Blue Flare Insignia
Blue Flare is a Digimon army led by Christopher Aonuma. It's primarily composed of strong and powerful Digimon, most notably Greymon and MailBirdramon.
LEADER: Christopher Aonuma.
MOTIVE: To conquer the Digital World through strength and might (formerly), liberate the Digital World from the Bagra Army.
DIGIMON: Greymon, MailBirdramon, Golemon, Deckerdramon, Cyberdramon, etc.
KNOWN DIGIFUSES: MetalGreymon, MailBirdramon+Golemon, DeckerGreymon, MetalGreymon+Cyberdramon, etc.
Known Multi-Universal Members[]
- Tahno
- Discord
- Yuri (MW3)
- Sunset Shimmer
- Trixie
- Tucker
- Stewie Griffin
- Grigori Weaver
- Desna and Eska
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Flash Sentry (Joined after Christopher's re-evaluation)
- Epsilon-Church
- Kevin Levin
- Johnny Vanessa and Karla
- Iago