Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Brotherhood of Vader also known as Followers of Vader, Servents of Vader,.

Once Bad Guy World  was created along with Good Guy World.  Many villains were place there and froght each other for power . Some join forces with each other to fight  the other villains. Some even help out heroes, so they chould survived. Most villains tried to overthrown the Evil King of Bad Guy World. But as time went on heroes and villains froght and many died on both sides in the procress. Once Snoke and Palpatine made there empires they would soon attack Bad-Guy world and soon follow by a powerful villain known as The Powerful One. Many villains were soon useless to fight all 4 sides.

Until, Darth Vader himself betrayed The Emperor and The Empire. Planing on building his own group of villains. Once the heroes known as Teddy, Justaine, Drimitre had come from earth to face him and many other villains such as Plankton and Dr. Blowhole who had team up with Darth Vader maney times to try to defeat them countless of times but fail. Sadly thow they were soon fall to darkness one by one becoming villains as well. The villains and Heroes  team up one last time to destroy The Powerful  One, whos plan was to destroy all of reality. After his death which destroyed both worlds until the Guardians of Reality  teleported both Villains and heroes to them, Some of the Guardians rejected this, by not wanted to have such evil people saving the Mutilverse. Until one stood up and said that Palpatine and Snoke were both more dangrese and broght them to them. The Villains disagreed with the Guardians and soon left planing to rule the Mutilverse themselfs. Darth Vader soon took over the remaing villains and name it Brotherhood of Vader. There goal is to take over the Mutilverse for themselves.

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