Why I Ran Away From Crossover Commercial From Kids WB
OK, so there’s something that I want to confess and it’s something that I was finally able to find a way to put into words.
As a kid, I used to watch and enjoy Kids WB and it’s shows. However...there were some things that bothered me. It was back when Pokemon finally joined the roster for the first time. I loved that, I loved that it inevitably did, but...there were the commericals.
So many of those commercials were funny, but some...really bothered me. It was the ones with the crossovers between the different Kids WB shows or hearing them break the 4th wall and say “Kids WB”. That one bothered me for a different reason, but that’s another story about another time. This confession is about the commercials.
There were a number of them that wer…
Best Supporting Characters in 2022
These supporting characters in 2022.
- Marika Kato
- Nanoha Takamachi
- Enterprise (Azur Lane)
- Flint Lockwood
- Steve the Monkey
- Tsukuyomi (Kamen Rider)
- Princess Shayla
- Canaan
- Gentoku Himuro
- Rinna Sawagami
- Nariaki Utsumi
- Akari Tsukimura
- Mana Nagase
- Mitsuba Greyvalley
- Vladilena Milizé
Phase 4 Character Blog
Okay it's time to write a blog on Phase 4. I started it this year as a way to start a new timeline and to do something with my storyline different. I decided to explore the 12 central characters of Phase 4 at least the twelve most plot important characters.
-Make the whole story an ongoing story with a end game foe and many different enemies,
- have every story continue from the last one, have it be more serialilzed
- Change most of the roster with some exceptions and focus
- Be more of a story writer, keep it a bit dark but also more light hearted and realisitc.
The big change of Phase 4 compared to the others is the main protagonist or protagonists. Phases 1 to 3 have had the main protagonists be with the same ongoing teams of Dib, Lizbeth an…
I'm announcing that I will disable YouTube comments
I have an announcement to make: I will be disabling my YouTube comments in my every videos. Why? Because I don't want my channel to get attacked by negative and asshole comments. I don't want them to bully and harassed me every single day. I hope you all understand
Upcoming Blogs
I had the idea of doing blogs based on the phase storyline spefically the recent phase Phase 4. I know I been mentioning it a lot lately but I like to share my ideas and all that. I'm down with other things too, but I do have a fondess for it.
I have 2 ideas so far and they are
- The 1st one is about Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade and why they stayed prominent characters while everyone else from Phases 1 to 3 in the Dib, Bender, Lizbeth and Boomer storyline basically lost focus. This would be a shock to my old pals like Knuckles5, 22kingdomheartsfan and others that Phase 4 lowered everyone's role other than Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo
2. The Other one is about Lincoln Loud and Lydia Lopez as to why they are the main characters of Phase 4 and why…
Multiversal Noir Blog
Now that I finished discussing To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud. Multiversal Noir is next on the hit list which is to be the single story or one of 2 stories focusing on my original cast. This story line occurs at the time of the previous story.
- 1 Idea of Story
- 2 Characters
- 2.1 Boomer, Dib, Bubbles and the other’s investigations
- 2.2 Bender, Luan , Anti Cosmo and associates
- 3 The Backstory
- 4 The Ending
- 5 What is going to happen now
Similar to the other one, I wanted to make a story that was different. Where as with To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud was mostly a Team Free Will storyline, Multiversal Noir is one of those stories without a real antagonist or villain despite having 2 characters of that quality of it.
Bring much of the original cast to go looking…
To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud Blog
To Live and/or Die In Loch Loud Blog
Well I said I’d do it, here is the Blog in regards to story 2 of Phase 4. To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud, the sequel to Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult
- 1 Idea of the Story
- 2 Characters
- 3 Main Characters (The Quadruple Ls vs. the Double M)
- 4 The returning Cast
- 5 The Love Subplot
- 6 What is getting Set up
So how did I get the idea to work on the story?
I wanted to make a sequel and I wanted to use one of the major villains from the previous story to be the main villain without having it being a betrayal like it was in the previous phases. This would be too predictable in a way which I admit I have been guilty of.
Another idea came from The Loud House Movie, and how it could have been a good idea to have The Louds find o…
Would anyone like to join my spinoff series?
Yeah, pretty much you are free to join and contribute to it.
Best Leaders and Bosses in Crossover War Heroes Series
Here's the list of our leaders and bosses of our respective organizations
- Yuinshiel Asteria (Kaede Hondo)
- Marika Kato (Mikako Komatsu)
- Vladilena Milizé (Ikumi Hasegawa)
- Enterprise (Azur Lane) (Yui Ishikawa)
- Gunther Prozen (Houchu Ohtsuka)
- Dark Lugiel (Tomokazu Sugita)
- Yujiro Wakabayashi (Kazuya Tanabe)
- Sima Yi (Legend Heroes) (Jeongjunhwa)
- Dong Zhuo (Legend Heroes) (Seoul)
Check this out!
Okay, I've gotta be honest here! This is the funniest combination of the trending pages pictures that I've ever seen.
It basically creates this scenario:
Hunter gets admitted into the Multi-Universe's villain society (whether it was via his uncle or not) and is trying to get accommodated here, meet some people, make new friends and partners (sexual or not, although the Owl House fans will most definitely like the first option).
So, one day he tries to do just that, by walking into a bar for the elite members only. He goes in saying: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Golden Guard has arrived!", only for the following to happen:
After he finishes gloating, Hunter looks at everybody as the awkward silence fills the void of the bar. Live-action Scrappy, …
By this summer...
I rather not edit this stuff here but to write or type down the project on Deviantart. I want to show you the preview of summer project.
It's about my upcoming special of Legends of the Multi-Universe. That's what I'll be working on this year. Meaning a story will be referencing to Avengers Infinity War + Endgames and Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. That is all! :)
From Worst to Best: Owl House Season 1
With The Owl House Season 2B coming out tomorrow, I was watching the 1st season again and I decided to rank the episodes.
19. Once Upon A Swap
18. Really Small Problems
17. Escape of the Pailsman
16. Something Ventured, Someone Framed
15. Sense and Insensitivity
14. Hooty's Moving Hassle
13. The First Day
12. Wing it Like Witches
11. Witches Before Wizards
10. Lost in Language
9. Convention
8. Adventure in the Elements
7. I was a Teenage Abomination
6. A Lying Witch and a Warden (Series Premiere)
5. The Intruder
4. Young Blood, Old Souls (Season 1 Finale)
3rd favorite episode. Understanding Willow
2nd favorite episode: Agony of a Witch
Favorite Episode of Season 1: Enchanting Grom Fright
Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult/ Where I'm going with my storyline
So I got back into writing Fan Fics, and I’ve started with my long time in production The Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult which I wrote from 2021 to March 2022 and I decided to write a blog in regards to the storyline.
Why I got into writing the story/ got back into the writing
- 1 The Idea of The Story
- 2 Why I eventually got to writing the story
- 3 9 key aspects of the story
- 3.1 Key Aspect 1: Different Narrative
- 3.2 Key Aspect 2: A prevalent theme is the End of an Era and The Dawn of an Era
- 3.3 Key Aspect 3: The One thing that anyone can really know is that everything can and does change is another theme
- 3.4 Key Aspect 4: While cliché, one of the strongest powers is friendship
- 3.5 Key Aspect 5. Disney while being incredible, there is a thing called “too muc…
The4everrevival's ranking of the main characters from good to evil (Inspired by Wicked Binge)
I'm being watching a lot of Wicked BInge and now that I finished with Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, I decided to form a list ranking the entire main cast of the my many stories from The Beginning to Return of the Weridmagedon Cult. I know many will disagree with the ranking but's it how it all came together
Let's Start of course with the good territory/side which in the biggest side
The Good Area (From Most Good to Least Good)
Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult progress
Crossoverfan4ever here on his other username ,
It's been a very long time since I posted or even worked on crossover stories. I took a long extentension of a break as I wasn't feeling a writing mood. All of my latest writes have been for the Return of the Weirdmageon Cult story as I wrote up Chapters 1 to 5 (The first half of the story) and took my time. Since I felt I rushed looking back on the work I have done over the years
I will do the same for the 2nd half Chapter 6 to 10, I wonder how everyone is doing with their stories. I have decided to return on a semi basis for the storyline not to turn myself into an addict
Chapter 6 to 10's Central Characters
My 24th Birthday
Today is my Happy Birthday. I'm turning 24 years old. Also this is my 10 year Anniversary of being with LOTM wiki. I just want to say thank you all for spending time on this wiki and are good people.
More Absense
Hey everyone.
Sorry if I haven't been active here recently. I've been in a bit of a funk for the past few months. I'll finish up Part 14 of LOTM: Fire Rebellion III soon. And sorry for not paying much attention to FR: Omega. I just haven't had much help with my work recently.
I hope to be back up and running soon. I still need some time. Thanks, guys.
Best Supporting Characters in 2021
Here's the list of the best supporting characters:
- Mana Nagase
- Uka-no-Mitama-no-Kami
- Byakuya Kuchiki
- Tsukuyomi (Kamen Rider)
- Princess Shayla
New Year's Prayer Wishes on 2022
- Finish the Episode Project Article very fast.
- Avoid being blocked by anyone in the internet.
- Do not harass any other users and many people.
- Do not label the characters Enemies of Dark Lord (Ragnarok) Category.
- Always work alone.
- No more Spamming.
- Talk to people.
- Earn and save more money.
- Make myself become better in illustrations and reading/writing.
- Never go outside
- Never make us vaccinated.
- Make this country become very great.
- Make Leni Robredo, Manny Pacquiao, Antonio Carpio, Isko Moreno, Richard Gordon, Ping Lacson, Tito Soto, Dr. Willie Ong, Lito Atienza, and Kiko Pangiliman be brought to an open shame for good.
- Continue the story.
- Put an end to Pisgah with Prayer Rain for Trump.
- Always wear mask before going outside during COVID-19 Omicron Variant.…
Characters never used in Luigi's Crossover Stories
Here are some of the characters never appeared in crossover stories.
- 1 Danganronpa
- 2 Kamen Rider
- 3 Dragon Ball
- 4 Pretty Cure
- Monokuma
- Makoto Naegi
- Aoi Asahina
- Byakuya Togami
- Kyoko Kirigiri
- Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
- Yasuhiro Hagakure
- Adel (Kamen Rider)
- Gemdeus
- Evolt (Kamen Rider)
- Kamen Rider Ginga
- Killbus (Kamen Rider)
- Goku
- Frieza
- Cell
- Namakelder
- Daruizen
We've got another problem...
Is anyone else having this issue? The "Add A Photo" option on galleries is missing.
*sigh* I give up
I don't know what's going on with Wiki Fandom's video thing, but it is really discouraging me and I get the feeling no one cares.
What's going on?!
Seriously, what is going on?! Why is it that I upload a video, but then it doesn't show up when I try to add it to a page?
Kanami Etou's Breathing Styles
Here's the list of Kanami's Attacks for the following:
- Sun Breathing - it is a style of swordsmanship utilized by the Kanami to use "breaths", Kanami, and serves as the basis for other Breathing Styles derived from it as a result of Yoriichi changing the breathing techniques to suit the individuals she taught.
- Dance ( Enbu?, lit. "Waltz") - A single high-powered vertical slash.
- Flash Dance - Kanami utilizes a similar method like the Thunderclap and Flash technique of the Thunder Breathing, allowing them to use an advanced version of Dance by inhaling huge amounts of oxygen, increasing the pumping of blood through the entire body, focusing it on the legs, and releasing it all to assault the target with a slash.
- Clear Blue Sky - Kanami spins their b…
- Dance ( Enbu?, lit. "Waltz") - A single high-powered vertical slash.
Characters that Bianca Dupree hates (outside Beverly Hills Teens)
We all know Bianca is superficial, arrogant and shallow young woman. So I figured we should have a list of the people outside the Beverly Hills Teens universe that Bianca hates:
Daria Morgendorffer (MTV’s Daria)
It is obvious that Bianca despises brainy girls who are dressed in plain clothes. Apparently, Daria finds the feeling mutual with those of Bianca’s stereotype.
Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
From what we heard, the Dupree empire and the Morebucks empire have been rivals in the high class world. So the two daughters of said empires would obviously hate each other. Bianca would do anything to ruin the reputation of Princess Morebucks, even if it means siding with her own local frenimies for better results.
The Misfits (Jem and th…
Evil Doers who may be enemies of Shadowloo
Many evil empires are enemies to each other as they are to good. The secret militia empire called Shadowloo is no exception. It is possible that many of Shadowloo’s standards of evil are frowned on by other criminal organizations.
Here are some of those villain groups who oppose Shadowloo themselves:
Cobra Command (G.I. Joe)
As you won’t find the Cobra logo in the decal sheet of M. Bison’s Crimson Cruiser, as you will find the G.I. Joe logo on the other Street Fighter II accessories, it would be apparent that Shadowloo opposes both Joe AND Cobra. It is also believed that unlike Shadowloo, Cobra does not manufacture drugs.
Skeletor (Masters of the Universe)
Skeletor had practically wrote the book on evil. Therefore, when he is given an offer to …
My oldest stepsister passed away
Everyone... I have a horrible news... My oldest stepsister passed away. She was hit by a car and died...
My stepgrandmother passed away
Hey guys... Sad news. My step grandmother has passed away... I was prepared when this happens. Still sad.
Everyone... Today is my Birthday
That's right. Today is my Birthday. But not just mine. But also my passed away step grandfather as well. I am going to my Grandma's this afternoon. I just want to say stay safe everyone and thank you all.
Hey guys.
Sorry I've mostly been absent from the site. I've been in seriously low spirits lately and it's been affecting my motivation to continue writing LOTM. I'll be back to it soon. Just give me time.
Inserting the Vocaloid Versions of Japanese Music in Crossover War Heroes Series
Today, there are plenty of Vocaloid-Synthesized versions inserted as OSTs in LOTM's Crossover War Heroes series:
- Tread on the Tiger's Tail (Super Robot Wars T)
- Crystal Quartz (Miku Hatsune's theme)
- Synchrogazer (Theme for the Symphogear Heroines)
New Year's Prayer Wishes on 2021
Here are the Prayer wishes on 2021:
- Finish the Episode Project Article very fast.
- Avoid being blocked by anyone in the internet.
- Do not harass any other users.
- Do not label the characters Enemies of Dark Lord (Ragnarok) Category.
- Always work alone.
- Avoid Editing Chaos.
- No more Spamming.
- Don't talk to people.
- Do not recreate Zone-Tan article.
- No more Split Account Switch. Always be more careful.
- No Mass Delete. Always be more careful.
- No more Sockpuppet.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas Everyone. I know this year is horrible and it's very tough for us. But we still have each other. Friends, Family, ect. ect. And Christmas was fun as well. Hopefully 2021 will be much better.
Once again: Merry Christmas Everyone.
Dino Fury Full Team Revealed!
Hey guys!
Okay! So, last month we had the cast reveal of the first three Rangers of Power Rangers Dino Fury. As of today, the Green and Black Rangers have now been revealed!
- Tessa Rao as Izzy - Dino Fury Green
- Chance Perez as Javier Garcia - Dino Fury Black
We also got the official name for the morpher and the special system used to power it. The morpher is called the Dino Fury Morpher, which uses Power Keys associated with the Ranger to morph.
The Power Keys are similar in function and appearance to the Legendary Ranger Keys from Super Megaforce. They can also power up the Rangers' weapons, with certain keys giving them certain powers and armor modes similar to the Dino Chargers.
Three of the Zords have also been revealed: The T-Rex Champion Zo…
Rest in Peace my Stepgrandfather...
My fellow Multi-Universe friends... As you all may heard from my latest blogs ago... ........................ My stepgrandfather passed away... "Sigh"... I am fully prepared about this.
Dino Fury Cast Reveal!
We got the reveal of the first three Ranger cast for Power Rangers Dino Fury!
- Russell Curry as Zayto - Dino Fury Red
- Kai Moya as Ollie - Dino Fury Blue
- Hunter Deno as Amelia - Dino Fury Pink
I will update once we get the reveal of Dino Fury Black and Green.
............ Goddamn it...
My stepgrandfather's going to die in the next couple or few months... I just learned that now...
Shows and Movies Never Seen
Here's the list of the films and shows never seen.
- Bleach
- Naruto
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World
- Zoids Genesis
- My Hero Academia
- Fate/Grand Order
- High School Musical
- One Piece
- My Next Life as a villainess
- Case Closed/Detective Conan
My Stepgrandfather.....
Well... My stepgrandfather is coming home. ........ But... Not only he has a liver and brain cancer... but he also had a stroke. ................... The Hospital can't do anything about it. .......... So I'm prepared and praying at the same time.
"Sigh"... My Stepgrandfather
Everyone... My stepgrandfather has been diagnosed liver cancer... I just found out recently. Tomorrow me and my family will pay a visit to him and my grandma.
30000th Article
Just now the LOTM Wiki hit 30000 pages!
Mirea Mizushima article is the 30000th page on this wiki.
While that number may change as new articles get created, and others may be removed for cleanups, it's good to see healthy growth in the Wiki
Top 5 Undefeated Main Heroes
Here are some of the heroes who remained undefeated.
- Yugo Ogami
- Rey (Star Wars)
- Hei (Darker than Black)
- Yusei Fudo
- Yusaku Fujiki
Top 10 Best Supporting Characters in 2020
Here are the best supporting characters:
- Leo Conrad
- Sally Land
- Soichi Isurugi
- Misora Isurugi
- Kudelia Aina Bernstein
- Atra Mixta
- Kenzo Tenma
- Yuinshiel Asteria
- Wataru Kurenai
- Marika Kato