Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Bulma (ブルマ, Buruma) is a brilliant scientist and the second daughter of Capsule Corporation's founder Dr. Brief and his wife Panchy, the younger sister of Tights, and is Goku's first friend. She used to be the girlfriend of Yamcha, but moved on and, eventually, became the wife of Vegeta, as well as the mother of Trunks and Bulla. While she is unable to physically fight most of the villains in the series, her gadgetry plays a key role in winning several battles as well as the search for the dragon balls. 

Bulma is the most significant female character in the Dragon Ball series. Aside from Goku, Bulma is the single longest-running character in the entire meta-series, being introduced in the first Dragon Ball chapter and episode, and maintaining a prominent role until the final chapter of the manga and the final episode of Dragon Ball GT.

Ultimate Story[]

Bulma made her first appearance in Ultimate Story: the Missing Link. She was apprehended by a race of mysterious aliens along with her friends. When the mysterious aliens invaded Corneria, the main characters had a chance to find all of the denizens that they have imprisoned including the ones from the galaxy that Bulma and her friends were from. After freeing everyone, they made their escape into the Great Fox where they intend on attacking the invaders from the source.

During her time on the Great Fox, she developed a bond with Slippy due to their mechanical skills. They shared their mechanical designs with each other, including her father's famous capsules, to which Slippy took the ideas and created containment devices of his own with the use of technology that he was able to infuse with magic.

Bulma was not seen again during the rest of the story, but there were some indications that she still remained in touch with Slippy, continuing to share their designs and technology with each other, even play virtual games as a means of meeting again in person in a way.

