"Get over yourself. Help me? I'm the real Ada Wong. I don't need help from anyone! My plans aren't failing, they're thriving!" - Carla Radames to Ada Wong.
Carla Radames was a genius researcher working for Derek C. Simmons, and the one responsible for the discovery and creation of the C-Virus. Due to deception by Simmons, she became a doppelganger of Ada Wong and the eventual founder of Neo-Umbrella.
The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]
Carla Radames joins forces with Sigma, Sektor and their organization. Carla like Sergei gets his hands on Umbrella corporation stuff and she creates a zombie army. She used her first attempt at an army to invade the Castlevania Castle but Lizbeth manages to eliminate it with a trust whip, crosses, daggers, axes and holy water. Carla then uses her zombie army on the people of Retrovile in order to give their alliance to Sigma.