Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Red Eclipse-AC


Augmented Human C4-621, also known as Raven, is the main protagonist and player character in Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon. This is ItzBeto's version of the character, piloting the Armored Core nicknamed RED ECLIPSE.

Due to his Gen 4 Augmentations, 621 hasn't shown to constantly talk, even after the end of the exploits on Rubicon. While his current operator is Ayre, 621 was always loyal to Walter, his former operator and "Handler". After his death, he honored his fallen master by keeping his augments, only modifying them to solve some of the side effects.

Armored Core[]

RED ECLIPSE is the AC Raven always pilots. It’s a lightweight unit consisting of the ALBA frame and the NACHTREIHER Arms. It is usually equipped with a Schneider Laser Shotgun, a ADD Laser Lance, VCPL Laser Drones and the TRUENO Needle Launchers from Elcano.

  • R-Arm Unit: WUERGER/66E
  • L-Arm Unit: VE-67LLA
  • R-Back Unit: Vvc-700LD
  • L-Back Unit: EL-PW-01 TRUENO


