Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Warning Spoiler Alert: This article/section contains details about future plotlines of LOTM: Sword of Kings described. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.

Spoiler-alert Spoiler Alert: This article/section contains details about future plotlines of LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow described. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.

"You've already met him... Ms. Grace Abigail Mills. You all have, Jenny Mills and Mr. Ichabod Crane. [...] He told me [your name]. He's inside of you, in your hearts, in your minds. He's been there since he appeared to you the day in the forest. He summoned the Horseman, and with each dark spirits he brings to our world, his grand design gets stronger. He wants you to understand."
— Gunther talking to Abbie about Moloch

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Diabla the Qliphoth Tyrant, the final Big Bad of LOTM: Sword of Kings Saga AA.

The Big Bad is the most prominent, powerful, and dangerous villain in a story, and is often responsible for most of the conflict that drive the plot. If there is a hierarchy of villains, the Big Bad is at the very top of it, and may be in control of most or all of the heroes' other enemies. Sometimes, the Big Bad can work from behind the scenes. However, as long as the most prominent antagonists of a story work for someone who was present all along, or who is setting their course of action, then this someone is the Big Bad.

In some cases, there may be a Bigger Bad, who is more powerful and/or evil than the Big Bad, but is much less involved in the plot and only appears briefly, maintaining the Big Bad as the most prominent and recurring villain in the story. Although sometimes Bigger Bads can act as the final boss of the story.

There are also the case of the Big Bad Duumvirate when two villains of equal importance form a team and share the role, and the Big Bad Ensemble when several villains of equal importance further their goals on their own, usually in a competition. If there is a Villain based Franchise about the Big Bad appearing the most then they are the Big Bad and Villain Protagonist.

A villain can only truly qualify as a Big Bad if the story has multiple antagonists and is of sufficient "scope". In other words, not all stories have a Big Bad, and villains cannot be labeled Big Bads when they are the only antagonist in the story.
Big Bads can ONLY be also labeled as Bigger Bads when they are involved in spin-offs in which one of their followers/another villain takes the role of Big Bad.
  Big Bad Duumvirate and Big Bad Ensemble DO NOT count when these villain are not on equal footing in term of threat and prominence; or when one of these villains is the biggest threat for most of the story.


LOTM: Sword of Kings & LOTM: A Draw of Kings []

  • Idea of Evil - Bigger Bad
  • Sequined Sadist - Overarching Villain

Magic Side[]

Tech Side[]

Magi-Tech Side[]

  • Darth Hades - Bigger Bad
    • Scathach (saga AA part 1) / The Fallen's Essence (saga AA part 2) - Big Bads
    • Eckidina KnightWalker / Diabla the Qliphoth Tyrant - The Heavy 

LOTM: Destiny[]

Magic Side[]

  • The Darkness - Bigger Bad
    • Ara Astaroth - Big Bad (first half)
    • Krol Barbaro - Big Bad (second half)
    • Shiva - The Heavy

Tech Side[]

  • B1-Killer Kampfdroide Unit-CM 130 - Bigger Bad

Magi-Tech Side[]

LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow & LOTM: Star Spangled Crown []

​Pandora Saga[]

Elemental Evil Saga[]

Harvest Saga[]

​Rose & Lolth Saga[]

Dreyfuss Saga[]

​Black Host Saga[]

  • Zadkiel - Bigger Bad
    • Phantom Knight - Big Bad
    • Diablolical Krell - The Heavy

Valindra Saga[]

​Mateus Saga[]

Sabbat Saga[]

Zodiac Saga[]

Ikran's F-Zero timeline[]

Sleepy Hollow, the Missing Episodes[]

We Are VR Troopers![]

  • Karl Ziktor/Grimlord - Big Bad

The Bouncer tetralogy[]

Ikran's Lost Ocarina of Time/Pokemon crossover[]

The Lost Legend of Namira[]

  • Namira - Big Bad

The ReBoot Multi-Universe[]

Recessional of the Red Dragons[]

  • The Red Dragon Syndicate, Spike Spiegel - Big Bad
  • Kim Yokushimo - Bigger Bad

A Trip in Paradise[]

  • Takeshi Lucero Crowley & Lyn Targoons Dogma - Big Bad

Crossover War Heroes Series[]
