Buster is a villain from Lady and the Tramp
LOTM: Next Generation Island Tour[]
Buster is aligned with Mister Sinster and his organzation in where he is the lapdog of the Biskit sisters. Despite this Sinster does give a mission apart from them with Pariah Dark and Puck in Case Blackgarurumon tries to intervere. Buster though does work with Pretorius to blow up the mountain isle which does work though the heroes and Blackgurumon's allies escape. Carmen, Buster and Mdame keep in contact in Pretroius just in case something happens.
Buster shuns Candle for falling for the union trick and he sends Myers after the Alpha Team, He suggests to do this with Dr.Strange as well, though Sinster agrees and does just that. Buster helps Neyla and Hotaru get the bodies of Abis Mal and Dark Helmet from Pretorius and Shinzon giving the change to put warrant on arrests of those reponsible which they wait for since Hotaru suspects Predaking might attack the base and destroy this time.Candle, Whitney, Britney, Carmen, Neyla, Buster and Gaul all go into the fire stations and get the piece for Flame King so the trap can be set for them. Ratcliffe, Buster, Cain, Ebon, Lord Maliss, Neyla, Valtor, Carmen, Gaul, Jareth, Rasputin, Flame King, Merlock, Gravtina, The Biskit Twins, Pretorius and Shinzon all fight for Sinster against the B Team, The Multiversal Resistance and Alpha Team who bring them all down one by one. Buster was killed by Loki and Sari as part of their takeover of the Sinsters of Evil
Allies: Himself, Whittany and Brittany Biskit, Mister Sinister, Sinisters of Evil
Enemies: Scamp, Angel, Tramp, The B Team, The Alpha Team, The Multiversal Resistence, The Children of BlackGarurumon
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