- Albert Apple
- Alejandro Burromuerto
- Aleu
- Alexis Thi Dang
- Alia
- Alice Tsukagami
- Allen Walker
- Allstar Seaworthy
- Alphabittle Blossomforth
- Amanda De Santa
- Amelie Lukas (JV - The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne)
- Amy (Gargantia)
- Anakin Skywalker
- Andie (The Nut Job)
- Android 18
- Angel (Disney)
- Angel (KOF)
- Angel (Lilo and Stitch)
- Angela (Gargoyles)
- Angela Copenelli
- Angela Fairweather
- Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi
- Angemon
- Angewomon
- Angry Video Game Nerd
- Annette
- Annie January
- Anri Sonohara
- Antoine D'Coolette
- Aori
- Aquaman
- Aragorn
- Archer of Red/Atalanta (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Arcueid Brunestud
- Ariana Furnox
- Ariel
- Artemis (Sailor Moon)
- Arukenimon
- Asahi (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Asami Sato
- Ash Ketchum
- Ashe
- Ashi (Samurai Jack)
- Asia Ritter (Shadcreamfan2004)
- Assassin of Red/Semiramis (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Asta
- Astrid (How to Train your Dragon)
- Asuhi Imizu
- Atom Eve
- Audrey (Fabulous Europe)
- Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
- Avatar (Awakening)
- Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
- Axl (Mega Man)
- B-Dawg
- B. Jenet
- Baccarat Blueberry
- Balto
- Bambi
- Barbie
- Barney Rubble
- Bastila Shan
- Beatrice (Dante's Inferno)
- Belinda (OC)
- Belinda, Queen of the Naga
- Bender Rodriguez
- Benny Stein (The Loud House)
- Berkut
- Berserker/Kriemhild (Fate/Grand Order)
- Beth (Total Drama)
- Betty Rubble
- Big Barda
- Big Bob Pataki
- Bill Andersen
- Bill Harding
- Black Cuervo
- Black Hayato
- Blackarachnia
- Blackfire
- BlackMetalGreymon
- Blaze (101 Dalmatians)
- Blaze the Cat
- Bloom (Winx Club)
- Blossom
- Blu (Rio)
- Blue Mary
- Blythe Baxter
- Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
- Bolt
- Boomer Jojo
- Boroka Szabo
- Boyfriend
- Brainy Barker
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- Briareos Hecatonchires
- Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Bright Eyes
- Bright Mac
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- Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls)
- Buddha
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- Butterfree
- Buzz Lightyear
- Byakuya Kuchiki
- Byleth