Top 5 Envious Characters in May 2020
Near the end of May 2020, these are the five envious characters who are listed for the following:
- Jack Atlas
- Sochie Heim
- Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidioius
- Kiyoto Maki/Giru
- High Roller
7 Millennium Items in Crossover Stories
Here are seven Millennium Items listed for the following:
- Millennium Puzzle - Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi (Atem)
- Millennium Eye - Yusei Fudo
- Millennium Ring - Jack Atlas
- Millennium Rod - Crow Hogan
- Millennium Necklace - Akiza Izinski
- Millennium Scale - Leo
- Millennium Key - Luna
The Time Has Come
Dear God, it's finally happening. Or some shit like that.
So, I apologise for being absent on this wiki for so long. As many other users, I've been working on other, personal projects, and just all around needed a break. Anyway, I'm just going to be continuing work on LOTM: Chaos Simmers as soon as possible, as well as creating additional terminology pages. I've already finished with the prologue to Episode Four, and I'm pretty proud with the finished result.
So yeah. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Hey guys. Listen. Tomorrow. Me and my family are taking my mother to a hospital. "Takes a deep breath" ...... It's not what you all think. It's not Coronavirus or anything. But I need to calm down and relax. Let's just wait and see.
Power Rangers Season 28
Hey everyone!
Well, we now know what Season 28 of Power Rangers will be like.
While currently without a title, we do know that the 43rd Sentai Season, Ryusoulger, will be adapted into Power Rangers, confirming previous rumors. I am looking forward to seeing what this new Dino Ranger team will have in store!
People of Multi-Universe... Today is My Birthday
That's right everybody. Today is my Birthday. I am 22 Years Old. Wow... It's been 8 years since I've been here with you guys. Back in 2012. My very first year to be part of LOTM users. Let us enjoy a good ride in 2020.
Spot for my custom pics
So I recently found out how to make custom pics via Google Drawing. Thanks to this, I might be making tons of more pics on this sight later, but for now, this blog is just where I'm gonna put them on, show them to someone and if the person I showed it to likes it, they'll go on pages. If not, I'll delete the pic.
New Year's Prayer Wishes on 2020
Here are the Prayer wishes on 2020:
- Finish the Episode Project Article very fast.
- Avoid being blocked by anyone in the internet.
- Do not harass any other users.
- Do not label the characters Enemies of Dark Lord (Ragnarok) Category.
- Always work alone.
- Create a story project.
- No more cyberbullying.
- Edit the articles very fast as I can.
- Finish the story fast just before making it to the sequel.
- Study countless languages.
- No more editing chaos.
- No more spamming messages.
- No more split accounts.
- No more Plagiarism.
- No more copy or stolen images from other wikis
- Be more careful to mind my own work.
- No edit wars.
- Be careful.
- No Sockpuppet.
- Make Donald Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
- Only Western Music.
- Practice Temperance.
- Never violate the Users OC Plicy aga…
Merry Christmas (2019)
Hey everyone. Another year is nearly at an end and its Christmas.
I gotta say Christmas this year... Wasn't the best. It is the first Christmas without...…. mom...…….. :(
I did get some cool stuff (Some of which I can't use cause of stupid online stuff) but I got to see my brother and give him a Christmas present which made me happy.
Anyway: I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Now if you'll excuse me: I'm gonna go watch Live Action Aladdin!
Merry Christmas Everyone (2019)
I wish you all a Merry Christmas! I had a great time this year and I look forward to have even more fun next year. It has been a while since I post a blog. Last time was on my Birthday. Merry Christmas everyone.
Final Chapter of The Skywalker Saga
Rey's secret Force power - psychometry - could be the key to defeating Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Rey is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Force users who's been shown on the big screen to date; even untrained, she was able to match Kylo Ren in a lightsaber duel in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. By the time of The Rise of Skywalker, her abilities have been enhanced courtesy of a Force bond with Kylo Ren himself, and she seems to have spent the last year training under various Jedi Master Force Ghosts.
My Giant LOTM Crossover Timeline Project
Here is a timeline of mine that combines natural, fictional, and human history into one universe. Note that it is still incomplete as of now.
Hope you guys like it.
18 Crystals of Evil
The eighteen Soul Crystals of Evil to revive The Great Demon
- IT (Stephen King) and Banglar = Normal
- Meicoomon = Fighting
- Calabar and Akong = Flying
- Takeshi Asakura and Dick Hardly = Poison
- Elsa Bete = Ground
- Agatha Trunchbull and Wormwood Family = Rock
- Hopper (Bugs Life) = Bug
- Milaarc Cranston = Ghost
- Vanessa Diodatti = Steel
- Dr. Hell and Infinity, Zenoheld = Fire
- Great Leviathan = Water
- Kureha Tsubaki = Grass
- Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious = Electric
- Time Jackers = Psychic
- Emperor Frostkill = Ice
- Buraki and Neceron = Dragon
- Dark Gennai Black Hat, and Barodius = Dark
- Shem-Ha Mephorash, Cranberry the Forest Musician, and Fav = Fairy
Stories from Showitious
I have started another story. A while back, I really got into this game and well......don't get me wrong, I really do like the game, but....things got complicated.
As I have mentioned on my wiki page, I have developed something that I call Showitious, which is an ongoing and usual, long term obsession with characters to which never stops. I would be preoccupied constantly by the images and playback of the character in my head over and over again, that as well as hearing their voice the same way. The more vivid the images and voices, the more dramatic the distraction. It would very often interfere with my focus and sometimes it would be like I was phasing in and out of reality, almost like I can't stay in touch with reality. I would stay ho…
Back from San Diego
Hey everyone. Sorry for the massive inactivity. I was visiting my brother in California. But now that I'm back, I'll return to making article edits. I'll update again soon.
26th Birthday
Its that time of the year. My birthday is here. And I am now 26.
My birthday has been pretty good. Two days ago, my aunt took me to see the live action Aladdin (Anyone who said the movie would suck was an idiot), got myself a hair cut, and Assassin's Creed 3 for the Xbox from my brother.
Pretty good birthday all in all. The only bad thing is..... I think you all have a pretty good idea what that bad thing is if you saw an earlier blog of mine....
But do NOT want to think about that! No one would want to see me sad this day! Anyway, hope everyone else is having a good day as well.
A Video Game Characters Catagory
We need to have a category for Video Game Characters. If you're not going to have me do that, then you do it.
What is going on!?
Guys something is VERY wrong with the wiki right now! I feel like we're being hacked or something!
The Reality Wrapper Free for All
Yoooooooo! The Season Finale to my all time FAVORITE VS series! Reality itself doesn't mean shit to this! Everyone! PLEASE! Check this fight out and watch the video!
New Call of Duty Title Possibly Revealed
Hey guys.
If any of you play Call of Duty or are a fan of it, we apparently have a title for the upcoming Call of Duty game, being developed by Infinity Ward. It's reported to be called "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", just "Modern Warfare". It's seen as a soft reboot of sorts, not to be confused with "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" or "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered". So, I guess the Modern Warfare series IS making a return and they say a reveal is expected to be May 30th. Either way, I hope it's good and it in some way stays faithful to it's three predecessors.
Also, the 2020 Call of Duty was originally expected to be developed by Sledgehammer Games, but a dispute with Raven software left it in upheaval. Therefor, Sledgehammer Games…
Dragon Quest XI
So, anyone interested in throwing in characters from Dragon Quest XI into the wiki? I'm not putting them in here if no one has any ideas for them. That's up to you guys.
Couples in my Fanfics
Before I get started, I would like to admit to something. Despite me being a fanfiction writer, I detest shipping. It is, in my opinion, a really annoying concept. It's because when it comes to romance, people are extremely religious, like if there's a shipping that they want to support, it is the only thing on their minds that's correct and when someone disagrees with them, they see it as the worst thing that they could ever come across. So, because of that, I really, really don't like shipping. I've even been against my own shipping ideas for a time because of this. However, I do have a few ideas in mind and in my stories, they make sense.
I would like to apologize to all of the Pokeshippers out there but this particular idea that I have …
Five Years at LOTM (kinda late)
Hey guys.
I should have done this back in December (when I actually joined) or January (when the Fire Rebellion Story first came to be), but Fire Rebellion: Season 18 will be celebrating 5 years since I joined LOTM.
Keep an eye out for an Anniversary Special I'm planning. I'll have the pages up soon.
User Wikis
So, I did not know that you can create wikis of users on here. I think I would be interested in creating a wiki of myself or have a wiki of me created. I have a lot that I would like to talk about, a lot involving what I have been through.
Moved to a New House.
Hey guys.
As you may have noticed, I've been offline for a few days. That's because our internet was moved to our new house. That was back on Thursday. Today, my Ma and I officially moved out of the apartment. Ma wanted a bigger place, plus the cost of living at the apartment was becoming expensive due to the outdated pipe system and building structure (1970s we believe). This new place is one of those trailer houses that is transported in 2 halves to the site. This one is a 2018 model house. It looks EXACTLY like my sister's house. Although we're moved in, we're in the process of unpacking and figuring out where everything will go. I'll check in from time to time, but I can't get back to FR18 until I have proper free time.
What Work of Genius Did I Just Create?
I'm sorry, but I did a thing and it's just too funny not to share.
Power Rangers Beast Morphers Premiere Date
Hey guys!
Hasbro announced that Power Rangers Beast Morphers is to premiere on March 2, 2019. This is to coincide with their new Power Rangers toys releasing in April.
Also, it is now officially stated the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will be ending after Season 9, but they say it won't be the end, just the beginning.
But yeah, with Beast Morphers premiering in two weeks, that means I need to buck up and get to work on FR Season 18. This is it! Time to get started!
It makes no sense.... She was fine... She was throwing a little sure... But she was fine.... And now...
My mom is dead.
Why? WHY!!!?!?! SOMEONE FUCKING TELL ME WHY!?!!?!?!!?!??!
What does everyone think of Smash Bros Ultimate
Me, Well I think it's awesome, proably the best Smash Game, Every character that's been playable in the history of the series is back to use
Hey guys.
I'm celebrating my 26 birthday. Been streaming all day, and I'm back at it at 7.
Have a great day.
Season 17 of Fire Rebellion is finished
Hey everyone.
Season 17 of Fire Rebellion has wrapped up. It was short due to my partner in crime 22kingdomheartsfan co-writing Dark Skies, a crossover between FR and KingofEvil's LOTM series. And with that, I hope you two are doing well and I hope 22 gets a new computer or keyboard soon depending on the type of computer he uses.
Anyway, I'm hoping to make Season 18 longer with the episodes being longer. I can't get started on it yet because Power Rangers Beast Morphers has yet to air. But I'm excited to get started on it. And to KingofEvil: I invite you to contribute to Season 18 if you'd like. Thanks for sticking around, guys.
Discord Server Pic
Hey guys.
This is what I made as a thumbnail for our Discord Server. Let me know how you guys like it and I'll go ahead and make it official.
Destroying Gjallarhorn
Two years after the events of Iron-Blooded Orphans, Sento Kiryu and the rebellion heroes are back to have their revenge.
I wanna tell you something
A friend of mine made a discord server and named it LOTM Community after this wikia and basis on Menslady125's project. So I decided to connet it to here. I may want to guys to check it out. But either of you don't have a discord account. You can make one yourself. If you dont or not interested, then you don't have to.
There's more:
Discord Server Pic
Upcoming Digimon Anime Movie
I wanding where is another DigiDestined is Davis, Yolei, Coldy and Ken?
I don't know about another from Adventure 02 and tri will show up in Digimon Adventure The Movie 2019 or not.
Also I wandering if Maki still alive in Adventure The Movie 2019 or dead in Adventure tri.
But I don't sure about Agent of the Incorporated Administrative Agency from Adventure tri will be in Adventure The Movie 2019 or not?
I wandering if there another new DigiDestined or The original DigiDestined just like Maki, Daigo, Meiko has show up in Adventure tri and another 3 The original DigiDestined don't show up in Adventure tri but maybe in Adventure The 2019 will show up or not?
I wanding who is new enemy or old enemy from past but I think there one enemy was escape f…
Something I would like to do
There is one other thing that I would like to do one here. It involves something that I have been dealing with for most of my life, my Showitious. I would like to set up a list of characters involved in my Showitious, if it is OK for me to do that.
My 27th Birthday
Good day. I have plenty of B-Day wishes.
- No more internet trolling.
- No more harrassment on other users.
- Don't make myself be blocked.
- Sleep early.
- Go to work very early.
Super Smash Bros. Characters
Could someone please approve of the Super Smash Bros. Catagory? I think that it's a great fit to this Wiki. It makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
New Movies in 2019
- How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World
- Avengers: Endgame
- Detective Pikachu
- Star Wars Episode IX
- Shazam
New Crossover Kamen Rider Movie
Kamen Rider Heisei Generations FOREVER (仮面ライダー平成ジェネレーションズFOREVER Kamen Raidā Heisei Jenerēshonzu Foebā)[2] is a Movie War (tenth overall) crossover film of Kamen Rider Build and Kamen Rider Zi-O, and the third and final installment of the Heisei Generations Series.
The first trailer of the film was unveiled on November 13, 2018, and premiered in Japanese theaters on December 22, 2018.
The tagline for this movie is "For all who love the Kamen Riders..."(仮面ライダーを愛してくれたあなたへ Kamen Raidā o aishite kureta anata e ...)
New Rules of LOTM
- Do not harass any other users.
- Do not label the characters Enemies of Dark Lord (Ragnarok) Category.
- Always work alone.
- Create a story project.
- No more cyberbullying.
A Message to Fellow Wiki Users...
I have something to say to you wonderful people...
Galleries and Pictures
I could use some help with the galleries and pictures set on here. First off, how can I remove pictures? Second, I don't know how to convert some of the pictures into a gallery. If anyone knows how to do that, either help out with reediting these pictures or tell me how to reedit them.
Anime America
So, I thought I would mention something that a lot of you anime lovers might be interested in. I've been into this Youtube channel called Anime America. I think it's really cool and the girl running it, Robyn, is quirky, really funny and a very interesting person to listen. Feel free to check it out if you'd like:
Loss of Stephen Hillenburg
Sad news.
Stephen Hillenburg, creator of SpongeBob Squarepants, passed away from ALS at 57.