"But I do. I believe you. No... WE believe you. We'd like to volunteer to help you. Some of us. most of us, we've done terrible things on behalf of our own life. We killed people, including me... Even me... I killed people like Tomoo and dozens of other Mafusa gangsters in Tenguu City. You know some of us here are spies. Saboteurs. Assassins. Everything we did, all people we killed, were for the sake of other people we vowed to protect. And every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that, we're lost." |
An Anti-Villain is the opposite of an Anti-Hero; while the anti-hero often fights on the side of good, but with selfish motives; the anti-villain plays a villain's game, but for a noble cause...at least in their eyes. They may be more noble or heroic than an anti-hero, but the means to achieve their ends are often considered exploitative, immoral, unjust, or evil.
Sometimes, they may simply be a villain with gentlemanly qualities, a code of honor, or some sense of justice. Anti-villains will occasionally side with their rivals (usually the protagonist) if a greater threat than themselves comes or it's in both of their best interests. Often times, if they do join the protagonists, they are distrusted.
These villains are also often considered grey characters due to their constant moral ambiguity. It is possible and in fact very common to be both an anti-villain and anti-hero at the same time, depending on the character's goal and their methods of attaining it.
In essence, these are characters that although technically villains often serve in a noble capacity, which makes them sporadically heroic. They also can be in the center of being in the Grey Zone, depending on their alignment. Alternatively, characters that are meant to be seen as villains in universe or out, but are not really all that evil, such as a Designated Villain or a Punch Clock Villain, may also be this.
Examples of popular anti-villains include Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam, Magneto from the X-Men, Shadow from Sonic the Hedgehog, Bismarck Bodewig from LOTM: Sword of Kings, Eve Fullbuster from LOTM: Sword of Kings, Stewie Griffin from Family Guy, V from V for Vendetta, Jin Kazama from Tekken, Satsuki Kiryuin from Kill la Kill, Agent John Bishop from the TMNT franchise, Itachi Uchiha from the Naruto series, Maria Arzonia from LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow, Selina Strawberry from LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow, and the Imposter Dan from Dan Vs.
Olga Discordia -
Mizuki Shiranui -
Well-Manicured Man -
Roxanne Wolf -
Johnny Gat -
Assassin/Hassan of Serenity -
Gilgamesh (Fate) -
Ultimate Predator
All items (900)
- Abandon
- Abeloth
- Abner Cadaver
- Abraham Van Helsing (Hotel Transylvania)
- Accelerator
- Acrocanthosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Adam the Clown
- Adam's Children
- Addams Family
- Aerisi Kalinoth (CIS Productions)
- Aggie Prenderghast
- Agito Makishima
- Ahkmou
- Ai Enma
- Al Mualim
- Al Sah-him
- Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
- Albedo (Ben 10)
- Albertosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Alecto (God of War)
- Alex Mercer
- Algol
- Alice Harlow
- Alice Twilight
- Alistair Smythe
- Allosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Alpha Q
- Amai Mask
- Amanda Waller
- Amon
- Ancient Minister
- Andrew Detmer
- Angel (KOF)
- Ankylosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Annie Leonhart
- Ansel
- Apatosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Apo
- Aquabot
- Arakune (Sacred Seven)
- Archer/Future Shirou Emiya
- Archie (Pokemon)
- Arcturus
- Ares (Marvel)
- ARIA (Killer Instinct)
- Arik
- Arishem the Judge
- Arkham Knight
- Army Onion
- Arthur Harrow
- Arthur Slugworth
- Artie Bakker
- Assassin/Hassan of Serenity
- Asuka R.Kreuz
- Atrocitus
- Avenger/Edmond Dantes (Fate/Grand Order)
- Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
- Axelrod
- Babs Seed
- Baby Doll
- Baby Zilla
- Baccarat Blueberry
- Bad Cop/Good Cop
- Balalaika
- Bankivoide (Huevocartoon)
- Baphomet (Ragnarok)
- Barney Stinson
- Baron Ugenberg
- Barriss Offee
- Bart Simpson (Soggy Nugget)
- Baryonyx (InGen Clones)
- Bass.Exe
- Beast Titan
- Beatrice Bergamot
- Beatrix (Fate: The Winx Saga)
- Beelzemon
- Beetlejuice
- Belial Bradley
- Ben Linus
- Benson
- Big Boss (Metal Gear)
- Billy Butcher
- Biollante
- Bizarro
- Black Hanekawa
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Black Hayato
- Black Raven
- Black Shadow
- Black Siren
- Blackarachnia
- Blacktop
- Blade (Puppet Master)
- Bladewolf
- Blood Falcon
- Blood Ravens (Warhammer 40k)
- Blotch
- Blue Diamond
- Boba Fett
- Bolivar Trask
- Borra
- Bowsette
- Brachiosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Breezie the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)
- Bruno the Trashman
- Bubbly Begonia
- Bushroot
- C. Viper
- Calvin Cranberry
- Camarasaurus (InGen Clones)
- Cao Cao (Dynasty Warriors)
- Captain (Killian Jones) Hook
- Captain Gantu
- Captain Hector Barbossa
- Captain Mozar (2012 Version)
- Captain Nemo
- Captain Nemo (The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne)
- Captain Underpants
- Carcharodontosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Carl Robinson
- Carlito Keyes
- Carlos Coconut
- Carnotaurus Pair
- Carrie White
- Carter Pewterschmidt
- Cassidy (Pokemon)
- Caster of Black/Avicebron (Fate/Apocrypha)
- Cate Dunlap
- Catwoman
- Cecil Turtle
- Cedric the Sorcerer
- Cegorach
- Ceratosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Chancellor Neighsay
- Chaor
- Chaos (Aladdin)
- Chaos (Sonic)
- Chappie
- Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos
- Char Aznable
- Character Alignment
- Characters/Gallery
- Charles zi Britannia
- Charlie Manx
- Chase Young
- Cherri Bomb
- Children of Pandora
- Chris Walker
- Cia
- Claudette Dupri
- Clive (Barbie)
- Clyde Alexander Shelton
- Cod Commando
- Cokeman
- Colonel (Megaman X)
- Colonel Rick Flagg Jr.
- Compsognathus (InGen Clones)
- Corazon Tea
- Corythosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Count Dooku
- Count Spankulot
- Craig the Devil
- Crimson Countess
- Crona
- Crow Faux
- Cu Chulainn
- Daffy Duck
- Dai Shi
- Daniel Cross
- Darius (League of Legends)
- Dark Matter
- Dark Schneider
- Dark Sun Gwyndolin
- Darth Vader
- Dartz
- Daughters of Aku
- David Nix
- David Xanatos
- Davy Jones
- Deadpool
- Death (Puss in Boots)
- Deinosuchus (InGen Clones)
- Deker
- Department of Unified Protection
- Derrick McReary
- Despair Event Horizon
- Diabolico
- Diao Chan
- Dilophosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Dimensional Horror/The Worm in Waiting
- Dimorphodon (InGen Clones)
- Don Paolo