Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Britt is a recurring villain in the Game of Thrones video game, Britt is known for being a sadist and a liar.

Britt is a man-at-arms working under House Whitehill.

Britt along side many other soldiers were tasked with suppressing further Northern rebellion.

similar to Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsay Snow Britt is a man with little to no redeeming qualities he uses his power as a soldier to abuse and kill ancient civilizations just for his own entertainment and feels no remorse when doing so, one of the civilians being Gared tuttle's father.

After killing Gared tuttle's father along side two other soldiers, Britt was caught by Gared and out of angry Gared attacked him, during the battle Gared killed one soldier with a axe or a pitchfork, and defeated the other soldier in battle, during that fight Britt ran away to tell Lord Whithill what happened but Britt lied to him and made Gared look like the villain in the situation so Lord Whithil would demand that Gared would be killed.
