Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Oh yeah, if you called "working" your ass out by LAYING ON YOUR BACK! You slept your way to top! You think working hard by grinding your little booty tank on the ropes, while you break a sweat doing that?"
— ODB, bullying Velvet Sky.

Bullies are characters who like to pick on others, especially those they see as weaker than themselves - bullying can vary in intensity from childhood pranks, stealing lunch money and name-calling to physical or emotional abuse (Like Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie and Nelson Muntz from The Simpsons). Extreme examples of bullying can push a character beyond the classification of a mere "bully" and into the realm of being an "Abuser". All of them have insecurities which they want to push off onto weaker people. The reason being is they have low self-esteem and feel that being as nasty as they want to whoever they want will give them power and make them feel better. They will normally respond with an almost insane rush of hostility to anyone who is obnoxious to them in retaliation to their nasty behavior.

Note: Make sure that the villain fits as a bully before adding here. Psychopaths and sociopaths don't count.

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