Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Bianca Dupree is the rival of Larke Tanner, particularly over Troy. She plots every scheme to make sure she gets her way. She has a pink poodle named Empress, who herself is twice as nasty as her master.

Allies and Enemies[]

Allies: Empress, Wiltshire Brentwood, Buck Huckster, Pierce Thorndyke III, Jem and the Holograms, Hondao, Tramfaldo, Lola Loud, Heather, Dr. Claw, Rarity, Daffy Duck, Pete, Oswald Cobblepot, Amity Blight (Formely), Emepror Belos, The Belos Empire

Enemies: Larke Tanner , The Misfits, Nikki Wong, Gwen, Amy, Princess Morbucks, Pacifica Northwest, Charlie Brown, Daria Morgendorffer, Team Free Will, President Deathstroke Wilson and His Associates

Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Bianca is a major villainess of Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and has joined up with Emperor Belos and his forces to get Troy for herself from Larke and to once and for all win their rivalry. Bianca is something of an evil counter part to Hilda in this respect as both of them are jealous of another girl having the guy they want in Lydia and Larke wanting Lincoln and Troy. Bianca though goes further than Hilda in her pursuit and doesn't care who she hurts or mapuilates whereas Hilda just clashes with Lydia and only goes after her.


Bianca was recruited by Emperor Belos to help out his plans on the promises of being royals in his new world and to give her what she wants. Which basically means Troy, and Larke in the ground

She is present in the meeting with the other villains and when Belos and Mina orchestrate their plan, Bianca tags with the other team and attacks Larke, Ford, Truman, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Anne, Crowley.

Bianca singles out Larke and faces off with her, though she is bested as she is unaware of how strong and fit her rival is and her association with Deathstroke

Catching on to this quickingly, Bianca decides she needs to investigate Larke's affilations.

Chapter 1[]

Erik Alberg and Bianca show up on Larke and Hilda and they go to deal with them respectfully. Despite the warning of Jauna and Sasha who both feel this isn't good.

Larke attempts to reason with Bianca that she is making a mistake allying with Belos. Bianca coldly rebutes her saying, that she has been promied what she wants if she allies with her. Larke asks if this about money, power. Bianca calls Larke a dumb blond for not figuring this out and she should have figured it by now.

Bianca decides to attack Larke but Larke again overpowers her and renders Bianca's phsyical attacks harmless thanks to her durability. Larke just pushes her down  and puts her on the floor tying her up, saying she didn't want to hurt Bianca but she will do what she must, as she putting her arm in a lock to do so. Larke then saves Hilda from Erik and Bianca does manage to free herself but Larke is no danger as both her and Hilda are aware of her.

Depsite her inability to hurt Larke, Bianca is determined to best her and she realizes that there may be a way to do just that and observes a book that she takes.

Chapter 2[]

Tezkel Kan, The Tibeanie Family and Bianca are working on some kind of shaman magic of their own after tricking Tialoc and turning him into a sheep. Bianca holding the book that she took from Cricket and Crowley explains that it will aid her in her plan to defeat Larke once for and all.

As Tezkel Kan and Bianca continue using the shaman magic this is when Rainbird and Erik Alberg show up infroming them of the Magic Users arriving in Puppnuu.

Tezele Kan decides to put the shaman magic he tricked out of Tialoc and uses it to bring ancient stautes to life and Bianca directs them to attack the Owl House Crew as Belos is most aware of their expereince as she just lies here working on the magic.

Tezele Kan decides to put the shaman magic he tricked out of Tialoc and uses it to bring ancient stautes to life and Bianca directs them to attack the Owl House Crew as Belos is most aware of their expereince as she just lies here wokring on the magic.

Erik And John are unimpressed and doubt her as lazy, despite her ambitions. Bianca states she is working, it's just she is not unequipped to do at the moment.

Eclpisa and the others manage to run all the rest of the crew with the help of Traloc in his sheep forme and force a retreat. Though They are nearly shot by Rainbird who is still trying to snipe them and Bianca is there in a distance  trying to make sure no one knows she is here.

Bianca is with Tezel Kan and states that they must move on to their next locale with Jack Horner and Mina Loveberry with both of them having the dragon eggs they took from the word. The Socerecess knows she lost her staff, though she knows she can get another staff. Bianca decides to run off with Jack Horner to head off.

Tzekel Kan and Bianca both have the book the latter, and this is when Bianca states she will ulimately put her plan to work and that they must go back to Dreamland to meet up with Dagmar, Cloyd and Becky. Bianca knows that they will be able to help with this and Tzekel Kan goes alongside her in turn to help. Bianca knows she has to stay away from Larke in order to get the jump on her.

Chapter 3[]

Belos decides to send Rainbird, Bianca, Odalia, Tezkel Kan, Queen Dagmar, Cloyd and Becky to deal with business

Bianca decides to settle on potentially maplutating Hilda seeing her like Bianca herself, but she needs to do something important to complete her plan. Tzekel Kan and Dagmar ask does she have what she needs. Bianca states she does and intends to succeed in her plan as she closes the book she stole from Cricket and Crowley.

Odalia, Dagmar, Cloyd, Becky, Bianca, Tezkel Kan and Demogorgons are there and proceed to follow. Bianca, Odalia and Tezkel Kan decide to follow Lincoln, Hilda, Jauna and the others after some convincing.

Tezkel Kan, Bianca, Dagmar, Cloyd and Becky are all preparing to basically destory the music box and it's guardian to prevent the heroes from getting all the while Tezkel and Dagmar are working away. Larke, Grime and Jauna all then show up intending to go after them.

Bianca is annoyed but sees an opprounity to do something and decides to keep being at work with her intentions as Dagmar, Cloyd, Becky and Tezkel Kan are all attacking the party intent to use the tunnels and bury them with the rocks in the mountains.

Bianca takes a notice to Hilda and realizes that this is who Vecna was targeting and decides that she could be used as a tool to hurt Larke as she has been eavesdropping on Larke's friendships with Lydia and Lincoln and aware of their relationship.

Larke confronts Bianca about her involvement

Bianca states that she is just working with the emperor to get what she wants and proves this by tossing her dog down a hole. Larke is horrified and prepares to do her in for basically klling her pet. Bianca and Larke Struggle with each other as she knows this is about Troy who Bianca is facing Larke in regards.

Ronnie Anne, Crowley and Scully all show up and warn Larke not to kill Bianca, she intends her to do so. Larke asks what took them so long, Scully states they had Demobats to deal with swarming them and they were in large numbers. Crowley and Ronnie both manage to talk Larke from going further after indeed beating Bianca but not lethally. Bianca decides to just jump off a cliff to spite Larke.

Bianca finds herself in fire and brimestone as she has landed somewhere. She overhears things and Bianca finds out that her safrice of her pet was deemed acceptable for a safrice and Bianca is allowed a wish. Bianca is estactic her plan and she makes her wish. She wants to Troy for her self and Larke out the way but isn't strong like she seems to be. She wants to be better than her. Demons arrive and tell Bianca to take out the crown of her pocket and says the name

Bianca says the name and she is striked by the demons of hell fire.

Her Corpse from the mountains glows in fire and fades away.

The full details of Bianca's plan and she rises out of a body of water making it boil in the process as it's revealed that she was transformed into a demon while retaining her appearance. As she floats in the sky marveling as she watches the final aspects of her conversation complete with her ears becoming horn like and her fingernails becoming retractable and clawlike.

Deciding to test her new powers she sets a sand castle on fire and amazes herself with her powers. Bianca then sees the family that made the sand castle and breaks their necks for disconviencing her.

Bianca returns to Belos empowered and Dagmar, her sibling and Tezkel Kan marvel at how poweful Bianca has become and Bianca states that was the plan to have Larke try to kill her so Bianca can trade her soul to be reborn as a demon. She has plans now regarding Troy Jeffries and Hilda and goes to do just them. Now that she has accomplished one of her goals and is better than Larke in her mind.

Chapter 4[]

Belos having seen that the group has arrived in Trolberg, he has Bianca, Erik, Trundle and Tezekel Kan all go after the group as planned.

Meanwhile at Beverely Hills, Bianca arrives and lords her new powers over others as she enjoys her power boost. Bianca then goes to see Troy and tries to use her powers to get his interest. Troy isn't budging  as he only loves Larke, Bianca states that she expected this and asks why does he waste his time with that blonde bimbo. Troy states because that blonde bimbo is someone he unquestionably cares about and they will do anything for each other. Bianca states and that's why she needs to kill Larke, and Troy will help her. Troy refuses for a second and Bianca uses her powers to restrain Troy and put him on a table

Bianca tells Troy to save it, as she has become god and can do what she wants. Troy is disugsted that she sold her own soul and humanity for power and see right through it calling her a demon. Bianca admits it's true she came to realize she likes being evil as she uses a spell on Troy to put him under her control. Bianca watches and the spell takes it's toll and Troy begins undergoing body horror until the spell's effects stop and Troy has become a huge red demon himself with Bianca saying now he gets it, she made him stronger  and better.

Troy under Bianca's control bows to her in his new form and Bianca states that she always gets what she wants. Bianca intends to sic Larke's boyfriend now her demonic servant on her, she then says that in order for the empire to succeed, she must return to Trolberg and go have someone with the blues.

Hilda is woken up as Bianca arrives in the door and Hilda tries to shoot her out, though Bianca tells her to not to bother. She wants to help Hilda, Help her get Lincoln. Hilda says she doesn't need her help, she's going to get him after Hilda tells Lincoln the truth. Bianca states that Lincoln is going to reject her, due to her being 2nd fiddle to Lydia. Hilda states she does hate how Lydia gets more attention than her from Lincoln, Bianca says that Hilda needs to take precautions to get her out of the way. Bianca says she understands as Larke is in her way for Troy and already has something in mind. Hilda states that Lincoln is not with Lydia, he's just friends with her, even though Lydia is crushing on Lincoln, though Lincoln will end up with Hilda.

Bianca plans doubt in Hilda as she states that when does Hilda have to try harder to get stuff out of him, if Lincoln was really just friends with Lydia, why  would he spend so much time with her. Bianca states Lydia is too guy like to have him unlike her, and that food for thought regarding this and she's at least doing something to get Troy for herself, and to see that Hilda gets what she deserves

This is when Tezkel Kan uses his magic to basically bring stone jaguars to live and attacks the crew with them. With Larke being separated by the others and this when she hears and see Bianca alive and Larke is shocked. Bianca is alive and well and Larke notices how off she is and Bianca proves by teleporting and trying to burn her alive. Larke notices she has Satanist powers and is disgusted Bianca sold her soul to turn into a demon just to prove get to Larke. Bianca then sends Troy after her who she also turned into a demon servant. Larke doesn't know what to do or say to this and Bianca and Troy under the latter's control attack Larke and Larke realizes how overpowered she is to them and does her darnest to hold them back despite this.

Bianca was revealed to have been with Tezekel Kan who stole the Light Cannon from Safety Patrol. and then proceed to take it away. Larke eventually gets help from Truman who does manage to get the demons off them even as she takes really damage from Troy and Truman uses holy work to drive off the demon. Anne also arrives with Sasha after dealing with the trolls to hold off Demon Troy and Bianca. Larke tries to snap Troy out of it, but Bianca states he loves her now and forces a kiss on him.

Bianca appears and tells Hilda that she warned Hilda like any good girl friend and that she now has a Larke and Troy problem like she did. Bianca urges Hilda to kill Lydia or maputliate Lincoln, Hilda refuses both options as Lincoln won't speak to her if she did so.

Bianca states that she shouldn't let Lydia get away with this and that Hilda should make her choice what to do.

Chapter 5[]

Bianca notes it's  a start that Hilda is giving Lydia and Lincoln the silent treatment and she decides to push her own agenda and try to kill Lydia or hurt Lincoln so she can force Hilda in servitude for her giving Lincoln to her. Bianca also notse that Larke is with Lincoln and Lydia decides to make a double play and summons Demon Troy to help out

She is brought into the fold by Vecna and follows suit with him to the Creel Household. She prepares to use her powers to get her way, and is intending to straight out ambush them as she observes her self as a example of her own vanity. Through Troy, she ambushes the crew and decides to kill Larke while she has no help.

Bianca considers herself a god for the power she has obtained and that Larke is hopeless against her, Lydia though after putting Vecna a bit down after saving Truman gets involved and turns the tables on her, as Larke tries to talk down Troy and to break her control. Bianca stops this from occurring and then gloats how she used Hilda to drive a wedge in the team by having find out the truth between Lydia and Lincoln.

Bianca then escapes and help torch the lab before deciding to help Belos's next plans.

Chapter 6[]

Bianca ambushes Larke, Lincoln,Crowley and Lydia with Troy and Rowena, With intent to kill Larke once and for all with Troy to make the blow harsher respectfully. She goes after Larke, boasting about dumb the blond is to keep thinking she can defeat her when she gave up her humanity for such power. Larke questions this and continues on saying how dumb it was to throw her humanity and pet out just so she can get Troy. Bianca then gloats how she is out to destroy Larke completely, using her boyfriend to do it and her attempt to stir the pot with Lincoln, Hilda and Lydia, the latter who states shouldn't even be a girl the way she is.

This is when Lincoln and Lydia trap Troy succesfully and Lydia deals with Bianca, and puts her on the ropes thorugh calm observation and thinking as Crowley and Larke excorise the demon out of Troy. All too late, Bianca realizes Lydia and Larke were using this to get Troy  out of her control and she swears revenge, even though Troy tells her, he's cutting her out of his life over this

Bianca angered at losing her Troy decides to take revenge  on Larke for  stealing her back and decides to possess Hilda to do this.

Chapter 7[]

Bianca posses Hilda to try and kill Lydia to get Hilda to serve her for getting Lincoln for her. This is foiled by Lakre, Lydia and Frida, this is the final straw and she decides to get rid of her.

Chapter 8[]

Bianca takes on Team Free Will and works to help Vecna, and she is killed by Larke, Tom, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Crowley.
