I love this wiki
I know I've said it five times or so already. But even though the pages are written erratically sometimes, and though I've got a lot of catching up to do with the stories, this wiki has to be the best wiki I've ever seen.
Story premise!!!!!!!!
Basically, villains are tightening their grip around the Multiverse. I only know a few things for sure; Sora (KH) is thrown in a jail cell with Red (Pokemon). They attempt to escape. That's all I got at the moment. Tell me what you think.
A New Main Villain of The Rise of Mechuckles:Beware of The Sith Stalker
Okay before you all ask what's going on with a New Villain team, well I decided to add another Main Villain name Prince Phobos to be one of the Main Villains of Rise of Mechuckles:Beware of The Sith Stalker. You see, We can't have one team and one villain alone against eachother so I decided to add another new team(More coming up) to against Mechuckles's team,The Heroes,and The Sith Stalker.
My latest part
About part 43 of my story people, I knew it was going to be controversal about Sigma stated about Disney but hear is why I did so
1. An Alternate Interpetation, Sure many roleplayers think Disney is the solution me included, but I pondered to myself considering things. Disney could just as easily being interpeted as the cause of the problem in the multiuniverse as it is the solution and I was suprised no one thought about that before.
2. To give Sigma a unique goal, sure both are unorginal but his reasoning with Disney were never thought of before. I think Disney does deserve well known, but it doesn't need to keep buying out other rights to work or comapnies (Pixar being the exception). He;s not out to destroy Disney, He's out to take it do…
Further Idea with my new team hero group
As people know I introduced a new team known as The V Crusaders in my newest adventure with the 4 founders as main characters. Furthermore I've been thinking to team them up with The Helper Squad/P Team in one of Knuckles5 stories against Zeus, Mechuckles or any main villain he's got in mind.
Future Plans
After this story for the most part I'm unsure what to do for a new story. But I have been thinking to proably make one with one of the upcoming villain teams. But this is important, If I did I will significantly cut the groups team down to half or less than half if the group is too big. so NO complaining.
My Spoiler Alert
Here some Spoiler alert during The Multiuniversal War of Destiny
1. my 5 or 6 members will be killed by the villains,WORST Villains.
2. There will be The Helper Squad's flashback of Villains(when they mentioned them), such as Malachite,Galactus,Demise.and Zeus.
3. When they split up, Knuckles decide to let anyone choose who's going with eachother while he will goes alone, until he comes back
4.Some of my team will get kidnapped then get tortured alive, and one of them will be killed.
I think that's all the spoiler alert for now, and Crossoverfan4life is it okay with these four list of mine with your permission?
Top 10 Nostalgia Critic Reviews
10. Tom and Jerry
9. The Grinch
8. A Simple Wish
7. Dungeons and Dragons
6. Top 11 Scariest Characters
5. Top 11 Dumbasses in Distress
4. Batman vs Dark Knight
3. Let's Play Bart's Nightmare
2.Sequel Month Saga
1. The Stephen King Trilogy
And one of my favorite bits from Nostalgia Critic
The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony is returning for a new episode
People, Discord is coming back to My Little Pony for a new episode this season, next month. I knew his voice actor was going to do more roles, and now we have Discord again.
The Episode is called Keep Calm and Flutter On and it focuses on The Ponies trying to reform Discord. It is to laugh, though I'll give it a chance,
menslady125, please return petition
If anyone on youtube knows it's that menslady125 is stopping her series out of despair of her loved one Riley being taken by another. She shouldn't cancel this series, she's the one who brought us all here to bond over something we all like. She wants others to finish, but to me she's the one who best understands the series.
Who wants menslady125 to return to her series?
I would like to see her return, anyone else with me?
Zearika and Teria if i didn't have you
( Zearika and his twin brother Teria are at it.. again. soon to be a hmv)
Teria: i could a lot without living in your shadow
Zearika: you would last two minutes without me, and think of all i could do without you
Teria: I'd be rocking with the dinos swinging with the rhinos I'd de-demonize this cave in a minute Teria, they would sing 'Cause I would be the Dark King I would love this world without you in it! If I didn't have you!
Zerika: If you didn't have me?
Teria: If I didn't have you!
Zearika: Well, how about if I didn't have you, huh?
Both: Oh, what I could be if there was only me! Oh, what I'd do if I didn't have you!
Konjieru: Stop bickering and get your act together.
Zearika: Act? Did someone say act? I can act! If only I had sepe…
Cartoon Brawl War
Cartoon Brawl War is daveg502's "Fighting Game".
Cartoon Brawl War has characters such as The P Team,Possible member of P Team,Scorpion Squad,The Omega League and more! don't forget about the live and dead Villains(This has not something to do about the Multiuniverse) it's a Fighting game like 64,Melee,and Brawl.
Characters: You all decide.
Classic Mode is kinda Different, It has plots for characters and the boss shall be Galactus(Master and Crazy Hand's Replacement).
Adventure Mode: Much like Brawl, but to be Replace by characters for their counterparts.
All Star Mode: someone decide.
If anyone don't like this idea then I'll do it myself(by daveg502/Knuckles5)
Top 10 Favorite Christmas specials
1. The Grinch that stole Christmas (Animated)
2. It's a Wonderful Life
3. A Year without a Santa Claus
4. A Tale of Two Santas (Futurama)
5. Rudloph The Reindeer
6. Christmas with The Joker (Batman)
7. Gift of The Night Fury (How to Train Your Dragon)
8. Tis the Fifteenth Season (The Simpsons)
9. Santa Claus is coming to Town
10. Holly Jolly Secrets (Adventure Time)
Coming soon my next written top 10: Favorite Nostalga Critic Reviews as a tribute to him.
An Announcement
Hey everybody daveg502/Knucklesf here. um I got an announcement to make and it's an Upcoming Adventure It's Cartoon Brawl War and i was wondering that maybe some of Allies could be in it or not, it's not something to do with Multiuniverse. So give some ideas of Characters and Stages.
Possible Top 10s list to be created
Well with me being on vacation now. I have decided to get to work on Top 10s in Video Games
I have two ideas in mind
The Top 10 hardest Bosses
The Top 10 hardest levels
If anyone can guess at least 5 of the bosses I list , I will tell them what I consider the hardest level in gaming I have ever played
BAD NEWS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone heared of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting?
If you don't let me tell....
Authorities in Connecticut responded to a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Friday morning, the local NBC station reports.
Police reported 27 deaths, including 20 children, six adults and the shooter, according to the Associated Press.
Following hours of uncertainty during which many media outlets reported the shooter's identity as Ryan Lanza, an official identified the suspected gunman as Adam Lanza, Ryan's 20 year old brother, according to the Associated Press. Ryan Lanza, 24, is being questioned by police in New Jersey.
If any of you make any reactions to this, that's no big deal.
Rules of using The Scorpion Squad
As some of you know I have my own group known as The Scorpion Squad (Check out the group if you have not seen it) and I'm going to tell two important rules if you want to use them in your stories.
1: You don't make them look weak helpless or do any of that "We saw that coming and we planed ahead" BS it's gotten quite annonying.
2: You do not repeat DO NOT kill any of them without asking me first!! However you can kill the character Crypto as many time's as you want cause he's just going to keep coming back. How? His race can clone themselfs.
Spoilers for the next story
Well People for my next adventure in 2 months I am spoiling some things that will happen before and during the story
1. One of the heroes get killed early on and this cites The Team spearating
2. Discord and his team will sucuessfully destroy Wart, Pete, Emperor Pete and the rest expect the ones below
3. Sigma recruits Liquid Snake, Count Veger, Pong Krell and possibly Alec Trevalyn into his group through Discord's betrayal
4. Discord and the team capture Sophita
5. Terrance Lewis leaves Jail on parole
P.S: All this is going to happen and no one is going to change my mind about it
Things I hate
Well I felt a little angry right now, so I need to get a few things off my chest. Here are the 3 things I hate most
1. People telling me what to do and not to do in my plans (This happens a lot here and I notice people complain, but can't they see that I am the one writing the plans, and I only do their ideas if I like them and are asked to do it.)
2. The New Youtube Layout (It F**king sucks)
3. Exams, they stress the living shit out of me and since I fear failure, I resort to ammoral methods to pass though I don't like to do it.
Zeion style (parody)
a parody i wrote
Fighting Zeion style Zeion Style Fighting in a tournament just one more until I become the best All I need is just a bit of luck to not get trapped Running low on energy might get killed Round 2 over here Just the last time the other team overwhelmed us with energy beams Blew up a mountains then chased us all out of thereA rain of rocks fell into our hairflew back up to fresh air This isn't where we lose we're gonna rise to the topSo you know, hey,When you plan to go, heyWhen you're Fighting you'd better listenSo you know, hey,When to doge, hey, Making sure you're all prepared before you fight
Fighting Zeion styleZeion styleFight, fight, fight, fight, Fighting Zeion styleZeion styleFight, fight, fight, fig…
If a user has already posted a photo on the wiki, please do not remove and repost the picture.
New Members for The B Team
As you all know I've been building The B Team through out my last 2 adventures and I now I have a important question for you all. Which characters would you like to join the B Team
More characters for the taking
I have a whole bunch of characters in my group who aren't taken yet. See me for details if you're interested.
I knew you came back
I have waited each mounths for your return. thanke goodness your here. You must be very busy each.
Mega Gabriel and Dark Gabriel a Filthy Finale
Gabriel: hold it right there other mes!
Shadow Gabriel: look who's tardyto the party
Dark Gabriel: the Dark orb's infinite power is mine! there's no way any of you can stop me!
Metal Gabriel 1: what? don't you mean us?
Dark Gabriel: no, i'm pretty sure i mean me! I can use the Dark orb's power to take all your powers from you and use them as mine own!
Mecha Gabriel 1: you can't do that!
Dark Gabriel: * raises the Dark orb* watch me!
- the Dark orb takes every Gabriel's powers and gives it to Dark Gabriel*
Dark Gabriel: now someone who is evil enough for the job can use your powers to take over!
Gabriel: you can't do this
- the powers leave Dark Gabriel and take shadow into a new Gabriel with red hair*
Gabriel: red hair? he is madein Mega Immortal demon f…
Guys, if I was to start an RP fourm on Proboards, would you be interested in using it.
It's a free forum, all you have to do is register an email and username. I've used it for 2 different RPs (Harry Potter based and Justice Force) and both worked out well. Especially when you can quote people and make seperate topics.
So, yay or nay? :3
Which Character should I write a bio on next?
Should I write Finn, Ice King, Heloise, Agent 9, Django of the Dead, Nibbler, Pinky, Brain or Noob next
roleplaying on wiki?
Well, i know how we all hate the new layout and how hard it is to roleplay on it, so why not move our roleplays here? we'll still be able to post videos on youtube.
I think that any users mentioned on this wiki should be informed of this wiki's existence. Don't you agree?