Boomer is the blond-haired, blue-eyed member of The Rowdyruff Boys. He is Bubbles' male equivalent and evil counterpart and was originally created by Mojo Jojo. After being killed by the Powerpuff Girls' kiss of death, he was reincarnated by HIM and was given a cootie shot to prevent the same mistake to be repeated. Opposed to Bubbles' color light blue, Boomer's is more like a cobalt blue. His key element is "Snips".
Boomer is one of the Two Tritagonists of The The4everrevival Storylines Phases 1 to 3 alongside Dib Membrane.
Greatest Strength: His loyalty to others (especially Nina, Lizbeth and Dib)
Greatest Weakness: He's not all that smart and this comes back to bite him often. He also has some confidence problems on top of that.
Love Interests: Nina Cortex (Slade Strikes Back to LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour, Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy- )and Lizbeth Zaragoza (Island Tour-Multiversal Noir)
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen
Moral Ranking: Near Pure Good
Physical Appearance[]
Basically he looks like a male version of Bubbles as he is her counter part except he wear darker blue clothes
The only thing that he and Bubbles share Boomer is that both of them can be stupid at times. He’s a bit of a loudmouth due to his personality, and it gets on some of his friends nerves. He is often neglected as a sixth ranger no matter where he is but he takes it in stride however. If anything has shown indication he is the most girl crazy of all the heroes since he has had crushed on Bubbles, Nina and Lizbeth through out the series in that order. He has also shown to be easily shy which is somewhat prominent in his interactions with the former two and very much so with the latter. He is a devoted friend however to his many friends and helps whenever it's needed, particularly with Lizbeth and Nina.
He is also a devoted love to Nina, but always has emotional closeness and feeling towards Lizbeth. While Nina gets jealous of this she takes in it stride, and she helps him by getting him as Lizbeth's assistant while Heloise is gone knowing how Boomer will need someone to talk to. He has developed close friendships with many characters since his turn in particular Dib, Lizbeth, Nina and Oswald. Because of his loyalty and honesty he is marked as a Descendant, alongside his friends Dib, Bender, Lizbeth, Skipper and Scorpion.
M.O.D.A.B./P Team Storyline[]
Alignment: Good (Formerly Evil in The Beginning)
Occupations: Member of M.O.D.A.B, Second in Command to the Child Avengers.
Best Friends: Nina Cortex, Lizbeth, Crona, Dib, Brick, Butch, Kick Ass, Vinny, Garak, Edward Kenway
Worst Enemies: The Joker, Wicked Witch (Once Upon A Time), Peter Pan (Once Upon A Time) and the Powerpunk Girls, Lord Commander
F U N Song Starring Boomer and Zeus
He is one of the most consistent characters alongside Bender, Skipper, Lizbeth, Nina, Django, the V Team, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Hades
He started as a villain for Slade’s team and then reformed for the rest for the series as an ally and an awesome friend to his friends
He is the fifth main member of M.O.D.A.B to join the team after a bit of soul searching.. His role also grew more important eventually replacing Dib as a main character alongside Lizbeth and Bender.
He eventually left the team along with Lizbeth since he didn't want Lizbeth to be alone, since she feel she was causing her friends to die left and right due to her presence (which was not completely false). Brick and Butch didn't join him and decided to stay with the group.
The Beginning []
Here he made his debut, as a minion of Slade and his team he spend most of the story as. He loved Bubbles but when he found out that she loved Dib he eventually decided to turn against his leader, and help the heroes. He provided himself a good ally due to this. While Dib and Bubbles fought Slade Boomer fought his brothers Brick and Butch. It was the hardest fight of his life but he won. And after words he helped turn them into guys.
Slade Strikes Back[]
He returned trying to find Dib for most of the story, but he was caught by Slade and his new allies. However, he escaped with the help of a turncoat Nina who he fell for, Having escaped he continued his quest to find Dib and defeat Slade, but little did he realize Slade wasn’t the major mastermind, but a revived Joker. He along with some new friends like Beast Boy and Meowth fought Joker.
The V Team Island Adventure[]
Boomer then returned to surprise the others with Nina, suspecting Eddy and the V Team of wrong. They corrected him and then showed their new friends Crash and Coco. After the fact, He was surprised to see Bender on the adventure too and Bender explained the situation to him. Then he helped the gang against Uka Uka and his henchmen.
The Great Time Travel Adventure[]
For a third time he came back with a larger role. Boomer was beginning to realize he was falling in love with the “new” Lizbeth he saw in the V Team Island Adventure. Boomer helped the heroes as usual, but kept getting distracted by his feeling towards Lizbeth. It got out of hand and Nina broke up with him. Boomer spend more time with Lizbeth and he was touched when she revealed that the reason she called her name Liz was because he affection ally calls her it. Lizbeth knew about his crush, but stayed friends with him and is trying to help him get Nina back. His persistence paid off when Lizbeth helped him save Nina and they got back together and Nina realized that she couldn't blame him or Lizbeth for the love he has for the latter.
Soon He learns that Nina was sick from cancer, he didn't take it well and fell in depression at the reveal once again falling into despair. Boomer and Lizbeth the ones most concerned went so far to hire one of the greatest doctors to help, Boomer's response was to hug Lizbeth immensely and then apologizing for it considering that he didn't take into custom that she is socially awkward.
Currently Boomer is now spending time with Nina and his brothers waiting for the next big adventure although he wonders how they got here. Boomer is surprised to see snow on the ground as he leaves for a date with a dolled up Nina. Now he his brothers and a bunch of his friends are preparing for a big Christmas party for Nina and Lizbeth.
The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]
Boomer is returning for this adventure and for the first time he has his brothers with him. This time he is dealing with Discord who screwed with his siblings and tried to kill his friends Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Jorgen, Marceline, Django, Finn, Ice King and King Julian. He is also dealing with the new comer villain Sigma.
Boomer simply finds the chocolate rain just funny as does his brothers, after wards he goes on a double date with Dib, Bubbles and Nina and get trapped by Gideon and Whooping Crane. Thankfully his girlfriend saves them by snarking at their captives.
Boomer gets worried about the situation after Gosalyn's death and fears for Lizbeth as her annoyance at Dib and Bender's bickering and then realizing she's hiding her true broken feelings from them. Boomer and his brothers join the Membrane Elite and he helps in the war with the Dystopian and Sigma forces. He finds a special ring and he learns it's purpose from Princess Celestia and also Discord. Boomer, then at Psychonauts universe, helps Dib, X and the others fight back Loboto's forces.
He is called up by the Crusaders and Lizbeth to meet about the latter's plan with the groups as he shares Lizbeth's point of view that the issues between their friends is a cock fight. She reveals everything to him mostly her involvement with MD and Bender's previous dealings with their enemy Discord. While peeved about the latter, he realizes the jerk had a point after thinking it through and with the former he puts Scorpion into consideration. He leaves afterwards ready to help Liz get the team back. He calls her up and asks her for ideas on their predicament. It seems she has an idea.
He finds the sixth one after getting punted by Veger, who shows up demanding. The Two get into a fight which alerts Carmelita and she goes after them. After he wins, he is brought to the office for questioning. Through Discord he learns that his brothers were used for tools by Vilgax as well as Bender's role in bringing them in. Like Dib, he isn't surprised at this, but he's happier since Bender did give him closure where his brothers were. He also guesses that John Price is working with Lizbeth. He shares Lizbeth's point of view on the team's fight and they both force them to work with each together. Boomer then helps Dib and X defeat Sigma eliminating him and his forces from the war. Boomer helps his friends save the abnormality and like them he is depressed to sacrifice Dib (who does it of his own choice).
The Wrath of God of War Rises[]
Boomer joins the story to act as Lizbeth's sidekick and to help her deal with their enemies. This story is meant to foreshadow the role Boomer and Lizbeth becoming a couple and in a relationship. Rather than join a team, Boomer directly joins with her and Maka. Boomer also get involves with The V Crusaders and learns many people actively encourages a romantic relationship between them. He also clashes with Clemont for Lizbeth's advances understanding what Nina felt like back in The Great Time Travel Adventure.
After the head mastermind's defeat, Boomer leaves back home with Vinny, Lizbeth and Kick Ass taking him home. In the future, Boomer and Lizbeth are living together with her other team mates as Ciel believes in all of them keeping close contact and they seem happy though they always contact Nina as well and keep in touch with her.
The Legend of Maka Albarn[]
Boomer joins with Lizbeth, Pinky ,The Brain, Garak and The V Crusaders to help Maka from dying. By the time this story rolled around, Lizbeth is officially his girlfriend after Lizbeth rescued him in The Final Stand

Teenage Boomer
and had her realization that she is in love with him. They moved out and now live together in a real estate while still going to school, for Boomer to learn and Lizbeth to keep an eye on him and anything she thinks of.
Boomer has taken a level in badass over the years as he decides to give up having super powers since he didn't like being seen as a freak by his classmates in class and hones himself to become like his girlfriend Lizbeth though he is less masculine than her. He also is a bit more intelligent than he was

Another transformation Boomer went through
before. He also ended up getting the same procedure Lizbeth had placed on her, and as a result grew to his maximum height, making him taller than Liz for a while, His body became ridiculously well built which Lizbeth found herself impressed with, when she saw him post procedure. Despite his new strength, speed, height and physical looks he is still the sweet guy he was before. He also uses his PPZ to make people think he's a nerd when in reality he isn't one and could kick people's asses with ease who try to push his friends around
Before, it Boomer has an assignment to write an essay to write on who his hero, and he wants to write on Lizbeth since he sees her as his hero after Lizbeth trains for her Multi-Universal high school athletics where she joined the teams and she agrees to be written on her.
Boomer is at The Paradise Lost Kingdom with Lizbeth, Brain and Pinky when they learn about Maka's incident on her birthday and he goes to see what's wrong. When he learns how come and is told about the courage kingdom by Maka and Lizbeth, He believes going there is the solution to the problem.
After this he works with Lizbeth, Maka , Hunson and The V crusaders on something.
LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Edd, Darkwing are all brought back temporarily from the dead by Lizbeth, Boomer, Hunson Abadeer, Maka, Soul and the V Crusaders though they're all don't know who they are haven lost their memories so Nina, Marceline, Starfire, Jorgen, Finn, Julian and Django who Lizbeth called help do it while Boomer has a picnic date with Lizbeth where the two talk about what went on when Garak informs of an attack on the Paradise Kingdom where they all go to.Boomer and Lizbeth both start getting suspicious as Nina brings up aren't they forgetting someone. They Investigate the Paradise Lost Kingdom with help from Ryan Hardy a friend of Lizbeth and the V Crusaders. Ichabod helps Lizbeth and Boomer investigate and that learn it was Crowley and then meet Pan.. Homer reveals that Springfield is under attack which gets him up in arms until the whole group meets Jack Bauer who phones to assure Homer's family is fine and that they should find him. Lizbeth, Boomer,, Nina, Hunson and Clemont all go off on their own in which they go the Kwie E Mart where they find out Garak is there and that Bender is there too. The Five go after him and eventually corner, Bender, Isabella, Skipper and Suede who they ask why they're there and they explain, Lizbeth, Nina and the others lead the others to him where they reunite only for Discord to arrive and scare the crap out of everyone.
Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Darkwing, Casper, Wendy, Starfire, Julian, Jorgen, Nina, Finn, Marceline and Django with Hunson wander into cavern 1 where time in Casper and Wendy's Universe froze and they did everything possible in the world. They end up stumbling upon a loyalty which Lizbeth and Boomer pass and go looking for a piece of the final puzzle piece. Boomer and Lizbeth go with The P Team and The V Crusaders, Hunson and Mr.Gold to stop Pan which means taking down his boys and then him. Pan however escapes absorbs the Niburu power and repeat themselves which doesn't work as planned. Pan tries to kill him and Lizbeth with Maka, However Mr.Gold shows up and manages to kill Pan, with them all thinking he sacrificed himself to stop his father. Boomer and Lizbeth with Dib and the others are eaten by the Niburu leaving up to the angel and robot. After being brought back by Castiel, Boomer decides to leave for normal life since he and Lizbeth state they can't keep doing this as they have lives, responsibilities, careers and all the stuff to look forward to as one gets older.
The Alternate Ending to LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
In the Alternate Ending planned, Boomer would still be with his friends, he would be in a relationship with Lizbeth, and the two of them would act with Dib a lot. When Bender shows up saying odd things about the others being dead and Darkwing being a psychotic justice enforcer. Boomer goes with Lizbeth go to Marceline and asks what's up with him. Boomer also assumes that Discord is acting odd too since he called him earlier and Discord acted just as confused.
Boomer's past self returns with Past Dib, Past Lizbeth and the others, and finds himself involved with something that him and the others have no idea what it is.Boomer was killed by Thawne before hand to get revenge on Bender and his friends alongside Nina and Lizbeth. However this is reconned for him not to die and The heroes use the spear to make the same age as they made Lizbeth, i.e a young man so the two can be together, raise their daughter and be the legal guardians to Dib and the others.
Anglesmith Origins[]
Boomer appears at the start with the others as they are just recently settling it from Brick and Butch's Death. It proves difficult, for him as he lost his brothers and he doesn't know why. His girlfriend Lizbeth and ex girlfriend Nina do their best to help him out through this tough time as do Bubbles and Milo over this. Boomer was talking to HIM and Mojo as well who admit they were upset as well and that gave the two a memorial to them. Luan finds them and asks them for helping in getting Bender. They turn her down as they know he can take care of himself, they're busy and feel Bender should just take his own time with things.
The Team all welcome Bender back to their place and ask him certain questions, but don't ask him about his quest as they didn't know he did so.
Multiversal Noir[]
Boomer is one of the two main protagonists of Multiversal Noir alongside Bender as they both work to find Lizbeth who has gone missing since Weirdmagedon and he takes the leader role to find his girlfriend and to find out what happened.
Boomer is seen up in the morning preparing for breakfast as he is waiting for Lizbeth to return from her trip as he hasn't seen her for a while. He notes that he hoped his girlfriend had fun on her vacation. He does feel a bit sick as a result of hibernation sickness that he and many of his friends seem to have. He hopes Lizbeth doesn't have it too.
Dib, Bubbles,Blossom, Bender, Dexter ,Buttecup, Milo, Dexter, Edd and Darkwing are all having their breakfast getting ready for the day. With the exception of Bender, all of them are feeling the same hibernation sickness Boomer has. Boomer shows up and asks if they heard from Lizbeth.
The group feels a little uncomfortable and Boomer asks what's up. Blossom and Dexter both look a bit nervous and Boomer asks them what's going on. Blossom states that Lizbeth went missing and Dexter states they just found out even though it happened a bit ago. Boomer and Milo feels distressed and Dib tries to comfort both of them about it.
Dib decides to place some calls to figure out what really happened and Bubbles goes with him. Boomer and Bender meanwhile believe they must investigate this case and put their heads to work. Blossom tells everyone to quiet as Boomer will have the floor.Boomer thanks Blossom and decides there is one approach that must be taken and that is investigate the multiverse and where Lizbeth took her trip which he discussed with Bender and everyone agrees to do.
Edd tries to covince Bender not to go on his own investigation and get a detective as they don't need a detective to get involved. Boomer decides to talk to Bender on this and they come to an agreement on this. Bender and Boomer can both investigate on their own but need to keep some contact with one another if they find something.
Dib, Boomer and Bender all hand their walkie talkie radios to keep in contact. Darkwing and Dexter get their vehciles ready for the rest of the team to board.
Boomer sees Starfire, Skipper and Heloise join the crew and decides it's time to start the investigation to find his girlfriend. He hopes Bender can find something in case he can't and that she is not confirmed to be dead.
Dib, Boomer and Bubbles find out Bender set out with his own mission to figure this out. The team questions this decision. Boomer has Edd put in the co-ordinates to where Lizbeth was and explains she was in London.
Darkwing, Starfire, Heloise and Skipper wonder why Lizbeth went there and Dib states that she went with the V Crusaders to explore London. Buttercup feels that was a odd place for Liz to go towards. Milo and Bubbles start to think that The V Crusaders may have caused or know something about her disappearance. Dib and Boomer scold them for thinking V and co actively put her in danger as She is like family to V and The V Crusaders as well.
Chapter 1[]
Boomer arrives with the rest of the team into London and decides that they must split up in regards to finding the V Crusaders and that he should go find V spefically with Dib and Bubbles. Both of them agree with this and they manage to find him which has V show up and he is very aware of Lizbeth's disappearance and why Boomer is even here.
Boomer asks V about the vacation to London they all took and V explains that he, Alucard, Zero, Ciel, Linkara, Lizbeth, Maka and Hunson Abadeer all were in London and not just for a vacation but they had a foe to defeat in Xerek who was in an evil plan to control the world and that he was after Lizbeth for revenge.
Boomer asks about Xerek's revenge plan against her and V states he didn't have a hand in that one. Maka may have an idea though Boomer hears from V as Maka decided to look into the event that really happened afterward as did Hunson.
Boomer asks V for help in this, but V turns this down as he's trying to find Ciel with the others as she disappeared as well in a similar way and they're trying to find their own way.
Getting his info with Dib and Bubbles, Boomer communicates to Bender about the info recieved to them by V. Bender and him both agree that checking up on Hunson or Maka might be a great idea. Boomer goes on stating that they had hiberantion sickness as well as he did and asks Bender about his end. Boomer learns from Bender that he is attempting something in Lizbeth's old home at Halverston and Area.
Chapter 2[]
It comes to a choice that Maka will be the next person that Boomer and the others decide to talk about the case respectiley. Boomer decides to do so with Nina, Dib and Bubbles as they're his best friends to discuss this matter with. Nina asks Boomer if he's feeling okay about all this and Boomer lies to her that he's fine. Boomer looks at a photo of him and Lizbeth and states that he'll find her and nearly crys himself to sleep
Upon their arrival to the Soul Eater Universe, Boomer goes to Maka with Dib, Bubbles and Nina and find her at her home. Maka seems delighted to see Boomer and lets him and the others in, Maka brings up how Boomer is doing and Boomer states he's doing fine and he was here to ask about Lizbeth as that's what Bubbles, Nina and Dib are here for as well.
Maka sighs because she had a feeling that;s why they're here. Dib asks Maka did V and co get in contact with her, Maka denies this stating that she came up with this on her own terms and tells them to sit down and she'll explain
As the 4 take their seats, Maka explains that yes Xerek was indeed around and yes they were all there even Hunson, but there's more to it. Feeling strung around, Boomer tells Maka what else can she say about this.
Maka explains that Something was going down even before the disappearance of Lizbeth and Ciel. She learned of a few activies that were going like the Mako Island masacare, The Attack on Newtopia Castle and other Disney related attacks. Bubbles and Dib ask what does this have to do with Lizbeth, and Maka states that she found out about those with Lizbeth as they wanted to do something about it but were talked out of it due to them overworking themselves, Maka then gives Boomer a question about what happened to them, asking about hibernation sickness?
Boomer and Nina Confirm they did have it and it was becuase some event which Maka states happened to them too. Maka describes the event in her eyes of seeing bubbles of pure madness and some demon with a top hat being the active instigator of this as Maka was told to swear to him for all enterity.
Maka even shows a photo of what happened to her friends before their petrifcation and this horrifies the others. Boomer seems mortified and asks Maka what does Hunson know about this?
Maka states Hunson may know than any of them and that he could help out with this, Bubbles curious to this wonders was he petifird and Maka states he didn't get that way but he was fighting off a lot of monsters from another realm. Maka states that she tried and almost saved Lizbeth from being sealed away but she was turned to stone. Before they leave, Maka tells Boomer to call her with anything Hunson knows and Boomer agrees
When sharing this info, Boomer decides to set course to Hunson's place and exchanges this info to Bender who seems suprised that Marceline's father wasn't petrified. When Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup come to Boomer about maybe talking to Blissina about this, Boomer is unsure but the girls and Bender convince him to just pay a visit to Bliss.
Chapter 3[]
The City of Townsvile is once again save but seems to be more save then usual as everyone arrives in Townsville. Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup decide to lead Boomer and the others to their sister. Though Starfire states she wants to see someone at prison with SKipper and Heloise which Boomer agrees to.
Heading to the Professor's house, The Girls ask about Blissina and they learn she is already and Bliss is happy to see her sisters and introduces herself to Dib, Milo and Nina as they take a seat to talk
Boomer asks about Bliss about the event that turned him and the others into petrifying statues and the hibernations sickness that came along. He learns that she herself was affected by this. Though she knew who was the cause as she was facing this threat
Curious, Blossom asks and Bliss reveals it was Toffee, who Blossom states she was looking into at the cofusion of the others. Boomer asks about Toffee and Bliss tells Boomer and co about their encounter with Toffee and his cult and that she worked with her friends and team to take down Toffee. Dib asks what team and Bliss states that a Team under the Angel of Thursday who gave his live, while she was being unpetrified by her friend Marcy Wu
Boomer asks About Marcy and her importance and learns that she was who reptrfied her and with the help of Multiversal P.I Anglesmith, his partner in crime, Mojo Jojo, A Masked Man and a blue skined brit. Boomer and the Girls question how Mojo Jojo did so and Bliss reveals he was helping stop Toffee, which surpises them.
As Bliss goes on Marcy working on vaccines, this is when Nina and Boomer realize that's why there were vaccines in the mail box. Bliss confirms this to them and asks why they're asking. Boomer and the others tell Bliss about Lizbeth's dissapearance and who they checked out
Afterwards, Bender is told by Dib, Bubbles and Boomer that they went to Bliss and found about this event that petrified her as well and Marcy Wu's involvement regarding the vaccines and Mojo was involved. Dib even questions how Bender's guy knew about this but Bender points out that he may have been involved, the P.I that is and that Hunson is their last try
Boomer tells all this to Maka and The V Crusaders about what Blissina knew and that they are going to check in on Hunson and they better come to which they agree to.
Chapter 4[]
With Hunson Abadeer as their final suspect, Boomer visits Hunson with the Girls, Dexter and Dib and press him about the London Attack. Hunson tells Boomer and co about their encounter with Xerek and that Lizbeth was getting souvernirs for Boomer in mind of him. Hunson gives them to Boomer and Boomer looks at them and takes them
Hunson tells Boomer that ever since Lizbeth's disappearnce he looked very much into it. He used his sources to look up the energy sources, he had London searched and had every main hang out of Lizbeth searched. Boomer asks about what he found, Hunson reveals that it was a baffliing discoveries even for him. He does reveal that the one ultimately pulling the chains was Bill Cipher
Boomer asks about Bill and Hunson reveals to Boomer about Bill's interdimensional connections and his sources that he was intending to invade for a long time ago. He also figured out a rift was the containment factor of Bill's powers as he reveals about his encounter with the duo of hi and Toffee.
Hunson gets a call from The V Crusaders about their leaking details about Lizbeth and Ciel's location of disapparance emulating similar energy levels to that day. Hunson tells the crew to get their vechile ready and head down there and also tells Boomer to get his robot there as well.
Dib and Boomer both tell Bender about this and they have found a locale on Ciel and Lizbeth ad to meet up with them at the location. They make a mention that a demon indeed was involved and Boomer asks Bender about his familiarty with the symbol of Bill. Bender identifies it as Bill, Boomer and Dib question how Bender knows Bill Cipher.
They find out that he has looked into Bill Cipher and has investigated the trignaular demon, Dib thinks back and realizes Bender was talking about Bill as the evil corn chip. Boomer thinks back and asks did Anglesmith tell Bender about his return, and Bender tells Boomer that Titantius did indeed tell him and Bender hired him to go invesitgate the uncertainites in hopes of finding some info on this.
Chapter 5[]
Everyone arrives back in London and Boomer goes off in a desperate way to find his love and decides not to wait for the others to arrive. Boomer wants to See Lizbeth and he wants to see her now as it's implied by his friends.
Boomer arrives at the location, but his smiles and desparation turn to shock and tears when he sees what he find as Hunson arrives at the scene too. Boomer is told that Lizbeth and Ciel are gone and by gone dead, which Boomer can't fanthom what's happening . This is similar to Milo and Nina who can't process this either but Boomer outright crys just likes Bubbles has done on occassion.
Boomer is not convinced of Lizbeth's death despite everyone else telling him this and the part of the clothes prove it. Boomer states that it takes more than that to kill off Lizbeth as he sighs in believe.
That night, Boomer mourns Lizbeth with Dib, Bubbles, Bender, Milo, Edd, Nina, Darkwing and Dexter and he cries in Nina's hands visby really down like them.
Boomer decides to contiune looking which Nina tries to comfort him and tell him to get tosleep. Boomer ignores Nina in his grief decides to go all thorugh the night trying to convince himself that he didn't lose her.
Boomer sees everyone who has arrived at his girlfriend's memorial and realizes that he must present his speech to everyone about Lizbeth. He's scared but Nina does give him confidence to speak his mind.
Boomer presents his speech about Lizbeth was a great heroine, one of the best he knows and worked with while acknowlding her accomplishments she has did in her time. Boomer also acknowledges she was both a great friend and girlfriend that managed to someone to be someone he wanted to be with forever despite being still kids. He is saddened by this and feels that he may never truly move on from her and even he does, he won't forget her ever and this is among the biggest tragic of his life. He admits that he lost time in part to Toffee's actions like everyone there and was unaware of the unirevoicable damage he would deal with at the pont.
As Boomer talks with Dib, Bubbles, Nina and The V Crusaders about their situtation and how they are going to deal with this. A friend they all really loved and will figure out to best deal with what Lizbeth left behind. Boomer tells him, not to as he feels Lizbeth is still alive which Dib and Nina both put him gently down and tell him that she is gone and that constantly griefing isn't going to do any favors. He does suggest that Boomer should do something to honor the memory of his girlfriend with something special
This Feeling that she is not dead is eventually shared by Bender who had his own realization hanging out with Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan and Marcy.
The Prankster Point Paradox[]
Boomer is mentioned here by Bender and it's revealed that Boomer lost his brothers and he and the rest of the M.O.D.A.B held a funeral session for the Rowdyruff Boys and The V Team. Unknown to Boomer and the rest of them, Bender buried Brick and Butch's corpses himself under Slade's manison as a show of respect with the rest of The V Team. It Made what happened to Lizbeth more harsh for Bender as Bender's efforts to find her were to make up for this.
After the events, Bender went to Boomer and told him that he was looking into Lizbeth like he is and believes she's not dead and what he knew. He also told Boomer that Brick and Butch were not buried in the graveyard, but were buried in Slade's Manor and Bender himself buried their corpses alongside Mojo, HIM, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells and Sideshow Bob. Boomer finds out that Bender has been going to therapy and that Slade instructed Bender not to inform them not to leak anything a the moment.
Boomer then conformed Dib about his father's passing and helped him grief. Though they were stuck in Townsville due To The Smoking Man. Though they were saved by Professor Membrane and Blissina. Boomer sees Bender and Anti Cosmo fight off the aliens forces as well as his fathers, he isn't surprised that Bender as well as Slade's Ensemble stumbled into something and keeps it to himself as they leave.
Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter follow Chloe and they meet Commander Mcbragg who decide to help them. They are encountered by Skullface who was trying to have the Commander killed. Dib and the others help deal with Skullface and deal with Payback 2.0, Boomer does cause some destruction in the Mcbragg homer as he works to keep the man safe, though Mcbragg doesn't need it. He does help his friends take on Skull face and deals with Payback 2.0's soldiers agains them.
However this get complicated by Sharon Carter and Solider Boy who arrive on the scene and they fight the two to a stalemate.
Chronicles of Zaragoza[]
Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]
Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter are all sucked up into the future. Nina and Boomer were both out on a date when they were sucked into the future respectively. They all go looking for where they are. Dexter, Blossom and Heloise figure out they're out in the future. They nearly get attacked by some soldiers so they can go to the next house which ends up Chloe's. As it's summer Chloe decides to help out and explain the situation.
Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter all get the information they need from what SB is up to. They and Mcbragg work to get away from the Soliders fighting them all at many times. This is until they see Colonel Kit Coyote and Sergant Oakely Homa who work with them to get the heroes though Commander Mcbragg gives up his life for them. As they return, they see Jimmy, Jorgen, Kowalski, Private, Rico, Phineas, Isabella and Marceline who are relieved to see them home and ask what happened with them. They explain in a quick way what really happened with them.
Unaware to him he didn't know Lizbeth was there, even though he and Nina are back together. Boomer still wanted the best for Lizbeth.
Dib, Boomer and Bubbles all discuss the recent events together that happened. After this, The three find a paper that tells the events that occurred with Dakota, Cavendish and the others that dealt with Thawne.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
It is nothing more than a normal day back at the M.O.D.A.B House where everyone is attending to their days and plans. The Powerpuff Girls are once again gearing to head to Pokey Oaks, while Dib, Boomer and Edd are preparing to go to school as well and make their plans that Lizbeth would have wanted
Chapter 3[]
Part 8[]
Boomer gets a visit from his dad Mojo Jojo when it comes to the matters discussed and what Dib's Dad wants to inform them of. Boomer does ask Mojo secretly about what Bender has to do with this. Mojo says that he helped Dib's dad get into Vought for power and is the reason DIb is back with his dad. Boomer is sworn to secrecy about it.
Part 9[]
Boomer arrives at the party with his dad and they just hang low waiting for something to happen. When Neuman attempts to expose Anglesmith, he is quick to note Tek KNight turn the tables and tries to attack Tek Knight which he matters to causing chaos. Once things really erupt, he goes to help the other guys before regrouping with Professor Membrane and later Bender. Boomer just talks to himself about what Vought has to do with Bender's own actions here.
Book 2: Interlude[]
LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]
Nina Cortex (Girlfriend for most of the series)[]
Nina and Boomer are a couple that was formed in Slade Strikes Back. These two are close and care for each other as shown many times. However it was not always perfect, as In The Great Time Travel Adventure Nina thought a love triangle was forming with Boomer's developing feelings towards Lizbeth. She broke up with him and avoided talking to either of them. However Lizbeth set things forward and got the two back together. He is in depression because he found out the Nina has cancer and that she'll die unless the doctor can find OO negative blood type. Fortunately luck smiles upon him when Pinky calls Boomer to tell that Nina will be saved and he is overjoyed when it happens. Boomer also would like Nina to join the Child Avengers to like him but that may have to wait.
Nina however broke up with him good in the future due to his antics. Boomer was heartbroken and couldn't do anything without her. Nina moved out of the castle and she talked with Lizbeth who confessed she liked Boomer too. Nina getting over her jealously and sympathizing with Milo's death tells her to go after Boomer as Liz is the only person who knows how to make Boomer truly happy and vice versa.
Multiversal Noir however has Nina become interested in him again after seeing him in pain and wanting to be there for him in regards to Lizbeth's disappearance and they got back together before the events of Countdown.
Bubbles (His female counter part and old love interest)[]
Brick and Butch (Brothers)[]
Lizbeth (His Close Friend and eventual 2nd Girlfriend)[]
These two didn't have much of a friendship due to a lack of interaction. But starting from the Great Time Travel Adventure Boomer and Lizbeth developed a very good friendship. Boomer fell in love with Lizbeth and began paying more attention to her than Nina. Lizbeth is very helpful to him and cares for his well being which got Nina's jealousy thinking it was more than that. Boomer knows she is scary when she is angered and doesn't do anything to make her angry as like Bender, he knows nice people are terrifying when they are pushed too far. Even when Boomer and Nina got back together, he still loved Lizbeth who brought them back together. Boomer and Lizbeth learn to their shock that Nina has a potential chance of dying from a disease and Lizbeth tries harder than anyone to cheer up and help Boomer wanting him to be happy.
Boomer is occasionally embarrassed about his feeling to her and the fact that Lizbeth is stronger than him as a broken leg and arm by accident could tell. Boomer sometimes calls her Liz affectionately when he feels particularly lovey dopey. They are also great foils too, Boomer is a dumb, blonde, social, energetic and slightly fat boy who wears blue while Lizbeth is a brilliant, black haired, socially awkward, calm and thin girl who wears red. They are similar though in some regards especially the fact they are both adorkable. He is recruited by Lizbeth and Nick Fury to join the Avengers as Lizbeth's right hand. Nick Fury choose both of them because he noticed that both of them are better than they can be and wants to bring it out in them. He is also her apprentice on occasion and he does need help on occasion and since Nina or his brothers aren't always around, he goes to her. Many of his friends poke fun at Boomer or her regarding the unresolved tension between them and can clearly see what goes on between the.two.
He helped Lizbeth loads of times especially in Wrath of God of War Rises where he joins up with her to fight Ares. This is when it becomes the most clear their tension, as they always sleep in the same bed or sleeping bag , a later part Lizbeth rescues Boomer from people attempting to kidnap him, the two share intimate talks with each other and how much Maka teases her about Boomer as they act like a couple in their interactions.

He also is very sympathetic to her and the problems she undergoes. Like wherever she goes through hell in the heroes' adventures and being painfully aware of her actions, he sympathizes. This is most prominently shown at Milo's funeral where he heard Lizbeth playing a piano and singing this song which teared Boomer up to
While Boomer and Lizbeth are not boyfriend/girlfriend Lizbeth definitely has a violently protective girlfriend side to defending and helping Boomer which she did when she shamed the whole home town when they booed him over a slip in baseball and drove him to suicide. This being one of the most notable times she saved Boomer, Boomer himself once saved her during an incident regarding werewolves and vampires. One big way to anger her is harming Boomer or being a asshole to him.
At least at first this she wasn't in love with Boomer, until they both lost their loved ones and Lizbeth began realizing she was in love with Boomer a while after Milo's death which she confessed to Nina when she moved out. Boomer's crush paid off in the end as she confessed this to him under Nina and Milo's urging. They eventually moved out to live together in a mansion with V, Zero, Ciel, Alucard, Linkara helping. They lived there for years when not in the kingdom next door to The V Crusaders head quarters. She keeps her eye on Boomer even when he starts high school despite the fact that she doesn't go to school. Though Boomer warns her that the kids will see her as Boomer's sexy eye candy girlfriend as his jaw dropped when he saw how much she grew and changed physically before then.
In The Legend of Maka Albarn they both appear to help Maka and the rest with Maka being quite happy that her two friends are now together after so much tension. Boomer before this has to write an essay on his hero for school and he picked her for it which makes her laugh a little. After she practices for the Multi-Universal high school Olympics, she decides to help him but they`re interrupted by Garak who gives the news.
There is an apparent gender role reversal with them as Boomer plays the role of compassionate, submissive, and physically vulnerable character to her strong, and emotionally hardened character, typically to a strong male lead though Liz is one for compassion. R.J. even made mention to this when he saw them have a discussion by calling Boomer "the chick" and Lizbeth "the dude". He also has some confidence problems with her in that he feels inferior, partially when it comes to height as a teen, Boomer feels somewhat insecure for being a small boy in comparison to Lizbeth becoming a giant girl.
In Multiversal Noir, she goes missing and Boomer is among the ones most despearte to find her and has a breakdown when he thinks she is dead. He gets back at Nina, but her memories always go through him, though as he learns from Bender, he's not the only one who thinks she's alive and tries to find anyway to find her back, not as a girlfriend but as a best friend.
Dib (Best friend)[]
Oswald (The first and only friend he made when he was a villain and one of the reason's he's a hero)[]
Vinny becomes one of Boomer`s newest best friends as well as one of Lizbeth`s as they both decide to take him in a joint decision. Vinny quickly grows to love Boomer and Lizbeth as his owners and Boomer definitely invokes a boy and his dog cliche as well Vinny helps Boomer with his problems and tasks while encouraging Boomer`to act on his liking towards Lizbeth.
Mako Mori[]
Boomer also meets her in The Wrath of The God of War rises and is surprised as much as Lizbeth to learn she is her aunt. Mako Mori takes to him quickly and treats him as he were a member of her family.
Kick Ass[]
A New friend of Boomer is Elim Garak who helps his girlfriend Lizbeth save him in The Final Stand and helps in The Legend of Maka Albarn
Wicked Witch of The West (Once Upon A Time)[]
Boomer's archenemy in The Legend of Maka Albarn while her partner Ra's Al Ghul is Lizbeth's giving both of them issues. Zelena is on him trying to take away everything he has, his brothers (which something is happening to already), his friends, his parents, trying to turn his ex girlfriend evil again and such.
Maka Albarn[]
Allies and enemies[]
Allies: Dib, Edd, Bender, Bubbles, Nina Cortex (Former Girlfriend), Milo, Lizbeth (Girlfriend), Brick, Butch, Peep, Darkwing Duck, Gosalyn, Crash and Coco Bandicoot, Luciaus, Dr.Blowhole, Dr. Doofenschitmz, Stewie, Oscar, Skipper, Emperor X, King Julian, Starfire, Jorgen, Django, Finn, Ice King, Marceline, Axel, Agent 9, Ada Wong, Tails, Cosmo, Luigi, Beast Boy, the Genie, Iago, Oswald, the V Team, (On and Off), Raz, Crypto, R.J., Cassandra, Android 18, Sagat, Delta Force, Princess Celestia, Megaman X, Hiscord, Yakko, Wacko, Dot, John Price, Miss Marie, Vinny Kickass, Hit Girl, Maka Albarn, Crona
Enemies: Slade, Anti Cosmo, Eddy and the V Team, (On and Off) Uka Uka, Marceline’s dad, the Joker, Darkwarrior Duck, Alternate Doofenschimtz, Discord, the Dystopia League, Sigma, the Sigma Organization, Ares, James Moriarty, Khan, Ra's Al Ghul, Shinnok, Katherine, Lord Commander
Boomer has the most crushes in the series, Bubbles in the Beginning, Nina in Slade Strikes Back and Lizbeth in The Great Time Travel Adventure. He doesn't get Bubbles, Loses Nina in the future and Lizbeth gets him in the future. Though he does get back with Nina in Phase 4
He did not appear in The Grand Summer Season Trek or Totally Mobian Spies. In The former Almost all of the founders of M.O.D.A.B Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth and Edd weren't in the story either
The Great Time Travel Adventure was where he had his biggest role yet,
Alongside Lizbeth is the only person who knows the biggest secret of the Multi-Universe and it's characters
He's tied with Edd for the amount of stories he's in.
Boomer like Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Edd and Nina is going to meet and fight Discord for the Multi-Universe.
Lots of Boomer's good has been as a result of love. He became good to help Bubbles who he was in love with, He tried to convince Nina to be good was his main reason for fighting Slade and Boomer tried to be a better and more confident person to impress Lizbeth. This succeeded with Nina as she did turn and with Lizbeth, he didn't need to be better since Liz knew he was a good-hearted soul and he didn't need to change to please her.
Boomer is the only member of M.O.D.A.B apart from Lizbeth who collaborated with the Striker Force and The Bodyguard Unit despite not being a member of the team
- His favorite things are burgers, girls especially if they're tomboys, fighting crime, hanging with his best friends/brothers and video games.He likes lots of things but he had to pick some for his favorites.
- Boomer is the hero other than Lizbeth most associated with the V Crusaders as he worked with them twice in Wrath of God of War Rises and The Legend of Maka Albarn. They also set out to rescue him in The Final Stand for Lizbeth.
- Ever since The Multi-Universal War of Destiny, Boomer believes that their present day is not supposed to be like what's happened to them throughout the series and that all these things happening is a way to preserve the timeline. Nina, Dib, Bubbles, Edd, Milo and Lizbeth all share this belief.
- Boomer is the 3th most promient character in The4everrevival Storyline part of M.O.D.A.B behind Lizbeth and Bender and overall the 9th most prominent character of the entire series