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Warning Spoiler Alert: This article/section contains details about future plotlines of LOTM: Sword of Kings described. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.

Spoiler-alert Spoiler Alert: This article/section contains details about future plotlines of LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow described. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.


Carl Robinson
General Information
Name Carl Lindenberg Firenza
Kanji kanji
Romanji romanji
Alias Carl Lindenberg Robinson, Moloch the Second, Moloch Junior, the Killer, the Devil's Child, Firenza's Son, Firenza Junior, the Reckless Fist, Horseman of Conquest, Horseman of Pestilence, Conquest, Pestilence, the Executioner, Pica, Spade, the Malice of Moloch, the Monstrous Arm, the Legless Bird, Carl the Inescapable, He-Nemesis, the Legless Eagle, Carl the Unstoppable, Sirius Carl, Serious Carl, the Noble Demon, Sirius (as Zodiac Demon), the Frozen Reaper
Race Human
Age 27 years old
Gender Male
Status Spiritually Existing
Birthday December 25, 2009
Height 1.83m (normal); 1.96m (in demon form)
Weight 85kg (normal); 101kg (in demon form)
Hair Color Black and White (formerly); completely white (currently)
Eye Color Orange (formerly); pale blue (currently; normal); red (demon form)
Blood Type Demonic Blood
Professional Status
Affiliation Team Witness, La Nueva Familia de Arzonia, The Rogues, Ratatoskr
Previous Affiliation The Fallen Roman Catholic Church, the Catholic Rebels, British Royal Air Force, the Church of England, Neo-Hellfire, Black Knight, the United Kingdom of America, Twelve Nethers
Occupation Freelancer
Previous Occupation Moloch's Vessel, Royal Air Force Soldier, Horseman of the Apocalypse, Arzonia Family Member, Team Witness Member, Catholic Rebels Agent, Zodiac Demon
Partner(s) Matt Butcher, Katarina Couteau, Maria Arzonia, Selina Strawberry, Imperia Deamonne, Vento of the Front, Albert Apple, Drizzt Do'Urden, Kristen Kiwifruit, Adam Frankenstein, Lucas Kellan, Tomas Sev, Helene Hawthorn, Patriach Krans, Noélle Bor, Villian, Acqua of the Back, Aureolus Izzard, La Folia Rihavein, Sister Kate, Poison Ivy, Stgyl Magnus, Vento of the Front, Abel Nightroad, Tres Iqus, Yuri Barnes, Gaius Phoenix, Katya, Kruls Valnir, Kotori Itsuka, Kyouhei Kannazuki, Sephiria Arks KnightWalker, Plaisir
Previous Partner(s) Moloch, Michael Langdon, Melancholia, Dark Arzonia, Crow Faux, Phyllis Peach, Aleister Crowley, Cain Knightlord
Base of Operation Star of Bethlehem (formerly), Purgatory (formerly), Sleepy Hollow
Personal Status
Relatives King Thomas (grandfather, deceased), Duke Firenza (father, deceased), Duchess Firenza (mother, deceased), Queen Elizard (aunt, deceased), Rimea (cousin, deceased), Carissa (cousin, deceased), Villian (cousin)
Counterpart Jenny Mills, the Headless Horseman, Katarina Couteau, Matt Butcher, Maria Arzonia, Dark Arzonia, Azul Jissele, Melancholia, Plaisir Permafrost, Cain Knightlord, Crow Faux
Hobbies Staying alone, wandering, training, beating enemies, keeping silent
Goals Eliminate Pandora and the Hidden One to avenge his father, Destroy Michael Langdon, become a free man, Destroy the Fallen Roman Catholic Church, Destroy Melancholia, Destroy the United Kingdom of America
Powers Rage Inducing Empowerment, Fist Attack, martial arts, demonic power, superhuman strength
Type of Power Brute Force, Demonic Power, Rage Power
Weapon Infernal Arm
English Voice Robert McCollum

I went to war with murderers, demons, thieves, heathens, as well as slavers and dealers, all those parasites who preyed on human weakness. That weakness was a feeding ground that stretched beyond the infinite. The evil it fed would never end. So I decided, neither would my war. For those who stands with me, you're safe. For those who stands in neutral ground and hides behind your walls, you'll know what will happen to you due to your ignorance and/or negligence. As for those who stands against me, very well, you already crossed my line. No evil can escape my wrath.

Carl Robinson

Carl Lindenberg Robinson (born: Carl, the Count of Firenza) is one of the main protagonists in the overall LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow and its sequel, LOTM: Star Spangled Crown, debuting as one of the heroes debuted in LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow & Sword of Kings Crossover - The Corbin Files, whose origin story and life story were explained one by one in the crossover. His role and personality greatly expands in LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Spin-Off - Firenza Junior, where he serves as its titular protagonist, albeit also an villain protagonist until his redemption. However, in Conquest Arc, Carl had became a major antagonist by turning into the Horseman of Conquest by a revived Moloch. After he is freed, Carl serves as a much more supportive character. He is also the main protagonist in LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow - Pandora Saga

By the end of Pandora Saga, after the death of the Hidden One and departure of Pandora, Carl willingly to return back to his own time to warn Maria about the Elemental Evil's plan, making Maria to return back into the time and stop Michael from altering the timeline by bringing back Moloch's reign of terror. As the time progressed, Carl started to open himself and became more affectionate, but he still held no mercy to his enemies whatsoever and is always holds sides and ideology before reason. He serves as a foil to Maria, with the latter tended to be merciful to most of her enemies if they're forgivable. Even so, Carl would give his enemies merciful death if they had a reason, but he still stated that he hated anyone who stood against him.

Believing that sparing enemies would make them escaped and commit crimes once more, Carl is not beyond killing and torturing criminals in order to gain information. His endurance is also inhumane, as he survived being run over three times by Dark Arzonia who drove a over-speed vehicle. In addition to his abnormal body, he has a nerve of steel as he closed himself after the demise of his foster parents, who he witnessed to be killed by Maria (but it later revealed that she was coerced by Arzonia Brothers, while Nio Hashiri) was the one truly responsible for such devastation. In fact, Carl is like a futuristic counterpart to Jenny Mills, who also gone rogue and regardless on law after she was victimized by the overall selfishness and apathy of Sleepy Hollow citizens.

Carl Robinson is considered as a more extreme example to people like Azul Jissele and Maria Arzonia, who were known as two of most fearsome ladies in The Rogues as well as former anti-heroines. In contrast to those three who later all became Pure of Heart, Carl never had his anti-heroic traits abandoned and always prone on his own agenda of revenge, even after being accepted by La Nueva Familia de Arzonia, saying he would carry his vengeance to his grave so that people will not get hurt. Carl suffers from Black and White Insanity, regarding all those who never supports his actions as enemies and would prone to kill them if he wants. Therefore, Carl is the first true combination of a Rogue Protagonist and a Villain Protagonist in the entire CIS Productions Storyline.

After he realized the truth within his family, Carl's darker and more cynical side started to take him over. He became frosty and sociopathic, regarding revenge before reason when he joined into the battle. Carl is often considered as the calamity's avatar itself, being the darkest member of Team Witness ever as his rage would gone wild and attack anyone in sight with sheer blind rage as well as brute force. Even if he maintains his trace of a high-functioning sociopath, Carl became mildly softer and more compassionate when he got in touch with his best friends, Maria Arzonia and Matt Butcher, who considered him as a brother.

In front of a stranger whom Carl is hardly trust, Carl prefers to call himself a free agent. However, as for those whom he trusted, he genuinely considers them as people on his side. Overall, Carl considers himself as neither a hero nor a villain, just a warrior doing for what he feels he he should do. Deep inside his mind, Carl is considered as someone who desired to be needed, and his worst fear was being abandoned and erased from people's mind even if he was still alive, as his heart was filled with insecurity. Therefore, despite his cold and lonesome personality, Carl was in fact having a fragile mind. After all, Carl was just another victim of Moloch and suffered from all sort of ordeals ever since the beginning.

He is an OC character created by Officer Candy Apple from CIS Productions.

Lore - Sweet Dream, Bitter Reality[]


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    The Executioner

    Name: Carl Robinson
  • Nationality: British - English
  • Gender: Male 
  • Classification: A+
  • Age: 27 years old in LOTM: Crossover - The Corbin Files
  • Powers and Abilities: Half-demon power, Superhuman strength, Superhuman Endurance, Durability, Speed, Brute Force, Stamina, Blade using, martial arts, torture, guns, mutated arm, demonic energy, nerves of steel, great will power, determination, pragmatic combat, heat wave endurance, freeze endurance, fighting skills, military skills, agility
  • Weaknesses: Cynicism, brutality, wrathful personality, Black-and-White insanity, arrogance, wrath
  • Destructive Capacity: Universe level+
  • Range: Planetary X+
  • Speed: Massively FTL+  (can be compared to a meteorite passing beside Earth in the speed of light)
  • Durability: Planet Level +A, can survive all sorts of critical attack, including being run over three times by the same car in a reckless speed; even shooting him in point blank range would just put him into a brief coma instead of killing him
  • Strength: Class 10,000+ (full power), can be increased greatly by the deaths and brutalization he causes, making him a lot more physically powerful than even Maria Arzonia
  • Stamina: Theoretically limitless and can fight for eternity, unless he was confused by enemies
  • Standard Equipment: Firenza Arm, Sword of Execution
  • Intelligence: Normal intelligence, but it would be enhanced whenever he stays calm and docile
  • Summary: Chaotic Neutral Vigilante; Crime Fighter
  • IQ: 200 → 8,000+
  • Notable Attacks/Techniques:
    • Knock-Out Bomber: Carl raised his arms and slammed his enemies with two fists, slamming them several meters away into the air and hit them in the midair. 



Carl is a North Germanic male name meaning "strong man" or "free man". The name originates in Scandinavia. The name equates royal status; it is the first name of many Kings of Sweden including Carl XVI Gustaf. It is popular in Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, and was largely popularized in the United States by Scandinavian descendants.

Robinson is an English language patronymic surname, originating in England. It means "son of Robin (a diminutive of Robert)". There are similar surname spellings such as Robinson and Robeson. Robinson is the 15th most common surname in the United Kingdom. According to the 1990 United States Census, Robinson was the twentieth most frequently encountered surname among those reported, accounting for 0.23% of the population.

Meaning of Firenza[]


Florence's Coat of Arms

Carl's true family name, Firenza, was a play on two words that both have Italian ancestry.

  • The first word is Firenze, which is Italian word meaning Florence, the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the Metropolitan City of Florence. It is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, and has been called "the Athens of the Middle Ages". A turbulent political history includes periods of rule by the powerful Medici family and numerous religious and republican revolutions. From 1865 to 1871 the city was the capital of the recently established Kingdom of Italy. The Florentine dialect forms the base of Standard Italian and it became the language of culture throughout Italy due to the prestige of the masterpieces by Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Niccolò Machiavelli and Francesco Guicciardini.
    • The word was originated from Latin word Florentia, meaning "flowering".
  • The second word is influenza, which, in English, means an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs, caused by a virus, which rapidly spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics. In Italian, the word inflenza means influence in English.


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Carl's appearance

Unlike Matt who was merely reshaped in his physical appearance when he appeared in Firenza Junior, in order to fit his heroic theme, Carl underwent several steps of developments, from a misunderstood and abused man to a mighty hero, until the author thought it was too simple since the example of Katarina Couteau was there, and the original design of Carl was too similar to Katarina. Then, the author wanted him to become a more villainous and more complex protagonist who switched his side several times due to he lost his way after being inspired by Kratos, the protagonist of God of War.

While Matt's physical design out of his soldier uniform was still uncertain, Officer had already conceived an idea of Carl's appearance. The final physical design of Carl was ensured before the final design of Matt came out, being a young man with black hair and demonic arm, mutated due to his evil blood. When Carl was presented in The Corbin Files, Officer had already attempted to design Firenza Junior spinoff with Carl as the titular protagonist fighting against the evil Melancholia, who is the most loyal right-hand of Michael Langdon.

At first, the blood substance of Firenza Family Curse remained a mystery until the storyline LOTM: Sword of Kings had a hint of The Blackness, and then Officer decided to solve the mystery by pointing out the Blackness inside Carl's blood via Melancholia. The Blackness could be manipulated by Moloch since he battled against Ara Astaroth and knew how to manipulate the Blackness. Therefore, Moloch managed to curse the male line of Firenza Family bloodline with the Blackness Curse, and therefore some part of the Qliphoth demons lived inside its latest descendant, Carl, making him known as the Devil's Child. Therefore, arguably Moloch is the Evil Carl's true father.

Malice of Moloch[]

Made of Evil

Moloch's shadow inside Carl's illusion

What was worse, the Blackness itself began to shape itself inside Carl due to Moloch's soul ability, and a demonic shadow made of nothing but pure evil, selfishness and hatred took form inside Carl and took over his soul. It was known as the Malice of Moloch, who is similar to The Fallen's Essence. It was made from Moloch's malicious soul and became the only representation of Moloch's soul after his defeat in the Old Timeline, struck by Henry Parrish with a sword.

Therefore, it could be arguably said that Moloch was still alive inside the body of Carl via the Blackness, influencing him to do evil bidding until he finally consumed his sanity and took over him. Michael Langdon and Melancholia was aware of this, and so they planned to manipulate Carl via making the Malice of Moloch take over him.

Eventually, due to Melancholia's manipulation, Carl's soul merged with the Malice of Moloch after the host gave up his humanity and sanity (representing via the crucifix given to him by Maria in order to bless him) before locking it inside his mind, allowing the Malice of Moloch taking over him fully and was ready to strike against those who had wronged him (or at least he thought).


Moloch's Malice revealed himself from Carl (now the Horseman of Conquest's body)

Outside of helping Michael to achieve his goal to bring Moloch's will to a future era where he was destroyed, Melancholia had another purpose when she did this manipulation to Carl in order to feel like manipulating Moloch to do her bidding so that she could spit on the real Moloch for killing her family and friends in front of her.

During Conquest Arc, the Malice of Moloch also led Carl to see a vision from the Horseman of Conquest, and it drove Carl to accept the Horseman mantle. What was more, the Moloch's Malice would become Michael's key to reshape the original Moloch's shattered soul, right after the original Moloch was cast back to Purgatory and weakened. The original Moloch would merge with the Malice of Moloch from Carl after the host became useless. Moloch's Malice became the only thing that fully represented Moloch's influence in World War III, and that influence was delivered via Carl, the boy he had cursed so many years ago.



Carl's kind side

At first, Carl was presented as just a normal soldier who had no special talents or power and befriended Matt Butcher, but soon it became clear of his accursed arm that was affected by one of many types of Croatoan Virus sending into him via Moloch's curse that tainted his family blood of his father's line. After knowing his true parentage, plus the feelings of despair formed due to the desertion by some of his former comrades, the inner darkness within Carl would soon consume him. By driven Carl into his own despair, Melancholia managed to make Carl's inner darkness within his blood to get stronger.

Overall, Carl Robinson's reputation among his allies was highly controversial, since he once was suppose to be a hero but later turned into a treacherous villain for several times despite because of many things inside his dark side - his thirst for power, his fear of being abandoned, his distrust upon others and even himself, his traumatic experience of being cursed and abused, his selfish intentions, the disappointment towards law itself as well as other corrupting effects of The Blackness inside his blood, which was found and stirred by Melancholia who set up the death of Mary Spencer by Carl's hand, which broke the bond and trust between Carl and Esther, changing both of their lives forever and driving Carl insane by manipulating him of abandoning his emotions.


Carl had a nightmare of being sold by his friends to a circus and treated as a freak.

Carl's villainy came from several reasons in his past, which Cain Nightroad later managed to dig out via traveling into Carl's mind palace. The reason that Carl killed Mary Spencer was because Spencer betrayed and deceived him in his hunt against Carissa, making him to fall into a trap set up all along. Carl was also mad about Spencer's attempt to kill his only childhood friend, Matt Butcher, and thus considered her as an evil traitor.

The reason that Carl never followed Maria Arzonia was also revealed by Cain. It was in fact Carl had met Maria when he saw her killed his adoptive parents. Unknowing that Maria was actually coerced by Arzonia Brothers, Carl regarded Maria's killing his foster parents as some sort of murder, and he was upset that Maria tended not to seek vengeance or use sheer violence on their enemies. Therefore, Carl never trusted Maria when she persuaded him to join Catholic Rebels. Under being brainwashed by Cain, Carl even berated Maria was a hypocrite who tried to build a family for herself by ripping others' family away from them.


Carl after turning insane after his inner darkness took over him.

For many years, Carl lied to himself on many turns of events on him in order to protect others from being harmed, and he believed in his own lies so much that he even cannot tell which was true or which was false. Even so, Cain used his abilities to see through Carl's lies, revealing the truth behind all of Carl's torments as well as his bitter attitude towards Maria. Even knowing that Maria never willing to kill Carl's adoptive parents, Cain manipulated Carl's inner darkness and urged him to succumb into this by persuading him to outright fight against Maria, claiming that she murdered his adoptive parents in purpose. Cain's lies and his corrupting influence eventually made Carl to become one with Langdon Orphans.

Carl was also craved to the Grand Grimoire so that he could go back to the past and seek vengeance on Pandora, without even caring that his true enemy, just as Maria pointed out, was none other than Eckidina KnightWalker. All he cared about after the incident would soon turned solely revenge upon Pandora, whom he (falsely) blamed his accursed blood upon her, ignoring Maria's pledge that the time traveling would be dangerous and Carl's reckless actions would hardly change everything. That's how and why Melancholia used this personality flaw in Carl, and she made Cain to manipulate Carl so that he would give in to his inner darkness, brainwashing him and tried to make him a monster like her.

When Matt confronted Carl about this after the latter had committed a manslaughter of great scale upon the Black Army only trying to find the Grand Grimoire, Carl tried to dissuade Matt from trying to confront Eckidina KnightWalker, since now Carl saw no justice in this war, and he would create his own justice and rewrite his fate.

Even so, due to the sacrifice of Noelle Bor who confessed the Arzonia Family's love to Carl, Carl snapped out of Melancholia's brainwashing and refused to stay on Melancholia's good side. He also knew about Maria was forced to kill his parents and realized she was very guilt-ridden about it. In the end, Carl forgave Maria and managed to mend his relationships with Esther and others.

Carl later became a more caring person during the Operation Grand Grimoire, as he willingly to fight for protecting Abel and later the entire world in his battles against Melancholia and FOLIE. He also ended up sacrificing himself to protect Maria from Michael's Traveler's Spell, before encouraging Maria to defeat Eckidina and make every crimes ends on his behalf, showing more selfless side inside him.

Horseman of Conquest[]


Dark Arzonia, the main catalyst to make Carl into the Horseman of Conquest

The transformation into the Horseman of Conquests was the first terrible turn of event happened on Carl ever since he arrived in Sleepy Hollow. Due to sensing the Malice of Moloch inside Carl, the original Moloch in Purgatory made Walter Watermelon and Gladius Grapefruit, two of his own agent hiding within the Order of Flourish, to send Dark Arzonia from Planet Sorensen-444 to Earth, trying to capture Carl for his next project. Dark Arzonia was an evil counterpart to Maria Arzonia who was affiliated to Moloch, and she used her sheer resemblance to Carl in order to capture him. Even so, Carl saw through Dark Arzonia's lies and fought with her in order to capture Carl, and Carl was defeated after a deadly battle against her.

Carl was later made into the Horseman of Conquest / Pestilence after being taken over by the Conquest's spirit, who tried to convince him that Carl would show his true value via turning into the Horseman. Carl rebuffed the Conquest, but he was pressed by Moloch's immense power combining the brainwashing magic cast upon him by drow witches, including the likes of Jasmine Porcelain and Malice Do'Urden.

In the end, Carl was forced to become a host to the Horseman of Conquest, but Moloch only tried to use him as a tool to bring the Coratoan Virus of Roanoke back into Sleepy Hollow for his further plan. What was more, Christine Van Bilj planned to kill more of townspeople in order to feed their soul to the Malice of Moloch in case Moloch was defeated, so that she could bring Moloch back to life, just as Michael Langdon originally planned.

Fortunately, Carl then cast both the Malice of Moloch and the spirit of Conquest from his body, redeeming himself once and for all, but the Horseman of Conquest's mantle was taken by Dark Arzonia, who was revealed to use Carl as a pawn from the beginning, while the Malice of Moloch was used by Dark Arzonia in bringing back Moloch's full power and release him fully from Purgatory. Despite this, upon Carl being relieved from his Horseman mantle, the final stage of his redemption had completed.

New Personality[]


Carl, after his change of heart due to the death of the Hidden One, taking care of Matt

After he was saved from Cain Knightlord's control by Maria after the Battle in Star of Bethlehem, Carl started to show some of his side with more empathy, after Maria tearfully confessed her sins to him as he was pretending to fall sleep (as he was unable to do so due to Noelle Bor's demise), as she revealed that Carl's parents died with a smile on their face and wished their son to move on, before giving Carl a vision inside her own memory of Mind Palace.

With shock, Carl saw Maria's painful experience on killing Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. He also heard Maria's remorse upon pulling the trigger that killed Carl's foster parents, before she plunged her head on knees and drunk on a box of fresh milk (as a replacement of alcohol) to calm herself down.

As he was unable to fall asleep due to his inner guilt for what he did, Carl heard Maria's words full of remorse, sympathy and atonement, realizing that Maria tried to do something right to atone her sins, and she really cared about him as a sibling. Therefore, the next day, Carl woke up and called Maria her first name with affections, much to Maria's surprise and relief. That is the very same moment that Carl let go his hatred towards Maria and forgave her. As Arzonia Brothers and Nio Hashiri were dead, Carl knew his foster parents were avenged, and then he trusted Maria as his sister instead of some kind of rival he distrusted.


Carl smiled more after his fateful confrontation with the Hidden One

The two later bonded together, and Carl had a more optimistic view on life, forming a Sugar and Ice Personality inside him. In spite of this, due to his issue concerning his biological father and the Malice of Moloch was unresolved, Carl still showed melancholy on his life, but with more empathy. When Maria looked at the starry sky of night in Madrid, feeling sad for the old days passed, Carl lamented that he also wished to see things went back to normal, but he stopped in the middle of the sentence, knowing there was no way back for himself, Maria and others. Only fighting for future will save the world.

Carl's reformation then progressed after being released from the Horseman of Conquest's mantle and the Malice of Moloch's possession, and he finally snapped out of his cynical side once and for all after he destroyed the Hidden One, who attempted to kill him when he was a child. He smiled more than before. Like his monstrous arm with returned back to its normal shape after the Hidden One's death, Carl's nature, too, was slowly progressed back to his original personality prior to his capture, when he was still a cheerful and honorable young man, who is more helpful. He also shows more concern on his new friends in Team Witness and became warmer as a result of his dark past being let go.

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Even after his change of heart, Carl's dark side remains

However, due to his traumatizing experiences that scarred him fatefully, Carl still retained dark traits and still believed in Social Darwinist ideas of Langdon Orphans even after the demise of the Hidden One, shown when he quote Michael's infamous motto, "Weaklings can't even choose the way they die!", to Marlos Urnayle, all the while holding a sadistic smile.

Another dark trait which remains inside him is his contempt towards failure, shown as an infamous trait of Moloch, and he combined it with Maria's traits of apologizing a lot with it and brings them Up to Eleven. Instead of punishing others, Carl will unleash his intolerance on failure by putting severe punishment on himself, preventing himself from becoming someone like Moloch. In another words, Carl will even severely punish himself when someone failed him and his plan, even to the point saying there's no place for failure on Earth, so he himself is to be blamed first.

While saying these, Carl's expression always showed a streak of darkness, and it brought some feelings of terror that struck fear in the soul of Abbie Mills. According to Abble, she believed that she saw some kind of shadow of Michael Langdon (even Moloch) coming from Carl when he spoke this, which really worried Maria and Matt as they were afraid of Carl losing himself again.

Even so, much to Maria and Matt's relief, Carl never actually lost himself ever again. In spite of maintaining his dark traits of an Anti-Villain, Carl later became more and more opened and talkative as the story progressed. His new personality is a combination of his old personality and his darker personality, which was formed due to being utterly betrayed by his closed one and twisted by Fiamma of the Right's manipulation. That dark personality always walked alongside him like his own shadows, but he started to have an outlook towards the lighter side.

Tarot Motif - XII. Hanged Man & Reversed Hanged Man[]

RWS Tarot 12 Hanged Man

Hanged Man Arcana

"The gallows from which he is suspended forms a Tau cross, while the figure—from the position of the legs—forms a fylfot cross. There is a nimbus about the head of the seeming martyr. It should be noted (1) that the tree of sacrifice is living wood, with leaves thereon; (2) that the face expresses deep entrancement, not suffering; (3) that the figure, as a whole, suggests life in suspension, but life and not death. [...] It has been called falsely a card of martyrdom, a card of prudence, a card of the Great Work, a card of duty [...] I will say very simply on my own part that it expresses the relation, in one of its aspects, between the Divine and the Universe."
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, A. E. Waite, the designer of the Rider-Waite tarot deck

The Hanged Man (XII) is the twelfth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination.

It depicts a 'pittura infamante' (pronounced [pitˈtuːra iɱfaˈmante]), an image of a man being hanged upside-down by one ankle. This method of hanging was a common punishment at the time for traitors in Italy.

However, the solemn expression on his face traditionally suggests that he is there by his own accord, and the card is meant to represent self-sacrifice more so than it does corporal punishment or criminality.

Andelys StPierre2

The Cross of St. Peter is shown in this French stained glass window. Saint Peter is conventionally shown as having been crucified upside-down.

In other interpretations, The Hanged Man is a depiction of the Norse god Odin, who suspended himself from a tree in order to gain knowledge. There is also a Christian interpretation that portrays Judas, and include the bags of silver in his hands.

A 1393 decree for Milan and Lombardy of the punishment for traitors: “Let him be drug [dragged] on a [wooden] plank at a horse’s tail to the place of execution, and there be suspended by one foot to the gallows, and be left there until he is dead. As long as he lives let him be given food and drink.”

Modern versions of the tarot deck depict a man hanging upside-down by one foot. The figure is most often suspended from a wooden beam (as in a cross or gallows) or a tree. Ambiguity results from the fact that the card itself may be viewed inverted. There is a halo burning brightly around the hanged man's head, signifying a higher learning or an enlightenment.

The Hanged Man Arcana can represent ultimate altruism and the self-sacrifice one must make in order to save or redeem another, all in the name of greater good. The reverse Hanged Man means that one cannot make any decision and go forward in life. preferring to remain egotistical and selfish.

In Tarot readings, the upright Hanged Man can refer to a deep reflection over one's upcoming actions, to not rush towards them and thus to succeed in these actions.

Nature of Kabbalah & Qliphoth[]

Sephira - Victory[]


Netzach (Hebrew: נצח‎, "eternity") is the seventh of the ten Sefirot in the Jewish mystical system of Kabbalah. It is located beneath Chesed ('loving-kindness'), at the base of the "Pillar of Mercy" which also consists of Chochmah ('wisdom'). Netzach generally translates to 'eternity', and in the context of Kabbalah refers to 'perpetuity', 'victory', or 'endurance'. Within the Sefiroth, Netzach sits geometrically across from Hod. This pairing makes up the third such group, the "tactical" sefirot, meaning that their purpose is not inherent in themselves, but rather as a means for something else.

These sefirot mark a turning point. Whereas the first two groups of sefirot deal with God's intrinsic will, and what it is that He desires to bestow upon man, these sefirot are focused on man: What is the most appropriate way for man to receive God's message? How can God's will be implemented most effectively?

Netzach refers to actions of God that are chesed, "kindness," in essence, but are presented through a prelude of harshness. Hod refers specifically to those events where the "wicked prosper." It is retribution —Gevurah, "strength/restraint," in essence, but presented by a prelude of pleasantness.

Netzach is "endurance," the fortitude, and patience to follow through on your passions. It is paired with Hod as the righteous attributes related to group interactivity, with Netzach being leadership, the ability to rally others to a cause and motivate them to act; while Hod is community, the ability to do the footwork needed to follow through on ideas and make them happen. Netzach is identified with the right leg or foot when the Tree of Life is portrayed on the human form, while Hod is the left leg or foot.

Qlipha - Dispersion[]

Corvus corax jouveniles

Common ravens

A'arab Zaraq, also known as Harab Serapel, is the Qliphah corresponding to the Sephirah Netzach on the Kabbalah's tree of life. It translates as 'The Ravens of Dispersion', and the demons associated with it are hideous, demon-headed ravens issuing forth from a volcano. While Netzach is the openness of natural love, the Harab Serapel are the Ravens of Death who reject even their own. The outer form is Theumiel, 'The Fouled Substance of God'.

The Qliphoth are the unbalanced force of a particular sephirah. Netzach is the sephirah 'victory', the ability of raw, emotional, passionate energy to overcome obstacles, but it needs to be balanced by Hod, the ability to rationalize and exercise a degree of self-control. If it is not balanced it becomes uncontrolled passion, desire, greed and covetousness, the dark side of Venus, which is unbridled lust.

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The stele of Baal with Thunderbolt found in the ruins of Ugarit

The raven of dispersion is thought by some authors to be related to the raven Noah let fly from his ark while the waters dispersed. Harab Serapel is often associated with Baal (/ˈbeɪəl, ˈbɑːəl/), properly Baʿal, which was a title and honorific meaning "owner," "lord" in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levant during antiquity. From its use among people, it came to be applied to gods. Scholars previously associated the theonym with solar cults and with a variety of unrelated patron deities, but inscriptions have shown that the name Baʿal was particularly associated with the storm and fertility god Hadad and his local manifestations.

The Hebrew Bible, compiled and curated over a span of centuries, includes generic use of the term in reference to various Levantine deities, and finally pointed application towards Hadad, who was decried as a false god. That use was taken over into Christianity and Islam, sometimes under the opprobrious form Beelzebub in demonology.

Baʿal (בַּעַל) appears about 90 times in the Hebrew Scriptures in reference to various gods. The priests of the Canaanite Baʿal are mentioned numerous times, most prominently in the First Book of Kings. Many scholars believe that this describes Jezebel's attempt to introduce the worship of the Baʿal of Tyre, Melqart, to the Israelite capital Samaria in the 9th century bce. Against this, Day argues that Jezebel's Baʿal was more probably Baʿal Shamem, the Lord of the Heavens, a title most often applied to Hadad, who is also often titled just Ba‘al.

1 Kings 18 records an account of a contest between the prophet Elijah and Jezebel's priests. Both sides offered a sacrifice to their respective gods: Ba'al failed to light his followers' sacrifice while Yahweh's heavenly fire burnt Elijah's altar to ashes, even after it had been soaked with water. The observers then followed Elijah's instructions to slay the priests of Baʿal, after which it began to rain, showing Yahweh's mastery over the weather. Other references to the priests of Baʿal describe their burning of incense in prayer and their offering of sacrifice while adorned in special vestments.


Personal Information[]

All information of Carl Robinson, such as his hobbies, his favorite things, etc

  • Reckless.Fist.(Raven).full


    Favorite Color:
    • Black and orange
  • Favorite Foods:
    • English afternoon tea
  • Favorite clothes:
    • Armors
  • Favorite hobbies:
    • Staying alone, wandering, training, beating enemies, keeping silent
  • Favorite allies:
  • Favorite enemies:
    • None
  • Likes:
    • Being trusted, family, fighting with Matt Butcher in a duel, fighting enemies, participating into actions, being appreciated and acknowledged, freedom, revenge
  • Religion:
    • ​Neutral on all religion
  • Hates:
    • Fanatics, fire, war, satanism, human experiments, assassins, mercenaries, Nazis, fascists, Dark Empires, liars, serial killers, perverts, Yoga, rapists, jeans, destroyers of worlds, slavers, corrupt politicians, greedy people, weak-minded people, warmongers, corrupt priests, dictators, evil demons, evil angels, Triggers Hell, coffee beans, lover stealers, Leohart's Cult, DEM Empire, Sith Empire, Balam Alliance, troublemakers, bully, bullying, juvenile delinquents, genocidal tyrants, aristocrats, serial killers, people who tried to harm her family, people who had no regards of traditions, people who had no regards of history, skepticism, being called as Firenza Junior, being captured, being locked up, being ordered, being oppressed
  • Favorite music:
    • Rock
  • Age:
    • 27 years old
  • Hated allies:
  • Hated enemies:
    • All of his enemies

Anti-Villain Proposal[]

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"In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law to pursue a natural justice. This is not vengeance; revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance... PUNISHMENT."

In the original story description posted in The Corbin FilesCarl Robinson is supposed to be a traditional hero who shall find his own destiny, but when the new script kicked in, he became more of the combination of both a Jerkish Woobie and a sympathetic Well-Intentioned extremist of some sort, being betrayed by those who he trusted, losing everything he once knew and loved, and starting to lose his original dream of being a hero after getting thrown away from a figurative cliff. Because of all the hatred, sadness as well as suffering from losing his parents, Carl became one with the Langdon Orphans eventually and started to remold the world into a better one without betrayal or apathy, even killing anyone who was on his own way. His first priority of targets was Maria Arzonia, who he saw pulling the trigger that took away his beloved foster parents and participated in the mass arson of his town, killing nearly all of his friends inside. However, it was revealed that Maria never willingly killed Carl's parents. Instead, she was coerced, and Carl's parents sought death to allow their son to live happily. As a result of this, it was not Carl who needed to be forgiven. Instead, it was Maria seeking Carl's own forgiveness since she realized her crimes was even more horrendous than his own. Carl also made a strict line that he only combat against wicked people and the methods he used would require countermeasure to avoid harming innocent people. While Carl may be a jerk, he still tried to fight for the greater good, but that wish was abused by Langdon Orphans and his own delusions that it quickly became the Catholic Rebels' worst nightmare.

Physical Appearance[]



Carl's normal appearance

In his normal appearance, Carl had no strange feature other than mutated arm which he had to hide it beneath bandages unless he used it to kill his enemies. Carl is also unusually tall and strong, having strength and endurance in a scale of superhuman which helped him to endure all kinds of ordeal, at least physically.

Carl was born with black and white hair as well as a pair of orange eyes and light tan skin. The white hair was resembling the white skin color of Moloch's base form, hinting that the Malice of Moloch was living inside him. He usually had little to no emotions on his face other than wrath as well as seriousness, hinting his nature of being the only one of the four Catholic Rebels top executives who is void from having any sense of humor. He hardly ever smiles, and his face looked utterly horrible when he became angry, whether in a form of a burst of rage or a cold, intimidating stare.

When Carl was going berserk and taken over by his inner darkness and madness, his hair would turn completely white as if it was bleached. His eyes will turn golden and his face will become menacing and his body would shone in orange aura as if he caught fire. He would widened his eyes like crazy and ranting while foaming, like some kind of rabid dog.


New Personality[]

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Carl after succeded in awakening his power as well as controlling his rage

Judging to his newly-formed white hair and cold blue eyes, which were once orange to begin with, Carl's new personality seemed less violent and brutal than the original, but in fact it's just a subtle disguise to hide his violent and merciless tendency deep inside his calculated facade. Instead of making Carl seemed more gentle, it only made Carl even more menacing and terrifying to whoever that met him.

Carl can also control his inner power. With his own free will, Carl now can make his mutated arm back into a lot more human-like arm, and vice versa. Carl now wore a long brown trenchcoat instead of armor he used to wear, and it managed to make him seemed much more modest and composed.

Psychological Description[]

Carl Robinson's mental illness[]



"All these years I put my trust in the system, my trust in the law. Held myself back from doing what I really wanted to do. And then I saw the truth, it's not just you that's guilty, this whole world is guilty... I don't have to to anything. I am the law! I am the judge! The jury! AND THE EXECUTIONER!"

Psychopaths are people who exhibit a constellation of antisocial personality disorder traits which include antisocial, sadistic, narcissistic, and borderline behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships and extreme egocentricity. They also do not learn from failure and take it out on others. Psychopathy is sometimes used synonymously with sociopathy, is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by persistent impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, dis-inhibited, egotistical traits. Different conceptions of psychopathy have been used throughout history. These conceptions are only partly overlapping and may sometimes be contradictory.


Sadism involves gaining pleasure from seeing others undergo discomfort or pain. The opponent-process theory explains the way in which individuals not only display, but also take enjoyment in committing sadistic acts.[clarification needed] Individuals possessing sadistic personalities tend to display recurrent aggression and cruel behavior. Sadism can also include the use of emotional cruelty, purposefully manipulating others through the use of fear, and a preoccupation with violence.

There were four sub-types of sadism, which he termed Enforcing sadism, Explosive sadism, Spineless sadism, and Tyrannical sadism.

Dissociative Identity Disorder[]

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Malice of Moloch (in Carl's appearance) lurking inside Carl

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately show in a person's behavior, accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness. These symptoms are not accounted for by substance abuse, seizures, other medical conditions, nor by imaginative play in children.

Diagnosis is often difficult as there is considerable co-morbidity with other mental disorders. Malingering should be considered if there is possible financial or forensic gain, as well as factitious disorder if help-seeking behavior is prominent.

DID is one of the most controversial psychiatric disorders, with no clear consensus on diagnostic criteria or treatment. Research on treatment efficacy has been concerned primarily with clinical approaches and case studies. Dissociative symptoms range from common lapses in attention, becoming distracted by something else, and daydreaming, to pathological dissociative disorders. No systematic, empirically supported definition of "dissociation" exists.

Bipolarity Disorder[]

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Confusion and paranoia at the same time...

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental disorder with periods of depression and periods of elevated mood. The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania or hypo-mania, depending on its severity, or whether symptoms of psychosis are present. During mania, an individual behaves or feels abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable.

Individuals often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences. The need for sleep is usually reduced during manic phases. During periods of depression, there may be crying, a negative outlook on life, and poor eye contact with others.

The risk of suicide among those with the illness is high at greater than 6 percent over 20 years, while self-harm occurs in 30–40 percent. Other mental health issues such as anxiety disorders and substance use disorder are commonly associated.

Childhood Amnesia[]

Childhood amnesia, also called infantile amnesia, is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories which are memories of specific events (times, places, associated emotions, and other contextual who, what, when, and where) before the age of 2–4 years, as well as the period before age 10 of which adults retain fewer memories than might otherwise be expected given the passage of time. The development of a cognitive self is also thought by some to have an effect on encoding and storing early memories.

Some research has demonstrated that children can remember events from the age of 1, but that these memories may decline as children get older. Most psychologists differ in defining the offset of childhood amnesia. Some define it as the age from which a first memory can be retrieved. This is usually at the age of 3 or 4, but it can range from 2 to 8 years. Changes in encoding, storage and retrieval of memories during early childhood are all important when considering childhood amnesia. Some other research shows differences between gender and culture, which is implicated in the development of language. Childhood amnesia is particularly important to consider in regard to false memories and the development of the brain in early years. Proposed explanations of childhood amnesia are Freud's trauma theory (which is not supported by evidence and is generally discredited), neurological development, development of the cognitive self, emotion and language.

Post-Traumatic Amnesia[]

Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) is a state of confusion that occurs immediately following a traumatic brain injury in which the injured person is disoriented and unable to remember events that occur after the injury. The person may be unable to state his or her name, where he or she is, and what time it is. When continuous memory returns, PTA is considered to have resolved. While PTA lasts, new events cannot be stored in the memory. About a third of patients with mild head injury are reported to have "islands of memory", in which the patient can recall only some events. During PTA, the patient's consciousness is "clouded". Because PTA involves confusion in addition to the memory loss typical of amnesia, the term "post-traumatic confusional state" has been proposed as an alternative.

There are two types of amnesia: retrograde amnesia (loss of memories that were formed shortly before the injury) and anterograde amnesia (problems with creating new memories after the injury has taken place). Both retrograde and anterograde forms may be referred to as PTA, or the term may be used to refer only to anterograde amnesia.

Explosive Sadism[]

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Carl's violent side

People having this form of sadistic personality are known to be unpredictably violent as they are disappointed or frustrated with their general lives. They lose control when they feel humiliated and/or hopeless and seek retribution for the deprecation and mistreatment to which they sense they have been subjected to. These violent behaviors get expressed through fearsome attacks and tantrums on others, especially on family members, and through uncontrollable rage. Normally, the explosive sadists feel suddenly threatened in some given situation and then shock others by the abruptly changing behavior. These sadists do not generally move about in grumpy or surly manner and as a result it is difficult to know what might set them off. Although the violence that gets released is nearly always directed at a particular individual, it primarily serves as a form of emotional release for the pent up feelings that the sadist had been holding inside himself or herself.

Delusional Disorder[]

Delusional disorder is a mental illness in which the patient presents with delusions, but with no accompanying prominent hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or significant flattening of affect. Delusions are a specific symptom of psychosis. Delusions can be "bizarre" or "non-bizarre" in content; non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life, such as being followed or poisoned. Apart from their delusions, people with delusional disorder may continue to socialize and function in a normal manner and their behavior does not generally seem odd. However, the preoccupation with delusional ideas can be disruptive to their overall lives. For the diagnosis to be made, auditory and visual hallucinations cannot be prominent, though olfactory or tactile hallucinations related to the content of the delusion may be present.


Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me"). Paranoia is distinct from phobias, which also involve irrational fear, but usually no blame. Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia. For example, an incident most people would view as an accident or coincidence, a paranoid person might believe was intentional. It is characterized by an unfounded or exaggerated distrust of others, sometimes reaching delusional proportions. Paranoid individuals constantly suspect the motives of those around them, and believe that certain individuals, or people in general, are out to get them.

Anti-Heroes Proposal[]

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"I know you are like a coward, Matt. You already want her dead since she tried to betray us and kill us all. That was only because you haven't got that guts."

Unlike Ichabod Crane or Drizzt Do'Urden, Carl Robinson, despite a the facto heroic protagonist, is the only main hero in a story connected with LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow who was some sort of morally ambiguous personality, since he was relentless to kill someone with his power even if there was no need. He even scolded Matt Butcher that the latter "had no guts" to kill anyone who deserves to die. Soon, this shall slowly drove him into blood thirst of revenge. He was somehow turning selfish and extreme after knowing his true parentage. His heart filled with nothing but revenge, and he deemed anyone who was not on his side or refuse to be on his side (even including other heroes) shall be deemed as his enemies, no matter what the reason was. Carl was a person who was very hard to please and he could hardly ever trust anyone that was not on his side. He did not care if his hand was drench his blood as long as he could get his revenge upon Pandora who he thought it was the cause of his corrupt father's death, despite with heroic intentions. However, Carl failed to notice that the Hidden One was the true person responsible for his father's demise. He also could not realize that Moloch was the cause of the curse on his right arm which haunted him throughout his life. He was also stubborn since he only believe what he saw instead of the true words of the Witnesses. His reckless personality had put many people beside him in danger, and his poor judgement of character made him fall for the lies of false allies like Jasmine Porcelain, even Moloch, who was ironically the source of his greatest sorrow. However, despite all he had done, Carl was not villainous. In fact, he was merely some sort of hero who lost his way.


Langdon Orphans[]

  • "You want me to leave? Ha... To Hell I'll leave. I just want to be a monster like them, as I have nothing left in this world... It's better than just being a hypocrite like you, ruining others' families while searching yourself a family. Leave now and we'll call it an end, False Angel, or don't blame me for my ruthless reaction. One day... in just one day, every lies, deception and miseries upon humanity will all disappear... Is that clear?"
  • "How marvelous! How intriguing! A panacea to heal this world, you hear me! GODS! HUMANS! AND GHOSTS FROM THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE! HEED MY PRAYERS! I pray for a world with no deceit, no betrayal, no apathy and no discomfort, and I'll devote myself into bringing this to reality. Amen. Finally, I can make a true difference to benefit the humanity as I find the most perfect cure within myself! Well, well, well, you shall figure it out, Arzonia. If you can understand my pain and what I truly desired, you won't just sit there and saying all your sermon about love and peace! That idea has passed!"
  • "You use holy magic at me? Now, I finally see your attitude. You just treat me as a demon, like a toy being squeezed in your palm. It's your choice to cross your path with me, Arzonia. Tell me, how would you return me a four-year long period of debt?"
  • "I never believed you from the beginning when I heard about your name. Now, I know why... You expect someone can forgive a person who killed his family in front of him? Finding yourself a family? You just stripped others' life away! Now, Arzonia, allow your deceitful God to bless you!"
  • "A messiah? A Catholic Rebel? They're all just fraudulent titles! You're just a murderer! A terrorist! An arsonist! A blood-sucking Cyborg! Now, enjoy all the false praise and bland, soulless flattering from those who you manipulated into puppets! Enjoy your Cult of Personality! One day, you shall endure your downfall, just like I once endured, being thrown from a cliff when you believed you finally became a hero."
  • "You should say, "As long as this world is saved." You just need to keep your promise. World War III will be ended through MY hand... simply by cleansing the barren and snuff out the apathy, leaving humanity realize their mistake. I'm not Eckidina KnightWalker. I don't gain pleasure from these plans. I was just comforted that there won't be lies anymore."
  • "I pity you, really, being so naive and deceived that cannot see the truth. The only reason I'd like to help you is because of your emotions to Abel Nightroad. I'll lead you to him, and once the cure is made, we'll all be safe. Still, you'll face judgement, but what you're about to see after that is a renewed world. I give you my word."
  • "You took everything from me when you shot my beloved parents and set my beloved town ablaze. Now, I'll take everything from you. You'll see every thing you stand for disappear... Then, it's your turn!"

New Personality[]

  • "If someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told you that, that child would grow up totally evil, to become a ruthless dictator who would destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child?"
  • "Just how scared you are... to seal every kin of yours in a can?"
  • "Once, I blamed you for my father's death... but then I realized that you tried to avoid the death of my father and never wanted to kill me. We should stand on the same side. It will be such a waste for you to be on the side of that megalomaniac... and I believe you can bring miracles as long as you join my side, join our side... to fight for humanity."
  • "I'm the Devil's Child... Nothing from Gods can bound me."
  • "I cannot change? Then you don't know me."
  • "The Gods are generally merciless. Their so-called mercy builds itself upon humanity's worshiping, fear and their pledge for petty life and luck, after all. Gods cannot determine everything, but we can."
  • "I'm still a monster, but I won't be Langdon's monster."
  • "I want no mercy. I want my revenge for my father, against the Hidden One, Moloch as well as Michael Langdon. I don't need your help, because I don't want to make you involved into this cesspool of my life. This is my war. I once wanted the conquest upon you, Witnesses who stands in front of my way, but now I will spare you all as long as you stay on my good side. You are all fighting against them, are you not?"
  • "I tell you this - I don't care who you are, but you are either with me or you are against me. If you are against me, even God can't have mercy on your soul. Do you know what it means? I will never ever serve Moloch or Michael Langdon again. From this day on, I will follow my free will. None of you shall tell me what to do. I am always alone and I like to be! I am my own superior."
  • "We will be the Gods we choose to be, not those who have been. Who I was is not who you will be. We must be better."
  • "You're like a crystal, Maria. You show the humanity's heart within you... gently showering it in radiance. However, you can't help caring for other people. Not all humans are good people, Maria. If you ever get an evil patient... who tramples on your feelings... then it's possible your crystal will lose its brilliance, smashed beyond recognition."
  • Katarina: You left those men hanging from meat hooks, right above a pool of acidic bath?
    • Carl: They think they would got off easy. They would be much better if they ever think AGAIN. The best way to exact punishment is to make your enemies... into unwanted self-destruction.
    • (Carl turned to the hanged thugs as one of them struggled so much that he fell from the hook, before grabbing the boot of his fellow, accidentally dragging him down and fell into acidic pool as Carl, Katarina and others watched.)
    • Carl: Glad that I didn't join them. (walked away, nonchalant)

Funny Quotes[]

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst nearly always being a 100% serious character, Carl often falls under several comically serious moments or sarcastic moments, as well as dark and dry humor, especially when he cannot hold himself back from being involved into others' humorous moments!

  • "Target down. I see you're outsourcing, Katarina."
  • "I always thought pink suit you very well, Matt."
  • - Katarina: Will you betray me?
    • - Carl: Nope.
    • Katarina: Wink~
    • Carl: (think) * Fudge. Do I ever have any chance to take it back? *
  • - Carl: Can you look up a bit?
    • (His enemy killed by sniper fire when looked up)
    • - Carl: Thank you.
  • "Well, let's just cross our fingers that the half dozen power players, billionaires and borderline supervillains upstairs are still in a spending mood by then."
  • "Are you planning to outsource ALL your work to this novice from now on?"

Quotes to & about Carl[]

  • "He is such an uncontrollable time bomb unless he controls him with all his might... but I think we could help him with it. He shall be a wonderful ally." - Katherine Sforza
  • "He wants neither Hell nor Heaven for our Earth. Instead, he takes pains to leave us a true world for humanity." - Selina Strawberry
  • "The only thing different between Firenza Junior and Eckidina KnightWalker was Eckidina had no sense of honor." - Francesco di Medici
  • "So what!? I'm also fathered by a MONSTER!!! Don't you understand, Carl? In fact, you're my own reflection in a mirror! THOU ART I! If I can become this happy and accepted, become something positive that I never imagined that I could be, why can't you!? Even you turned against me, I still tried to save you from your misery. I pushed your life into a hellhole, so now I'm here to repent my sins... So don't you dare whining and hating yourself. Chop down my arm if you like, but keep the rest of it so that I SHALL PUNCH THAT JERK WHO MADE MY BRETHREN CRY!!!" - Maria Arzonia
  • "Carl is a jerk as much as he is a tormented figure. He wants to be accepted, but many people abandoned him. He wants happiness, but God cannot borrow. He wants honesty. He wants to be happy. Yet this world showed him its ugliness! Why would he love this world!?" - Eva Frankenstein
  • "I wonder if that child will blame me. If I meet him in the future, I would rather say sorry to him than denying the pure misery I caused... upon him. He will kill me... and I have no regrets to allow him kill me." - Pandora
  • "He destroyed this world... and created it anew." - Katarina Couteau
  • "No matter how many afterlife I've been through, I'll always love you... Carl." - Noelle Bor


Matt Butcher[]


Carl and Matt dueling

Originally, Matt is presented as Carl's own sidekick in the Carl's regiment and they were in a friendly terms as comrades. Later, as the story progressed, Matt is revealed to be the only true friend of Carl inside his regiment, understanding Carl due to both of them have their own disturbing past. Carl and Matt are also foils to each other, with Carl being constantly serious, composed and lawful, while Matt is much more humorous, hot-headed and comical.

Therefore, Matt shows sympathy towards Carl when he discovered that Carl was betrayed by his own comrades. He was the only one of the Arzonia Executives (barring Carl himself) who knew about Carl being betrayed ever since the beginning, and he was not pleased with it. Therefore, when Maria decided to bring Carl back to his senses, Matt showed full support on her and knew there were still sparks of humanity in Carl that pulled him from the control of the Malice of Moloch as well as the Blackness. He believed Carl was a misguided and misunderstood person instead of an outright villain, though Matt was not beyond beating Carl in order to make him back to senses.

Matt served as one of Carl's morality pets which refrained him from killing everyone to cleanse humanity. In fact, Matt was one of the specific people Carl wanted to spare during his vengeance against the world that betrayed him and abandoned him.

Maria Arzonia[]


Maria caresses Carl

Even working as friends and partners, Carl and Maria's relationships is a lot more frosty compared to that between Maria and Matt. Intending to get closer to Carl as his friend, Maria did everything for Carl and tried to tell Carl the most vital thing was not revenge, but nothing worked since Carl only focused on his own revenge.

Despite she herself wanted to seek vengeance upon Michael Langdon, Maria knew the true Public Enemy was Eckidina KnightWalker, and Maria wanted to save others so that she fought against the enemies. Carl, on the other hand, was focusing on his own revenge against Pandora and would not care if take a life or not, and Maria was angry that Carl later treated his friends as tools during his falling into depths towards villainy, especially after Carl killed Mary Spencer even after he made a promise not to kill her.

Remorseless of his actions, Carl tried to justify his actions by telling Maria that Lady Spencer had killed so many people and deserved to be sentenced for her guilt, ignoring the fact that Lady Spencer was brainwashed. Hearing this and seeing Carl's rude commenting on Esther's leaving, Maria was so infuriated that she almost cut all her tie between her and Carl, claiming he did not deserve to be a rightful Pica.

However, after knowing that Carl become such a person due to being tricked and betrayed before he met her, Maria eventually decided to return for Carl in order to save him, believing he still had one glimpse of redemption. This kind of feelings grows stronger than ever when Seth Nightroad, who was once the one with Langdon Orphans, revealed that the couple shot down by Maria (though being coerced) was in fact Carl's foster parents. Maria then decided to save Carl from his corruption no matter what the cause, since she wanted to save herself as well. Believing she was responsible for Carl's start of darkness, Maria decided to rescue Carl so that she can atone her sins as well.


Finally, Carl and Maria reconciled

Their relationships became closer once Carl was relieved from Cain Knightlord's brainwashing, especially after she lamented Carl's tragedy, as she too knew what it is like to lose a family. She tearfully confessed her crimes in front of Carl and expressed her genuine guilt on how much pain Carl endured in that fatal night which stripped him of anything, feeling so tormented that even the injuries on her body didn't seem pain at all. Carl, having overheard this as he was unable to fall asleep, began to weep, finally having found someone who understands him. Following their relationships began to defrost, Carl and Maria regarded each others as siblings.

For the first time in his life, Carl felt true kindness from someone he once hated, someone who wanted to atone her crimes that cast a shadow on him. Later, Carl became more affectionate to Maria and no longer had grudge against her. Maria also admits that Carl is a mirror to herself, and saving Carl means saving herself, as she considered herself to be the one who caused Carl's start of darkness because of her former cowardice.


"What do you think the most frightening thing is? Just like you, I was betrayed by my own friends who sought me, my brothers and my mother to a bunch of rapists. I saw the worst side of humanity and succumbed to the darkness of this world for 650 years. I thought I had seen the darkest place of the universe... but beyond that... when I met those... "things"... I have found an even deeper darkness."
— Katya to both Carl Robinson and Katarina Couteau

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Carl fighting Katya

Carl had a complicated relationship with Katya from the very moment they met. Through Yuri, Katya was aware of what Carl had to endure and could see through his vision all the hardships she suffered to grow like a brutal avenger just like her. However, as the two almost shared the same kind of vicious personality, it was more than obvious to all Rogues and members of Arzonia Family that this combination would result in a disaster.

Unlike how Carl behaves himself before Imperia Deamonne who rarely interacts with him (and when she does she tends to be quite rude), when Katya reveal her colors as a narcissist and prideful mage who looks down on everyone around her, Carl is the first one to charge at her with violence. Unlike Imperia who is childish and is only trying to tease others, sometimes, Katya's tendencies to put others down piss off Carl so much that he doesn't think twice before trying to cut her down with the intention to kill her, in return, Katya doesn't seem to take no one besides Yuri Barnes seriously in Arzonia Family, resulting in an intense fight that could easily be described as a death battle. In truth, Carl once cut Katya's head off but it was revealed it was only an illusion cast by the latter, hinting that he does have the desire to kill Katya without a single drop of doubt.

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Katya and Carl fighting once again inside of Arzonia Family HQ

Despite the efforts of every Rogue to stop these two, most of them are afraid of the two fighters. While Katya stand as the new most powerful agent of Ratatoskr, Carl himself had the behavior of a bloody barbarian whose strength and power were above most of the Rogues thanks to his demonic and cursed blood. In return to this, Katya even tried to assassinate Carl because of his blood that contained the Blackness inside of it, leading Katya to view him more of a Black Demon instead of a man.

In the eyes of others, Katya, of all people that she met so far (before Heles Hermes), Carl was the only person that Katya never had the desire to help but slay him alive as a Black Demon instead of a tortured soul, completely ignoring what she learned from his past to send him to afterlife like a monster. In their minds, this only showed how much Katya hated anything related to Astaroth, even if they are not meant to be. However, that was not entirely true as Nu Wa was the only who could tell what Katya was really trying to do. 

Even when the two were in missions, Katya and Carl were already infamous for scolding their own allies in battle for failures, this only added more spicy to their relationship that was even more intense than the fights that their team waged against their true enemies. In an occasion, Katya and Carl killed a whole army of KnightWalker Cyborgs in their own combat, ignoring everyone around them, however, thanks to Katya's infinite mana and stamina she was almost victorious and would have finished him if it wasn't for the interference of Tomas Sev, Katarina, Matt, Maria, Yuri and Imperia that charged at the duo and held the two from killing each other; needing the interference of 6 people to stop the two monsters. However, as much as Katya was furious, the 6 Rogues did not feel she had intention to kill Carl as the latter had.


Katya mocking Carl

According to Valnir, who had a complete twisted vision of Katya, when they were not in missions, Katya often tried to make Carl burst in rage so he could unleash the true monster from within and charge at her so she could easily say she killed him in "self-defense", something that not even the likes of Atala Arck and Imperia Deamonne were capable of doing. Valnir, however, was wrong about Katya just like Carl and all the rest.

Normally, Carl would only give his typical death glares at her but to no avail, soon realizing that Katya, no matter how cold-hearted and prideful may look, must have seen even more terrifying things to not be bothered by Atala, Katarina, Carl or Maria's death glares; it was soon revealed she did face Ara Astaroth, Kaitlyn Powell and even Ragnarok Iblis themselves, learning that there was nothing left in this existence to be afraid of.

This is later shown by Nu Wa herself, who shows all Rogues and their allies what Katya saw in three different moments of her life. One was when she was brought by the Eclipse of Hermes to the hideout of the Leohart's Cult when she was a child and saw Ara Astaroth, the very original body of herself and almost died of heart attack before the entity that was made of pure evil and darkness, another one was when Ragnarok Iblis dragged her to the Gates of the Void prison where she met literally the embodiment of all evil of the existence in its pure form (if it wasn't for Ragnarok's wish to keep her alive, Katya would have lost her sanity and died of heart attack) and finally when she faced Kaitlyn Powell face-to-face, where she saw Hell on the eyes of that woman, feeling as if her soul was dragged to an infinite abyss of darkness and emptiness. After these three moments, Katya had lost all of her fears, even the one that included losing her powers so when questioned why she did not fear no one, even Tomas in his Mahesvara form, Katya replied saying that she had already saw the three embodiments of fear, darkness, death and evil itself and now there was nothing left to be afraid of.

Blackness Cure[]

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Katya studying ways to purify the Firenza Junior's blood

It was much later revealed that Katya, like always, assuming the position of a hateful jerk for the sake of others. The reason why Katya provoked Carl so much to the point the remnants of Malice of Moloth would show up revealing its last fragments and what remains of the Blackness in Carl's blood to study new ways to free one from the control of the Blackness. Through her studies, Katya came to the conclusion that Elemental Armateus was an useful weapon but it was too flawed when it would cost the lifespan of its user to clean a limited amount of Blackness that would later come back with even more intensity, therefore it was not perfect. She also would use other examples like Dawn's Early Light but the Light could only purify hosts would were not entirely consumed by the Blackness and would temporarily weak the Blackness from those who are already fully consumed by it as seen when Future Selina Strawberry tried to purify Vira Hermes with the light but to no avail. For centuries, Yuri Barnes and countless other mages studied ways to purify the Blackness and free its hosts from their imminent transformation in Black Demons but all failed.


The definitive cure for the Blackness; Over-23 Blackness consuming the darkness of the Blackness

However, thanks to Carl who was unknowingly used as a guinea pig by Katya, the latter could find the necessary structure to combat the Blackness by creating her "own" Blackness based in Firenza Junior's blood that was unique once he was born with it and was a part of him instead of being an alien element.

Using her Overlady's spell, her Purifying magic and days of rewriting the very pillar of Overlady spell to force a conjunction between the Blackness from Carl's blood, Katya could create a form of special and unique Blackness that would prey, aka, "purify" the original Blackness while the Overlady cells inside of the experimental Blackness that would reverse the physical, mental and astral state back to a previous state when the effects of the Blackness did not exist, thus terminating it from inside out. Following the erasure of the original Blackness, the experimental Blackness would leave the original body and go other bodies to eat the original Blackness until it eventually would disappear over time once they had consumed too much Blackness.

The Experimental Blackness made out of Carl's blood would be later proved to be useful even against mortals and even divine beings that were transformed into Black Demons by the Blackness, even normal demons whom were consumed by the Blackness like Oriax Wheelahr could be purified of the evil element, reverting their bodies to back to normal. According to Katya, once the Overlady is activated within the Experimental Blackness, it will act in set with the Purifying altered Blackness that would consume the original Blackness while the Overlady will rewound the physical, psychological and spiritual state to previous physical states, undoing modifications from past and reverting them back to normal.  While Carl was born with the Blackness, the Purifying magic could eat all his cells and replace it with new ones as she had blood samples of normal human in her laboratory, that would multiply and replace his blood cells as well as his very DNA itself. The name of this cure was called Over-23 Blackness by Yuri Barnes, as Katya, its true creator would never be able to see Carl and centillions of others victims healed since she left the Prime Earth to continue her journey of vengeance against Sequined Sadist and the already-defeated Ara Astaroth.

Much to his dismay, Katya never revealed it was her who created the cure, leaving all the credits to Carl who was the key to the cure, but he could not accept how Katya did things while carrying the hate and disdain of billions on her back, and thus, just like every person who knew who Katya truly was, he wanted to save her and ask for her forgiveness for trying to kill her multiple times when she clearly had no intention of doing the same and his ultimate trust (something he did not give to many people until now since his traumatic experience of being betrayed by his own comrades), however, much to his dismay, the likes of Michael Langdon and Apostles of the Slavery continued active in the already destroyed Prime Earth and became more of annoying obstacles to Carl who had debit to pay to Katya.

By the time of LOTM: Destiny, 5,000,000,000 years in the future, all the Blackness of the Lynenta Omniverse disappeared thanks to this cure that saved countless planets, universes and even multiverses as the cure was deployed with cooperation of Reality CouncilParadiseRatatoskr, New Conglomerate and New Republic of Deus.Ex.Machina Industries, forcing the Idea of Evil to act and send its off-spring, the Darkness, to once again infect all Multi-Universes. This would later affect Ara Astaroth herself once she was revived by the Cult of Ara but was extremely weak to the point of depending of using a mortal body to stay alive in the mortal plane once all Blackness was gone.

Ichabod Crane[]

Michael Langdon[]

Dark Arzonia[]

Katarina Couteau[]

"Follow your own heart, be kind, run fast, and laugh more. You must set yourself free, and I'll help you to cut off those strings. Katarina, you are who you are, not the Red Haired Demon, not the Red Moon Tyrant, not a DEM Abyssal, either. You are Katarina Couteau. Believe me, you're just as normal as I am."
— Carl to Katarina

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Carl challenged Katarina into a duel

Although his overall harsh and disapproving attitude towards the members of the Rogues, Carl actually appreciated Katarina for her strength, her willpower and her eventual resolution to become a heroine. Carl actually gave no regards to any social binding or rules, only following his own code, so he often encouraged Katarina to do what she should do all by her own choice, never allowing the entire society running through her mind.

Carl also serves as a guide figure to Katarina due to his experience as a veteran, and he is strict but still helpful to Katarina. Unlike Maria, Carl prefer violence in war to leave their enemies no chance, and is always in a serious mood. Usually, Carl is comfortable with the budding friendship between him and Katarina. However, Carl is often annoyed by the Rogues' quirk and Katarina's occasional streak of an idiot hero, even to the point of yelling at them that how he hated alcohol, as they began to discuss what to eat that night instead of worrying about the War of the Anti-Christ as they should have.

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Carl after protecting Katarina from Michael

On Katarina's side, she warmed up to Carl when she discovered that he would never betray her group in spite of his grim nature. Still, she often laughed at Imperia's trolling towards Carl, which often make Carl began to doubt if he was on the wrong boat once more. Katarina was the first person who had broke Carl's usual aloof and serious nature, turning him into a comically serious person either a deadpan or annoyed expression when the Rogues are doing things. Even so, Katarina sees Carl as a true ally and worked together through thick and thin. Sometimes, Carl even thought he was fell in love with Katarina, but he immediately slapped himself from the feelings as he knew because of all limits, he could only act like a father to Katarina, for him that was enough.

Carl later proved himself to be an important figure in a mutual character development between him and Katarina, especially during Anti-Christ Saga. He and Maria could be considered as factors on Katarina's development, but to different degrees. If Maria make Katarina to feel humanity's warmth to make her become kind, then Carl is the one who cut off the effects from humanity's coldness induced upon Katarina and make her free. If Maria make Katarina learn to control her inner dark side, Carl made Katarina learn to defy the darkness from the outside that tried to tell her what to do.

Quote himself, Carl was cutting off the strings from Katarina that tried to take control of her and made her do its evil bidding. He knew what to feel to have someone's own emotions being manipulated by darkness as he himself was a victim of it, so for a long time, he found a mutual understanding between Katarina and himself. Carl later became a fathering figure to Katarina, and although he still held his disapproving attitude, he feel like staying with the Rogues was like staying with people who would truly understand him, accepting his monstrous nature, and Katarina was one of the many he favored.

Imperia Deamonne[]

"Be serious on what SHOULD be taken seriously, and be afraid of what you SHOULD be afraid of. Do what you SHOULD do and never waste your time on those stupid moments like a comical parody. I must be as cold as I can be. That is how I survive from potential treachery. You'd better learn about serious manner, Imperia."
— Carl to Imperia

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Carl glared at Imperia in menance

Initially, due to Carl's cold, serious and complicated nature, he hardly went on well with Imperia. They first met themselves by the end of Eckidina Arc, when Carl informed Maria about Vizeran DeVir's plan and the Elemental Evil's project to change the past for Michael and Moloch's sake. At first, Imperia thought she would have no absolutely no problems teasing Carl just like how she teased Maria, expecting a fight with him. Much to her disappointment, however, Carl merely dismissed Imperia's prank and said Imperia was not just boring, but also sickeningly childish. He also proclaimed that he HATED every KnightWalker Cyborg and threatened to dismantle Imperia if she ever dared to cross him.

Later during the final showdown between Team Witness and Michael, Carl acted ruthless, arrogant, caustic and serious to both sides and caused intensity between him and Imperia, and Maria had to work on to prevent them from fighting against each other. In the later stories, it was revealed that Carl was merely trying to help his companions out by making them more disciplined, so that they could stop Michael and Nether Sorensen the Demon Prince from causing a rift over the timeline. However, because of Carl's icy nature, their relationship had always full of rifts. Carl showed no hesitation in scolding his allies for their failure, a trait that was similar to Moloch, who was infamous for his intolerance over failure. This made Carl practically infamous.

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Carl saved Imperia from the Nethers

Over the time, however, Carl is secretly learning about everyone of the Rogues in order to know more about them and get closer, as he still had problems trusting people he met for the very first time, due to his eternal PTSD caused by his best friends' betrayal by the end of The Corbin Files. In spite of this, Carl often hated to be disturbed and would gave a death glare even more terrifying than Maria's to anyone presented, showing that he was always serious on what should be serious. 

Their relationships became warmed up after Carl protected the Rogues and was nearly transformed into a Zodiac Demon by Sorensen Crystal, but he later broke free and paved path for both the Rogues and the Team Witness into the Darkness-induced Storybrooke, which now fell under the command of the Dark One. After the demise of Michael, Carl still acted distant towards Imperia, but he still approved everyone as marvelous warriors and he showed respect on all of them, albeit saying it with a mildly unwilling manner. Even though the relationship between Carl and Imperia wasn't improved so much like that between Carl and Katarina, Maria & Azul Jissele, Carl still sees Imperia as a tragic figure. He only wished that Imperia was still La Folia Rihavein, a human girl who once lived in a happy normal life, since he always admired people like that.

Noelle Bor[]

Seth Nightroad[]

Selina Strawberry[]


"Leave Sleepy Hollow, Pandora. Never ever return to this town, or I'll kill you."
— Carl to Pandora, sparing her after the Hidden One's defeat


Carl casting Pandora away from Sleepy Hollow

Originally, Carl and Pandora were bitter enemies since Carl believed it was Pandora, who served as the catalyst on the death of Duke Firenza, Carl's biological father. Carl had no connection to his corrupt biological father, a case similar to Maria Arzonia. However, while Maria decided to let go of her dark family, Carl hardly ever let go of his own parentage and decided to finish whatever the "woman with robe" had started from the past.

Carl had no intention to take down Pandora until he heard his own mother's grave was dug by the followers of the Hidden One, led by the infamous Dr. Japeth Leeds. In a fit of rage, Carl went on hunting for the Hidden One's minions and discovered the evil deity sent her to kill him due to posing a potential threat thanks to the demonic curse inside Carl.


Carl thinking about Pandora

In the meantime, Pandora tried to make Carl alive due to seeing potential for him to serve the Hidden One and construct the world. She used this to persuade Carl and tried to make him on her side. However, Carl firmly declined as he had enough of becoming a tool for someone else, choosing to be a freelancer and fight for his own justice. During the final assault of the Hidden One, Carl was on Jenny Mills' side alongside Joe Corbin and Sophie Foster, standing firmly against Ichabod Crane for making Pandora a part of team.

When Ichabod proposed a pragmatic plan to unite every sides to fight against the Hidden One, even including Jasmine Porcelain who represented the United Kingdom of America (Moloch's faction), Carl merely showed disdain and left, mocking Ichabod as someone who pushed himself into "the grasp of a hag". However, after Joe's death, Carl realized that he did need Pandora's efforts to destroy the Hidden One and ended their mutual grudge between each other.

Nevertheless, in spite of learning that Duke Firenza committed suicide to protect his son, Carl never forgave Pandora for assisting the Hidden One and enslaving humanity. He ordered Pandora to leave Sleepy Hollow forever, something he claimed to be his most merciful decision to a warmonger. However, Carl thought about Pandora very often, thinking if she - or the woman from Greek Mythology that shared the same name - was really the source of ordeals Gods cast upon humanity.

Hidden One[]

Sister Mary Eunice[]

Esther Blanchett[]

Nio Hashiri[]

Cain Knightroad[]

Melancholia / Plaisir[]


Plaisir stared at Carl

Melancholia / Plaisir (no matter which the personality actually is) and Carl remains a constant rivalry relationship that is very hard to fix, since Carl still remember Melancholia / Plaisir as the one who chained him inside a hole to rot and tormented him with his worst fear of being abandoned. Even after Plaisir joined the side of Team Witness in order to stop Michael and Moloch by herself, Carl never believes in her and warns Katarina that Plaisir should never be trusted, since she is the lover of Michael and still has affection towards him.

In fact, Carl shows sympathy towards Plaisir when he realized she lost all of her family and had to rely on the only person who had ever accepted her (of whom, is Michael) in order to reclaim her love. However, Carl's constant hatred towards the Langdon Orphans prevents him from seeing Melancholia / Plaisir as a potential ally, since she's the ringleader of them. Carl despises Melancholia / Plaisir even more when she shows protective attitude towards Michael during the battle against the Horseman of Famine (shown in the final battle in Famine Arc).

In spite of this, Carl still show some reluctant protection towards Plaisir when he discovered she, just like himself, was also under possession of a Malice of Moloch fragment, which is restrained by the inner power of Melancholia. The power of Melancholia expired when she was cast out by Plaisir using Dr. Jekyll's serum.

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Plaisir fighting against Carl in her Supreme Croatoan Form

On the other hand, Plaisir / Melancholia never looks down on Carl, regarding him as a worthy opponent that should either be destroyed or be used as a strong ally, but Carl - after he defected from Langdon Orphans and cut off his hatred towards Maria - stated that he no longer try to be tool of anyone else. After the final battle against Michael, Plaisir helped her allies to defeat Michael so that she would free him from misery, even if she still remains affectionate towards him. Carl no longer mind Plaisir crying for Michael after the death of Anti-Christ, starting to treat Plaisir much better as he saw herself to be himself in the mirror, just like how Maria once saw him. The two was later separated and no longer meet for a long time, but they both let the hatred towards each other go.


Carl Robinson[]

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Horseman of Conquest[]


Malice of Moloch[]


Theme Song[]

Main Theme Song[]


Within Temptation - Hand Of Sorrow

"Evil" Carl Theme[]


"I Beg You" - Heaven's Feel Lost Butterfly (English Cover by Sapphire)

Love Song - Carl X Noelle Theme[]


Michelle Pfeiffer - Never Forget (From "Murder on the Orient Express" Soundtrack)



Zella Day - Sacrifice

Battle of London[]


Two Steps From Hell - Victory

Resolution Theme[]


Within Temptation - See Who I Am


  • Carl is Officer Candy Apple's favorite character (even more-so than Ichabod, Maria and Abbie) in LOTM: WoSH due to his realistic and complicated personality.
  • Carl is considered to be the future equivalent of Jenny Mills when comparing the New Arzonia Family to the Team Witness. His past grudge against Maria (who is a future equivalent of Ichabod) as well as his indestructible force also makes him an equivalence to the Headless Horseman.
  • Carl is the most controversial main character so far in CIS Productions, with some people hating him while some having doubts if he really has a chance of redemption. The author of the story, Officer Candy Apple, is satisfied with the result, since he wanted to create a Base-Breaking Character intentionally in order to make a morally grayish main character with more complicated and realistic atmosphere. In the old draft, Carl was not a jerk but a more jovial and talkative character. However, the author considered his old character too shallow to be the main center of a spotlight, so he made Carl harsh and serious intentionally.
  • Carl's jerk personality presented at first is intentional, as he is meant to be a morally grayish characters when he was compared to Katarina Couteau and Azul Jissele. Many of his ruthless traits and seldom-appearing smile are inspired by Stannis Baratheon from the original novels of A Song of Ice and Fire story.
    • The later part of his story actually softens him, giving him more hidden depths and showing him as an Anti-Villain who had noble intentions and tragic backstory that drove him into vengeance towards Maria. In a sense, there might be people who supported Carl and flanked Maria both in-and-out-universe, something that Maria actually blamed herself for it.
  • At first, it seemed that Maria tried to forgive Carl for everything he had done, which could have drive her into a blindly stupid character. However, after Maria's sins and thoughts was revealed, turned out that the role was reversed. In fact, it was Maria who was seeking Carl's forgiveness while stopping him from committing acts that would gone too far, and she blamed Carl's lost of control upon herself due to killing his parents, even it was an unwilling act. She also stated that she could not forget Carl's actions, but she understood him and believed she must snap him out of it before it became all too late, since only Carl himself could fix it.
  • Unfortunately, many of Carl's cynical view on the world as well as his so-called reasons are proved to be much more realistic than Maria's idealistic view. Even Maria realized that the reason of Carl's view was somehow explained during Firenza Junior going on towards its climax.
    • Carl never trust former enemies who surrendered, believing they'll switch back to their original side once they had the chance, much to Maria's confusion. This eventually proved to be right when Aureolus Izzard, due to his opportunist nature, turned against Arzonia Family during the Battle on Star of Bethlehem. After Noelle's demise, Carl almost fed Aureolus to a school of piranhas to spite Aureolus and his treachery, but Maria stopped him as she wanted no more deaths.
    • Due to the betrayal he suffered, as well as Langdon Orphans' influence, Carl started to believe that Humans are Bastards and humanity will be evil's puppet once they were tempted with greed or strained by cowardice. Under Cain's brainwashing, Carl questioned Maria if her efforts of protecting the world and forgiving humanity's flaws are correct.
      • Then, immediately afterwards, the Dome was inactivated, and the citizens turned against Catholic Rebels and the Church of England due to the bounties put on their heads by Melancholia. They joined Melancholia's hunting game either for being afraid of their own life or trying to satisfy their greed due to the large amount of bounty. Maria almost broke her trust on humanity when she saw people infected by Firenza Junior blood started killing each other in Melancholia's sick game.
      • When Mina Harker and STAR LABS of United States of America announced the Black Demons' nature and started the Downfall of the 0th Multi-Universe timeline, people started to kill each other and treated each other as demons. This made Carl's point about humanity and real society more accurate.
    • Ordinary Citizens of Sleepy Hollow are also a case in Carl's point. As Carl thought about human's apathetic nature and cowardice, the citizens of Sleepy Hollow never even cared about the supernatural events happened in the town, and they only cared for their own goods and desire, which caused the tragedy happened on Lori Mills, as no one actually cared about demons and thought Lori was insane - but in fact, she isn't. This made the Order of Flourish's movement of erasing their desires and emotions explained. Therefore, Carl decided to break the law against the Hessians hiding amongst the crowd, since he knew that the town's people won't outright fight against them. He has Jenny Mills' support, as she understands how Carl feels better than anyone else.
  • Unlike many other characters in LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow, Carl's tragedy was not caused by Moloch or his minions. The Hidden One, Arzonia Brothers and Pandora had caused his tragedy. However, Pandora was always torn by what she brought to Carl.
  • Carl's Family Codename, Pica, is the Spanish, Galician and Russian word for "spade", matching the New Family of Arzonia's playing card theme. Pica also means "pike" and "lance" in Spanish, fitting Carl's aggressive nature as a "living weapon" himself.
  • Chronically, Carl Robinson is fifteenth of the characters who had traveled between the story of Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow and Sword of Kings.
    1. Michael Langdon
    2. Poison Ivy
    3. Eckidina KnightWalker
    4. Misogi Kugawama
    5. Katarina Couteau
    6. La Folia Rihavein
    7. Mana Takamiya
    8. Asuha Chigusa
    9. Dr. Victor Frankenstein
    10. Adam Frankenstein
    11. Eva Frankenstein
    12. Rentaro Satomi
    13. Kyouko Kirigiri
    14. Sonia Nevermind
    15. Carl Robinson
    16. Matt Butcher
    17. Maria Arzonia
    18. Abel Nightroad
    19. Seth Nightroad
  • In some ways, Carl Robinson could be compared to Azul Jissele and Katarina Couteau since all of them were born with supernatural powers and suffered in their childhood. Carl became matured while he went confronting Carissa and used his power to protect others selflessly. However, this eventually pushed him off the limits once he was betrayed by the very people he trusted.
  • There were a lot of events that foreshadowed the true nature behind Carl's personality change, which is due to him becoming a vessel of the Malice of Moloch.
    • Carl listened to a voice speaking inside him when he thought he was betrayed by his friends. The voice was speaking in Greek, and Carl had knew its meaning despite never learned how to speak Greek.
    • Melancholia claimed she had found a kind of darkness inside Carl, and spoke in a much more calmer tone, foreshadowing that she knew it was Moloch's remaining essence inside Carl's Blackness Blood all along.
    • Michael never express an intention of killing Carl despite what he had done to him for multiple times, saying he will use his blood first before he used his flesh for the return of a haunting former life.
    • Carl could understand the words of Demonic Redcoats when they were not speaking in English, but Greek.
    • Michael claimed he had another purpose in store after sending Carl to Sleepy Hollow.
  • Carl serves as the Heavy in the second half of Horsemen Saga for sharing an important part within Conquest's return, within the production of the Enhanced Croatoan Virus, within the modern day breakout of Croatoan Virus and most importantly, the return of Moloch. However, his role of the Horseman was dethroned by Dark Arzonia once he regained his free will and got rid of the Horseman's spirit by himself.
  • There were also foreshadowing of the Blackness inside Carl, when Melancholia had deduced that Carl's blood was stained with the Blackness. Given to her prior partnership with Ara Astaroth and the Revelation of Qliphoth, Melancholia is no stranger to the Blackness.
  • In the old script, Carl had no intentions to destroy Moloch, since he ONLY want to kill Pandora for revenge, and he even antagonized Team Witness under the manipulation of Jasmine Porcelain. Later, however, he realized that Moloch was a greater threat and thus joined Team Witness, especially after knowing he became a vessel to Moloch's remaining will.
    • However, in the new script, he is more than willing to assist Team Witness once he arrived in Sleepy Hollow in the 2nd half of Death Arc, as he recognized them as his allies since they fight the same enemy, showing more tolerance to differences. This shows his personality change under Maria Arzonia's own influence, as he was once self-centered and believes everyone who has odds with his ideas are against him. He becomes more tolerating as a result of realizing the faulty of his behavior.
  • Ironically enough, Carl is the first protagonist of the story to become one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, followed by Ichabod Crane who ironically became the new Horseman of War after saving Diana Thomas from becoming the War. Also, he is the first villainous protagonist in the story, though more of an Anti-Villain.
  • While Carl is often compared to Katarina Couteau, there are still difference between the two: Katarina is not a jerk or an anti-heroine but a villain trying to be a hero by all means. Following Katarina's true-self, which exposed her true personality, turned her more insane and rather respectful in a sarcastic way. So in a common sense of view, Katarina was not a lighter version of Carl but a different type of character stepping in the same line. Moreover, much of her psychology is considered more complex while Carl's thoughts and ideology were straight and righteous. Katarina's false image of being a heroine was more selfish and hypocritical, and had no real interest in saving mankind, only the people close to her. This all changes when she becomes her true-self, which adds her with more pessimist points of mankind much like Carl and several others villains but always states she doesn't care as long it does not reach her area of interest.
    • In her true-self, Katarina had a vision of Carl similar to Imperia, actually, making the two similar in all ways, much to Carl's dismay. However, unlike Imperia who was rude, Katarina acted like a sophisticated and well-mannered psychopath rather than a mischievous one. Which, of course, was more relaxing to Carl as she could not support Imperia's mistreats.
  • The new design of Carl has his hair bleached in silver white, which amplified his current status as a cold-blooded killer, since the color white symbolizes death in China and is a constant color used during funerals.
  • Molly Thomas compared Carl (white-haired), Katarina (red-haired), Imperia (black-haired), Maria (blonde) and Azul (blue-haired) as Power Rangers. Carl was bemused at it.

Inspirations (Many Sections)[]

Real-life Inspirations[]

Thutmoses III[]


Thutmose III (sometimes read as Thutmosis or Tuthmosis III, Thothmes in older history works, and meaning "Thoth is born") was the sixth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Officially, Thutmose III ruled Egypt for almost 54 years and his reign is usually dated from 24 April 1479 BC to 11 March 1425 BC, from the age of two and until his death at age fifty-six; however, during the first 22 years of his reign, he was coregent with his stepmother and aunt, Hatshepsut, who was named the pharaoh.

While he was shown first on surviving monuments, both were assigned the usual royal names and insignia and neither is given any obvious seniority over the other. Thutmose served as the head of Hatsheput's armies. During the final two years of his reign, he appointed his son and successor, Amenhotep II, as his junior co-regent. His firstborn son and heir to the throne, Amenemhat, predeceased Thutmose III.

Becoming the sole ruling pharaoh of the kingdom after the deaths of Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, he created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen; no fewer than 17 campaigns were conducted and he conquered lands from the Niya Kingdom in northern Syria to the Fourth Cataract of the Nile in Nubia.

When Thutmose III died, he was buried in the Valley of the Kings, as were the rest of the kings from this period in Egypt.

Lin Biao[]

Lin Biao

Lin Biao (Chinese: 林彪; December 5, 1907 – September 13, 1971) was a Marshal of the People's Republic of China who was pivotal in the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, especially in Northeast China. Lin was the general who commanded the decisive Liaoshen and Pingjin Campaigns, in which he co-led the Manchurian Field Army to victory and led the People's Liberation Army into Beijing. He crossed the Yangtze River in 1949, decisively defeated the Kuomintang and took control of the coastal provinces in Southeast China. He ranked third among the Ten Marshals. Zhu De and Peng Dehuai were considered senior to Lin, and Lin ranked directly ahead of He Long and Liu Bocheng.

Lin abstained from taking an active role in politics after the civil war ceased in 1949. He led a section of the government's civil bureaucracy as one of the co-serving Deputy Vice Premiers of the People's Republic of China from 1954 onward, becoming First-ranked Vice Premier from 1964. Lin became more active in politics when named one of the co-serving Vice Chairmen of the Communist Party of China in 1958. He held the three responsibilities of Vice Premier, Vice Chairman and Minister of National Defense from 1959 onward. Lin became instrumental in creating the foundations for Mao Zedong's cult of personality in the early 1960s, and was rewarded for his service in the Cultural Revolution by being named Mao's designated successor as the sole Vice Chairman of the Communist Party of China, from 1969 until his death.

Lin died on September 13, 1971 when a Hawker Siddeley Trident he was aboard crashed in Öndörkhaan in Mongolia. The exact events of this "Lin Biao incident" have been a source of speculation ever since. The Chinese government's official explanation is that Lin and his family attempted to flee following a botched coup against Mao. Others have argued that they fled out of fear they would be purged, as Lin's relationship with other Communist Party leaders had soured in the final few years of his life. Following Lin's death, he was officially condemned as a traitor by the Communist Party. Since the late 1970s Lin, and Mao's wife Jiang Qing (with her Gang of Four) have been labeled the two major "counter-revolutionary forces" of the Cultural Revolution, receiving official blame from the Chinese government.

Charles-Henri Sanson[]

Le bourreau sous Louis XV

Charles-Henri Sanson, full title Chevalier Charles-Henri Sanson de Longval (15 February 1739 – 4 July 1806), was the royal executioner of France during the reign of King Louis XVI, and High Executioner of the First French Republic. He administered capital punishment in the city of Paris for over forty years, and by his own hand executed nearly 3,000 people, including the King himself.

In 1757 Sanson assisted his uncle Nicolas-Charles-Gabriel Sanson (1721–1795, executioner of Reims) with the extremely gruesome execution of the King's attempted assassin Robert-François Damiens. His uncle quit his position as executioner after this event. In 1778 Charles-Henri officially received the blood-red coat, the sign of the master executioner, from his father Charles-Jean-Baptiste and held this position for 38 years, until his son Henri in 1795 succeeded him after he showed serious signs of illness. The majority of the executions were performed by Sanson and up to six assistants. He was the first executioner to use the guillotine, executing Nicolas Jacques Pelletier, for robbery and assault, on April 25, 1792. The use of the guillotine transformed Sanson's status under the revolutionary ideology from outcast to citizen, equal in rights and civil duties.

Charles-Henri Sanson performed 2,918 executions, including Louis XVI. Even though he was not a supporter of the monarchy, he was initially reluctant to execute the king but in the end performed the execution. As David Jordan notes, “No Monsieur de Paris had ever had the honor of executing a king, and Sanson wanted precise instructions.” Sanson experienced the political and psychological pressures of revolutionary Paris. He had the duty to execute Louis XVI under the power of the sitting Provisional Government. Being the heir to a line of executioners, to refuse this duty would have brought shame to the family name and danger to himself and to his family members. He experienced the stress of having to execute not only the king, but successive waves of officials as those in power shifted rapidly in a time of revolutionary change. But the execution of Louis XVI was of particular import. Fearing rescue efforts, the streets of Paris were lined with troops as Louis’s carriage took its somber two hours to travel to the scaffold arriving at 10 am on January 21, 1793. After Sanson efficiently cut his hair, Louis attempted to address the crowd but was silenced with a drum roll and Louis was executed, Sanson pulling his head from the basket to show to the crowd. But the execution may not have gone as smoothly as possible: “One of two accounts of Louis’ death suggest the blade did not sever his whole neck in one go, and had to be borne down on by the executioner to get a clean cut.”Quite possibly, then, the execution went from being quick and fast to being more difficult and painful. As David Adress notes, however, “With his spine severed already, it is nevertheless unlikely that Louis could have uttered the ‘terrible cry’ that one account claims.”

The Queen, Marie Antoinette, was executed by his son Henri, who succeeded his father in 1795 and Charles-Henri only attended. Later, using the guillotine, Sanson and his men executed successive waves of well-known revolutionaries, including Danton, Robespierre, Saint-Just, Hébert and Desmoulins.

Josip Broz Tito[]

Josip Broz Tito uniform portrait

Josip Broz (Cyrillic: Јосип Броз, pronounced [jǒsip brôːz]; 7 May 1892 – 4 May 1980), commonly known as Tito (/ˈtiːtoʊ/; Cyrillic: Тито, pronounced [tîto]), was a Yugoslav communist revolutionary and political leader, serving in various roles from 1943 until his death in 1980. During World War II, he was the leader of the Partisans, often regarded as the most effective resistance movement in occupied Europe. While his presidency has been criticized as authoritarian and concerns about the repression of political opponents have been raised, some historians consider him a benevolent dictator. He was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad. Viewed as a unifying symbol, his internal policies maintained the peaceful coexistence of the nations of the Yugoslav federation. He gained further international attention as the chief leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, alongside Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Sukarno of Indonesia, and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.

Broz was born to a Croat father and Slovene mother in the village of Kumrovec, Austria-Hungary (now in Croatia). Drafted into military service, he distinguished himself, becoming the youngest sergeant major in the Austro-Hungarian Army of that time. After being seriously wounded and captured by the Imperial Russians during World War I, he was sent to a work camp in the Ural Mountains. He participated in some events of the Russian Revolution in 1917 and subsequent Civil War. Upon his return home, Broz found himself in the newly established Kingdom of Yugoslavia, where he joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ).

He was General Secretary (later Chairman of the Presidium) of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (1939–1980) and went on to lead the World War II Yugoslav guerrilla movement, the Partisans (1941–1945).[10] After the war, he was the Prime Minister (1944–1963), President (later President for Life) (1953–1980) of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). From 1943 to his death in 1980, he held the rank of Marshal of Yugoslavia, serving as the supreme commander of the Yugoslav military, the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA). With a highly favorable reputation abroad in both Cold War blocs, he received some 98 foreign decorations, including the Legion of Honor and the Order of the Bath.

Tito was the chief architect of the second Yugoslavia, a socialist federation that lasted from November 1942 until April 1992. Despite being one of the founders of Cominform, he became the first Cominform member to defy Soviet hegemony in 1948 and the only one in Joseph Stalin's time to manage to leave Cominform and begin with its own socialist program with elements of market socialism. Economists active in the former Yugoslavia, including Czech-born Jaroslav Vanek and Croat-born Branko Horvat, promoted a model of market socialism dubbed the Illyrian model, where firms were socially owned by their employees and structured on workers' self-management and competed with each other in open and free markets.

Yasser Arafat[]

Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LAUREATES FOR 1994 IN OSLO

Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (/ˈærəˌfæt, ˈɑːrəˌfɑːt/; Arabic: محمد ياسر عبد الرحمن عبد الرؤوف عرفات القدوة الحسيني‎‎; 24 August 1929 – 11 November 2004), popularly known as Yasser Arafat (Arabic: ياسر عرفات‎ , Yāsir `Arafāt) or by his kunya Abu Ammar (Arabic: أبو عمار‎ , 'Abū `Ammār), was a Palestinian political leader. He was Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1969 to 2004 and President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) from 1994 to 2004. Ideologically an Arab nationalist, he was a founding member of the Fatah political party, which he led from 1959 until 2004.

Arafat was born to Palestinian parents in Cairo, Egypt, where he spent most of his youth and studied at the University of King Fuad I. While a student, he embraced Arab nationalist and anti-Zionist ideas. Opposed to the 1948 creation of the State of Israel, he fought alongside the Muslim Brotherhood during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Returning to Cairo, he served as president of the General Union of Palestinian Students from 1952 to 1956. In the latter part of the 1950s he co-founded Fatah, a paramilitary organization seeking the disestablishment of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian state. Fatah operated within several Arab countries, from where it launched attacks on Israeli targets. In the latter part of the 1960s Arafat's profile grew; in 1967 he joined the PLO and in 1969 was elected chair of the Palestinian National Council (PNC). Fatah's growing presence in Jordan resulted in military clashes with King Hussein's Jordanian government and in the early 1970s it relocated to Lebanon. There, Fatah assisted the Lebanese National Movement during the Lebanese Civil War and continued its attacks on Israel, resulting in it becoming a major target of Israel's 1978 and 1982 invasions.

From 1983 to 1993, Arafat based himself in Tunisia, and began to shift his approach from open conflict with the Israelis to negotiation. In 1988, he acknowledged Israel's right to exist and sought a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. In 1994 he returned to Palestine, settling in Gaza City and promoting self-governance for the Palestinian territories. He engaged in a series of negotiations with the Israeli government to end the conflict between it and the PLO. These included the Madrid Conference of 1991, the 1993 Oslo Accords and the 2000 Camp David Summit. In 1994 Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, for the negotiations at Oslo. At the time, Fatah's support among the Palestinians declined with the growth of Hamas and other militant rivals. In late 2004, after effectively being confined within his Ramallah compound for over two years by the Israeli army, Arafat fell into a coma and died. While the cause of Arafat's death has remained the subject of speculation, investigations by Russian and French teams determined no foul play was involved.

Arafat remains a controversial figure. The majority of the Palestinian people view him as a heroic freedom fighter and martyr who symbolized the national aspirations of his people. Conversely, most Israelis came to regard him as an unrepentant terrorist, while Palestinian rivals, including Islamists and several PLO leftists, often denounced him for being corrupt or too submissive in his concessions to the Israeli government.

Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor[]

Anton von Maron 006

Joseph II (Joseph Benedikt Anton Michael Adam; 13 March 1741 – 20 February 1790) was Holy Roman Emperor from August 1765 and sole ruler of the Habsburg lands from November 1780 until his death. He was the eldest son of Empress Maria Theresa and her husband, Emperor Francis I, and the brother of Marie Antoinette. He was thus the first ruler in the Austrian dominions of the House of Lorraine, styled Habsburg-Lorraine.

Joseph was a proponent of enlightened absolutism; however, his commitment to modernizing reforms subsequently engendered significant opposition, which resulted in failure to fully implement his programs. He has been ranked, with Catherine the Great of Russia and Frederick the Great of Prussia, as one of the three great Enlightenment monarchs. His policies are now known as Josephinism. He died with no sons and was succeeded by his younger brother, Leopold II.

Gavrilo Princip[]

330px-Gavrilo Princip, prison, infobox crop

Gavrilo Princip (Serbian Cyrillic: Гаврило Принцип, pronounced [ɡǎʋrilo prǐntsip]; 25 July [O.S. 13 July] 1894 – 28 April 1918) was a Bosnian Serb member of Young Bosnia, a Yugoslavist organization seeking an end to Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, initiating a chain of events that would lead to the outbreak of World War I. Princip and his accomplices were arrested and implicated the Serbian nationalist secret society known as the Black Hand, leading Austria-Hungary to issue a démarche to Serbia known as the July Ultimatum.

Princip said the archduke was targeted because "as future Sovereign he would have prevented our union by carrying through certain reforms", an allusion to the archduke's reputed support for structural reforms of the monarchy that would assign more autonomy to the Slavic lands. This was a threat to the Serbian irredentist project.

Princip was a Yugoslav nationalist associated with the movement Mlada Bosna (Young Bosnia) which predominantly consisted of Serbs, but also Bosniaks and Croats. During his trial he stated: "I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be freed from Austria."

Princip died on April 28, 1918, from tuberculosis caused by poor prison conditions that had cost him a limb earlier.

Maximilien Robespierre[]

Robespierre crop

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (French: [mak.si.mi.ljɛ̃ fʁɑ̃.swa ma.ʁi i.zi.dɔʁ də ʁɔ.bɛs.pjɛʁ]; 6 May 1758 – 28 July 1794) was a French lawyer and politician, one of the best known and most influential figures associated with the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

As a member of the Estates-General, the Constituent Assembly and the Jacobin Club, Robespierre was an outspoken advocate for the poor and for democratic institutions. He campaigned for universal male suffrage in France, price controls on basic food commodities and the abolition of slavery in the French colonies. He was an ardent opponent of the death penalty, but played an important role in arranging the execution of King Louis XVI, which led to the establishment of a French Republic.

He is perhaps best known for his role in the French Revolution's Reign of Terror. He was named as a member of the powerful Committee of Public Safety launched by his political ally Georges Danton and exerted his influence to suppress the left-wing Hébertists. As part of his attempts to use extreme measures to control political activity in France, Robespierre later moved against the more moderate Danton, who was accused of corruption and executed in April 1794. The Terror ended a few months later with Robespierre's arrest and execution in July, events that initiated a period in French history known as the Thermidorian Reaction. Robespierre's personal responsibility for the excesses of the Terror remains the subject of intense debate among historians of the French Revolution.

Influenced by 18th-century Enlightenment philosophies such as Rousseau and Montesquieu, Robespierre was a capable articulator of the beliefs of the left-wing bourgeoisie. His steadfast adherence and defense of the views he expressed earned him the nickname l'Incorruptible (The Incorruptible).

Robespierre's reputation has gone through several cycles of re-appraisal. During the Soviet era, Robespierre was used as an example of a Revolutionary figure. His reputation peaked in the 1920s with the influence of French historian Albert Mathiez. In more recent times, his reputation has suffered as historians have associated him with an attempt at a radical purification of politics through the killing of enemies.

Religious & Mythological Inspirations[]



Shiva (/ˈʃiːvə, ˈʃɪ-/; Devanagari: शिव, IAST: Śiva, lit. the auspicious one) is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is the Supreme Being within Shaivism, one of the major traditions within contemporary Hinduism.

Shiva is known as the "destroyer and the transformer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is the Supreme being who creates, protects and transforms the universe. In the tradition of Hinduism called Shaktism, the Goddess, or Devi, is described as supreme, yet Shiva is revered along with Vishnu and Brahma. A goddess is stated to be the energy and creative power (Shakti) of each, with Parvati (Sati) the equal complementary partner of Shiva. He is one of the five equivalent deities in Panchayatana puja of the Smarta tradition of Hinduism.

According to the Shaivism sect, the highest form of Shiva is formless, limitless, transcendent and unchanging absolute Brahman, and the primal Atman (soul, self) of the universe. There are many both benevolent and fearsome depictions of Shiva. In benevolent aspects, he is depicted as an omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on Mount Kailash[1] as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya. In his fierce aspects, he is often depicted slaying demons. Shiva is also known as Adiyogi Shiva, regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation and arts.

The iconographical attributes of Shiva are the serpent around his neck, the adorning crescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the third eye on his forehead, the trishula or trident, as his weapon, and the damaru drum. He is usually worshiped in the aniconic form of Lingam. Shiva is a pan-Hindu deity, revered widely by Hindus, in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.



Set /sɛt/ or Seth /sɛθ/ (Egyptian: stẖ; also transliterated Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set had a positive role where he accompanies Ra on his solar boat to repel Apep, the serpent of Chaos. Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant. He was lord of the red (desert) land where he was the balance to Horus' role as lord of the black (soil) land.

In Egyptian mythology, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris. Osiris' wife Isis reassembled (remembered) Osiris' corpse and resurrected her dead husband long enough to conceive his son and heir Horus. Horus sought revenge upon Set, and the myths describe their conflicts. This Osiris myth is a prominent theme in Egyptian mythology.


Alfred Rethel 002

In ancient Greek religion, Nemesis (/ˈnɛməsɪs/; Greek: Νέμεσις), also called Rhamnousia or Rhamnusia ("the goddess of Rhamnous"), was the goddess who enacted retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods). Another name was Adrasteia or Adrestia, meaning "the inescapable".

Divine retribution is a major theme in the Hellenic world view, providing the unifying theme of the tragedies of Sophocles and many other literary works. Hesiod states: "Also deadly Nyx bore Nemesis an affliction to mortals subject to death" (Theogony, 223, though perhaps an interpolated line). Nemesis appears in a still more concrete form in a fragment of the epic Cypria.

She is implacable justice: that of Zeus in the Olympian scheme of things, although it is clear she existed prior to him, as her images look similar to several other goddesses, such as Cybele, Rhea, Demeter, and Artemis.

As the "Goddess of Rhamnous", Nemesis was honored and placated in an archaic sanctuary in the isolated district of Rhamnous, in northeastern Attica. There she was a daughter of Oceanus, the primeval river-ocean that encircles the world. Pausanias noted her iconic statue there. It included a crown of stags and little Nikes and was made by Pheidias after the Battle of Marathon (490 BC), crafted from a block of Parian marble brought by the overconfident Persians, who had intended to make a memorial stele after their expected victory. Her cult may have originated at Smyrna.

Although a respected goddess, Nemesis brought much sorrow to mortals such as Echo and Narcissus. Narcissus was a very beautiful and arrogant hunter from the territory of Thespiae and Boeotia, who disdained the ones who loved him. Nemesis lured him to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was only an image. He was unable to leave the beauty of his reflection and he eventually died. Nemesis believed that no one should ever have too much goodness in their lives, and she had always cursed those who were blessed with countless gifts.


Sibling rivalry by snailspot-d93fgpd

Höðr (Old Norse: Hǫðr [hɔðr]; often anglicized as Hod, Hoder, or Hodur) is a blind god, the twin brother of Baldr and a son of Odin and Frigg in Norse mythology. Tricked and guided by Loki, he shot the mistletoe arrow which was to slay the otherwise invulnerable Baldr.

According to the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda, the goddess Frigg, Baldr's mother, made everything in existence swear never to harm Baldr, except for the mistletoe, which she found too unimportant to ask (alternatively, which she found too young to demand an oath from). The gods amused themselves by trying weapons on Baldr and seeing them fail to do any harm. Loki, the mischief-maker, upon finding out about Baldr's one weakness, made a spear from mistletoe, and helped Höðr shoot it at Baldr. In reaction to this, Odin and the giantess Rindr gave birth to Váli, who grew to adulthood within a day and slew Höðr.

The Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus recorded an alternative version of this myth in his Gesta Danorum. In this version, the mortal hero Høtherus and the demi-god Balderus compete for the hand of Nanna. Ultimately, Høtherus slays Balderus.


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In Greek mythology, Thanatos (/ˈθænətɒs/; Greek: Θάνατος, pronounced in Ancient Greek: [tʰánatos] "Death", from θνῄσκω thnēskō "to die, be dying") was the personification of death. He was a minor figure in Greek mythology, often referred to but rarely appearing in person.

His name is transliterated in Latin as Thanatus, but his equivalent in Roman mythology is Mors or Letum. Mors is sometimes erroneously identified with Orcus, whose Greek equivalent was Horkos, God of the Oath.

Counted among Thanatos' siblings were other negative personifications such as Geras (Old Age), Oizys (Suffering), Moros (Doom), Apate (Deception), Momus (Blame), Eris (Strife), Nemesis (Retribution) and even the Acherousian/Stygian boatman Charon. Thanatos was loosely associated with the three Moirai (for Hesiod, also daughters of Night), particularly Atropos, who was a goddess of death in her own right. He is also occasionally specified as being exclusive to peaceful death, while the bloodthirsty Keres embodied violent death. His duties as a Guide of the Dead were sometimes superseded by Hermes Psychopompos. Conversely, Thanatos may have originated as a mere aspect of Hermes before later becoming distinct from him.


Prometheus Adam Louvre MR1745 edit atoma

In Greek mythology, Prometheus (/prəˈmiːθiːəs/; Greek: Προμηθεύς, pronounced [promɛːtʰeús], meaning "forethought") is a Titan, culture hero, and trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay, and who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity, an act that enabled progress and civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of mankind and also seen as the author of the human arts and sciences generally. He is sometimes presented as the father of Deucalion, the hero of the Greek flood story.

The punishment of Prometheus as a consequence of the theft is a major theme of his mythology, and is a popular subject of both ancient and modern art. Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, sentenced the Titan to eternal torment for his transgression. The immortal Prometheus was bound to a rock, where each day an eagle, the emblem of Zeus, was sent to feed on his liver, which would then grow back overnight to be eaten again the next day. (In ancient Greece, the liver was often thought to be the seat of human emotions). Prometheus is freed at last by the hero Heracles (Hercules).

In another myth, Prometheus establishes the form of animal sacrifice practiced in ancient Greek religion. Evidence of a cult to Prometheus himself is not widespread. He was a focus of religious activity mainly at Athens, where he was linked to Athena and Hephaestus, other Greek deities of creative skills and technology.

In the Western classical tradition, Prometheus became a figure who represented human striving, particularly the quest for scientific knowledge, and the risk of overreaching or unintended consequences. In particular, he was regarded in the Romantic era as embodying the lone genius whose efforts to improve human existence could also result in tragedy: Mary Shelley, for instance, gave The Modern Prometheus as the subtitle to her novel Frankenstein (1818).

Fictional Inspirations[]

In General[]

Stannis Baratheon[]

Stannis Baratheon

Stannis Baratheon is the head of House Baratheon of Dragonstone, Lord of Dragonstone, Master of Ships on Robert's Small Council, younger brother of King Robert I Baratheon, older brother to Lord Renly Baratheon, and a major character in A Song of Ice and Fire, as well as in Game of Thrones. His parents were Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont. Stannis is married to Lady Selyse Florent and has one daughter, Shireen. Although all the other kings refer themselves only as "King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms", phrasing utilized by Targaryen kings since the reign of Aegon I Targaryen, Stannis, from the third novel, abandons these titles and styles himself as "King of Westeros", meaning he sees himself as king of all the continent, including all of the lands beyond the Wall, not just the realm.

He is one of the main antagonists in the conflict known as the War of the Five Kings, as he is the first main trigger who causes the chain of events leading to the war, being the very first person to suspect about the true parentage of Cersei Lannister's children. Stannis never meant to cause harm and death (besides those who wronged him, though it also includes killing Cersei's children and harsh punishments) and fights for justice, yet he always tragically ends up being a villain and one of the main causes of events such as the death of Jon Arryn and the Lannister-Tyrell alliance, and deaths of his potential allies. As things get worse, Stannis finds himself resorting to more drastic, desperate, ruthless, and villainous methods.

He is the main antagonist of the Lannister POV storyline in book 2 and season 2, followed by Robb Stark and the overall secondary antagonist of the book/season. He serves as a main antagonist/supporting protagonist of every book and season, from season 2 up until his climactic death in season 5. He is currently still alive in the novels.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Stannis is a very different man to his two brothers. While they are handsome, jovial, charismatic, and bold, Stannis is colder, more logical, and reserved. He acts only after much forethought and planning. Stannis lacks passion and, while not engaging in wanton cruelty, is merciless to those he considers his enemies. Stannis has an absolute belief in law and duty, and joined his brother's rebellion against the Targaryens only after much soul-searching.

During the rebellion Stannis held the ancestral Baratheon castle of Storm's End against a siege by House Tyrell for over a year, which included the whole power of the Reach and the Redwyne fleet. By the end of the siege, the castle defenders were living on rats and boot leathers and facing starvation, when they were saved by the smuggler Davos, who snuck in his cargo of onions and salted fish past the Redwyne blockade. It was meager food, but enough to sustain the defenders till Eddard Stark broke the siege. While the siege lacked a major battle to enshrine it in song and legend, it was essential to tie down the armies of House Tyrell and prevent them marching to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's aid at the Trident.

To Stannis' fury, despite the deprivations he suffered in holding the castle, Robert appointed their child brother Renly as Lord of Storm's End while Stannis was given the ancient Targaryen holdfast of Dragonstone (which Stannis captured near the end of the rebellion) to rule instead. Dragonstone is storied and legendary, but also poor, often isolated by bad weather and cold. Robert also blamed Stannis for allowing Aerys's last heirs, Viserys and Daenerys to slip through his fingers when he took Dragonstone (unfairly, as the two children had been spirited to safety by Targaryen loyalists long before Stannis even set sail) and because of this, Stannis took being stripped of Storm's End as an intentional slight. Stannis was also appointed Master of Ships on Robert's Small Council at King's Landing. While he was busy at court, Ser Axell Florent ruled Dragonstone as its castellan. Every year Stannis payed a few visits to Dragonstone. He also led the royal fleet at sea to suppress smuggling and piracy.

On the night of Stannis's wedding, Robert violated his wedding bed by sleeping there with Delena Florent (Selyse's cousin). Although Robert swore that he had been drunk and had not realized to which bedchamber he entered and never meant to shame Stannis, Stannis never forgave him. For that reason he resents Edric Storm, whom Delena gave birth to, though he allows him to spend time with Shireen.

He is described as having broad shoulders and sinewy limbs, bald but for a thin fringe of black hair circling his ears like the shadow of a crown. He has a short and neatly trimmed black beard.

At the time the books begin, Lord Stannis has taken an indefinite leave of absence to visit his wife and daughter on Dragonstone. He is married to Lady Selyse of House Florent and has a single daughter, Shireen (they have no sons, alive or stillborn). Ser Davos Seaworth, knighted by Stannis for his role in the siege, is arguably Stannis's most loyal and steadfast vassal.

Stannis respects Eddard Stark, but strongly resents him for being Robert's best friend and for his appointment to the King's Hand - an office Stannis believed that he should have been granted. Stannis' grudge did not decrease even after Eddard's death. Although Catelyn Stark reminded Stannis that it was Eddard who broke the siege of Storm's End, and assured him that Eddard never wanted to be Robert's Hand, it did not appease Stannis at all. Stannis replied that Eddard did so on Robert's orders, and privately, Stannis was angry that Robert was more grateful to Eddard for breaking the siege than to him for actually holding Storm's End. Nevertheless, Stannis told Catelyn that he was sorry for Eddard's death, and promised her justice for his murder. Stannis respected Eddard as an honorable man, and privately understood that it was beyond Ned's control that Robert liked him more than his own brother.

Many characters fear that due to Stannis's rigid and legalistic personality, he would make a terrible king. One major source of criticism are Stannis's frequent statements that had the decision been his, he wouldn't have pardoned many former Targaryen loyalists as Robert did when he was crowned. Now that Stannis is trying to take the capital, he openly tells his advisors such as Davos that if he succeeds, he will clean house by purging all of the disloyal court officials, instead of pardoning them or outright letting them continue in their positions as Robert did. The irony is that while several characters feel this sentiment is shockingly brutal, it becomes increasingly apparent that there was some sense to it: most of Robert's Small Council members were disloyal conspirators who actively aided the Lannisters in killing him, putting Joffrey on the throne, and the coup against Ned Stark. Varys was always a Targaryen loyalist, Pycelle had already betrayed the previous king for the Lannisters, and Littlefinger was most loyal to himself - while keeping half the City Watch including Commander Janos Slynt bought and paid for. Stannis was actually not amiss for suspecting that they did not have Robert's best interests at heart.

One of Stannis's main flaws is the lack of charisma, which his brothers had plenty of. In the beginning of the second novel, a very few houses answer his summoning, while Renly gathers rather easily a very large host in relatiely short time. Stannis is decent enough to admit his flaw "My brother made them love him, but it would seem that I inspire only betrayal". His tactless attitude alienates people who could have been allies, as he did with Robb Stark: he told Catelyn "I am the rightful king, and your son no less a traitor than my brother here. His day will come as well" - thus ruining any chance of alliance between him and the Starks.



Kratos, the "Ghost of Sparta", is the protagonist from Sony Santa Monica's God of War series, which is loosely based on Greek mythology. Kratos first appeared in the 2005 video game God of War, which led to the development of six additional games featuring the character as the protagonist. Another installment is in development, which will take the character to Norse mythology. Kratos also appears as the protagonist of the God of War comic series and novels. The character was voiced by Terrence C. Carson from 2005 to 2013, with Christopher Judge taking over the role in the upcoming God of War. Antony Del Rio voiced the character as a child in God of War: Ghost of Sparta.

In the series, Kratos embarks on a series of adventures in attempts to avert disaster or to change his fate. He is usually portrayed as being oblivious to all else, often engaging in morally ambiguous activities and performing acts of extreme violence. He is a Spartan warrior who becomes the "Ghost of Sparta" after accidentally killing his family on behalf of Ares' trickery. He becomes the God of War after killing Ares, and is eventually revealed to be a demigod and the son of Zeus, who betrays Kratos. Each adventure forms part of a saga with vengeance as a central theme, providing additional information about Kratos' origins and his relationships with his family and the gods.

The God of War franchise is a flagship title for the PlayStation brand and Kratos is one of its most popular characters. The character has been well received by critics and has become a video game icon, a relative newcomer among more established franchise characters, such as Mario, Link, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Lara Croft. The character is now associated with other products and has had various cameos in PlayStation games outside of the God of War series.

Harry Osborn/New Goblin (Spider-Man Trilogy)[]


Harry Osborn, officially named Harold Theopolis and later aliased as The New Goblin, is a major character in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. He appeared as the tritagonist in the first 2002 film Spider-Man, the secondary antagonist in the 2004 sequel Spider-Man 2 and a major antagonist turned anti-hero in the third 2007 film Spider-Man 3.

The son of Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, he was a friend of Peter Parker, but he followed in his father's evil footsteps and became the New Goblin, the second incarnation of the Green Goblin who is determined to kill Spider-Man, whom he deemed responsible for his father's presumed murderer.

In Spider-Man 3, Harry is first seen at a performance of Mary Jane's play, where he watches Peter with a sinister smile. After the play, Peter spots him and tries to tell him that he didn't kill Norman, only for Harry to ignore him and drive off. Harry later exposes himself to the performance enhancing formula and adopts the mantle of the New Goblin. Harry's Goblin suit attire differed from the original suit in that it was black as well as green, and had a different, less threatening but more practical face mask, a long, snowboard-like glider-called the Skystick, and some different weapons.

The New Goblin intercepts Peter as he's on his way to meet Mary Jane, and makes an attempt to kill him despite Peter's protests that he didn't murder Norman, but he refused to believe him. The two engage in a fight above and across Downtown. Harry pursues Peter into an alley, only to end up unconscious after hitting his head. Peter gets Harry to a hospital, and is informed that Harry has suffered memory loss; indeed, Harry forgets about the circumstances of his father's death as well as Peter's superhero identity. Harry and Peter reconcile, although Harry is amazed at his superhuman reflexes (granted to him by the Goblin formula) as well as his accelerated healing as to how he has healed without even a small scar.

After a get-together with Mary Jane, Harry experiences another vision of his dead father, who reminds him of his vow to kill Spider-Man; this restores Harry's memories. As the New Goblin, Harry attacks Mary Jane at her apartment, and forces her to break up with Peter as a tactic to attack Spider-Man's heart, as his vision of Norman suggested. After Mary Jane complies, Harry meets with Peter and confesses that he's the other man that Mary Jane is seeing, hurting Peter, who leaves.

Next, Harry is confronted at his penthouse by Peter wearing the Venom symbiote, and he taunts Peter about Mary Jane's kisses, leading to a fight between the two. The battle moves into Harry's secret lair, where Peter bests Harry and cruelly tells him that his father was ashamed of him. He still refused to believe him still accusing him of murdering his father. Harry attempts to attack Peter, who knocks him back and turns to leave. Harry regains consciousness and tosses a pumpkin bomb at Peter, who throws it back at him. The bomb explodes, and Harry is caught in the blast.

Near the end, when Peter comes to the penthouse and asks Harry for help against Venom, who's kidnapped Mary Jane, Harry reveals his face, the side of which has been horribly scarred by the bomb. Harry tells Peter that he doesn't deserve his help and orders him to leave. He then goes into his lair, where Bernard, the Osborns' butler, reveals that Norman was impaled by his own glider and encourages Harry to help his friends.

Harry dons his New Goblin outfit and arrives in time to save Spider-Man from Venom and Sandman. After Harry deals with Sandman, he helps Spider-Man contend with Venom. When Venom hurls Harry's glider at Spider-Man, Harry shields Spider-Man and ends up impaled. Harry, wounded, falls several stories through the half-finished building, and he's found by Mary Jane, whom he asks to stay with him. After Venom is defeated and Sandman leaves, Spider-Man finds Harry, and the two friends reconcile their past differences before Harry dies before his body can fully self-heal, much to Peter and Mary Jane's grief.

Winter Soldier (MCU)[]

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James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, later known as the Winter Soldier and White Wolf, is a major character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He serves as the tritagonist of Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: Civil War, and the titular secondary antagonist of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He later returned in a cameo in Black Panther and as a major character in Avengers: Infinity War.

Bucky Barnes was extremely loyal, devoted, trustworthy, headstrong, and patriotic, so he had a strong moral center. He was a good and close friend to Steve Rogers during their youth; he helped him when he got into fights and tried to cheer him up and look after him when Rogers' mother died. Best friends since childhood, they went through many trials and tribulations together. He was also protective of Rogers, as when he planned to enlist in the United States Army. Barnes tried to talk him out of it, as he knew he would die because of his physical condition and poor health.

Due to his advanced physiology, however, Barnes survived his apparent death, but was found by HYDRA instead. Trained as a living weapon, Barnes became a new man so to speak as his memories and identity were constantly being wiped until he was augmented into the perfect assassin, the Winter Soldier. As the Solider, he was brutal and ruthless with an utter lack of conscience, and followed remorselessly on HYDRA's any order. Even so, he still saved Steve Rogers from drowning after the Insight Helicarrier blew up. Although he states he did not know why he did such, it was due to Rogers reminding him of who he was, which he initially reacted with violence before finally accepting.

While he still holds a mostly serious demeanor, he is still shown to retain a sense of humor, as shown when he and Falcon both smiled with approval at Rogers' kiss with Sharon Carter and later as the two reminisced over earlier times in their friendship. His sense of humor can also be dry at times, as shown when he asked Wilson why he couldn't use his gadget on Spider-Man earlier to take him down.

Even though Barnes has regained his identity and former values, he has also developed a guilt-ridden conscience, and became deeply ashamed over his actions as the Winter Soldier. He previously stated that he has an absolute memory of every person he has killed, and knows that the fact he was brainwashed does not change the fact that he killed them. Fearing for his mental state and anyone around him (as Helmut Zemo was able to manipulate him with the Winter Soldier Program), Barnes ultimately decided that placing himself in cryogenic stasis until he can be cured of HYDRA's mental programming completely would be the best course of action.

He was portrayed by Sebastian Stan.

Maleficent (2014 film)[]


Maleficent is the titular protagonist of the 2014 film of the same name. In contrast to the version of the character seen in the original Sleeping Beauty film, this version of Maleficent is depicted as more tragic and sympathetic, having once been an innocent and good-hearted individual who became cruel as a result of circumstance and eventually redeemed herself after her sharing a parental bond with Aurora.

She was portrayed by legendary actress Angelina Jolie, who also played Lara Croft, and voiced Tigress from the Kung-Fu Panda films.

When she was still a good fairy, Maleficent lived a peaceful life in an enchanted valley known as the Moors. One day, a young boy named Stefan was caught trying to steal a jewel from the Jewel River. Despite this, Maleficent becomes best friends with the boy, which gradually blossoms into love as they grow. On Maleficent's sixteenth birthday, Stefan shows her what she believes is true love's kiss. However, over the years, Stefan stops seeing Maleficent and goes to the human kingdom, while Maleficent, being the strongest of the fairies, becomes the fiercest protector of the Moors. Later, Stefan betrays Maleficent and steals her wings so he could claim that he killed her and become king. After the painful loss of her wings, Maleficent becomes enraged over his treachery, and as her heart of gold turns to stone, she becomes the evilest magical being in the land.

One day, she comes across a farmer who has captured a raven. Taking pity on the small bird, she turns the raven into a man. After the farmer runs away in fear, Maleficent approaches the human bird, who introduces himself as Diaval. Although he is initially disgusted that she turned him into a human, because she saved him, he promises to be her humble servant. Maleficent gives him his first task: to find Stefan. Diaval flies to the castle and witnesses Stefan being crowned king, with a woman named Leila being his queen. When he informs Maleficent of what he has learned, she becomes enraged. She returns to the Moors as dark clouds loom across the forest, then, creating a throne of dark and twisted roots, Maleficent sits there as the new Evil Queen of the Moors.

Trafalgar Law[]


Trafalgar D. Water Law, more commonly known as just Trafalgar Law (トラファルガー・ロー Torafarugā Rō?) and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a major character in One Piece. He is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. He is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the "Worst Generation" (formerly known as the "Eleven Supernovas"). He became one of the Shichibukai during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates and bringing down Donquixote Doflamingo. Law, like many other pirates, dreams of finding the One Piece. During the timeskip, his bounty increased from 200,000,000 to 440,000,000 Berries, before it was frozen. After he was expelled from the Shichibukai, Law's bounty was raised to 500,000,000 Berries.

While still a young boy attending a doctor's academy in Flevance, Law was a very kind and devoted child, refusing to leave his family behind despite falsely promised evacuations at hand, and aspiring to become a great doctor like his father while happily going to festivals with his beloved family. Upon the destruction of his homeland, the annihilation of his classmates and family, and diagnosed with no more than thirty-eight months to live, Law suffered a mental breakdown and, according to Doflamingo, came to be known for being very cruel and cunning, having wanted to join Doflamingo's crew so he could destroy everything around him. Only after having been cured of his illness by Corazon did Law have a change of heart.

Abare Killer[]


Mikoto Nakadai, also known as Abare Killer, is one of the main antagonists and later a supporting protagonist of Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger.

A brilliant surgeon educated in the United States, Mikoto was a genius who enrolled in medical school at the age of ten. Having never made a mistake, Mikoto was bored with his life until he witnessed the Bakuryuu attacking the city while under the influence of the Evolians, caring for an injured Ryouga Hakua in the aftermath. But the newfound excitement of destruction was halted when the Abarangers arrived and made the Bakuryuu dull in his eyes. But soon, with the destruction of the Anamolicarus, the doctor found both the Dino Minder and the egg of the Bakuryuu TopGaler. Soon after Mikoto left his profession to start up his "game".

Prior to his formal introduction, Mikoto observed the Abarangers from afar and decides to fight them for a kick while mastering the Dino Minder. Though warned that his suit is a flawed prototype of the other Abaranger suits with a self-destruct mechanism that could destroy an entire city, the fact only made Mikoto more excited as he uses the Abarangers' stolen Dino Guts energy to revive TopGaler and recruit the Bakuryuu Stego to their cause.

Eventually, Mikoto assumed leadership over the Evoliens until the events of Killer Giganoid with the Abaranger, where he learned that he had half of Dezumozorlya is within him, which is the cause of his horrible childhood and he decided to change his game to eliminate the Evoliens. He later learned that Dezumozorlya's presence within him is the reason why the Dino Minder did not self-destruct. But once the Dezumozorlya within him was purged, the Dino Minder began to self-destruct as Mikoto and TopGaler flew away from Earth and sacrificed themselves. However, due to SaunaEelGingko attempting to revive Dezumozorlya, Mikoto was revived instead and helped both the Abarangers and Dekarangers kill the Trinoid, returning to afterlife soon after. During the events of Gokaiger, with the Zyurangers' Burai and the TimeRangers' Naoto, Nakadai appears before Gai Ikari and gives him the ability to become GokaiSilver along with the Abarangers' Greatest Power.

He was portrayed by Kotaro Tanaka.

Kagami Hiiro/Kamen Rider Brave[]

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Hiiro Kagami (鏡 飛彩 Kagami Hiiro) is Kamen Rider Brave (仮面ライダーブレイブ Kamen Raidā Bureibu), the secondary Rider of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. He is a surgeon of Seito University Hospital, considered by many to be a genius in his profession, and is the son of Haima Kagami.

Hiiro is intelligent and capable, yet cold and arrogant. Hiiro firmly opposes personal involvement with his patients, believing that personal feelings will interfere with his performance. He initially looks down on Emu, deeming him unworthy to work in CR due to his inexperience and conflicting ideals, although he warms up to the intern over time. He is the only one to question Kuroto's somewhat dubious behavior, showing some level of perceptiveness. Hiiro has a liking for desserts, mainly cakes or pies, which he claims is to increase his energy in between operations. This quirk is later revealed as a legacy of his late girlfriend, who always gave him desserts when he studied. While remembering Saki, Hiiro begins to question if revenge was really worth it, showing he had his doubts about vengeance instead of being utterly consumed by it like Taiga was.

Hiiro treats his fighting with Bugsters as an operation. He has a habitual quirk of raising his hands in the position most surgeons use when they are about to operate on a patient, and refers to the Gashacon Sword as his "scalpel". He often also speaks in a mannerism akin to his civilian job after transforming. (Ex. "Commencing Bugster removal operation"). He will cancel his transformation if he deems the situation too risky (primarily when his Rider Gauge is almost depleted). Whenever he encounters someone he doesn't like or doesn't feel belongs in the situation, he will respond to their presence by saying "No thank you" (ノーさんきゅうー Nō san kyū).

Due to Hiiro referring to anything that can be used for cutting as a scalpel, his habit with words will sometimes be used with people that may not understand what he means. This was shown when eating at a public cafe, he asked for a scalpel instead of a knife. Though he quickly corrected himself after realizing his mistake.

Somehow upon learning the extent of Kamen Rider Chronicle in regards of reviving those who died of the Bugster infection, including Saki; Hiiro is curious about this to the point he continued to think about bringing Saki back to him, which in turn was his fatal flaw. Masamune Dan takes advantage of this and blackmails the surgeon into working for him, which results in him having an internal conflict between his profession as a doctor and his love for Saki. This ended with him committing to his profession and saving people as his first priority, but he still regretted for being unable to save Saki so much that he cried.


Punisher (Frank Castle)

The Punisher (Francis "Frank" Castle, born Francis Castiglione) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer Gerry Conway and artists John Romita Sr. and Ross Andru, with publisher Stan Lee green-lighting the name. The Punisher made his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #129 (cover-dated Feb. 1974).

The character is a vigilante who employs murder, kidnapping, extortion, coercion, threats of violence, and torture in his campaign against crime. Driven by the deaths of his wife and two children who were killed by the mob for witnessing a killing in New York City's Central Park, the Punisher wages a one-man war on the mob and all criminals and employs the use of various firearms. His family's killers were the first to be slain by the Punisher. A war veteran and a United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper, Frank Castle (born Francis Castiglione) is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, guerrilla warfare, and marksmanship.

The Punisher's brutal nature and willingness to kill made him a novel character in mainstream American comic books when he debuted in 1974. By the late 1980s, the Punisher was part of a wave of psychologically-troubled antiheroes. At the height of his popularity, the character was featured in four monthly publications, including The Punisher, The Punisher War Journal, The Punisher War Zone, and The Punisher Armory. Despite his violent actions and dark nature, the Punisher has enjoyed some mainstream success on television, making guest appearances on Spider-Man: The Animated Series, and The Super Hero Squad Show, where the depiction of his violent behavior was toned down for family viewers. In feature films, Dolph Lundgren portrayed the Punisher in 1989, as did Thomas Jane in 2004, and Ray Stevenson in 2008. Jon Bernthal portrays the character in the second season of Marvel's Daredevil as a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Bernthal reprised the role in The Punisher, his own self-titled series.

Red Hood (Jason Todd)[]


The Red Hood is an alias used by multiple fictional characters and a criminal organization appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Jason Todd is the most widely known version of the incarnation, and he assumes the Red Hood identity in the main DC Comics continuity.

Jason Todd is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. The character first appeared in Batman #357 (March 1983)[3] and became the second character to assume the role of Batman's vigilante partner, Robin. Though initially popular, the character as written by Jim Starlin was not well received by fans following a revamping of his origin by Max Allan Collins (Batman #408-409). For 1988's Batman: A Death in the Family storyline (Batman #426-429), DC Comics held a telephone poll to determine whether or not the character would die at the hands of the Joker, Batman's archnemesis. Jason Todd was killed off by a margin of 72 votes (5,343 for, 5,271 against). Subsequent Batman stories dealt with Batman's guilt over not having been able to save him.

Later, in Under the Hood, Jason was resurrected by Ra's al Ghul in the Lazarus Pit, but the pit changes him and his emotions and he becomes the new Red Hood. His debut culminates in a fateful confrontation with those he feels have wronged him. He beats the Joker with a crowbar (mirroring the way the Joker had tortured him before killing him with a bomb) and later kidnaps him. The new Red Hood assumes control over various gangs in Gotham City and starts a one-man war against Black Mask's criminal empire. He actively tries to cleanse the city of corruption, such as the illegal drug trade and gang violence, but in a violent, antiheroic way. He eventually comes to blows against Batman and other heroes' allies, including Nightwing, the new Robin (Tim Drake), Onyx, and Green Arrow.

In the second story arc of Batman and Robin by Grant Morrison and Philip Tan, Jason retakes the Red Hood mantle. With the goal of making the very concept of Batman obsolete, he puts a lot of effort into public relations: he drastically alters his Red Hood costume to look more like a traditional superhero outfit, recruits his own sidekick known as Scarlet. In their war on crime Red Hood and Scarlet freely kill criminals, villains and anyone who gets in his way, even the police. After all his killings he leaves behind a calling card which states "let the punishment fit the crime". He describes his vendetta against Dick Grayson as "the revenge of one crazy man in a mask on another crazy man in a mask". After Barry Allen's involuntary tampering with the continuum, Red Hood is shown, along with Arsenal and Starfire, as one of the Outlaws, a close knit group of anti-heroes. Still not above killing, and still angry at the world, Jason has now reverted to the street clothes costume, forgoing his feud with Batman for stealthier, more cloak and dagger missions. Eventually, Jason and Batman reconcile and call a truce between them.

Lelouch Vi Britannia[]

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Lelouch vi Britannia (ルルーシュ・ヴィ・ブリタニア, Rurūshu vui Buritania) was the protagonist of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion and Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2, 17 years old (18 at R2). After he was exiled he used the alias, Lelouch Lamperouge (ルルーシュ・ランペルージ, Rurūshu Ranperūji). He was the Eleventh Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the son of the 98th Emperor of Britannia, Charles zi Britannia. He was also the leader of the Black Knights and the real identity of Zero. He is voiced by Jun Fukuyama, while his child self is voiced by Sayaka Ohara. His English dub voice is provided by Johnny Yong Bosch with Michelle Ruff doing Lelouch's child voice.

He was chosen the most popular male character of 2006, 2007 and 2008 at Animage magazine's annual Anime Grand Prix. His Seiyū Jun Fukuyama also won the "Best Actor in a Leading Role" award for his portrayal of the character at the first Seiyū Awards in 2007.

Illidan Stormrage[]

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Illidan Stormrage is a fictional character who appears in the Warcraft series of video games by Blizzard Entertainment. Born a night elf and sorcerer, his pursuit of power led him to commit several horrific acts against his own people, which earned him the nickname "the Betrayer" and to become the first Demon Hunter. Self-proclaimed the Lord of Outland, he also defected to the Burning Legion and became a partial demon himself. The character is one of the most notable and popular in the Warcraft franchise and has received positive critical reception from video game players. Illidan was voiced by Matthew Yang King in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion The Frozen Throne, and by Liam O'Brien since World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

He is the supporting character in Warcraft III: Reign Of Chaos, a leading anti-hero and villain in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, one of the two main antagonists of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and a leading anti-hero in World of Warcraft: Legion.

Pre-Langdon Orphans[]

Red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross)[]


General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross (also known as Red Hulk) is a fictional character who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Ross, a recurring enemy of the Hulk, is a United States military officer, the father of Betty Ross, ex-father-in-law of Glenn Talbot, father-in-law of Dr. Bruce Banner, and was head of the Gamma Bomb Project that turned Banner into the Hulk. After the creation of the Hulk, Ross pursues the creature with a growing obsession, and after learning that Banner and the Hulk are one and the same, Ross hunts Banner as well. Thunderbolt Ross turned himself into Red Hulk with the help of A.I.M. and Intelligencia in order to be in an equal fight with Hulk.

He was portrayed by Sam Elliott in the film Hulk and by William Hurt in the films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Tate Langdon[]

Tate Langdon

Tate Langdon (portrayed by Evan Peters as teenage Tate, Paul Butler as young Tate) is the main antagonist in American Horror Story: Murder House. He is the son of Constance Langdon and brother of Adelaide, Beauregard, and another unnamed sibling. He is a sociopathic Teenage ghost who resides in the Murder House, and becomes romantically involved with Violet Harmon.

He first appears in the pilot episode as one of Ben's new patients. During a session, Tate describes an ongoing dream in which he commits a mass shooting at his high school. It is revealed in "Halloween (Part 2)" that Tate was allegedly responsible for a school shooting that took the lives of fifteen of his classmates. During Halloween night (the only time ghosts are allowed to leave the property, and the first time he had left the house since his death) he and Violet are visited by the ghosts of his last five victims. It is revealed in "Piggy Piggy" that SWAT team members shot him 17 times in his bedroom for attempting to pull out a gun. Constance implies that Tate's violent and unstable behavior is the result of the house's influence, but he is also shown using Methamphetamine the morning of the shooting.

As a ghost, he has murdered numerous people in the house, often while dressed in a latex fetish suit. He also rapes and impregnates Vivien. Tate claims to know nothing about the murders he committed, before and after his death, but it is revealed in the season finale that Tate has known all along and is simply in denial, unable to take responsibility for his actions. Upon finding out that Tate had raped her mother, and was therefore indirectly responsible for her death, Violet ends their relationship, leaving Tate devastated. Nevertheless, Tate tells Hayden that he is willing to "wait forever" for Violet to take him back.

Malcolm Merlyn (Arrowverse)[]

Malcolm Merlyn fight club promotional

Malcolm Merlyn (born Arthur King), also known as the Dark Archer, is a major antagonist in The CW's Arrow and one of the main antagonists of the Arrowverse, as the main antagonist of Season 1, an anti-villain in Season 2, an anti-hero in Seasons 3-5, and a hallucination antagonist in Season 7. He also appears in Season 2 of the spin-off series DC's Legends of Tomorrow as one of the two secondary antagonists (along with Damien Darhk) and a member of the Legion of Doom.

He is the father of Thea Queen and the late Tommy Merlyn (Oliver's half-sister and best friend, respectively). He is the mastermind behind the Undertaking and the former leader of the League of Assassins. He is based on the character of Merlyn the Archer from the comics. Malcolm was once a well-meaning and kind man and a rising businessman. But after his wife Rebecca died after being mugged in the Glades, the criminal part of Starling City, Malcolm left his young son Tommy behind and went on training in the martial arts.

He was portrayed by John Barrowman.

Superman (Injustice)[]

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Superman of the alternate universe is a twisted alternate version of the heroic main-universe Superman. He is the main antagonist of Injustice: Gods Among Us, and the secondary (and final) antagonist of Injustice 2. Initially a tragic character, as time passes, the fallen Man of Steel steadily becomes more and more brutal and fascistic, eventually becoming little more than a psychotic and unforgiving warlord. He was voiced by George Newbern, who also portrayed Bernard "Charlie" Gusky on Scandal and Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II and the Dissidia Final Fantasy games.

Born as Kal-El, Superman was born on the planet Krypton. However, soon after his birth, Krypton was in the process of being destroyed. His parents Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van, in their last act to save him, put their son in a spacepod to escape the dying planet.

The last son of Krypton eventually landed safely on Earth, where he was discovered and adopted by the Kents, a Kansas farming couple. He was then given the name "Clark Kent." Over time, Clark began to discover his powers, eventually becoming Earth's most powerful hero.

At some point, Superman met Lois Lane at the Daily Planet and eventually became a couple. Later, the Joker and Harley Quinn killed Superman's friend Jimmy Olsen and kidnapped Lois and her unborn child. After luring Superman to a nuclear sub, using fear gas he stole from Scarecrow and laced with Kryptonite, Joker made Superman believe that he was fighting Doomsday, when, in reality, he was actually fighting Lois, whom he began carrying into space. As Batman and the rest of the Justice League cornered Joker, he revealed that he had stolen a nuclear bomb, hid it in Metropolis and rigged it to go off when Lois's heart stopped. As this was happening, Superman carried "Doomsday" into space just as the fear gas was wearing off and watched in horror as he realized that he had killed both his wife and his unborn child and destroyed Metropolis.

Enraged and sorrow-ridden, Superman breaks into the interrogation room where the Joker was being interrogated by Batman on where he got the nuke, and confronts the Clown Prince of Crime. Superman shoves the Dark Knight aside and demands to know why the Joker would do such a thing. The Joker taunts him as being a much more gullible target than Batman, along with Superman's reluctance to kill and the fact that he ended up destroying everything he loves in the end, and wondered if he could love again after this. Finally pushed beyond his patience as well as his sanity, Superman snaps and kills the Joker in a rage as Batman watched in horror. However, the Joker's last words is a maniacal laughter, as he is satisfied that he finally broke the Man of Steel into a point of no return.

Years later, Superman rules the world and thinks of bringing order to it in a necessary way, with Batman opposing it. During Story Mode, this leads Batman to bring in different Justice Leaguers from another reality where the bomb never went off due to Green Arrow being dead in their current timeline, as his DNA was needed to unlock a Kryptonite weapon to disable Superman. However, though Lex Luthor (who, in this universe, was a double agent working in secret for Batman) attempts to use the weapon after setting the Justice League Watchtower on self-destruct to distract Superman long enough, the plan fails because of Shazam. Superman grabs Lex, who mocks the supposed peace of the Regime, and kills him. Superman gets an overload by hearing all the people complaining in horror about Superman's last deed.

Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)[]

Davy jones in rain

Davy Jones is a recurring antagonist in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. He is a monster pirate who is loosely based on the old seaman's legend of Davy Jones's Locker. He is the main antagonist of the second film Dead Man's Chest and the third film At World's End, and a cameo antagonist in the fifth film Dead Men Tell No Tales.

He was played by the legendary actor Bill Nighy, who also played Viktor in the Underworld film series, and Rattlesnake Jake in Rango (which also starred Johnny Depp), Leonard Saber in G-Force, Sir Bernard Pellegrin in The Constant Gardener, Prince Naberius in I, Frankenstein, Whitey in Flushed Away and General Fallon in Jack the Giant Slayer.

Nero (Devil May Cry)[]


Nero is one of the two protagonists of Devil May Cry 4, alongside Dante. An orphan adopted by the Sparda-worshipping Order of the Sword, Nero grew up to become a Holy Knight of the Order. He does not get along well with others and prefers to work alone, so he is usually given the Order's "special assignments." During the first half of Devil May Cry 4 Nero thinks Dante is his enemy, but as the story progresses he realizes that the Order is his real adversary. Nero becomes a renegade, looking for answers and trying to save Kyrie (his childhood friend and love interest). Nero and Dante join forces to defeat the Savior, a flying statue possessed by a demon. They part on good terms when Dante entrusts him with the Yamato (which belonged to Dante's brother, Vergil).

Nero wields a large, mechanical sword named Red Queen, a double-barrel revolver called Blue Rose and the Devil Bringer, his demonic right arm. By defeating demons, Nero increases the Devil Bringer's reach. When he obtains Yamato, a Devil Trigger summons a devil-samurai avatar to fight with him. Like Dante, Nero has Sparda's blood and powers; however, his relationship with Dante is explored only in the novelization when Dante notes that Nero resembles Vergil. The character is voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch in English, and by Kaito Ishikawa in the Japanese version of Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition.

Alec Trevelyan[]

Alec Trevelyan (1986)

Alec Trevelyan, formerly known as 006 and now known as Janus, is the main antagonist of the 1995 live action film, GoldenEye. He was an ex-MI6 agent turned cyber-terrorist and was formally James Bond's best friend, thus being practically unique amongst Bond's adversaries.

Trevelyan is a calculating, manipulative, and surreptitious mastermind. He seems to have always been something of a vengeful sociopath, so much that even when he was six years old and recruited to MI6 his only desire was to destroy it as Trevelyan was the son of Lienz Cossack parents who sided against the Soviets during World War II. After the war, the Cossacks attempted to surrender to the British, who then sent them back to Russia where Joseph Stalin had many of them executed. Trevelyan's parents survived the execution squads, but the survivor's guilt proved too much, causing his father to kill his wife and himself. Alec blamed the British for his parents' deaths, and even in his adult years he still held to his grudge.

Despite this, Alec does seem to have a sort of friendship with James Bond, as the two had been on numerous missions together, shared everything and Trevelyan once considered inviting Bond on his plans. However after he disrupted Trevelyan's plans to stage his death by setting the explosive timers to three minutes instead of six, it left the right side of his face burned and disfigured, thus further fueling his vendetta.

He is intensively bitter, resentful, opprobrious, uncomplimentary, and vituperative; despite it being nine years since he received his scar, Trevelyan's anger did not settle. He is callous, sadistic, loathsome, and unpleasant, after capturing Natalya Simonova on-board his train Alec mocked Bond to choose between "the girl or the mission". And when leaving them to die in a train rigged with explosives Alec gives the two, "the same six minutes [Bond] gave [Alec]" (meaning they had three minutes. This resentment is further displayed by his alias Janus [the two-faced God of war]. Trevelyan then quipped that "it was the least he could do for a friend," before laughing sarcastically.

Trevelyan was a master of psychological warfare, he delivers several cutting remarks to Bond during their brawl on top of the satellite dish and mocks him on how many men he has killed and how many women are deceased because of him, an uncomplimentary and opprobrious remark regarding Bond's wife Teresa who died in the previous movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service. It was particularly effective because very few people have such knowledge of Bond's personal life, and coming from a man Bond once considered a close friend, it allowed it to cut deep. Alec was also a capable marksman and a bloody brawler, able to hold his own against 007 and came close to actually killing him. Alec is a mastermind who was able to orchestrate the GoldenEye project, blackmail Boris Grishenko into serving him, and convincing a high ranking general in the Russian Military (General Ourumov) into betraying his country, displaying his skill in manipulation.

Despite his unscrupulous and egotistical psychopathy, Trevelyan was a sophisticated and intelligent man in his dress sense and lifestyle. Alec spoke with a broad vocabulary, and even when he was completely enraged and obstreperous, he remained calm, otherwise apathetic or cruel. However, he only truly lost his sensitive and enthusiastic nature at the climax of the film, where he finally pitted himself against James Bond.

As a former MI6 agent, Trevelyan was master in weaponry and hand to hand combat and had his own trademark weapon of a Davis Mp.4 k-9d Mk.9 automatic pistol in contrast to Bond's Walther PPK and was able to estimate and factor in his former friend's moves, as when he realized that Bond had rigged the control room with explosives and then deactivated them with Bond's watch which was actually a detonator. Even when he was at the mercy of an enraged Bond, Alec still didn't beg for his life and smugly repeated his line "for England, James?" Only for 007 to reply "No, for me" and simply let him fall to his death only for Trevelyan to survive by the skin of his teeth but when the satellite dish falls on Alec, it finally crushed the former MI6 agent to death.

He was portrayed by Sean Bean who also played Sean Miller in Patriot Games, Patrick Koster in Don't Say a Word, Dr. Merrick in The Island, and John Ryder in The Hitcher.

Avenger/Antonio Salieri[]

Antonio salieri fate grand order and fate series drawn by akagane u f9fd47001fd72c668e136627cbdb6c09

Avenger (アヴェンジャー, Avenjā?) is an Avenger-class Servant able to be summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Lostbelts of Fate/Grand Order. Avenger's True Name is Antonio Salieri (アントニオ・サリエリ , Antonio Sarieri?).

Antonio Salieri and Amadeus Mozart were friends. Originally, he would have never been engraved on the Throne as an anti-hero. Although, Salieri was driven out from his position as Kapellmeister, his existence was revered as a respectable musician and he took many young musicians as his pupils. Among those were Mozart's protégé Sussmayr, his son Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart and even Beethoven.

However, in 1820, the legend that "Mozart was killed by Salieri" suddenly spread across the world. Even though that is different from the truth, people daydreamed about the cruel story of "a prodigy who deeply resented and took the life of a genius loved by God". Even the words that the aged Salieri said to his pupil Moscheles - that "those are nothing but defamations full of malice" - were disseminated as an admission of guilty. Even rumors about how the elder repented his sins and cut his throat with a knife were whispered as if true.

Thus, after a long time has passed. Having his existence continuously twisted by the baseless assassination legends, Salieri was synchronized with the legends of the "gray messenger" that also deals with Amadeus last moments, achieving materialization as a Servant.

An anti-hero that harms people─── The sad one. The angry one. The one who kills the beloved child of God. As a single, innocent monster.

Origami Tobiichi[]

Origami SpiritDress

Origami Tobiichi is one of the main heroines and a major deuteragonist in Date A Live franchise. She is one of the Wizards of the Anti Spirit Team that serves the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and later becomes an Wizard of Deus.Ex.Machina Industries. She want avenges her parents that she thought were killed by Kotori Itsuka and Camael during the Great Fire.

She is also the secondary protagonist of Date AST Like, a Spin-off manga which focuses on her relationship with Mikie Okamine in the AST, as well as the main character of Date A Origami, a four-koma comic strip manga which focuses on the romantic comedy aspect of the main series.

Origami is a person who rarely openly talks with other people unless needed with only a few exceptions such as Shido Itsuka and Tohka Yatogami. She is not a shy gal, but more of an unsocial type of person.

She can be a bit reckless, otherwise aggressive if she has a goal or purpose to fulfill, she is also willing to do something someone else wouldn't to accomplish such goals as shown when she did everything Shido asked of her when he was trying to get her to not like him which shocked everyone around her.

Due to a Spirit killing her parents five years ago Origami has harbored an intense hatred and hostility towards all spirits, whenever she sees a spirit she loses all of her common sense and tries to kill it any way she possibly can. This hatred is shown to be strong enough that she was willing to kill Kotori despite the fact she knew she was Shido's sister, and only stopped because he pleaded for her to not kill Kotori, and told about Phantom's existence.

As the series progressed, Origami has shown a growing desire to obtain power. This eventually caused her to join D.E.M Industries by Isaac Ray Peram Westcott request, and later, after she was defeated, she accept a Sephira Crystal that turned her into a Spirit by Phantom.

Although disgusted that she became what she had always despised, Origami somewhat satisfied that she finally gained the power to fight evenly against Spirits. She thus decided that she would become the Spirit that kills the other spirits, and then would end her own life when her job was done, but the event cause her to be unable to face Shido after she transformed into an Spirit, immediately flee, despite the fact that she was in the middle of using her strongest attack againsts Tohka.

After finding the truth of her parents' death, Origami suffered an emotional breakdown and Inversed. In this state, Origami is emotionally dead and completely unresponsive to everything around her, not even Shido is capable of getting to so much as speak a word out of her, and compared her to a corpse. Kurumi also noted that she had fallen into an unrecoverable state. This Origami continues to exist into the new timeline, as all of her memories are retained, the New Timeline Origami eventually inherits her identity after resolving her emotional issues.

Edmond Dantes[]

Louis Français-Dantès sur son rocher

Edmond Dantès (pronounced [ɛd.mɔ̃ dɑ̃.tɛs]) is a title character and the protagonist of Alexandre Dumas, père's 1844 adventure novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Within the story's narrative, Dantès is an intelligent, honest, and loving man who turns bitter and vengeful after he is framed for a crime he did not commit. When Dantès finds himself free and enormously wealthy, he takes it upon himself to reward those who have helped him in his plight and punish those responsible for his years of suffering. He is known by the aliases The Count of Monte Cristo (French: le Comte de Monte-Cristo), Sinbad the Sailor (Sinbad le Marin), Abbé Busoni, and Lord Wilmore.

When the reader is first introduced to Edmond Dantès, he arrives in Marseille as first mate aboard the merchant ship Le Pharaon (The Pharaoh). At only 19 years old, the young Dantès seems destined for success. Although the trip was successful, the former Captain, Leclère, has fallen ill and died. Dantès relays these events to his patron, M. Morrel, who tells Dantès that he will try to have him named captain. Dantès rushes off to see his father and then his beloved, the young Catalan woman Mercédès, and the two agree to be married immediately.

The marriage never occurs, however. On the very night of their nuptial feast, Dantès is arrested as a suspected Bonapartist, a helper to Napoléon, and taken to see the public prosecutor, Gérard de Villefort. Edmond had been anonymously and falsely denounced by Danglars, Edmond's shipmate over whom he was promoted, and Fernand Mondego, a rival suitor for Mercédès' hand. Prosecutor De Villefort concludes that Edmond is innocent, and assures him that he will be released. He then asks for a piece of evidence cited in a letter denouncing Edmond to the authorities. The letter claims that on Edmond's last voyage, he made a stopover at the island of Elba, and received a letter from the deposed Emperor Napoléon. Edmond hands over the letter, which he received in the name of Captain Leclère, and of which the contents are unknown to Edmond. De Villefort throws the letter on the fire for the letter is addressed to his father. Once again he promises Edmond's speedy release. De Villefort has renounced his father, a staunch Bonapartist, and destroyed the letter to protect himself, not Edmond; to further protect his name, de Villefort sentences Edmond to imprisonment in the dreaded Chateau d'If, an island fortress from which no prisoner had ever escaped, and to which the most dangerous political prisoners are sent.

After six long years in solitary confinement in the dungeons of the Chateau, Edmond decides to commit suicide by starving himself. Fearing he will be forced to eat, he throws out his food in secrecy. After nearly six months, he hears scratching against the wall of his cell. Curiosity about the source of the noise inspires him to begin eating again. He taps on his wall several times, and when the scratching stops, he concludes that it is a prisoner trying to escape. He then uses the saucepan on which his food is served to begin digging where he heard the scratching before in hopes that it was another prisoner digging his way to freedom. Dantès eventually breaks through enough of the wall that he is able to exchange a brief greeting with an old Italian abbé named Faria, sometimes called the "Mad Priest", who had indeed been attempting to dig to freedom.

The two prisoners become very close, with the learned priest teaching Dantès all he knows about reading, mathematics, science, languages, philosophy, history, sword fighting, and economics. Together, they determine who betrayed Edmond, and although Faria disapproves, Edmond plans vengeance against his betrayers. The two spend years digging a tunnel to freedom, but Faria dies before they can escape. With his dying words, he bequeaths to Edmond a secret treasure, hidden on the island of Monte Cristo. That night, Edmond exchanges himself for his mentor in the priest's bodybag, and escapes from the prison. The jailers, rather than burying prisoners, toss them over the fortress' wall into the sea, weighted with an iron ball chained around the legs. Using a knife made from a sharpened crucifix, Edmond frees himself and reaches the surface. Edmond swims to a small island nearby to seek refuge from the storm for the night. The next day, he swims out to sea as a smuggling ship passes by and is rescued under the pretense of being a shipwreck victim. Edmond soon suggests a stopover and trading of goods at the small island of Monte Cristo, during which he confirms that Faria's treasure exists. On this and subsequent visits, Edmond becomes wealthy.

Upon returning to Marseille, Edmond learns that his father had died of poverty and that Mercédès had married Fernand 18 months after he was supposedly executed for treason. His old neighbour Gaspard Caderousse is still alive, and—under the guise of the Abbé Busoni—Edmond visits him to learn more. Caderousse tells him that Morrel had tried to obtain a fair trial for Edmond, and how Mercédès pleaded for his release. He also learns that those who had remained loyal to him had suffered greatly, while those who had betrayed him had prospered. Edmond thanks Caderousse for the information, paying him with a large diamond that he said had come into Edmond's possession while in prison. Realizing that only Morrel had remained loyal, Edmond creates three disguises — an Englishman named Lord Wilmore, a clerk from the banking firm Thomson and French, and Sinbad the Sailor — and uses them to save Morrel from bankruptcy and suicide. Edmond then goes into hiding, spending nine years reforming himself as the Count of Monte Cristo.

Post-Langdon Orphans[]

Kiritsugu Emiya[]


Kiritsugu Emiya is the main protagonist of the light novel and anime series Fate/Zero (although as the story is told from seven different perspectives, this status is fairly debatable) and the Master of Saber during the Fourth Holy Grail War. Being an Anti-Hero, he has several personality traits commonly found in villains, such as ruthlessness and having a belief that there are no rules in battle beyond doing whatever is necessary to win. However, he is very tragic and not particularly proud of his methods, merely seeing them as a means to an end.

He is mostly an anti-hero but does have his moments where he looks more like a villain protagonist. His villainous acts throughout the series include blowing up a hotel, manipulating people (refer to the episode 'The End of Honour' for a particularly heinous example) and refusing to acknowledge Saber's existence, to the point that he refuses to even talk to her, for no actual good reason at all. Their conflicting ideological perspectives make them unable to function together as a team, resulting in a strained relationship, in which Kiritsugu's wife, Irisviel von Einzbern, acts as Saber's proxy master and Kiritsugu attacks from the shadows. He's also perfectly willing to let Caster roam free on his child-killing rampage despite Saber's pleas to finish him off as quickly as possible, saying that saving a few children, or even a few dozen, is not their priority.

Besides his methods, Kiritsugu's goal is also similar to that of many villains; to re-create the world. However, unlike most villains of this type, Kiritsugu's goals are well-intentioned, as he desires to use the Holy Grail to create a world free of war or conflict.

Whenever someone questions his morals, Kiritsugu justifies his actions by saying that the battlefield is no better than Hell on Earth and so he believes that all forms of killing are the same. He also blames the Heroic Spirits for covering up the truth of war with their legends and that because of them, humanity's true nature hasn't taken a step past the Stone Age, implying a degree of misanthropy. While this logic does make sense to a degree, it is nonetheless flawed and merely suggests that Kiritsugu needs someone to blame for him having to be the one to save the world.

He is voiced by Rikiya Koyama in the Japanese version of the anime and Matthew Mercer in the English version, the latter of whom also voices Alvin.


Marv poster..

Marv is one of the main protagonists of Frank Millers' Sin City and its film adaptations, being the protagonist of The Hard Goodbye. He is a hulking 7' 9" tall ex-convict who frequents Kadie's. He is violent and unstable, with a mental condition that causes hallucinations and paranoia, and he bears the scars of endless fighting. His dangerous tendencies are held in check only by medication and a strong sense of chivalry.

Marv was born in The Projects and had a rough childhood. He was very protective of his doting mother, who eventually got sick forcing them to move to a better part of town. The Projects had already toughened him up, and left with it's residents as useful allies. In school his only friend was Chuck, a retarded kid who thought Marv was genius. He also got a .45 Springfield Armory M1911A1 pistol from a dead kid, and he named it Gladys after one of the sisters in school. Once he went to camp, but since then he hated nature and trees. Trees and the creepy sounds of nature were the only things that scared him.

Some time after that Marv joined the army and went to an unnamed war (heavily implied to be Vietnam) where he probably developed his scars. He also would later suffer from a 'condition' (that might have been Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He took pills for it, which he got from Claire, Lucille's therapist girlfriend. He always had a respectful fear of his 'condition' fearing he would turn into 'what they always said I'd turn into: a psycho killer'. However he always trusted his instinctual "cold thing", a feeling like a snowball in his stomach, something above his perception that told him that something was wrong (for example, he felt it when he approached the Roark Farm).

Marv later made a name for himself on the streets by just doing what he did best: killing. A good guy at heart, he never had a problem beating in a few faces if they needed it. He made friends in low places this way and more than a couple enemies. Kadie of Kadie's Saloon gave him free beers whenever he needed them after he beat up some men who threatened her. He was also known to Kadie's patrons as Nancy Callahan's guardian angel after some guy tried to get fresh with her and he took care of him; allowing the petite dancer complete and utter safety when she danced. She also helped him out when he needed it showing they had an understanding between them. Once he got himself rounded up and Lucille helped him as his parole officer.

Having no form of employment Marv still managed to get around. He went most places on foot, and stole the rest from other thugs. He also had a keen appreciation of trenchcoats, which he would take off his victims usually commenting 'That's one damn fine coat your wearing!'. He even asked one hitman, Stan, to remove the coat so he wouldn't bleed on it before interrogating him. (Similar to the way Dwight McCarthy complained about blood getting on the upholstery of a car he was stealing from some hitmen in).



Chase (チェイス Cheisu) is one of the main characters in Kamen Rider Drive. He was the original Kamen Rider Drive, dubbed Kamen Rider Protodrive (仮面ライダープロトドライブ Kamen Raidā Puroto Doraibu). However, he had his memories wiped and became the Grim Reaper to combat rogue Roidmudes and the second Drive, becoming Mashin Chaser (魔進チェイサー Mashin Cheisā, lit. "Advance Demon Chaser"). After breaking free of his brainwashing with the help of the Mad Doctor Shift Car and Kiriko, he aligns himself once more to protect humanity from the Roidmudes, becoming Kamen Rider Chaser (仮面ライダーチェイサー Kamen Raidā Cheisā).

Sometime after the Global Freeze, Chase synchronized with Koichi Kano, choosing not to gain human emotions as it interfered with his base programming of having an infallible sense of justice. Chase, initially in his limited days as Protodrive portrayed himself as a servant and an ally to Krim Steinbelt. Stoic and almost emotionless, he disliked answering his enemy's questions. Chase was also confident and was completely serious and risked his life along with his partner Krim Steinbelt to prevent the Roidmude from subjugating humanity.

Upon being reset and modified into the Roidmude's guardian as Mashin Chaser, like his time with Protodrive, he portrayed himself as a servant, blaming himself and not fighting back against Brain who calls him a "reject" when the former started to receive spasms about his past memories as Protodrive. During his rampage when Medic was modified to go berserk, he was forcefully reset through combat against the second Drive and was revived and healed by the Mad Doctor Shift Car and Kiriko. This act of selflessness and her constant attempts to realign Chase to humanity is the ultimate factor to make him restart and become Kamen Rider Chaser.

As a result, Chase prioritizes Kiriko's happiness and well being, developing feelings for her. Along the way of reintegrating back with humans, his sense of heroism snapped Shinnosuke back to his senses to not prioritize vengeance over protecting humans. Chase, initially confused about the idea of love, family, and friendships, learns that they're something to be protected. As Chase slowly learns more about humans, he takes the first step of accepting Shinnosuke's friendship by calling him by his first name and confronted him later if he had feelings for Kiriko. Upon learning that Kiriko and Shinnosuke both have feelings for each other, Chase considers his heartbreak as a sign of becoming more human. When given a golden feather by Angel, Chase becomes a full human, which affected his core and became unable to use the Mach Driver. His humanity worried his friends and he eventually discarded his humanity once more to become a Kamen Rider. Despite not accepting his human counterpart's emotions when he first synchronized with him. Chase turned out to be like Koichi Kano in regards to taking his role seriously.

Chase, despite not being able to obtain human emotions, considered his teammates as friends, cherishing his driver's license and Signal Chaser as mementos that his friends gave him based on the concept of friendship rather than feeling it. He also considered, Go Shijima, as his friend due to the two working together. It isn't until Chase's death does Go acknowledge him as a friend, keeping his driver's license and Signal Chaser Bike in memory of Chase.

Kit Walker[]

Spilt Milk infobox

Kit Walker is a Briarcliff inmate falsely accused of the Bloody Face killings. He is the male protagonist of American Horror Story: Asylum and is portrayed by Evan Peters.

Kit Walker is an attractive young man with short, naturally slight curled golden-brown hair and intense dark brown eyes. Kit is generally kind, loving, and mild-mannered, avoiding confrontation with his acquaintance Billy, who subtly taunted him about his interracial marriage. He is the type of person that is stubborn when confronted about his side of the story. He sticks to his side even though all others say he is wrong.

Kit Walker (portrayed by Evan Peters) is an inmate at Briarcliff who is believed to be the serial killer, "Bloody Face", accused of killing several women, including his wife Alma. Kit and Alma keep their interracial marriage a secret, in fear that someone might hurt their families. In the first episode, "Welcome to Briarcliff", Kit hears noises from outside and goes to investigate. When he enters the house, he is pinned against the ceiling by grey humanoids. When Alma goes missing, Kit is accused of her murder as well as the murder of several other women, committed by the serial killer "Bloody Face". At the asylum, Kit is subjected to sadistic experiments from Dr. Arden, including one that leads Arden to discover a microchip implanted in his neck. He develops a relationship with fellow inmate Grace, and the two have sex.

In the episode "I Am Anne Frank (Part 2)", he is tricked by Dr. Thredson into a taped confession of the murders, after which it is revealed that Thredson himself is the killer. Kit is arrested after Thredson hands the tape to the police. Kit escapes custody and returns to the asylum to save Grace, who is accidentally shot by Frank after she jumps in front of a bullet to save him. Grace dies from the shot, but unbeknownst to Kit, her body is abducted by the aliens. Kit keeps Thredson alive in order to clear his name. Grace is returned by the aliens, almost in labor with Kit's baby.

Arden revives Kit, and it is later shown that Grace has had his baby. Grace claims to have seen his presumed-dead wife Alma, telling him that she believes Alma has died while with the aliens. Kit proposes to Grace, who accepts. He, Grace and the baby are separated, and when he is released, he convinces the Monsignor to let Grace and his baby come with him as Grace is thought to have been killed. Kit threatens to tell of the asylum's mistreatments if Grace and the baby are not allowed to come with him, after which the Monsignor lets her go. He and his new family return home, only to find Alma there with her own baby, of which Kit is the father.

By 1967, Kit, Grace and Alma are living in a polyamorous relationship, with their two children, Thomas (Grace's child) and Julia (Alma's child). Though its short lived due to Alma not entirely comfortable sharing her husband and Grace's obsession with the aliens that abducted them. Whereas Alma is clearly traumatized from the events, neither one helps as both believe the other is right. Still clearly traumatized and frightened by Grace encouraging their abductors return, Alma kills Grace with an axe in an insane rage and is sent to the asylum, before dying there shortly after.

During Kit's visits to the asylum to see Alma, he connects with Jude. Kit tells Lana that she needs to help Jude get out, to which she declines. Jude is later released from the asylum and into the care of Kit, who sees her through her detox of pain medication. Jude relapses back into insanity, but Thomas and Julia take her into the woods, after which she comes back inexplicably healed. Jude bonds with Kit and the children, before dying six months later, leaving the family devastated.

In "Madness Ends", Lana reveals in the interview that she is the godmother to Thomas and Julia, who both grew up to be successful, and that Kit married a woman named Allison. At age 40, Kit developed pancreatic cancer and seemingly disappeared without a trace. In reality, Kit was re-abducted by the aliens, leaving his fate unknown.

For his performance, Peters was nominated for the Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film.

Naofumi Iwatani[]

Naofumi Anime

Naofumi Iwatani (岩谷尚文 Iwatani Naofumi?) is the main protagonist of The Rising of the Shield Hero. He was a university student before being summoned to another world, where he had to fight against the waves of calamity, as one of the 4 heroes summoned, the Shield Hero (盾の勇者 Tate no Yuusha?).

Naofumi was originally an extremely trusting and positive person, he was also enthusiastic about his situation when initially summoned. However, his mentality changed abruptly after he was betrayed by Princess Malty.

Left penniless, framed as a rapist, and hated, Naofumi becomes distrustful, cynical and spiteful towards the world. He becomes unable to trust anyone who is not his slave as a traveling companion. He always doubts people, expecting them to betray him, deceive him or rip him off.

The Princess's betrayal left him in an almost permanent state of anger and hostility, even though he masks them behind a calm and level-headed personality. This mentality ends up biting him back as he unknowingly pushed away genuine believers of the Shield Hero and Siltvelt envoys unknowingly.

His hatred for Malty is without limit, it even extend to the point where he has become completely apathetic and ignorant to the advances of women in general, and early on he even sometimes expresses disgust and hatred purely on grounds that the other person is of the same gender as Malty, even though he never voices this to them. Due to Raphtalia and Filo, he becomes less inwardly hostile towards women over time, but is still evidently unable to notice their advances. For instance, when Raphtalia's Slave Crest was being renewed, she had asked him what he thought of her body, which had to be exposed for the application of the crest, only for him to completely miss the obvious point. At one point in time, he was rather amazed when the Slave Merchant was willing to pay 35 gold pieces for Raphtalia after she became a beauty as well.

Eventually, he recovers more of his caring side and begins treating Raphtalia like a daughter rather than a slave (even though she would prefer that he treat her more like a woman). By the time he sets up a base of operations in Rock Valley, he is visibly kind to the slaves under his command while maintaining his strict attitude, as he still would not hesitate to call for discipline when needed. He comes to care enough about Filo that he flew into a rage when he thought that she had died, despite constantly finding her as a handful.

Naofumi has a rather unique opinion on slavery and has a very business-like outlook in whatever he does. A prime example of this is when he bought Raphtalia: not only did he feed her well but he also gave her medicine, sheltered her, defended her from bullies and even rewarded her well when she was good. He genuinely earns her affection through his caring yet stern treatment towards her, to the point where she chooses to remain his slave even when given the option to leave him. In his mind all of these actions were taken because they're practical and beneficial to him in the long run, i.e. an unhealthy, unfed and half dead slave would be useless, so he genuinely can't understand why someone would mistreat them or neglect their health. He never mistreated or exploited any of the slaves under him and has disciplined them only when they refused to do as ordered. This same treatment extends to all of the slaves he comes to own, with them even coming to treat him like a parent figure in return.

He also spoils and rewards his slaves when they give it their all and perform to his expectations. Naofumi first shows this when he gave a ball to Raphtalia and eventually cooking for all his slaves even in the middle of the night to satisfy their hunger. His humane way of caring for his slaves caused Rishia (one of his comrades who later became one of his slaves) to wonder whether Naofumi was their slave instead of the other way around. Naofumi is also considerate of others to a certain extent, as he was willing to share a room on a boat with other adventures since his allotted room was taken by other heroes and party members. His actions prevented what could have resulted in these ordinary adventurers, who paid a hefty amount to travel to Cal Mira island, being evicted from the boat.

Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)[]


Lightning, born Claire Farron (Eclair Farron (エクレール・ファロン, Ekurēru Faron?) in Japanese), is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy XIII. She is the narrator and a temporary playable character in Final Fantasy XIII-2, and returns as the protagonist and sole directly playable character in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

In Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning seeks to save her younger sister Serah, but becomes entangled in a plot that endangers her home of Cocoon. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, Lightning serves as a knight protecting the goddess Etro from her fated rival, Caius Ballad. In the concluding tale Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning is chosen to be a savior by the god Bhunivelze, tasked to save the people's souls before the end of the world.

Lightning is determined, concentrated and independent. Initially, she is cold and standoffish, distancing herself from her companions. She only looks out for herself and doesn't care if others are left behind. Much of her motivation is fueled from what she perceives as failing to protect Serah leading her to lash out at those she believes are responsible for her fate: namely, the Sanctum, its fal'Cie and, to a point, Snow Villiers due to his relationship with Serah and his failure to protect her as he promised. As she journeys with Hope Estheim, she acts as his mentor and maternal figure. Taking him under her wing, Lightning becomes more emotionally open as Hope acts as a surrogate sibling and helps her see the errors in her approach and realize the mistakes she made with Serah. Lightning begins to show compassion and trust others, and becomes the leader and, to a degree, protector of the other Gran Pulse l'Cie as they journey to challenge their fate.

In Final Fantasy XIII-2, Lightning has almost become a new woman due to the experiences and emotions she has endured. She has learned to trust others and ask them for help, and expresses her emotions rather than keeping them bottled up. Her recognition of her past "sins" has made her more somber.

In Lightning Returns, Lightning is initially cold and distant, most of her emotions sapped from her, although her memories remain intact. Her wish to save Serah remains, and she still shows concern for her former allies. Lightning and Hope demonstrate trust and care for one another, Hope promising to be by her side, helping Lightning better maintain her humanity despite her situation. She resents Bhunivelze for robbing her of her emotions and his use of her situation to his advantage.

As her quest advances, Lightning begins to show compassion toward others because of her assigned task to save their souls. Straying from her cold-hearted personality, she begins to encourage those struggling, implying Lightning unconsciously had given up her emotions, rather than Bhunivelze taking them with force, which is further suggested by Lumina. Producer Yoshinori Kitase has described her as trying to rescue her own self from the pain she hides in her heart through saving others, and described how her heart has stayed "pure" in her crystal sleep instead of being corrupted by darkness like the hearts of Noel and Snow. By the end of her quest, Lightning has come around from her self-imposed tough and emotionless warrior persona, as Serah and Lumina, along with all her experiences, help her realize that locking her heart away is how she threw away her happiness.

Lightning is the second main female protagonist in a mainstream numbered Final Fantasy game, with Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI generally accepted as being the first.

Winter Schnee[]

Winter schnee by adsouto dbmv0m5-fullview

Winter Schnee is one of the major supporting protagonists in the world of RWBY. She is Weiss Schnee's elder sister, and a specialist in the Atlesian Military's Special Operatives unit. She is first mentioned in "A Minor Hiccup".

Winter Schnee is Jacques Schnee's eldest child and is Weiss Schnee's and Whitley Schnee's elder sister. She also appears to be a former student of Atlas Academy, a member of the Atlesian military's Special Operatives unit and a subordinate of General James Ironwood. When she arrives at Beacon Academy, she says that it's "been a long time", implying she is familiar with the school and has visited there before. Despite being the oldest child, Winter's right to inherit the Schnee Dust Company was abdicated upon her decision to join the Atlesian Military.

At first glance, Winter appears to be a cold, dignified, and distant person who prefers to keep her emotions subdued and speaking in a very high-class, eloquent, almost robotic fashion. However, when interacting with Weiss, she smiles and shows that she cares about her younger sister's life and well-being, based on how she inquires if Weiss has been eating properly, gained any new hobbies, and made any new friends, in "It's Brawl in the Family". Winter is very intuitive towards her younger sister's emotions. With that said, she is not afraid to raise her hand at her younger sister whenever she is annoyed. Overall, she truly loves Weiss and wants her to succeed in life.

Winter can be very harsh as well, as shown in "Lessons Learned." When she attempts to teach Weiss how to Summon old foes with her Semblance, only for her sister to fail. Winter fiercely rebukes her younger sibling's excuses, citing her lack of resolve will not help her in the tournament, or as a huntress.

Although she strives to keep her emotions in check, she can be rather hot-headed at times. Once she becomes angry, she drops her dignified ladylike demeanor and loses all restraint, this is shown when she attempted to attack Qrow Branwen when provoked. She is fiercely loyal to her superior, General James Ironwood, and becomes infuriated whenever his judgment is questioned; but she is equally faithful to his authority, and respectfully defers to him.

Venom (Eddie Brock)[]


Eddie Brock is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by David Michelinie and Todd McFarlane, and his earliest appearance was a cameo in Web of Spider-Man #18 (September 1986), before making his first full appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #300 (May 1988) as the original and most well-known incarnation of Venom. The character has since appeared in many Marvel Comics publications, including his own series Venom. Introduced as a villain of Spider-Man, the character becomes an anti-hero, working with and against superheroes.

In the original version of the story, Eddie Brock is a journalist who exposes the identity of a serial killer only for the real killer to be caught by Spider-Man, thus he accused the wrong man. Disgraced and suicidal, he comes into contact with an alien Symbiote, rejected by Peter Parker. The Symbiote bonds with him and they become Venom, together seeking out revenge against their mutual enemy. Though he repeatedly comes into conflict with Spider-Man, he also attempts to operate as a hero, albeit a violent one, seeking to save those he deems "innocent".

In 2008, after being separated from the Venom Symbiote, he gains a new Symbiote and becomes the anti-hero Anti-Venom. However, that symbiote is sacrificed to help cure the "Spider-Island" epidemic during the 2011 storyline. In 2012, he was bonded to the Toxin symbiote. Though he is a human with no powers, the Venom Symbiote suit bestows upon him a range of abilities including many of the powers belonging to Spider-Man, the Symbiote's original host.


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