Blackfire is the older, evil, and sociopath sister of Starfire. She looks just like her and will use it to destroy her sister.
Slade Strikes Back[]
She made her minor role debut when she joined Joker to destroy her planet, encountering her sister and Bender. Starfire fought her while Bender looked for and thrashed Joker to the infamous "where's my money?" beat down. She returned to help Joker kill the heroes but was defeated
The V Team Island Adventure[]
She returned to help Uka Uka against Bender, Starfire, and others, but she lost again after Uka Uka's defeat wasn't heard or seen from again.
New Team Ironhide[]
Blackfire is part of Megatron Prime's group.
Mervamon and Ponydramon[]
Blackfire was still evil for a time, but turned around and joined Team Ironhide.
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 3[]
Blackfire shows up to gloat about Bender being in jail and she is not the visitor but she is pretty much with who is their real vistor.
After Zib is revealed to Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane Blackfire leaves with him.
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, Starlight, Carmilta, The Resisty, Ren, Scratch and even Killian, Steelbeak, The Miller Family and The Ys all decide to wait for the right moment to attack and once guards do manage to get their backs. They all attack the Guards.
Blackfire is alerted as she is Warden and sees all these people basically laying waste to the guards
Starlight blinds all them with the light and useing the electricity in the cell, which allows The Reisisty, Scrtach and Professor Membrane to steal all the weapons that CSM and Makarov's men have. The former M.A.L.I.C.E members attack Blackfire who uses her personal bodyguards to go after them
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ren, Carmilta, Professor Membrane, The Reissty, Scratch and Starlight all help The former members against Blackfire and her henchmen.
Blackfire gloats that even though they escaped, they will still be killed as Number 1 and CSM dropped a bomb to kill them with Makarov. Bender considered killing Blackfire though backs down considering she's Starfire's sister.
Blackfire, Zib and THe Smoking Man blow up the prison killing the latter's allies.
Chapter 4[]
She meets up with Thragg, Omega Pirate, Maximus and Dregg and with the knowledge that they found an ally to help them. Knowing that they are heading to Tazmanrian, he and Blackfire decide to lure a trap for the crew respecively, in the event of the failure of The Almighty Tallest.
Blackfire and Thragg go to Tazmarian and observe the events. They see the Almighty Tallest be killed by the bomb and neither show much concern as Zib wanted them killed to show he's a hero like he was in the timeline he came.
Blackfire having conquered the planet, she enslaves her people while taking advantage of Starfire and co's absence. However her people are unwilling to help her and decide to help Ford, Deathstroke, Nolan and the others with their intent to oppose The Smoking Man and his cospiracy
Blackfire, Dregg, Maximus and Thragg arrive with the former makeing her self known by attacking Betty and keeping her from possibliy contacting Starfire, Dib or others
Blackfire and Thragg lead an attempt to get rid of them with Larke taking on Blackfire outself. Blackfire while having her powers and capabiltiies, Larke is able to keep up in part to her superhuman capabilities and showing her skills to make up for her lack of alien power.
Though Blackfire does nearly finish off Larke, Larke manages to sweep her down and stop Blackfire from the job. Larke does manage to take something off her, before she escapes by blasting with her a star bolt.
She arrives in Arlen with Zib, Putty and the seven and follows Bender to the military base as they intend to get more info on Operation Countdown. She intends to go after them there but they are not allowed to enter and The Smoking Man arrives to settle the score personally. Blackfire knows Bender will get the info and will use it so she has to stop him and he's opposing Vought and he may have the ability to damage their reputation. CSM states Bender won't do just that, and that he's no match for Homelander.
Their patience is rewarded as Blackfire sees them go off and she pursues chase with the group trying to kill them. She lets Zib and Putty do their own thing as she goes up against Ren and Starlight, again she puts up a good fight against both of them though she is eventually binded by Starlight's powers and defeated by Ren's trickery and Starlight's powers.
Blackfire orders the Chornton Detonators to be used in Townsville after they leave to keep the citizens in quarantine.
Chapter 5[]
Blackfire joins Maximus and Dregg on a mission of their own where they find and recruit the Neutralizer to help out with The Smoking Man and Lord Dregg's plans in the works. She is successful with Dregg when it comes to bringing him into their team. Blackfire also having still a grudge with Ford and his crew's attack on her, she and Dregg decide to have The Neutralizer join the latter in tailing the group.
Blackfire is informed of of what Slade is doing and that he is on his way to Gotham. She initially wants to fight off Slade's empire, but is given orders to go after Slade and his guys instead as Putty has his own intents. So instead, Blackfire crashes into Wayne Manor and under Tighten, Zib and Z9 intending to kill them and she goes after Black Star and Death.
Black Star and Death have a 2 on 1 with Blackfire, and they manage to make her flee as they put what they learned against Blackfire. Black Star and Death chase the Tazamrian and intends to capture her, though she shakes them off.
With The Chameleon informing them of what Anti Cosmo and Bender are dealing with she goes after the gang, Blackfire goes after Bender and his guys and learns of Bender's plan to kill The Smoking Man. She attemps to hinder this, though her attempts fail in part to the others.
Zib goes on her case for this crazy decision, for being implusive.
Chapter 6[]
With Captain Putty and Zib, they spy on Anti Cosmo and Bender and report their plans to Homelander.
Working with the hostile alien forces she tries to take over Jump City as that where her baby sister lived out of revenge and to spite her and her husband. However she is foiled by Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu and Slade's empire who bring her to Hades, Him and The Flying Dutchman who place her back in the underworld where she was supposed to be.
The Joker, Uka Uka, Brother Blood, Flexo, The Smoking Man, The Conspiracy
Starfire, Bender, Skipper, Marceline, Team Ironhide, Anti Cosmo, Professor Membrane, Scratch Mcgee, Carmilla Noceda, Joker (Persona 5), Agent Darkbootie, The Reisisty, Killian, Steelbeak, The Ys, The Miller Family
She was supposed to be the main villain of Teen Titans Season 6
Blackfire was one of the villains that did not join the Brotherhood of Evil.
Blackfire and Starfire are almost identical, except for their hair color, eye color, eye shape, and their outfits.
Ironically, by trading her sister to the Gordanians, Blackfire is indirectly responsible for creating the Teen Titans, the same group which would end up opposing her on several occasions.
Unlike other English-speaking Tamaraneans who speak in formal tones, Blackfire is the only Tamaranean who speaks with contractions.
Similar to her comrades Chameleon and Tighten, she was one of the few 16 characters to debut in Phase 1, to also be in the Final Phase as a regular character.