Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

A troubled, brooding character whose passion causes drama.

Traits include

  • They showcase a great deal of magnetism and charisma, using these abilities to achieve social and romantic dominance. However, there is usually conflict within their own personal integrity.
  • Usually display high intellgence, perception skills, have sophiscation, well educated, cunning and very capable at adapting
  • Are emotionally sensitive, which may translate into being emotionally conflicted, bipolar, or moody,
  • They display self-critical and introspective and may be described as dark and brooding. They dwell on the pains or perceived injustices of his life, often to the point of over-indulgence. May muse philosophically on the circumstances that brought him to this point, including personal failings.
  • Is cynical, world-weary, and jaded, often due to a troubled past, which, if uncovered, may reveal a significant loss, or a mistake committed which still haunts the person
  • They are really passionate, with strong personal beliefs which are usually in conflict with the values of the status quo.
  • Their intense drive and determination to live out their philosophy without regard to others' philosophies produces conflict, and may result in a tragic end, should it fail, or revolution, should it succeed. Because of this, they are very rebellious, having a distaste for social institutions and norms and is disrespectful of rank and privilege, though he often has said rank and privilege himself. This rebellion often leads to social isolation, rejection, or exile, or to being treated as an outlaw, but they will not compromise, being unavoidably self-destructive.

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