"I have no interest in being a villain, and I don’t think that I can become a good person. I’m at a halfway point where I’m not even sure which path I should walk down… but I guess even there, I can still interfere in someone’s life and help bring things to a positive conclusion." |
In fiction, an antihero (sometimes antiheroine as the feminine) is generally considered to be a protagonist whose character is contrary to that of the archetypal hero, yet typically retains many heroic qualities. Some consider the word's meaning to be sufficiently broad as to additionally encompass an antagonist who, in contrast to the archetypal villain, elicits considerable sympathy or admiration. The term dates to 1714, although literary criticism identifies the term in earlier literature. There are 5 kinds of Anti heroes
- Type I: The original anti-hero, this exists somewhat outside of the scale and thus does not have a set morality, but still tends to be good or neutral, with a few exceptions.
- Type II: this character is actually pretty much a pure hero, with a heroic spirit except that they don't have the positive mental attitude that generally comes with being a straight hero
- Type III: These anti heroes do good through not so nice actions and highly pramatic
- Type IV: These one are extermely vicious, Their objectives tend to be neutral to leaning somewhat unsavoury (but never outright evil), balanced by having lines they will not cross, soft spots for their friends and loved ones etc., as well as often being on the good guys' side, even if only by chance or because it turns the greatest profit
- Type V: These Anti Heroes severely lacks in morals, but is on the side of good for some other reason. they're the lesser of two evils out of the villain and them. Much like Type IV they having lines they will not cross, soft spots for their friends and loved ones it's just that they lack more morals
Shamsiel Shahar -
Mizuki Shiranui -
Anakin Skywalker -
Butch (Powerpuff Girls) -
Aoi Aioi -
Johnny Gat -
Kiana Kronii -
All items (1806)
- Aarbron
- Abandon
- Abbie Mills
- Abigail (Final Fight)
- Abraham Van Helsing (Hotel Transylvania)
- Absol
- Accelerator
- Ace The Rally Car
- Acqua of the Back
- Acrocanthosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Ada Wong
- Adam Frankenstein
- Adam Jensen
- Addams Family
- Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
- Aerisi Kalinoth
- Agent Bishop
- Agito Makishima
- Ahkmou
- Aiden Pearce
- Airi (Queen's Blade)
- AK-12
- Akame
- Akatsuki (Log Horizon)
- Akiko Yosano
- Akito Sohma
- Akiza Izinski
- Al Sah-him
- Aladdin
- Alain (Pokemon)
- Alain/Kamen Rider Necrom
- Alan Gado (Bloody Roar)
- Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
- Albertosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Albino
- Alex (Tekken)
- Alex Hendrickson
- Alex Mason
- Alex Mercer
- Alice Liddell
- Alice Tomaso
- Alister Azimuth
- Allen (Hero of Robots)
- Allosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Alpha (The Eminence in Shadow)
- Alphabittle Blossomforth
- Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Alvin The Treacherous
- Amai Mask
- Ambush
- Amity Blight
- Amy (Zoids)
- Amy Sorel
- Anakin Skywalker
- Andrea Beaumont
- Andriy Kobin
- Andy (Red vs. Blue)
- Angel (Borderlands)
- Angel (KOF)
- Angel Dust
- Angry Joe
- Angry Video Game Nerd
- Angus Martin
- Ankylosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Anna Kyoyama
- Ansaksie
- Anti-Cosmo Cosma
- Antonio (Ben 10)
- Aoi Aioi
- Apatosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Aquabot
- Aqune
- Archer/Future Shirou Emiya
- Arcueid Brunestud
- Ares (Marvel)
- ARIA (Killer Instinct)
- Aria T'Loak
- Arkham Knight
- Arsène Lupin (Code:Realize)
- Artie Bakker
- Arya Stark
- Ash Lynx
- Ash Williams
- Asher Forrester
- Ashi (Samurai Jack)
- Assassin/EMIYA (Fate/Grand Order)
- Assassin/Hassan of Serenity
- Assassin/Li Shuwen
- Astra (Marvel)
- Asuha Chigusa
- Asuka Langley Soryu
- Asura (Asura's Wrath)
- Athena (Borderlands)
- Athena (God of War)
- Atlas (Smite)
- Atris
- August
- Auron
- Avalanche
- Avenger (Fate)
- Avenger/Edmond Dantes (Fate/Grand Order)
- Axe Cop
- Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
- Axel Stone
- Axelrod
- Axton
- Aya (Onechanbara)
- Ayane
- AZ (Pokemon)
- Azazel (High School DxD)
- Azumi
- B. Jenet
- Bad Cop/Good Cop
- Baiken
- Balalaika
- Balthazar Cavendish
- Baphomet (Ragnarok)
- Bark The Polarbear
- Barney Stinson
- Barret Wallace
- Bart Simpson
- Bartman
- Baryonyx (InGen Clones)
- Bass
- Bass.Exe
- Bayonetta
- Bean Grunkwitz
- Bean The Dynamite Duck
- Beatrice Prior
- Beatrix (Final Fantasy)
- Beatrix Kiddo
- Beelzemon
- Beetlejuice
- Belle Fontiere
- BelleStarmon
- Bello
- Belly Button Eater
- Bender Rodriguez
- Bennett The Sage
- Benson
- Beorn
- Beowulf
- Berserker/Hijikata Toshizo (Fate/Grand Order)
- Big Chill
- Big Smoke
- Bigby Wolf
- Bill Harding
- Billy (Grim & Evil)
- Billy Butcher
- Bio War
- Biollante
- Birdie (Street Fighter)
- Bismuth
- Blac Jac
- Black Adam
- Black Cat
- Black Dynamite
- Black Lives Matter Bear
- Black Panther
- Black Rock Shooter/Mato Kuroi
- Black Rose Dragon
- Black Shadow
- Black Star
- Black Yoshi
- Blackarachnia
- Blacker Baron (Anarchy Reigns)
- Blacktop
- Blade (Marvel)
- Blade (Puppet Master)
- Bladewolf
- Blaize Skysong
- Blizzard Buffalo
- Bloo
- Blood Falcon
- Blood Ravens (Warhammer 40k)
- Bloodrayne
- Bloody Bunny
- Blossom (Powerpuff Girls Z)
- Blue (Jurassic World)
- Bluebot
- Bob (SMG4)
- Boba Fett
- Bobert
- Bokkun
- Boogie
- Booker DeWitt
- Boomstick
- Bowsette
- Brachiosaurus (InGen Clones)
- Breezie the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)