Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale

Boris Badanov is one of Fearless Leader's henchmen.

The Miracle Elite Adventures[]

Tuxedo Lovelace vs Dorammmu[]

Black Knight recruits him into Dormammu's alliegance for comic relief as she may need it for Vlad's operations. They were hire to be Kuja's successor. But not anymore, Kuja pretends to work for Dormammu.

Tuxedo Lovelace vs CarnEvil[]

Dormammu's forces was prepared for birth of Zombie Kingdom along with the newly acquired Black Cauldron which he then summons the Cauldron Born.

During the final battle Fearless Leader and his henchmen retreats.

In the epilogue, Vlad Bender and Fearless Leader attempts to deal with Hunson Abadeer one more time.

After Inferno Clan's defeat, Boris and Natasha defects themself off-screen from Dormammu's clan and moved on.

Protectors of the Multi-Universe[]

