Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"You came across me so many times and yet you never saw me. Le Chiffre, Greene, Silva... A nice pattern developed... You interfered in my world, I destroyed yours... Or did you think it was coincidence that all the women in your life ended up dead? Vesper Lynd for example, she was the big one, did he tell you about her? And then of course, your beloved M, gone forever. Me! It was all me, James. It's always been me: the author of all your pain!"
Ernst Stavro Blofeld to James Bond

In works of fictions starring many villains, there can be either a main antagonist for each story arc or a Big Bad standing at the top of the hierarchy. In the latter case, however, one (or sometimes more than one) villain even more powerful and influential than the Big Bad himself can be introduced: the aptly-named Bigger Bad, also known as a Greater Scope Villain. Exceptions aside, the Bigger Bad ultimately has a smaller role than the Big Bad in focus.

However, the Bigger Bad is pretty much the main reason for the circumstances in the story that usually wouldn't be (naturally) possible to occur (pollution, artifact of doom, evil ancient group to which the Big Bad used to belong/is acting as a leader, etc). They can also be the main supply of power for the Big Bad, and sometimes the very motivation for said Big Bad to act villainously. Should the story ultimately end up putting more focus on the Bigger Bad, it may over-cede the current antagonist as the Big Bad. This type of villain often serves as an unseen character or is revealed at the very end of the story.

HIGHLY IMPORTANT: A Bigger Bad can logically ONLY appear in stories with a Big Bad. A Big Bad CANNOT be a Bigger Bad at the same time, unless there is a spin-off series in which one of his servants serves as the Big Bad.


  • Unicron and Galvatron of the Legends of the Multi-Universe series. Though the latter is the main villain of the series.
  • Megatron to Slade Strikes Back.
  • Discord to Totally Mobian Spies and The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of The Sith Stalker.
  • Hunson Abadeer and Big Cheese to Tuxedo Lovelace vs CarnEvil
  • Dr. Weil to Legends of Light and Darkness
  • The Joker to The V Team Island Adventure, LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour and The Multi-Universal War of Destiny. Joker's actions led to Bender doing what he did in the latter story to his friends as he feared what Discord would do as he and Joker are similar at the time. And the former for being the mastermind of The Jack White Act
  • In addition to The Joker, The Niburu Entity is one as revealed by Buffy
  • Ares to The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of the Sith Stalker
  • Hazama to the entire B Team Storyline before Island Tour as his evil that is the source of many of the Multi-Universe's problems.
  • Master Core to The P Team Storyline.
  • Kirinmaru, Dai Shi, Dark Lugiel, Ai Enma, and Perfectio to Crossover War Heroes Series.
  • Emperor Satan to outside of the Bible Cinematic Universe. Satan is responsible for everything chaos and evil happened in existence.
  • Giygas and Hell Councils to Chronicles of Great New Empire
  • Toffee for Phase 4 as a whole as Morag, Ratiskor, The Blights, Chip Whistler, Sweet Pete and Black Heron all work for him in his inner circle and are to avenge him.
  • Dr.N Tropy and Vecna for Team Free Will: Diassembled

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