Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Buffy is the main character of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. She is a very skilled fighter and athlete who by night fights all of kinds undead beings

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Buffy makes her debut in this story, where she fights against BlackGarurumon and Sinister. She joins forces with Blue and the Alpha Team, Bender and the B Team and Dr. Strange and the Multi-Universal Resistance. She mainly aligns herself with the robot since they are the ones who find her in Act 4.

Buffy is brought in by Casper and Wendy where she joins up with the heroes and she tells them about entity and the truth behind the act of Jack White. Buffy with the group head off to the Haunted Caste which Jesse shows them directions to when he shows up on them. She helps the team again with the castle and then they get ambushed where she thinks Bender and Discord betrayed them when Heloise insures they are up to something. Buffy escapes with the team as they eliminate the rest of their competition. Twilight, Kid, Buffy, Yasha, Zhuge, Jaeris and Connor tag with Bender and Strange and give them a way open to get Mister Sinister while they save Anna and end up dealing with Cora who tries to kill Anna.

Buffy tags with the rest of the B Team to investigate though the Children of BlackGarurumon decide to lock them in the pyramids forever as they are higher up on the threat than Blue. They end up meeting the zombie teens and join forces with them to find the Azoth and the Lucfircator as the voice Jean Grey is hearing tells them they need to find it. Buffy in the deeper parts of the pyramids see something lines of a different language detailing to past events which gets them in trouble with their enemy before they go after Dukat as they learn about the Niburu entity and the flood. Everyone joins up and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining. Buffy arrives in Springfield and gets to Bart, Black Star and Colonel Star and Stripes as they all head to the Simpsons Household and begin planning what to do though Marceline figures them out and they all begin talking with her after him, Buffy also tells them that Black Star  found something on Dukat. Yasha and the others join with Heloise to fight a Lard Lad statue which was brought to life. Buffy then gets her round with BlackGarurumon's allies with Skekeung with the others.

Allies and Enemies[]

Friends: Casper, Wendy, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Suede, Jack Bauer, Sora, Mr. Gold, Discord, Anna, Makoto, Death the Kid, Liz and Patty, Picard, Stan, Wendy, Dr. Manhattan, Jesu Otaku, Sora, Jaeris, Zhuge, Yasha, Suki, Connor, Major Kirrahue, Gonner, Dixie, Jean Grey, the B Team, Slade's Ensemble, Zick, Raziel, Stacy, Cruger, Starkiller, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Order of the Just

Enemies: BlackGarurumon, the Children of BlackGarurumon, Mister Sinister, the Sinisters of Evil, Gbf, Jesse, the S.E.V.O.S.E.C.T Squad, Jesse's Cult, Loki, Albert Wesker, Peter Pan, Gul Dukat

