Bentham of the Wild, alias Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, is a former officer agent of Baroque Works and an okama.
He was a major antagonist during the Alabasta Arc, and (along with his fellow Officer Agents) one of the central characters in Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works".
While he was once an enemy of Luffy's as a member of Baroque Works, the two became quick friends, leading Bon Kurei to sacrifice himself for Luffy both at Alabasta and later at Impel Down, being one of his main allies during that Story Arc. He is currently the new queen of Newkama Land.
Bentham found and ate the Mane Mane no Mi at no younger than age 12.
At some point, he was recruited into Baroque Works and carried out the most important tasks for the organization's ultimate plan: Operation: Utopia. One of these jobs was apparently getting close to and imprinting the face of Vivi's father Cobra.
Bentham has a flamboyant attitude, which includes singing, dancing, and spinning, much to the annoyance of the other Officer Agents. Despite being an assassin, he prioritizes friendship above all else.
He's the only higher up that lacks a female partner of the same rank. Possibly because he believes he is both male and female, probably due to his powers and lifestyle as a self-proclaimed okama, despite never actually wearing women's clothing besides the makeup smeared on his face. He is assigned both a number and a holiday for his code name.
As opposed to the ideas of his fellow agents, Mr. 1 and Mr. 5, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei much values friendship as evidenced by his selfless sacrifice to allow the Straw Hats to escape Alabasta when Captain Hina ambushed them. Later, he once again attacked Hina to save Miss Valentine, and finally, he risked his life to open the Gates of Justice for everyone in Impel Down.
This also shows that he is incredibly selfless and righteous, and is extremely proud of himself for it (telling Magellan he had no regrets for his sacrifice). He will often motivate such actions by saying that abandoning his companions goes against "the okama way". This did not hinder him from attacking Vivi during the face-off at Alubarna, though.
He always finishes a sentence with a "wa yo," which in Japanese reflects a feminine (if assertive) speech pattern. He also often says, "Jodan janai wa yo!" (冗談じゃないわよ Jōdan janai wa yo?, translates as "It's not a joke!" or "Not joking around!") as his catchphrase. He also says "Un Deux Trois" (one, two, three in French) while asking others what four is. According to himself, his favorite word is vague.