"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the natural order, and everything becomes CHAOS! I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!" |
Villains who are of the Chaotic Evil moral alignment. These villains are violently opposed to any limitations to their own personal freedom and often champion the downfall of society or morality as we know it. Chaotic Evil villains often fall under the "Destroyer" or "Demonic" alignment.
Characters of this alignment tend to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel; they set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people. They do not work well in groups, as they resent being given orders, and usually behave themselves only out of fear of punishment.
It is not compulsory for a Chaotic Evil character to be constantly performing sadistic acts just for the sake of being evil or constantly disobeying orders just for the sake of causing chaos. They do, however, enjoy the suffering of others, and view honor and self-discipline as weaknesses.
Serial killers and monsters of limited intelligence are typically Chaotic Evil. The Chaotic Evil outsiders are the Demons.
Chaotic Evil is often feared as it is the alignment of madmen, serial killers, zombies, cannibals, and demons. However, this does NOT mean every Chaotic Evil character will mindlessly destroy, but if the opportunity arises for them to cause mischief or harm to others while still furthering their own goals (which are normally personal enjoyment), they will not hesitate to act on it.
Xenomorph rex -
The Shadow (Fate/Stay Night) -
Thrax (Osmosis Jones) -
Ragnarok Iblis -
Freddy Fazbear -
Sin Archbishops -
Avenger/Edmond Dantes (Fate/Grand Order) -
Charles Lee
All items (863)
- Aa'une the Oligarch
- Abaddon The Despoiler
- Abeloth
- Abomination (Marvel Animated Universe)
- Abraxas
- Acheron
- Adam the Clown
- Admiral Akainu
- Admiral Razorbeard
- Agent Abracadabra
- Agent Kruger
- Ajax (Marvel)
- Aki Honda
- Akivasha
- Alecto (God of War)
- Alejandro Sosa
- Alfred Ashford
- Alternate Alternate World Diego
- Alvin Seville
- AM
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Marvel Comics)
- Amnaich the Golden
- Amon (Devilman)
- Amon (Starcraft)
- Anak ng Dilim
- Anarky
- Ancestral Witches
- Andrew Scott
- Angelus
- Annie Wilkes
- Anubis (Stargate SG1)
- Apocalymon
- Apocalypse
- Araghast The Pillager
- Ares (Marvel)
- Argomon
- Arkus
- Armageddon (Chaos!)
- Armus
- Artificial Black Demons
- Aryana Westcott
- Arzonia Brothers
- Ash Graven
- Astaroth Empire
- Astaroth's Fragmental Legion
- Astor
- Atomic Skull (Superman vs. The Elite)
- Atticus Thorn
- Aurozia
- Aurra Sing
- Avenger/Edmond Dantes (Fate/Grand Order)
- Awful Alvin
- Aya Tokoyogi
- Azariah Kyras
- Azariah Kyras's Chaos Space Marines
- Azathoth
- Azog the Defiler
- Baby Bonnie Hood
- Bad Blood Predator
- Bahamut SIN
- Baldur
- Balloon Boy
- Banshee (Gargoyles)
- Barbatos
- Baron Helmut Zemo
- Barraki
- Bela (Hotel Transylvania)
- Belial (The Last Witch Hunter)
- Belial Bradley
- Belladonna
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Benatu Eshu
- Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
- Bendy (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
- Benedict Arnold
- Berserker Predator
- Biff Tannen
- Big Daddy (The Purge: Anarchy)
- Billy Grey
- Biter
- Black Dragon (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Black Hand
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Black Host
- Black Shadow
- Blood Falcon
- Bloodwolf
- Bloons
- Boethiah
- Bonnie the Bunny
- Bowyer
- Brat-A-Rat
- Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper
- Brightburn
- Brokenstar
- Bryagh
- Buppa
- Byaku Shin
- Byzantine Parang (CIS Productions)
- Cain (Robocop)
- Calypso
- Calythos
- Captain Lincoln F. Sternn
- Captain Pollution
- Captain Ruthven
- Carlton Drake
- Carmilla (Castlevania)
- Carnage
- Casanova Frankenstein
- Chakal
- Changelings
- Chaos Kin
- Chaos Undivided
- Chara
- Character Alignment
- Charles Lee
- Cheng Zhi
- Chernabog
- Cherri Bomb
- Chica the Chicken
- Chief Blue Meanie
- Child (Young Justice)
- Chucky
- Cipher (Fast and Furious)
- Ciseaux
- Clarance the Dog
- Clubber Lang
- Cluny the Scourge
- Clyde Alexander Shelton
- Coldsteel
- Cole D. Walker
- Colonel H. Stinkmeaner
- Colonel Ike Sloan
- Comedian (Watchmen)
- Commander Jabsco
- Commander Sazabi
- Constance Hatchaway
- Cosmos (MLP)
- Cozy Glow
- Craster
- Critters
- Crooked Man (The Wolf Among Us)
- Crow Faux
- Crull
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- Cuav the Caustic
- Cujo (Stephen King)
- Cult of Ara
- Cursa
- Cyber-Saurus
- D (Xenoblade)
- D'Hoffryn
- Daemon (Digimon)
- Dag (Barnyard)
- DaGoulian
- Dahlia Hawthorne
- Daken
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- Dark Lugiel
- Dark Mary Marvel
- Dark Matter (Pokémon)
- Dark Meta Knight
- Dark Tohka
- Darken Gathering
- Darkonda
- Darphus
- Darth Vitiate
- Deadly Six
- Deathborn
- Deathstorm (Arrowverse)
- Deathwing
- Demon Kings
- Demona
- Demonix
- Denzel Crocker
- Desast
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- Deus.Ex.Machina Imperial Army
- Devidramon
- Diablo (Diablo)
- Diablo (Primal Rage)
- Diana (MAR)
- Diana Walter
- Dio Brando
- Dokugozu and Dokumezu
- Donald Pierce
- Donquixote Doflamingo
- Doomsday
- Dorian Tyrell
- Douma
- Dr. Cameron