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Harmony Bunny
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The Powerpuff Girls
Tara Strong
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Bubbles Utoinum is a young 5-9 girl who is one of the main heroes in side stories alongside Dib, Bender and others as Dib’s girlfriend and his 3rd/4th in command to Dib, Bender and Lizbeth. She is also Dib's 2nd in command in the new group called The Membrane Elite.

She is the first main female character to be in M.O.D.A.B and is the secondary female protagonist alongside Nina and Starfire to Lizbeth's main female protagonist

Greatest Strength: Her cuteness

Greatest Weakness: She is extremely emotionally fragile

Love Interest: Dib Membrane

Best Friends: Dib, Nina and Lizbeth

Worst Enemy: The Joker, Slade, Lord Commander

Moral Ranking: Near Pure Good

Her theme

Physical Description[]

She is portrayed as having short blonde hair in two pigtails and a neat, curved fashion, light blue eyes, and dresses in light blue.

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Bubbles with her sisters as babies


Bubbles is seen to be sweet, cheery, and gentle and lives up to what she seems to be. However she does occasionally get overemotional, and this often leaves new faces to see Bubbles as a ditzy, naive and sensitive girl leading to her sometimes being regarded a pushover, by others. Due to this she can become very independent and angry. She was named Bubbles because she has such a bubbly, personality. She is also very trusting towards many characters even Bender, Skipper, Axel, and Jorgen who all have tendencies to be distrustful or amoral.






Professor Utonium[]



Bubbles' best friend and boyfriend is and always will be Dib. These two are inseparable and will always help each other, though her kookiness can bother him


A former enemy of hers and a suitor for her til he met Nina Cortex. Eventually they became friends and like Dib she began to work with him and like him as a friend


Like Dib, Slade was her archenemy though no one knows if he still is due to recent events.

The M.O.D.A.B. Storyline[]

The Beginning[]

She appeared in this story as the 2nd main character introduced after Dib served as his love interest and they worked together very well like a couple. She helped her new friends against Slade. She lost her whole family in this quest and it hurts her to this day. At the finale battle with Slade Dib was badly hurt then Bubbles fought Slade and did not even give him a chance to fight back.

Slade Strikes Back[]

Bubbles returned once again and helped the heroes against Slade, fearing he was going to try Multi-Universe conquest, But when Joker she got even more worried, As Joker killed her family. She eventually found her real mother as Harleen Quinzel, Joker’s ex squeeze while she helped Dib learn his real father was Batman I,E Bruce Wayne. She later was at Emperor X's wedding.

The Great Time Travel Adventure[]

She once again returned and met Bender’s new allies and their new enemies. Bubbles now is horrified about the future worried about her going evil as the future is like that. They eventually stop Marceline's dad but at the loss of Darkwing Duck.

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

Bubbles is set to return in this adventure where she and her friends are out to stop Discord who unknowingly is Bender's new archenemy and his plans with the Dystopia League. They also have to stop Sigma as well.

Bubbles is happy to be home after the Season 2 Ordeal (though we don't know what happened) ready with her friends to tackle Discord. She goes on a double date with Dib, Nina and Boomer and she is attacked by Gideon and Whooping Crane. Thankfully Nina rescues them by snarking at the duo. Bubbles agrees with Jorgen and Dib on their theory someone is acting against them.

She cuts ties with Bender and Skipper after Gosalyn is killed and accuses Lizbeth of being Neutral to their issues. Bubbles then meets Scorpion's new pals, helps in the Republic war and meets Celestia by learning about Discord. Bubbles then helps her friends repair off Loboto and meets Hiscord. She goes with her friends to find Jack Noir and she is successful in acquiring the 5th ring

Bubbles learns through Discord's involvement against Bender and she is shocked and how Dib can overlook it since she knows what he does is wrong.. During the final battle she stalls Sektor's soldiers so Dib, Boomer and X can find Sigma and stop him

Bubbles helps her friends stop the abnormality, when she learns that Dib must sacrifice himself, she goes with him to make sure he isn't alone. Through her sacrifice she saves the universe from Weil's time abnormality.

And this death is a permanent one just like Dib

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Edd, Darkwing are all brought back temporarily from the dead by Lizbeth, Boomer, Hunson Abadeer, Maka, Soul and the V Crusaders though they're all don't know who they are haven lost their memories so Nina, Marceline, Starfire, Jorgen, Finn, Julian and Django who Lizbeth called help do it while Boomer has a picnic date with Lizbeth where the two talk about what went on when Garak informs of an attack on the Paradise Kingdom where they all go to. They investigate the Paradise Lost Kingdom with help from Ryan Hardy a friend of Lizbeth and the V Crusaders. She learns of Pan before they all go driving. Homer reveals that Springfield is under attack which gets him up in arms until the whole group meets Jack Bauer who phones to assure Homer's family is fine and that they should find him.Bubbles and her friends arrive and they meet Jack Bauer at Homer's house and they follow him where they join Castiel and then follow Lizbeth to the docks where they involved with Bender and Slade's mission and she ain't surprised though and she really get terrified when Discord shows up.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Darkwing, Casper, Wendy, Starfire, Julian, Jorgen, Nina, Finn, Marceline and Django with Hunson wander into cavern 1 where time in Casper and Wendy's Universe froze and they did everything possible in the world. They end up stumbling upon a loyalty which Lizbeth and Boomer pass and go looking for a piece of the final puzzle piece. She and M.O.DA.B Go up against the Neo Umbrella Corps where work against a great deal of enemies and she works with Dib and DW against the Smoking Man. She is though consumed by the Niburu though she is brought back by Cas with the others and they have to depart back from the spirit world though Isabella stated other wise.

The Alternate Ending to LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

In the alternate ending planned in the alternate universe, Bubbles would have survived the events of the stories until The Multi-Universal War of Destiny happened and she would still be living with his friends, though she is confused when Bender states that she and the others are supposed to be dead through the Dystopia League, Bubbles tells him that never happened and that they're all alive and that he may get ready for the evening as quiet a lot of things are happening that night.


Her Past Self returns with Dib and her friends and gets drafted by Past Bender into his future's self journey. Bubbles as it turns out wasn't supposed to die in her death story but it was caused by Eobard Thawne's time meddling and his actions. She was brought back when the heroes used the Spear of Destiny and now she is now in her circle of friends including her sisters and her father which is confirmed by the heroes

Anglesmith Origins[]

Bubbles appears at the start with the others as they are just recently settling it from Brick and Butch's Death. She comforts Boomer more than most of the cast, as she had to deal with Buttercup and Blossom being dead for a while herself and they were created by Mojo as well. She does help him get to School with Nina and Lizbeth as they leave.

Luan finds them and asks them for helping in getting Bender. They turn her down as they know he can take care of himself, they're busy and feel Bender should just take his own time with things

The Team all welcome Bender back to their place and ask him certain questions, but don't ask him about his quest as they didn't know he did so.

Multiversal Noir[]

Bubbles alongside her friends work with Boomer to try to find Lizbeth who went missing after Weirdmagedon occured at the hands of Toffee and Bill CIpher. She and the rest were saved by Blissina, Mojo, Bender and Slade after the latter two heisted the throne. Bubbles still has hibernation sickness due to the petrification she and her friends went through parring Bender.


Dib, Bubbles,Blossom, Bender, Dexter ,Buttecup, Milo, Dexter, Nina, Edd and Darkwing are all having their breakfast getting ready for the day. With the exception of Bender, all of them are feeling the same hibernation sickness Boomer has. Boomer shows up and asks if they heard from Lizbeth.

Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Dexter and Darkwing all offer to help Boomer find Lizbeth for him as they know how much she means to him. Edd asks about the time this event happened to Dexter.

Dib decides to place some calls  to figure out what really happened and Bubbles goes with him. Boomer and Bender meanwhile believe they must investigate this case and put their heads to work.

Boomer thanks Blossom and decides there is one approach that ben taken and that is investigate the multiverse and where Lizbeth took her trip which he discussed with Bender and everyone agrees to do.

Bender, however wants to his own investgiation which Bubbles questions him on this as does Buttercup and Milo. Bender explains to the three, that he has a guy who can do the job Mutliversal Private Detective Titantius Anglesmith.

Dib, Boomer and Bubbles find out Bender set out with his own mission to figure this out. The team questions this decision. Boomer has Edd put in the  co-ordinates to where Lizbeth was and explains she was in London.

Darkwing, Starfire, Heloise and Skipper wonder why Lizbeth went there and Dib states that she went with the V Crusaders to explore London. Buttercup feels that was a odd place for Liz to go towards. Milo and Bubbles start to think that The V Crusaders may have caused or know something about her disappearance. Dib and Boomer scold them for thinking V and co actively put her in danger as She is like family to V and The V Crusaders as well.

Dib and Bubbles put in the suspects of Hunson and The V Team and decide to question the V Crusaders first due to their friendship and they  will do Hunson afterwards.  Darkwing, Nina and Edd think who else to question as two suspects aren't enough.

Chapter 1[]

Upon arrival, Bubbles joins Dib and Boomer in trying to find V as he may have something for them and V completely expected Lizbeth to be the reason they're here. Bubbles mentions the hibernation sickness they had and V confirms it happened to them too after they foiled Xerek and his plans.

Bubbles states who didn't it happen to and Dib mentions Bender was someone who avoided it, V is curious about this and asks Bubbles about this further and Bubbles states he was talking about some corn chip being the cause of it and Dib just laughed it off thinking it was because he was a robot why he didn't get hibernation sickness.

V suggests that Maka could be aware of something that he and the others may not have known as she was there with them and Bubbles asks why can't they help them as they could use the help. THis is when Bubbles learns Ciel was gone as well and feel it they find Ciel, they find Lizbeth.

Bubbles, Dib and Boomer return back to the others and ponder their decisions as they have Hunson Abadeer, Maka Albarn and Blissina Utonium to ask questions about. Bubbles overhears that Bender is in agreeance with Boomer when it comes to checking the former two and they all decide to make a decision on who to see 2nd.

Chapter 2[]

As they leave London, Bubbles agrees with Dib and Boomer to visit Maka next in part to the relationship Maka and Lizbeth share and that Maka may be more knowledgable than the V Crusaders. Seeing as Nina, Dib and Boomer are going to see Maka, Bubbles goes along with them as her other sisters are busy with their own priorities.

The 4 find Maka and Bubbles contrasted to her other friends talks with Maka more openly about what's been going on as she hasn't seen Maka in a dog's age and it's mutual on her end. Maka does figure out Lizbeth is the subject in question that brings them and talks to her and the others about the London Fiasco.

As the 4 take their seats, Maka explains that yes Xerek was indeed around and yes they were all there even Hunson, but there's more to it. Feeling strung around, Boomer tells Maka what else can she say about this.

Maka explains that Something was going down even before the disappearance of Lizbeth and Ciel. She learned of a few activies that were going like the Mako Island masacare, The Attack on Newtopia Castle and other Disney related attacks. Bubbles and Dib ask what does this have to do with Lizbeth, and Maka states that she found out about those with Lizbeth as they wanted to do something about it but were talked out of it due to them overworking themselves, Maka then  gives Boomer a question about what happened to them, asking about hibernation sickness?

Boomer and Nina Confirm they did have it and it was becuase some event which Maka states happened to them too. Maka describes the event in her eyes of seeing bubbles of pure madness and some demon with a top hat being the active instigator of this as Maka was told to swear to him for all enterity.

Maka even shows a photo of what happened to her friends before their petrifcation and this horrifies the others.

Maka tells Bubbles that she's been trying to her own work to find Lizbeth herself and trying to understand how these portal dimensions work and what the weird event was that happened to all of them. Bubbles asks about Black Star and Kid, who were effected and Maka explains that they joined Slade in a struggle for his contient which is being under seige by rival conquers and that Slade's top allies were busy with their own thing. Bubbles agrees with Maka's conditions to call her if they find anything as they leave.

Bubbles is taken aside by Blossom and Buttercup and they discuss Blossom's phone call she recieved from Bliss. Bubbles is curioius why Bliss called them and Blossom tells her that she wanted to check up on them and that she may have knowledge for them regarding their findings which she reveals had something to do with their lizard lawyer also being a monster general and was a disney supermacist.

With this knowledge the girls as well as Bender on contact convince Boomer to see Bliss as she does have some info about the event that happened and that they should see her before Hunson.

Chapter 3[]

Upon arriving in Townsvile, Bubbles and Blossom take Dib, Milo, Nina and Boomer to see Bliss at  their household where they see Bliss there. Bliss is happy to see them, though asks where Buttercup is and Bubbles states Starfire took Buttercup to investigate something else and that they are here with what Blossom and Bliss talked about

Bliss states that she  knows and she asks both Bubbles and Blossom about hibernation sickness and petfrication and they confirm it. Bliss states that this was at the hand of a Villain Cult led by Toffee which Blossom knew as she looked into it with Dexter. When Blossom and Bubbles ask Bliss about her knowledge on Toffee, Bliss states she was facing him and his team a bit ago with the help of Team Free Will led by Castiel who gave his life to save them from Toffee and his cult.

Bubbles asks why Bliss didn't get them to help and Bliss tells her that she didn't have time to and that they were on the move. Bliss mentions that they were used as part of a throne for Toffee when petrified with her other friends. Bliss continues  with that she was helped and saved by Marcy Wu, Mojo and a few others from the petrication process which they led a heist to take the throne apart.

Bubbles asks how did Wu Girl and her friends surive it, Bliss reveals that Marcy and co were working on vaccines to immunize people from the events of the Weirdmagedon affect. Bubbles puts it together with Blossom that was why they were some there and this puzzles her that both Bender and Bliss use the same wording for it.

Bubbles, Dib and Boomer then tell Bender about what Bliss mentioned and curious about Bliss's wording states that both her sister and him use the same word for the event which He states strange minds think alike basically.

Chapter 4[]

Upon the team finding Hunson's domain. Bubbles joins the others in asking Abadeer about the London Attack and the disappearing Zaragoza situation. Bubbles learns about Hunson's "business" trip cover with Lizbeth, Maka, Aluard, Linkara, V, Zero and Ciel and their encounter with Xerek who escalated a plan to take over London and get revenge on Lizbeth.

Hunson explains he was using it as a cover with his business and the vast millions he has made in part to it. Bubbles unlike Buttercup understands Hunson's punch clock villain tendencies and asks about the event. Hunson states that it was Weirdmagedon as he puts it, Bubbles tells Hunson that her Sister and Bender also called the event that as well.

Hunson intially rolls with it being 3 straight minds thinking the same thing, but does point out Bliss and Bender both knew something about it, Bliss knows the partires and feels Bender knows about the vaccines. The others wonder how he knew, Hunson admits that vaccine distbution was something that he noticed as the event transpired and he saw The Jolly Roger ship doing so.

Hunson and the V Crusaders then exchange info and find out where to go to find Ciel and Lizbeth as the sources are once again radiating to the energy levels they were of the event.

Bubbles, Dib and Boomer decide to tell Bender and get him to see with them.

Chapter 5[]

The Group arrives in London and Boomer speeding ahead to find Lizbeth. Bubbles decides to wait for Bender and The V Crusaders to come around. As they do, Bubbles goes after Boomer's location to see if they are successful in finding Ciel and Lizbeth.

However upon their arrival, Bubbles and the others find just Ciel and Lizbeth's clothes and this caues Bubbles grief as she doesn't how to take the lost of her friend. She doesn't understand considering that they're the good guys and that they should win which Buttercup calls her out for being overly optimsitc.

That night, with the rest of the group as well as the clothes they found, Bubbles joins her friends in mourning her loss crying silently like everyone other than Bender who's tears are more audible.


As everyone takes their seats and the memorial speeches are given out, Bubbles is remarkably suprised at how many people came out for Lizbeth, Ciel or thers

She and Dib are found by Maka who tells them what she found on Toffee. . That 40ish people brought down the cult and that this was around the Disney universes which Toffee was trying to instill himself as in charge as he was convinced that Disney should rule the multiverse. Dib thinks Toffee is nuts for this and that he's thankful someone brought him down and Bubbles states that who could have possibly brought him down from this plan, if he came back. Unaware that Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo are there and played a part

Afterwards Bubbles discusses matters with Boomer, Nina, Dib and The V Crusaders about their situtation and how they are going to deal with this. A friend they all really loved and will figure out to best deal with what Lizbeth left behind.

After the event, Bubbles helps Dib with the others deal with Bruce Wayne's death and then stays at Townsvile with them where they are quarrintied by The Smoking Man with the others. They are saved by Professor Membrane and her Sister Bliss and brought to safety who arrived with Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Slade's Empire to save them unknown to them.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter are all sucked up into the future. She and her sisters just finished taking on another monster going after Townsvile. They all go looking for where they are. with Dexter, Blossom and Heloise figure out they're out in the future. They nearly get attacked by some soldiers so they can go to the next house which ends up Chloe's. As it's summer Chloe decides to help out and explain the situation, Bubbles considers her pretty.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter follow Chloe and they meet Commander Mcbragg who decide to help them. They are encountered by Skullface who was trying to have the Commander killed. Dib and the others help deal with Skullface and deal with Payback 2.0, Bubbles and the girls take on the super soliders so the others get can help Mcbragg deal with Skullface.

However this get complicated by Sharon Carter and Solider Boy who arrive on the scene and they fight the two to a stalemate. Which Even Buttercup admits is very tough for them.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter all get the information they need from what SB is up to. They and Mcbragg work to get away from the Soliders fighting them all at many times. This is until they see Colonel Kit Coyote and Sergant Oakely Homa who work with them to get the heroes though Commander Mcbragg gives up his life for them. As they return, they see Jimmy, Jorgen, Kowalski, Private, Rico, Phineas, Isabella and Marceline who are relieved to see them home and ask what happened with them. They explain in a quick way what really happened with them.


Dib, Boomer and Bubbles all discuss the recent events together that happened. After this, The three find a paper that tells the events that occurred with Dakota, Cavendish and the others that dealt with Thawne.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

It is nothing more than a normal day back at the M.O.D.A.B House where everyone is attending to their days and plans. The Powerpuff Girls are once again gearing to head to Pokey Oaks, Skipper and the Penguins are to be doing their commando stufff. Nina, Heloise and Dexter are to be doing science experiments. Gosalyn, Darkwing and Launchpad is prepared to go with Milo to his home to prepare to help little kids while Dib, Boomer and Edd are preparing to go to school as well and make their plans that Lizbeth would have wanted

When Professor Membrane calls and confirms his time he will spent with Dib and The Powerpuff Girls as well as what he had being doing in Mexico after school she learns Bender volunteered to get it. Unlike her sister she isn't questioning Bender's eagnerness to help Professor Membrane, even when he says that the two go back and he has some of his own businesses to attend to. Everyone asks him on what, Bender just claims he is clamming a house.

Bubbles is then seen with her sisters, Dib and Membrane at Vought as Bender is at a bar and greet him before Professor Membrane has them so he and Bender can discuss matters and concerns.

Chapter 3[]

Part 8[]

The Powerpuff Girls, Dib, Dexter and Boomer all recieved a visit from Mojo Jojo who discussed worm holes with them and what Slade has been working. They learn about Professor Membrane's Tek Manor situation and the thing going on with Vought. Bubbles and Blossom both have Dib and Dexter ask them to it as a cloak to disguise that they want to help Dib's father and it does go as planned.

Part 9[]

Bubbles and the other Powerpuff Girls arrive at Tek Manor and unlike her sisters, she just relaxs until chaos goes erupt and she fights the supes that are out to get rid of the mortals and any supes against them. She runs into Professor Membrane who aplogizes to her about getting her involved and then Bender who advised her and the girls to just avoid the danger Neuman represents or Tek Knight in this case and let Anglesmith take care of all this.

Book 2: Interlude[]

Legends of the Multi-Universe (Menslady's story)[]

Bubbles, Axel and Dib go find the Disney Angels and help them against other foes. When everything looked good, they were tricked by Galvatron and he stole the angels. Bubbles, now feeling down, doesn't know what to do and neither do Dib or Axel. But Lizbeth helped get the 3 back on their feet and Bubbles will do what she can to help save the angels! She and Dib left after Season 2.

Allies and enemies[]

Allies: Misty, Dib, Bender, Milo, Lizbeth, Edd, Boomer, Darkwing, Gosalyn, Peep, Emperor X, Luciaus, Doofenschimtz, Stewie, Oscar, Dr. Blowhole, Django of the Dead, Starfire, Jorgen Von Strangle, Skipper, Marceline, Finn, Ice King, Heloise, Axel, Harley Quinn. Batman, Hans the Puffin, Scorpion, Noob, Angels of Disney, Children of the Autobots, Raz, Crypto, R.J., Cassandra, Android 18, Sagat, Delta Squad, Princess Celestia, Megaman X, Hiscord, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, John Price

Enemies: Mojo Jojo, HIM, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Hades, the Joker, Darkwarrior Duck, Alt Doof, Hunson Abadeer, No Heart, Galvatron, Wesker, Profion (though one wonders what will happen if they see him with Bender), Discord, the Dystopia League, Sigma, the Sigma Organization, Lord Commander

LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]


Ultimate Story[]

Bubbles was part of The Ultimate Story from the very beginning. She and her sisters, Blossom and Buttercup, met Lisa Simpson when they were all very young and have became as close as sisters to her.

Bubbles is loyal and devoted to her friends and family. She is also incredibly friendly, enabling her to make friends with anyone easily. When she and her sisters first met Misty, she became very close to her to where they became like sisters.

She played a major role in Ultimate Story 2 in which she was one of the 8 heroes that saved Dinosaur Planet. Being one who adores cute creatures, she loved Prince Tricky and became fast friends with him.

After they saved the planet, they decided to stay on it a little longer. Throughout their stay on the planet, Bubbles spent most of her time with Tricky. As well as his newborn sister, Princess Beauty, as well as Fox's sister, Krystal.

Before the events of US2, she became interested into 4 franchises: Space Tire, a made-up fictional story came up by Fanfictiondreamer's brother during their childhood; Toad Force V, a TV show that was only mentioned in Mario Party Advanced; and the 2 very well known fictional stories, Kim Possible and Ratchet and Clank, a TV show and a video game respectively that Fanfictiondreamer had started a fanfic on years ago and then went back on it after a 10-year hiatus. During the events of US2, Bubbles "dreamt up" a story about the 2 franchises involved in a crossover, then wrote it up and entered it into a fanfiction contest, in which the winner would have their fanfic be made by the original creators of their original works. Bubbles won the contest and had "her" story made into a DVD. Both The Extremely Secret Files and The Solonian Revolution made cameo appearances in the stories as DVDs, but then, the next 2 books, The Lombax Secret and Another Sitch in Time, took on just books with some unusual circumstances taking place.

Bubbles' Pokémon[]

