Characters who can live in water.
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SCP-169 -
Oona -
Spinosaurus (InGen Clones) -
Troy (The Reef) -
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Gargantuan Leviathan -
Fin Fang Foom
All items (541)
- Abe Sapien
- Ahuizotl (The Ocean Hunter)
- Akhlut (Archie Comics)
- Alien Boze
- Alien Stingers
- Allonogmius
- Allstar Seaworthy
- Alomomola
- AncientMermaidmon
- Angie (Shark Tale)
- Anomalocaris Dopant
- Aquakat
- Aqualad
- Aqualad (Young Justice)
- Aquaman
- Aqueos
- Araquanid
- Arctovish
- Ariel
- Arlong
- Armaggon
- Armaldo
- Aryana Mendez
- Attuma
- Aunete (Pretty Cure)
- Azumarill
- Baby Zilla
- Baby Zillas
- Bailey (Finding Dory)
- Bakegani
- Barbaracle
- Barboach
- Barraki
- Barraskewda
- Bart and Eddie
- Basculegion
- Basculin
- Beelzebufo
- Bernie (Zig and Sharko)
- Beshte
- Bibarel
- Big Slammu
- Binacle
- Black Lake Crocodiles
- Blastoise
- Boat Org
- Bokrug
- Bothriolepis
- Brionne
- Bruce, Anchor, and Chum
- Bruxish
- Bubble (Fundamental Paper Education)
- Bubbles (Splash and Bubbles)
- Buddy (The Reef)
- Buizel
- Cala Maria
- Calmaramon
- Calvin Cranberry
- Canaan's Jellymon
- Captain Gantu
- Captain Squeegee
- Carracosta
- Carvanha
- Casey Kelp
- Cetus (Sinbad: Legends of the Seven Seas)
- Chalchiutlicue
- Charybdis
- Cheep Cheep
- Chelicerate
- Chewtle
- Chinchou
- Chopper (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Christina Aguilera (jellyfish)
- Clamperl
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Cleopatra Sertori
- Cloyster
- Coco (Mermaid Melody)
- Colo claw fish
- Cora (Sofia the First)
- Coral
- Cordelia (The Reef)
- Corphish
- Corsola
- Crabubbler
- Crawdaunt
- Cretaceous & Maelstrom
- Crimson
- Crocaconas
- Croconaw
- Cthulhu
- Dave (Penguins of Madagascar)
- Deema (Bubble Guppies)
- Deep-Dweller
- Deinosuchus (InGen Clones)
- Delfy the Dolphin
- Dewgong
- Dewott
- Dewpider
- Divermon
- Divinos
- Don Lino
- Donatello (2018)
- Dorothy (Elmo's World)
- Dory
- Dracovish
- Dragonair
- Drizzile
- Ducklett
- Ducky
- Galadria
- Gamera
- Gannetwhale
- Gar Shatterkeel
- Gardener
- Gargantuan Leviathan
- Gary (Spongebob Squarepants)
- Gastrodon
- George, Lizzie, and Ralph
- Gesura
- Giant Anacondas
- Giant Octopus (It Came from Beneath the Sea)
- Giant Tentacruel
- Giga Mermaid
- Gil (Bubble Guppies)
- Gill Grunt
- Gill-man
- Giozzo
- Giuseppe (Shark Tale)
- Go-Bemiu-Gi
- Goby (Bubble Guppies)
- Godzilla
- Godzilla (MonsterVerse)
- Goldeen
- Golduck
- Golisopod
- Gomamon
- Gorebyss
- Gorgo
- Gorgosuchus
- Great Old Ones
- Greninja
- Gwoemul
- Gyarados