Castiel is one of the main characters of Supernatural and an angel of the Lord. He is the most often seen one and is one of the biggest goods despite
some of his more morally questionable actions such as Season 6. Apart from his angel powers he uses demon and angel killing blades and Heaven Guns like the Colt.
Closest Friends: Sam, Dean Winchester, Isabella, May, Bender, Slade, Black Star
Main Enemies: Crowley (On and off Ally), Raphael
Moral Ranking: Inconstitency Admirable
LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
Castiel is revealed to be the person May is working alongside and he first appears when Sharkboy preys, he may know about all the heroes and agrees to work with them and he recognizes BlackGarurumon's

forces on the island looking for the trigger. He was looking in what caused the fall of heaven. Castiel and May

both show up on Jack Welker, Hans and Philip and have him distracted while they have Isabella search for the trigger though they have Blue do it too. Castiel finds out the Sinisters of Evil set the curse of up and her friends are out to stop and he joins with Isabella and May. Castiel and May get the others all ready to stall the angels and demons of Jesse with the weaponry provided by Bass as they help Isabella reach Jesse but they see Jesse gave the cure Bender and co made so she can fight evenly with him refusing to take a simple victory. Castiel also helps Isabella and May fight Jesse. After stopping Jesse, he, May and Isabelle with their friends find Discord and they all lead an attack against Peter Pan who Discord leads them to and he has the angels on his side through the use of the Apples of Eden Isabella has
Castiel and May join Isabella in trying to get Stardash who is now a teen out of bed. When they find out about they ask why and Stardash explains. Cas and May talk to their own friends and say how they're going to help. Cas and May take operatives of their groups to the west where they look around and get in trouble with Buford who Cas dances to Billy Jean to dump wine on when Cas tries to handle his liquor. Castiel chases down Burford with the help of his friends and then capture him again after dealing with a giant robot made by Evil Carl and GBF Jr. Castiel checks in the hospital with the others regarding Belle while figuring out their next move together and finds that James Rogers does like May. Everyone joins up and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining.
Mr.Gold senses some kind of magic and gets Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Jack Bauer, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord, Gohan, Twilight, Castiel, Casper, Kid and Makoto over there and tells them it's resurrection magic which does bring people back temporarily but the price is the come back wrong and/or lose their memories and they must be recovered. As they all discuss Peter Pan enters the room and toys with them in that he will find Maka, Lizbeth, Boomer, Knuckles and Crona take them to Neverland and torture them until they arrive and then kill them in front of them. That can be anywhere, with the waters of Neverland all over, Pan can be all powerful anywhere, Bender calls Pan on not doing it immediately who admits he's just fucking with them while insulting and taunting Mr. Gold. Castiel arrives in Springfield and gets to Bart, Black Star and Colonel Star and Stripes as they all head to the Simpsons Household and begin planning what to do. Castiel leads his friends to stop one part of the invasion after singing War with Slade, Black Star and Bender and he encounters Dib and co who help him on his mission thanks to Jack.
Castiel and his friends are on the same mission as Bender and his buddies which is use the ocarina to open a door as Sylvester gave one to them. Castiel and Free Will Members get to the entrance where Lydia who has the ocarina uses it to open the door with Zelda's Lullaby. He and Bender agree to chase down BlackGarurumon and they decide to kill every ally he has including the gods themselves. Castiel makes good on this by providing Heaven Guns to Black Star, Bender and Slade to use against gods which do work and he helps against Wesker, BlackGarurumon and the Niburu. After it's all down, Castiel informs the other that Bender is alive despite what they think. Castiel doesn't leave the heroes and joins with Bender and Slade and reveals that gods had a secret test of character to see if any humans can pass their tests and if they can join up with them.
Castiel returns in the second half with his human partner and face of his friends May to help Bender and Slade against the True Templar Act as a fourth wheel to the Black Star, Bender and Slade partnership.
Cas & Crowley If You Were Gay
Future Warfare[]
Castiel returns and helps Bender, Slade and their friends once again. Unlike Slade and Bender who time travel from the past, Cas actually is in the future but he or his friends haven't aged due to Heaven I guess
LOTM: The New Multi-Universal War[]
Castiel returns here to help the Crystal Empire's Rebel Alliance against the Empire. He is one the few characters who know about Blue's return.
Return of The Weirdmageddon Cult[]
Castiel is contacted by Lydia and Lincolin as they both believe the team might be needed and to join up with them to combat Toffee and Bill Cipher who have returned and their newly formed cult. Agreeing he contacts and attempts to get some of their team mates to help. He also finds himself having to accept Crowley's allegiance with them too.

Chapter 1[]
Doc Brown and Castiel with Crowley in tow arrive through a portal like Rick's portal gun created and Ford questions how the demon knows and came along for the ride, with Rick pressuing Crowley on the matter. Crowley informs the men of the return of Bill and Toffee, Which Rick states that they already know that with his new army, Crowley snarks back pointing that he's a king, the king of hell and a demon and that Toffee attacked his domain just a little ago and stoles Weaponry from Hell with an arms dealer as an inside man. Ford fears Lydia is in real trouble with Toffee and Bill back and both of them probaly wanting to get revenge on her or kill her. Castiel agrees with Ford and makes a quick search among the muliverses with one of Rick's inventions, Rick and Cas find the locatiion and note how Lincolin, Amanda and Cleo are there too. Doc who has done some adjustments on the Delorean with Ford to house more people to pick up the others as they lack another vechicle of transportation.
Rick did manage to get his hands on Blssina, Filmore, Dawn, Jin, James Rogers, Shark Boy, Qui Gon, May, Lava Girl and Louise. Rick mentions how they seem like a tag of misfits but somehow get the job done which was why Cas vouched for them as Castiel required Rick to do so. Castiel greets his others friends and decides to infrom of what Rick and Ford told him.
Ford, Lydia, Lincolin, Amanda, Cleo, Castiel, Doc and Rick all read the important paper Ford still had outside his bunker which details a plan Ford has to defeat Bill which he didn't succeed in the first time due to a complication. Ford tells the group they need to find zodiac signs, 10 of them to bring down Bill. While Lydia, Lincolin, Rick and Doc get it, Amanda, Cleo and Castiel don't and ask how Ford knows this. Ford explains that Bill Cipher is more personal to him they know and theorizes that Bill is really trying to go after Ford and is using his bonds with Lydia and Lincolin to do so.
Chapter 2[]
Cleo and Amanda meanwhile ask Castiel and Crowley about the zoidacs sign and how they come into play regarding Cipher. Both of them deny any knowledge they know, but Castiel does hint to them that whatever meaning they have it must be significant and something the Weirdmagedon Cult fears, Crowley snarks that the actual truth is that Bill doesn't fear it and that's it is a soft counter and that while they're a group, if they are only 10 of them then it's not really a group effort. Cleo concedes to Crowley's point, but begins thinking herself which gets the rest of the groups's attention with May, Dawn, Blssilina and Louise in particular noticing Cleo starting to ramble on something. Filmore puts it together that Cleo is worrying about her own world in the event that Toffee and Bill might have figured out her home and did something similar to Gravity Falls or The City judging by what Doc, Rick, Ford, Cas and Crowley told him.
While Craft and Jin eccounterd Pinstripe, who was equipped with a wierd but dangerous weapon and tried to shoot them and he has back up with teenage hoodlums and a bald guy.Cas mentions is that among Crowley's weaponry and the demon confirms that it is indeed one of his own tools, but Crowley himself was heisstant to use it due to it's immense danger and cautious risk of being turned on himself so he sealed it away, he also only had one as well yet Craft confirms they were 7 of them and Jin adds that if they were replicated then whoever did it could maplutlate the weight of the cannons to work to one's physical strength, as he could lift one in a single hand if he had one where as Craft would need both for balance like a lot of the team
Castiel wondering what is taking the six of them so long decides to go after him through Blissina points out that there is a 2nd symbol here and Doc identifies it as the Liama symbol and Filmore thinks that the rest of the team should go looking for it and questions why Ford asked them to stay. Crowley liking the idea decides to ask Doc where to go for it.

Castiel, Blissina, Filmore, Craft, Crowley, Dawn, Doc, James Rogers, Jin, Shark Boy, Lava Girl ,Louise Beltcher, May, Qui Gon, Ronnie Anne and Sid Chang all take a lead to grasslands as that is the most likely place to find it with May and Dawn leading the way using one of their Pokemon to guide the way for any one else who will come.
Ronnie Anne on her skate board finds Cas and Crowley who are talking to Cleo after they took out some of Toffee's henchmen and tells Castiel that teenage hoodlums are holding May, Dawn and Filmore hostage and Fern is busy fighing Craft again and Crowley calls her a coward which ROnnie Anne says she's a girl not a super hero. Castel scolds Crowley for being hard on her though Cleo is easier and tells Ronnie Anne that she is just being realistic like Ronnie Anne says about Cleo except she's a mermaid. Cleo, Cas and Crowley with Ronnie Anne show up and wash away the group though Lalo did take his gun and fire a few blank shots. May and Dawn use Piplup and Warotle to spray him back and Blaziken and Quilava to attack the Gang Green Gang.
Chapter 3[]
Cleo talks to most of the others minus Lydia, Lincolin, Crowley and Amanda in that she is in disbelief about what happened to Emma and Rikki and is both angered and sad about what Toffee did to them. Castiel notices something off on them in that they don't look like the Emma and Rikki they know in they are paler, have grayer bikini and tails and aren't talkative.
. Cleo realizes that Toffee must have found out where she lived and attacked there, She decides to ask Ford in they can go there and check. The Others agree and offer to back her up if Ford is unreasonable. Castiel though states he can do that for her if she wants right now which Cleo does agree to. So Castiel takes Cleo to her world and he does confirm Toffee did have an hand in attacking her home.
Castiel keeps an eye on Lydia and Lincolin wondering what the two are trying to accomplish with this seer thing. He tries to ponder what is Bill Cipher doing to Lincolin and why him spefically feeling Ford and Lydia's connections to him aren't the only reasons. He finds out about the setup Toffee placed on them and gathers the rest of the gang back together stopping anything that could even hurt them before deciding to get Lincolin and Lydia as he feels that the two are in great danger. Castiel is right as he joins Ronnie Anne and Crowley to save them which he does nearly aimlessly and then he helps Lydia and Ronnie Anne get Lincolin back to safety after he collapses.
Chapter 4[]
Crowley and Castiel on their own assignment tells Doc and Rick about their processon on the symbols they have acquired and that they are essential to stopping Bill as fail safe. Doc questions how can that be and Castiel tells Doc that even a being like him has weaknesses and it's about trying to find a way to trap him and stop him, he even tells them that with all that unicorn hair around the multiverse, Bill despite his power can't really take too much direction so they have time. Crowley mocks Doc for it, and state that he doesn't have time, and that pateince isn't a virtue he has and that he would rather bury the isocles in the ground right now. Rick agrees with Crowley but it's Ford's call as he knows BIll better than anyone here.
Rick unlike his crew did get a jet pack before this point and Castiel is with Rick. Rick has an idea and they should go into the space station and obtain a power crystal to restore their ship which can power up their vessel and Castiel teleports to the vessel to wait for Rick.
Rick uses his jetpack and flies ever so closer to the station while he watches out for traps, obstacles, big energy dreams and red hot pipes. He realizes Lord Dominator is aware of his destructive tendencies and didn't program any enemies to attack Rick and just went for traps. Rick on his own way detonates TNT to start blowing up traps and begin avoiding lasers Lord Dominator fires off at him. After going through another tunnel, Rick sees big broken cables and after some observement flys under them not to touch them.
Rick arrvies there and Castiel teleports back and he took out all of Dominator's security and found Louise who managed to pick pocket a crystal for Rick and Castiel. Cas contacts Doc and the rest at the moment and Doc is on his way. Rick and Castiel find Louise who found a minaiture shooting star and wants to take it back to the ship and despite the two's reservations they agree eventually.
Chapter 5[]
Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Amanda, Cleo, Castiel, Rick, Crowley, Blissina, Shark Boy, Lava Girl, Ronnie Anne, Louise, May, Dawn, Doc and James Rogers Arrive at Newtopia. Ford and Rick lecture the group about Amphibia and that this is a new land to all them and to be extra careful.
Ford and Crowley do research on Newtopia and Amphibia's king and describe this guy as a goofy huge salamander and when he means huge, he means big. Castiel is a bit more suspcious of the king than Crowley and suspects something bigger at play, Ford listens and gives asks Cas, Rick and Crowley to get the others out while he talks to Lydia, Lincolin, Amanda and Cleo. Castiel, Rick and Crowley agree and head out.
After Toffee blows up parts of Newtopia, Ford, Lydia and Lincolin decide they must split up to deal with the split up group and that they must keep the land safe. Cleo, Castiel and Crowley are the odd ones who head to the castle intend to reside safety as Rick instructs them that Sid is in there somewhere and they can get her there.
Castiel at the castle apparently found Sid, King, Ronnie Anne and Marcy Wu and works with them to decatiavte bombs Morag placed there to kill King Andrias and blow up the castle. Ford, Cleo, Amanda, Castiel, Rick , Marcy, Luz, Anne, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Sid, King, Eda, Crowley, Blissina, Louise, Dawn and Sprig all set in to the castle room with Ford telling them he has something to tell everyone. Rick and Castiel both correctly assume it has to do with Bill, Ford says that he's has a interdemisonal rift that he's been hiding from everyone and that he has to keep it safe because this is the main thing keeping Bill Cipher from entering their deminsion. Amanda questions why are they looking for symbols then, Ford answers that he wants to counter Bill in case he does, Luz then to the suprise of Ford presents to him what she got at the Boiling Isles and that he didn't ask them when he met them.
Castiel, Crowley, Blissina, Louise, Sprig and Cricket drag in the drugged to sleep Emma and Rikki and lie them on the floor. Castiel tells Cleo that they managed to get rid of what was controlling them which Sid states what was Pandora. Cleo thankful for this asks Sid how did she know. Cricket refers to when they meet her at Big City Greens and it was in buckets by Chip Whistler and the scientists Toffee had on the payroll. Crowley confirms that the sources are pretty much destoryed as he went to Big City Greens and destoryed the remains while taking Louise and Blissina.
Chapter 6[]
Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Cleo, Amanda, Rick, Cas, Crowley, Luz, Anne, Cricket Green, Blissina, Dawn, Ronnie Anne, Sid Chang, King, Eda, Sprig all wake up after their night.
Amanda and Castiel both have the unconscisuness Emma and Rikki in their hands and ask Cleo what to do with the bodies. Cleo tells them to keep them in their hands and when they get their vechile put them in the back. They agree and Marcy shows up with the pirate ship and Amanda and Castiel drop off the bodies in the trunk. Sid and King both board immediately with their supplies and Sid hands King some chips to eat which Marcy realizes Sid took from her bag to give to King, With Amanda, Castiel, Sid and King all on board, Cleo boards next and sits in the front seat to direct who will drive
Castiel and Amanda are doing some research on mermaids fo Mako Island trying to figure out more about Emma, Cleo and Rikki's Mako Mermaids status. Amanda was a bit worried for Cleo admttingly and noticed her more bitter attiuitde and feared she would pick a fight with her and realized it came from Toffee abducting Emma and Rikki as they were her best friends. Castiel shows Amanda that he has found more about the nation itself and that Mako Island is were the transformations take place and that it might be the best place to use the cure.
Amanda agrees with Castiel and asks him that it does seem supscious that they havn't seen the weirdmageon Cult around. Amanda feels even more suspcious that Toffee would know Cleo's home considering the abduction. Castiel thinks that Toffee is baiting the heroes into a false sense of security. Sprig and Blissina both come to the duo with all their stuff, Sprig got a lot of free things because people were freaked that he was a talking frog, Blissina points to him that frogs don't belong to Austrailla this is unlike their natural habiat. Sprig has been lost by that comment
Ford is doing a body scan on Lincoln with Lydia, Amanda,Ronnie Anne, Anne, Castiel and Luz are watching as Ford is detecting that it seems Lincoln's attributes seem superhuman in ability and this latest attack proved it. Castiel offers to possess Lincoln to figure out what happened, Lincoln takes him on that offer for a different time, Upon the trip to Mako Island Cleo decides she wants to swim there and jumps into the water with Dawn and Blissina deciding to fly where Castiel and Crowley decide to teleport themselves here. leaving Lydia, Lincolnd, Rick, Ronnie Anne, Amanda, Lewis, Luz, Anne, Cricket, Sprig, Eda, King, Sid and Louise are on that sail boat
Castiel and Crowley both teleport to the sail boat and tell what took them so long and that Blissina, Dawn and Cleo have pretty much set up everything and just camped out waiting for them. Lewis tells the angel and demon that it took longer than ususal and that it was a wavy night. Ford states nothing Lewis, him and Eda couldn't handle.
Chapter 7[]
Castiel and Crowley both find Lord Dominator and Lord DOminator doesn't seem moved by the duo as they just look like sharp deressed humans. Castiel proves this wrong and use teleknesis on Lord Dominator and Crowley goes straight in torturing Lord DOminator
Lord Dominator is very unwilled to give any info to Crowley as she restrains herself well. Crowley even goes straight to shoot her in the foot to get info, Lord DOminator still holds on to her unwillness, Crowley takes another approach and possess Lord Dominator and Lord Dominator begins speaking to Castiel about Toffee's plan to conquer the multiverse as the leaders of Disney and that the non disney villains are shaft and that Toffee was attempting to get rid of the non disney villains by setting up Grodd against Amanda and even intentionally took advantage of the Gang Green Gang's rivalry with Lincoln and Lydia by giving them powers so they can overuse them and die as a result of it.
Crowley then unpossesses Lord Dominator and she faints.Ford feels that he will have to inform the families and Crowley offers to do, Castiel rightfully questions why Crowley would do so, and Crowley confesses that the brutal action Toffee took was too much for even him. Ford hands him the phone and Crowley starts calling
Crowley is on his phone and is talking to the families informing them about the deaths at the hands of Toffee and Louise is quick to see how sincere and how he lacks his ususal sacarsm and states Crowley isn't supposed to be this way for a King of the hell. Castiel feels that Crowley might have had a wake up call and that must explain it. Luz asks of Cas's history with Crowley and Castiel tells Luz and Louise of his uneasy history with Crowley.
Ford is the one holding his due respects for everyone and reads the eurology and Amanda has her own hand in this as well as Lydia, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln aren't there. Sid and King talk about how are they going to go foward about this and Sid believes Toffee has made this personal, Castiel points out that Toffee did't stating that none of Toffee's actions were directly personal which makes this unlike the vast majority of forces they have faced, King points out killing Cleo was personal for Lydia, Lincoln, Amanda and to an extent Ford. Ford in his own awkward way offers condelences with Eda about the situation and that they will do what they must to bring down Toffee
Ford, Eda, Rick, Louise, Castiel and Crowley begin to set up the co-ordinates for their ravel. Rick is grateful that Marcy's connections to Andrias have allowed them to use a spot of the line vechil. Eda asks Ford what's his knowledge on Gravity Falls and Ford says he pretty much knows everything about Gravity Falls and all it's weirdness. Louise is fasciated with this and wants to get going now. Eda calms her down and Ford states that she will regret what she said, and to trust him. Crowley and Castiel also agree with Ford as well and Castiel asks Ford about Bill's orgins as he comes from Gravity Falls too. Ford tells Cas that Bill is active in Gravity Falls, but is actually from another universe it's just he was summoned by someone who knew the spell. Eda asks did Ford do so, Ford states to Eda that he didnt do so at least currently, he did years ago.
Ford assigns Castiel, Crowley, Ronnie Anne, Sprig, Louise and Blissina to go find the zoidac with the 6 fingers, which may be on a hidden jounral due to him being the one who wrote the jounrals.
Castiel, Crowley, Louise, Blissina, Ronnie Anne and Sprig search around for one of Ford's journals as Ford explained that they have 6 finger symbol on the journal and Ford was the writer of them. Sprig is curious in that didn't Bill burn the journals as Ford recalled, Castiel states that Ford did rewrite the journals and put them in one big journal.Ronnie Anne remembers that the journal was left in the forest and in a tree and that the tree it's in with a distinct sound. Louise questions Ronnie on how would a tree sound different, Crowley states that anything can sounds weird in this world and he takes out a crow bar and states it's about how trees feel plain. Castiel and Blissina roll their eyes to Crowley's comments as Ronnie Anne and Crowley go ahead.
Sprig, Ronnie Anne, Blissina, Castiel and Crowley continue their search for the tree when Crowley smacks a tree with a distinct sound which Castiel, Ronnie Anne and Louise notice and ask Crowley that he may have found the tree. Crowley smacks it again and this refirms their point. Louise and Castiel open up the tree and they find an electronic device that looks very old and has one of its two wires severed. Louise fiddles with some switches, a trapdoor opens up in the ground, and they find a mysterious journal.
Ronnie Anne tells the others that this must be the journal Ford was reffering to and even shows them the 6 fingers on them. Sprig and Blissina agree with this, Sprig asks how they can even get that as a zodiac when it's stuck to the book, Blissina admits he has a point as it's just a mark. Castiel reassures them that Ford has a plan to do so.
Chapter 8[]
Castiel is approached by Lincoln to help with his state fo mind situtation deciding that Linc needs help with this. Castiel asks Lincoln what took him so long and Lincoln states he has something to confront. Castiel knows it's about fear and Lincoln states he's not over it but is it at more with ease over it
Castiel asks Crowley to assist Lincoln and himself and Crowley is a bit heistant due to his love of gravedigging, Lincoln eventually gets Crowley on his side and Crowley asks about Lydia which Castiel states she's coming with him.
Castiel tells Lincoln to get to Lydia as he plans with Crowley to use the winter cabin at night for a remote location. Crowley asks how will Lydia get into Lincoln's head and Castiel states that the powers of nerdiness apparently will explain that one as he holds a dvd of Inception in his hands.
Castiel is hiking/leading Lydia, Lincoln and Crowley to the cabin and it's night time. Castiel tells the three that they're heading here to make sure what they do does not bring any attention what so ever.
Lydia asks what attention and Castiel goes off about how strong angels and demons are and if they need a jump on Toffee, they have to think like how he has been so successful
Castiel places both of the kids to sleep so he and Crowley can enter Lincoln's mind and them and Lydia arrive in his mind. Castiel explains to Lydia that Crowley worked something to have her be able to appear in Lincoln's subconsciousness.
Lincoln's subconsciousness leads Lydia, Castiel and Crowley around the brain as they must find the part of the brain will this will be. Lydia comments on how she has seen brains in science, but never actually seeing a brain herself. Crowley adds that he doesn't know his own due to him weating someone else's suit. Lydia states it's a good suit regardless. Castiel explains that him and Crowley both can possess other people and take their host body, in the case of demons they don't remember sometime who they were before they were demons
Castiel, Crowley, Lydia and Lincoln find something in particular wierd in Lincoln and it's Jin Kazama who all 4 of them thought was dead. Jin tells Lydia, Lincoln and Crowley as Castiel decides to invesitgate further Castiel returns to the other 3 as Bill Cipher is on their coats and Bill goes after the 4 and torments them with his power though they do fight back and Crowley sticks his neck for the three and saves them from Bill Cipher. Lydia blindsides Bill Cipher by using the Powerstone in his eye before they leave with Crowley's help and they wake up
Lydia, Crowley, Castiel and Lincoln find out Weirdmagedon is in effect as Ford is trying to call them on this and that Morag barricaded them in the cabin with anti- angel and demon tools. Suddently the door is broken for Lydia and Lincoln through some powerful water shots and seals on Castiel and Crowley.
Lydia breaks the two out with another stone and fixes the damage. Castiel teleports them back to Ford. Castiel is just indifferent to Weirdmagedon after seeing the end of the world so many times at that while it many be different, Castiel just feels tired of always seeing the end of the world.
Chapter 9[]
Castiel and Rick do some work on the zodiacs regarding their uses and to try to harness their powers but to no avail as Toffee Cipher fused together rendering the zodiacs not able to work until they're separateed and Castiel mutters how Toffee is always so ahead of them just when they think they got him and his Cult
Castiel is given some vaccines from Ford before he departs to pursue Bill Cipher and alongside Rick and Crowley works to distrubte them over to Lydia, Lincoln, Amanda, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Ibuki, The Gang Green Gang, Lalo as well as Rick himself. As Crowley tells Cas he already did so when Marcy dropped them off with her general.
Castiel continues to work with Rick and Luz on the zodiac's uses and finds Rick has invented a machine to harass their power and Luz asks how will Rick can get them to work. Rick states he found some energy in his time around the multiverse and has enough juice to se them against Bill Cipher, he just needs to tell Ford this.
Upon seeing Ford and Anne are both evading Toffee's forces mostly Zhan Tiri after Ford's attempt to rid them of Bill Cipher is unscessful. Castiel and Crowley save both of them from being turned to roadkill at the hands of the demon.
Castiel and Crowley hold off Zhan Tiri who is not at her best due to Hades and HIM encountering her earlier and basically stalling her. Zhan Tiri manages to torture Castiel quite a bit due to her power compared to his and her sadistic use of said powers. Castiel wounded but not out eventually gets out after Crowley saves Castiel and then Crowley traps Zhan Tiri and this allows both of them to destory her
Upon seeing Bill Cipher's castle where Toffee and him reside Castiel decides to insure Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Anne, Luz and Cricket can go after Toffee and Bill Cipher so he works with the rest of the team to basically hold off the combined forces of Toffee's monsters and Bill's interdemnsional demons.
Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]
During Castiel's battle with the henchmaniacs, he is quick to notice that Toffee cipher needs to be stopped and realizes that he must do something drastic to defeat the two. After he and Rick activate the Zodiacs on Ford's behalf
He and Rick agree that they must stop the power of Weridmagedon for good and must safrice themselves to save Lydia, Ford, Lincoln and the rest of the group.
Castiel decides to contain the unstable power of the Weridmagedon Pyramid alongside Rick, as they contain it they find Marcy Wu and Bender and the two try to covince the two to leave and they are refused as they must stop it from making this part of the multiverse a wasteland.
His team finds out about his safrice and death wondering how to move on with the team leader dead but he is honored in his death by Crowley in particular deciding to step down as the King of Hell in Castiel's name and steps up to join Team Free Will
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 2[]
Part 5[]
Castiel is still remembered by others and through La Muerte, Ford is able to learn some of the actions that had gone down prior to his and Rick Sanchez's Deaths
Chapter 6[]
He like the other fallen members look down at the knighting of Lydia and Lincoln with the Streaming Resistance and look with pride.