Atomic Betty as of Chronicles of Zaragoza
Elizabeth "Betty" Barrett (also known as Atomic Betty) is the main protagonist of the Canadian animated television series Atomic Betty
She is not afraid to speak her mind on anything and she is intolerant of all forms of bullying and injustice When trouble is in outer space she is called on by her commanding officer and along with her crew, is the captain of her own Starcruiser under a secret identity.
An expert hand-to-hand fighter, she can easily defend herself against most opponents, but also has a lot of technology, to access
While she is human she has some alien DNA in it which makes her partial human
Best Friends: Noah Parker, Bender, Skipper, Django, King Julian, Asami Sato, Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Larke Tanner, Tech E Coyote

Worst Enemies: Maximus IQ. Russ Cargill, The Mawkin Guard
Moral Ranking: Near Pure Good
Voiced by: Tajja Isen
Betty is a Canadian girl with fair skin, long red hair and lime-green eyes. She usually styles her hair in a ponytail, although when wearing certain outfits, such as her swimwear or winter coat, she lets her hair down, revealing that it is waist-length. She used to style her hair in pigtails in the past as her hair was still short at the time.
As a civilian on Earth, her usual outfit consists of a white long-sleeved collared shirt, which is worn underneath a yellow V-neck long-sleeve sweater with green stripes on the sleeves and a green line on the V-neck. She also wears a green knee-length skirt, white socks, and black and white tennis shoes. She also wears a green headband for her hair.
When on a Galactic Guardian mission, she wears her standard Galactic Guardian uniform, which consists of a white headdress, a pink dress, white gloves, a white belt with an atom symbol, and white thigh-high boots. She also wears red lipstick.
Phase 2[]
Totally Mobian Spies[]
Young Betty one day was unknowingly abducted by Calamitous or Hiroshi Sato to use as part of a non Nicktoon plan. She was placed in the highest form of security there but she was rescued by Tak who went through a course of Juju pain to do it
When she awakened she met Bender and the people who went with him. Betty was very happy to be in sight of her commanding officer's idol as she learned about his worship of Bender and his team. Betty confirmed that He and his group are one of the Multi-Universe's very best defenders there are. To Betty and many ranking in heroes teams They ranked 2nd best only to the Children of the Autobots for their rather unique and very effective methods. Betty joins Bender and co in taking back Fairy World from Professor Calamitous and his Harvester. They succeed and Betty will stay in the team as a new member to Bender. Betty then makes a solo confrontation with Russ Cargill to rest her friends from space and from Earth and manages to do just that
The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]
Betty returns and teams back up with Bender against his arch-rival Discord. Betty also aligns The Galactic Guardians with Bender and his team as part of her deal with him. She then uses her athletic prowess to aid her friends in their attempt to get their first ring
Phase 4[]
Betty is one of the members of the heroes that return from Phase 1 to 3, she noticeably has a bigger role and among the heroes, with the exception of Bender she has the most focus of the heroes
Team Free Will: Diassembled[]
Chapter 6[]
Scratch and Luz both go looking around to find clues to why they are being attacked or something. Scratch driects Luz to the video camera and this is when they find the Other Xs and Luz asks why are they here and Truman's Dad states that this is what M.A.L.I.CE's plans where they sent Malestrom to insure that were interverened while they acquire the Power Gem as Luz and Scratch use and hear the phone lines as they were handed by a young galactic member who didn't believe it either and looked into it as well. Luz asks who she is and she is known as Betty Quinn and Scratch states and she's an alien hunter, Betty is more of a protector of earth
Luz is very quick to believe this consdering what she has seen as does Scratch. Luz tells Ford what they found. Betty knew something was off considering what she found, and Ford states he thought that too
Ford, Anne, Luz, Scratch and Betty all know it's M.A.L.I.C.E as Betty told Luz and Scratch they that been tracking alien life themselves and know there is an inevitable invasion and the Agency thought that they were the life forms. Ford states Eclpida does look like one but isn't one, Anne says to Betty to call off her surperiors as their surperior is coming.
Deathstroke arrives and tells everyone to stand down and both sides. Deathstroke arrives to ensure everything went smoothly he explains that the Federation assumed the aliens were them and Team Free Will were trying to help causing an invasion. It was M.A.L.I.C.E's intent to do to weaken their forces and acquire the power gem to accomplish a plan of a crazy mer person. He shows the evidence
Betty, Luz, Anne, Ford, Scratch, Ibuki, Selina, Bruce, Kim, Sylvester, Hilda, Eclpisa, Molly Mcgee, Scratch Mcgee, Sylvester, Truman all brief out and Betty explains that they have been on M.A.L.I.C.E themselves but it was a group called S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E that sent this and Ford knows The Miller Family was behind this as well as Malestorm. Betty confirms and states that it's been a long time since she has been active and that this will be a heck of a time
Luz asks how long and Betty states a long while since according to her memories stopping another spy agency with other guys .
As the rest of the team not at the galactic federation come cross the headquarters , Larke radios them to get a hold of Betty Barnett. When asked, Larke states that she is aware of this universe and has been studying Canadian Cartoons Universes when she was back at school to understand the multiuniverse on a broader scale. King states he was just learning of it himself as does Tweety who were both rather unaware of the scape of the multiverse until coming across Team Free Will. Agent Bishop helps Larke with this and that they get a hold of Betty and learn that Team Free Will is there as is Deathstroke.
Chapter 7[]
Lydia, Anne, Luz, Hilda, Larke, Kim, Lisa, Betty, Sid discuss things on their end. Lydia explains she will be purusing the alien life forms and that she will do it with the intent to get rid of the bigger threats. Lisa and Betty both point out that wouldn't be feasbile as there is a way that M.A.L.I.C.E is communciating with the life forms.
Larke says that she'll join Lydia in doing this, Betty then agrees with this as she has a space ship for them to use. Anne and Hilda are both skeptical of this and Betty activates it's horn shutting them up.
Hilda, Larke, Lisa, Betty, Sid and Kim all then look at a map as Lisa manages to get her hands on it and shows them what she intends to do. Betty and Larke both state they will do their part to allow Lisa and Sid to deal with the sateliete. Sid, Lisa and Kim agree to this and Lisa states that they will be good as long as Larke, Betty, Lydia and Luz don't do stupid like getting themselves killed.
Lincoln, Lydia, Luz, Bruce, Larke, Captain Hero, Truman, Hilda, Agent Bishop, Jauna, Betty, Mulder, Scully, Mr.X all decide to go fight the alien lifeforms.Group 1 boards a space ship with the exception of Hero who decides to fly in space with Agent Bishop and Betty maining controls for the group
As the team gets closer to the Lunar alien ships, Lurantis has his men immediatly attack them on spot. Betty notices this and has Lincoln, Lydia and Hilda take fire on the smaller ships while she teleports the crew to Luranis ship. Betty sents over Juana, Captain Hero, Luz, Mulder and Scully instructing them to bring in Lunanris like the others did for The Millers. Betty and Agent Bishop over see Luranis being brought in and thrown in the slammer with The Millers
Alpha is being closed in on the others and Agent Bishop and Betty decide to go engage in this with Truman and Mr. X who decide to go pursue Alpha. Alpha having becoming an cyborg as mechanical augmentations are better than biological enhancements after all his failures with alien parts. Betty and Agent Bishop both notice and decide to let this get the drop
Truman leads the pack knowing Cyborgs and with alien parts, he proceeds to use his tecnhology all against Alpha. Alpha puts a good fight against Truman and even grabs him with intent to kill him immemdaitly. Mr.X manages to free him and allows Betty and Agent Bishop to basically do the dirty work and against him. Eventually leads into Bishop tying him to a missle and sending him out
Betty and Truman comment that it was Lincoln's orders to bring them back alive, Agent Bishop concedes but Alpha is too dangerous to be left alive and he needs to get rid of him. Mr. X is on their side and states that what's been done is done.
As the 4 return, Betty tells the team that Agent Bishop killed Alpha so they can't take him into custody. Lincoln asks why did Bishop do so, Bishop explains his reasoning and Lincoln states it makes sense though he doesn't like it. If he wants to do things right, he needs to allow different persepctive as he says.
Lydia decides to engage with Nolan herself with the Mind Stone, Lincoln and Luz both decide to help her and Truman and Betty take the battle stations. All of them fight Nolan with the three kids using the stones on Nolan in their space suits and Truman and Betty using sound based weapons to get Nolan
Betty, Stan and Jack manage to report the exixtence of alien life forms and that they manage to get the situation cleaned up. Betty realizes that she did get pretty badly hurt and goes to the hopsital. Larke decides to get a Sample of Betty's DNA with her permission so Deathstroke and her can understand Betty's hybrid nature
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 1[]
Agent Bishop and Mr.X both enter with their reports they hand to the President. As The President reads the reports. Bishop adresses that Irken Invaders have landed on the planet according to his investigation as well as Lord Dregg of his franchise's world and that there may be more on the way.
A Knock on the door is heard and Agent Bishop gets it and sees it's Ford and Omni Man who have arrived to his office. Deathstroke, Agent Bishop and Mr.X question this as Ford is supposed to be in hiding with the rest of Team Free Will.
Ford says that Nolan came to get him and that he needed his help with something so he left the cabin to help him and got some of his other bandmates to watch Luz. Deathstroke tells Ford he was supposed to and now they can be comproimsed with what was on the news.
Ford questions what news and Agent Bishop shows him Homelander's declare of Manhunt on Team Free Will. Ford asks who he is and Mr.X tells Ford he is the head of Vought Coroporation and that while he looks like a typcial america loving hero, he is really an insane attention seeking murder according to what they were told with The Bad Guys.
Agent Bishop recalls that and asks Nolan why Ford spefically apart from being old friends. Nolan says he will have Ford protected in case Homelander or anyone targets him and that Homelander isn't acting alone, they also have an alien invasion and a struggle for Virtum's rule
Deathstroke gives his theory that the one behind this is the whoever lead M.A.L.I.C.E and suspects that Homelander is with him as well.
Nolan confirms he is right about this and that he knows the man, though the only thing he knows is that he is an older man who smokes. He was being blackmailed just like those agents even when he was on his side. He believes Thragg is a bigger concern and that that him, Ford, Bishop, X and Deathstroke need to stop him and the aliens he has as The Man will have more alien life at his call
Agent Bishop tells Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Mr.X, Bruce and Larke that more people came to visit and it's Betty, Master Chief and The Aribter. Deathstroke states that he actually hired them out in regards to this whole thing to help out and they know space so they will take a spaceship and head out to go against the invaders.
As if that wasn't enough Mr.Wolf and the Bad Guys enter as well and tell him that they found his P.I and told him what Deathstroke wanted them to know. Mr.X and Agent Bishop both instruct the others that they are ready to take this to space and that with the ship the Spartian and Arbiter has, they can head off and stop the ongoing invasions.
Mr. X, Agent Bishop, Master Chief, Betty and The Arbiter then head off to get their space ship ready for the upcoming battle,
Agent Bishop, Mr.X, Betty, Master Chief and Arbiter get The Bad Guys, Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Bruce and Larke and tell them that the ship is ready and that are ready for take off.
Chapter 2[]
As Master Chief, Arbiter, Betty and the Bad Guys minus Mr.Wolf are flying the ship as they are debating Maximus IQ and his involvement as well as other aliens. Master Chief and Arbiter are actually acting on Nolan's plan to get fellow Virtumites to help him against Thraqq even though Betty, Mr.Snake and Mr.Pirhana are all thinking back on what has gone down
Betty informs the two that she has managed to trace something back from M.A.L.I.C.E and how the cracks have managed to show as she has traced unusalities around the mutliverse.
Bruce, Larke and Betty meanwhile are investgiating for any way to help Ford and Nolan with what Nolan desires as they want to help out Ford. Something is up when they see an bunch of Irken Invaders on the planet and Betty equips herself ready to fight them as Bruce and Larke are right behind her. They manage to get rid of some of them sucessfully until they're noticed and this is when are pursued by them all the while continuing their assault.
Thankfully, they are saved by another alien, Cyrpto who has been on his own mission away from The Scoprion Squad to deal with aliens and the three join him as they head off to find the others
Ford, Nolan, Bruce, Kamela, Larke, Deathstroke, Agent Bishop, Betty and Crpto arrive with the ship with the Virutmites all at war, those following Nolan and others following Thragg. So they can prepare a new plan to resuce Mr.Snake, Mr.Pirhana and Mr.Shark. Mr.X has Maximus brought to a cell so he can inttergorate him about the info and how to ultimately get the crew back. Betty is given permission by Mr.X to do so.
Thragg's plan works pefectly and he has the Almightly Tallest , his fellow Virumties and other aliens contacted by CSM and Homelander to attack them. Master Chief and Agent Bishop make an connection that Dregg is on the alert as well and he has arrived with other reinforcments causing a drastic attack.
Everyone goes after Dregg, The Almightly Tallest and the Virtumite, Betty takes 2nd in command in the attack to Deathstroke and the two direct the whole attack as they try to keep the others safe.
Despite the resisance of them all and Deathstroke, Betty and Cypto's leading the attacks efficently and intellgently. They are still one ship against a fleet and it looks to be the end as Dregg and The Irkens intent to destory the crew while they're tired. This is until another ship manages to arrive and stop the forces from destroying the ship and magnets the crew up
After being saved by the Reisty and Rocket, Betty, Mr. X, Mr.Wolf and Webs decide to help Larke and Bruce to get info out of Maximus.
Chapter 3[]
Betty, Bruce, Larke, Agent Bishop, Mr.Wolf and Webs all arrive to Maximus and they interograte him about the location of Mr.Snake, Pirahana and Shark. Maximus is initally smug saying he won't say anything even as Betty and Agent Bishop are threatening him. Betty threatens to turn him into the Federation. Maximus calls her bluff on this
Betty questions who he is working for, Maximus states that he works for no one, and that he works with someone and Thragg is who to consider targeting, or Dregg. He states it will be most wise to target a weak target
Betty questioning her archenemy, Mr.Wolf and Betty decide to take up his word and go after the others
Agent Bishop and Betty both get another cruiser and take Mr.Wolf, Webs, Bruce , Larke with them as Mr.Wolf and Webs declare they will find their teammates despite what the odds being thrown at them
Betty, Mr.Wolf, Webs, Bruce Wayne, Larke Tanner and Agent Bishop all take their ship to go intersect with Lord Dregg and Webs managed to hack the location of where Lord Dregg as she managed to acquire the location
Mr.Wolf and Atomtic Betty discuss Maximus and they are in agreeance that something seems up. Betty feels Maximus is trying to ultmately escape from their clutches and tricked them Betty is a bit questioning of an unterior agenda of Maximus as Mr.Wolf suspects
Betty, Bruce, Larke, Agent Bishop, Mr.Wolf and Webs all sneak aboard the mother ship where Lord Dregg is. Betty equips a slience on her blaster to ensure no one knows they're here and Bishop follows suit with her. The Other 4 sneak around too with Webs managing to get a map of the ship and directs them to where the others are being held. Larke and Mr.Wolf Commend her for getting right down to brass tacks
Bruce goes with Betty and Bishop and they manage to dispatch much of Dregg's men with simple skill and proficiency. Agent Bishop decides to go after Dregg to allow the others to save the other Bad Guys
Betty, Bruce, Larke, Mr.Wolf and Webs all agree and they find the rest of the chained bad guys. Wolf asks if they're fine and they admit they are, they just got beaten up a bit and chained but nothing too bad. Wolf sighs and decides to free them asking Larke, Betty and Bruce to do so and the three do so.
Webs asks about Dregg and Snake reveals his plan, Dregg is working on something with the leader of this so called conspiracy and he's a human. Betty asks for a description, Snake goes on to say he's a older man but a dangerous man, he led one operation of attempted alien invasions before but is trying to finish the job like he did before
Bruce, Larke, Mr.Wolf and Betty overhear a security alarm going off about a premier breach and it turns out it's Dregg who BIshop found and Bishop is using every opporunity he can to fight Lord Dregg though a good deal of it is for naught due to Dregg's power, though Bishop gets a few hits in and uses of all things a tie to seal the deal.
Dregg's mens surround the others and Pirahana decides to let loose on Wolf's nod though Betty, Bruce and Larke join the action as well.
Betty, Larke, Bruce, Agent Bishop, The Bad Guys, Mr.X, Master Chief, Arbiter, Cypto, Rocket and Kamela all return back from their expoditions to see the three who arrive with their new ship
Bruce, Betty, Bishop and Mr.X realize Maximus got away on their accord and they count it as not much of a loss. Betty knew he was going to escape but at least The Bad Guys are safe, and finally makes the connection that Minmus isn't with him, Bruce having caught a lot on him catches this too realizing yes something is up.
Chapter 4[]
Betty and the others make themselves comfortable in their ship, as she learns is being piloted by RJ, A fellow member of The Scorpion Squad alongside Crypto. Betty, Master Chief and Arbiter note how good it to see another familar face in this case.
RJ briefs them about got him involved in this mission and it's due in part to what he knows is up and unlike Cypto or others, he's not in this to get in the president's good books. He just wants to do something right and different for once. Which Betty states and that's why he's helping Crpyto
RJ also privately admits to her that he just wanted to do something like this again.
Kamela, Agent Bishop, Deathstroke and Mr.X inform the crew that they are heading to a new planet. A Familiar Planet. Betty asks which planet and to the surpise of herself, it's the planet Tazmarian.
Betty inquires to why and Bishop explains that he managed to acquire from their guy on the earth that Blackfire is working with the conpsiracy and thus she is of note to pay attention. She inquires of Starfire, and Deathstroke informs her that Starfire is fine herself, but is just with the others regarding Bruce Wayne, and not the kid they're with.
Betty thinks to the fate of the group itself, wondering why she hasn't heard anything is so long. This is cut short when The Almighty Tallest attack the ship intent to bring them down once more. However Betty joins up With Agent Bishop, Rocket Raccoon , Crypto and RJ and fight off the Irken Invaders with their piloting skills.
Betty personally goes to confront them after toying with them and she fights the Almighty Tallest herself and manages to take advantage of their lazy selves to nearly bring them in. However she is warned by Agent Bishop that someone planted a bomb on the mother ship and that she needs to leave.
Betty does just that and like that The Mother Ship explodes and kills the Almighty Tallest. Returning to the others, they inquire how they died, with Rocket discovering shapnel and saying someone must have really wanted them dead to the point of working with them only to double cross them.
The 4 show the details to Nolan, Ford and Deathstroke which the latter keeps in mind and sends to his guy to make sure he's aware of what just happened.
Not daunting on it, Betty joins the team and heads to Tazamarian to see the ones who are against Blackfire if possible as she is warned by Ford and Deathstroke that she is royalty among these people. Though Nolan's research indicates that she was disgraced by Starfire herself.
As they find out, they are plenty of nice ones, in part to Starfire's influence and ask if they are part of the team that will help them against Blackfire. Betty, Lakre and Kamela as the most understanding of the group say that they are and will do what it takes. Master Chief and Arbiter both inquire about Blackfire ruling over them and that Bruce Wayne's death was a part of a distraction to get Starfire off the throne to be there for her team so Blackfire can take over it. As her father figure tells them.
Betty decides to call Starfire, Dib and the others to inform of this not aware that they stepped down from the heroics. However her phone is destroyed by Blackfire and Thragg who are both using the former's power to invade as part of the latter's plan with The CSM. Maximus and Dregg are also there as well as usual
Betty, Bishop, X, Kamela, Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Larke, Bruce, Rocket, Cyrpto, RJ, The Bad Guys, Master Chief and Arbiter all are ready to fight the four. Though Blackfire finds this laughable and orders their death.
She takes on Maximus once again but with Mr.X and Rocket in tow as they proceed to wail on him for costing them their ship that Deathstroke worked so hard on. Maximus gives as good as he gets and despite taking a beating for his escape, he does put a thought into the Galactic Ranger's head. He asks spefically what would she gain if she informed them, if someone else didn't already. Betty lowers her guard, though Mr.X and Rocket conitune fighing him and his forces and tell her not to get distracted by Maximus's speech.
Though they once again beat him, he does flee with the others and drops another cyrptic message about jumping to conclusions that quickingly. She tries to figure what her nemesis is telling her keepign her distracted even as her other allies forge their truce with The Tazmarians and begin to work to fight the alien forces and investigate other planets to help.
Chapter 5[]
As Per Rocket's idea in mind for the crew, she joins him and the others in recruiting the Ravengers to help out deal with the forces that are coming for them under Thagg and The Smoking Man. Betty and the others manage to successfully recruit them through convincing them of how they could help each other out and in case they are targeted themselves.
This manages to work and as they head back, this is when they all are ambushed by The Sales Guy's Capsule which he sent after the team in a Heavy Lobster which Betty and the others manage to deal with it eventually due to how dangerous and how much of a top monster, The Sales Guy send to them
With the Heavy Lobster out of the way, Betty decides she needs to make the decision of where to head next as the situation is getting tense and the others agree with this.
Chapter 6[]
Betty leads the others to the planet Yugopitamian to see them for help, leading with Deathstroke, they manage to get the help of them to help. They do learn that Thragg has already invaded the planet. So In Turn, Betty lands with the others and meets base with Mulder and Scully and co and they begin to fight Thragg and his forces
In the battle for the planet and universe, Betty joins Master Chief and Arbiter to go after General Z9. The three of them fight the martians and get to Z9 and take him on as well, they also learn he has some of the brutes as well from the Coven
Master Chief, Arbiter and Betty bring Z9 down and decide to bring him to custody as Betty wants him alive. Betty learns that Z9 was already tuckered due to his fight with Slade's empire and Bender. She learns the latter took him self out of retirement, despite thinking M.O.D.A.B and The B Team retired
Betty is briefed upon what needs to be cleaned up before she can get home. Deathstroke offers her a ride home afterwards
Chronicles of Zaragoza[]
In-between the times, Betty grew up into her late teens and began working under Cecil Stegman to keep her heroics under cover and her grades up.
Chapter 2: Past, Present and Future Unite[]
Betty is also seen attending the high school as well and she keeps a distance and observation of Lizbeth, Ren, Cassie and Kelly. She is contacted by Cecil about the Solider Boy having returned and she learns that Steve went to see them Betty feels Lizbeth may be a bit ready, so she'll keep her eye on the girl to see
Betty tells Cecil that she was ready, she observes her during the day and that she informs Lizbeth of this when she arrives with the others. Also she when she went after Chloe. Betty asks about getting Kelly and Ren involved though Carter does give the approval to do so as they seem like they can help and they like Lizbeth.
She, Ren, Betty and Felicity do their own recongissance are in contact with Spider NoirBetty, Lizbeth and Ren head back to the school and decide to do something but Solider Boy's men are on to them due to curfew and Chloe snitched on them
Betty uses her communication device to get Lizbeth to talk to her folks. The three manage to arrive at Noir's base as such and Betty admits she wished her group didn't abaddon operations now. When Lizbeth and Ren question her on this, Betty states that her organization did so after a final defeat of Maximus IQ and then the person she did work fell under, so she secretly began working with his replacement and Agent Double LL 7, A Special Agent who provides tip and leaks to them about what Betty deals with and gets a finder's fee for it.
Betty with the others bring up Vought and Solider Boy's possible connection to them. Betty recalls that she did take on someone associated with Vought's most well known mistake in the Homelander. The Group makes a pit stop to the outside, basically escaping lockdown. Betty opens up communication as she send Spider Noir and Freakzoid on a mission as Agent LL 07 with Detective Warden Steele found something for them.
Spider Noir and Freakzoid report stolen Pym Particles to Betty and Tech unrelated to Cassie Colonel Kit Coyote and the Sergeant are waiting telling Solider Boy as he works with Simon Sinister intend to also harvest Cassie's DNA to use in the suits he has which Sharon took from the Pym Family. Betty with Cecil are among the first to take action against the Coyotes and the other soldiers.
Betty and Ren consider an option to get some extra help. When Ren mentions Commander McBragg, Betty agrees with this and states that it may be most helpful Cecil disagrees as he feels the man should enjoy retirement and not be dragged into their situation. He states that if anything the Commander should be in an advisor spot. Betty lets Ren, Kelly, Lizbeth and Cassie go get the others as she'll go with Kate to see McBragg.
Kate and the others manage to head to where they know Commander McBragg and they manage to find him and work to get him brought into the battle. Cecil has Betty, Tech and Felicity look into something he began to suspect with the abduction of Steve and Peggy, which Tech realizes was said, because he mentioned to Cecil that The Pym Particles might have been a red herring
They follow him to get to the base of Solider Boy which Betty, Tech and Cecil managed to find using Lizbeth, Cassie, Ren and Kelly heading there to get the Super Soldiers. This after Betty learns how right she was to get McBragg to help as soldiers were disguised in his room to go after him. Cecil and Tech find out what Solider Boy's designs are and have Betty and Kate radio Lizbeth about this. SB is trying to rebuild his own handlers in Vought and sees using meta human DNA/ Supe DNA as an answer. And that he sees it as an upgraded Compound V
Tech tells Cassie, Scott and Kelly about the Winter Solider project and what it was made for and learns from them. that they were found so Tech and the others all go after the Soldiers and to his hideout with help from Kit and Oakely. Betty uses her own martial arts and fighting skills to put the Soldiers and men on the backend so she can save Cassie and Lizbeth.
Betty gets the help of Tech, Felicity, and Cecil to do so as she fights through the rest of his goons and manages to deactivate the attempt to sic the rest of the Winter Soldiers on them. After their escape they head back to their normal lives. Betty hangs with Lizbeth, Kelly, Cassie and Ren and observes that they have done it again to her knowledge as she sneers at Chloe being a bully to Lizbeth again. Betty knows that this isn't the end and this has set up the conclusion.
Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]
Betty was observing Solider Boy and Sharon using the authorities to arrest them and she became aware of this so she needs to keep to get the others to help.
She leaves off to see Tech and Cecil, though she runs into Kate and tells her what happened as well as them. As a result she is then present for Cecil's call to Larke Tanner as she tells them.Betty tells her friends about her knowledge on Larke Tanner and reveals how a good deal of this came to. She also states through this she directly knows the 2 helping behind the scenes which are the secret agent and the detective.
Betty gives more information to them of the situation.
As it's not safe to do anything where they are, the group on Larke's ideas decide to head to the northern multiverse. Betty decides to get some sleep, she ends up having nightmares of the Core event herself, This was in part to what she did witness to some extent when this all happened.
She wakes up and talks with Scott, Cassie and Freakzoid about this and states that she still feels haunted by it
Betty decides to train to get this off her mind and talks with Kate about what she is getting out of her head. This does work out when they are ambushed by the Soliders and she shows no mercy out of anger Betty's actions concern Freakzoid and Spider Noir respectively
As they reach Blue Falcon's base, the two confront her on this and Betty opens up on this
Having Solider Boy's next attack with Sharon, she just tells them to give her something and she runs back into fight.
Betty takes on Abomination with the other girls and she uses her skills to take him down to their advantage. They have to deal with more super soldiers as well as they arrive to attack them with Solider Boy who puts his own plan in motion. She works with Kelly to deal with the Soldiers using her combat skills.
Betty tells Cassie and the others about her own situation and is brought into the fold about Lizbeth's plan which they follow suit in when Solider Boy takes the bait.
Betty manages to get the infomation of where Lizbeth is out of the soliders and then helping the others they find Lizbeth who was already saved a bit by Dynomutt. Their victory is short lived when Solider Boy arrives and Betty has to fight him, though Solider Boy's high experience and skill make it hard. Thanks to some certain situations, Betty and the others get out just fine and they are taken to the hospital. Her injuries heal fast like Cassie's due to her DNA where the others learn of her true lineage being somewhat ailen. Betty then watches as everyone leaves and she decides to make her own plans to look into space.
Chapter 4: Dread The Unknown[]
Betty managed to go through the cosmos and manages to relive what it was like to be with the Galactic Federation. However this ends up delayed by the attack of Lord Commander and his forces. Spefically The Betty Clones who try to get rid her to replace her to get to Neo Vought international
Betty manages to delay their invasion for a while enough to see the other heroes and warn of them what will happen. She and Cecil tell the teens about the attack and she tries to fight them.
Like the others, it's a losing fight though she is determined to at least do some chip work against them. This does work, even though she realizes how bad the situation is when Lord Commander Kills Scott Lang in front of Cassie and Betty herself sees this. She sends a request for investigation of this to LL 007 and Detective Steele.
Betty has her friend and ally Allen join up with the fray to deal with this respectfully. Betty and her friends debate what to with their situations and Lizbeth. Ren suggests taking them to Japan to relocate and to keep themselves safe from the others. She and Larke debate if they should with all this and Larke feels it's the only way to do so as they have some edge over them and it's a safer way,
Afterwards, after this choice they follow Cassie who goes on a rampage against the invaders trying to avenge her dad's deaths before everyone heads off to Japan to retreat.
Betty integrates herself into the Acadmey with Rejji, Ann and Morgana so they can blend in better. Though a hard struggle, Betty makes it work respectfully and she is puzzling about the situations provided. Cecil and Tech reveal that it's not just Mooncake they want, The Tesseract is being seeked as well and Cecil had found that earlier as well. Betty and Larke learn that their connection to the other heroes has been cut due to Lord Commander. However Martians arrive to go after them with their ray guns as a way to silence them and Betty fights them as they don't have the element of surprise anymore with the others.
This they inform the others at a remote island which they used to make sure no one else knows what they're doing. Betty also remarks on her DNA and Larke's work has been doing wonders for Lizbeth after she learns of Lizbeth's heightened battle capabilities and abilities. She also learned what Raven Beak used was a virus that worked like one from a long while ago that was used to evoke multiversal lockdown.
Betty finds out about Shido's involvement and this doesn't surprise her as it always seem that corrupt politicians work with aliens. Betty then decides to expose Shido which Ren agrees to as Cecil and the others head off to get The Tesseract. They are ambushed by The Mawkin Guard and Betty notices the Clones have been upgraded just like she was and helps the heroes deal with him despite the fact they are now closer to her skills. Betty does have some more trouble with them though Ren and Lizbeth even the odds out a bit and help her defeat them.
Getting some tips from her discrete allies, she and Allen go into space and discover what The Mawkin Guard is up to and see them with Poultra and The Yolkpitcans. She also saw some indents in Carbonite which concern her. The two come back and alert the others about all this, working with everyone apart from The Phantom Thieves the heroes head in a rocket under Larke. Betty also remeets her old colleagues The Final Space Crew who helped her in the past, in regards to the Core Event as she explains to Lizbeth as opposed to Connie.
She engages with Poltra like Allen and Cecil before going after the Clone Bettys two more times, with the help of her friends she comes out on top and tries to get them to work with them against the Commander refusing to kill the clones. While this was convincing, unknown to her Raven Beak set up their death by killing them. After this she gets The Final Space Crew to Lord Commander to help Cassie deal with him.
Returning back to town, Betty joins Lizbeth, Kate and the others and ends up going up against The Betty Clones, they just deal with them like usual and convince them to help against Lord Commander. But Raven Beak just kills them and then manhandles Lizbeth, Betty and the others. Realizing Raven Beak has the E.M.N.I.S, Betty knows they're out matched and needs to lay low
She does ask Spider Noir to get the agent and the detective get the investigation on those "things".
Chapter 5: Return Of The Heroes/Raven Beak Strikes Again[]
While her friends are in hiding from Raven Beak, Betty continues to look into Raven Beak and his allies trying to find a way to crack into his defenses. Betty manages to discover a time distorting weapon and warns Larke who warns Lizbeth and the others about Raven Beak's next move.
Betty leads the others against the forces of Raven Beak and manages to deal with the Skrulls easier than her friends because of her knowledge on Aliens with Allen. Betty learns that Spider Noir contacted Steele and LL007 on this knowledge on the Chozos as well as info on Raven Beak.
After Dexter's anaysis, Betty and Larke break the news to Lizbeth about what is happening to her as that their DNA is converting Lizbeth into a high end metahuman and is unstable due to the fusing of it. Betty states that is why it's happening to her, Betty is fine because her DNA is stable unlike Lizbeth's.
Betty takes interest in the DNA and studies learning of it's real abilities and power as they continue to face the villains, noticing how Lizbeth is absorbing energy from the Deviants and Kro and using it against them. She also makes notice of Mastermind trying to find a way to contact this power too as well using the X Parasites to further this, as they go on.
Betty continues the onslaught and researching Lizbeth's powers, realizing how similar it comes off to Captain Marvel which her and Noir's contacts confirmed. At the end game, Betty goes after Gravtik and takes him out with the others. As Lizbeth drains Raven Beak, Betty saves the others with her ship and then allows the others to go to Japan to see Lizbeth upon learning she was alive and celebrates her 16th birthday.
Chapter 6: The Arrival of Earth X[]
Betty returns back to her home and gets Eliza a chance to do space missions with her and train with her and Kate respectfully for their time. Betty also had Allen return to his people preparing for something else that may be needed down the line
Betty returns to earth from a space mission as soon she is told about Dark Arrow invading the New Reichmen which Spider Noir, Larke and the Agent/Detective had sent to her. Betty comes back and sees the others and learns of the wormhole that took Cassie, Kelly, Ren and Kate somewhere and meets Luan, Dakota and Cavendish.
She joins Eliza's side to deal with the Earth X Invaders. They decide to get the Phantom Theives to help them and head To Ren's Place though this has the New Reich following them
Betty, Noir, Larke and Cecil deal with some of the Nazis who try and tail them knowing they were leaked the info by someone who they were in contact with, As the others go to get the Thieves. They are nearly braided by Over Girl and her allies as Dark Arrow pursuits his own deal.
One trip to Japan, Betty reunites with Ann and learns that the other two of their friends are somewhere else at the moment, which lowers their chances of dealing with The Reich. This proves the opporunity needed for Dark Arrow's Henchmen and Dark Arrow to ambush and go after Larke, Ann, Eliza and Starlight for defying him. Betty uses her own history to tell the more native members why this is.
Following Luan, they head back to Royal Woods where she has a base, Betty compares what happened to Royal Woods to the Upside Down leaking into it and explains what she knew on this situation to everyone other than Larke who knew already herself. Like her friends, she is suprsied that Luan also knew about The Tesseract, even more so when it's revealed that Cecil has it placed in his personal goaway base at Los Angeles with the teen heroes he trusted to keep it safe
Heading to Los Angeles, Betty meets with the others and the two super heroes and sucessfully repels the invasion and attack of Dark Arrow for now.
When The 4 of their friends return from the wormhole using the Space Stone in the tersseact, she overhears the events they say and Betty is shocked by the revelation that they took part in Operation Countdown like she did. Betty discusses the possibility with Larke, Dakota and Cavendish that the timeline may have been altered
Chapter 7: X Marks the Spot[]
Betty overhears Commander Airlock doing her own investigation for Luan respectfully and hears of the Infinity Stone she had found. Betty recalls her own encounter with them to the others and feels that it was inevitable this was going to happen.
She and Larke consider how it even emerged again after The Gems were destroyed such a long time while The Stones weren't destroyed. Airlock doesn't take to much thought into it and they decide they might as well go into space and get that stone.
Unknown to her and the others Cassie had Spider Noir going investigating this respectfully and she is present for Cassie and Noir's debriefing in regards to the latter getting some tips from the 2 informants here. The Three head to the Quantlem Realm to get some answers about the stones and they manage to get some of it.
Upon their return, Betty and the others land on Malkeith and they go for the Reality Stone. Betty and the others deal with Dark Arrow and his crew respectively, as they try to get the stone. Betty and the others manage to succeed in getting the Reality Stone
Betty returns to the others, and their victory is shortlived as Dark Arrow also has the Time Stone and the others were forced down.
Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]
Betty like her friends prepares for graduation, only to get a signal to help with getting the Power Stone as needed to insure an upperhand on Dark Arrow. She volunteers to take it but is at odds with Airlock over this. She does decide on taking 2nd in command to the search though as she and Cecil pull rank on her, Betty does get info from Noir and Larke on what is going on and to inform their mutual associates of what is going on respectfully
With her team, they find the Power Stone and then head back to save Felicity and defeat Dark Arrow. After his defeat, she takes a route of her own to find any of his supporters inspired by Kelly and Cecil.
Betty returns from her own trek to meet back up with Noir and the main characters and state they will take it from here and to take it easy. Noir and Betty are both asked about their sources and who are they and Noir believes it's time to come clean about their allies who have been helping since the beginning as Larke has kept them in secret to insure of a mostly normal life for them.
The Bad Guys and The Boys[]
Betty arrives to help Deathstroke with his case, though she is a bit on the uneasyness due to her being on the cusp of beginning her teen years and all the change that comes with it.
Betty, Mulder and Scully discuss matters respectively of their cases respectively, She is warned of Kang's threats which she is all to aware of as she had been facing him for a while. She also learns what is going with Lincoln and Lydia at that time from the agents, learning the two discovered the relationship the two have developed something Betty even suspected they were in.
She came to Deathstroke as it becomes apaparent in regards to Pandora, all the while struggling with her own issues which took a long time to surface themselves as she has been holding off of them since her reappearance in the series. Betty managed to to keep herself mostly focused but her issues and situation do show themselves, forcing some confidante in Mulder and Scully about this and her growing up. Her issues came down to everything that happened after the Galactic Federation split up, losing contact with her best friend Noah Parker lords know where and the passing of her grand mother
This she does have she nearly got killed by ang and Pandora due to this, and she decides to work to confront this. This she manages to do and manages to eventually defeat Pandora with the help of Punk, Luna and Thawne who she ran into.
Betty checks up on Lydia for Mulder and Scully for them and tells them how she's doing and that the two had their own encounters with the supernatural and worked with Truman and his family to deal with them.
House of Disenchanted Cards[]
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 3[]
The Streaming Resistance is not the only one to arrive in The Hildaverse, apparently so did Pop Pop and Myrtle who arrived with Lance Sterling, Walter Beckett and Betty Barnett. The 5 are on a undercover mission to discover any possible reimants of damage commited by the nuke detnatoated or anything else. They all wearing hazamt suits as well.
Betty and Lance Sterling do notice traces of the quarrintine breach that Pop Pop and Myrtle told them about. Pop Pop admits he had a bad feeling when those mirror agents and his wie's old enemies arrived on the scene at that train. Betty asks and has he checked on his grandson, Myrtle says that Neuman took all of the cell phones so they're just going on empty.
Beckett does add that he did have Larke Tanner have a way to make a SOS for them, they just need the right way to communicate. Betty questions if President Deathstroke anticpated just an action going down. Myrtle says he couldn't have as he doesn't know about The Dupus, but she has sent something out to Mulder and Scully.
Betty manages to find some foot prints and informs Mulder, Scully and Sterling about them saying that something is here alright but she's not sure what it is. Mulder instructs her to give it to Walter to look into with his own science acumen.
Betty, Lance, Pop Pop and Myrtle has finished taking care of all the chaos bots and have Walter does his own scans on them and he gives them the updates. Apparently none of their material is readable and believes that they were created by a new found material or they came from the future. Lance scoffs at this very concept saying it doesn't exist, at least not to him. Betty does think Walter may have a point as she has recalled it occuring before.
Betty decides to call it in and report it to Mulder and Scully. Mulder and Scully have already arrived around there unknown to them. Mulder and Scully get what Betty told them, and they inform her that the Fairy Country is being drained of it's fairy energy, Betty is curious how he knows this. Scully is the one who feels it and notes someone really was trying to finish the job, she asks if Phinium, Lydia and Astird managed to escape, Betty doesn't know who she is talking about. Mulder tells Betty that it's Hilda's aunt and grandparents. Betty says she hasn't seen them. Mulder and Scully both look at one another and pray that they weren't there when it happened.
Larke gets in contact with Betty, Skinner and Sterling who she asks how it's all coming along. Pop Pop and Myrtle as it turned out where getting in contact with intel to try and investigate something after learning. Betty is busy working in Space to do some investigation as Lance and Sterling are more working under Deathstroke as he has some of his own suspcions going on. Dustin and The Robot both apporach this too having some awarity themselves as The Robot can confirm unusualness in Space at some point, as he and The Robinsons went through this and they went through a Bureau. Robot tells Betty if she could continue her space expecition which she agrees. Dustin considers more options as well and to continue working with the other agents.
Larke goes to back to Betty, The Spies and Pop Pop and Myrtle and reports to them where they have arrived with Lincoln, Lydia and the others. Betty and The other Louds have some familarity as well as Betty does remember the Toy Factory that was installed there a long time ago. Bruce and Amy spy on Larke as she infroms what they need to do.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Betty is informed of the Dupus by the Streaming Resistance, Lincoln and Lydia with her other allies, where Betty decides to think if they could find The Dupus or deal with any thing in space as well. Later on Betty, Walter and Pop Pop go up to Space for a astro investigation and run afoot into Marvin the Martian who is dealing with the martians under Z9 and assist in holding them off despite not seeing them. Betty confirms he is an enemy, but Marvin is working to stop their foes as Z9 is an enemy of his queen and Marvin is co-opearting with Slade.
The 4 end up discovering an abandoned rocket and find that it was the same one Myrtle accidentally blasted Rufus into and investigate to see how he escaped his certain death espeically when there wasn't any evidence of anything as Betty discovers on her own searchs.
Part 5[]
Betty, Pop Pop and Skinner manage to find a video recording of Rufus's near death and how he was saved by N.Tropy. This still brings some questions about how Rufus hasn't aged and This is when Betty decides to go take a look into this herself as she has a theory something has gone horribly wrong.
Betty managed to recover her ship and uses it to travel to parts unknown, where she manages to discover a hidden base and learns about what happened to Rufus Dupus as he was pulled out of the timeline and being somehow aware of the Time Bureau, Betty is curious of why The Time Bureau has done nothing to stop Rufus's preventing death or even stop this.
She begins to think that the timeline is been disrupted and that the culprit is a time master
Returning to the others, Betty gives this info to them so they can look into any thing that went down and that Betty hopes that someone may have some idea about how this all happened with Rufus avoiding death.
Part 6[]
Betty, Sterling and Beckett inform Deathstroke of what they had all seen and what had gone with the Dupus Family and the time line theories. Deathstroke hands his theories to them and decides to get authorization on this as well.
Betty arrives to see Penny Robinson so she can help them out here, That was something she decided on after talking to Deathstroke about something. Penny shows Betty what happened to her familiy like how Will told his friends Betty informs her about the actions regarding the time and space contiumm she discovered regarding The Dupus and that it was likely her universe was pruned by whoever turned a blind eye to this. When asked on Pop Pop and Myrtle, Betty informs her that they are going to get some help from Deathstroke when it comes to authorization
Betty goes with Penny to see the others and joins them as they make headway to Membrane's home.
Chapter 3[]
Part 8[]
Betty has been busy on her own things and discovers what has been happening with Lincoln's grandparents in their actions working with the president. Betty is told to hide by Professor Membrane with Wednesday when Tek Knight arrives. As Tek Knight gets the info out of them, Betty and Wendesday attack Tek Knight and force them to flee. Betty then decides to accompany Wednesday to find Enid after what Doug Judy tells them.
Part 9[]
Using her ship, Betty drops off the rest of the team to help out Mulder, Scully and the others and with the aftermath of the situation with the Gumms Gumms, she takes them to Trolberg to find Eleven.
Chapter 4[]
Betty is able to help the crew find Eleven and the others and then she takes off to find the others as Z9 is a main priority for them all.
Chapter 5[]
She finds The Guardians of Arcadia plus Aja, Vex and Pepperjack and engages against Z9 and The Zebron Brotherhood who are after him who were acting under orders of N.Tropy. After a space struggle, the group is able to stop them and find the rest of Team Free Will in Mexico though she is too late like the others to stop Ucrummuu's rise.
Chapter 6[]
Betty then helps Team Free Will and The Streaming Resistance fight off the mexican god of the underworld and is able to take care of him and then she heads off back to her universe.
Allies and enemies[]
Friends: Noah, Sparkly, X5, Admiral Degill, Bender, Skipper, King Julian, Django of the Dead, Jimmy Neutron, Sandy Cheeks, Asami Sato, Zuko, Katara, Tak, Danny Phantom, Heloise, Finn, Lizbeth, Twilight Sparkle, Snake, Sari Sumdac, Mandark, Dr. House, Q, Falco, Ahsoka, Professor Pericles, Profion, Big Boss, Soldius Snake, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Meta Knight, Meowth, Jack O Lanturn, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Sally Acorn, Gregory House, Jake Miller, Applebloom, Sweetie Pie, Swolattoo, Protoman, X5, Sparkley, Noah Parker, Hugo Brass, Professor Calamitous, Ice King, Aang, Picard, Riker, Worf, Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, El Tigre, Frida, Flame Princess, Princess Bubblegum, Ferb, House, Princess Morbucks, Mushu, Sherry Birkin, Megaman ,Roll, Starfire, Jorgen Von Strangle, Marceline, the Arbiter, Wizardmon, Fox Xanatos, Axel, Balthazar Blake, Angry Video Game Nerd, Alie, Axl, Giro, Jack Frost
Enemies: Maximus IQ Jr., Penelope Cruz, Professor Calamitous, Iron Queen and her syndicate, Discord, the Dystopia League
- Betty is not a very good detective because she saw some clues of her grandmother Beatrixo being a Galactic Guardian and her friend Paloma being an alien, but she dismissed them due to the fact that most people on Earth do not believe aliens are real.
- Betty possibly gets her red hair from her grandmother as Beatrixo has been shown with red hair in her younger years.
- Betty might have a crush on Noah
- She is one of three characters that debuted in Phase 2 to have a major role in Phase 4, alongside Crocker and Whooping Crane. Unlike them she is a hero and appeared more than once.
- Betty had gone her own separate ways from Sparky and X-5 as confirmed after the events of the finale of the show