Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"I have no interest in being a villain, and I don’t think that I can become a good person. I’m at a halfway point where I’m not even sure which path I should walk down… but I guess even there, I can still interfere in someone’s life and help bring things to a positive conclusion."

In fiction, an antihero (sometimes antiheroine as the feminine) is generally considered to be a protagonist whose character is contrary to that of the archetypal hero, yet typically retains many heroic qualities. Some consider the word's meaning to be sufficiently broad as to additionally encompass an antagonist who, in contrast to the archetypal villain, elicits considerable sympathy or admiration. The term dates to 1714, although literary criticism identifies the term in earlier literature. There are 5 kinds of Anti heroes

  • Type I: The original anti-hero, this exists somewhat outside of the scale and thus does not have a set morality, but still tends to be good or neutral, with a few exceptions.
  • Type II: this character is actually pretty much a pure hero, with a heroic spirit except that they don't have the positive mental attitude that generally comes with being a straight hero
  • Type III: These anti heroes do good through not so nice actions and highly pramatic
  • Type IV: These one are extermely vicious, Their objectives tend to be neutral to leaning somewhat unsavoury (but never outright evil), balanced by having lines they will not cross, soft spots for their friends and loved ones etc., as well as often being on the good guys' side, even if only by chance or because it turns the greatest profit
  • Type V: These Anti Heroes severely lacks in morals, but is on the side of good for some other reason. they're the lesser of two evils out of the villain and them. Much like Type IV they having lines they will not cross, soft spots for their friends and loved ones it's just that they lack more morals

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