Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Bikini Bottomites0

The Bikini Bottomites, or citizens of Bikini Bottom, are usually background characters of SpongeBob SquarePants - but can consist of main characters as well. Their antagontism is rivaled only by The Town of Springfield and Quahog in some episodes.

While mostly playing neutral roles, and sometimes supportive roles as well, they do hold a record for antagonism. They are known to often, if not always, bully or act as hypocrites, particularly to the main cast.

They also have a holiday called National No Spongebob Day

Reasons why they have these antagonistic traits are:

  • Most, if not all Bikini Bottomies, are completely idiotic or incompetent in nature; They rarely think or comprehend the situation they deal with, as they immediately take actions first instead of talking or solving their problems in a better way.
  • They also take sadistic pleasure at a person's pain, misery and humiliation all the while craving absolute violence/excitement, specifically the main cast.
  • All of them are violent and easily provoked, and immediately create angry mobs as seen in the picture above.
  • Tendencies to yell at SpongeBob and his friends out of misunderstanding, revenge, no reason at all. Mostly for stupid reasons, like having a dream to fly.

Fortunately, for some evil acts that they have committed, they are sometimes punished by the main characters later on.

