Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Meh-cat featured

Bridal Shotacon/BridalSpirit007 (formerly TheBrideKing) wasn't sure if he likes them or not, including memes and other characters that he knew online and multimedia.

And Every characters that Bridal Shotacon/BridalSpirit007 remains in between.


Type A: Other Characters from franchise[]

One out of all characters are BridalSpirit007's favorite and the rest is uninterested.

  1. Loud House: Lincoln Loud, Loud Sisters (Excluding Leni and Lucy Loud), Ronnie
  2. Final Fantasy franchise: All other character (Excluding BridalSirit007's favorite characters)
  3. Disney: All other characters (Excluding BridalSirit007's favorite characters)
  4. Marvel and DC Comics: All other characters (Excluding BridalSirit007's favorite characters)

Type B: The Entire Franchise He knew[]

The ones that BridalSpirit007 finds overrated or not so interested.

  1. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and its other shows
  2. A numerous Disney franchise
  3. Seth Mcfarlene's creations (Family Guy, American Dad, and Cleveland Show)
  4. Toby Fox's creations (Undertale)
  5. Barney and Friends + Barney and the Backyard Gang
  6. Ren and Stimpy Show
  7. Sesame Street
  8. The Land Before Time
  9. Godzilla, adding to Gamera and King Kong
  10. The Annoying Orange

Type C: Overrated Characters[]

  1. Beavis and Butthead
  2. Ren and Stimpy
  3. Ash Ketchum

Type D: Characters from franchise everyone hates[]

  1. Big the Cat

All items (223)
