"Bite my shiny metal @$$!" - Bender Bending Rodriguez
Bender is a anti-heroic robot, and the main protagonist/main character of the storylines written by The4everrevival/Crossoverfan4ever. Being the character with the most appearances in the cast and likely the character most associated with the writer. Being the Main Protagonist of Phases 1 to 3, and the central Deuteragonist of Phase 4.
While Initially just the right hand of Dib Membrane, he became one of the main breakout characters of the series that has made him popular enough to star in his own adventures as a main protagonist where he works with new allies and previously established partners in stories with the whole team. This eventually led him to be the main character of the series as well as M.O.D.A.B's sole active member as of Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult.

Bender has worked with a few other characters in their quests, though his primary work acquaintances are Slade Wilson and Anti Cosmo Cosma who he has ties to with the latter as an intermediary for him and the former.

He is married to Starfire of the Tazmarains and is the father of Sir Bendtron, Vlad Bender of the Russian Allegiance and Majin Bender of the Fat Man's group, Stardash and the father figure of Luan Loud and Libby Stein Torres
Stories where he had the most importance: The Grand Summer Season Trek, The Multi-Universal War of Destiny, Legends of Light and Darkness , LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour, The Prankster Point Paradox, Anglesmith Origins, House of Disenchanted Cards
Story where he had the least importance: The Final Stand (a cameo and flashbacks),
Age: Improbable (But at the very least 27000 years old)
Occupation (s) : Head of Titanius Anglesmith, Loud & Associates, Detective and Intermediary for President Deathstroke Wilson, Graverobber (when he feels like it),

Former Occupations: Leader of the B Team, 2nd in command of M.O.D.A.B, C.E.O of W.H.O.O.P, member of the T.U.F.F agency, King of Planet Tazmarain, Assistant Management of Sales at Planet Express, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, Former 2nd in Command to Slade's Ensemble,
Greatest Strength: His improbable scheming and charismatics to win others to his side
Greatest Weakness: He can't be trusted at times due to his and by default Skipper and Heloise's manipulative tendencies and lying. Phase 4 has him working on this fault. Another would be his flippancy and arrogance towards mortality.
Best Friends: Dib (1st Best Friend), Lizbeth, Skipper (2nd best friend), Starfire (Wife), Marceline (Ex-Girlfriend), Heloise (3rd Best Friend), Jorgen Von Strangle, King Julian, Captain Knuckles, Twilight Sparkle, Phineas Flynn, Isabella Garcia Shaprio, Slade Wilson, Anti Cosmo Cosma , Death The Kid, Dr Connor, Ezio, Mr. Gold, Castiel, Black Star, Jack Mitchell, Rick Sanchez, Luan Loud (Surrogate Daughter), Charlie Magne, Marcy Wu (Partner), Discord (Former Archenemy), Libby Stein Torres, Wile E Coyote,
Love Interest: Starfire
Rivals: Wolf O' Donnell, the Robot Devil, Coyote, Haytham Kenway, Jesse (though they seem to be worthy opponents and Jesse actually seems to like him), Sasha Wayblight, Luan Sassafras/The Prankster, Zib, Big Jack Horner, Death (Puss In Boots), Doug Stampler
Alignment: Good (most of the time), Neutral (Slade Strikes Back)
Worst Enemies: The Joker, Eobard Thawne, Discord (Formerly), Milton Midas
Voiced by: John DiMaggio
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 500 pounds
Moral Ranking: Inconsistently Admirable
Well he's a robot of silvery look about 6 feet tall. What else do I need to say about it, with foot cups and three fingers on each hand (although he should have four typical of a Matt Groening character like Homer Simpson or other Futurama Characters). He also has Square pupils in circular eyes in his visor. Bart and Lisa Simpson noticed that his appearance is identical to their Father.

Bender as a baby
A classic jerk with a noble soft side is a few of words to describe him. If the heroes need someone who is ruthless and loyal he is their man or should I say robot for the job.
Unlike most heroes, he actually considers murdering his enemies and has killed many antagonists. (Although who he targets deserves his wrath). Everyone he wants dead, shortly became dead either by Bender himself or other circumstances, this shows he should NOT be messed with since if he wants you dead or out of the way, by golly he'll do it. Often he doesn't care about some of his friends concern's and acts on his own (usually violent , insane, selfish and/or reckless) impulses which annoys many of the more moral people he works with. This is one reason why he can't be the leader at times. Another reason is his manipulative nature as he constantly manipulates people to do what he wants, he does have his limits though as he doesn't manipulate his friends to kill themselves or to attack each other. One of his more shady dealings was in Slade Strikes Back where he went behind his team's back and joined forces with Anti Cosmo and Slade to stop the Joker which was kept from them and Slade's other allies. He also has a bit of a dark sense of humor as he finds a lot funny, and he even admits that Julian's stupid antics can sometimes be funny.
He is tough and very smart, like some heroes, but it's his morally ambiguous attitude and unpredictable mind that makes him dangerous to a vast majority of people hero or villain as no one knows what he may be up to . His ruthless decisions do cause trouble for his friends since they are more moral than he is especially Lizbeth who called him out on it earlier on before learning to appreciate his ways. Bender also hates treachery as when Jani Ca betrayed the team only to come back, He threatened to kill her and knowing him he would. One example of his brilliance and insane plans was his testing of Bubblegum's loyalty to the team that he worked with his 3 main allies. Bender is an absolute trickster who often tricks people and also uses it to test others on their loyalty and other skills knowing that a simple answer wouldn't suffice.
Bender is also the "evil" Bender since he is a criminal, who breaks in stores and banks, steals, kills and acts like an asshole. He has also being classified as the evilest robot to ever been sent to Robot Hell even to the point of shocking the Robot Devil himself with some things he does such as trading a kid to him for an army of the damn. He was also willing to cut a deal with Slade and act behind the heroes' backs to find the souls that they sought to use to stop their problems.
Like most anti-heroes he is not without a soft spot. He clearly is loyal to his friends mostly Dib, Lizbeth, Starfire, Skipper, Marceline and others. While he loves to lead, he will follow Dib or Lizbeth to the hilt and won't let them down when he has to lead. He is also rather gentleman like and protective of his love interest and eventual wife Starfire and he also shows this towards his ex Marceline too. He leads the team when Dib is AWOL and when he adventures for himself he gets the thrill of being in charge. He is also expertise on insane scheming and has a very charismatic side of him has made him one of the Six (so far) Descendants along his best friends Dib, Skipper and Lizbeth and his other friends Boomer and Scorpion. He is also very fatherly to Luan Loud in particular who he openly encourages to be a success and Libby Stein who he's more of a father to than her own father.
He also has a bit of a insecure side which can show, especially when Starfire, Luan Loud or the Angels of Hope and Light are concerned, He knows they're more heroic than him as he is quite a criminal and he believes that he isn't no hero never was. He's just an an ordinary robot who happens to do right.
Somehow Bender is one the Multi-Universe's most charismatic leaders as he had been able to get a large amount or most heroic people he has met on his side and team immediately get ready to defend the Multi-Universe for him as soon as they join. One could wonder how he managed to though. What is his secret to this we all wonder?
He has many enemies through his main adventures either with Dib or by himself. His most notable enemy was the Joker who served as Bender's archenemy for 3 of the first four stories focusing on him. After Bender killed Joker for good, he got a new arch-nemesis in Discord or as he puts him "Rudolph's deformed looking grand father." or "reindeer games.", who was being behind all of the current plots He, Skipper, Heloise and his friends stopped last summer with Vilgax and Iron Queen being his puppets and Terrance Lewis acting as his ally. Being utterly crazy at times he blurs badass boasts such as "I am not in danger, I AM the Danger" speech`When his friend Wendy stated he is in danger. Another notable enemy was Eobard Thawne who managed to be the first villain to do something irrecovable to Bender's life, in killing his daughter which affected him afterwards and he sees Luan Loud and Marcy Wu as 2nd chances to do right. One of his most notable foes was the Grim Repaer himself who he angered with his boasts of how he laughs at the face of death.
Bender is one of the Multi-Universe's most recurring characters and is the only member of M.O.D.A.B to have appeared in all stories focusing on members of the team. Bender is also the only character to be a main character in all 4 phases though he is usurped of the central character role in Phase 4 by Lincoln and Lydia.
Phase 1[]
The Beginning[]
Bender debuted as a teriangotist to Dib and Bubbles and he helped them against Slade, out of boredom at first, but eventually for his friends. He played some important roles of his own, He encountered his main rivals Eddy and The V Team for the first time, got involved in a Halbred takeover with Edd and Boomer while facing Star Wolf and even went around kicking Joker and Anti Cosmo's asses. When everyone saved the Multi-Universe from Slade, He went back to his time line,
In between the stories However he was the first person to notice something wrong in between the stories and he went to Gotham to investigate where he caught on to a plan Anti Cosmo and Slade were scheming. He stopped Slade's goons, Helped Batman figure out Camdus Project which got his suspicion on about Joker and then he re-met Milo and Lizbeth as the three went to Slade's trial and saw him released before their eyes. Then the three reunited with Dib and Bubbles for the former's birthday, he felt lonely that unlike them he had no love so he spend Valentine's Day watching Hades's cooking shows while sighting, little did he know his next adventure he would find it.
Slade Strikes Back[]
- Bender returned as a main character deuteragonist to Dib and was true hero of the story though he could be seen as one of the main villains alongside Slade and The Joker due to his actions and hindering his friends regarding Slade as both of them wanted to find Purgatory to accomplish their goals.
- Feeling left out for not having a love interest like his friends. He played more solely as he went on his own frequently, he wandered off on his own and learned of Joker's (his archenemy) return and he began acting against Joker while his friends still figured Slade as the threat as they were unaware of his return. Bender knew something was rotten when he tried to get something claimed and Joker came in the door about Mickey Mouse's brother he decided to try stopping hm. During a funeral, Bender stayed home and learned of Joker's blackmailing Scourge and joined T.U.F.F to stop Joker not before mocking him on TV. Bender goes behind his friend's back and the heroes' backs by making a deal with Slade to gain access to the untapped magic so the two can use it for their own ends against The Joker with intentions to kill, Slade and Bender start hunting down the False Disney Stars to find this magic for their own ends. The two hunted down and captured them and interrogated information out of them Eventually Hillary Duff (The supposed mother of all False Disney Stars) comes to the Multi-Universe to make sure her false stars aren't killed or tortured by Slade.
- He rescues Alpha X from Joker's ruthless hands for no reason and he begins developing good friendships with Gosalyn, X, Darkwing and especially Starfire who became his eventual love interest. his personal enmity with Joker led him to hilariously brutalize Joker left and right for crossing him. Duff eventually tracks Dib and M.O.D.A.B and tries to use Darkwing and Boomer as leverage to have them find and bring Slade to her and they learn what Slade is up to. Dib tells the others about this and they decide to go save their friends and stop Slade and Joker. They manage to save their friends and knock her out, but they fail to find Slade due to him escaping. Duff's unconscious body is found by Slade and Bender and bring her to the lab. Slade goes on Bender's case for the fact that Dib nearly catching him, but Bender reminds Slade that part of the deal was that Slade isn't to harm or kill M.O.D.A.B as the robot wants to help his friends but he must also keep them from killing Slade. Slade and Bender decide to stall to wait when Hillary wakes up with Slade going after her children and Bender going after The Joker.
Slade upholds his bargain and steals Joker's Dip and captures more of the False Disney Stars to use as a bargain chip. After Joker escapes from Emperor X, Bender and Starfire after a confrontation with them, Bender returns with more news on Joker's plans when Hillary wakes up and the two decide to force information out of her. Hillary asks the duo what do they want with the magic, Bender wants it to defeat the Joker and prevent his plan while Slade wants it to keep his position secure to ensure his rivals don't usurp him and to insure Joker doesn't try anything against him. Hillary has her false stars help her try to kill Slade and Bender as the two refuse to stand down and she threatens to reveal their allegiance to the others. Slade has none of it and manages to crack her and he chooses to let her go. Duff refuses which signals Bender to use the dip with Slade which kills her forces the others to retreat.
Slade and Bender both successfully find the Disney Magic after learning Joker's X Parasite plan and use it as planned. The Joker however discovered Bender and Slade's alliance and threatened them to stand down. Joker threatened Bender that he would tell Dib and the heroes about his deception and allying with Slade and Slade with the truth of his alliance. They refused and Slade believed they must have a back up plan, so Slade alerted Hades who served as his undercover agent in The Children of Megatron about Joker. Afterwards Bender and Slade used the magic they took against The Joker to foil his plans to infect the Multi-Universe. They succeeded in their plan against the Joker and used the stolen magic to do what they wanted, Slade to visit the real world and Bender to stop the X Parasite invasion of Joker and taking the rest of Joker's allies to hell.
The V Team Island Adventure: (The B Team's first adventure)[]
In this first spinoff he was the main protagonist instead of Dib as he went on the first adventure of a life time with Starfire, Jorgen Von Strangle, Skipper and other old friends. This was also the first of three (so far) adventures where he would be the leader. He also met many new allies who would all become important to him notably King Julian, Scorpion, Marceline and Finn who grew to be close friends of his. Bender and his old friends got involved not just with new allies but He joined forces with his rivals Eddy, The V Team, Slade and Anti Cosmo against Uka Uka and his men who were intimidating both of the teams. They worked separately at first until after Bender and the gang's play at Shadow Realm where Bender reunited with Lizbeth and the two decided to go against Uka Uka. When they came together the team, They finished the job and got the Z Force on their side as Uka Uka was going to kill them. Afterwards he served as Scourge's best man and met a new ally in Heloise. During this adventure Bender, Eddy and their friends worked with the Disney Angels and Children of Autobots against Skeletor, Hordak, the Daleks and the Master, and one of his plans was how the Master got himself killed by Megatron.
In between the adventures he, Starfire, Skipper and Hades met Q and allied with him against Unicron as a result of Q being punished by the continuum. Q sacrifices himself alongside Phantom, to rescue them and the others. Bender, Hades, Skipper and Starfire all figured that Q was dead, but then he returned with a mariachi band which irked Bender and then afterwards he said he's say til next time. Then afterwards, went Jack of Blades get involved, he schemes a fake death with Skipper, King Julian and Chief and then collaborated with them and eventually The V team as well against Jack of Blades. When he returned he was surprised and impressed to see Starfire has aged up into a woman, and toughened up considerably, when Skipper asked Marlene. Bender got to be best man, until Starfire got a call and learned she had to marry so she asked Bender's hand in marriage who accepted. After Jack's defeat, He, Axel, Skipper and Starfire left but they decided to keep a eye on them with Dexter's help
The Great Time Travel Adventure[]
Bender, Skipper and the others teamed up with Eddy and The V Team once more against his old enemies Marceline's Dad, Taurus Bulba, Alt Doof and his arch enemy once more The Joker. Bender though has trust issues with Dib as he revealed his secrets to him but they overcame it. In this story Bender reveals his past with Marceline the Vampire Queen and also how his arch-rivalry with Joker began. And once more Bender faces down The Joker and kills him with Marceline and keeps his head as a remembrance that Joker is dead although he still has some doubts about that. Once again he shows a trickster nature as his schemes were to make Darkwarrior Duck so desperate that he would bail Joker to show up so he can off him. He re-meets with his old friends from Planet Express and is offered to stay but he chooses to stay with Dib and co since they made need him more than the people who he lived with for a long time. Bender was a deuteragonist here alongside Dib to Lizbeth's protagonist as his conflict with Joker, His secrets from Dib, and his new teammates
Phase 2[]
The Grand Summer Season Trek[]
After this, Bender had a second adventure where he was the leader and protagonist. But this time it was just him, Skipper, Heloise, Jorgen, Finn, Marceline, Ice King, Django and King Julian here that returned for the adventure
So Bender is invited by King Julian alongside Skipper, Jorgen, Django, Heloise, Finn, Marceline and Ice King to go on his vacation cruise. With him being suspicious of a potential new threat alongside Skipper. After an encounter him, Heloise and Skipper meet Twilight Sparkle and then after some briefing the 10 start the new adventure. As always he is the chess master and then some. The 10 are unaware of the P Team's presence in their adventure for some time, The group makes their way to Ponyville after learning about Vilgax's attack. He with the others meet Princess Celestia, Gnowman and get reunited with Frida Suarez in their adventure. Now the 11 saved Spike from Discord's secret operatives. After that the team goes to a Gala they decide to head out on their journey by getting his go away crew and introducing the P Team. Then with Skipper he rescued Finn and Bubblegum. Bender and the B Team meet Snide who offers his help to stop Vilgax, Bender accepts and then he with Jorgen, King Julian and Skipper rescue Finn and Bubblegum again and take down Kaos.
Afterwards Bender's old foes Ripto and Alex Trevalyn return to join Vilgax for revenge on him. Bender, Skipper and Heloise all share a similar archenemy in Trevalyn and they all meet him again as he prepares his complex revenge plan towards Skipper, him and Heloise. Bender, Skipper and King Julian manage to stop S.T.A.N.K from it destroying the place and with it they saved a toxic town from annihilation. Afterwards Bender gets an email from Dib and Bubbles that addresses him, Skipper, Julian, Finn, Ice King, Marceline, Heloise, Jorgen and Django to sign the bring back Disney Petition.He and the team recruit Dr.House as a honorary member and the medic to the team. He meets Princess Morbucks and later Count Veger. Veger orders the B Team`s arrest with Lemongrab, Bender threatens Lemongrab with his life if he ever sees him again, he will kill him (something he made good on). They do escape thanks to Julian and join forces with CIA agent Stan Smith who leads them to Area 51 where they will meet another new alley before Flame Princess in Sari Sumdac.
He also reunites with Meowth and Luigi and teams up with them again. Then he, Skipper, Heloise, Finn, Marceline, King Julian, Twilight and Sari all travel around Fire Grotto and recruit Flame Princess by saving her from Discord. Bender learns of Super Loser Zeroes plan and has schemed a way to put their plan to a halt In fact this plan is quite ingenious as he has told no one. His plan was to convince Mange and Liberty Belle that they could help bring Harmony back and he is completely sincere about his deal with them. Then Bender, Skipper, Jorgen Von Strangle and King Julian manage to get Brick and Butch back to normal by planning a scare em straight skit. Then after a ride to Gotham City the home of his archenemy and learns to his dismay that Batman isn't there. He does run into Harley Quinn and Hugo Strange. The latter working for Vilgax and like Skipper he is pissed at what Strange did to his friend. Then he find out what Count Veger did to Twilight Sparkle and he retaliates by brutally assaulting Veger. With the team splitting up for their next task he takes his half and works with Skipper, King Julian, Heloise and Ice King to find the first key in the caverns. Then in another way of showing his determination he and Skipper face a T.A.R.L.O.S under orders of his foe Trevalyn and they defeat it thanks to their teamwork. His next plan unravels when he takes Skipper, Heloise, Spike, Falco and Ahsoka with him to a few months in the past to do a little grave digging to relocate a body Bender waned to restore with Ra Al Ghul's help. It is revealed that this body was Profion as Bender may have needed his help to stop Vilgax and Profion feeling gratitude and guilt joins him and his team.
Once more he must reluctantly accept the allies of Star Wolf and Reaver to help him and Cap Knuckles against Vilgax. Alongside Skipper, Heloise, Blue Wonder, Twilight, Django, Profion, and The P Team he rescues Finn and Sari. Then he acknowledges with Skipper and Finn brutal violence on Dr.Hugo Strange. While Knuckles faces Vilgax he and his guys destroy the mecha minions of him to make sure Knuckles has no interference. Then he, Skipper and Heloise all battle with Discord to stop him and then do succeed. Alongside Skipper, Heloise, Profion and the Mane Cast he defeats Discord and saves the day while being honored by Celestia alongside Skipper, Heloise, the Mane Cast and the others.
Afterwards Bender and the group are invited by Slade and Anti Cosmo to attend the wedding. He meet Slade's new team mates, his wife Celes and meet with The V Team again (minus Eddy, Lara Su, Fiona, Lien Da and Wave). Afterwards Bender told Slade, Negaduck and the rest that he's going to keep a eye on Eddy against their new threat. Something that He, Skipper, Heloise, Pericles and the rest made good on, before they went Bender decided to give many of friends time off including Marceline, Jorgen and Ice King as he, Skipper, King Julian, Heloise, Django and Finn stay to take out Iron Queen.
Totally Mobian Spies[]
Bender manages to find evidence of Eddy's innocence and with Jorgen's help convinces Fiona, Lara Su, Lien Da, Wave And Edd to join the W.H.O.O.P Agency. He sends Snake to give the details to them while he, Skipper, Twilight and Django take a glance in on the activities. Bender does this before his adventure ends.
He contacts Jerry after his adventure with Skipper, King Julien and Heloise that he'll join on the hunt after a few days to himself. He and the team find themselves returning to the CIA for their next action. Bender and Mandark try to call the Sly Cooper Gang but they're busy so the gang try to make company when Iron Queen's robots attack so Bender leads the attacks with his 2 main allies Skipper and Heloise alongside War Hero Big Boss. Next then he and the crew call up Sly and co when Penelope gives their involvement away to Fiona who wants to know what's going on here so they all decide to explain it out to her. Because of this Bender holds a meeting with his team particularly with Skipper, Heloise, Finn, Django, King Julien and Meowth about what their course of action will be. When Stan abducts Lara Su and Double D He has set things straight with Skipper, Heloise, Applejack and Phineas due to Stan's paranoia. He re-meets with Lizbeth, Alex, Pinky, Brain, Edd, Eddy, Fiona, Lara Su, Lien Da and Wave and meets Sam, Clover, Jazz Pants, and Merida. He recruits Lizbeth, Pinky, The Brain, Merida and reluctantly Frost who is distant to him and his 5 for meeting unable to save Subzero. Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Meta Knight and co end meeting Kirby, Tiff and Tuff but they have to explain the situation. They join afterwards and then they encounter King Dedede. After an encounter with Magic Man, He takes the magic man and decides to have his ass kicked by Finn in retaliation for killing Jake thinking that Magic Man deserves more than simply being beating. Bender spends spare time having a puking contest with Skipper, Finn and Julian . After learning about Lara Su's imprisonment he doesn't hesitate to get it solved by sending three of his pony friends to get her out and to get a trusted companion to help Eddy. Twilight and Cadence in between gave Bender the position of Captain of the Royal Guard that Cadence's husband once had. He and some of his pals end up meeting Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls and learning about their family's murder from his to be rival Mecha Sally as he recruits them in. Dipper explains to him alongside Skipper, Heloise, Big Boss, Snake, Stan about the heart origins and then he learns from Julian and Pinkie about their murder. Bender and the crew have an encounter with Ghestsis and 343 Guilty Spark, Bender is one of the few immune to the cuteness proximity by wearing cuteness proximity shades. He schemes with a plan to stop Guilty Spark when he learns about Isabella's cute proximity and then points the adorably cute and dorkish comment Phineas made about Isabella. Once again he meets Carmelita Fox and learns some more stuff. He is secretly working on two projects. The first one he is working with Skipper, Heloise, Finn, Twilight, Phineas and Isabella on something candy related. It's revealed that them, Julian and Pinkie are working on explosive candy that can severely damage the insides of a person. He recruits on Master Chief as well as Cortana to his team after meeting with his old friend Profion as they must figure out where to go by going to Cybertron. It also looks lie, He, Master Chief, Skipper, Asami, Heloise and Cortana are some of our friends that are heading to find their next location. With the help of Cortana they reach the place where they learn where they must go and it's revealed that Bender is a Descendant in the Descendant prophecy the deplorable and scheming and charismatic one which fits him like a glove. He and the gang get to a bad sighting with Hiroshi Sato and Bender seems to know his story and he gets slightly peeved that so many people have father issues. Mecha Sally makes her own on him and Bender faces her down and manages to succeed and Dooku shows on him and the other two Skipper and Heloise to talk and they are all wondering what he meant. So it seems that him and his team's next location is New York City the home of him, Skipper and Julian as New York is under attack by Red Skull so he takes his team to save his future city and becomes allies with Snake's brother Soldius who joins the team due to being lied to. It may have been possible that Bender allowed Soldius to join because their motivations are not so different as they both wish to be remembered.
So now they must go to Skipper's home so he tags with Skipper, Django and Julian in one of the races there. When the crew arrives to the zoo Bender and the others get a call from his alley Jill Valentine about what's going on as she is working for him and gives him much information to work with. It looks like with Red Skull's invasion, He and his 2 pals Skipper and Julian are especially deciding to end Red Skull's plan. Bender alongside Skipper and Heloise lead some of their new friends into a secret cave entrance to find something of importance. He and the others are encountered by Joker Junior and Hiroshi Sato who both have reasons against him for this, Due to Bender wishing to eliminate the legacy of his archenemy he goes against J.J. and knocks the brat out of the sky in a clown car. He jumps out of the ship for humorous reasons landing next to his friends and then having meet his alley Jill Valentine again, He goes with the team to help Pericles with his antidote and is surprised to see it works. Bender then is surprised to see some of his boys here and he sends Jill with them to gather more information for him, while telling them he send Goofy, Donald, Sora, Blue, Aleu, Gilbert and a few of the others to help the Children of The Autobots without telling them they are working for Bender.
Next up he calls up Eddy and the others and reports his previous actions before then. He is called up and learns from his pals where he can find them. He begin making plans within plans with his boys and becomes a bit fearful that Lizbeth will figure his intentions out.
Bender then decides to head for the factory as he is a robot and takes Skipper, King Julian, Django of the Dead, Asami and Sandy with him. He goes into the toy factory with his 5 pals and meets a boy named Tak, then finds a old friend in Jimmy Neutron and lastly decides to help Calamitous' unappreciative assistant Chadbot get more action figures. When Asami manages to bring Neutron's memories back, Bender is pleased to have his pal back as he, Skipper and Julian talk about Jimmy. He is approached by his old friends Zuko and Katara who were caught and escaped just like Tak, and they make good on their promise to help him with this one. Then when Jimmy calls Danny, Bender comes with him and the 11 of them then derail the plans and derive Calamitous of his ghost energy. Then Bender leads his 10 pals into reclaiming the lab Calamitous took from someone with plans to take Fairy World back from Calamitous and his Harvester. He and his pals have help from a newcomer and with her help they tack back Fairy World back and find their last one. It is revealed that Bender has been manipulating the Pete group into what he wants by using Bubblegum and in a way Sari to do retrieve pieces for his weapon against the Patriots. Bender also made sure he used duplicates and in a way Pete lost before he even began as the robot was in control the whole time. After re-meeting with Eddy, and getting Mecha Sally just like he planned
He takes Skipper, Phineas and Asami with him to de-robotize and learn what's going on from Sally. Bender learns the truth behind her robotization and what will he and Skipper do about their take Mobius back Plan. With all the hearts, Bender, his team and Eddy are ready to stop The Syndicate. Firstly Bender is meet by former alley of Iron Queen, Professor Calamitous who joins the team. When he and Skipper talk to the professor, Lizbeth hears this and she calls Bender and Skipper out for lying and keeping secrets from the team and Bender being afraid of her anger apologizes about it. Bender and Skipper get contact with the rest and learn of the news. Through Big Boss defeating the Patriots with his Alpha Team, Bender gets access into the lair of Iron Queen with his friends. He gets in through Asami and when they learn Heloise went to get IQ anyway, He admits her craziness and defends it. He allows Lizbeth to chase her to make sure she's fine. Bender then encounters true mastermind Terrance Lewis and after learning what went on he, Skipper, Phineas and Isabella go to stop him. Bender and the 3 confront Terrance and they take him down in a mecha while Eddy and the girls save Jerry. Bender then tricks Terrance into telling him other things he's done while he phones Carmelita to arrest him as he called her so she could hear Terrance's confession to everything. Then he claims back Mobius and tells Sally of it as Bender secretly worked with Negaduck, Scourge, Dr. Nefarious and the rest of the V Team to take Mobius back as part of their deal regarding keeping Eddy and the girls safe.
Tuxedo Lovelace vs CarnEvil[]
Bender appears here and joins forces with Tuxedo Lovelace, Shadow Queen and Gabriel Heywood against CarnEvil as he helps the group fight off threats that come the group's way and then follows them into the haunted house and faces down with them against Charmcaster. Skipper and Heloise are to appear with Bender in this. Bender meets up with Skipper and Heloise and gets into a confrontation with his clone Vlad Bender. He gets Finn, Sari, King Julian and Django to help him after terrible things befall his friends. And Marceline eventually as she saves them. Leaving him thrilled that his pals are back and that him, Lovelace and Heywood stopped Dormammu for now.
So now Bender and his friends Skipper, Heloise, Lizbeth, Finn, Django, Edd, King Julian, Pinky and The Brain reunite with their pals and with the help of his friend House they know how his wife got pregnant and now he's a father. He then goes with Heloise, Finn, Skipper, Jimmy Neutron, Twilight and King Julian to see Bubblegum. The 8 decide on using the experiment and he has a sleepover with Jimmy, Finn and Skipper. With snow coming and winter Bender gets Skipper and Heloise so they can set up their Xmas B Team party. He goes with Skipper, Phineas. Isabella and Stan to shop and begins to agree with Stan and his opinion. When he learns of Julian going to get the tree he and Skipper chase after him to make sure Ringtail doesn't get killed. They find him and call him out on how reckless Julian was in his plan. This is strange since Bender did many crazy things on Christmas such as being Santa, Stealing from an old lady with other robots through a Christmas Carol and wanting to celebrate Robokaunah. When everything is ready, Bender gets a important letter which drives him and Skipper to figure everything out. Hiccup and Astrid follow them since they ask them what's going on and Bender reveals he has plans to abduct Santa and have him at the party. Bender is revealed to have spied on Discord and Terrance, he knows they have something alongside Skipper, Hiccup and Astrid. He decides with them to tell Heloise, Phineas, Isabella and Pericles about it. He tells Heloise with Skipper about Discord and they make observations, when he learns about Santa almost dying, he goes out to save Christmas with Skipper. They fuck it up Family Guy style with excessive violence on a family and make mistakes. Bender also had Heloise help them and they all get busted when Lizbeth sees them and calls them on their insane idea.
The Multi-Universal War of Destiny []
Bender returns for this new adventure as one of the main heroes and characters so far. Bender must once again stop Discord for the 3rd time and he's dealing with Terrance Lewis again as well as old rival Hannibal Bean. But to add to the difficulty he is dealing with Sigma and his forces too. He will be one of the four main characters of his side of the story alongside Dib, Lizbeth and Captain Knuckles. With Discord around, one wonders how he and his pals will tell Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Nina and the others about his history with the spirit of chaos and disharmony.
Everything starts all fine, and then chocolate rain and rainbow clouds start showing up and Bender knows it's Discord's work so he leaves with Skipper, Heloise and Finn to find Celestia. He re-meets Twilight Sparkle and the six encounter Discord who calls the robot on attacking his base when he tried to kill Liquid and the others. After this encounter, the four M.O.D.A.B members must decide how to tell the others about Discord. He, Skipper, Heloise, and Finn get back as Django and Julian call them up and the six talk about Discord's return. Bender is still skeptical to tell them about Discord, since he knows their track history. At the trial, Bender recognizes Terrance and MOM and knows something is askew.
He communicates with his team and they give them their opinions on Discord and through Isabella he realizes Discord is targeting Gosalyn. This reveals he is fearing of what Discord may to do his friends should he learn of them being his pals. His fear is revealed to very quite correct as he does just that. Dib accuses him of being reckless which he defends that it's comes to handy. They break ties as a result
He alongside Skipper, Heloise, Finn, Marceline, King Julian, Django, Starfire, Jorgen, Django and Axel travel to where Sato made their appointment. He starts hinting at Discord to the others and then he alongside Skipper, Heloise and Twilight begin thinking about who they want to join their against Discord. They make their choices and he meets the Arbiter. He, Skipper, Heloise and Scorpion are all keeping Bender's true reason for not informing Dib secret. He is next playing a volleying game of insults with Discord as he shows Bender what he just did to the Republic.
Next up he and the team arrive at their allocated location, he and his pals make friends with the daughter of his old ally Ikari Young as he has inform the others about Sigma and the Rings of Utopia. Next he takes the challenge against his friends by the groups and he manages to acquire his ring By the looks of it, Bender and his friends are returning to the Grotto for mission #2. He talks with Celestia about what's going on and after Celestia confirms Dib seeing her, He states that this is all going according to plan. Bender then meets Sigma and Vanelope with the former trying to recruit him and the others into his plan but Bender turns him down,
He then visits the AVGN and learns about the whole thing with Wesker and The Critic. Because of his innocence, the robot schemes to break the nerd out of jail. He takes Skipper, Heloise, King Julian, Marceline, Finn, Django and Sari to do just that. Then Bender has the Nerd go stop the villains in their spider bot then they leave back to their car. Bender then talks with Celestia about the events that transpired with his friends Skipper, Master Chief, Heloise, Sari and Axel. Bender then gets clues on his 4th ring from a unknown source and alongside Skipper and Heloise he figures it out. He arrives in Berk and meets with Hiccup's father who he decides to help after learning of Mildew nearly killing Spike, He and Skipper decide to destroy Mildew. He then ambushes Mildew with him to save Spike. After trying to get him to talk and Mildew spitting in Bender's face, he decides to have Mildew killed.
Bender and the crew then go to a robot town where he meets Axl, Giro and Alie who decide to help. Bender then hears out Axl's story and discourages Finn's more unhesitating to fight ideas. He, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas and Isabella all fight with Lewis and his airship as a result they win. He then meets Vanelope again and learns Lizbeth's alive and working with Hunson to stop Discord and Sigma. He, Skipper, Julian, Heloise, Finn, Django and Marceline are unsure since Abadeer did go against them once more when they helped Tuxedo against Dormammu.
He meets Jack Frost have a crash causing by Frost's arch-enemy, Pitch Black, which it caused him to get separated from the girls. After the team gets back together, Celestia finds them and he goes with her to begin preparing for Discord since he wants Discord for him and his team alone.
Discord taunts him after the others are killed, and Bender very angry at Discord decides to get him for this. He got even madder after learning Discord invaded one of his bases and threatened his kid to the point where he left the team to find him and pulverize the league which surprisingly worked. He cashed one of his wishes from The Star Spirits to use invisibility, powerful weapons, put a curse on Discord to lose his powers and a suit that grants near unmatchable power. He ruthlessly plows through the Dystopia League army causing the others to retreat. Discord and him have a snark match (A.L.A Loki and Tony in The Avengers), then he takes his revenge by kicking the shit out of him three times, then he ties him up and forces him to dress as a panda, then cattle prods him and has him gang raped by male panda bears. He did this to make Discord stay off Dib, Lizbeth and Knuckles' backs. Then he had them fight Weil and Sigma, while he went after Discord
He, Skipper, Heloise and Twilight battle Discord for the Multi-Universe after everyone is done with and they succeed in stopping him. He comes back from his fight with Discord too late to say goodbye to Dib and Bubbles as they sacrificed themselves for the good of the universe. He doesn't take it well and falls saddened like Skipper and Axel
Eventually Heloise, Phineas and Isabella decide to help him get over by taking the three of them on a country road trip all summer which leads into
Phase 3[]
Legends of Light and Darkness[]
He returns again acting as one of the main characters and heroes of the story. Bender and his team join forces with Hiccup and the Alpha Team and Slade and his team against the League of Darkness. He and his team serve as the head protagonists particularly him, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas and Isabella.
His story here starts in Orlando, Florida in the real world with Skipper, Phineas, Isabella, Heloise and Axel who came back to their hotel room after a fun day. They plan where to head for tomorrow deciding on a water park when the Nerd calls them up and the other four main members appear making their U.S. Cross country vacation party grow to 10. However they are encountered by Bunny who is still mad at Jack for something he did. But it's about something as he has the yetis stuff him and the other 9 into a sack through a portal
When it was confirmed that North and Zordon had them put in the sack. Bender sarcastically points out how he likes being shoved in a sack. Wanting answers he goes to see Zordon and having heard of Malefor and the fact dragons fear him. The robot states that villainy is villainy and that it's always the nice ones to be careful about. When they go to leave, Bender's escapade with the sled last X-mas was still remembered by Bunny. After being dropped off, he and the rest of the 10 return to the Multi-Universe with Heloise's dimension jumping machine. After being dropped off in the Channel Awesome, He meets Nostalgia Chick, When Jack accidentally hits the Chick, Bender stops with the others to check on her.
To their surprise Chick knows Malefor and decides to help them, Alongside Nostalgia Chick Slade and Anti Cosmo show too to help him.He Contacts the Alpha Team a.l.a video phone dressing like Link as he puts on fantasy. He laughs at Axl's costume and gets disgusted at Axel's gag crotch with the other boys. After all this he rallies up the others to begin. A call gets him and his pals to Equestria to see how well attacked it was investigating with Skipper, Slade and Bowser he brushes through the league of darkness's armies and comes face to face with Khan. Later he complains about prophecies and their vagueness. After getting into an argument, they have to choose who to go for the first fragment of Model A and they choose Isabella. He is next called by Master Albert to be informed of Model W, he also asks Heloise what makes her think the life force of Model W is human and also informs them that even the villains can be corrupted by it. When news of the second piece hits his non existent ears, He goes off to get with Skipper and Heloise. He sneaks into an old warehouse and alongside Heloise, Skipper, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes disguises herself as a solider. They are eventually figured as he asks a question about one of Miles' actions, though Bender takes action and shoots Saddler's staff out of his hand. Bender, Skipper and Heloise find the 2nd fragment only for Dredd, Bowser Jr. and Fender to show attempting to arrest them. Bender has none of this crap and steals Dredd's car driving into the mall where is chased by the trio, as they ultimately get away. When they get back, he crashes the car into the ship and meets the two heroes who saved his friends from falling and recruits them into the team.
Bender meets Jack Bauer who helps in getting Axl and the others out. Bauer also gives the team direction to how to get their friends out. This works as he goes after Bowser Jr. to free the people captured, he does knock Jr around and gets a few prisoners before falling off and watching Interpol explode. He and the others go do their tasks where he talks to the others about what's going on and has Zordon keep the others safe. He works in the lab with Heloise and Phineas on something of an enhancement which Skipper disapproves since he is a bit of annoyed with it. He also is happy to see Phantom R back who joins him. After the crash, he is with Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Orion and Jack Bauer where he acting outright insane to get them out of a chained up apartment. Then they go to into the sewers over to Daily Planet where he meets the Pack and takes on Coyote and Wolf. Afterwards he learns of Penelope's betrayal and decides to have her killed. When he hears of Axel's near death he goes to save him and meets his next newest ally Suede. He arrives on Darkseid's ship through the signal Phantom R and Slade send, and he helps his friends fend off Aplokips and when Hades defeats Darkseid, he gets curious asks why he is working for Malefor (someone who is an inferior to him) After the events he talks with Aang, Balthazar and Hellboy regarding the event and Axel comes out fine after a long time of resting.
After Giovanni and Ozai`s actions, Gohan calls him up alongside his friends as he warns them that Giovanni and Ozai are coming after him. Back on the Enterprise, he monologues to himself about the past events particularly Dib's death. He talks to Axel about the whole feeling about the feeling of being forgotten and that he may not admit that he feels guilty. He calls everyone in the meeting room where he tells the others that someone is threatening him, Skipper, Heloise, Axel, Slade and Anti Cosmo with letters in blood. He gets something from Nerissa regarding Khan and the others on Will. Khan then opens communications to him and Slade and is touched that the two remember him. When Khan tries to get the duo to hand the Biometals they refuse and with Heloise's help they teleport out of there. When the team begins to plan what to do, while Slade reminds them of Khan, he reminds them about the Aztec Complex. He suspects a trap regarding the circumstance, regardless he decides to let them have their fun, as it would make their time all the sweeter. Going with Anti Cosmo and Slade, they crawl through the vents with him complaining due to his size. Phineas makes it easier for him to get through, which unknowingly has them right at Khan's door.
Slade and Bender both decide to attack Khan head on which seems to be a gutsy move on their part as they give Anti Cosmo, Skipper, Phineas and Isabella time to derail the alarm for the others to do their work. They meet Will Vandom who was seeking him out respectfully on Zordon's orders. Bender quickly suspects Zordon is in trouble regarding Malefor and how right he was. He asks Suede what Hiccup and the others have been doing and is pleased with their success. Skipper has him and Heloise see something he found which alerts the three to go find Zordon's corpse as he was killed. He and the others understand as such why it was invoked so Malefor could lure them there to get them together. Which was indeed right as the robot instantly shows no fear against him and actually mocks his voice. Malefor retaliates by threatening him and Slade with death in they intervene too much of course he and Skipper don't take this threat lying down. However their talk is interrupted by a familiar laugh. which to his friends horror is The Joker, his arch-nemesis. Joker of course taunts him and Bender threatens him with death since he is so annoyed with him returning. Will, Phineas, Isabella and Suede ask Bender what's going on with Joker and the robot decides to tell them the tale of his adversary before Discord appeared.
In Act 5, His LONG awaited back story before he met Dib will be revealed to Skipper, Anti Cosmo, Slade and the audience. Before that Bender mentions to Phineas, Isabella, The Nerd, Axl, Alie, Jack Frost, Phantom R, Nostalgia Chick, Orion, Jack Bauer, Suede, Marie and Will his history with the pastry freak with a bad sense of humor. He also personally states what anyone would say in that he wants the psycho in purple to die and stay out of his life, especially because Joker tricked Bender into killing Blossom and Buttercup without knowing he was attacking the real ones. This is something that he hasn't told Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Nina,Brick, Butch or even Starfire.
Slade asks Bender to see his time machine with Anti Cosmo and Skipper. Possessing the Time code the one thing that can get past time police, He and Slade use it in the time machine to find out when Joker truly died. However due to a mistake the four land in the year 10000. He and Skipper do manage to find how out Joker came back again and like he thought, he truly died in his role with Hunson but since he returned here it meant he has no recall of Abadeer or his empire. Bender decides to with the others to keep time traveling so they could find a backwards time machine. Bender and Skipper learn about a new location called Cyberspace where everything from the past is stored so they can find anything they want. Bender, Slade, Skipper and Anti Cosmo constantly time travel to find a backward time machine only to fail due to circumstances. When they do find an opportunity, he screws it with his anger that wouldn't let him stay in the good future where robots kill humans. However he changes his tone when they arrive at the very end of the Multi-Universe, where he sympathizes with Skipper's plight regarding they'll never see their pals again. The two then find something from their wives which catches their attention. It was a note regarding despite things that have happened, Starfire admits her time with Bender was the happiest she has ever been. Bender alongside Skipper, Anti Cosmo and Slade decide to kick off the end of the Multi-Universe with a six pack and watch it die. However a second Multi-Universe just like the previous and they go back (the 2nd time around) since Slade screwed things with a mistake. After that, Slade and Skipper wonder how he met Dib
Prior to the first story, Bender's young son died and he spent six months at the grave, where his wife left him because he wasn't talking to her. Bender quit his job and time traveled back in time to go on a drunken bender with the ship. He was a wreck, and when Dib and Bubbles landed on the ship, the kid saved him and helped him get his life back in order. Bender swore even if he was a jerk to have Dib's back from that point on, when Discord happened with Dib leaving him and eventually dying. It was like losing his son all over again, Slade and Skipper both try talking him to accept that Dib is never going to be his son. Afterwards The Joker tries to guilt him and force him to commit suicide, this almost works until Skipper gives the detail. Bender furious at Joker decides to make him pay. He just does that by threatening Joker and after drinking a beer, he smacks Joker's face and brutalizes him. He meets Manhattan, Stan and Wendy who he joins to go after Silas possibly. He and Anti Cosmo save their friends from Horvath with Bender ramming Saix and Carnage with a heavy ship. The seven escape and Bender discovers Sly Cooper and others were attacked and taken by Entity or The Joker. However Joker is content with trying to attack him with a satellite laser which he avoids. He finds his friends and kills Ursula indirectly with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Skipper with the four he met.Back at the base, Bender informs the new comers about what's going on with Malefor, Darkseid and Model W. When Wendy shows concern for how much danger he may get into, Bender points out " I am not in Danger, I AM THE DANGER, A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me, no. I am the one who Knocks.`` When he and his friends learn Model W's identify he is shocked to learn it's Dr. Weil, the partner of his other major archenemy Discord. With this news, He seems concerned that Discord may come back again at the same time Joker's around.
Manhattan and Bauer give him the details about what's going on with Model 6, He is called by Marceline earlier where he hires her on to find info on Joker. He is called by the clown who tries to kill the team with a plane of the future, of course this angers him to the point where he calls Joker "Crazy F%&$er"
He and the team are led to the mountains by Phineas who does seem to know where`s he`s going. After learning all locations of the League of The Darkness, Bender and the others must decide what and who to do. It is also shown that Bender wants to go to Cyberspace as the place has files on everything that has happened in the past. His intent is to find a way to defeat or kill The Leader of The League of Darkness, he may have other reasons for this. Hiccup, Astrid and Zuko call him on the lab where he addresses that it's Dexter's lab when Aang is defended by Katara. Bender and Skipper both make threats on Weil who comments on he will squish them like they did with Discord. After seeing Weil's actions, Bender and Slade both believe Weil is using mind control on Katara this is due to his acknowledge on bloodbending and how it drive a mind mad. He also oversees Manhattan's mission on Silas with Skipper and Heloise. He learns from Harupia about Cyberspace and where to go. He and the others watch Jack Bauer torture Bowser Jr. which unnerves him and the crew due to Jack's Brutality.
Bender goes off on his mission with Skipper, Heloise, Jack Bauer, Slade and Anti Cosmo and meets the Pack again. He takes on the New Coyote and once again ruffles it down to size. Jackal and Hyena come back up ready to fight again, though he knocks them out instantly withe intent to kill them. He meets the Nostalgia Critic who he joins forces with as Critic chases Giovanni and Ozai with a gun and a temper to match. With Cyberspace, he makes the entrance to Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Stan, Wendy, Suede, Harpuia and Makoto. In Cyberspace, he finds what he was looking for and learns Hunson Abadeer's back story about his rise and fall to evil. When the team leaves Cyberspace, Marceline appears right there surprising him. He comes back with the information and talks with Scamp and Annette who he organized his plans with them. They learn of Malefor's destructive plan with The Destroyer, which while powerful doesn't faze him. He interrogates Joker with Marceline under the Morticous Virus, after he doesn't listen, He brutalizes Joker to the Stellos Kontos Theme. He gets a message from Hiccup that he will be there soon while talking with his friends.
When Hiccup arrives he is dead set to finish this though he asks where Aang, Balthazar and Spyro are and learns of the Entity consuming them. He and the crew go to Slade's castle, where Sideshow Bob and Ocelot let him in when the creator is revealed of the biometals, Bender figures out it's Ciel a friend of Zero. Hunson Abadeer appears there too and Bender is suspicious to trust him with his wanting to help Slade and him. He tells Chick about Hunson and explains that for all he's done, Weil and Discord are worse. Makoto learns about Evil Mickey and tells him about the evil Disney corporation. The B Team, the Alpha Team and Slade's Ensemble travel through the caves of Slade's castle and all go their own ways to find their Models. Bender travels with the team into their path when they see Charles Logan where they chase him. He drives as he's in charge, Logan goes underwater through a machine which gets Bender to think he's a spy though Jack shoots this down. Bender is told by Skipper that Logan moved to Hiccup and the team's radar which annoys Jack. Joker calls Bender and taunts him about his plans and sends off a mutated Addler to kill them. They reach their area and tell the others to remember what Joker did. He sends Nostalgia Critic to find their model Z. Later he and Scamp literally knock sense into Katara after bringing her in. Bender and Skipper learn Slade's true identify and his story regarding how he became Slade. He, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella and Suede are the picked partners of Model Z
Bender notices the mountain is dead ahead and is ready to do this, but not before he reveals a disturbing revelation. He states that "The Multi-Universe itself is dying worn out and crumbling, and when you
look back through the years and see what has happened through our adventures maybe The Multi-Universe and humanity really are running out of steam, we, the heroes are the ones responsible for bringing this world closer and closer to it`s death because of many certain factors." This is because they don't kill their adversaries and let them live another day, they need to take down as much as possible, so the cycle can end. Bender tells the team of their first mission which involves Shade. Bender then heads off to open the seal to the lair, he and Skipper fight and defeat Wolf and Coyote with Bender destroying Coyote for good. Bender and Slade both then get Dredd arrested by saving Manhattan and Scamp from the self destructing ship. Bender goes after Joker and learns that the transporter is disabled so he has Skipper and Heloise find out how and decide on who to go for Malefor. Bender fights The Joker and after a rough fight, he does win. Bender spares Joker because he wants Joker to know he lost, Joker being ungrateful makes him change his mind. With Marceline and Discord's Help he kills Joker with a fate worse than death. He becomes the 12 heroes of The B Team to fight Malefor and they fight him and Khan in a tedious battle alongside Hiccup and Slade's team. Before this he gets Gohan out of the way after he defeats Darkseid and Luthor sacrifices himself to stop him.
Malefor claims he is incapable of being defeated as he is eternal, the robot and his pals shut him up and they have him destroyed. Captain H. shows but Bender nor does Slade trust him while Hiccup does. They learn of Hazama and Relius as well as Hazama who trolls him and leaves them with his fresh villain. To his shock it`s Sari, who unlike the other heroes in the story choose to turn into a villain and Sari tries to recruit him by using the not so different speech regarding their distaste for humans. He decides to go after Hazama with Slade while Hiccup and co get Relius. He's happy to see Twilight but angry that Discord is free, though Discord wishes to help. He ponders to himself about the universe and shares his opinions with 4 of his best friends and Suede that he's been fighting longer than any of his friends and it's time for peace in his side of the universe and that he just wants to relax and live his life with Starfire and everyone else.
Bender is one of the only few who knows that Patch is planning to revive Aang. He tries to get him to reconsider, but knew that he'd say no. So he tells him not to do anything too risky. Bender battles with Hazama with his friends and defeats him. He and Slade kill him using a quantum lichen and they decide to escape with Axel staying behind with Megabyte and Balthazar. He also didn't kill Sari despite her betrayal because that would feel ungrateful. He searches for Axel desperate to find him alongside Skipper, Heloise, Jack Bauer, Phineas, Isabella, Hiccup and Astrid. However the eight find Axel dead, to their shock. He decides on living his life while he can at the wedding when approached with Slade's offer. Bender confides in Skipper about everything and agrees with Skipper's realizations, while he doesn't trust Discord he's willing to let him try to change. Bender ends the series with these words "We have a new world to explore my friends. The peaceful universes that we brought back from war. Let's go exploring".
LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]
LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
15 years after his last adventure and being the new head of M.O.D.A.B without any of the old members he realizes he missed the old days which he confides in Skipper, Heloise, Phineas and Isabella who are his four closest friends.He is one of the main characters and assumed to be the protagonist but was actually the dueteragonist.
Fortunately the five get a opportunity to relive the old days when something goes haywire. He, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella and the rest of the team join forces with Slade, Anti Cosmo, Death the Kid, Discord, The Multi-Universal Resistance, The Alpha Team, The Miracle Elite and newcomers Sora, Mr. Gold (the son of Peter Pan) and Princess Anna while he searches for a magical item that could allow Dib to come back from the dead though he wants it for Skipper to use to bring his men back to live and fights the Sinisters of Evil and the Children of BlackGarurumon with new friends. He will help Black Star with the other 4 teams against The Templar Order and will work with Kratos and the Striker Force and two other returning groups with associations to the Striker Force.
Bender and Skipper see Starfire off with their son. The two then see Heloise who is planning to propose to Jimmy and also is working on a deager what they help her with. The two provoke Jorgen to chase them and they get the whole thing working. Phineas and Isabella comes along and the three talk with them and suggest them to use it. Suede and Jack Bauer come knocking and tell Bender to suit up as there is a mission which Stardash states that he may have been depressed about not having war to fight in. He also brings her with him since he fears what would happen if he did not. Jack tells him that he knows too that much and meets with his friend Saul Goodman, his allies, Death the Kid, Discord and new friend Mr. Gold. He reminds Death the Kid and Slade to work with Discord despite their distrust of him
Bender is surprised that when Mr. Gold tells them that Dib's father recommend him since he did do something unethical and betray the team's trust (The Multi-Universal War of Destiny). Though his friends from his team understand his reasons, when they continue to talk about magic, he believes it's absolutely ridiculous that Disney characters can have magic even if they don't use it or even learn it. He meets Dr. Strange afterwards and alongside Twilight, Picard, Makoto, Suede, Jack Bauer, Anti Cosmo and Dr. Manhattan find out Blue is here too and they tell him and Aleu that Discord is helping to their displeasure. He explains he hasn't forgotten anything Discord has done and that he won't do anything after what Bender did to Discord last time he fucked with him. In addition he annoyed at Blue with Dr. Manhattan regarding Twilight Sparkle. He meets the Multi-Universal Resistance and tells them if they are ready, with Dan being in disbelief but he shuts him up with a badass boast
He discovers exactly who he's up against and learns BlackGarurumon is after him as well as Blue for how much he screws things up for villains. Meeting back with the Miracle Elite, he learns of Tuxedo Lovelace's gone and allies with Zick, Raizel and Stacy and tells Batman about Dib being gone and why he is the only one of the group present. He is assured by Picard that his kid will be safe and when Zick states it's a bit ridiculous to use a car, he believes driving is fun. In the mountains he tells the crew, not to make noises or do something to start a volcano, He also tells the others his metal is undetectable and unable to be controlled since he was sick of being padded down at the airport which Phineas tells everyone when he, Skipper, Phineas, Heloise and Isabella were going to Florida and he had trouble with the security so he distracted them with the hula while dressing in drag then he hopes Osama Bin Laden doesn't know show tunes. Bender heads with Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Zick, Sora, Discord and Mr. Gold to go after their treasure. He and Skipper sing Moving Right Along while heading off and he grudgingly agrees with Discord regarding Isabella and her mutation. Bender with Heloise, Phineas, Skipper and Isabella call up Dr. Strange and tell them what happened with the base and he describes the attacker as an enraged Predacon.
Said enraged attacker attacks him accusing the bot of eliminating his brethren/species, after climbing the mountain with Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella and Suede. Discord and Bender both do what they get to keep the Predacon from hurting them by Discord holding it back and using a Sphereboom to slow the Predacon down which is all accounts a doomsday device merged with weaponry that he, Skipper, Slade and Anti Cosmo copied years ago with Starscream. Jean Grey saves them, and afterwards, Old Ben thinks it's funny and outright ridiculous of how he could do that feat. He and the others are told by Death about the events that transpired regarding White Wolf. He and the crew get to the mountain where Braniac and Frollo try to assimilate or kill them, the others get into a flying Star Wars-like vehicle, breaking the barrier to keep them stuck and get the treasure piece before escaping
Kid and Slade get him on the ship and tell them that his daughter helped save them. They have White Wolf as a hostage and he threatens to blow her brains if she doesn't listen to Jack. When she doesn't he has Heloise off her before having Sora set the co-ordinates. He returns and merges the piece he has with Blue and Strange giving a clue before asking about the transporters and going to see Gold at his pawnshop.
Old Bender learns about the third transporter being down and suggests a way to fix it which Strange doesn't think of. He and his allies go to the magic island on request of Chun-Li as they more about magic than anyone, when he states science is able to counter magic, Heloise is the only one who really is a scientist. He is in deep thought from what Phineas said, and he's thinking whether or not he wants his friends or Skipper's crew to come back. Discord and Bender after the call begin showing suspicion regarding Blue and suspect he'll do something that costs them dearly. They make their way to their own island while the acceleration of their vehicle goes through the roof which has them holding on for dear life which Jean Grey manages to control eventually. Dr.Strange and Bender both contact each other of Aleu's disappearance and they decide to investigate with two operatives from both sides. He reaches the island where they must go through to the forest to a train, Bender equips himself with a gun despite Picard and Twilight's insistence not to though Stan, Wendy and Zick agree him. On the train, he breaks a world record of most drinks drunk in a hour before he breaks into song with Phineas and Skipper. When Rasuptin's demons attack the carts, Bender rallies the others out while Jack Frost and Will try to split the carts. After that he meets Jaeris and Zhuge Liang and joins with them to find the temple on the island that can help them find the sea temple.He and the others made their way to the temple when Predaking tries to kill him again, This is quite a challenge since it got wise to his doomsday device. Until Jesu Otaku throws some kind of weapon which he uses to slash Predaking's chest before escaping.Bender with the help of Jaeris and Zhuge reach the temple where they explain the sea temple and it's movements and gets him to ask if a temple constantly moves without a motor it's not like the temple is so light that anything can move it and begins to believe there is a invisible propeller. He and his friends leave the temple to find GBF trying to take their Apple of Eden. So all 10 of them take them and get them. When Jesse shows up and gets them all out of the situation aware of both Bender and Slade, he also has the Valentine bros, Harkon and Jerry attack the 10 which they do brush off if with difficulty. Afterwards they meet with their friends and they go to the hospital where he wonders about Jesse and Gold’s sweet heart Belle can help by taking him and his friends to the Storybrooke Library
Bender begins taking research on Vampires, Cults and Relgion and when Skipper and Twilight read to them Whitechapel’s history they figure out Jesse was highly involved in it. When they get back, he, Phineas and Skipper begin working on their plan to get Sunil out of trouble with ghosts. To Bender’s shock, it’s his old friends and I mean old Casper and Wendy who he hasn’t seen in a long time who have been looking for him. He asks to help Strange and Blue, but the former tells to him escape when Hotaru and Neyla decide to arrest the group. However he has his own trouble as SOPA Agents are after them and they do manage to escape only for Soran to force them to bring Jaeris he shoots the ship down, Afterwards they re-meet Kratos who decides to join forces with them. He and the others take one of those long walks on the island they crash on before wanting to buy beer with Skipper, Death The Kid and Discord. Afterwards he meets Crugger and some of Crugger's friends.
He is seen on the phone with Strange who tells Him all about Blue’s betrayal which he Is not taken surprise by. Afterwards he hangs up the phone and informs them about the current position.Bender decides with Cruger to chase down any BlackGarurumon member for doing what they tired to do with them. He informs the group that the second disco ball is located on one of the rides and join up with Yasha who noticed. Bender, Slade and the rest go after the disco ball and destroy which Anarky uses as a trap where they decide to use him and the group as gifts to BlackGarurumon, Heloise of course angered shoots at them which has Paul go for execution and gloats about his species being hunted into extinction deciding to kill the mercenary with his own hands next time he sees him. When BlackMetalGreymon decides to finish the job, Stardash and Manhattan save them and Bender knowing what it's like to lose a kid that's yours tried to dissuade her from helping due to what happened last time. When they all race to save the others, he murders Mooch in cold blood for gloating, and then swears revenge on the Children.
Bender and Discord are both called up by Jesse who gives the identify of the Jack White Act trying to recruit Bender into helping him with his plans on valid grounds of robot rights. Bender refuses to help him and to his surprise Jesse isn't angry in that the vampire tells him that the person behind it is someone they need to figure out. He discusses with his friends his plan to destroy the internment camp in Ponyvile with a a laser on the moon which he called "A Death Star". He calls the project "The Alans Parsons Project" before engaging in squabbles with Discord and Skipper. After that he and Discord both begin discussing their plan against the Children of BlackGarurumon. He agrees not to let personal feelings get in the way with Suede, Skipper and Jack while meeting Buffy.
He learns that the Joker was responsible for the Jack White act which persecuted robots above all species, Joker made him the number 1 threat to humanity and put billions of dollars on his head. It was also revealed that The Joker decided if Bender was to kill in Legends of Light and Darkness, Joker would take him and all robots down with him with the Jack White Act that hunts threats of non humanity into extinction. The Joker was also responsible for the death of his son in Legends of Light and Darkness and taunted him over getting loved ones involved in his wars, Joker killed his kid and toyed with him by sending piece by piece to him. He almost caused him to commit suicide and this action haunted him. When Marceline and Bender learned about Discord she warned him about getting Dib and the others involved as this would be happen again and she doesn't want to see him in the broken condition he was back then. The Joker also revealed that he is Bender's father and that he went so far to abandon his other son so he could take revenge on him which as always the plan every time he showed up and taunts him about being responsible for Bubbles losing her sisters. Bender was so enraged at this he went into a tirade which was as followed
"I kill him unlike everyone else because everyone else Blindly, stupidly disregards the entire graveyards he's filled, the billions who have suffered because of him, the friends he's crippled, scared, tortured and out righted murdered I have stopped at nothing to find that clown every time he returned and kill that pathetic pile of death-worshiping garbage for good. He is only one man and has no powers, but the amount of damage he has done, the amounts of people he made suffer is so goddamn high that no one has killed, tortured or ruined as many lives as him. And he does not do this for domination, he does it because he find it fun and treats it like a game. Good Guys are scared and even the bad guys would distance themselves from him, because he will betray, lie to and/or kill them for his own amusement." After that he and the team leave for their castle as Jesse tells them directions and warns him that he's being tracked. Bender with Skipper, Suede, Jack Bauer and Heloise find the pieces of their next treasure which ends up being a trap where he and Discord put their plan into effect which involves acting as traitors. Bender and Discord get Suede and Jack Bauer out to help him and Bender puts his plan which involves him poisoning the Children of BlackGarurumon which succeeds and he kills many members and destroys the armies. He threatens if they come have him he will make them pay and has the other members get them out. After returning to the cast and Dr.Strange, they begin planning their move against The Sinisters of Evil and Jesse's allies while knowing that Isabella is doing her own thing. He and Dr. Strange seeing an entrance walk in and take Sinister who gives them trouble and they do manage to get him and then they get to the others and see Anna and Protoman pull a sacrifice to stop the curse. Bender and Dr.Strange confront Blue on his actions who points that the world is a cruel place and that they were fools to think they could be good men, he tells Blue that he should take revenge on those responsible which mean him and Strange, Blue agrees and does them both, though Bender tackles him saving Strange and put Blue in a possible death After, he follows the others to Neverland and meets Pan. Pan reveals he knows who they are and Bender learns that Lizbeth, Boomer and Maka all knew Pan before and also that Joker actually has had many Harley Quinns before Bubbles' mother and Joker killed all of them and placed them in the cell he was in. He and the team escape thanks to Discord and Isabella finding and saving him.
He and team arrive at the Courage Kingdom and they begin planning their next move where they go for an interrogation on Captain Hook about Sinister's whereabouts. Though he has no idea and then they make more discoveries in that Joker actually keep returning due to the magic of never land before splitting up. He also takes his daughter being a tricky bitch and aging herself up well considering he would do it. Bender tags with the rest of the B Team to investigate though the Children of BlackGarurumon decide to lock them in the pyramids forever as they are higher up on the threat than Blue. They end up meeting the zombie teens and join forces with them to find the Azoth and the Lucifricator as the voice Jean Grey is hearing tells them they need to find it. Bender and the others find the Aztec where Bender, Skipper, Phineas and Isabella decide to go do it though Heloise wants to come along and they allow Suede, Jack Heloise and Kid help. They find Sari who reveals that she never had intentions to kill them and wants to stop them from stopping them. They though get thrown even further into the pyramids by Albert Wesker who stills need them for his and Loki's plan. Sora in the deeper parts of the pyramids see something lines of a different language detailing to past events which gets them in trouble with their enemy before they go after Dukat. Bender thinks Peter Pan is insane and learns from Gold that Pan killed quite of a few of his friends he hates Pan to the degree that he made a song of how much he hates Pan. He runs into Jesse who wants to talk and they end striking an alliance. Bender checks in the hospital with the others and he, Skipper and Suede with Jesse check on Jack who was interrogating Buford on Dukat's plans. He calls up Isabella and Cadence to report the laser is read then Everyone joins up and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining.
Mr. Gold senses some kind of magic and gets Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Jack Bauer, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord, Gohan, Twilight, Castiel, Casper, Kid and Makoto over there and tells them it's resurrection magic which does bring people back temporarily but the price is the come back wrong and/or lose their memories and they must be recovered. As they all discuss Peter Pan enters the room and toys with them in that he will find Maka, Lizbeth, Boomer, Knuckles and Crona take them to Neverland and torture them until they arrive and then kill them in front of them. That can be anywhere, with the waters of Neverland all over, Pan can be all powerful anywhere, Bender calls Pan on not doing it immediately who admits he's just fucking with them while insulting and taunting Mr. Gold. Bender arrives at Springfield and meets his friends and he, Skipper, Suede, Heloise and Jesse are attacked by Jack White activists before he and the others see Marceline who reveals she knows Jack called her and the others and tells him how will he tell Dib about Discord and Stardash. Bender and the others plan how to take out the invasion where he joins with Skipper, Stardash, Suede, Black Star, Suki, Connor, Bart, Gohan, Jaeris, Knuckles, Sarah, Wendy and Sora to head to the Kwie E Mart not before singing War with Black Star, Slade and Castiel. After this they all stop a dolphin and alien invasion led by Sari who they kill with dignity after hearing her out, Sari makes Bender promise not to reveal to anyone what happened with her. Bender, Suede, Skipper, Isabella and Wendy are the ones present at the grave which has Boomer, Lizbeth, Nina, Hunson and Clemont there questioning how they got here. Afterwards he returns to his ship and Starfire pays him a visit and they all surprised to hear she is fine with Stardash's choices, then Dib and everyone else arrive and Bender and Skipper stop Darkwing from trying to attack Slade and Anti Cosmo who he believes are still evil.
Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Jack Bauer, Makoto, Gohan, Sora, Connor, Discord, Dixie, Bart, Gonner, Stardash and Colonel Stars and Stripes all go wandering in their cavern. With a ocarina in hands which they need to use to open their door and find out the chosen one regarding the niburu which Isabella plays to the tune of the Lugia Song. He and Castiel agree to chase down BlackGarurumon and they decide to kill every ally he has including the gods themselves. He makes good on this threat with his friends, as he participates in many fights. He helps Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede and Qui-Gon in taking down Darth Nihilus and killing him with Discord's help. When the V Crusaders saw Titan in Never land this got him up in arms suspecting the impossible which he considers ridiculous. Then he and Jesse work together and kill Paul Mcdagett and proves he meant good on god killing when with heaven guns, He alongside Skipper, Suede, Discord and Jack kill the god of time Cronus and then he works with Slade, Castiel, Black Star, Kratos and Anti Cosmo and does likewise to Wesker though it was far more difficult. Then he and the others do BlackGarurumon and Bender personally kills the Digimon by crushing his skull after using an prison assassination method on him saying that "You Should have left me alone!" Then they end up having to deal with Entity which is a hybrid of monster and of his worse nemesis. This proves to be the most difficult feat possible as it takes a very long time to stop it and Bender nearly kills himself to prevent the Niburu from destroying the Multi-Universe by throwing it to Equestria to blow up. However he is saved by Discord who brings up to the higher place of existence and they have a brief talk about what awaits to Discord it's not adventure and war it's exploring the possibilities. Bender and Discord then both see Isabella too who greatly changed thanks to her own efforts and she takes Bender down from that higher place of existence to reunite him with the others only for them all to leave. However Black Star and Death The Kid stay by him for the time being and they end seeing what became of Celestia meaning that can one last wish and Isabella decides to get it since she do so much for them and Bender believes she's crazy when she wishes to eliminate every evil that ever attempts to go after them, Slade or Cas since the words that Lizbeth, Maka and Boomer said got to them. He coincides though and they realize it's all over and that's it's time to live life instead of fighting wars and it ends with We'll Meet Again.
The Alternate Ending to LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
In the alternate ending planned, Bender would find himself in an alternate timeline with Dib and the others alive which he thinks is just himself until as they shouldn't be alive and apart. Dib, Bubbles, Lizbeth, Milo and Boomer all tell him that he is not dreaming. He points that Darkwing shouldn't be alive and that he's Darkwarrior Duck, as well as Gosalyn and Edd were killed by Discord. Nina points out they didn't fight a Discord before. After he leaves, Gosalyn talks to herself about how crazy Bender sounds through Isabella hears it and knows He remembers what happened. Bender finds Discord and turns out he remembers too, the two want to find out how things went. Hudson then drops off Marceline and to the shock of both Discord and Bender, Marceline is actually married to Bender. Discord wanting to know how that happened, Marceline takes the two to a secret lab where she tells that instead of Darkwing dying that time, It was Starfire who died and that Dexter was using his science and DNA to attempt to resurrect Starfire but make her something different. It is further revealed that Marceline and Starfire agreed that if the latter was to die, Marceline should take her place. That night, Isabella finds Bender and Discord and tells them about the alternate timeline and that the three of them do remember. The robot wonders if he should tell Dib, Isabella disagrees and tells him that with them living normal lives after the big bad god/machine hybrid was defeated that was when, and since Discord is with Bender and Her that means he could never has done what he did before hand. The three agree but she does encourage him to write a fantasy novel series on their adventures.
During Acts 2, 3,4 and 6 of the above story, he, Death, the B Team, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Mr. Gold and Discord show up with Black Star in his fight against the Templar Order. The main characters there are him, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Jack Bauer, Twilight Sparkle, Gohan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord, Mr. Gold, Death The Kid, Zick, Jesu Otaku, Sora, Princess Anna and Makoto.
He also meets his newest arch-enemy Anarky alongside the Terrorist Unit here and continues to fight him in LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour. Black Star questions him on how he found out about it and Black Star being involved and he answers that it was Mr.Gold who told him and the other teams about it. He also meets new friends in Knuckles the Echidna, Suki, Connor, Sarah and Major Kiruahe.
Future Warfare[]
Bender will be a dueteragonist in Future Warfare along with Jonathan Irons. He and the B team teams up with Mr. Irons and Atlas Corporation to fight a new powerful new enemy: Zaheer. It'll be their first fight against an enemy in nearly 60 years.
He and Slade both end coming from the past as some kind of message comes from the future send by an unknown party. He gets his when he and his friends are watching the last starry night before winter and the message comes in form of a comet which they analyze and learn that Slade had this happen to him too so the two parties find out what went on through their science work and decide they must travel to the future to ensure this doesn't happen in their future which Slade finds a way for the team to do just that.
After they arrive in 2071, Bender and the main members of the B Team were brought to Atlas HQ to meet with Irons and to team up with his company in order to stop the Red Lotus and KVA.
Bender returns with the rest of the heroes to serve as one of the main characters with his friends Skipper, Phineas, Isabella, Jimmy Neutron, Lydia, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Discord as well as Django, Finn, Julian, Marceline and Jorgen all returning to help, as well as new friends in Rick and Morty, Star, The Paynes and others. Bender's past self will also appearing in the story though he can only find him at certain times. He serves as one of the 3 main protagonists of the finale.
He and his friends are very much Time Fugitives since Darkwarrior Duck is very angry with them as it feels to him that the robot does what ever the fuck he wants, and screws up history and No One ever calls him out on his many crimes or tries to imprison him. He also has the Network Head after him and his friends on top of that.
At the beginning of the adventure, he and Jorgen were attacked and captured by Eobard Thawne as the first two of Thawne's collective plans to take revenge on the team. Skipper rescues the two and they make a getaway, though his nemesis The Joker shows up. He takes up arms against him with his friends and then is brought in to face Eobard Thawne. He allows Lydia to work with him and his team, then after a big ball of violence with Rick, he joins too so they can get all the help they need. After meeting with Rick, The Two and Skipper get drunk and Bender reveals that he is pissed about having to adventure again due to how repetitive it is though when Julian comes to the bar. Julian manages to relight up him and Skipper's passion with a rather drunk night. The Next Day, With them sobering Bender decides to get back to Slade since He called when Bender got loaded with Rick, Julian and Skipper. He alongside Skipper, Starfire and Lydia call up Slade and Anti Cosmo where the two groups discuss what way to best approach their upcoming feud against Eobard Thawne and the legion.
He and his friends end up waiting a long time for Rick to finish working on a time machine and out of boredom, Julian annoys Skipper and Jorgen with popping noises which makes him laugh. After Rick finishes, he gets Starfire and the others and takes the time machine back to when he had his first adventure. Bender sets out to find his past self in this timeline and leaves Rick and Discord in charge while He, Skipper, Starfire, Jorgen, Phineas, Isabella and Marceline all go looking for him and Bender brings a neutralizer he stole from the Men In Black Universe. The Six of them all stake out and encounter Bender's past self after getting into an argument, the two Benders decide to work together in their situation with Bender calling his past self Titantius Anglesmith not without trying to steal each other's wallet. After some walking and settling down with a fire, Bender and the others are ambushed by Deathstroke who comes alone and after some chit chat, Bender with Skipper and Jorgen fight him without any powers and only weaponry and it goes to a stalemate with Deathstroke escaping proud that Bender lived up to what Deathstroke expected. He and the others manage to defy the plane and alongside Starfire and Skipper gets into communication with Rick about each of their circumstances promising to get back to each other. Bender and the team return with his past self, only to be ambushed and he gets arrested alongside Rick, Morty and Marceline and thrown in jail. The Four escape with the help of Grovyle who leads the 4 to the Waverider to meet Rip Hunter and get Slade involved once he got away.
Bender becomes acquainted with the Legends and is told of what is transpiring by Hunter. However He find himself once again fighting The Joker and comes very close to killing him after learning what he did to The Teen Titans. Jorgen though comes through and brings him back to the others with Rip, He explains where he was before he plans with Skipper to ensure the collection of the magic they need to power the amulet/compass they're creating.
Bender and Skipper both go off on their own to find their magic source which gets them into quite some trouble starting with a defective clone and King Shark attacking them. While the duo is successful, they lose their car. They find in it the Thug Tug and get in more trouble before they manage to weasel their way out through being beaten senseless. After retrieving it, they are chased by Time Wraiths and they lose them, but they are sent flying and end up dealing with Blackout again this time with Tar Pit who really put the two on the tail while they'll do win. The Atom Smasher and Nimbus show up to outnumber them 4 to 2, Only for Mick and Amaya to sent be on Rip's Orders to help them eventually the 4 win but before Bender and Skipper can get back to them. Dennis finally catches up with them stating that Dennis was sent to kill Bender and Skipper while engaging in banter a bit, before trapping the two with a made trap and then Dennis gets his spiked up shoes to squash their insides while cackling like crazy when a boot his Dennis.
It Turns that it was Atari who rescued Bender and Skipper and tells the two to come with him. Skipper gets Mick and Amaya and they travel with Attauri. It turns out Phineas and Isabella went after them and found Attari, Star and Marco in Virtucon. All of them are trying to find Axel in Virtucon/Vegas, so they all join forces and splits up in two teams with Bender, Skipper, Star and Marco in one and Mick, Phineas, Amaya and Isabella in the other with Attauri as mission control.Deciding to go gambling to get some relaxation, Bender goes with Skipper, Star and Marco where they run into Number 2 who is gambling after playing some poker with him. The 4 are chased by Tiger Claw, and Malcolm Merlyn who Deathstroke sent after them while he makes his way to Bender and co to stall. Bender and Skipper fight Tiger Claw while Star and Marco take on Malcolm. While they outnumber Tigerclaw, they fight him to a stalemate and eventually when they strike him down, Tigerclaw marvels at their skill despite how unusual they are proving Deathstroke right. Bender, Skipper and Star get Marco out of the way who was taken down by Malcolm. While they keep an eye on Marco, Bender tells Mick, Amaya, Phineas and Isabella to find Axel while they lay low only for Deathstroke to appear right there on The four,
Shocked at how Deathstroke found them, Bender engages in more discussion with Deathstroke,where Deathstroke tries to get the group's stuff for the amulet and decides to clash with Marco and him. Deathstroke does win against them, but Star and Skipper keep it out of his hands by using trickery while getting away. Bender meets back up with Phineas and Isabella who did find Axel, who was frozen in Virtcuon's top floor who they freed with Mick burning it while Amaya found herself attacked by Guzma and Mark Mardon, with Attauri joining in as he prevents Guzma from stopping Mick from defrosting Axel. He Learns that Deathstroke knew he was coming for Axel, after some briefing to Axel about their situation, Axel joins the group and he leads them to the source of Disney Magic power,
They manage to find it But Thawne, Joker, Toffee, Darkwarrior Duck and Taurus Bulba who also have been looking for it found at the same time. Thankfully Slade and his team find them and a brawl commences. Bender takes on Joker obviously due to his hatred for him and what he did to Starfire and find himself in more trouble when Toffee uses the opportunity to bring NOS-4-A2 and Mandarin out of the forgotten vessel and NOS-4-A2 tries to make a meal of Bender he is saved by Slade and Harry Wells. Afterwards, both sides manage to acquire some magic of their own thanks to Darkwarrior and Joker using NOS-4-A2 ambushing him to their edge.
Bender, Skipper, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Phineas, Isabella, Harry Wells, Star, Marco, Mick, Attauri, Amaya, Celes, Hades and Tombstone all meet back up in Slade's old lair and Bender wants to learn about the Disney magic. Skipper and him do some research when they bump into Lydia, they ask her what the hell is she doing. When they learn she's hiding from Deathstroke and trying to discover Disney Magic they all look together when Dennis arrives yet again intent on killing them plus Lydia. The three run from him only for Dennis to trap them on The Jolly Roger forcing the trio to work together to outwit and fight Dennis which results in him getting eaten by the crocodile. Bruised he returns and they all work to encript the code, but learn it will take the help of a Netherlander to encrypt it
Remembering his friend Scorpion, Bender plans to take the team further to when he first met him and Subzero. Bender recovers and see that Skipper, Starfire, Jorgen and Jimmy are still with him gets communication from Phineas, Twilight, Discord and Antauri about their strandness. They decide to make due with what they have. Jimmy holds up the amulet and knows that they are on the Netherlands path, when Jorgen asks how he knows that, Jimmy points out that back when they traveled here, Axel did tell the crew that Scorpion came from the Netherlands and considering how the multiverse changed up, It's the most considerable thing to do. While Jorgen and Jimmy are basically discussing this, Bender, Starfire and Skipper basically went ahead without them having them ask to wait up. Back with the five, Skipper took something before getting blown down by Uka Uka and it turns he took an entire artillery of helpful tools. Starfire and Bender both surprised at this ask Skipper how did he get all that in one sitting,
Eventually they get to the netherlands and the five find Scorpion. Scorpion knows who they are since he was told by Axel earlier and asks what is their purpose. Jimmy tells Scorpion that they have something for him to read and hands them the amulet.
Scorpion reads the amulet and translates that it leads to an ancient relic of the past with massive effect. This surprises them, and that's when Deathstroke and his allies show up as Scudsworth and Welton report this to Deathstroke. Bender, Skipper, Scorpion, Starfire, Jorgen and Jimmy are feel surrounded by the group. This is when Deathstroke shows up with the intention to acquiring the amulet which all they refuse to give to him with Scorpion ready to clash with Deathstroke. Deathstroke without flinching sends his henchman after them to over whelm them when he gets Bender and Skipper to both face him
Skipper and Bender are give blades by Scorpion and charge at Deathstroke who clash them 2 on 1 and like Tigerclaw it's very even matched and dangerous as both are doing so over lava. Deathstroke defiantly isn't holding down while Bender and Skipper are using their team work to keep up with his swift speed. Eventually, Bender gets his own blade and knocks Deathstroke off his feet and Skipper then chops Deathstroke on the chest and Deathstroke throws Skipper at Bender. The two get back up and Bender decides to screw it and blast Deathstroke with a gun, Skipper then uses the stall to attack him, nearly knocking him into the lava. Skipper and Bender then both pin Deathstroke down which impresses him and admits they're now 1-1 and tells the team to get them later. Scorpion joins the 5 on pretenses of wanting to find what the amulet was referring and head to a graveyard and through digging they find what it happens to be. The Spear of Destiny which Scorpion refers them to when Dr.Alchemy shows with all Earth 2 Metahumans and all attack the group. Scorpion, Bender, Skipper, Starfire, Jorgen and Jimmy all manage to defeat them, Skipper and Bender are both tasered in place by Scott who arrives, wanting to take matters in his hand and then Dr.Alchemy leaves with him. Alchemy leaves more metahumans for the other 4 to fight.
Bender and Skipper are brought to their cell and they wonder who managed to find them and it's revealed it was Dennis to their fear. They see Rick is there too and Rick reveals that he was basically arrested alongside some of Joker's men. The three wonder why them specifically when Scott personally confronts them and says how he finally got Bender once and for all. Bender questions him and Scott reveals that he is avenging his family's death at Bender's hands and that he holds him responsible for this. Bender scoffs him for this, as he has never met him before when Scott snaps and says he will have him and his little penguin dead too at the hands of his killer/warden and him for this. As the three comment on how nuts he is, This is when Deathstroke appears in front of their cell and banters with the three about Scott and Alchemy. Deathstroke and Bender both take a pot shot at Joker being stupid to hire a hitman, Skipper and Rick question if he is to save Joker's team which he denies. Before leaving, Deathstroke says if he really wants to escape, Try inciting a jail break and warns of them of Alchemy since Deathstroke learned who Alchemy was.
While Bender, Skipper and Rick keep their eyes out for Dennis, This is when they meet Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance and Diggle who were also locked up themselves by Alchemy though they were stolen from Darhk of Thawne's legion. Bender and Skipper question them of why they were locked up and Oliver stated because of vilgantism. Rick questions why and Thea points out that apparently this guy that locked them up is nuts and considers almost anything a crime which Skipper compares to Darkwarrior.
Bender and Skipper are both brought to a personal room where Dennis is waiting and he approaches them intending to kill them and goes so far to tie down them both down on a table. Bender angrliy points out why both him and Skipper when Joker and Scott both wanted him dead mainly. Dennis whiles looking through his tools states that they see the bird as just as much as a threat as Bender and that Alchemy had a bone with both of them, though he does say a little too much when he says a certain word.
Bender ponders who it could be, as Dennis prepares their doom with an impalement while also having a cannon, a cross bow, an anvil, and an axe ready to kill them. Unlike last time, the two try to think quick to avoid their overkill death when Skipper uses his beak to pick at the locks and then does for Bender. Dennis smacks Skipper and Bender hard and begins to chase them. Bender shoots a door open and Alchemy is waiting for him and Skipper. Alchemy isn't suprised about Bender and Skipper's escape from Dennis's death traps and this is when Skipper pressures on who is Alchemy, since he really wonders what grudge does Alchemy hold on him and Bender.
Alchemy decides to reveal who Alchemy is and takes off the mask and it is revealed to be Bender and Skipper's ally from Legends of Light and Darkness Marie. Bender is shocked and angry to find out she betrayed them. Marie states that they betrayed her, when she was locked in prison, none of them came to help her or bail her out, and that they took away what made her special. This retort is countered in that Bender say that she sold out her boyfriend for the sake of criminal action, and that she deserved it. Marie says that's exactly why and then she was apporached by a figure who promised her beauty, age and powers back to work for him. She was restored of her abilities and was released thanks to mapulations and her benefactor told her to kill Phantom R to become keep her gain and she did wanting revenge.
This was when she found Scott, who had a similar grudge and that she offered her services to him and that was when she became Alchemy, and that she got the dark costume and the voice modulator to hide her voice from them. She also states that Scott is why Bender is stuck in the time he's in when he send I.S.R.A.E.L to erase the Futurama universe and kill his friends from that universe to achieve vengeance. Dennis then shows up again to off them with bombs when Deathstroke actually attacks Dennis giving the two to escape. Marie calls security on them and this is when they reunite with Rick and Team Arrow and plow through the guards and meet back with the rest of the team
Bender tells them about Marie being Dr.Alchemy and her betrayal when Lydia states she knew she herself was ambushed by Alchemy and Dennis. This is when Ford tells the team of Thawne's location where Bender goes immediately wanting to end this. He does damn well until Thawne goes after him and his old friends and reveals their history.
Thawne it turned out was an opponent of Bender and his pals during Future Warfare wearing a different face and once they defeated him and sealed him off. Thawne swore revenge on Bender and the team and it was revealed that Thawne actually murdered his old associates, Boomer, Lizbeth and Nina as well as many of his friends in vengeance and then screwed up the timeline behind the scenes to further drive the nail in, his actions including driving Sari Sumdac to evil, Screwing with the canon couples of some of his team mates, Dib and Bubbles's death and more. Bender furious tries to kill Thawne for this, more angry than Joker ever made him. Hunson, Starfire and Marceline both keep him from getting to out of control and tell him that what Thawne did was horrible, but once they get the spear they can reserve this. He agrees though silently slaughters though more henchmen in his fury angry at how Scott and Thawne both screwed him out of his life. It gets worse when he loses the amulet in a black hole thanks to Toffee and when Suede, Julian and Colress are all killed.
Determined to see Thawne pay, Bender decides to get Rip's help in finding more spear parts and that he is going to fix central parts of Thawne's screwing of time. While Amanda and Ford go looking for Lydia, He and his dwindling team decide to split their duties. With him going after the spear part Vilgax and his team are looking for while doing what he can to interact with Sari's past self to keep her from doing anything she would do later. He and his team come back from that getting back with the remains when Thawne attacks them and nearly kills them. Thankfully they're saved and that's when Bender and co meet Lincolin Loud and his sisters who Lydia was hanging with while trying to get back. Learning about each one of them, Bender strikes a close friendship with Luan and they both plot to get even with Joker.
Luan and Bender both trap Joker and subject him to Luan's prank Acolpayse to humiliate and scare him which manages to work big time. He and the crew continue to fix more problems or try to while spear hunting, until after assembling it. This is when Amanda get kidnapped by Thawne and turned evil. Bender and co get a message from someone to find a way to dampen the Spear's effects should the Legion get it and to spear him and a few the worst of the spear. Before He joins the fray against the legion, Bender goes with Skipper and Rick to find what seems to be the Utopia Rings formed from their war against the Dystopia League and then go on their own terms where they fight many of the legion members mainly Deathstroke who Bender has crossed in every timeline once. Before they can, Thawne gets the Spear and the legion change the multiverse
Thankfully Bender is not taken out thanks to his rings and neither is Skipper, Rick, Lydia, Marcus, Twilight, Cleo someone who Lydia meet earlier, or Lincolin and his sisters. This is when he receives a message to meet someone at a bar and it turns out that it's Deathstroke. Hostile initially, Bender and his friends join forces with Deathstroke and his rogue team to kill Eobard Thawne and the rest of the legion. Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Barry Allen, Shadow and Nasesala join them as well as Ra's Al Ghul and Gus Fring also want Thawne down. All United to taking down Thawne, they storm the legion and Bender with Skipper, Rick, Lydia, Deathstroke, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells and Barry Allen all fight Thawne and Amanda who is protecting him to get the spear in a long battle. After they finally defeat him, Deathstroke leads him and the others to the Spear and reveals what became of the rest of his friends. Bender takes the trophies of his team to restore them while his friends take the spear. Before this they are ambushed yet again by the real foe they're against and all hell breaks loose.
Bender and his friends are nearly killed by Toffee and Bill Cipher but is saved by Alternate Doof, Bruce and Selina and they all escape. Bender begins thinking how to defeat him and the cult through his friends suggest to hide out in a base and Alt Doof, Lydia and Slade suggest some locations though Bill Cipher already ravaged them. Bender calls out Lydia for not telling them from Bill Cipher and that she should have mentoned this though he admits he may have been harsh on her. When Hunson tells them that Mewni might be a good choice as does Deathstroke who remembers his attack on there.
Bender makes a plan to have him, Skipper, Twilight, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Deathstroke and his followers, Shadow, Luan Loud, Luna Loud, Lynn Loud and Lola Loud, Hunson, Alt Doof and Discord go to Mewni and get help from Moon, Once they arrive, He and them defend Deathstroke's team and they have sided with them and Toffee is a concern.
They are told that they might need to find some way to destory Toffee. He and the other point out that he regenerates his wounds too fast for them to kill. Discord and Twilight suggest to use the full capacity of the Mewni Kingdom's Wand which Deathstroke still has and as he kept it for his group to use. Despite this he tells Luan and Skipper he is unsure of this being a true success.
This is when An attack on Mewni is made and the whole team groups together to defend the kingdom with Bender goes personally after Joker's old followers while trying to gun for Marie out of revenge for betraying them. Bender does get a lot of people killed and does get a lot done, but when he and the others get back to Moon, Toffee has already killed her and destroyed the magic commission. They mourn for Star's mother and Bender is bothered by how ahead both Bill Cipher and Toffee are in regards to them. He points out the spear won't do anything to the two since Bill is too Powerful upon to be killed by it, and Toffee might just plan this. Upon this is when Toffee calls the team and threatens them to give him the spear or he will lose Starfire and Marceline and gives Lydia the ultimatum over this.
Bender, Skipper, Marcus and Lydia all about this in secret and prepare to make the way to counter The two. Bender and Skipper decide to fight Toffee so Lydia can find Bill, When Lydia and Marcus question this, He explains that Toffee can take a lot but so can they and that he and Skipper will stall Toffee. He does admit Toffee may know this,
When the Cult of Cipher engages in a showdown with the resisistance Deathstroke uses the time to get the castle for him, Skipper and Deathstroke to confront Toffee. Toffee aproaches the three and engages in a very long battle with Toffee where The trio use magic cuffs to prevent Toffee's magic from being too powerful on them. It works for a while since Toffee catches this and then smacks the cuffs out of their hands and Toffee prepares to use a magic saber on them which the three fight him hand to hand
Toffee manages to defeat them and bury all three of them, while he goes to find and kill Lydia for the spear knowing she has it, He manages to eventually get himself out and goes with Skipper and Deathstroke to chase Toffee. Bill Cipher however tries to intercept the three so he can have Toffee get Lydia who is on the run with Marcus from him. Deathstroke manages to get Toffee from attacking Lydia and Marcus and they fight Toffee once again
Bender eventually uses a super weapon in conjunction with Skipper and Deathstroke to harm Toffee severly turning into a goo person of his self and Toffee meances them and tells them that they don't make the plans and that he is the only one who does this, when he is smashed by pillars by Heloise, Slade and Anti Cosmo who Heloise tells that Toffee is turned out to be dead. Bender, Skipper and the others then go looking for Marcus and Lydia.
Bender, Skipper and Deathstroke eventually find Lydia and Marcus who have Ford Pines with them and they manage to hold off Cipher's friends but are caught by Bill who has been fighting long with the two. Bill threatens to kill him and his friends if Lydia doesn't give him the spear, Ford makes a deal with Bill Cipher to save Lydia, Marcus, Bender and the others by letting Bill possess him. Bill Cipher enters Ford's mind to possess all the info on the Spear of Destiny and then this is when Bender and Skipper place Lydia and Marcus in Ford's mind too.
When the two defeat Bill, Ford nearly loses his mind but Bender and the others restore his memory. So Bender, Skipper, Lydia, Marcus, Ford Pines and Deathstroke all begin trying to figure out how to change the multiverse and he decides that Lydia should use it and she eventually does. Bender and the others all remember their adventures and their friends are now alive, though Bender decides to just go with all his friends to Aruba and take things easy.

"Spread the word around, The Boys are Back In Town"
The Miracle Dark Elite and the Apokolips War Endgame[]
Phase 4[]
Unlike the rest of M.O.D.A.B, Bender returns for Phase 4 as one of the deuteragonists alongside Ford Pines, Sid Chang and Marcy Wu. He is also one of the 9 main characters alongside Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry Wells, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero and Libby Torres while being one of the 3 main protagonists of The secondary storyline alongside Anti Cosmo and Slade while Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud are the main characters of the primary storyline.
Anglesmith Origins[]

Bender makes his first chronological appearance in Phase 4 in this story as the main protagonist as he searches for answers from the Infosphere after avoiding nearly being killed by A Hooded Wolf. He is one of the 4 main central characters of the storyline alongside Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan. This storyline above all the others was a changing point for him.
This storyline focuses on his fallout in regarding to Brick, Butch and The V Team's death and how he got to where he is.
*Italian text means this took place after Chang's Guide To The Galaxy
Bender drops off Libby at Great Lakes for Ronnie Anne and Sid's sleepover and offers to look after the kids with Luan to Ronnie Anne's Family, as he is going to see a comedy contest with Luan who is particpating while dropping off Libby for her mom to the sleepover. He enables the kids to have loud fun as he is the adult here which Scratch is relieved that he is being cool about this.
Lincoln, Hilda and Lydia ask how Bender came across where he was and how he got to where is and Bender agrees to tell the others the story how he formed his private eye group.
As the other members of M.O.D.A.B set up for their day as they are working to make peace with Brick and Butch's death. Bender not able to tell them what he really knows, Bmakes his decision that he is heading to Mexico for something for himself for another adventure. Some of the heroes namely Darkwing Duck and Dib point out how reckless he has been acting ever since Brick and Butch's death and maybe it's not the best idea. Bender ignores this, and tells them that he is going to get them what they asked after visiting Luan. Bender was also talking to Skipper, Starfire and Heloise as well where even they can tell something was up with him with Skipper wanting to take the other penguins and himself with Bender, and Starfire feeling Bender unusually isn't blaming anyone for Stardash's death other than himself and is even telling Starfire not to bare any responsibility as she did nothing wrong. He goes to see Luan and tells her about this as well and afterwards, they can do what she wants when he gets back.
In Mexico, he throws a fiesta with the people about how he is a legend from the past, a fearless maverick who has laughed at the face of death and he proves this when he faces off against a giant monster which arrives and faces off it and is nearly killed by the church bell falling on his head. Bender is fixed by Caldera and warned not to go on any more high risk adventures after what nearly just happened to him and that he won't always be able to put himself back together., though he laughs it off. Caldera suggests a retirement home for the animated cartoon characters which he can recommend for Bender .
Undettered, Bender goes to a bar and states that the Doc should stick to animals, and then states he will never retire from this. This is when he hears a whistle and a hooded wolf is who it came. The Wolf knows who Bender is and makes him uncomfortable and The Wolf wants to get his "autograph" as he has following Bender for a very long time. Bender seeing him point to the dead sign, laughs at this as how he laughs in the face of the Death, that he mocks the idea death can beat him and that with everything he has gone through he made death his own bitch. Bender tells The Wolf he won't make simple for him, with The Wolf stating that "Everyone thinks they'll be the one to defeat him and to get away from him, but not a single person has escaped him in all his years."
Bender just wants this dealt with, but is for a truly forminable foe, as The Wolf just whacks his gun out of his hand and when Bender gets a sword to fight him with. The Wolf dodges effortlessly each hit and uses his scythes to put him on a brutal losing end of their conforntation. With The Wolf catching Bender and throwing him across the room and struggling to hold off the scyhte clash and then getting half of his head cut by the scythe. Bender is truly terrified of this and The Wolf taunts him about "those multiple lives flashing before his very eyes ". The Wolf kicks his sword to him and tells him to pick it up and to fight him. Bender is too terrified to do so and runs away using an urinal to escape.
Realizing the truth of his situation, and how close he was to being killed despite his high durability, he decides to pack his bags to the retirement and writes a note to the others and Luan, only telling the latter the truth of what's going on while sending the goods to his friends.
Chapter 1[]
Bender continues his story to the others and explains how he took an retirement, after answering about was going through his head after that encounter with The Wolf.
Bender arrives at the retirement home with his bags and checks himself in there deciding it was the best option for him. He ponders how he is going to spend his days there, and what he will do in Mexico. He ultimately feels regretful of this, Bender hates himself for lying to Dib and the others about Brick and Butch's deaths as well as not telling them about what really happened. Bender feels he has came too far and needs to focus on the present, no matter how much he dislikes it which he does by settling in.
After a bit of time, albeit not precise time, Bender acquires a room mate at the retirement home in a coyote with an upper english accent and introduces himself as Wile E Coyote, Genius, Bender is annoyed by this arrogance, albeit ironically blind to his own arrogance. Bender just calls himself a robot to Wile E who just recently settled in like him, Wile E goes on a rant about how he was trying to catch a Roadrunner for 26,977 days of his life and never succeeded. Bender calls Wile E for not having a life, and Wile E tells him of course he wouldn't get as he's a machine. Bender appreciates Wile E's ability to match with snark and they decide to be a bit more open with each other as he states he went into retirement like him, though Wile E was placed in here as a result of insanity.
Things can more complcated when A white haired princess, a elf/ogre and a demon enter the retirement and the two hide from them. Bender and Wile E learn that the three are looking for him as they intend to hire him to steal the map to the Infopshere from Kontas Becker. Bender remembers The Infosphere as Fry told him and the other Planet Express Members about his and Nibbler's adventure against the Brain Spawn which involved this. Bender thinks on finding it maybe if it means getting his answers to bring back his daugher, Brick and Butch or even to try and extend his life span. Wile E asks Bender who is he really and Bender tells Wile E his life story.
As he tells the Coyote about this, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells all arrive and they were all looking for him and Bender introduces them to Wile E. Slade gives Bender his proposition and Anti Cosmo tells Bender about the Infosphere. He is initially reluctant though as he is still reeling from his encounter with The Wolf and that he will chase him. However Luan talks Bender into joining the mission with the 4 of them and floats that The President hasn't heard in regards to his job offer for him. Bender agrees to help out if it will mean helping Luan and brings Wile E to join them under the assumption that they can get answers how to catch The Roadrunner at long last.
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan, Wile E and Harry manage to basically track where Kontas Becker is located and see him get the map as Bender finds out from Anti Cosmo and Slade, that some of the jobs from him have been dealing with Kontas and his men as they have muscling in on Slade's territory. The Six of them sneak into the hideout and encounter the same three character as well as Kontas Becker and his men. All of the parties fight each other over the map to the Infosphere, though outnumbered by Becker's men. Bender and the group manage to get the map thanks to some sneaky plays.
However this victory is shortlived, when he freaks out after hearing the whistle and sees the Wolf making a nonverbal threat to him by putting two coins on his eyes and The Wolf pointing his narrowest finger at Bender as an non verbal to him. He tells them that they need to speed up and now. With The Map in tow, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E with the map start their quest to find the Infosphere.
Chapter 2[]
He states that they had the map on their way but they had trouble to face to the others. He was asked about Hero being a villain and Bean against him. He reveals what occured next with them.
As Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Harry and Wile E make their quest on the map as they set into the woods. Bender talks with Luan about his intent for the sphere and that he wants it so he can find out how to bring back the people he cares about. Brick, Butch and his daughter. He wants to undo the mistake he feels he was reponsible. He is suprised to learn Luan has no reason to go after the sphere or any desires. As everyone else has a reason it seems, though Luan states she has everything she really needs and is living her life to the fullest now a days, as she did used to have such a mindset.
Bender is then asked about his running away deal truly and Bender does talk to Luan admitting that how the brave new world is, he has no idea how to deal with and compares it to culture shock and the Wolf was just that straw that broke the camel's back to her.
After a long trek through the woods they set up camp for the night as Bender snarks he doesn't need a tent respectfully as Wile E gets an Acme Tent kit. Though he is convinced by Luan and Anti Cosmo to at least have a sleeping bag after getting a laugh out of Wile E's inability to use a kit while he is writing .He hands Wile E one too after wards, Though Bender and Luan both manage to enjoy Marshmallows and blow molten Marshmallow in Wile E's Face by accident.
Bender and Harry then have a talk about their own situations with loved ones is similar. Harry doesn't dismiss Bender unlike Wile E and shows sympathy even lowing his blunt tone on top of that. Harry just wants an answer to bring his one remaining family member back to him and to try get a more healthy relationship with his daughter.
Bender is ambushed by Becker and Bean's Groups respectfully and fights them for the map respectfully. During this encounter though with The Cartel and Bean's Group, Bender hears the whistle and sees The Wolf drawing a sickle in one hand and an ace of spades in the other using his other scythe to scratch Bender's head into it. Bender runs from the battle with an panic attack
Luan manages to catch up to Bender as he is having his freakout and calms him down respectfully about it. Where the others find him and Bender tells the others that something came over him and caused him to run. Afterwards, He and the others then follow Slade to the sea as he uses a winch to get closer to the Infosphere
Chapter 3[]
Bender and Luan are both given certain questions from the others in regards to Bean, Hero, The Hooded Wolf, The Cartel and other stuff where they answer the questions they are given
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan, Wile E and Harry come across the sea as said as Slade's winch did work it seems. As they all check the sea while having a little fun other than Slade and Harry who are more serious. Everyone comes across what the other side looks and assume it's smooth sailing.
Bender finds something and decides to keep it with him for a memento afterwards after Harry informs him of his stuff and what he is up to in regards to something. Harry and Slade were busy constructing a boat for the group to take as Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Wile E were all playing admittingly. He is also reminded by Luan about Deathstroke offering him a job to work for him as a way to keep him safe as people are intent to come after Bender. Bender states he wants to get back to the president on this, but he has been thinking a lot about if he really wants to not. He tells Luan after they talked outside Slade's Manor and the Chrotle Pole, Bender considered just doing what the others were doing only taking regular job offers from Slade and AC and wasn't looking for anything else other than that. Luan tells Bender, the offer will stand.
Mutz, Hero and La Sombra find them and try to go after them on Becker's orders. Bender takes on La Sombra and his pirate crew with Wile E. He has a tense fight with Sombra and with the Coyote's help he drives off Sombra. But La Sombra and the other two managed to sink the ship during the face off. The Six look for a quick way to get to safety after Wile E's Acme Raft is a bust. They are saved by Oona and Princess Mora who offer to take them to their location across the tea
He is told of where they reside and is suspicious due to what he heard on Bean as Harry learned she comes from Dreamland and told him this, but He keeps that to himself, Just Like Anti Cosmo does. During this Wile E feels sea sick and Bender helps Wile E from his sea sick situation and the two discuss the matters that are leaving them there respectfully. He does show another bout of fear when he feels the hooded Wolf watching him and planting a chrysanthemum in the grass.
Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E are dropped off by Oona and Mora to continue their part of their quest.
Chapter 4[]
Bender calls intermission and when asked about Stan and Wendy he explains he knew them a long time before he met any of them as well as Anti Cosmo and Slade. He admits that even telling it now, it seemed like an eternity. Bender makes it obvious to Lincoln and Lydia during intermission that he knows the truth between them and their relationship. Bender finds out Anti Cosmo is here too as the girls found him wanting Ronnie Anne's's abula chicken cordon bieu. Bender rolls his eyes at this and tells Anti Cosmo to come in as he's telling the story of how he crossed to where he is now. After everyone gets back
Seeing some mountains pretty ahead of them, he conscribes that where they need to go next, despite the fact he is told about the map being needed.Having stolen hiking equipment previously, he hands it to Slade, Luan, Harrison and Wile E to help climb up the mountains However he is told to wait for the night respectfully
Bender, Luan, Slade and Wile E decide to take a nap and sleep respectfully, this is when Bender and Luan realize Slade has slept more than he ever has before hand which Anti Cosmo said he already noticed with this on the ship with Oona and Mora.
Night is upon them and the six deicide to take their hike into the mountains now with Harry leading the way with Bender as they head up while Wile E Coyote, Slade and Luan are behind them. Harry tries to h recite to Bender like he did to Anti Cosmo how he is going to talk to his daughter and Bender is more critical than AC as it's very clear to him that The Doc doesn't have much social skills. As they hike up, Bender get nearly freaked out again by seeing the Wolf's eyes, though Luan tells them that he ain't there.
The six reach the top, but they are greeted by Becker and his crew who intents to bring him in or kill him to get Anti Cosmo and Slade to surrender their continent through blackmail. During this encounter, He sees Stan and Wendy who tell him that they made Bean promise not to hurt him. During their 3 way fight, Bender steals the map from Bean, though Luan is taken from Bean and the others by accident. He and the others manage to kill more of Becker's men though scoring a blow against the Cartel.
After recovering the map, and noting Luan's kidnapping, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Wile E find Bean's tracks and follow them while placing the map together again. He swears Luan won't be hurt or he'll kill Bean and the others remembering Stan and Wendy's words to him.
Chapter 5[]
Bender learns Pinstripe was dealt by Team Free Will as well from Lydia, Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Anne, Luz and Cricket and tells them that what will come next will be important. He decides to have Anti Cosmo narrate the portion of the next part. Bender though decides to narrate the crucial point to them.
The 5 of them continue to follow the footsteps until they find where Bean and her friends are. Because of what the situation really is, Bender is told by Slade to stay put with Wile E as they will do so. Slade suspects Bender will jump to find Luan and may take some reckless actions to do just that.
Staying somewhere, Bender and Wile E talk about Bender's own reasons for the infosphere and how the deaths of Brick, Butch and Stardash affected him. As well his frustrations regarding the truth about the former two as he needed to keep his distance from his friends. This bothered him and made him feel unworthy of the trust his friends have for him. Bender decides to go looking for a quick way to the Infosphere, so he can make sure Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry can use it with him.
Bender stumbles into a cavern of sorts and encounters his past lives in them, despite initally liking this due to how much he loves himself. Bender gets annoyed with his past selves, lives and their disregard of his friends and how he's changed. Bender cusses them off as he leaves, but The Wolf arrives on him spooking him as The Wolf taunts him about his near deaths and how he was there for all them.
The Wolf shows Bender the 11 tallies on his sickles to him like a clock
- Joker's attempt to kill him in Slade Strikes Back
- What happened to him in LOTM: The Disney Angels at a mind controlled Emperor X
- The Incident that nearly resulted in the multiverse after Hunson Abadeer's defeat
- Discord nearly taking him out with Skipper, Heloise and The Ponies
- The Situation Bender got into with Tuxedo Lovelace
- Almost get wiped out by the second Big Bang with Slade, Skipper and Anti Cosmo
- Predaking nearly killing him under anger that he killed his kind
- The Niburu Entity almost killing him and the others
- Eobard Thawne and Toffee nearly taking him out
- What Darkseid did it to him
- What happened at the very start with the monster in Mexico.
He points to Bender every single near frivolous end Though Bender never noticed him any of those times. The Wolf throws Bender's mocking and laughing at the face of death back in his face and points out Bender isn't laughing now or acting all mocking. It dawns upon Bender, to his very real horror that The Wolf is Death and learns that Death is here for him. Bender states Death can't get him as he's not dead, But he learns Death is making an exception and coming for him personally for all the times Bender showed a lack of regard for live over all his multiple timelines/lives. Death calls out Bender for treating mortality like a game and feels Bender doesn't appreciate the valuable gift of live, then he doesn't deserve it.
Death feels he is doing Bender a favor as a result to take him which Bender states he is cheating. Death just shuts him up saying not to tell and admits that he knows he overstepping his bounds by attempting to kill Bender before his time, But Death has been so angered by Bender's attitude towards the mortal coil that he is breaking those rules and getting personally involved. Bender refuses to fully buy he's Death saying he's just trying to further spook him.
Death decides to make his point fully, he shows Bender the multiverse if he wasn't around and where his friends were all be. Death points out that the story was always Bender's and he never realized it. As Death shows him more, he states that Bender never realized the personal effects he had on the multiverse. So much wouldn't of happened if he didn't crash into the past, and people's lives would worse if he didn't arrive in the past calling M.O.D.A.B and The B Team in particular and that it's clear his presence effected everyone and how he his own daughter wouldn't exist if he wasn't there. Death tells Bender that he really had a wonderful life, and makes it obvious that Bender needs to see what mistake he made to not consider it.
Bender is now truly convinced he is indeed the literal embodiment of death and flees for his life with Death on his tail appearing in reflections laughing and telling to run. Death even jump scares him before he even leaves. The others all see him and he runs pasts the other as they see him which confuses the gang.
He is called out by Slade and Harry for being a coward yet again, though for different reasons as Harry was doing it out of worry, As for Slade, it's because he stressed about what Becker did to him and his own land. Anti Cosmo and Luan believe this isn't the case unlike them. As Bean and the others get them on their way, Bender tells Luan that Death was after him and literally. Bender points that he could never imagine that he pissed off the Grim Reaper so much to the point that Death saw Bender being alive as an affront to him, and the fact Death made a exception to his own rules to kill him something Death has rarely done.
Luan reveals she knew Death too, but needed confirmation from Bender on this. After Luan explains her own encounter, Luan advises Bender the best way to deal with the mortal coil, is to accept the inevitable and live to the fullest and fight for it. Both groups get just about there to the Infosphere
Chapter 6[]
He thanks Anti Cosmo for his work in narrating the events, and decides to take the next part from here as, he and Luan talk to Anti Cosmo and reveal what he states is the climax.
The heroes find the infosphere at the top of the mountain and they find it's power is enough to do some downright destructive stuff respectively Apart from Luan, Stan and Wendy, all the heroes compete to get to the Infosphere and who should be the one using it. Bender's reason is so he can find the way to get his deceased friends back Becker arrives on spot with his men intend to take them all out at once and Becker calls himself Death to make his point clear.
Bender and Luan both roll their eyes at Becker calling himself Death have dealt with Death straight up and Bender states how this guy is clearly a guy Death would probably want to reap at some point or enjoy to do. Bender, Bean and Slade all agree to hold off Becker lethally and while they will fight they will do it non lethally.
Bender engages in a huge fight with Tuco Salamanca, Tuco's Cousins , The Terrible Trio, and Norman Stansfield with his friends to stop Becker from getting that Infosphere. This is in part to how big Becker's group is against them respectfully and apart from The Cousins, he basically manages to kill them respectfully. As the fight ultimately commencesLuan manages to get the request printed out and gives it to Bender, Luan states she doesn't know what to do with it. She wants him to use it as he may need it the most. Before he can, Death's whistle is heard and now everyone is hearing it not just Bender.
Death shows up into the arena like nothing and Anti Cosmo asks who is he, Bender states The wolf is here for him. Death is noted by Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Wile E, Bean, Elfo, Luci, Oona, Mora, Zog, Stan, Wendy, Captain Hero and Nacho Varga as Death slams his scythes and errects a hell fire wall to prevent any one from getting involved while blowing Anti Cosmo away harmlessly with Luan and Slade saving him and the three watching above the others. Death states that he enjoyed this chase, but they reached the end and Death calls Bender a coward and sees his reasons for trying to get the Infosphere as an another to further disrespect him while kiddingly stating he's trying to find a way to never die.
Death taunts will he do that that, or will Bender fight him. After some hesitance and fear emerging, he begins to think about his life at that point and realizes yes he's got a life that he will fight for. Death uses his usual "lives flashing before his eyes" quote. Bender states he's got a life flashing before him and that he is done running and echos the words Luan said to them and states if Death wants a fight he'll get one.
Death is pleased and states how this is going to be fun. The Two engage in their duel with everyone else watching this fight with Luan, Anti Cosmo and Slade watching close up. The Robot does much better than last time, making it even and scoring some hits on Death. Death then puts back Bender back on the ropes when Death combines his sickles and nearly finishes him. He does this by knocking Bender's weapon out of his hand and slashing his right leg and arm respectfully. However thanks to quick thinking and remembering what Luan gave him earlier in a funny business Dagger. Bender used this to save him and slashing his weapon and slams downwards with both hands to knock Death to the floor.
Bender repeats what Death told him in their first encounter to pick it up. He does admit he will never defeat Death no matter how hard he tries. This to be true as Bender did put a very real effort to fight him. Bender though has accepted this, but he will never stop fighting for the people he cares about and for this life he has build for himself. Bender goes far to admit he will make mistakes even after this, but it won't matter so much now that he has people and a life to fight for. Death is naturally annoyed, and he has a tirade about he shouldn't have toyed with him so much. Death however accepts that he learned his lesson and spares him and will accept that as a win on his part. The hooded Wolf leaves telling him to that live of his well and cherish it Death reminds Bender that they will cross paths again eventually which he agrees to
Meeting back with Anti Cosmo and Luan, Slade apologizes on everyone's behalf about Death and Bender gives Slade the Infosphere request to him. Slade turns this down in part to his own realization in turn. Becker returns and tries to kill them all with Uroboros which Anti Cosmo, Slade and himself remember from Wesker. Bender sits it out as he is still reeling from his fight with Death, though he does keep Hero save death from Becker trying to kill him before that point.
During the fight with Becker the others are having, Bender and Wile E recognize the way to stop him and get Luan to get the others to destroy the Infosphere as Anti Cosmo and Slade have him killed. This works and Anti Cosmo and Slade both destroy Kostas Becker as they make their way to safety with their own weapons. With Becker dead, Zog and Luci both have propositions for him respectfully and Bender offers Captain Hero , Luan and Wile E. He tells Luan he is taking Deathstroke's job offer and wants her to be his partner/sidekick in the proposition he has made with Luci and Zog. This being he'll work with them in Dreamland and decide to be a Multiversal detective/P.I While using Dreamland and Luci's bar as a cover for the time being
Harry takes Bender and Luan home respectfully to see their respective families. Anti Cosmo reminds him he will be seeing that money, Slade and him promised despite what happened he would be paid.
He is asked what became of everyone involved and when down afterwards.
Bender got made to where the others are in and asks them did they get what he send them when he was in Mexico. They ask why he came back, he explains to them his reasoning. He also visits Kid, Makoto and The Scorpion Squad as well and catches up with them. Upon seeing Dib and the rest of M.O.D.A.B and he states he's back and they state what he was doing, Bender states he was looking for himself. Skipper, Heloise and Starfire ask if Luan found him and Bender states he did.
He goes to see Deathstroke with Luan and Wile E and accepts his job offer and introduces Wile E to Saul Goodman. He is informed by Gus Fring who came as well that he is aware he and his group took on the Cartel and also came to get him involved in his war with the Cartel.
Bender and Luan observe how Anglesmith and Loud Associates is built as Luci shows them the unused space that the people of Dreamland are working on. Luan and Bender get the blue prints for how to design their area. With Bean, Hero and Wile E he recruits others to help him with his startup. He went with Wile E to get his protege and learns of how Wile E did with Goodman in regards to ACME.
Bender and Luan talk to Slade and Anti Cosmo about the development of their projects and what they're all going to now.
With the end in sight, he tells the others that's how it came to and everyone goes to sleep. He and Anti Cosmo are apporached by Lincoln and Lydia about his situation regarding Starlight, Brick and Butch. Bender admits it was still hard for him, Anti Cosmo and Slade to put their event behind them. It wasn't like Bender has someone like they had each other, but something did help. The Robot states that he still made mistakes and dumb ones, though nothing like that.
Bender is last sitting in his office observing all his times he made the papers and hears Luci and Elfo saying he has someone wanting to see him. It turns out this is was Marcy Wu and this final scene took place right before Bender entered Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult.
Double Life Emergence[]
Bender serves as one of the main characters of the storyline and is one of the 4 main protagonists alongside Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo. He is after a case in the mexican China Town and his investigations lead into a bigger conspiracy.
Act 1[]
Episode 1[]
Bender hangs with M.O.D.A.B like usual all the while having to watch his back as he realizes that he is being followed by assassins as he notices the same person every time he notices this. When Jimmy Neutron mentions The Space Bandits looking for a way to do good after leaving the League of Villains. Bender decides to hire them to his P.I Group with Luan and he goes to Retrovile to do just that.
After succeeding at this, Bender goes with the others to call a meeting about the assassinations that have made on them as well as Wile E taking a new client for them to all look into China Town. He decides to inform Anti Cosmo this, so they should keep their backs guarded and get Slade's advice on this. Bender took part in killing the replacement leader's and stopping his plan alongside his allies so he has his reasons to do this. Bender decides to go to Deathstroke and gets his help and his allies, As he leaves he is warned by Saul and Mike that he should be careful about living a double life.
He sends the Space Bandits to do their investigation as he gets ready, this is when he notices the twins alongside WIle E And G-Lo who are sending a message to them. He then picks up Luan, Stan and Wendy so they can leave for China Town.
Bender also meets Slade and his allies who are here as well on the growing Cartel actions, He learns that his client is Morgana who is Darkwing's Girlfriend which suprises him as well as her, he has to stop her from going after Slade as they're allies and to learn what's going on down to China Town.
Episode 2[]
Bender learns from Morgana while she is down in China Town to help with her entprernuring side before she returns to Darkwing and Gosalyn and what she before the events down there, this is when Bender writes the notes in his note pad with Slade observing what's going on. The two realize that Morgana unknowingly put herself in the game with some of her heroic work and discuss to themselves their options.
Considering this, Bender decides to go with Luan, Wile E, Stan, Bean, Wendy, G-LO, Elfo, The Space Bandits, Morgana, Harry Wells and Nacho to go around every area Morgana was when it came to crime stopping and analyze from there. This proves what he suspects as he and Luan had the Zix, Travoltron and Tee do intel and found out every single crime she stopped was in a way connected to the multiverse Cartel and they begin to suspect that The Cartel had taking actions against her for getting involved against them something they share with Wile E and Harrison. Wile E and Harry agree and the 4 ask Morgana about her crime work and she does explain that she stopped small time criminals from committing crimes and found out embezzling crimes too and Bender straight out tells her it's an organized crime racket she was after. Morgana asks what he knows about it, The 4 of them tell her she's involved in Cartel stuff and by stopping their crimes she is in the game.
Bender, Slade, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Stan Marsh, Wendy Testaburger, G-LO, Wile E and Jesse Wells all meet up to discuss what they found with Bender telling Slade that they were right, Morgana has gotten herself in the game and pretty much indirectly while learning what Slade found out from his informant. They decide to go take in a play that came from P.S 38 about a Double 007 parody where they stop and he even notices some cartel members in Riff Raff and Jack Horner trying to take a shot at the lead actress who Bender, Wile E, G-Lo and Jesse decide to go after with Jesse using her speed to stop them and then Bender, WIle E and G-LO tying up and beating them. Discovering that the lead actress is Dee Dee Holoaway who herself stumbled into Cartel Activity, Luan convinces him to help her and keep her out of trouble which they all do by heading to her family's hotel.
This is short lived when many gunshots are heard, some loud and some quiet and it's from the Cartel mainly Anton Chregituh, Galf, The Cousins, Hardley, Jack Horner and Doug Stampler. He asks the others to stay down as he decides to go through with this as he faces off with Jack Horner and Doug Stampler with as he joins Slade, Harry, Wile E, Bean, G-LO, Captain Hero, Anti Cosmo, Celes and Nacho to fight off the Cartel's assassins and gunmen as he has Luan work with Jesse to insure Dee Dee isn't sniped for learning what she shouldn't have.
They do manage to drive them off for the time being when Mike Enhmatraut arrives on Deathstroke's orders who helped Bender and co deal with The Cartel killers. Mike tells him and his friends that the Cartel has been keeping eyes since they arrived and reveals who was trying to snipe his friends and Bender begins to question alongside Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo who the spear of destiny possibly brought back when learning Anton Chireguth who Bender knew a while ago was the one who tried to kill his team and may have eyes on Dib and the others too.
With Luan, Wile E, Stan and Dee Dee, Bender goes back to Morgana and they decide to try her and her family's food as they all discuss what Dee Dee saw at her scene of the crime, learning that the Cartel was planning to take revenge on those who killed their previous leader the bandit Chakai, the two traitors in Igancio and Lesile and to get rid of the biggest hinderances to them. Dee Dee points out by everythat has gone on it's pretty much easy to tell it's Bender and them who The Cartel is trying to kill. Bender admits he likes the food through everyone does apart from Luan as Morgana asks for opinons. The 5 consider opening up the restaurant and to observe and see what The Cartel potentially does to Morgana.
Bender, Luan, Wile E and Stan all then head out to join Slade, Anti Cosmo, Jesse and Nacho so they can observe the cameras of the bar where Slade and Anti Cosmo met Tortuanga and find out he was taken and abducted by the Cartel mainly The Cousins and Juan Bolsa. Zix brings something to his attention and they all head out with Tee commenting on the fact it's a turtle but it has a head on it. Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Stan, Wile E, and Jessie Wells all find a truly horrific fate for Slade's Informant as Tortuga was decaptivated by Bolsa and The Cousins, put on a turtle's head and stuffed with explosives which blew up straight near the seven of them and this causes sheer shock in Stan and Jesse in particular as the other 5 try to recover their lunch from the sheer sight of what happened. This doesn't take too much time due to Slade's own Sladebots trying to attack Slade and the others, Bender helps Slade take them out for getting back to the others.
Afterwards, The Cops on the Cartel's payroll try to arrest the heroes and Slade's group for using explosives in a highly populated area, though they decide to just settle for Captain Hero due to him being a traitor to the Cartel and the others have to fold them considering where they are and the risk of whacking a cop could bring into lawful or more dangerous Cartel members.
Episode 3[]
He is trying to figure the sheer insanity of what he just saw though he takes it better than Stan and Jesse who are rather sick of the sheer brutality of the actions commited by the Cartel to Tortuga for selling info to Slade. Which he discusses with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan which they themselves are quite baffled by such actions by Don Bolsa and The Cousins, Luan is suprisingly not sick at all this which has him, Anti Cosmo and Slade a bit concerned, when Luan tells them that she is just steeling herself knowing it wouldn't do them any favors to wince though Stan and Jesse is acceptable.
Luan, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade then decide that they need to put Dee Dee's family into witness projection for the sakes of Dee Dee due to what they know on what happened. Joined by Wile E, Elfo and Celes, the 7 of them ask Dee Dee what else did she overhear during her snooping. Dee Dee informs them that she does know they were behind sabotage of Morgana's restaturant and that they have some kind of revenge plot they're plotting against the two traitors, in the Jingo supe and Varga for backstabbing Becker and working for Bender and Slade in turn, and it will be worse than what they did to Tortuga. Elfo asks what could be worse than what they did to him not knowing what happened. Wile E, Bender and Luan who saw it tell him he really doesn't want to know what they did to Slade's informant
Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Luan discuss what they have to do in their actions regarding Morgana's restaurant and The Slade bot malfunction. Bender and Luan decide to help Morgana while Anti Cosmo and Slade decide to look into the Slade bots. Joined by Stan, Wendy, Jesse Wells, Dee Dee and Wile E they enter Morgana's restaurant for the opening night. Wile E and Dee Dee are placed on steakout mode by him, though he questions why Dee Dee is dressed as a Bobcat, which everyone questions when Dee Dee says she is doing so because no one will suspect a cat. He rolls his eyes at this as does the others apart from Luan who gets it. Bender, Luan, Stan, Wendy and Jesse all get their seats and eat what they order with Luan admitting it is growing on her the food as they watch customers come in though Midas, Glowface and Lorenzo come in as well which gets some suspcion from Bender and Luan about the eagle's entry and Morgana's uncomfortableness around him. This is proven when many of the customers at her restaurant go crazy and devolve due to sabotage from Milton tampering with the food and they start to go after Bender and the others as Wile E and Dee Dee note and warn him about. Bender, Stan, Wendy, Luan and Jesse all get ready to take on the rest of the infected citzens of the restaruant
During the struggle, he calls Deathstroke and tells him alongside Luan and Wile E Coyote about what is going on and Deathstroke is aware of what is going on and informs him that he discovered it was Milton MIdas who he suspects and he laced the food with Flavor Blasted Beardy Yum Yums partials which Dee Dee knows is indeed dangerous as she butts in to the trio's call. Bender, Luan and Wile E come to realize that because she knew that that might be why The Cartel was trying to whack her as Midas might be the bird they're after. He gets an idea from Wile E and he gets all the others to get the water buckets and stuff for holding water to hydrate every customer who was placced under the flavor blasted beardy yum yums effect which Morgana provides and they manage to stop the effects. Though Morgana's first night was a success she is left shaken by the encounter with Milton Midas which he and the others notice, though Morgana dodges Bender's questioning.
Meeting back with Slade, Anti Cosmo and the rest, Bender informs him of what he and his posse dealt with on their hands on Morgana's first night, and learns about Anton's resources with how he managed to acquire such stuff. Bender also noted that he saw Midas wasn't alone when he came in and how Morgana was spooked by his presence which she refuses to tell him or Luan about. Anti Cosmo and Slade inform him of what else happened and they decide to have Nacho and Hero who escaped prison use what the Cartel forget to do with them to set something up with Midas to investigate him.
Through Nacho, Hero and The Space Bandits, Bender manages to set up a potential business meeting with Midas to learn what he may know on Morgana and his actions he commited there. He is warned by Morgana not to go after Milton, Bender reminds the witch that since she won't tell him then he'll find out himself. Luan, Slade and Wile E have wires pretty much ready to put on Bender so he can record the events since Bender wants the info as he foes. They also agree on letting Dee Dee see her parents to see if they're doing okay where they are as well.
Episode 4[]
Bender and WIle E check up on Stan and Wendy and learns of their experimentation with the snack that the former found as it looked unusual. The two already suspected something was afoot due to their call to Deathstroke as what was going on at that restaurant. Bender informs Stan and Wendy that while they intend to find it's secrets of Flavored Beard Yummy YUms, he is going to establish a meeting with Midas and that he is going to get the bottom of what the eagle knows.
Wile E, Slade, Jessie, Luci, Nacho and The Space Bandits help establish Bender's arrangement spot for his meeting with Milton Midas, so he can undercover the infomation he seeks from MIlton. Morgana tries one more time to convince him not to go after Midas, Bender eggs her about her fear of him before he does. She says if he ain't getting it earlier, he won't get it now. Bender tells that if she is that way he's going.
Bender on cue arrives and Midas does as well. Midas and Bender discuss the business matters of the former and the robot. Bender adjusts the wire so Midas can say what he needs to hear and sends it over to Slade, Luan and Wile E who are registering the info. Bender is able to figure out Midas is a businessman and learns of his organziation and manages to deceive Midas in revealing he managed to get control of the Eeww Corporation and that they released a new snack that's organic which Bender automatically figures is the very snack that Stan found which he keeps to himself and has the trio keep track of this. Bender also questions him about Morgana and discovers that Morgana and Milton were associated with each other for a while as the former was building her business about 8 months ago. Midas attempts to bribe him but this doesn't go underway and he has his own kid to look after.
Returning to Slade, Wile E and Luan, the 4 review the info, Slade decides to keep the info in case as the 3 feel Milton is indeed very sketchy and corrupt, but Slade isn't so sure that Midas is messing with his technology or even was who ordered the cartel to go after it. Bender didn't think that one as he admits, though does inform Slade and Luan that he does a having feeling Milton wouldn't have said anything anyway
Stan, and Wendy call down Dee Dee, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells, The Space Bandits, Morgana, Celes Chere and Jessie Wells, It turns out that Stan discovered that the Flavored Beard Yummy Yums were indeed the cause of what happened at Morgana's restaurant. Bender confirms he had a feeling and Midas confessed he pushed it as Wendy and Stan inform how it all works. Dee Dee, Bender and Wile E tell Morgana about what history would she have with Midas to invoke that kind of sabotage from him. Morgana just explains she turned down a money deal from Midas and he tried to force himself to be a partner in her business. The Space Bandits are able to confirm where every vending machine is with the snack and Bender decides to pry out his crow bar to start looting which he says with joy as the party goes after all the vending machines.
Though The Space Bandit's intel, Bender manages with Slade's Crew and his guys to destroy the vending machine, though he does keep himself to stay away from Norton, Hadley, Chief of Police and Officer Affable who are being alerted of the destruction where he destroyed his side with Wile E, Luan, Morgana, Celes and Stan. Once they're out of plain sight, Bean and the others get back and tell him of what happened to Anton's supplier which he killed. Getting another tip from Zix, they head to the reservoir to discover what's happened down there. As the heroes investigate all the water being moved and diverted away which Morgana even mentions to him. Titan also is on the scene and makes his enterance chatting about how nice farmland is for the family referring to Morgana who he apologizes for having Midas on her back despite being one of his employers as he tells Bender he's not here to fight, but to discourage from looking further that what lies at the end of the hole is not something he or his friends will like. Though he serves The Cartel, Titan mentions if it's truly his concern it'll go on a long way to get out of the game.
For Morgana's second night, Bender decides to regail the tales of how they all put a damage on the corrupt coporation of Ewww as Bender is clearly intent on discovering what is going on as what Titan has suggested. Calling up Mop Girl with Wile E Coyore, the trio decide to go back to the reservoir and investigate though Elfo, Dee Dee, Harry and Jessie decide to join him suspcious as well and to discover what else could be going on beside what's going on with the water in a season like this. Unknown to him, Jack Horner is tailing him with El Mar Verde and what Spot and Dr.Chang worked on.
Episode 5[]
Bender arrives at the reservoir with Wile E, Mop Girl, Dee Dee, Harry and Jessie Wells he investigates using photography with Wile E so they can continue looking into what it really going on here. The robot gets ambushed by Jack Horner, El Mar Verde, Blockers and A Captain Hero clone, Bender decides to take on Jack Horner to prevent him from doing anything against them all. He fights off with the others and also takes out some blockers as well. He is able to save Dee Dee alongisde Wile E and Mop Girl who was threatened and they end up going down the aqueduct
The 4 of them are getting flushed down the reservoir and are being pursued by The Hero Clone which does gets sunken in by the water. Bender, Wile E, Dee Dee and Mop Girl all end up almost sucked in by the water and hit the gate though Elfo is able to open up the hatch for them all to get out which they do. Mop Girl does decide to leave with her info in tact as she did discover some other stuff other than stuff to the two
Bender tells Luan and the others about what he and Dee Dee saw that night as Harry informs Slade and Anti Cosmo about the Blockers. He decides to help Morgana with her farm work and brings in Anti Cosmo, Stan, Wendy, Celes, Dee Dee and The Space Bandits to come along for the ride with them. As they arrive to the farm, Bender goes with Dee Dee, Anti Cosmo and the Space Bandits to investigate the land and water noting the value has gone down and the drought in their area has been clearing effecting Morgana's ability to grow crops as they discover
When the farm is under attack by crazy animals, Bender decides he has to go after them himself and he gets a hammer and later a rifle to deal with the animals all the while protecting Stan and Wendy from the animals in case they attack them. He does decide to bag the animals so they can take them to Caldera so they can study what caused the animals to reek havoc. He discovers Tomatoes laced with tobacco which he finds neat for a second as he suspects Midas did this though has no proof on this.
He and Anti Cosmo present their info to the others and tell them of what they found at the Farm with Luan and Slade exchanging back with them and Bender and AC consider the other farm lands might be a target as well.
Episode 6[]
Bender's hunch manages to get some idea as they decide to check 5 other farms out of town which could be affected as well. Slade recurits Bender to help check Green Farms with Anti Cosmo and himeslf as He alongside Anti Cosmo and Slade are likely the top 3 targets of the Cartel so big fish might be going after them if possible.
Before the trio can make their leave, Luan and Harry tell them of their actions with Deathstroke when it comes to Merlyn and Guzma being imprisoned due to Midas suing for the snacks he peddled to others and contimated Morgana's restaurant on opening night. Bender just adds this to his list of reasons he wants to take down that eagle as Slade informs of his lack of suprise as the two wired recorded him.
Dee Dee, Stan and Wendy share their theories of a conspiracy and corruption in a water park being open during this point of the year and with the drought in China Town with Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Wile E. Due to dealing with a the irregualtion of the water system with Wile E and investigating it that night with Harry and Dee Dee and agrees to check on it later.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade arrive at Green Family farms and learn it was purchased by a billionaire, though Slade doesn't see any billionaire on the premises and decides to raid it but gently. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all begin taking a look around and discover the history of the farms and the many curses it has dealt with. Slade teases Bender about something he learned Nancy Green did in regards to the farm being something he would totally do. Bender though does have a history on the farmland and who may have acquired the farm land, he even notes the initials looked familiar.
Warden Norton arrived armed to arrest Bender for allowing Hero to escape and abetting Zix, Travoltron and Tee in his old endeavors. Norton intends to have Pablo kill him and his 2 partners in crime as well. Bender decides to go hell with this and just kill his guards, Slade stops Bender from doing so noting Norton is trying to stop them from exposing the truth and decides to blackmail the Warden which works for the time being.
Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender then return to the others and tell them of their encounter with Norton and what they discovered at the Greens' country farm and what had happened as Slade mentions the curses of the Green Farms which was there before hand and how each generation has a curse and says the drought could be one for this one. Bender says that through his investigation that he figured out Milton brought the Green Farms and that would explain why Norton came after them.
Bender and Wile E Coyote end up getting involved in the loop with Mike, Deathstroke, Luan and Harry and learn what is going with Merlyn and Guzma that Pablo is intend to kill them with Norton's complicity as well as the bail plan. Bender decides to go screw it and try to break them out as he suspects the bail Saul and Number 2 got set is just a scam which he gets Luan, Harrison, Elfo, Luci, Bean and Captain Hero to agree with. Deathstroke does talk him down pointing out the restraining order the President and his men are under and how Bender will be further incrminated potentially if he does.
Learning of what Zix, Travoltron and Tee were all up to in looking into Lake Chapala, Bender decides to do that instead as Slade doesn't warn to risk this as he discusses this with Wile E, Stan, Wendy, Anti Cosmo. Noticing Dee Dee and her increasingly anxiety, he decides to hand her a burner phone to talk to her parents so the call can't be tracked which he discusses with Slade and Anti Cosmo as she talks about the risks considering they're in the game here.
He, Wile E, Bean and Captain Hero discover Luan is still intent to break Deathstroke's associates out as she agreed with Bender's suspicions and Bender tries to talk her out of it as Luan shouldn't do what he is doing and he wants her to be better than this. He intents to stop Luan from doing anything wreckless, though Mike assures Bender that he will keep his eye on her and protect her if it comes down to it. Bender makes sure Mike and Deathstroke keep their word as he goes to start his lake investigation team picks. He decides to pick Dee Dee, Wile E, Stan, Wendy, Luci and G-LO to join him on this mission.
Act 2[]
Episode 7[]
Bender, Stan, Wile E, Dee Dee, Luci, Wendy and G-LO all make their way to Lake Chapula to investigate the water project and they getting a suprise from G-LO, as she brought in her partner Biceps to help with this. As well as Captain Putty who Biceps and G-LO have some working relationship with to look into the water. Avoiding Milton Midas, who is also here, he with Wile E, Luci and Dee Dee does manage to undercover something and after finding and interrogating Pi-PI. They discover that some of the water has been getting transplanted to his water park.
Curious he and the gang head there with they discover urine in the water which Bender mocks humans for constantly having to go urinate. He does manage to locate something though with Wile E and Luci. The three discover something though upon breaking into the control room and notice that Pi-Pi is hoarding plenty of the water supply and is holding on to the Tomacco and Bearded Flavored Yums which means he is connected to Midas like he thought but also he sees an project about farm lands though it's vague.
When G-LO and Biceps discover the corpse of the water comissioner, Bender and the others are forced to leave by Captain Putty who closes off the Park due to the dead body found. Undettered he and his friends leave with the info acquried and with Anti Cosmo and Slade also joining after their look into the mole of their empire. The three exchange notes and observations as they return to the rest of the group.
Episode 8[]
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Dee Dee, WIle E, Stan, Wendy, Luci, G-LO, Jessie and Nacho put what they gathered to look into with the brotherhood of evil, The Midas connection all the while trying to see how this is connected to Morgana. As all of them think this is mostly a bit whack for them to deal with, Bender knows Pi-Pi works for Midas considering what he saw there.
Due to a pit stop being needed for the kids afterwards, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender end up discovered a secret lab where G-Lo and Luci decide to help and call Bicep of what they found. The Others then join suit despite Jessie and Nacho's reluctance. Bender takes out a shotgun and holds it up ready to take a shot at anything though G-LO was able to get her boss to come up and help break them in. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo with the others do discover some stuff down in the lab,
Bender, Dee Dee, Wile, Stan, Luci, G-LO, Bicep and Captain Putty discover Doug Judy, Bunny and Claude and can tell they were on drugs. Bender and Luci can tell this is the effect of drugs and considering their own history. He runs into Spot and Frank Underwood who confirm this to him and the gang all show distrust towards the two especially Frank. But Bender does at least decide to take the drug himself with Wile E, G-Lo and Luci. Bender is completely unaffected by Bliss as the other 3 watch and take the samples for research.
With Slade's team paying respects to their allies that the Cartel killed in the lab, Bender investigates with Dee Dee, Wile E, Stan, Luci and G-LO the files Slade did find and they are able to narrow it down to a few culprits. Gizmo, Mammoth who tried to partner with Slade with the Hive Headmistress, Slade's musclemen Cinderblock, Overload, Plasmius, Professor Chang or Red X dealt with The Cartel as he was turned down from his offer to disolve Slade's dead allies body by Slade and Anti Cosmo considering that's how they got rid of Chakai.
On the way back, Luan, Bean, Hero, Celes and the Bandits tell them about the Bliss Drug as they go on back and what they noticed with Mike and some other guy. Slade, Bender and the others do note that this is what may have happened with Slade's lackeys and the three henchmen that Frank Underwood and Spot tipped off them on.
With how everyone got back to base and Bender discusses what he and his friends managed to discover at the Water Park. He also learns Morgana is prengant and rather late along at that which has him suspcious considering how long she was gone. Before he can answer further, he is suprised to see Felicity arrive and how she has news for him, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry.
Episode 9[]
Felciity shows the video footage to Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan and Dee Dee to show how Midas got his hands on Bliss. Showing the evidence of Milton killing Skumm and acquiring some other precious properties too, though neither of them are identifed yet by the heroes. He and Slade brush off how Skumm could have returned chalking to the spear of destiny despite Anti Cosmo's concerns. Though Bender does add to his file of the case he was officially building to throw at Midas once his plan is foiled hence why he is biding his time, Slade does remember this as well.
Bender and Slade's group go to look around for the bliss to destroy it, only to run into teens and kids on Bliss who are out to kill them as Midas has ordered their deaths and even gave them firearms with Pablo and Machine Head leading this. It turns into an all out Mexican stand off between the heroes, Midas Pablo and Machine Head, Hector and The Cousins and Big Jack Horner
Throughout the struggle, Bender notices Midas and chases him with Wile E following as well as Stan, Wendy and Luan. As Bender decides to keep building the case against him as well as Wile E and The Robot is pretty much out to insure he gets everything MIdas has done recorded so he can take him out right there and then. Luan, Stan and Wendy join when it comes to loyalty and the fact Stan and Wendy take Midas's environmental damage seriously.
Bender, Luan, Stan, Wile E and Wendy corner Milton Midas and go to rip him apart and corner him for his plans something Bender is content to do to find out the truth with a gun to his head. Midas is able to insure they back off from him by reffering to the kids and teens who are overdosing and how he may have escaped being Blissed, but he can make it more. Bender though does rescue Officer Affable from this and he tells Stan, Luan and Wendy they don't need to see this as he notes the effects of the dead kids that Midas's actions caused their lives to end soon.
The Group retread what they saw happen, and Felicity goes to return to Deathstroke and the others with what happened. With Putty deciding to cover it up to take care of it. Though they are able to get the Bliss and the other drugs away from the public. It does seem to be a bit of an actual problem for them as they are noticing how they were present during a mass death situation and that the Police will likely pin it on them which Bender feels will be easier than easy due to him and Slade both being criminals.
Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo decide to bring Dee Dee to her folks in witness protection for a night which he cooked for them without experimenting. With Slade and Anti Cosmo, Bender discovers something else associated with EWW Corp as well and steals a boat to get to an isle. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo discover an isle full of garbage from Midas's company discovering ashes and an decaying corpse.
Wile E and Luan are called by the trio with what they found and that they will need to make a report on this and that they need someone to check on it referring to Mop Girl which Wile E agrees to and tells them then when they return, hand him what they found and he'll get it over to her. Though Bender shares this also with Stan, Bean, Celes and Harry as well upon his, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Dee Dee's return thinking someone tried to and failed to take down the Cartel other than themselves recalling what he saw at the lake, reservoir and water park with them.
Episode 10[]
Captain Putty arrives to confirm that Midas has build a case against the heroes as a result of what happened. Bender, Luan, Slade and AC all don't seem too suprised by this. Bender suspects Putty is lying, but he won't take this chance as he, Anti Cosmo and Slade tell Luan that they blackmailed the warden earlier who tried to arrest them.
Morgana hijacks a car and takes to for the heroes to arrive back at her farm where Celes inform Morgana of the orgiins of the monster alongside Anti Cosmo and Bender who also know about Plasmius due to their time with Slade. Bender hold a sonic cannon in his hand and that he is going to attack Plasmius as soon as arrive which comes from the Teen Titans who Slade opposed. Wendy doesn't think a super hero fit will do the trick so Morgana just uses her magic to go into the phone destroyer costumes
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Stan and Morgana's team all arrive at Morgana's farm and they do indeed find Plasmius and how Midas brought chemical waste to her Morgana's farm which breaks her and Midas shows up asking how she likes his makeover to her farm. Morgana threatens to turn him in mush and she is taunted that she shouldn't stress by Midas as it's back for the kid. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Stan and the others notice these words. Midas has Plasmius attack them. Anti Cosmo, Bender, Stan, Wendy, Celes and Bean all take arms and begin to fight Plasmius who uses his acid spitting powers, shape shifting and limb sturcure against them.
Anti Cosmo and Bender are able to put Plasmius to sleep and decide to keep him contained. Though this is when the acid rain storm starts on their side which melts the farm over and Midas says that he will do this to anyone who resists his buying plans. Luci stll has the recording Bender needed for Midas .The heroes, manage to escape though Celes, Stan and Wendy were at least able to save Morgana's crops though that doesn't do much for her. Bender and Anti Cosmo both try to get more out of Morgana about her lack of action and how Midas knows about this. Morgana says it is none of their business and to stop pushing her. Bean tells off the two for constantly forcing this.
Bender and Anti Cosmo discover from Deathstroke and Felcity that it was Midas who instigated the acid rain which they knew about. But what the two didn't know is that and are informed of this is that Midas's development plans are all about controlling both money and resources as Deathstroke and his team are now in the hidden bunker due to it.
All The heroes all return to each other from their treks and inform each other of what happened on their own ends as well as to what expect. The Heroes now know that they must make their own decisions now when it comes to The Farm lands, Questioning Tom Hagen and the slurry work Dee Dee undercovered
Episode 11[]
The First thing that is decided upon on to is that they must question Tom Hagen based on what was Milton's own plan to begin with at Morgana's farm. Putty is able to allow the group assess to where Tom Hagen is placed away. The Gang question Tom Hagen on this and while Tom doesn't sell Midas out. He does inform them that Midas is intend to start auctioning off water for sale with his business. Luan and Bender are skeptical of this as natural resource cannot be done like that. Something Celes agrees with though Tom says it's a business decision and that Farm Land needs water as well as everyone in this time of the year.
Luan, Bender, Wile E, Dee Dee, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison call up Deathstroke and tell him about the water sanctions/acutions that Tom Hagen informed them about. Deathstroke advises the group to go the auctions and buy ractions of water so they can sent it to him so he and others can test in case Midas has other angle. Bender already suspects this to be fair as does Wile E and Luan. Dee Dee comments that it says a lot about the insanity of the cartel to vouch for such a decision for more money, Putty tells her that anyone will do anything for money as it's one of the greatest motivations this gives Dee Dee, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Slade and Anti Cosmo supscion.
Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Dee Dee Harry, Wile E, Stan, Wendy, G-LO, Bicep and Captain Putty all decide to pool their money together as they head off to the auction that Midas has set up for the water that the group does know he stole. Bender, Dee Dee, Luan and the kids decide on using this as a perfect cover so they can disover Midas's true agenda with this as what Deathstroke suspects.
Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan, Wile E, G-Lo, Bicep and Captain Putty all manage to enter the auctions being held by Midas. As they come ready to secure some resources for themselves and Deathstroke. Dee Dee, Wendy and Stan are all in Bender's chest cavity hiding there so they can help get into this. Bender takes advantage of the auctioning and then he decides to go make way to the secret room that Midas was into before he started and he tells the kids he is on his way to it and is joined by Anti Cosmo who decides to aid in acquring the info. Stan, Dee Dee and Wendy ask about the auctions where Bender and Anti Cosmo explain that Slade had managed to acquire a few quarts of water and that they saw Felicity there too who was purchasing for the president. As well as mentioning that Midas really had no interest to give his supply as he has his own allies serve as this
Bender and Anti Cosmo manage to break into Midas's secret room and let out Stan, Wendy and Dee Dee out of the former's chest cavity. The 5 go looking in the dark so Midas's allies are not alerted Bender uncovers files on Midas's plot and learns that Midas is going to force people to pay for his water and protection or else he will make rats out of them. Dee Dee, Stan and Wendy also note that Midas will pollute the water and those who don't will suffer due to something known as Rat Rot. Anti Cosmo also discovers that he intends to use in St.Carnard as well which alerts Bender considering Darkwing and Launchpad live there and that Midas is clearly going to make her friends and boy friend suffer. Reporting back to Luan, Slade, Harry, Wile E, G-LO and Bicep informing them of what is going on with what Midas is planning with those who don't buy his water, and that he is extorting the country and anyone he feels of their money for protection or else he will pollute their water.
Discovering Professor Chang was the one feeding info to the cartel on his actions. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender both aware of him themselves and ask among themselves if Chang is to be worried about and while they agree, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all believe that Midas is the real problem as Chang is working for him and it's why Midas has such favor with the cartel's top dog. Also discovering Don Eladio he inquires Captain Hero about him.
Luan gets a phone call from her parents saying that They are coming down to the border of Mexico as they have warned about dangerous things were getting down there by a undercover cop. Bender tells them that he has no idea where this came from and she's with him so they will be safe. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry suspect that this might be a trap by the Cartel to get Luan to lower her guard since they have no idea who can be a trusty worthy cop other than possibly Officer Affable. Bender agrees to an extent though he does think this is indeed them though he and Luan feel something bigger is going on.
Bean and Morgana return back to the heroes and inform them what the fruits of their labor have done for them. Mop Girl also came with him and she says it's glad Bender and Wile E Coyote are here as she will need them to come with them to dreamland. Wile E and Bender both are curious as Mop Girl said that she simply found what they were looking for.
Episode 12[]
Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl arrive at Dreamland to investigate what Mop Girl has found for them and unknown to them, Anton ends up following them down there and he has brought Gaff with him to try once more to assassinate them. Elfo and Luci are there as well and have been been doing some of their own gist of the work. Though Zog's royal court tries to ban off Bender and Wile E, Mop Girl is able to get them through and tells Elfo and Luci to distract them so she can talk to the two.
Mop Girl shows Bender and Wile E Coyote what she had recovered with the corpses, ashes and the bodies found at the intergration. She is questioned on why it took her so long, Mop Girl says she had to work on her sorcery. Elfo and Luci enter the room Mop Girl is showing Wile E and Bender of what is going on and tell them that Anton and Gaff are here. Bender loads a weapon and he keep seeing the attempted assassinatios but no sign of Anton or Gaff and Bender unloads on them in a 2 on 1 as Mop Girl shows a secret passage for the 5 of them to escape into so Mop Girl can tell the 4 of what her findings have given them
As Mop Girl does take Bender, Wile E, Elfo and Luci to the safe zone, Mop Girl reveals Uncomfortable truths that she had found out. It is revealed that what Bender discovered with Slade and Anti Cosmo was the ashes of some M.O.D.A.B members of Red X and the Corpse of Red Hood as Mop Girl figured they were trying to stop the Cartel and were killed by Chaki who Milton Midas served as a right hand man to and covered up his crimes by diposing them on a jun island. Bender and Wile E see them killing Chakai as more catherlic than thought, but also realize Midas has been up against not just him but others. Elfo apologizes to Bender for all this. Mop Girl also reveals that The Multiversal Resistance were the other causalites as Chakai's hand though he had a huge bruiser troll do it instead. Luci says that they must not be much of a group if they couldn't deal with him. Bender does know them through The Blackgurumon steaks.
- Armed with this knowledge, the five decide to return back to their base where Anton again attempts to shoot Mop Girl, for esacping him and Bender does hear the shots and fires back. Elfo and Luci find out that the Dreamland Court other than Zog were all wounded by Gaff and Antons attempts to take them down. Wile E was smart enough to consider this and a while ago he stole some of Alva Gunderson's steam vechiles which Bender and Luci praise him for as they all head back. Bender has a inkling that Midas knows about him that he even thought and has a suspcion on how this happened, Wile E and Bender both feel Captain Putty is secretly serving Midas. Hece why neither of them told Putty anything and held on their plans
Bender, Wile E Coyote, Mop Girl, Elfo and Luci all get return and report to Slade and Anti Cosmo that Anton was trying to kill them again and that Mop Girl discovered Milton Midas was part of Chakai's group and helped cover the deaths of the robot's teammates and the multiversal ressitance. Nacho and Hero are both privy to this as it turns out as Chakai did this before he met up with and wa skilled by Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo.It just didn't come up at the time. Bean and Captain Hero tell Bender and Wile E that Morgana has something to tell them. Morgana tells Bender and Wile E the truth about her pregancy in that Milton Midas actually drugged her and had his way with her after she refused to help in his business for his own needs. She felt embrassed about this, and decided she had no idea how to tell Darkwing Duck this and she left to start her own business and wanted to keep this to herself until Midas's return put on her defenses. Bender, Bean, Wile E and Captain Hero all process this and Bender tells Morgana she needs to leave town and go back to St.Carnard to tell Darkwing and handle from it there. Bean hands Morgana the needs to leave, as Morgana asks Bender what he will do, Bender decides he is going to bring down Midas for what he has heard and he turns down Bean and Captain Hero's offer to help him but allows WIle E to assist him with this. Slade and Anti Cosmo have managed to secure the enterances and exits to Don Eladio's house in secret instructing Harry to go through them and to either capture or gather incrimnating stuff about Eladio with Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo joining him. Bender and Wile E offer to help out too as they have a personal score with Midas now to deal with
-Bender, Harry, Wile E, Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo and all arrive into Don Eladio's house and using what Slade and Anti Cosmo managed to acquire. They break into the house undetected and begin snooping around for files on Eladio, Midas or whoever. Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo notice rat dropping and snoop them showing them to Bender ,Wile E and Harrison who keep them and they are suspcious as Eladio isn't here. Slade and Anti Cosmo feel that Eladio could have been aware of this or just when out to get supplies as they know from Nacho and Hero he is often stuck to his pool. Bender does end up discovering Eladio's files for henchmen as does Harrison who decides to read them to see what they can learn.
Milton Midas arrives with Tenpenny and that he isn't suprised to see Bender snoop on his house. Wile E and Dee Dee question Midas on why he is doing this water plan, this food plan all this for adding how much money he has, and why does he need more and how much better does he need to live it. Midas explains that he is doing for the future and that the future is the vision he has and sees everything as a necessary for himself to make himself more rich and powerful. Bender then decides to throw Morgana's defilement at Midas and how that was necessary, Midas tells Bender the gaul that he doesn't blame himself for that and that he tells Bender that a robot like him should fully understand that morality and rules are not mandatory and that people just don't realize that without that, they can do anything. Bender, Harry, Elfo, Mop Girl, Dee Dee and Wile E are disgusted with this. Tenpenny and Milton Midas then force them to drive the two to see Morgana
As Morgana is about ready to leave for town, this is when Bender, Elfo, Mop Girl, Harrison, Wile E and Dee Dee all arrive to where and this is where Putty, Hadley, Flass, Doug Stamper and Affable are as they decide to arrest Bender and Harrison for withholding evidence handcuffing them by the leg and arm. Despite that Bender, Wile E, Elfo and Mop Girl try to convince the police that Midas is who they are after with this. Midas approaches Morgana and says that did she really think she was going to leave without him knowing about his child and that she is Midas's as well and that she needs to be reasonable and pointing how disturbed she is when Morgana tells him to get away and forgoes magic to draw a pistol on him. Elfo tries to convince her to let the police handle which gets a sting eye from the other 5 as they all know who as Morgana puts it "Midas owns the police". Morgana then shoots Midas and drives off and this is when the police decide to fire at her with Hadley and Flass taking shots at the car and missing thanks to Bender and Harry restraining them down after Wile E gets their legs uncuffed. Stamper just rolls his eyes and decides to just shoot Morgana to deny Midas a victory which he does and through the eye. The Car stops and honks and Dee Dee, Elfo and Mop Girl check with the former screaming in terror as Morgana's body just drops. Bender, Harry and Wile E catch up and Officer Affable calls for a hopsital and his men to turn Bender and Harry loose as Midas mocking shows horror and just grabs the girl. Bender tries to go after Midas for this as his torment led to this with WIle E and Mop Girl holding him back as Midas gloats that thanks to Putty, that there are still the other kids he lives with that he can pop off if he needs to keep Bender in line. Affable tells Wile E to get Bender back to his room or the hopsital as he lets Bender off the hook due to what happened. Elfo tries to get Bender and Dee Dee to forget what they saw and be conditioned to it, but the two point out how they will never forget what happened.
Every one remaining has headed to the hopsital where the news is dropped about what happened to Morgana with some of the gang trying to calm Dee Dee down as she was so left in trauma and shock over the actual deceased corpse. Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo think on the baby as do Wile E, Bean and Captain Hero when the doctor arrives telling them she is still giving birth at the time some how. Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan run into the room with Harrison noticing it and Slade tells AC to deliver the child recalling the the time he delivered Poof. Anti Cosmo heistant yet goes through with it with Dr.Wells despite his claim he's not a doctor which Bender, Luan and Slade watch and the Mcawbers try to arrive to check on this though Luan tries to cover it until it turns the child of Morgana's turned to be to the horror of everyone a still born which Harry deducts was exposure to radioactive elements and thus Morgana was inevitable to pass it just was going to take time and that Bender is stewing that he should killed that eagle.
With Morgana's death and stillborn still fresh this causes an arguement between Slade and Bender about to tell the latter's friends or to keep it secret. As Bender is already on edge about Brick and Butch's hiding of their deaths while Slade having being told about Harry's deal with the cops points out how risky this move if he does. Harry and Luan both side obviously with Slade and Bender though Anti Cosmo sees both sides of the argument that they are having. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan and Harry all begin to ponder a way around all this and they get a idea to report it to the newspaper Darkwing reads to insure the news is delivered. Luan takes the phone and decides to call in the anymous tip which Anti Cosmo and Bender provide for her as Slade and Harry consider the play to check up and see if it reaches the group. Bender decides to do it as they tell the others and Morgana's baby is given to her parents to keep an eye on her, he needs someone to accompany him there and Dee Dee offers to due to everything she has dealt with and Bender agrees as Bender and Dee Dee take a drive to see the former's friends on the news
Bender and Dee Dee arrive at the house where Bender often stays with his friends and goes to share what he knows. As he enters he is warned by Dee Dee that Captain Putty followed Bender here and the two both know that Putty was the one who leaked his connections of his old team to Midas. A Bit afterwards they do so Bender places a call to Wile E who is present with Luan and Stan and he tells Wile E to go find the car that Morgana almost left in as he placed a bug in it after being released to find where the cops reside and tells them to check it. Stan is skeptical, but Bender tells him to just do it and is clearly tense which Luan asks about and Bender gives his supscion that Darkwing's daughter Gosalyn was here and was also trying to bring Morgana back to Darkwing who also was trying to propose to her.
Calling Slade and Anti Cosmo, Bender tells the two that they need to go investigating even further as Anti Cosmo questions what happened. Bender informs the two that the paper was censored as they said Morgana was killed ,but it said she died in a car accident which he knows is BS and tells them that Putty followed him down here. Slade and Anti Cosmo agree to this immediatly without any further questions. Slade says this because he believes Putty followed Bender much like how Chang got dirt on his and Anti Cosmo's empire and says that the two will meet him at the archives. He remeets Dee Dee afterwards and tells her of what he said with Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Wile E and Stan which Dee Dee is questioning how anyone can stop Milton Midas this way and the two contact Deathstroke to let them back in to Mexico, Deathstroke does ask to get themselves cat scans of any toxins in them when they do,
Bender and Dee Dee return to Slade and Anti Cosmo at the archvies and are joined by The Space Bandits and Mop Girl who has been aiding the two in their search. They all discovered that the press actively avoids discussing anything about The Cartel hence why Morgana's death was conisdered a car accident. The reason as Anti Cosmo, Slade and Mop Girl put it is because the last one who did was shot in the head for it. Bender and Dee Dee are both more agitated because it feels like the diffculity keeps climbing for how they will deal with Milton Midas. The Space Bandits discuss that they will be working to get G-LO out and deal with Captain Putty for what he did and now that they know Bender is under trouble thanks To Putty being who followed him and Dee Dee and knows who his team. This has really esaclated for them. Slade and Anti Cosmo decide on plotting their next move with the rest of the team while waiting for another strike. Wendy shows up to them and tells Bender and Dee Dee that Stan, Luan and Wile E found something he needs to see and to meet them at the hotel room. Which Bender and Dee Dee both set out to do. Mop Girl asks is Bender prepared, which he says he is has he has a weapon and is cleaning his tracks regarding his bug he placed on the car after Morgana was shot.
- Bender, Dee Dee, Luan, Stan and Wile E Coyote all meet back in the room and discuss what was found and yes they found Gosalyn's hair confirming Bender's suspcions. The 5 are trying to figure out what their next move needs to be and how Slade and Anti Cosmo have gathered the others for something. Bender, Stan, Luan and Wile E all coach Dee Dee about everything she has dealt with recently when they hear a knock on the door. It's Leon and he is surpised Bender is in on this with the others and he questions if the others know about him being here. Bender informs him they don't and it's just him with his friends. Luan remembers Leon and so does Leon. Leon Questions Bender on not telling the others implicating how he still hasn't learned even after Morgana died. Wile E, Bender and Dee Dee all saw the death and don't deny this but Bender tells Leon he can't inform him he has no idea what he has to contend with here and deal with. Leon says he doesn't blame Luan or the kids for not doing but him and Wile E should know that secrets keeping sucks. Bender says that he can not afford to pit his friends against the Cartel after what he dealt with and that he should just help Deathstroke with the situation. Luan tells him he should leave but Leon says he is going to make clear to Dib, Lizbeth and the others that they know what happened to Morgana until some wind is felt by Wile E and he alerts Bender. Bender and Wile E sheild the kids as they back away with Stan and Dee Dee questioning how did someone get in as Leon says that Bender cannot hide the truth from M.O.D.A.B
The reason that Dee Dee, Bender, Wile E, Stan and Luan were backing away becomes envident as it's Anton who shows up. Bender tells Leon that the girls are not joking or kidding that he needs to get his ass out of the room as Leon is beginning to realizing what Bender and Luan crossed into was something they wanted no else to get into. Bender suspects that Anton is going to try shoot him, Wile E or the kids and pulls a riffle of his own with a silencer and tells Wile E to get Leon out. Leon notices the gun and silenecer and tries to reassure the 5 that there is no reason to and well before he could finish. Anton shoots Leon straight in the head and his fluids splat all over the room and his head hits the floor freaking out everyone involved. Bender says how he told the meat bag to leave for his own good as Wile E is left surpised Anton targeted Leon over them. Anton just rolls his eyes at this and shushes the 5 of them to be quiet as Professor Chang enters the room as well and tells them it's time to talk.
Act 3[]
Episode 13[]
Bender still having to reel from Anton's and Chang's murder of Leon, He is intend to kill Professor Chang, but he is knocked down to look at Leon bleeding out and Chang telling him he did this to Leon. Chang takes Bender into a room to show how Midas and Professor Chang will blackmail him and force him to call Slade and Anti Cosmo. When the duo do arrive, Bender and Slade both get tied up by Chang and Anton and with Anti Cosmo have to learn they want the three to go Russia to get a superweapon to Midas. If they fail Chang and Anton will kill Bender's friends to teach him a lesson and expose Slade's criminal ties in the past. After the three discuss matters, they agree so they can use the weapon against Midas. Bender pulls a gamit with Luan and Wile E having been in on this and they deal with the Goons Professor Chang brought in to keep him from trying anything at that point.
Once he and his friends escape, Bender and Wile E tell Deathstroke of what Midas is attempting to do, he is given permission to head to Russia with his team which he decides to do to keep Dib and all his friends away from Midas and his Cartel plots.
Learning what they need to know on Solider Boy, the heroes are all preparing to take their own actions though they feel that Professor Chang wasn't feeding them all the info they truly needed. Anxiety looms on some of the gang regarding what Midas had did with Anton and Chang's back up. Then this is when their ship is attacked by Pirates and Air Ship group. Bender teams with Slade, Wile E, Malcolm and Mysterion to take on Razorbeard. This aftermath has Bender consider what he already expected on MIlton Midas, that he is pulling a double cross and will try to kill them so he considers using killing Midas's contact having getting to Solider Boy to deny Milton something.
Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Dee, Mop Girl, Mysterion and Malcolm Merlyn all manage to arrive into Russia and find Little Nina who was the contact Midas and Chang had in Russia and decides to take them to where they have been working away. The group notices her goons are here too and they aren't trusted as they contact Deathstroke on with Malcolm, Slade and Harry decide to make a plot to deal with Little Nina's goons since they don't underestimate how dangerous she can be.
The Heroes arrive at the lab and the group find Dr.Carol, The Spot, and Valentina Vostok who have been working their experiments on the project. Little Nina decides to turn the plan around and handcuffs the heroes to attempt to kill them aware that Midas was intending to kill them here so she can deliver Soldier Boy and has no intent to honor the agreement made. The 4 of them are able to hink ahead and loose themselves from the hand cuffs and they go up against LIttle Nina and Bender kills Little Nina by shooting her in the head to send a message to both Midas and her goons not to mess with him.
Carol and Vostok both just watch as Bender get to a sealed pod which they know contains Solider Boy. This makes the heroes realize that the legend is real, though they question what makes him the super weapon. This is when Soldier Boy frees himself from his restraints. He walked out of the container while the heroes look in shock as he leaves as does the others. Without saying a word which causes the others to go looking for him.
Episode 14[]
Bender and his friends go chasing down Solider Boy intend to find him after his escape from the restrains.
Bender and Slade decide they must investigate Professor Chang and Anti Cosmo joins up with the two and discover that Chang was working on other projects beside the Solider Boy project like the Red Star Project and other fusion like projects and that he was double dealing behind Slade's back. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all agree that they must take the godzilla theresehold here.
Upon finding Solider Boy, Bender proposes a team up with him to deal with Professor Chang. Solider Boy snarks in a jade way why does he need a team when the team he had betrayed him. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all tell him they have a common enemy in Professor Chang and the Russians and that they can help each other regarding him. Luan is unsure of Bender's idea to team up with Solider Boy and tries to convince him out of it, as she points out they know nothing about the guy. Bender points out that it's the best option for them and that Solider Boy does have a counter offer to help him go after his former team, as well as pointing out that M.O.D.A.B is on the line here and he has to do what is necessary.
Deathstoke agrees with both Bender and Luan on their thoughts and stick to Bender's more pragamtic choice. Bender with the help of his friends finds Crimson Countess and he tries to find more info on Solider Boy from her, though she fights back against him. Bender leaves and marks her off of the list, though annoyed that Crimson Countess was no help to this and that he does at least want to find a middle ground between him and Luan for this.
Before pursuiting the TNT Twins, He has to fight the cops who want revenge on him and his friends mainly Anti Cosmo and Slade for trying to blackmail Norton and taking their super solider away from them. After arriving at the TNT Twins Manor, he shows some shock at Herogasm and covers his friends eyes as he manages to find the TNT Twins, though decides his friends are more important and trying to calm down Solider Boy when he goes on a rampage beacuse of Professor Chang and Vostok.
Episode 15[]
Slade, Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo notice Solider Boy and chase Solider Boy, Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo manage to catch Solider Boy and manage to stop his rampage with the latter two using Red X gear which Anti Cosmo knows Professor Chang made for Robin and Slade uses drugs to sedate him. The 4 learn he killed many people and what happened with them. As Slade goes to get the others with Luan. Bender and Anti Cosmo notice Solider Boy open up to Bender and Anti Cosmo about his past, his father, and how he became a superhero and how his dad saw it as shortcut and asks if Bender has kids, where Bender said he did have one, but lost one and now sees Luan as one. Solider Boy says it's about being a better man than his old man which Bender agrees to.
The heroes regroup and discuss what happened at Herogasm with Mysterion enjoying it to Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl's disgust. Frank, Doug and Claire arrive as well to see the group and inform the group of what Midas has been up to and his plots. Frank also stops Bender from trying to kill Doug due to him killing Morgana, which Harry, Wile E, Dee Dee and Mop Girl understand.
Bender and his group investigate Payback and that they do realize Swatto was killed before Solider Boy's reawakening which Solider Boy says that they will have to settle for Gunpowder as he knows Gunpowder will give some actual truth to them. The heroes then all meet up with Gunpowder and with Solider Boy discovering what really did go due to Payback and before he can reveal the treachery of Vought to him, Anton kills him and then he dumps off Midas's toxic waste to deal with them as he duels the others.
He is given fair warning about Mindstorm coming up from Solider Boy as they work to finish off the casualities. Bender and the team go looking for Mindstorm and it's a tense situation due to how his powers and how he is able to put them on edge by putting him in his worst nightmare scenario of what may happen to his friends in M.O.D.A.B and Luan which he strives to break out of so he can help deal with Mindstorm. After finishing off Mindstorm, He tells Deathstroke he will return now after being done. However, he has to go against Kuribtz and El Mar Verde with his team as Midas sent them to stop him from returning so Midas can retaliate for messing with his super weapon.
He returns to Chinatown with the others and infroms them of what happened with Solider Boy, Payback and what went down as well as the Fire Storm Project being used by The Cartel as he was informed by Claire Underwood. Later he discovers Luan and Harry have been investigating things and tell him, Slade and Anti Cosmo of it which has to do with Payback
Episode 16[]
Learning about what Stan and Wendy when digging up, Bender decides to join the investigation and dig up what they found On MIlton while has been away and how he refuses to give him assess to Solider Boy over the double cross. He starts off by spying on Rogerduck and Jeeves learning of their partnership with Midas after cutting ties with Pi-Pi, before going with his gang to the farms, he realized were stolen from by Morgana hence why he allowed Doug to murder her.
Being able to discover some unusal animals, he steals them with Luan, Wile E, Stan, Wendy and Dee Dee as they have to discover why Midas has so many of them, while he larns of Slade and his team setting fire to one of Midas's restaruants. This ends making him and his group a target to be arrested by Captain Putty and his cops, until Frank Underwood and Deathstroke are able overturn the charges for both selfish and altrustic reasons as Deathstroke was smoothing things over with the Russians over Bender and his group's actions. Solider Boy then arrives back after fighting the Cartel himself.
Later, he decides to work with Solider Boy's proposal that he goes for Noir himself alone.
Episode 17[]
He and Slade manage to undercover the many restaurants he build up, which they figure he was using Gus Fring's own business of chicken selling for himself and he doesn't see the appeal of the food after trying it, though Anti Cosmo made a point when he went steakout to avoid Eggs as they already have eggs. Slade comments he's a robot so how does he know what it tastes like.
Bender then discovers something which he shows the gang with Dee Dee, Luan, Stan and WIle E and that it turns the Egg Burgers/Sandwiches are turning Midas's customers into chickadatyls the same animal that he and the group stole. Bender also steals an sandiwch with help from Anti Cosmo and they analyze that Midas has been using moldy vegetables, rotten fruit and other stuff to make the sauce that is doing this. Bender decides on that he needs to shut down the operation.
Midas however makes a point to say Bender and the group aren't enough to do so and the cops arrive with to his own horror his own friends Dib, Lizbeth, Starfire and others who were mutated by the food and attack him without second thoughts, as the sandwiches also reduce intelligence. Bender then learns that Midas intends to move his friends to the fryer in a day and then the frying pan will be the last step. Midas has the group attack him again after saying how Bender wants to shut down the business and that he wants to ruin their want for quality food.
He shows his tape to Luan and Wile E and says that Midas is going to suffer now, either by him killing the eagle or gathering enough envidence to put him away for life now. Solider Boy suggests Bender just kill Midas as does Slade and Anti Cosmo.
Episode 18[]
Angered with how personal Milton Midas has made for him, he gears up ready to end it here and now when Midas gloats to him about how his friends Darkwing, Launchpad and Ada Wong broke the law and now are in his clutches and like the others he will use them as a proxy as a lesson about not to mess with him. Bender points out Midas broke the deal first which he dimisses as he is a respected business man and he's just a low life thug.
He agrees with Slade and Anti Cosmo that Midas must be killed and goes after him as Professor Chang has made things personal for the two as well. Though not without dealing with Vostok as Fire storm first and foremost.
Luan, Harry and Jessie call Bender, Dee Dee, Wile E, Celes, Slade and Anti Cosmo over to discuss Solider Boy and what they found on him and that he has radioactive powers which have been used to kill Payback and those innocents. But they also bring up what it could mean for someone like Celes or Jessie, in that it depowers them leaving them helpless and vulerable. Bender does come to realize that he has to be careful now and he might have to go against Solider Boy realizing what this means for the Powerpuff Girls, Starfire, Boomer and others if Solider Boy is allowed to do what he wants, so he decides to find a way to bring him down non lethally.
Act 4[]
Episode 19[]
Working with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Deathstroke, Bender decides to allocate the work so they can get rid of Midas more literally and metaphorically as Bender has decided he has enough and will make sure he pays dearly. He loads up and fights off Midas's dealers, killing each one with careful precision as he makes his way to Midas's lair with the rest of the team.
He decides that he needs to save Darkwing and Gosalyn while the others go to deal with getting the others as Chickadatyls to cure them and brings in Luan, Wile E, Captain Hero and Bean to join him as Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry accompany him too.
Episode 20[]
As he does so, He exposes every crime with Luan that Midas has commited and the true extent of the corruption. He decides if Midas is going to blackmail him, then he better act on it as he will make sure Midas takes nothing really way from him. With the gang, he also captures Gavin to insure more of the true face of Midas shows itself. Through this he exposes Warden Norton, Hardley, Offier Tenpenny, Flass and Captain Putty resulting in the deaths of the cops parring Putty and Hardley who are arrested as well as Norton killing himself.
Bender sends Wile E off to finish the hallougen on Solider Boy as He, Bean, Hero and Luan go after and fight Zed with Slade and Anti Cosmo. THey notice there were blindfolded and take on him and his partner. Killing him with flails and multiple shots to the head. He has them brought to Deathstroke so he can take Midas out himself with Luan and Wile E. The latter have finished up with Harry the hallougen
Episode 21[]
Bender, Luan and Wile E find Midas who has gotten control of a mech he had made to deal with this situtation. Midas decides he is going to kill Bender for exposing his corruption and deeds as if he can't get the rest of M.O.D.A.B, he will kill Bender and his little friends. Bender points how Midas went back against his word despite his reptuation and that he acted because the eagle betrayed him first. Midas fights the trio and nearly does manage to kill them though Bender pulls through and defeats Midas. He has WIle E and Luan tie him up and makes it clear that he knows what he did to Morgana and the other crimes he will not want out on top of that. He blackmails Midas to keep quiet or he will kill him, THough Midas being motivated by hatred decides to call the cops and Bender just shocks him with Luan's buzzer and uses Wile E's Acme stuff to kill him.
He cuts the head off him to teach him a lesson about things he can mess with Bender. Regrouping with Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Deathstroke they learn about SOlider Boy going south and they attack him
Episode 22[]
Bender is called for betraying him by Solider Boy, though Bender admits his reasons and that he can't take the chance and that his friends will be in danger if he does. He attempts to fight Solider Boy though for him, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Deathstroke they now have to deal the weapon against them and he watches SOlider Boy's powers depower Captain Hero so he has Harry and WIle E work with Luan to try and figure a way to gas him successfully.
Eventually he comes up with a plan to deal with this and has Slade and Deathstroke work with him to fight him off As Anti Cosmo holds his nuclear power reactor as he is a bit tired from unknowingly to them fighting Lincoln and Lydia's group. Bender and Slade are able to defeat Solider Boy and get his nuclear power reactors out of him and then Wile E and Harry gas him.
While putting him away in the ice box, Bender admits he is sorry he had to do this and that between Solider Boy and The group that he joined, he choose the latter. He wants to be a better manbot like what Luan would want and that Solider Boy himself even say he wanted to this if he had kids. Despite Solider Boy's anger, he does admit that he did get through to Bender and does congratulate him.
Episode 23[]
Discussing the aftermath, Bender decides that what happened here can't be mentioned unless under extreme circumstances. He admits that Eladio will be back, but it's better to deal with him than Midas as he presents his head to the team which he will place in the office with the gang. Bender hears about the funeral for Morgana and Leon which he will attend. First he must bring Dee Dee back to the Holloways which he does
With Bean back in Dreamland and Captain Hero looking for a way to get his powers back, He discusses how this will all go down with Wile E, Stan, Wendy and Luan for the team which Stan admits to trauma like Dee Dee. Bender, Wile E and Luan agree to give him a break from this if he wants and leave it up to him when he wants to come back to all this.
Episode 24[]
He is present at Leon and Morgana's funeral and admits to himself that while he may have saved Dib, Lizbeth, Starfire, DW and the others. He doesn't feel happy that Morgana and Leon's involvement in his double life got them killed and that he will likely have to live it for a while. He is reasssured by the visit of La Muete and her husband that the two will never be forgotten by them and that is the most important part that the time they had, and Midas will be likely be forgotten as well as Solider Boy which he learns from Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry joining him.
Deathstroke hands him an invite as Mexico's president wants to honor him and his comcrades for saving the country which he agrees to and finds Dee Dee and Stan are joining them despite all this.
After being honored, he sits at his table with Luan, Wile E, Stan, Slade and Anti Cosmo to ponder what will go ahead in the future and how much will he have to answer for?
Return of The Weirdmageon Cult[]
Bender took work as a Private Investigator under Deathstroke who took the role of president and made his alias Titantius Anglesmith. He has Luan work alongside him as per an agreement between her, him and Lynn Sr. While absent from Chapters 1 to 5, Bender is back when found by Newtopia's chief ranger Marcy Wu on King Andiras's orders to help them stop Toffee and BIll's cult.
Having thought they were dead, he accepts and helps Marcy as well informing his private contractor who is Slade, the middle man between
them: Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells. He is absent from the first half of the story though he is mentioned early on by Toffee who acts not to get his attention. It is thorugh Marcy Wu and King Andrias he finds about Toffee's return and serves as a triagionist alongside Sid Chang helping Marcy Wu with Luan, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells and Slade assisting him.
Chapter 6[]
Luci and Elfo brings Marcy Wu down to the basement and Elfo opens the door and tells Titantius (Bender) who is sitting at his office that someone is here to see him
Marcy and Bender introduce themselves to each other with Bender using his alias as opposed to his name. Bender then asks Marcy or as he calls Mrs. Wu what brings her here to his agency.
Marcy explains to Bender that she was sent by her king who seeked his assistance with a cult on part of his knowledge of the multiverse and that is what he seeks in his assistance. Marcy is just the messenger for him. Bender is uninterested in this mission as it seems not worth his time as it feels it's small potatoes to him. Marcy explains that she was actually attacked by this cult and the ring leader of her kidnapping was an mechanical like vampire.
Bender reinstates his view until he hears about the words "mechanical vampire", he asks Marcy does she mean an energy vampire?, Marcy's eyes light up as Bender may know something and states yes. Bender explains that it must be NOS-4A2 that attacked her and kidnapped her at that point and specutaltes further that Toffee may have returned.
Marcy asks Bender if he knows Toffee, and Bender confirms his previous encounter with both of them and that Bill Cipher is also crawling around too. Marcy explains what happened to her and her f1irends leaving out her meeting Lydia, Ford and Lincoln and she hands Bender some files of Disney Characters who disappeared or were trophized. Marcy confesses that a source from her captive location provided her with this info. Bender ponders what Toffee, Bill Cipher and NOS-4A2 have in mind this time.
Bean shows up and tells Bender that his kid is here for her weekends. Bender tells Bean to send he in and Marcy asks if Bender is a father, and Bender states he is kind of a subsitute. This is when Luan enters the basement and she and Bender hug each other. Luan aplogigzes as she sees Bender is with a client, Marcy lets it slide and introduces herself to Luan that she is trying to get Titantius on a case involving a cult.
Bender tells Luan it's about Toffee and NOS-4a2 returning under Bill Cipher, Luan asks Bender aren't they dead and Bender states so yes. Marcy asks Luan if she knows about them as well and Luan states vaguely though not to the extent of P.I Anglesmith. Marcy spectulates that Toffee has something big planned, is aligned with disney villains and has some plans regarding Disney but it's limited info. Bender tells Luan this feels unlike his plans when he worked with Eobard Thawne, Deathstroke and The Joker. Marcy probes Bender on this, and Bender tells Marcy details on his previous encounter with Toffee while mentioning his own allegiances with Disney figures. Marcy intriggued wants to know more, but Bender cuts her off telling her he agrees to the case and will help her go after Toffee and Bill Cipher
Marcy thanks Bender for his consideration and asks him and Luan to meet her at the Newtopia Castle tomorrow. Bender agrees and asks Luan to get her info while he contacts his contradaitor. Bender gets back to Luan and tells her they need to head to bat country, they got an appointment.
Bender and Luan arrive at the so called bat country and they head to the big office. Bender tells the receptionist that he has an appointment and that he's waiting for him. Luan and Bender enter the office where Slade and Anti Cosmo are both there and expecting Bender. Bender and Luan both take a seat and Slade asks Bender what is going on that Bender couldn't contact Anti Cosmo solely reminding him of their work deal of Slade contracting for Bender with Anti Cosmo being the middleman between Bender and Slade. Bender aplogizes for the public visit but tells Slade that this is urgant, Luan spills the bean about Toffee's return to Slade with Bender adding Bill Cipher is around too.
Anti Cosmo and Slade both question this wondering how Toffee and Cipher are back as it's not like they could have come back. Despite this, Slade decides to take a reasonable approach and asks the two for evidence. Luan tells Slade that A Ranger of Newtopia came with a job offer for Bender under her boss about a cult investigation and mentions an encounter with NOS-4A2, Slade meant physical evidence but does concede that it's not out of proability. Anti Cosmo calls in Harrison for his theories on this.
Harrison Wells enters the office, greets Bender and Luan and asks Anti Cosmo what does he need. Anti Cosmo tells Harrison about Bender and Luan's encounter with Marcy and the theory of Bill Cipher and Toffee both returning. Harrison confirms the truth on Marcy being from Newtopia and that she is on duty of the King of Newtopia. This revelation suprises the other 4 with Anti Cosmo and Bender both pondering what the King would want with him.
Harrison asks Luan has Bender made provisions to get help on this case, Luan tells Harrison that Bender has but they have to keep their detective work under discretion as they can't let Toffee and Bill Cipher know their hand and getting the ususal gang will draw attention. Harrison talks to Slade and Anti Cosmo about Luan's theory as Bender waits for their next confirmation
Harrison tells Luan and Bender that he will help them with the first leg of the investigation as it won't draw suspcison to Bender or them. Slade came to this conclusion on account if Toffee or one of his old allies saw Bender with him, Toffee would immediatly put two and two together. Bender tells Harrison that they will meet up at Newtopia Castle and asks Anti Cosmo for some supplies before leaving with Luan
Now in Newtopia Bender, Harrison and Luan have arrived at the castle and alongside them are Luci, Bean, Elfo, Captain Hero, Stan and Wile E. Luan thanks them all for coming on such short notice and that Marcy will be down in a few minutes. Harrison asks Bender why he brought the others along, Luan states that Bean directly works for Bender, Wile E works as his scienece partner at his job and Hero is here for security.
Bender tells Harrison and the rest, that he brought them all here for a reason. Stan asks Bender why him specify as Luan explained the other 3. Bender tells Stanley he brought him to get Stan away from that father of his, Stan admits that his father has been driving him crazy with his Tergridy Farms.
Marcy opens the castle door and is glad Bender and Luan made it, Bender introduces Marcy to Harrison Wells who will be asssiting them on this investigation. Marcy lets Bender, Luan and Harrison in as they head to the castle where they meet King Andrias.Marcy introduces Bender as Titantius Anglesmith and Luan as his sidekick to King Andrias who bear hugs the duo. Harrison asks if this is how he introduces himself to people and Marcy confirms this. Bender refers to his reputation to Andrias and it preceeds him, Andrias is confident that Bender is the man for the job regarding this case.
Luan asks what does Andrias know about Toffee?, King Andrias refers to his past with Toffee where they were once friends in Toffee's group for pro monsters. King Andrias was for equality between monsters and other folks and joined his friend under this pretense, Andrias had regard for Comet Moon and respected her despite their differences. However Andrias was unaware of Toffee's real end goal of monster supremacy and Toffee was inspired by his own king Seth. Comet Moon was killed by Toffee for his king Seth as Seth and Toffee both wanted her dead and they managed to kill her. Andrias states that he was shocked at Toffee's cold brutal murder of Comet Moon as she was the most fair of Mewni's rulers and he found out Toffee was hiding detail from him regarding his King and his real plans. Andrias feeling betrayed decided to avenge his worthy oppoenet by going after Seth himself and killed Seth with magic and his flaming sword
Despite Toffee not caring much about Seth other than fueling his plans, He swore revenge on the king, and blamed Andrias for the fall out of his monsters being oppressed. Bender refers to this story ringing true as Toffee killed Comet's daughter and may have killed her granddaughter as well. Marcy agrees as what she heard from her friends is that everytime Toffee attacked them or herself it was in a condensed area with few civillains and that Newtopia was the exception not the norm, So Toffee is acting under personal reasons against Andrias which shows how much Toffee hates his former collageue, if they were even friends
Harrison points out bluntly to Marcy that he has a simpler way to put it, Toffee acts under subtly to avoid getting anyone's else attention so he can limit who he ultimately has to deal with. Bender adds that Toffee attacking Newtopia which may have contributed to him becoming aware.
Andrias discuss that he will pay Bender and his 2 associates very handsomely for the work and that this can be the start of a real opportunity. Bender refuses the opporunity as he already has an employer but he does ask why him specifaclly. Andrias states that he has crossed blades with Toffee just like Andrias himself and did live to tell the tale so that makes him crucial. Bender realizes Andrias did reserach on Anglesmith so that may explain things, he agrees to the payment and leaves.
Marcy, Bender, Luan and Harrison leave the castle and Harrison is supscious of the King and his knowledge on Titatnius Anglesmith. Bender agrees a bit on this too as he didn't expect the king to be aware of his previous feud with Toffee. Luan sees Anti Cosmo who is handing some supplies to the others.
Wile E tells Bender that Anti Cosmo is here with info and supplies. Harrison and Bender both see Anti Cosmo as Luan checks the supplies. Marcy asks the two who is the anti-fairy, Bender refers to Anti Cosmo as his middle man for his contractor.
Bender and Marcy Wu check out the supplies and Marcy loads the magic in her bag, Bender gives the invoices to each of his crew for what he'll pay them as part of the deal. Elfo compalins Luci is getting paid more than him, This is something everyone notices except Wile E who seems fine with. Bender explains to Elfo that Luci and Wile E have bigger invoices due to the latter directly working with him and the former is his landlord so he needs to pay more for his monthly dues.
Harrison gives Bender the money bags as their cover, Bender asks what cover and Luan explains that Anti Cosmo got a beat on some suspcious business at Big City Greens. Marcy asks Harrison did Anti Cosmo and Bender's contractor do some dirt work at the places she traveled to, Harrison and Bender unload the bags and find suits and dresses. Anti Cosmo and Slade packed them to make Bender, Harrison and co be under less suspcioson, Bender wanders if Anti Cosmo and Slade are doing the work for them and that they should be paid. Harrison states that Bender is doing the work it's just they're giving him the tools needed to be private.
Bender, Luci and Harrison go together while Wile E and Captain Hero go another. Bender, Harrison and Luci play card with Glomgold as dealer, Glomgold is ripping a few people off with his tricks, though some of his henchman do get some money. Bender gets Luci to pull a fast one as Bender engages in conversation with Glomgold about the casino as Glomgold's henchmen bring the robot a drink to try and have him lose money over being drunk. Harrison watches Bender and Luci engage in this as he takes a syringe and stabs one of the henchmen Glomgold has.
Luci tricks Glomgold into dealing a bad hand and Bender takes his savings and hands them to Luci as upfront payment.Harrison tells Bender and Luci that he has managed to acquire a blood sample off of a goer, Bender questions Harrison on this and Harrison suspects something bigger is going on here.
Bender and Luci have continued swindling Glomgold's henchman and walking out with a wheel burrow of money. Harrison rolls his eyes asking has Bender swindled enough from Chip Whistler, Bender states he's content and that this will go to the college fund. Luci sees Wile E and Captain Hero and Wile E is pulling Hero by the ear.
Luci asks what did Captain Hero do?, Wile E forces Hero to state what he did. Captain Hero confesses he and Wile E were shooting dice and Hero was on a roll until The Apprentice showed up and made a big wager for Captain Hero's contract, Wile E tried to disencourage him until Captain Hero insulted him and decided to wager away making Wile E roll his eyes and decided to watch Hero lose. Captain Hero did lose and now he belongs to The Apprentice.
Bender and Luci look at him baffled with Bender calling Captain Hero the biggest idiot he has ever met and he has interacted with King Julian and Stan's dad Randy.
Harrison, Bender, Luci and Wile E Coyote decide to see Chip about this and Pinstripe decides to make his own decision and bring them to Chip. Chip Whistler argues with Bender that Hero made the deal, and he lost so Hero is his now. Bender counters that Hero is brain dead and has the mentality of a 3 in a half year old child if that which Harrison adds. Wile E tells Bender and Harrison they can make a deal for Captain Hero's freedom as if Chip Whistler is an business owner of this sort, then he has other contracts on other sideshow attractions before Captain Hero. Bender realizes and makes a deal with Chip that if He and his friends can bring Chip the other contracts he made a long time ago, he needs to release Hero from his. Chip asks what happens if Bender fails, Harrison states that if he doesn't follow through. They give him all the money they made tonight.
Marcy and Luan have become a riot over their team up and they decide to cape off for the night. Bean and Stan are relieved to see Bender and Harrison as they had to deal with a hour of bad puns. Elfo admitted they were funny albeit cliche and Marcy asks Bender what did he find out.
Bender stated he found out Captain Hero made a dumbass decision to put his contact on the line, betted it and lost. Now they have 5 days to find all the previous contracts made by Chip Whistler. Luan asks how about the contracts and what they mean. Harrison and Bender state that Hero wasn't the only one to do something like that and that they will need to find out where they are and that he'll do some lab work and Marcy offers to help him.
Bender and Wile E both meet Marcy and Harrison who explain to the two that they found where the contracts are. Inkwell Isle which Marcy explains is a Max Fletchiher's dream due to the pictures she has seen. Bender wonders why Chip placed the contracts there and Harrison shares his idea which Wile E concedes to and Hero calls Marcy up for breakfast which Marcy goes up to.
Harrison gets a phone call and him, Bender and Wile E get it from Slade and Anti Cosmo. Slade has managed to acquite every contract's location and that are 3 isles, for Bender, Harrison, Luan, Marcy Wu and the others to go. Wile E and Bender question how to get to the isles afterwards, Anti Cosmo states to just use the obvious and to equip the best possible plans against each contract.
Harrison, Bender, Marcy, Luan, Wile E, Stan, Captain Hero, Bean, Elfo and Luci arrive at Inkwell Isle. Marcy and Bender hand the locations of the contacts on Inkwell Isles, Harrison opens up a chest telling everyone if they acquire the contacts place them in there, as he advises to keep them safe
With 2 on isles done, Harrison and Marcy set for the final isle. Bender and Luan get their gear ready to get the final contracts. Bender warns the crew about these last ones being particually dangerous and to keep their eyes peeled for any tricks being pulled. Harrison stores the contract box away and Marcy leads the team to go after the final few contracts
Bender and Marcy Wu begin to suspect Chip won't keep his end and that he'll doublecross them. Marcy thinks a contigency plan might be needed, and this is agreed upon by Harrison who thinks they must do more than stop Chip Whistler. Bender comments the casino is where to go, and they can actively rob him of his money as no matter what they do Whistler will get money. Luan refers to a heist to Bender, Harrison and Marcy could work, Bender likes how she thinks and asks Harrison to call Slade and Anti Cosmo about their heist plot.
Marcy asks Bender and Luan are they really sure about this, Bender states he's a mastermind at heists and he has commited burgalries in the future and has often got away with them and he did them alone. Luan adds that why she doesn't approve of that, she does comment on Bender being truthful on this regard and added he did do this in a casino before against the organized crime of robots. Marcy wants to more about the society of robots Bender comes from and he states later.
Bender decides he will take on Chip Whistler directly and that Marcy will help him with this which she accepts. Snart comments does Bender think he and Marcy can do it himself and to suspect Whistler will have his own plans, Bender feels Harrison should help him and Marcy due to Wells's supsicons.
Bender, Marcy Wu and Harrison storm into Chip's office, Chip chides them for not knocking and it seems they're a day early. Marcy states they get the work done, efficently, Chip asks for the contacts and Bender asks for him to tear the contract regarding Captain Hero and Chip tries to convince Bender that he can be trusted. Bender supposely buys it and tells Harrison to give the contract chest to him. Harrison gives it to him, Chip opens it and he get pied in the face which Bender and Marcy Wu get a laugh at this, Chip yells what's so funny considering they broke their deal. Harrison explains that he was on to Chip the whole time and knew he would lie so they kept the box safe. Chip states that his education didn't teach 2 things, how to cope with defeat and how to kill people directly, he states he will do summoning A massive green plant like alien, Chip orders him to kill Bender, Harrison and Marcy.
Bender, Harrison and Marcy find out the alien and use their combned uses of magic, arrows, guns and energy weapons which do some damage to the alien but not anything significant as Chip boasts how they won't figure out his weakness.
Bender, Harrison and Marcy are undetemined to lose against the alien as Chip tries to offer they can be his attractions in turn. Bender refuses and throws a brick at Chip hurting his teeth, Chip tells the alien to just kill the robot right there and now, Marcy stuns it with a potion and Harrison takes out a bottle of yellow stuff and throws to have Marcy and Bender shoot at which they do. It's urinic acid which hurts and stuns the alien. Chip throws the alien in the closet goes into a helicopter and tries to cut down Bender, Marcy and Harrison. Luan shows up after taking a trip to the bathroom and then fires another banana peel into the helicopter blinding Chip's vision and sending him down. Bender finds the contract with Hero and rips it in half.
Bender, Harrison, Luan and Marcy find a pentagon in his office and Marcy identiies as part of the zodiac she was shown and takes it. Bender asks Luan where she was and Luan stated she took out the aliens, and decides after all that soda she drank to use the bathroom and left a little surpise for Chip
Chip Whistler after recovering needs the bathroom and sees poop in the urinal and he goes on a tirade to his non alien henchman about it with Luan, Bender, Marcy Wu, Captain Hero, Bean, Luci, Elfo and Stan all hearing in on it and laughing at Chip's tirade about it with Hero calling Chip a big baby.
Marcy, Bender and Luan report back to Andrias on what they did and present the contracts they found. Andrias explains they are actually souls of characters stock characters that were taken and signed away and that now Marcy can return to their orginiators. He hands Bender treasure chests for a job well done. Marcy intends to go back to her team whether they are, Bender asks her where are they. Marcy states they're somewhere, and that Andrias is setting where
Luan asks will she see Marcy again, and Marcy states that Luan will see her again, it's just she does have her own group to work with, and asks will she continue investigating. Luan states on weekends as she has school to do and Marcy asks Bender asks if he will. Bender states, he'll need to see if another move needs, Andrias suggests to Bender to keep investigating as this Cult concerns Bender now too, he's in this and he ain't getting out. Luan interepts this as blackmail, and Andrias states he's just confident Bender can do it and that Bender was impling as Andrias was to wait for Toffee to make his next move, as Toffee is being subtle.
Marcy jumps in into the portal back to her friends and Bender walks with Luan out of the castle asking if they should have said something about the disney characters that Luan and Bender found as skeletions in Whistler's closet. Luan states that Marcy proably already knows, and that it explains how Toffee made his plot so subtle by getting rid of the disney threats that could stop him. Bender realizes Toffee is attacking disney characters who won't side with him and is buliding his elite based on disney characters and it's no suprise that Andrias was targeted by Toffee.
Bender and Luan go back to Wile E Coyote, Captain Hero, Bean, Luci, Elfo and Stan and the two hand them their payments. Luan thanks everyone for the work done and that Marcy has set back to her friends. Wile E stated Harrison went back too before Bender could give him his cut, Bender states he'll have Anti Cosmo give it to him. Bean wants to go back to Luci's inferno and celebrate, Bender wants to keep going into the cult as their plans endanger him as a disney character and surpingsly Captain Hero is the 1st to agree with Bender, Luci tells them to loose up and that they have money and they have succeess so it's time to kick it. Bender offers to take Luan home to her house, and Hero offers to help Stan home. Stan asks Hero does he really know the way, and Hero says he's done they've been neighboring show for 3 years, Wile E opens two portals for him and the Disenchant crew to go to Dreamland and the other 4 to go into Royal Woods and South Park
Chapter 7[]
Meanwhile at Dreamland, it's midnight and Luci closes his bar and him, Bender, Wile E, Hero, Bean and Elfo all exit the bar with Hero and Bean being drunk due to how many they pounded down. Bender takes the wheel ready to head back home but Hero and Bean want to drive pushing him over, Wile E states that the two are them are too drunk to drive and that they don't want to be meatloafs in the pavement. Bender annoyed with their drunkness states that the two need to learn a lesson and that he'll watch the fire works, Elfo childes Bender for letting them hurt themselves. WIle E adds to Elfo that Luci encouraged them to do it.
Captain Hero and Bean both begin driving and yeah they're swerving around a lot while laughing while drinking and take some suggestions from Luci where to drive which makes Elfo nervous telling Bender and WIle E to stop them. Wile E tells Elfo that they need to learn themselves and that Bender could have done so, as while he drunk as much, Bender at least will still be sober to drive. Bender agrees with Wile E on this.
Hero slides the car at an uncontrollable speed and calling it a touchdown and then the speed creates a wormhole that the six go into.
The wormhole goes into an island and Hero crashes into a rock yelling drunkenly with joy sending all five of them flying. Wile E and Bender are the least hurt as Wile E is used to falling off things and Bender is a robot. Hero asks everyone did they have fun getting glares from Wile E and Bender.
Wile E chatises Luci for letting Bean and Hero drive drunk and nearly get them killed. Luci states that he has nothing to worry about, Bender asks then where are they if Luci said that they had nothing to worry about. Wile E tells Bender and Luci that they're on an island, from another universe. Bender sarcastically thanks Luci for enabling Hero and Bean and getting them put in another universe
Luci sees blood and asks Wile E and Bender to see this. The three come across dead bodies around the ocean and they're the mermaids, Bender wonders what could have caused this and Wile E continues to explain that this is a mermaid island and the two bodies they found are mermaids, Hero hears dead bodies and decides to have his way disgusting the trio, Bender tells him to stop descreating the corpses. Hero calls Bender on being intolerant and that he doesn't call out Bender's wierd habits where Sideshow Bob appears disguised as a red palm tree to greet him, Luci and Wile E.
Sideshow Bob tells Bender, Wile E and Luci as Hero has his way with the corpses that Slade sent him and Tombstone to get more info on the inner circle members of the cult and that Slade noticed Toffee was heading here so he sent Sideshow Bob to spy on them using his likeness as a palm tree. Sideshow Bob explains that he didn't see Toffee kill the mermaids but he did overhear the prounoncedness of deceased people, Tombstone also arrives and gives Bender a guidebook of who he found in Toffee's cults. Luci decides to check on Bean and Elfo.
Wile E takes the book and analyzes that Toffee has a elite disney plan like Bender suspected and Sideshow Bob adds Harrison thought so too and that Harrison is on his own mission with Slade regarding the pistachios. Bender and Wile E ask Sideshow Bob to call Slade which he does. Bender and WIle E seeing Bean getting her hang over and Hero's necro interset state it's fortunate that Luan and Stan were not here, and Wile E offers to get some dna on the deceased memraids which Bender thinks could work, he wonders why hasn't Marcy contacted him if Marcy may have been there.
Anti Cosmo and Naseala arrive at Mako Island and Naseala asks Sideshow Bob where and Bob points to Naseala where and Anti Cosmo asks Bender for Harrison's payment which he gives. Wile E and Bender explain to Anti Cosmo they found themselves most baffling, there were 3 mermaids that Sideshow Bob witnessed and that they were all killed but they only found two around the ocean and wonder where the other one went
Bender tells Tombstone he's more fasciated with finding out the disappearance of the other mermaid and that he got a text from Luan about a letter that came for him back at Royal Woods. Anti Cosmo asks Bender if it was another jury duty note and Bender states he has them sent to the zoo. Wile E and Elfo offer to help Tombstone and Slade deal with the pistachios in Danville. Sideshow Bob agrees with this and decides to let the group help Slade and Harrison with this. Anti Cosmo tells Sideshow Bob and Tombstone that he won't be coming back as he is going to accompany Bender to Royal Woods and help him investgate the letter and the mermaid. Anti Cosmo also intstructs Naseala to keep up the work and report anything he finds.
Hero, Wile E, Elfo, Bean and Luci all head off with Sideshow Bob and Tombstone. Bender puts Wile E in charge and WIle E reveals he has managed to get the corpses off of Hero long enough to get a sample. Bender also gives Wile E permsssion to taser Hero if he tries to plow the bodies.
Bender and Anti Cosmo both head off and Anti Cosmo asks Bender about all the people who Toffee had killed regarding what Marcy Wu, him and Luan knew. Bender tells Anti Cosmo Toffee and the cult killed Jake Long, Dave the Barbarian, his friends, Chuckles the Silly Piggy, Dr.Drakken, Kim Possible, Randy Cunningham, Skeletion King, The Super Monkey Force, Wander, Sylvia, Commander Peppers, Lord Hater, Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz. Anti Cosmo and Bender are both quick to realize despite Toffee's Disney villain exclusiveity, Toffee has had other disney villains killed for not working with him.
Bender asks Anti Cosmo to take them to Royal Woods, Anti Cosmo opens a portal and turns into a umbrella and Bender grabs him as they go to Royal Woods. Anti Cosmo and Bender who are snacking at the Burpin Burger while waiting for the Louds to get home. The Duo gets Naseala's call and the two of them learn that someone else was present on the island who took the body Bender noticed. Bender asks does he have any analysis on who, Naesala only knows that the foot steps were human. Anti Cosmo asks how Naseala found out and Naseala reveals that the footsteps were in the grass and thus harder to track. Naseala tells the two that he did retrieve a blood analysis before finishing the clean up and when the other members of Slade's army finish their job he will give it to them.
At the Loud Residence Bender and Anti Cosmo both knock on the Loud House. Luan's dad answers and asks what's Bender and his floating hologram doing here as it's not Friday yet. Anti Cosmo feeling insulted stated he's an anti fairy, Bender calms down and tells Mr.Loud that he is for that letter Luan texted him about. Mr.Loud asks Bender was he trying to avoid jury duty again, Anti Cosmo laughs saying he asked that too. Bender states he had that sent to another place. Mr.Loud lets Anti Cosmo and Bender go up to Luan's Room and tells Luan that Bender is here for his letter, Luan asks what's Anti Cosmo doing with Bender?. Bender explains that he is on an invesitgation for a disappeared corpse and Anti Cosmo is with him on the ride. Luan is aware of the text Harrison sent to her that he got from Marcy and it was about pistachios that him and Slade are going after. Bender split his team to help them, while he works with Anti Cosmo.
Luan learns from Anti Cosmo that Naseala found a blood sample of the ambush Sideshow Bob took when he eavesdropped on Toffee's cult. Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo all share their disgust with Toffee basically slaughtering Disney characters and that Marcy is aware of this too.
Luan hands Bender the letter and he opens it with Anti Cosmo and Bender reading it with Luan. They learn that the writer was kidnapped and was taken to a secret lab and all that they saw was Disney universes in brief glimpses, that said person is a stranger and seeing the ad for Titantius Anglesmith as an expert multiveral P.I maybe he can help find her and that she had some descriptions of the universes for Bender and Anti Cosmo to follow.
Bender puzzles why it was sent there, Luan deducts that it was because she was on the ad as Titantius's (Bender's) sidekick and her number was there. Anti Cosmo states that were two phone numbers and adresses and hers was easier, and that this time he will be Bender's sidekick for this case.
Luan still has a few days left for the weekend so yeah Anti Cosmo will be Bender's sidekick for this case. Bender and Anti Cosmo though are a pit clueless where to go based on the locations said writer descirbed, though both of them feel they're Disney Universes.
Luan proposes the two go see her sister Lisa for help on this. Anti Cosmo and Bender knock on Lisa's room and Lisa asks what is Bender and his blue floating fanged hologram doing here. Anti Cosmo angry yells he's an anti fairy, he has magic. Lisa rolls her eyes and tells Bender why is he here, and that today is only the middle of the week. Bender explains Luan sent him to her room for help regarding him and Anti Cosmo's investigation and hands her the letter.
Lisa reads the letter and tells Bender and Anti Cosmo that she cannot read here but has a remote location. Lisa calls her family that she'll be helping out a sliver robot and a bowler hat wearing vampire. Anti Cosmo states he is not a vampire, he's an anti fairy for the 3rd time, Bender tells Anti Cosmo at least they're getting closer which he concedes.
Lisa leads the two to her bombshelter and explains that these are Disney UNiverses like the two deducted. Anti Cosmo asks which ones, Lisa explains that about 3 of them, ones that have been not claimed. Bender questions the last word and Lisa states that someone has been clamiing and blocking Disney Universes from crossing over with one another. Bender and Anti Cosmo both know it's Toffee since it makes the most sense and Lisa overhears them on that, Bender explains the casusalites at Toffee's hands and this is a reason why Bender is taking his investigation so seriously because Toffee will target Bender at some point.
Bender and Anti Cosmo arrive in Duckberg a bit ago and both are baffled of what it resembles as they were not used to how comic booky it is as they were used to more of a 80s style. Bender and Anti Cosmo both realize it's a reboot and this is when they have their own talk about the multiverse
Bender confides that the multiverse doesn't feel like it used to be, he feels something has very much changed in the multiverse and there was a time where their lives and universe were new and full of wonder, when curiosity led people to explore, trust each other plainly and make amazing discoveries and then some how it ended. Bender asks Anti Cosmo on his feelings of it
Anti Cosmo answers that the world they came into is still the same, but he feels the world feels smaller, a lack of wonder and suprise and that nothing is truly replicated. Anti Cosmo states that the state of the universe feels full of tragedy, cynicalism and full of loss, he even states Slade is aware of this himself and that the three of them (Bender, himself and Slade) are basically 3 relics of an old multiverse and maybe even the only 3 still working and trying to live up to the old days.
Bender recinds that point and feels that according to Tombstone's info that it feels like new shows have emerged and reboots are popping up left and right so there nothing as an orginial universe or much of them emerging. Bender also states that his friends have mostly moved on and aren't so much in to the adventuring, while he is mostly still trying into it through his own work as a PI, though it ain't all bad regarding his friendship with Luan.
Anti Cosmo states that the world has changed and while himself, Slade and Bender are the 3 relics of the old multiverse this unites them.
Bender loads up his riffle and runs with Anti Cosmo to the manison and tells them they are going to go and kill the beagle boys. Anti Cosmo asks Bender if it's possible than maybe it's not wise to get Glomgold and Chip's attention again after Harrison told him of their encounter. Bender states that they have to make sure their plan regarding Duckberg and money is stopped.
Bender and Anti Cosmo break into Duck Manor and start chasing the Beagle Boys, as they try to gang on them but by put down by bullets ang magic. Bender sees more of them and taking out another riffle and begins shooting more with both riffles
Bender continues opening fire on the Beagle Boys even reloading his assualt rifle afterwards. He get ambushed a few times but he still mows through all the Beagle Boys like paper. He finds Anti Cosmo who both find the head of the Beagles
Mama Beagle who goes after the two in vegenacne as they are her boys. She puts on a helmet and charges at them where Anti Cosmo just files over her. Bender then sees a safe and shoots it having it fall on her head and then Anti Cosmo golf clubs his wand into her head. They exchange this 5 times and Bender shuts shoots her out of the manor.
Bender and Anti Cosmo are both dissapointed as a result but Lisa warns them that there is something big coming their way and to return to Royal Woods with what they found. Anti Cosmo confirms he found out something in the manor and it was a hidden diamond. Bender asks where he found it, and Anti Cosmo states he found it when Bender went on his beagle boy shoot out.
Bender states that this was the 1st area the letter referred to , but he found no other clues, but spectualtes that there may be another source in outer space regarding where to go. Lisa concurs with this and that it's possible and to just bring the diamond back. Bender and Anti Cosmo both get on the space ship and Lisa decides to join them as she is the only one who knows how to ride it which both AC and Bender agree to. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Lisa show up and are recurited into helping Star Command. Which they do, and Lisa tells them this is why she needs the Diamond
Lisa directs Bender and Anti Cosmo and the other ships through co-ordinates and analysis. Lisa fires her weapons at the weak spots and Bender uses his weapons to destory the ships as Anti Cosmo is calling the boggy shots
Immortus and Don Karnage but their men on the cruisers and target Anti Cosmo, Bender and Lisa who are been dog fought and the trio is eventually drives off the duo. Bender comes close to Lord Dominator's allies and blows them with a rocket and basically kills off all her commanders. Lisa commends Bender for the angle and Anti Cosmo for figuring out the weak spots
NOS-4A2 decides to just shoot down the prodlogy girl's ship and he has Lord Dominator order all the attacks on Bender, Lisa and Anti Cosmo. Lord DOminator is sucessful at blasting the trio down and Lisa states this will work as Brighton is the last and final stop as well as where the person resides. Bender and Anti Cosmo ask Lisa what about the rest of the fleet, Lisa states that the fact they were focused means they won because the others will get in as all their efforts went on them.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Lisa who have investgiated Brighton and that they are completely unfamilar with it. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Lisa find a lab and they find more of that blood sample that Nasesla has found. Anti Cosmo states that this may be where the body was placed and was ressurcted, Lisa states that whoever brought her has necromancy which Bender shoots her down and states it was more spirtual as he saw a paper that wasn't discarded and it states souls and esssences which were included.
Lisa skeptic points out the riduclousness of Bender's claim, Anti Cosmo states Bender may be on to something and states that the impossible is able to happen while stating Lisa does not have his or Bender's understanding of the multiverse. Bender then reminds him about the relic thing they talked about. Lisa invesitgates and finds an unconsciousness body and gets the other two's attention
Bender asks what is that, Lisa states that it's an uncosnicuness homo sapien body sarcastically and that they must take it back to the lab. Bender and Anti Cosmo are eventally in agreement and this though Bender asks Lisa and Anti Cosmo to get their weapons ready as the lab was trashed earlier, He contacts Marcy about his findings on the investgation
Anti Cosmo, Marcy and Bender talk about the trashing of the lab and Marcy feels that something might be going on at Brighton and tells Andrias. King Andrias tells Marcy he is aware of the world and has made a plan to counter this.

Anti Cosmo, Bender and Lisa leave with the unconcicusness body when they are surrounded by toads. This is when Sasha, Grime and Pinstripe show up and Grime states that it seems that they didn't get everyone in town and that is the P.I that Chip and Glomgold were talking about. Bender clairfies they're Sasha and Grime and whoever the other guy. Sasha and Grime decide to capture Bender, Anti Cosmo and Lisa for Toffee and the two end up fighting the former two
Sasha fights Anti Cosmo and Bender with Grime's help and despite their combination of skills. Bender and Anti Cosmo outmanuever them in playing dirty which is what the two do themselves. Bender and Anti Cosmo both have enough of this and decide to corner the Snake
Ushari is surrounded by Lisa, Lalo, Bender and Anti Cosmo who have him outnumbered by the 4. Ushari despite being outnumbered tries to attack all 4 of them, His bite doesn't work on Bender due to him being a robot or Anti Cosmo due to him being a magical creature. Bender grabs Ushari and Anti Cosmo has him pinned down. Lisa hands Lalo a torch and asks him would he like to do the honors. Lalo agrees and incincerates the snake
Anti Cosmo, Bender and Lisa ask Lalo what's his deal, Lalo tells them that he is aware of Toffee's treachery and while he is in his group. He is trying to surivive anyway he can and wants to dispose the disney villains to prove not to try to throw him aside as he holds Pinstripe's body. Sasha and Grime both recovered are ready to kill Lalo for his betrayal, even though they do explain they dont get Toffee's plan either despite being on it.
Cleo emerges out of nowhere to Anti Cosmo, Bender, Grime, Lalo, Lisa and Sasha and she recongizes Grime, Lalo and Sasha. Sasha asks do they know who she is and Cleo states that Sasha was part of who put her away and now she's back for revenge
Bender is rightfully confused as is Anti Cosmo and Lisa. Cleo states that girl Toffee killed is gone and that a new girl has been born and she deems herself The Ocean Mistress which Lisa dubs is uncool for a name.
Bender shoots her with his shotgun which sends her reelin but doesn't slow her, Lalo decides that he needs to make a hast and warns the trio to do so. Cleo then decides to use Atmokensis to basically kill Grime and Sasha, Which Lisa says that she'll drown the citizens too, Cleo doesn't care, she must ensure cut down Toffee's forces any way possible.
The Trio are saved by a newt who tells them that Andiras sent her to help them. Bender asks who is she, She introduces herself to General Yuman and that Marcy as well asked her to save them as she sensed something. Bender reminds himself to thank Marcy, Yuman has her army command their own pirate ship to take advantage of the massive wave being used by Cleo. Lisa states that they can go to her bomb shelter and bring the unconciusness girl there, Anti Cosmo and Bender are both pondering who is the Hydrokientic Ocean Mistress is. Marcy calls up Bender and sees that General Yuman has got them to on time.
Bender tells Marcy that he found an unconicouss girl at the lab and that they found a blood sample similar to Naseala. Marcy states what did the crow find after Anti Cosmo tells her about Naseala, Anti Cosmo states that Slade and the scientists were looking into who that sample is.
Chapter 8[]
Bender, Lisa, Anti Cosmo and General Yuman all get back to Lisa's Bomb Shelter and Anti Cosmo contacts the rest of the team to get back to the bomb shelter. As they wait Lisa decides to enjoy some rap and try to show Anti Cosmo and Bender how to break down like her
Anti Cosmo, Bender and Lisa are seen by everyone and he points the finger to Lisa that she foced him to dance. Bender meets back up with Bean, Wile E , Captain Hero, Luci, Elfo and Stan as Bender called pretending to be Stan's dad to get him out of school and explains the adventure he went with Anti Cosmo and Lisa and meet the General.
The girl that he saved with Lisa and Anti Cosmo wakes up and introduces herself as Cleo Setori which confuses Slade and Wells as they said the blood dna Naseala found was Cleo. When Cleo says she's not from the H20 Universe but an alternate this confuses Bender as well as the others other than Harrison. Cleo tells Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Lisa and the rest about how she even got here and about a man who kidnapped her under Toffee or at least formely.
Marcy finally shows up in holograms and Bender questions why she is like and Marcy states she's trying to keep her work with them secret. Slade recongizes it as techology like his own, and Luan decides to befriend the new girl seeing a kindred spirit though Lisa wants to experiment on her and see what makes her different. Bender and Luan then discuss how they're going to get around The Cult and what did Bender find. Bender tells her he found some vengeful sea woman, A mustached mexician, a Toad and a blonde girl. Bender tells Marcy that he saw Sasha and Grime and they tried to bring him and Anti Cosmo in though they took care of it. Marcy tells Bender don't kill them as Sasha is her friend and Bender states he didn't.
Luan states did Bender get hurt during his mission and Bender states a bit but not too much but they may have a new player on their hand. Harrsion takes Bender, Marcy, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo into a different room and tells the 5 about this theory on this Cleo and how different mutliverses and timelines can be formed by meddling with time and history. Bender remembers what he did with the spear of destiny and cites this as an example which Harrison clarfies isn't a perfect example
Harrison explains to Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Marcy Wu and Slade about the ideas of reboots and how orginial universes can make new versions of the universe when rebooted. After the others minus Marcy give a example, Anti Cosmo and Bender both realize they saw this in the Duck Tales.
Bender is confronted by Marcy as a result of Harrison using his name as opposed to Titatnius Anglesmith and Bender confesses that Bender is his real name and he's been using it as an alias to hide from the preying eyes of the multiverse and that Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison know too. Marcy and Bender make an agreement to keep this between themselves and call each other by their first names. After Marcy and Slade make a plan to fight the Weirdmagedon effects, Marcy makes another plan with Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade to retreive the comatose Team Free Will bodies in The Boiling Isles and to go after the Blights.
Bender agrees to the plan and prepares his leave. Marcy and Bender both decide to make a plan to have the others go after the Blights and their plans in The Boling Isles. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo go one way and Marcy sets a plan with General Yuman to have Bean, Luci, Elfo, Hero and Stan help her attack the opposing forces in the area. Bender has Wile E and Lisa stay around to figure out the Cleo Sub Prime as Harrison puts it and what separates her from Cleo, Luan decides to use her time to help them as well and Harrison stays so he can keep an eye on the Blights. While Marcy works with Slade's Army to make a vaccine.
Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo arrive at The Boiling Isles and find themselves crashes into the Owl House itself. Bender meets Hooty as well as Slade and Anti Cosmo and Hooty gets on their nerves quickly. Slade directs him and Anti Cosmo to find the comatose bodies which are located in the attic Luz lives
Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all begin discussing the circumstances of the house and how it looks like a owl lady lives here due to the next that Slade found. Bender even notes that it's a weird house as he finds the comatose bodies in the attic. Anti Cosmo also notes how the house really is a nest if the owl head is anything. Before the three leave, Hooty again bothers the 3 with Bender finally stating that they're with Marcy and Hooty backs off as Marcy is who send them off. Hooty tells them that Marcy has had an eye on the situation in Boiling Isles in part to a contact here associated with the Blights
Realizing that this who Harrison tracked, Bender alongside Slade and Anti Cosmo go after the Blights and head to Hexside as per Wells's tracking device. Bender and Anti Cosmo help Slade restrain the Blights and ruin their reputation before they brainwash the students of Hexside.
Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo all basically slam drinks as they talk about the multiverse once again and how they feel that their world has changed too much and they question how they can move on Due to the unknown territory that all 3 of them have stepped on. Bender's only real conslidation is Luan Loud in this new life and his line of work. He even considers Marcy possibly as well.
The three go to the Blight Manor when Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo get trapped and they hear someone say hello to them and it's Toffee as Bender recongizes the finger. Toffee is annoyed with the three for getting involved and that he planned with the Blights to elminate the trio. Bender is annoyed with Toffee's plans and that they involved him and Toffee states he had no intent to go after the robot and that he had no idea Bender was going to get involved or Slade and Anti Cosmo. Toffee tries to convince the three to help him as the 4 of them all want the universe the way it was. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade refuse and Toffee tries to kill the three with the Blights
Bender and Slade both fight Odalia's adomination while Anti Cosmo goes after Toffee and his gauntlet. During their fight one of the comatose bodies goes missing and falls into a volcano.
Luan, Harrison Wells and Cleo Subprime end up helping Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo deal with Toffee and the Blights which allows them to retreat. Bender is quick to realize Toffee was screwing with them and he already started wierdmagedon and Harrison Wells contacts Lisa and tells her to open the portal for Him. Lisa does so and this allows Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison Wells and Cleo Sub Prime to get in and away.
Chapter 9[]
Bender is curious as he wonders how come his friends havn't gotten back to him as he checks his phone in that he texted and phoned them about covered in safety regarding Weirdmagedon. Harrison tells Bender that nearly all of his friends were among the causualites and Bender blames himself for not being able to save his friends. Dib, Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Nina Cortex, Edd, Skipper, Heloise, Starfire, Jorgen, Dexter and Twilight Sparkle were all causualites and that the disney allies Darkwing , Launchpad, Phineas and Isabella havn't been heard from. Harrison reassures Bender they are not permament and that they can be reversed if they can beat Toffee and Bill Cipher.
As Bender mopes about being the only person in his group to techinally surivie, he finds out about Cleo Subprime and Luan's secret regarding the latter.
Cleo apologizes that she didn't mean to and Luan pranked her first, Bender points out to her that Luan is a prankster and to expect that and Cleo knew she had moon water from Mako Island and used it to prank Luan. Cleo tells Bender that she was unaware that the moon out was The Mako Moon that changed her and Bender does admit that it's not like he knew either.
Bender tells Cleo Subprime that he doesn't want Luan's life ruined because of her prank and wants her to live the best life and turning her into a mermaid might have done that. Cleo Subprime tells Bender she's working on a way to stablize it like she did to herself. Bender states she better or he's sending Cleo Subprime back to her alternate multiverse. Cleo sees this as a win win as she was pulled out of there, Bender states he meant that. Cleo Subprime ponders when will she shows powers.
Bender and Luan talk about this recent development and Luan confesses that she kinds wanted to get super powers and may have liked developing powers as a result of Cleo Subprime's actions. Bender questions Luan about why she did this, Luan explains that she doesn't feel really special when compared to Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison who all have great skills and just sees sees herself as the girl who tells puns and makes jokes. Luan also confesses she questions why Bender has her as his sidekick and protege when they are others who are capable of being his partner as she is a normal teenaged girl. Luan wants to be able to prove herself as a worthy partner to Bender and wants to be like the others in the group and feels she dissapoints Bender
Bender points out to Luan that she is special to him and the thing he likes the most about his new life. Bender sees Luan as like his own kid and sees this relationship as a 2nd chance at having a kid after what Eobard Thawne did to him regarding his orginial daughter, this is why he cares about her so much and sees potential in Luan. He also reveals that she balances out his outlook like Marcy does, He admits that while Luan is a normal teenaged girl, she has served to be stragetic and smart with her pranks and does have her own perks. Luan asks should she keep her powers when they emerge and stay the way she is, Bender tells Luan it's her choice, Luan tells Bender to not tell anyone about this, Bender states he will have to tell Marcy , Harrison, Anti Cosmo and Slade about it and Luan decides an exception can be made.
Due to his immunities to Weridmageddon, Bende rheads with Marcy, Hook and Sideshow Bob to the Jolly Roger as he drinks with Bob and Hook. Bender and Marcy try to plot an attack with Sideshow Bob under Snart's suggestion. Bender and Marcy Wu though also discuss other personal aspects as Bender feels a need to avenge his friends against Toffee and Bill regarding what he did and Marcy worries for her parents as she knows Anne is alive.
Zhan Tiri ambushes the two under Chip's orders after encountering Luan, Slade, Harry and Anti Cosmo. Marcy and Bender both annoyed attack Zhan Tiri and despite the demon's power, Marcy Wu and Bender both hold their own thanks to working as a team through brain and brute force. Anti Cosmo gets Bender and Marcy to safety as a result and Bender with Marcy is summoned to Newtopia by Andrais where they go to Newtopia.
Bender engages with NOS-4A2 and Sasha with Luan, Wile E, Marcy and Anti Cosmo to deal with Toffee's forces. NOS-4A2 is something Bender does have some uneasiness regaridng he's an energy vampire but decides to comfront him regardless. NOS-4A2 decides to try to attack and drain Bender of his energy and focuses on that while Bender keeps his distance and has Marcy go after NOS-4A2 while the Coyote is working on bombing NOS-4A2. Luan also works to distract him so Bender can gun him down more times despite realizing he's an walking target for the vampire.
Wile E eventually forces him to retreat and Bender decides to go get Andrias where he and Anti Cosmo are separated from Slade and Marcy Wu in their attempt to stop The Blot. Bender and Anti Cosmo engage against Sasha who trys convinicing them that she isn't the enemy althoguh she is eager to rematch them. Sasha fares better than last time but is brought down by the two
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Marcy, Bean and Luci lock up Sasha and Grime in the Castle cells.Grime attempts to convince Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender they're fighting the wrong person and that he intends to stop Toffee due to Toffee's plan being utterly insane and they just wanted the throne before fighting Toffee and that Lalo is acting against them too. Anti Cosmo notes Lalo wasn't after him, Lisa and Bender back in Brighton and states that's a reason they are not killing him or Sasha and just locking themup.
Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade tell Grime that they can defeat Bill and Toffee themselves and Grime points out they need a brilliant strategy in order to defeat Toffee as Toffee is on top of things and has been for a while. Bender and Marcy contact Snart and decide to put the hiest plan into action. Marcy and Bender both decide to bring Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harrison Wells along them to chase after Toffee Cipher and utilmately conduct their hesit on the petrifying people Cipher has on this throne.
Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]
Bender heads into the pyramid equipped with his plasma rifle as he invesitgates the pyramid with Slade, AC, Luan, Marcy and Harrison and is being directed by Wile E and Lisa Loud where to find the throne room as the group is lost
Bender wonders if Toffee is using his friends as part of a throne while attempting to encourage Marcy not to worry about Anne while worrying himself. After getting his co-ordiates from Wile E and the others. The Robot covers Anti Cosmo with Marcy Wu as they head to the throne room.
At the throne room, Bender's wonder is proven when he sees a few of M.O.D.A.B's members and his friends are indeed used as Toffee's throne and he tells Marcy, Luan and Harrison to handle them with caution as he wants them saved in spot condition. With Slade and Anti Cosmo using a portable transporter in connection to Mojo, Luci and Stan, Bender gets plenty of the parts of Toffee's throne to them with Luan, Marcy and Wells helping.
The conncetion is severed and this is when Toffee Cipher arrives and Bender stands by Marcy and angrily wants them to let Dib and the others go. Toffee states they're part of a throne of the multiverse's new ruler and that Toffee didn't do this to anger Bender, he has nothing against any of them it's just they are in his way and he needs to get rid of them. Bender equips himself to help Marcy deal with Toffee Cipher
Despite Bender's valiant efforts, he finds himself on a loosing end as he is slowed down by Toffee Cipher's time control and turns some of Bender's ammo into bubbles before trying to put a hole in Bender with their increased power. Bender shoots him in the face which stuns him and Bender is dropped him, Bender blows off Toffee's tail and smacks him in the face to save Luan and powerbombs Toffee Cipher. Toffee Cipher unflinched summons a chained bubble for him and the others to save Marcy. King Andiras saves him from being killed and Toffee decides to make Bender and the others a snack for the henchmaniacs and sends them down to the bottom
Marcy, Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo split off with Slade and Harrison as they go looking for Toffee Cipher while Harry's daughter saves the latter two. He and Marcy call Snart and tell him of the heist and the rate they're at. When Marcy sees Sid falling, Marcy gets Bender to help Sid with her and the two manage to suceed with Bender being introduced to Sid where Anti Cosmo and Luan get back to the two and manage to find the throne room.
Bender manages to complete the operation with the help of Marcy, Luan, Sid, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Jesse and manage to get rid of the throne completely for Wile E and Lisa to keep in safeness. Bender then rushes after Toffee with Marcy and co.
Bender and the gang corner Toffee at the same time Luz, Anne and Cricket, Marcy introduces Bender to them as Titantius Anglesmith as part of their deal. Learning they are all on the same side and Bender engages Toffee who still has the gauntlet he had in The Boiling Isles when he encountered, the robot, Slade and Anti Cosmo.
Despite Toffee being vastly outnumbered, he still holds on very well against the entire team and it becomes obivous that Bender and Marcy made another plan with Luz and Anne that they can override his regenerative capabilites to ultimately kill Toffee. Bender sees that Luan's powers start to emerge in part to Bender and Marcy's encouragement. Seeing Luan have problems controlling them, Bender keeps Luan safe and helps her focus on Toffee. Bender then equips a Futuristic RPG 7 and fires it at Toffee at the same time everyone corners Toffee.
With the explosives going off, the heroes all head out and Bender finds Castiel and Rick who are suprised each other knew about the Cult which Marcy is suprised they all know each other. Castiel and Rick tell Bender to leave as they will stop and contain the unstable power of the pyramid, He and Marcy Wu protest but Luan and Slade manage to get them out and tell the two they choose to do this and not to talk them out of this.
Bender and Slade both congaraute their groups and Bender watches Cleo Subprime destablize Luan. Back at Newtopia he is singled out with Marcy Wu, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells and is offered a position with the Newtopia Army which he refuses to do his own. Bender is asked by Slade what he intends to do next and he states he'll just play his cards as they come, he still desires the old days but he'll try to adjust the new days for Luan and Marcy Wu's sake unaware Anti Cosmo wants to join his team. Bender talks to Luan about her condition and reveals that he's renamed his PI Business to include both of them and that Luan doesn't have to agree but she can help him when she can or wants not wanting to put off her dream which touches Luan.
Multiversal Noir[]
Alongside Boomer, he is the main protagonist of Multiversal Noir. as he investigates Lizbeth's disappearance on his own. As he saved Dib and the rest from eternal petrification at the hands of Toffee and Cipher with the help of Marcy Wu and Slade's Army. Thinking something bigger is going on, he has Skipper, Starfire and Heloise work with Boomer as he works with Luan and Anti Cosmo to uncover it while dealing with a 11 year old blue haired girl who he was hired to help.
Dib, Bubbles,Blossom, Bender, Dexter ,Buttecup, Milo, Dexter, Nina Edd and Darkwing are all having their breakfast getting ready for the day. With the exception of Bender, all of them are feeling the same hibernation sickness Boomer has. Boomer shows up and asks if they heard from Lizbeth.
Dib decides to place some calls to figure out what really happened and Bubbles goes with him. Boomer and Bender meanwhile believe they must investigate this case and put their heads to work.
Skipper, Starfire and Heloise were brought in with the rest of the group and they are told of the disappearing Lizbeth situation.Starfire stills feel some hiberation sickness and she asks her friends if they do. Heloise states she still does and the others do too, Bender states he's fine
Boomer thanks Blossom and decides there is one approach that ben taken and that is investigate the multiverse and where Lizbeth took her trip which he discussed with Bender and everyone agrees to do.
Bender, however wants to his own investgiation which Bubbles questions him on this as does Buttercup and Milo. Bender explains to the three, that he has a guy who can do the job Mutliversal Private Detective Titantius Anglesmith. Milo asks how can Bender get a hold of him when they all know he's hard to pin down and that no one has met him at his own headquaters which Bender snarks to himself an asian archer girl (Marcy) did.
Edd tries to covince Bender not to go on his own investigation and get a detective as they don't need a detective to get involved. Boomer decides to talk to Bender on this and they come to an agreement on this. Bender and Boomer can both investigate on their own but need to keep some contact with one another if they find something.
Dib, Boomer and Bender all hand their walkie talkie radios to keep in contact. Darkwing and Dexter get their vehciles ready for the rest of the team to board. Skipper, Starfire and Heloise are ready to go with Bender, when He tells the three to go with Boomer and Dib as he has to go on his own for this after a stop in Royal Woods. Starfire asks if he's getting Luan to help him and Bender confirms this.
Skipper asks if Bender knows something they don't about Lizbeth's disappearance. Bender states he really doesn't know and knows as little about it as they do about being part of a throne of pertified bodies. Heloise and Starfire curiously ask what he means, and Bender states that he knows little about being sat on in suspended animation.
As Bender leaves, Anti Cosmo pops up and confesses he was spying on this and what's the plan. Bender asks Anti Cosmo to take them to Royal Woods to get Luan. Anti Cosmo then wonders why Bender is basically leaving breadcrumbs for his friends to find out about Weirdmagedon, in which the robot confesses that he has been trying to tell the team about the event and it's just hard when Dib and DW both give him grieve for it.
Heloise, Edd and Blossom manage to get the co-ordinates to set off to London. Nina comforts Boomer that no matter what they will find out what happened to her and she swears that Nina and the rest of them will do this for Boomer's sake.
Bender and Anti Cosmo arrive and notice Cleo Subprime, Bender asks Cleo to assist in their case which she agrees to. Anti Cosmo asks where will all of them meet, Luan states that her house is off limits.
Cleo questions this which Bender explains that The Loud House has been really busy in part to Lincoln's new neighbor and the last time Bender and co hosted a get together there. Hero went nuts in regards to a soup or salad order. He also refers back to the time, Hero went hunting with Bender, Wile E and Bean and Hero straight masscared animals with a arensal of assault rifles, armor pierecing bullets and a Covenant Needler. Luan even adds Hero was on Bong Ripes on that occassion. Luan also did suspect as well that Lisa let too many people into her bomb shelter referring to when Slade's army, Yuman and Bender's associates all being there.
Luan offers to call Hero and Wile E to help with the case and asks if they just recruit President Wilson's Help. Bender explains to Anti Cosmo and Cleo that he also does work for President Deathstroke Wilson who ran for poltics to run the multiverse after using the spear of destiny and defeating Thawne.
Luan calls up Wile E and Hero and tells them (Titantius) needs them for a new case and they will meet up at either the Drawn Together home or Luci's Inferno. Bender, Cleo and Anti Cosmo head to Dreamland to go get Bean to assist in their case.

Chapter 1[]
Bender decided on The Drawn Together House where he, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Cleo, Wile E and Bean arrive as he covers Luan's eyes with Bean to make sure she doesn't see some of the depravity Hero has done.
Alongside Anti Cosmo, Bender provides the case to his team mates about Lizbeth and that with his friends heading to London. They must do something different in their investigation and he has his own idea. Going into alternate multiverses to find their Lizbeth as he suspects that a wormhole was the casue of Lizbeth's disappearance.
Cleo Sub Prime states Bender has to be real and that they just can't do that of their own accord and that she didn't arrive here on her own accord and she was forced out. Bender states that someone must have before and that it can happen again. Bean adds that was a random chance to Bender who undeettered decides to get President Deathstorke for help and asks Luan and Wile E to come with him.
Wile E calls up the president and Deathstroke found out about Toffee's return and chews both the robot and the coyote for not informing this to him. Bender points out he was unwilling to make this become a panic for the multiverse and if he did that, Toffee would have known earlier he was around and he wouldn't have did what he did to the Blights and Chip Whistler
Deathstroke lows his tone and realizes that the important thing is they stopped Toffee, though the president wonders how Toffee even came back. Bender states satantic cornchips did it and asks Deathstroke if he make a multiversal dimension machine for him as Lizbeth went missing and he thinks that's the answer and that Bean, Hero and Cleo think he's crazy but he wants to prove it can happen.
Deathstorke admits it's nuts but he can make it work, if Him, Bender, Skipper, Ford, Lincoln and Lydia could change time with the Spear of Destiny this can work and tells him and his crew to meet him in Halverston and Area.
Wile E tells Bender he doesn't think Bender is nuts for this plan and Luan asks if Bender did tell Dib about the Spear of Destiny thing, which Bender confirms and he was accused of trying to be god. Bender then meets Hilda who Anti Cosmo brought to the door and Luan stays to see her
Hilda asks for Bender's help to find her way back home as she got lost and there was something that happened that prevented her from doing it like last time. Bender turns it down becuase Lizbeth is a bigger concern. Luan tells Bender that she understands Bender is concerned about finding Lizbeth, but he can't let this get in the way of other cases. Hilda overhears this and asks about Lizbeth
Luan and Bender tell Hilda about Lizbeth and the events and that it means a lot for him to find her despite how virotic their relationship is. Hilda offers to help Bender with this before helping her noting they can help each other and Bender decides to agree with this. With Everything and Everyone settled, Bender and his friends set out to Halverston Area with Luan, Hilda and Anti Cosmo going with him, through some Separtians chase down the 4 which they do hold off.
Upon arriving at the old Powell House, Bender and his team work with Deathstroke and associates to make the machine with Luan mentioning Bender works a lot with pragmatic villains and former villains. As the machine is being made, Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo talk with Dib, Bubbles, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire and Heloise with the latter two talking to Skipper, Starfire and Heloise. Bender learns of Ciel's disappearance and other aspects and gives Skipper instructions to go after satantic figures.
As the Machine is ready, Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Hilda, Princess Bean, Captain Hero and Cleo Subprime get their gear on as they prepare to enter the dimension.

Chapter 2[]
So the first multiuniverse he arrives is one where everything is like a western and he puts on his cowboy costume alongside Luan while Wile E puts on a spy suit and Wile E uses his Dna Tracker to find the Lizbeth of the Western Universe
Bender decides alongside Bean and Hero to guzzle down a lot of booze as he wants to taste multiversal booze and Anti Cosmo allows this as the 4 begin drinking down. Bender asks about where Lizbeth Zaragoza is to them and many of them are confused as that's not her last name but are able to tell him where they are. This is when some outlaws show up demanding where Miss Beth and Bean is mistaken for her. The Outlaws start harassing Bean and Bender decides he has enough and just trips them which Hero helps Bender do .
The Outlaws get mad at Bender and Hero for doing so and ask do they know who they are. Anti Cosmo calls them a bunch of drunk beliggerent idiots and they point their guns at the 4. Hero plays the Marty Mcfly trick and Bender, Hero, Bean and Anti Cosmo basically shoot, punch and zap them and run out of the bar running.
Bender, Hero, Anti Cosmo and Bean are chased down and Bean steals a horse for her and Bender to ride to get away and it puruses into a long chase where they hit manure as they escape. Afterwards Bender asks the sheriff where Mrs. Lizbeth is and they point to a house in the distance. Wile E uses his DNA Scanner to confirm this and hands it to Bender as he chases a Roadrunner.
Cleo asks Bender who provoked those outlaws and Bender states all of them did mainly Hero, but Bender doesn't blame Captain Hero this time as the Outlaws were harassing Bean. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Cleo, Hilda, Bean and Hero knock on the door and ask for Lizbeth.
They find the western verison of Lizbeth who is basically recovering from something, she lost her father and best friend to one of the most ruthless outlaws and she went to avenge him with the help of a fellow robotic outlaw and one of the meanest but well intentioned marshals in a penguin. However as she shows Bender, she lost her right arm to snake venom after being bitten by a rattle snake and the robotic outlaw with a heart tried to suck the venom out but it led to an infection.
Bender asks was he the outlaw, and Lizbeth states he looks like him though. Luan asks her is this what happened to theirs. Lizbeth Mattie states she isn't the one but after hearing Anti Cosmo, Bender and Luan's story, she states that if whatever happened to their Lizbeth happened in this timeline to someone else than maybe they can find their answers there or maybe some other Lizbeth did return and that can help him on his journey
Thanking her, Bender leaves and tells her that he loves her though darts back on it though Luan and Anti Cosmo know what he really meant. Returning back to their multiverse, Bender tells Deathstroke and Associates about his encounter in the wild west of the multiverse
Deathstorke infroms Bender of his encounter with the news and that people are starting to hear about this. Deathstroke tells Bender that Lizbeth Mattie was a verison of her to be and just because she shares a name doesn't mean she'll share a last name or looks and tells him to advise that for next time. He also gives some pocuhes of magic that came from unknown to them Amity and read that it came from Marcy in the event of Sepratsis attacks. He then takes a call from Boomer and co
Heloise, Starfire and Skipper all get a bit pressed considering Toffee was dead and during the others commuicating with Bender, the three get the others out and ask about Toffee and did he set up this plan with Bill and some of his collabrators and Bender points out anything is posssible and considering what they did with the Spear of Destiny something must have slipped. Skipper tells Bender that how many of the others know about what they actually did, and Bender states that them, Luan, Deathstroke are the only ones who do and Skipper states why did he tell Luan and Deathstroke and Bender states that Luan needed to know as she works with him and Deathstorke is his employer.
Bender also agrees with the Powerpuff girls to tell Boomer to see Bliss.
Chapter 3[]
After sending Boomer and co to Bliss, he ponders which multiverse to go next with Wile E and that they need to be careful with which one. Wile E suggests that they should just pick one at random and that maybe they can find one of his Lizbeths that did surive Weirdmagedon.
Wile E also suggests Bender to go looking not as a full team ,and to take Luan, Anit Cosmo, Hilda with him which Bender agrees to. Bender brings Luan, Hilda and Anti Cosmo with him to start their next multiverse investigation
Bean, Hero and Cleo ask Bender what not them and Bender states he needs them to keep an eye on the machine and wants them to figure out where to go next in the event this next one isn't successful either.
Bender, Wile E, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Hilda all travel through the portal and find they are in a horror kind of universe with typical horror creatures and a castle of some kind. They see a female vampire hunter and Wile E identifes it as Lizbeth and they go after her and they find her resting
Upon introducing themselves, they learn that she is indeed another Lizbeth but a teenage vampire slayer and they are asked if they are good guys or bad guys, Bender claifies the former and asks if she would know anything about Weirdmagedon which she states she doesn't but while they're here they can help her with her threat which Hilda jumps head first into it to the cofusion of Bender, Luan, Wile E and Anti Cosmo who go along
The 6 who go through a village, a clock tower of death, a mad forest, a murky marsh, a haunted ship of fools a cave and it's catacombs, a cursed tower, a moat bridge of peril, an abadoned mine and eventually the castle courtyard leading to the halls and a clock tower which are full of classic monsters and true forces of evil such as Skull Knights, Giant Bats, Frankstein's monsters, Bone Dragons, Evil Flames, Cyclops, Water Serpents and Mummies evenutally going against Dracula himself who they take out together.
Afterwards, they are thanked for their work and wish him good luck in finding his Lizbeth and Bender learns that Weirdmagedon didn't happen in this timeline but will overtime and learns she will be ready to defend it due to youthful spell combined with her powers and skill as a hunter. She states that Bender will cross paths with her soon enough. This is when they come back and get into an enounter with Septarians and Ratiskor who are out for their death. So Bender, Luan, Wile E, Anti Cosmo and Hilda all join up together with the others to fight and kill as much as possible before Ratisskor leaves after damaging the portal
Calling up his hacker Mrs.Taruantla, Bender puts her to help out Deathstroke and co with recreating the machine while he and the others go for chicken at Los Pollos Hermanos. There the crew meet Gus Fring who is in Deathstroke's contact and arrange to meet with him who decides to have them rebulit and use them at a chicken farm so it will be away from public safety
At the Chicken Farm, Bender and the girls basically feed the chickens as they wait for the machine to complete. Afterwards, The crew all go together into the next multiverse which is a bit of wasteland, Wile E confirms that it is after Weirdmagedon and that they may have their connection to Liz after all
As everyone looks around, Bender gets the feeling this would have happened if he and his friends failed to stop Weirdmagedon and all. They continue to look around and they are in front of a cemertry which is for the M.O.D.A.B teammates and they find Lizbeth who states that they all gave their lives to stop Weirdmagedon and defeat Bill
Bender asks Fallout Lizbeth what happened and learns that Bill Cipher and Toffee were the causes of this too in this timeline, the difference is that nearly her whole team gave their lives to save Toffee and Bill and for the most part she is alone now. She suriived but at what cost to see a new world be built and she reveals she stopped them.
They decide to leave afterwards on their clues to find a new multiverse that existed after Weirdmagedon. Luan and Bender both engage in a meeting with their friends about what Skipper, Heloise and Starfire saw and they are put in a corner thanks to Phantom Blot revealng their encounter with them after talking to Dib, Bubbles and Boomer.
Chapter 4[]
The 9 of them all find themselves into a comic book like world where everyone is either a super hero or a super villain. Bender, Hero, Wile E and Luan all blend in nicely as a result and decide to use the opporunity to investigate who Lizbeth's super hero alias to find her. Luan is accidentaly bitten by Webs as a result of Luan trying to feel her some bugs, Bender calls Webs on that bite which she does apologize about
Luan, Anti Cosmo and Bender all agree to look into it and Anti Cosmo decides to get a location on her with Webs coming with him.
Captain Hero convinces the team to go around and do true heroics, Bender asks what kind does he have in mind. Hero states that any will do as long as they blend in to this world. Bender begin actively chasing down and killing criminals with his plasma rifle and then with Luan who helps him with tying up gangsters though Luan isn't feeling to well due to Webs biting her by accident which Bender asks if she is fine. Bender then notices another bunch of gangsters speeding and he reveals he has some Hero's cocacine and puts it in a pair of shoes and shoots the pair of the shoes to sprinkle it on the house to get them arrested for speeding and illegal drugs
Bender and Luan look into another portal that randomly opened up and they find a robot war with humans being exterminated and the machines won't stop until everyone is dead. Bender and Luan both quickingly leave as a result as Bender is unsettlled by the vicious crulety despite his own "kill all humans' thing.
Luan and Bender both enter another one by accident and both at slimed by Nick Slime which is the Nick Multiverse, Luan and Bender both then come back and the two question what the hell happened.
Anti Cosmo and Webs both call Bender and Luan as they have found out where the Lizbeth of this one here. Them and Bean both arrive and this is when Bender wonders where is Wile E, Hero, Hilda and Cleo and this is when Wile E and Cleo emerge out of a portal when Bender asks Wile E about it, Wile mentions that attempts to travel took some time and that Cleo managed to find her universe but wants to stay with them.
She is saddened when saying this, Luan asks Cleo how will she get around and Bender reveals he has an idea but they'll talk later.
Wile E uses his dna device to utlimately figure out where it is and the crew all go to the locale which is a equivlant of a super hero lair. Anti Cosmo confirms his appoint with Lizbeth who is in her super heroine costume and Anti Cosmo, Bender and Luan begin asking her questions about Weirdmagedon
This Lizbeth knows exactly what happened with Weirdmagedon and reveals that the ones who disappeared and were sucked into the interdimensional hole did return and how did they return when she is asked by Anti Cosmo came to where they disappeared. Anti Cosmo with Bender and Luan figure out and they get a contact from Dib and Boomer confirming this and Bender tells Dib, Boomer, Starfire, Heloise and Skipper all about certain events that occured with his encounters with Toffee and Bill Cipher all the while not revealing his alias.
Bender and Anti Cosmo decide to head there after they return.
Chapter 5[]
Intent to find Lizbeth with Anti Cosmo joining him, Bender gives the info to Deathstroke for the two to be dropped off there. This is when Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and his friends find out that Ratiskor is on the compound from Gus Fring, Mark Mardon and Malcolm Merlyn who tip the team off that the chain saw wielding Septraian is arriving with his Septarian army with the intent to kill them.
Ratiskor is here with the intent to lash out against them for being Marcy's friends who destoryed the clone machine. Bender scoffs off Ratiskor as he has bigger fish tor fry and with Anti Cosmo escape as the others make sure Ratiskor can't get his hand on the robot or the anti fairy. Guzma manages to get the two to the vechile alongside Gus's men as they head off to London.
Ratiskor follows them and tries to kill the three of them though he is driven off by a power combination of magic, plasma riflles, pokemon and etc. Bender has Anti Cosmo be a parachute for them to land in London safety like when he was a umbrella when they went on their investgation regarding a bloody mermaid murder that ran them into another one.
Bender and Anti Cosmo both arrive in London and meet up with the others who questions the anit fairy's alignance with Bender with Anti Cosmo clearing up. With everyone now ready to check, they all arrive at the place and find out Lizbeth and Ciel are both pretty much dead making Bender greive in sorrow as he missed Lizbeth by that much and that Ratiskor may have kept him from finding Lizbeth.
Still in his sorrows, he agrees to drink with Bean and Hero after the service taking the latter up on his surpingsly sincere attempts to help him. Bender then goes to join his friends in mourning what was found of Lizbeth
He is alone in the corner compared to the others and stares away tearing up that this all happened by putting his head in his hand upset with himself and blaming himself for his failure.
Bender arrives at the memorial speech for Luan and Anti Cosmo to come with him to support him in this event. When it' s his turn, Bender tells the public of the admiration he has for her and respect for her. While not as close to her as Boomer or Milo, he still felt close to her despite them showing virtol
Bender states that he went all and out of the way despite the lack of success. During the other memorials despite her. he did so. One lengty talk with Anti Cosmo, Heloise, Luan, Skipper and Starfire, Bender instructs the team to do stuff while he drinks with Luan and Anti Cosmo
This is when Slade, Marcy Wu and Harrison enter and take a seat near them to hear their situations. The Six discuss their situations involved in their adventues and Bender ends up shocking Harrison with experimenting with alternate mutliverses which he gets scolded for. Harrison advises he opened Pandora's Box with this and hopes he put the key in it.
Bender states he did, and shares Harrison's suspcion of Andiras when Marcy tells him this as he feels that while generous, shows Andrias doesn't respect boundaries of those beneath him in the social ladder, which he admits himself to.
He goes on a speech about they tried everything and couldn't find her in time and this is when he realizes to his fury. Bender may have had the investigation and mystery figured out the whole time and is upset for doing so in that Lizbeth could be alive. He is told by Slade that Time has been blocked out apart from manatory travels and if he wants her bad he must go at it another way
The Prankster Point Paradox[]
Being recruited by Marcy Wu through Tom to help with an investigation about hearing of an attack on Cricket's dad by Chip Whistler and Prankster. The latter is seeking him out as the latter alias and Bender reveals to Cricket who he really is. Confirming Ronnie's suspensions, Andrias has a proposition for him about his Lizbeth thing. Sasha and Grime despite his objections he needs to work with to bring down The Prankster and the Pranks a lot Mob.
Bender is one of the two main protagonists of the story alongside Marcy Wu.
Bender is watching the news with Dib and the others the morning where the attack on Cricket’s dad Bill is shown and The Prankster is overheard integrating Bill Green who is in a Tiantius Anglemsith detective costume and Prankster is mocking him which Bender doesn’ t take well. After hearing The Prankster state that the outcome most desired is for Anglesmith to reveal who he really is and turn himself in and everyday he doesn’t people will go crazy.
Bender scoffs at the idea at Prankster going after him and thinking that this guy can get the drop on him. He sees his friends pick up a Flipwart piece that was left after a knock on the door. Knowing Marcy is around despite telling her not to come around here with Boomer, DW and Nina investgating her decides he needs to confront her.
As the entire group goes off to school or work, Bender confronts Marcy about the flip wart piece while reassuring her that the book club is on and asking about the info Mar Mar promised him. Tom reveals he tried to call him, though Bender reveals the burner phone trick to Tom, gaining the admiration of Libby for such trickery. Marcy tells Bender about the Bill Green attack on her friends and persuades him to come to Great Lakes with him. He agrees on a motorcycle like Tom.
The Six arrive at Great Lakes and enter the apartment and Bender does so in costume.Ronnie Anne’s supscion is confirmed and she asks what is he doing here and she knew knew that Bender was Anglesmith and investgating the Weirdmagedon Cult. Cricket states he already saw him help kill Toffee. Bender is confused that Marcy didn’t tell him about Team Free Will, Bender properly introduces himself to Cricket as a result. As Bender and Marcy’s friends look around they find clues regarding who did so in bouncers foot prints and a Whole Sales Food name tag.
Cricket deducts it was Chip Whistler who Bender states he did run into twice on his investigation with bad things happening to him. Chip Whistler shows up intend to bring Cricket down once for all and also Bender for robbing him and allowing his kid to defecate on his propertly. Bender with Cricket, Marcy and Ronnie mock Chip and he mentions that Luan took a poop in his urinal and videotaped it to watch Chip go into an panic and go nuts over it. This causes the 6 of them to laugh at Chip.
Chip takes it well and decides to bulldoze the apartment to kill Cricket, Bender and Marcy Wu for humiliating him. Tom bored and uninterested sends him and his bouncers off with his fire powers. Bender, Tom, Cricket, Ronnie, Marcy and Libby decide they must recruit Bender and Marcy’s crew to work against Chip and whoever he is working for.
Bender puts in contacts with Guzma and Gustavo Fring to look for as he decides to gather his team together.
Bender is joined by Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Harrison, Wile E, Cleo Sub Prime, Scrouge Mcduck, Amity Blight, Libby, Tom and G-Lo as they arrive at the Newtopia Castle. Lady Olivia states that Bender, Marcy and the others have an audience with the King.
King Andiras reveals that he and Marcy have their propsition for Bender in regards to his Lizbeth thing which Marcy told Bender about. Andrias reveals the Calamity Box to Bender and that if he can get the box recharged of the 3 stones, then they can travel to where Bender needs to go to find her and Marcy can fufill her ends. Harrison warns Bender about this though Marcy does convince him as it’s his friend that matters.
General Yuman arrives with Sasha and Grime who she caught and shows them to Marcy and the gang. Bender is ready to go after Sasha and Grime with the team remembering their encounters with them but Marcy and Sasha both work to have him stand down. Grime explains that the two have bigger fish to fry with The Prankster and The Pranks A Lot Mob. Bender states he has no time for this he needs to find his friend and bring her home and he won’t let this Prankster stop him. Sasha tells Bender she realtes to this and she has felt this too and she wants to help him with this, Bender decides to let Sasha help out and he decides to go after The Prankster as it might help out get them close to the first of the stones to be powered for the box.
Chapter 1[]
As the team does their whole meeting about The Prankster with Sasha and Grime. Bender starts acting a bit supcious referring to how similar it sounds to The Joker. Bender evens suspects it's an alias for The Joker. He does admit that he is dead to them, Marcy questions what he means on this. He then checks up on the Blights with Anti Cosmo, Slade and Amity and is warned that Odalia will want all 3 of them dealt with.
Bender tells Marcy about he meant and tells Marcy about his knowledge on the guy with Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan and Ronnie Anne all having some knowledge on him as well. Bender states either it's an alias or more like someone emulating him which Marcy does point seem more like it.
With Malcolm's plane arriving on Wile E's call, Bender boards the plane and overhears the conversation with Luan and G-LO in regards to powers. He also ponders about getting the medical samples with Libby who wants to help him for Dr.Wells.
When Luan's sense flares up and snakes show up on the plane. Bender investigates the snakes and decides to whack them like Grime as Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Scrooge investigate the pilots. Bender takes plenty of shots of snakes as he and Grime take part in smacking them off to stop them from attacking the passengers. Bender suspects after being informed of Slade, Scrooge, Harrison and Anti Cosmo of Minions riding the plane that someone hijacked the plane for him. Little does he realize, that one of the passengers was The Prankster herself and the sabouter.
Arriving in Big City, he joins up with Marcy, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, Cricket Green, Libby and Grime, his intent to find some medical supplies to see the effect of Luan's blood so He, Libby and Harrison can find out what has caused this biological change.
The 8 are ambushed by the mob led by Chip Whistler determined to get back at him, Marcy and Cricket for laughing at him. Bender finds out that the Robot Mafia is with him and he realizes that Chip must have really went out to find people to help deal with him
He and Harrison work against The Don Bot and Clamps as Joey is more concerned about getting money for the boss. After their long duel of guns and energy blasters against the Don Bot and Clamps, after Libby saves Harry. The gang all head using the distractions being caused considering this beneath them.
Cricket takes them to the Remington Manor and learning that Chip Whistler bought out the house and has the mob taking control it as Bender finds out from the Green Family. Bender and Marcy both end up looking around for clues about their situation and they find something interesting about the Box and after showing Harrison and Wile E decide to get back to the others on this.
Chapter 2[]
With the entire team having gotten back together respectively from their own side deals, and with the sun setting, Marcy and Bender decide to get an hotel ready. Cricket states that the hotels while not full won't hold about 19 people. Marcy asks Bender if he has an idea, which he does and puts a call on to Hozel Hazein.
A Hotel instantly appears and Marcy asks how he did that, Luan and Bender both explain to Marcy that he does have a hotel contact on the road he can get on the fly. Bender meets with his hotel hazein contact Charlie. Providing her with the money roll, he books 6 rooms for the team. Bender and Marcy decide to case the rooms respectively in case they were bugged while Harrison explains how things are going to work.
Bender talks with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan about what he and Marcy found out in regards to the Remington Mansion. Slade asks about the mob and Bender states Chip somehow found plenty of mobsters or organzied criminals to work for that Mob, Luan and Anti Cosmo ponder out to Bender about how Prankster even got those connections. Bender states the way he proably recruited others while suspecting that Whistler and the others are proably using the methods of how Toffee acquired a cult and that times are certainly what they used to be, he questions personally how Chip even got the Robot Mafia. Anti Cosmo and Slade nod in Agreement
Marcy and Libby both show up to the 4 and state they have gotten a video transmission from King Andiras. Andrias tells them about the break in into the Newtopia vaults. Bender asks what exactly was taken, Andrias states nothing important but saw something blueish. Marcy asks what that is and Andiras mentions it looked like putty. Confusing Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo, despite their knowledge on so many others as they know nothing of something like that. Bender again, states to Slade and Anti Cosmo, how much did they miss as the multiverse went by.
Marcy asks what does he suspect, as does Libby. Andrias mentions that he suspects someone was trying to find dirt on him and Luan, Libby, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo think this as well. Andrias overhears from Bender who attempted to ambush them in the mob Chip Whistler has. Marcy asks if they have allegiance to Toffee, King Andrias states he doesn't have any actual idea but he does have a way for the team to travel and it's by train. Marcy tells Andrias that she did mention they were hijacked on their plane and can he prevent that. Andrias states Marcy to trust him he has a way.
Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Libby ponder this with Bender focusing on what The Prankster is ultimately up and who this person is. Luan states she suspects Prankster knows who Bender really is and question why use Cricket's dad. Marcy and Bender explain that they overlooked what they and Harry found and that's it basically a clue to their next destination and clue to the temple. Slade gets a page from Harrison that the blood sample and Dna results came in and that he needs to see Bender and Luan which they do.
Bender, Luan and Marcy all come to him and ask what did Harry find out from the sample and Harrison tells them that the bite that bit Luan was mutated spider venom. Bender and Luan both point that Webs is A Tarauntla, not a spider. Marcy states that it's still a spider and Harry asks for Bender and Luan not to intterupt him.
Harrison explains that the mutated spider venom has resulted in Luan being able to crawl walls as Harrison puts up a gig and observes Luan crawl up. Superhuman abilities as Harry takes them outside and throws something at Luan to break and does so and makes an obstacle course for her to run which Marcy and Bender watch. More Stamina and durability which Marcy and Bender are told to attack her which they do recultantly. Harrison reveals he has them do this for a reason as Luan's shot wounds heal themselves, and enhanced reflexs and senses which Luan does use to avoid another shot, And Harrison states that there is also adhesive stick in organic webs which Luan does shoot out of her wrists to Harrison's glasses which he wipes off.
Luan is a bit adhesive of all this which Marcy, Bender and Harrison state that G-LO is trying to assist in this regard to help her much like Cleo and her own powers. Bender apolgoizes about having to hurt her and Luan is okay with this it was just to test what Harry said to them.
Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Wile E, Ronnie Anne, G-Lo, Libby, Tom, Grime and Sasha all discuss their situation. Discussing the research Harrison did with the mutant spider venom, The Calamity Box, and what is being suspected about the Prankster. It becomes obvious that there must be a good way to get close to The Mob without Prankster knowing it becaues of what King Andrias state that The Prankster might have knowledge on Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Wile E, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Cleo, Sasha and Grime as The Prankster couldn't have been aware of the others.
Bender gets out a massive phone book and hands it to Marcy to find a good investigator to get one over The Prankster who may know him stating it's her call.
With everyone else asleep, Marcy, Bender, Amity, Libby and Anti Cosmo are all having their Cynthia Coven Book meeting discussing the latest chapter. They all talk what they all thought about the chapter and then they start talking about how to get close on the mob. Marcy tells the 4 about she did a look into the phone book and she can't settle on someone to help look into info. Marcy suggests another detective like Bender and the inspriing detecive Libby, while Anti Cosmo and Bender decide that maybe the criminal underworld could offer some ideas.
Marcy, Bender and Anti Cosmo debate this and Libby suggests that they could get Charlie to look into things for them which Bender was thinking as well but didn't want to push things further. Amity asks isn't she just a hotel owner, Libby states she's more than that and she looked into her, Bender states that the hotel owner thing is legit but a good cover, much like him at his P.I Work/Criminal work with his connections to Slade and Deathstroke and Marcy compares to her Night Ranger thing with Andiras. Amity and Libby observe how the 3 all have some connections.
Marcy and Bender then head off to see Charlie to ask her for help
The next morning, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry pay their bill and Charlie asks to stay in contact and they'll set up their stops at any place they need. Marcy asks if Bender did his work, Bender states he did he got a whole of them and disguised as a exterminator, he and Libby planted mice in the Wholesome food store and installed spying devices in the store and also THe Green House which they'll remove when it's all over.
Marcy states they are not mice, they're chipmunks which Bender states they're basically the same. When a train pulls up in front of the six of them as the rest of the team catch up with Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry. This is when King Andiras gets out of the train and told them that he came personally to pick up the team and they'll be on their way to Mafia Town which is what Marcy, Bender, Wile E and Harrison found where were to go next.
Bender is bored on the train as he tries to figure something to do with Tom and Cricket sharing this boredom, and they see a stage and Tom has an idea and asks do the two want to do that. They agree and each of them decide to get on stage and peform their own songs respectively. Sasha intially doesn't seem very interesting but after seeing how much Cricket, Tom and Bender get into it, she decides to hell with it and join them and they all find themselves having a good time.
Upon being approached by Libby, about The Millers with Tom, Cricket, Sasha, Anti Cosmo and Slade. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all reveal they're aware of Jeff Miller and his family and were waiting for The Millers to make their move. Libby asks did Bender get that from the bugs, Bender states he had another way to do it he didn't just use 2 bugs, he planted another one when Libby and those mice were planting the 2nd one.
The Group reaches their destinsation and King Andrias drops them off wishing them good luck with their mission as he does his own thing.
Bender, Luan, Tom, Amity and Libby all go into a group to go and investigate and it becomes very obvious that the Mafia has basically taken over town. Libby tries to call the cops, but learns that the cops were tide up, and had their guns, uniforms and tasers stolen and then hear "fry piggy". Bender tries to contain his laughter about this
Amity questions Bender considering him sick for laughing at this, Bender states well it is funny. F.O.W.L. Members, Mafia of Cooks, Bella, Bash and The Don Bot all corner them. Despite being outnumbered, Bender manages to blast so many of them down with his riffle,
Tom drives them considering that yes, this is what those spies had in mind to corner them and Libby states then why hasn't anything been done about that. This is when the car crashes and Captain Putty shows with Sunlock and Airlock. Putty manages to get the better of Bender, Luan, Amity and Libby and has Airlock capture them and bring them to The Prankster while Tom decides to play along as a captive
Captain Putty and Airlock present them to Odalia Blight and The Prankster. Odalia taunts Amity and Bender about their statuses, Odalia decided if not for Anti Cosmo being caught then Bender will do regarding Slade. Airlock and Putty both state it's time for The Prankster to turn in the detective robot as what they did this job.
The Prankster shushes them out and greets Bender, Luan, Amity, Tom and Libby. The Prankster reveals she know who Bender is, his real name and she had the others out of the room. Bender angrily states will she turn him in. The Prankster reveals that she won't, it's confidental and had no intent to turn him in.
Tom and LIbby ask what The Prankster wants with Bender, and she states well if she has she'll do it through song. Bender moans about this and wants to smoke but Prankster takes his cigar and sings Robot Hell while kicking him around.
The Prankster states that was just for showmanship and that the real reason was that she needs The robot for something that only he and his team know about. Bender states what exactly does he know and Amity, Tom and Libby ask too. Prankster states that his little secret with Luan, Anti Cosmo and others that he attempted to use. Luan and Bender talk about this to each other and realize she knows what they did. Bender asked why does she want to know and The Prankster states he's the detective and that he'll figure it out but hands him a clue to figure it out.
Tom decides to pull a spring and get away getting everyone out and this works. Bender, Luan, Libby, Tom and Amity decide to all flee and The Prankster tells her men to catch him and Odalia decides to kill Bender, Which The Prankster refuses she needs him and Bender will figure out what she needs from him because only he and his friends can figure this out.
Captain Putty manages to trap them on a few ocassions and pins them down with his abilites, though each character has a chance at getting the others out of danger. Odalia tries to go for lethal methods to trap Bender thought they are unsucessful as Bender and Amity both attack Odalia with Bender nearly killing Odalia with a gun shot to the head though Amity stops him from doing so. Libby finds the exit and Bender decides he needs at least to kill someone so he settles on killing off John Rogerduck and Jeeves which he does with one head shot with a sliencer.
The 5 are all stuck as Prankster is revealed to have anticapted this. Though Bender does put a call to the Greens and knowing Nancy and Alice they both hit the other crooks and they drive them off telling them that they told him they would come in handy. They all discuss the situation as they meet back up with the crew
Slade pulls Bender, Anti Cosmo and Harrison aside and asks them about the Nano Gauntlet and did anyone else know about this. Harry and Bender are confused what he means and Anti Cosmo states that The Millers know about the Nano Gauntlet. Bender states didn't Anti Cosmo bury it and the anti fairy confirms it and he asks Harry, Bender and Slade if they told their friends, kids or wife about this and the three state they didn't know as Slade states Celes was aware but not of where they agreed to bury it. Bender states Dib and the others do know of the nano gauntlet but not about the stones's location or where is was burried and Harrison states he didn't even tell Jesse about it.
Slade states the secruity was breached by someone but isn't aware of who and that the stones are safe with Marcy's friend whoever she is. Harrison states that it's that serious compared to what The Prankster is up and he knows she isn't after the stones or anything, Bender agrees stating that it's not anyone could have gotten their hands on it and the stones without know it's use
Anti Cosmo, Bender ,Harry and Slade do agree though that they need to head to that location somehow that the former buried it and find a track on that. Harrison states that they can check the box he gave Anti Cosmo to bury it and Bender has an idea to get Charlie to help do so once they find their destination. Slade states but only the 4 of them and Charlie can do so, maybe Marcy's little pets too.
Chapter 3[]
A Portal randomly opens and this is where Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan, Wile E, Ronnie , Cricket, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, Celes and G-Lo emerge out and it's among a ocean of water.
Bender calls up Charlotte asking to take him, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison to go to where Slade had the Nano Gauntlet buried. The 4 discuss how someone could have found it and that other than Luan no one really knows where they placed as per their arrangement. He also puts a call onto some other numbers. Harrison states that if Toffee was able to find it, then who knows who else knew, He does reassure Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender that there is no way that they could have the infinty stones, unless Anti Cosmo and Bender's actions also allowed something of similar power to show up according to what he looks. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all begin thinking about the past especially the former two as they did make the Nano Gauntlet.
Anti Cosmo and Bender both gulity of their implusive action give a look to each other. Bender asks Anti Cosmo is it possible they did more than they realized. Anti Cosmo states it's a possbility, he and Bender both agree that they could get someone to track them in the event The Mob is tracking them.
The Team manages to arrive to Loch Loud as G-LO reshapes herself after they arrival on the shore. Marcy, Luan, Slade, Harrison, Cricket, Tom and Amity take the lead with the rest behind as they are unfamiliar with the territory.
To Marcy's suprise,Lady Olivia is there and Marcy asks why she is here and she tells Marcy and Bender that Andiras had her meet the team so they can see the Duke. Bender asks is Andrias here and Olivia states she has no idea where he is but to just follow her.
Tom briefs Anti Cosmo and Bender what happened down in Loch Loud with the rest of the others not in the know about this. Bender and Anti Cosmo both wonder why Marcy did so, Tom states that the others did't know that Marcy knew Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Wells or his kid and by doing so nothing could be uncovered.
Lady Olivia arrives at the castle and tells Angus that Master Marcy is here with her friends. Angus thanks Lady Olivia and is glad to see Marcy Wu, Cricket, Luan and Amity again. Marcy introduces Angus to Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Ronnie Anne,Sasha, Grime, Libby, Tom, Scrooge, Celes and G-Lo. Angus realizes this was the robot Marcy talked about to her and said he heard a lot about him. He offers to give the group a full fledged tour which everyone agrees. Bender, Slade and the others state they are actually here to get a clue or look into something they found and are looking into trying to find a temple for the Calamity Box.
Angus states he can more than help with this,Harrison states as nice as that would be, He, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo need to check on something.
In a desert location, Harrison, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all emerge out of Charlie Morningstar's ride. Charlie follows the 4, and Harrison states that this is where he buried the Nano Gauntlet. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all seem suprised Harrison remembered where he placed it. Harry reveals he had a lottery ticket printed of the co-ordinates after what they did, He hid the ticket from everyone as a result. Anti Cosmo states he is sure on that and Bender asks why would Harry do so. Harrison admits to the two that he has no self destruct button on the Gauntlet and states he really did try to destory it. Slade and Charlie both observe the 3 discuss this and that's when the Greens show up and Bender states he called them to get a ride there and Charlie asks why on that. Bender tells her he needs to make this casual incase someone was staking them, he also reveals he has another person on the case.
Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo are on the phone with Bender's associate XR who has been keeping tabs on the bugs Libby and Bender placed and more. XR tells Bender that The Prankster found them and learned they bugged the Mob, Slade and Anti Cosmo both point out to Bender that he should have taken a fuller measure. Bender defends himself to them saying he had 3 bugs and tells XR how many of them were found. XR states two of them, Bender tells AC and Slade that was exactly how many he suspected they would find. Slade asks about the 3rd one, Bender tells Slade he ain't saying where that other one is, Him, Libby and Marcy are the only ones who really know. Anti Cosmo sees this logic Bender is up to.
Anti Cosmo and Bender both gulp a bit before digging up the spot with Slade also showing some uneasyness. Harrison notices and offers to do himself and Charlie too, though the three do so. Upon the dig up Anti Cosmo, SLade and Bender find the box Harrison put the Nano Gauntlet and as expected it's gone but Bender and Anti Cosmo both show sadness and Slade lowers his head dissapointed and Harrison asks if they need a moment.
Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade all discuss what happened and that neither of them were prepared to go back to the past on this.
Bender, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Slade all manage to return to Loch Loud to the rest of the team's relief. Luan and Marcy ask how did it all go, Deductive as ever, Harrison asks did Luan tell Marcy about what happened. Luan confrims this and Harry states it was between Luan, Celes and the 4 of them and she breached it. Luan tells Harry that Marcy cares about them and wants to know what happened and she only gave foot notes. Celes states that she approved it, Harrison backs off realizing that Marcy is part of their family to an extent and that it's for the best. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all admit it was tough to deal with it and that The Greens, Charlie and XR helped.
Cricket asked how they are doing, Bender states they're doing fine and he comments on Tilly and her mannerisms. Libby and Marcy ask him about the bugs, and Bender confirms XR told him that The Prankster found 2 of the 3 of them but the last one is still there. Marcy wonders if Chip and Dale are fine as they were essential to this. Bender confirms that XR had his eyes on them and he tells Marcy between them that the last one is actually in the gas compartment as he learned that from watching Gus's men do so.
Angus comes to Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Libby, Celes and Cricket asking them are they ready for their tour and Marcy states of course. Agnus proceeds to show everyone the town and city explaining to the team what happened since the Mclaughins invasion
He also makes an effort to show them the temples as well that The Loud Ancestry worked on and their efforts of being rebuild slowly but surely revealig that the Infinity Stones were stolen by Morag's ally Raiskor who Anti Cosmo, Luan and Bender realize that was who Toffee's ally was working for.
Angus after finishing the tour has everyone sleep in the castle in their own rooms other than Marcy Wu and Bender who he is the main hall discussing with Marcy and Bender that the next day they will go through what Marcy found after his morning golf with Scrooge. Bender asked about Andiras and Angus tells Bender that Andiras is correct that the temples are the clue, they don't have the Calamity Box Gem or whatever Marcy calls it but it will help.
Marcy, Bender and Angus all make an agreement to look into it the libabry the next day and to bring the rest of the crew up for this. Marcy and Bender state that does King Andiras join them, Angus states the newt shall as it seems that they should have his help due to his knowledge on Marcy. Marcy gets a call from Chip and Dale in regards to the Mob and they are getting a pulse from that other bug
Marcy, Bender and Angus all listen in in turn
The portal that Bender, Marcy and Wile E take on their path takes them to the caslte's enterance where ghosts have invaded there. Marcy and Bender try to figure out how to get the better of them when Wile E looks his Acme Catalog and finds a way to turn the pink ghosts into platforms and makes a quick order. The three get their Acme Product and use it to turn the ghosts into platforms
This leads them into a bathroom where they enter a stall to the disgust of Marcy and they start spraying things to reveals ghosts which Bender takes cares of and upon entering the closet, the three manage to spray more pink ghosts to reach a hole in the ceiling.
They continue investigating taking out more foul ghosts as they go around the castle further and go to a roulette wheel. The three are naturally confused by all this though as Marcy points out, this is what portal work by The Prankster or at least attempted portal work to Bender and Wile E
The three eventually get sucked further into a warped up place with moving blocks with fog around and steep cliffs which the trio uses to their best to avoid. After escaping they find themselves back in the fold to find a huge ghost after them in the casino. Marcy, Wile E and Bender try to use the device but it doesn't seem to hurt though it does start a routlette which the three catch on they must spin the slots. With a ton of fruit thrown their way, and they all agree on tossing a red pepper to begin with, this does work and stuns the ghost and Marcy throws the other fruit at it.
Throughout the fight, they do get other results like other ghosts going after them and the red pepper gets hidden frequently thought they do power through and win their battle
Marcy, Wile and Bender all manage to get the castle back to normal, and they hear laughter. Bender states it's sounds like The Joker. Wile E and Marcy state isn't he dead? , and Bender states yes.
The Prankster emerges out and states that was a convicning Joker laugh wasn't it. Bender rolls his eyes and states of course a fan girl of The Joker, he does admit that Prankster got him. The Prankster summons Titan, The Donbot, Joey Mousepad and Clamps who appear with her.
The Prankster tells Bender that she knows he bugged her through the Whole Sales, so she made a move of her own. She states she knows how he thinks and wants to the robot to know he ain't the only one. The Prankster takes a homemade doll which Bender suspects is an explosive which The Prankster admits though states that this will just destory this part of the castle. She's not a terrorist after all.
Wile E destorys it and Marcy equips herself to deal with. Bender shoots The Prankster with a shotgun. Marcy asks why did he do that, and Bender to test if she has bulletproof vests. The Prankster laughs and reveals she was indeed wearing one and commends him for considering that option.
The Prankster forces Bender, Marcy and Wile to fight Titan and The Robot Mafia telling them to just tell her how he knows to assccess other multiverses. She adds that if that blonde girl was able to conjure portals, then they know something. Wile E is triggered and tells her that Cleo can't usually and that it's a kind of power that just found out about. Marcy asks Bender and Wile E on this and the two confirm this happened during the investifation for his friend
The Prankster states so they do know she has this power, and intterogrates them during their fight about how did it come along and how did it develop. Bender states he has no idea and that only someone who has done it a lot can do this. The Prankster thinks on something herself and considers something.
Marcy Wu and Wile E both manage to blow the arena up and Titan advices The Prankster to leave. The Prankster agrees to this and leaves a note to them, as she notes that they were looking for a clue right though she doesn't know what for. Bender cleans off the shots that The Robot Mafia took at him and Marcy cleans off the wounds Titan gave her.
Marcy and Bender both think and realize she is trying to travel to different mutiverses for some reason, Cleo has this power and Bender alongside Wile E know this. Though the duo is confused about this and the note that Prankster left. As the two leave, Wile E notes something and spots some blood and swipes into a capusle.
Back at the Loch Loud Castle we have Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Sasha, Wile E, Libby, Scrooge, G-Lo and Angus as they study up on what they uncovered. They only have half from Bender and Marcy's side, Slade and Luan's side and Anti Cosmo and Libby's end. Angus looks in the books himself telling them that those clues make no sense and states they are in a random order and that the other half will be needed from the others. Slade is seething over Odalia basically putting Celes in the hopsital and swears to gut her eye for it, Anti Cosmo reminds Slade about the last time a personal member of the crew was hurt or killed and that he needs to approach Odalia more level headed or risk her getting revenge on him. Slade states easy for him when he's never had a more personal foe like Bender or himself, and that Odalia is going after all of them. Anti Cosmo tells Slade that Harrison reported to him that Celes is alive, just temporary weakened.
Bender, Libby, Wile E, Sasha, Luan and G-Lo are all busy discussing their own sides. Bender and Libby both suspect That The Prankster was just stalling them to get what she wants and that she is clearly running a bigger game than they realized. G-Lo, Luan and Sasha all curious of what he means, Bender explains that The Prankster is after the secret of multiversal travel in asome respect. Luan realizes that their actions back when hunting for Lizbeth may have had a hand in this and there is a proablility that those portals were being used for a test subject. Libby, Bender and Sasha agree with this idea. Sasha asks both Luan and Bender what have they been taking as that's a sheer ridculous theory even though she knows the Calamity Box.
Bender tells Sasha somehow he found a way to make it possible with the help of his employer and his associates though using a lot of unique techinolgy and 121 gigwatts of electricity. Sasha still in disbelief states that an crazy goal Prankster has. Luan and Bender both do refer her as a Joker fan girl so yeah it's crazy. G-Lo asked where did he even get that much power, Luan states Captain Hero was used a lighting rod for a bolt of lighting and he did it himself. Sasha rolls her eyes as that is batshit crazy of him to do.
Marcy and Bender check up on Celes and Amity on this and they recieve a phone call from The Prankster. She reveals that the duo must have found out about the magic serums inducers she used, Bender confirms this. Prankster reminds him that she was able to do this and that there is moteling what she will do next. Marcy asks what is she really up to, Prankster states that the robot would get it as he has done it himself and wants to know the secret to it.
Bender states he'll never tell Prankster anything and Marcy says she'll have to try harder than that. The Prankster takes out the file Putty gave her and states what about the president, and gets under Bender's metal skin by saying she knows about the president's allegiance with him and that the president hasn't revealed everything to his P.I. The Prankster asks about Luan and is she safe, Bender states why does she care? Prankster reveals that Alador told her about the ambush on Slade, Luan and Scrooge and that Odalia tried to drown Luan over somethign stupid.
The Prankster tells Bender, that she punished Odalia over this and that she gave orders not to attempt murder on Luan Loud like other heroes as Bender would be unrelentless andnot stop until she was dead and there's no amoosement in that. The Prankster tells Bender as much as she's a joker fanboy she's not going out of her way to hurt innocent lives. Marcy and Bender both concede to this point, Bender tells her to just it with the puns. Marcy asks The Prankster why did you give them that part of the note, and Prankster states they'll know soon enough.
Before hanging up she admits she also loved those Bender Vs Joker stories she heard so much about. Marcy and Bender realize Prankster used a burner phone like Bender himself does and Marcy and Bender both talk to Celes, Amity and Grime and they decide to trace back to Marcy and Bender's other bug to try and get info on what's going on
Scrooge sees Bender, Luan, Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo who all waiting outside for Scrooge's pilot. Marcy and Bender both discuss that their undercover guys have indeed found something Deathstroke has been hiding, in that they are kids from an another multiverse here. Anti Cosmo is the most understanding of the three and asks how did this happen, Slade comments that both him and Bender played with Pandora's Box and are seeing consquences like Harry warned Bender and Anti Cosmo about, mentioning this is one of them. Luan adds if this did indeed occur, how would Cleo be able to arrive here she was here before Bender, Her and Anti Cosmo tried this.
Slade is a loss at words, as he didn't even think about that one. Marcy spectulates that someone else knows how to do this and may be associated with whoever brought her to Brighton. Anti Cosmo and Bender admit that they didn't even know her when they were there investigating The Cult and the Orginial Cleo there wasn't even any clue of a person being there apart from the buliding collteral damage.
Scrooge finally talks with the 5 and states that is his pilot right there, and that he also resides in Duckberg like he himself, He asks the 5 that have they or anyone else ben there other than Anti Cosmo and Bender. Luan, Slade and Marcy all shake their heads, Scrooge states then this will be new for them.
However it looks that the plane crashed into something on the way conerning Luan and Marcy. Scrooge states that his pilot just does that, he's a damn good pilot but he has a tedency to crash an awful lot. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender look uneasy as the three think they know who the pilot.
Scrooge greets his pilot who turns out to be none other than Launchpad Mc.Quack who greets Scrooge as Mr. M.D. and states what can do for him. Scrooge tells Launchpad that he needs a trip back to Duckberg with his team and that they have a mystery to uncover/adventure. Launchpad understands and he sees Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender and asks is that them and you guys know Mr. M.D?
Scrooge asks do the three know Launchpad, and Bender states they do know him.
Chapter 4[]
Scrooge calls everyone to get aboard of the plane. Bender, Marcy Wu, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wile E Coyote, Cleo, Libby, Tom, G-LO and Sasha all show up. Launchpad was suprised to see how many people Mr. MD has brought on the quest with Celes, Grime and Amity rearing at the back
Launchpad stops to see Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade and asks them do the others know of this quest. Bender states nothing other than the attack on Cricket's dad and even Skipper, Heloise and the others aren't here it's just him and is aware of Boomer, Edd, Darkwing and Gosalyn investigating Marcy Wu.
Launchpad after bringing Scrooge, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Marcy and Libby into the cock pit asks what is going on the multiverse.
Scrooge asks about Darkwing, Bender explains that he knew him and Launchpad through his earliest quests and that he also saved the crew's lives as well against Toffee and Bill Cipher. Launchpad asks about that detail and Marcy takes the wheel here and tells Launchpad that they were all turned into petrified states and Her, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all saved them by hesiting them with Slade's army and Bender's associates.
Libby asks about how they did so, Bender notes how much interest Libby has taken for him and asks on her curiousity. Libby admits she admires Bender as a P.I and detective and wants to be like him in that regard. Bender tells Libby not to be like him as there is only enough room for one of them. Libby then asks can she learn from him in this and Bender states that she has been helpful so she can.
Scrooge and Libby implore how didn't they know about Toffee's plans. Bender and Anti Cosmo reveal that Toffee sealed off and went after Disney Universes with his forces and they found out while looking into a death and finding Cleo.
Libby does remember that Brighton was almost flooded a bit ago, which Marcy, Bender and Anti Cosmo all knew about. Scrooge asks about Launchpad's other question involving Marcy's involvement with Bender
Launchpad remembers this and asks Marcy, as he reveals Bender's friends Boomer, Darkwing and Gosalyn are investiagating her. Marcy clears the air with him and tells him with Marcy adds she learned where M.O.D.A.B learned through Bender and placed the vaccines for weirdmagedon to save them and Bender tried to call them though didn't work
Launchpad has one more question for him, Slade and Anti Cosmo and asks What is Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender trying to do respectively. Bender states he is trying to find Lizbeth and Marcy arranged a deal with Andiras.
Bender and Launchpad talk Dib and the others and Launchpad wonders why Bender didn't speak up on Marcy. Bender states they didn't ask him and he can't have Double D or Darkwing learning of his connection to Marcy or what's she doing as it will risk him in turn. Launchpad explains he needs to report back to DW on this, Bender concedes and states that he can tell DW, Boomer, and Edd some detail, he can't just reveal Marcy and his partnership.
At the Green Farms, with Bill refusing Bender's payment for the supplies. Bender, Luan, Tom and Marcy are their end are kind of goofing around other with Bender trying to slip into a farmer identity.
When questioned by Tom, Bender and Luan both have their reasons, Luan states she's a comedian and Bender points he wants to ensure Luan can still be herself, not wanting to lose her cheerful demeanor. Tom and Marcy ask Bender about Luan and this is when he explains she fills the hole for his actual kid who died at the hands at the hands of a murderous speedster.
Tom takes interest in this and Bender explains his whole story to Tom and how both him and his wife took to Luan to appease for gulity of losing his kid. Tom can tell Bender is emotionally troubled as does Marcy who is suprised about how serious he takes this.
Bender goes further saying this is one of the few instances where things were not in any sense under his control, the Lizbeth situation is just like that where it stands and then there was what happened between both points. As a result he decided to do whatever it took to help Luan have a future considering her huge family so he works for the president and commits side gigs on the side to ensure the best future he can for her. Marcy asks about this and Bender confides that he really doesn't care if he's alive or dead as long as Luan has what she needs and when he decides to finally leave, he will go knowing he did everything he possibly could for her.
Bender then leaves to take some camera shots of Luan joking and making Puns with the crops.
All of the team head into the manor and Launchpad informs them about Scrooge's nephews being impriosoned and to go safe them. Equipped everyone heads to attack the mooks respectively breaking part of the bricks and resuce the first of his nephews
With The group being consisted of Bender, Harry, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wile E, Amity and Libby. The Cartel comes close to them as their numbers dwindel. Bender and Harrison take sliencers on their guns and with Wile E they go in a gun place against the cartel with Harry and WIle using an energy riffle and Wile E using a riffle. Bender is carrying an shotgun in his left hand and assault riffle in his right hand and engages against the Cartel hitmen single handily with Wile E and Harrison knocking out the electricity to allow the Cartel a lack of advantage.
Bender and Harry show up after Libby and Vasquez take out the heavy cartel enforcer with the others and Bender uses his sliencer on his pistol to kill the enforcer. Bender points their out that it didn't feel like the usual mobsters or crooks. He suspects The Prankster is trying to a bigger haul of money for whatever plan she has.
After Chip blows Cricket and his family's house
Cricket, Marcy and Bender all call Chip a coward for hiding under his men and Bender calls him a fudge packer. Chip states would this fudge packer do what he just did which Putty and the criminals are stuggling not to laugh at him have cartel contacts to kill The Greens. Bender shows a camera shot at Chip about the Cartel shocking him how?
Harrison and Bender state that Chip is not clearly as clever he thinks he is. Bradford agrees with this claim and states Chip is just a little kid with issues. Slade drops a hint to not get bugged about such petty greivances before Bender comments about Chip having seaman on his back and they all make comments about Chip and laugh at him even his own allies are laughing at him. Chip turns off the intel annoying with this swearing he'll kill The Greens, Bender and Marcy for this.
Bender and Marcy decide to dicuss the details of the attack to themselves.
Bender hands Marcy the IDS of the members he killed and states that it's Cartel work alright, Marcy states The Prankster is probing for weakness and that these are not their A Players and they were hired. Bender and Marcy try to think who hired them To The Prankster but Bender does have an idea who to talk to , he needs to talk to Gus which Marcy asks about why and Bender tells her both him and Mike have experience with The Cartel.
Bender, Marcy and Tom are all at a Los Pollos Hermanos Restuarnt waiting patiently for Gus who shows up, apologizing for making them wait. he asks what can do he for them, Marcy tells Gus about the Cartel that attacked in Duck Manor and that they ambushed them there and were trying to have them killed. Bender states if they wanted they would used machine guns not pistols, he knows the criminal work and it was sending a message.
Bender, Marcy and Tom all discuss themselves about Gus's connections to the Cartel. Hence why Bender choose to go to him, if he could find anything it's from Fring.
Gus hangs and reveals that this is the work of the Juarez Cartel's head man himself Eladio. He allowed The Prankster to use some of his cartel to acquire her plans conissting what the costumed super villain can bring in. Marcy asks why would he, Gus confrims he is greedy and has no true care of his earners and will bring anyone who can pay big. Bender decides to try a recording of this move though Marcy warns Bender that The Prankster will antcipate this and that he can't just assume it'll work, She knew about the bugs
Marcy and Bender state The Prankster has them all played and has been playing them all well. Though as Bender put in, they have kept up with her so it's an even handed match. They don't know The Prankster's plans, where she's hiding and all, but Prankster doesn't everyone in the group, isn't aware of the 3rd bug that Bender reveals that came from Gus's own empire and their other plans.
Gus interupts and tells them that anything cartel realted will be reported to him of course.
As the Team sets off to reclaim the treasure they all split up into teams to reclaim the treasures. The first stop is the amazon and Bender, Slade, Scrooge, Cleo and Sasha all go after it. They find King Andrias there and work with him to find the 1st treasure.
Slade and Bender get Anti Cosmo and it turns out that they got some info from the bug. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo learn that Odalia was distracting Anti Cosmo with the hologram and that she was punished for trying to kill the kid, which Bender questions why would Prankster care about Luan. Slade and Anti Cosmo both keep Bender quiet as they overhear that Odalia's real plan is to have her spies go after the 3 of them with intent of killing them, as Odalia decided have targeting them seprarely, she needs to get all 3 of them killed together.
Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all decide to go after The Millers and Bender hands Libby a walkie talkie and a note book so they can record what they're doing. The three are joined by Chip and Dale who decided to come along with them to see what The Millers are up to.
Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale all have headed off to where they have been tracking where their bugging info led them. Slade takes the lead as he equips his weapons as Bender, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale follow him and he asks if there's anything they can detect, Anti Cosmo can detect something unusual as does Bender. Slade questions them and Bender states it's like someone is watching them which Chip confirms as he is hearing something.
Before anyone can do anything, the 5 all find themselves ensared in a trap and The Millers arrive greeting them and telling Odalia they got the three. Anti Cosmo finds this cliche and realizes Odalia was observing him in Transvlyania, Slade and Bender both give him glances saying "you think". Odalia appaers on a screen and gloats how she got all 3 of them. Slade asks why can't she be in person, Odalia goes on about how her boss punished her for trying to kill that brace faced freak with the spider powers. Bender is triggered by this and threatens to kill Odalia when he finds her. Odalia states that The Millers will be doing that for her,
. Odalia rants on how she needs Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender dead for corrupting their daughter and that's why she agreed to punish Amity by taking away her powers. This shocks Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip, Dale and even The Millers and Alador.
It turns out Chip and Dale have been getting the 5 of them free and The Millers equip themselves with the tecnonlogy that M.A.L.I.C.E gave them and The Millers battle Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale with Chip and Dale taking on the kid, Anti Cosmo and Slade taking on the dad and Bender taking on the mom.
The Millers do have S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E as backup and use to get the drop as they state they outnumbered 5 to a good number. Charlie shows up and states make it 6. Bender asks how she got here and Charlie states she's a demon she knows thing and that Libby told her. Charlie, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale all face off with S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E and The Millers and engage in a prolonged struggle. Which ends up with the 6 on top and basically destroying the weaponry
Chip and Dale do some investigating and find out some blue prints about a device that The Prankster is buildiing and realized she knowingly left them there to clue in Bender to what she's up to and to see if he can identify. Dale wonders why she's challenging Bender this way and Chip suspects to make him see her ways and apporachs. Bender agrees with this and he contacts Libby who is present with Marcy and Luan and tells them to record what he's telling them.
Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo meet back with Luan, Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Libby, Tom, Sasha and Cleo and they reveal what found out in regards to The Millers, Chip and Dale, and Charlie's involement. Bender mentions the last name Safrass that makes up The Prankster's last name of her true identify they found.
With the transportation methods having taking some damage and Scrooge having already picked his crew he apologises to Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Sasha that he won't be able to take them to the moon.
Bender reassures him he has an guy on the outside, and puts on a call with Marcy Wu and Anti Cosmo as Bender states he has a pal that he and Anti Cosmo helped when dealing with the Weirdmagedon Cult.
Marcy, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Sasha, Slade and Luan all find Bender's contact and it's XR who takes the 6 to find the Green Cheese of Longviety. In a Star Command ship, The 7 of them land on the moon and everyone other than Bender, XR and Anti Cosmo are chewing some gum that allows them to breath in space as Harry Wells was working on a way to breath in space.
Bender goes to find him though Sasha doesn't really care and just wants to find the cheese which angers him and the two to get an arugment which Marcy has to break off and that that they need to find their ally and not waste their time fighting amongst each other. Bender agrees though points out he was totally winning. Luan tells Bender to be a gouda robot regarding this and gets a laugh to the unimpressed Slade, Sasha and Anti Cosmo.
Marcy puts XR Back together and does her darnest while Slade, Sasha, Luan, Bender and Anti Cosmo patiently wait for Marcy's sucess. Upon this and getting the last treasure they head back to the manor.
King Andrias tells Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Sasha that that he, Olivia and Yunan found that the 4th clue is among them in that temple which Marcy knew since they had Harry and Wile E do. Though as Olivia puts it The Pranks A Lot Mob is there too.
Marcy and Bender both stop and talk among themself about that reveal on The Prankster's real last name. Marcy asks is Bender really sure on that and he states he is, Harry and Wile E confirmed as well as Marcy's latest text reveals. Marcy and Bender think on this and Bender clarifies it sounds like Luan's idol's last name and she's a comedian.
Marcy states and The Prankster has a sense of humor and jokes a lot yet is dangerously competent and Bender points out that She punished Odalia for trying to murder Luan. Marcy found that odd as did Bender until he learned the other aspects. Marcy and Bender both realize they know who The Prankster is.
Scrooge tells the two to stop dilly dallying and let's get there.
The whole team head into the temple and go looking to find Harry and the others and they go looking around. Though it's surrounded by mobsters and members of the Prankster's group as they all go stealthfully, even taking out plenty of henchman who are guarding the area.
Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Marcy all know something's up. The Prankster had this in mind as they deter. Libby asks Bender and Marcy what they talked about and the two mention they're suspcious of who she really is and Libby has her own suspcion.
As Tom, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Cleo, King Andrias, Tom, Luan, Libby, Slade, Sasha and Scrooge all follow the foot prints they find Harry, Wile E, G-LO, Celes, Amity and Grime who are with Ace, Hilda and Kamela. Harrison notes they're okay and that they are with him. Harry also pin points Anti Cosmo and Bender as the two ding a lings that caused them to be here.
Ace and Hilda inquire about the two ding a lings, Anti Cosmo and Bender defend their action as they were trying to find a friend and had no idea it was do so.
Kamela is more trusting and understands their trouble and tells them that the two of them know of The Prankster's orgins themselves and they are told. Bender also states that they know the guys who worked with them are Presdient Deathstroke's guys and reveals his employment to him.
Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Amity's mention of the Royal Isles is caught on by Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan and Cleo as they all visited there once
Upon The Prankster arriving on all them, Wile E and Wells point out they know Who Prankster as does Libby, Bender and Marcy Wu and Prankster decides to just escape realizing she is out numbered by the whole group and knows the sitautions of protagonists outgunning the antagonists. Marcy sees this and tells the group to go after the mob recruits and find a way out, she tells Bender not him and to come with her to get The Prankster.
Marcy and Bender both chase The Prankster and Prankster throws everything she can at them and the two do all manage to get around this and they eventually catch up with The Prankster
Bender and Marcy catch her and they reveal what they know, about her sense of humor, murder of criminals, her alias and her actions. Marcy calls her Sassafras, which Prankster states it's been a long time since anyone called her that. Bender takes a cloth and decides to see who she really is. Bender and Marcy then see a face that is Luan's. Bender and Marcy are shocked to see it's Luan. The Prankster introduces herself formally as Luan Sassafras and that she's not their Luan, and that Luan Loud is their Luan. Marcy and Bender are confused and The Prankster agrees to let them in.
The Prankster says her name is Luan Saasafras, and she is from another multiverse. Marcy reveals Wile E, Harry and Libby has their own suspcions, where as Bender states just like Ace Savry Jr and Hilda. The Prankster states and by the looks of it they met the two, She reveals she's a 15 year old girl, the same age as Luan and that she was used as a guinea pig/lab rat for her parents who were corrupt scientists working for a psychopathic clown who was of an criminal orgainzation. Bender asks was his name Jack Napier, and Prankster states his name was Jerome Valeska but yes he is thinking right on the criminal alias of The Joker, and she's not suprised consdering she knows Bender's history with The Joker which she by the way is a big fan of, not Just Joker but Bender. Marcy calls her the twisted fan of Bender compared to Libby. The Prankster reveals that she was abadoned by her parents and arrested for their crime, leaving her homeless and having to acquire power in the criminal world to come on top
She succeed and became the new clown of organized crime, even killing Jack Napier himself. She ran a business with her associates and thought against the new Ace Savry after the old one died. Bender states because She killed him and Prankster reveals it was an accident at Jeremiah Valeska's hands, an associate of her parents and Jerome's twin who was battling Bender.
Bender and Marcy ask about this, The Pranskter reveals that Bender actually killed Jermiah in the alternate timeline who was The Joker she was a fan of. Bender says it this about vegenance, Prankster denies this and states it's about being a Joker of her own fighting an alternate him to an extent. She does mention she has murdered only criminals and no civillain or innocent is on her body bag. She's just in this underworld to live and not perish like the street rats. Marcy and Bender suspect she wants power, The Prankster says enough power to live comfortably.
Marcy asks how did she get here, The Prankster reveals the alternate mutliverse opened up with some kind of wormhole while she was fighting Ace Savry Jr and it sucked her in. Left her in an unidentifable world, she was found and taken in by her butler Lorenzo Suave who worked with her to create the criminal empire she has with one thing in mind to go home.
Bender states and where does he come in, The Prankster reveals through Captain Putty she found out about him and his attempts at mutliversal travel and everything Bender himself has done realizing this was a bot to trife with, she had to lure him with knowing his alias. She reassures Bender she has no intention to turn him in, even if he keeps refusing just don't reveal her alias. Because she's observing Bender with his Luan and if anything she would want to take Luan out to get this life if she wanted to stay.
Prankster does meniton that he does have a way through that purple haried mermaid pretending to be some blonde. Marcy tells Prankster not to hurt her, Prankster says she's interested Cleo poesses and the knowledge Bender possess. She wants to use this power to get home and she won't kill her. She justs wants a Sample, Bender and Marcy both turn this down until Prankster mentions Bender's own situation making both of them freeze up.
Mrs. Saasafras reveals to Bender she is aware what he wants, to see his Zaragoza friend again and that's why he's here, she's like family to him and will do what it takes to find her. Prankster reveals she has criminals and assocaitaes waiting for her at home who she considers family and friends and she wants his help to do that. Prankster tells Bender they have something in common a determination to do anything for those they love and that he would do the same thing. She just wants his help. She's not a monster, she's not after his family and Prankster justs wants Bender and no one in that team to get involved. It's both bad for business and bad personally. She also knows Bender doesn't want his friends involved since that incident that Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan and Celes all exprienced a bit ago and that he is clearly trying to bury it and not share it because he thinks it will go away.
Marcy tells Bender not to fall for her flattery or her attempts to maplutlate them. The Prankster tells Marcy and Bender she isn't fibbing she wants to get home and she will find a way through Cleo, but does warn them about the Calamity Box and it's dangers simliar to Their Multiversal hopping things. She makes a few puns while doing so, Marcy and Bender both manage to harm The Prankster in a face off. The Prankster seems impressed with their efforts and gives a touche when they reveal how they know how. She uses smokes and mirrors to escape and gets her henchmen out of the temple in turn.
Lady Olivina sees Marcy and Bender and asks are they fine and the two said yes. Olivia says because the others are worried about them after their encounters. As Olivia, Bender and Marcy come down to see the others, the latter two talk about their encounter with Luan Saasafras (The Prankster). Marcy admits during this that Mrs. Sassafras was right one thing and it's Bender's tendency to bury things and not share them because he thinks it will go away, she compares it to Lincoln Loud and his tendency to this with everyone apart from Lydia Lopez, for some soul mate/lover reasons. Bender annoyed with this as she told him not to listen to Prankster only for her to do so states why does that matter. Marcy knows Bender is running from something as is Slade and Anti Cosmo, and she is concerned for this with Tom Lucifor and they agreed to try and get his theraptist to talk to them. Bender states he's fine, but Marcy warns him about this poissibly damaging his relationships with his friends and Luan possibly.
Bender thinks on this and says get the consulleor, he needs help and knows it. Marcy calls Tom and tells the demon to get this theraptist and get Slade and Anti Cosmo too. Marcy wants to get to the bottom of what Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harrison all know about.
Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo discuss the past, regarding the Nano Gauntlet, what happened with some associates of theirs, and has ulitmaely forced their hands and Luan as well as Harry reveal their end
Bender and Luan were both abducted and tortued by a Mad God which led to Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison leading a reisstance and gathering of the stones and the creation of a Nano Gauntlet to save them with the rest of their friends.
After Dib and all the others moruned Brick and Butch at a funeral, Bender was called to see Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Mojo, HIM, Celes and Sideshow Bob. He also had to pick up Luan for her a Chrotle Portal gig.
Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Mojo, Celes, HIM and Sideshow Bob called Bender as they had the actual bodies of Brick and Butch as well as the team and buried them in graves under Slade's Mansion
Bender burried Brick and Butch with Mojo and HIM where as Slade, Anti Cosmo and Dr.Wells burried The V Team with Celes and Sideshow Bob working the controls to bury the burials. Bender kept the bodies and gave them due respect as a result.
Afterwards, Slade calls Bender, Anti Cosmo and Harry revealing that the 4 have to get rid of the Nano Gauntlet and the stones. As they can't destroy the gauntlet due to Harry not knowing a way to destroy it. The 4 must find a way to separate the stones and gauntlet and Slade states that this can't be told to anyone involved other than the 4 of them of what they are doing. Bender does get disspension regarding Luan upon him questioning this and Anti Cosmo allows this.
Bender gets back with his share to Luan and breaks down and confides in her about his frustration and all. Luan says her own side of the whole ordeal in that both her and Bender hadtheir own private talk about Bender's situation and the fact that Bender has to keep the fact he buried Brick and Butch away from his friends and their own brother. He states this was like Stardash all over again and he wants to stop what's he doing after such deveasting consequences and after the event that shook. Burying them under Slade's mansion was just the tip of the iceberg.
Luan advises Bender to do give himself a rest, let him do his own thing and maybe stick to something lower like P.I Work on the Multiversal Scale. She mentions with his knowledge, he can really use it for the benefit of himself and not endanger himself to such a degree or his own issues. Luan also insists he take the job offer from The President if he's really serious about this. Bender agrees by this and decided to use his P.I Alias and decided to put up unoffical work with the President
When Toffee and Bill remerged, he decides to go on it alone without the others apart from Slade, Her, Anti Cosmo and Harry since the 5 of them were all keeping close contact with each other. Bender was also keeping distance from M.O.D.A.B due to unable to deal with Stardash, Brick and Butch as Well as The V Team's deaths back to back. Lizbeth's disappaerance just was the straw that broke the camel's back for him and he was unwilling to put any of his friends even Skipper, Heloise and Starfire in any real trouble.
Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry all say that Marcy was going to be let in on this as a token of their friendship and respect for her
Mr. Candle finishes his psycho analysis and confirms that the 3 are in very real mental trouble. Mr.Candle states the problem with the 3 are simple.
Bender has been distancing himself from his orginial team to make sure they live a normal life as he sees himself as a harbringer of craziness and a curse to them and his extra hard look for Lizbeth was him trying to make up for having to bury Boomer's brothers.
When it comes to Ace and Hilda, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Cleo and Luan all feel a bit gulity as their actions inadventutly led to the two arriving as well as Mrs. Safrass
Bender, Marcy, Libby and Tom discuss their situation. Bender knows The Prankster's real identify but is aware this won't help him as she does his. Marcy and Bender state they told the others all about Her plans and all that. Tom warns Bender and Marcy about believing Prankster's story. Marcy and Bender both decide they need to get the upperhand on Prankster, as they're only chalking up a even hand on the harelquin.
King Andiras shows at Burpin Burger to see Tom, Libby, Bender, Luan and Marcy and what the 5 found.They reveal their clue, they met the others assocaiting with Deathstroke's associates and they know who Prankster really is. Andiras already assumes that they're at a crossroad on this correctly. Bender asks what he's doing here. Andrias states he just wants to check in and reveals that he did some work of his own and knows that Black Heroin is an agent of Toffee's Andirias tries Burpin Burger and loves it and asks for 10 more of these things and put it on his credit card. Marcy and Tom just roll with it as does Bender.
Chapter 5[]
Bender knows exactly who Doof is referring to get for help and states that they can all go get there and he knows how to get there. Slade and Anti Cosmo both know too and explain that these guys come from the collective past of Launchpad, Dr.Doof, and the 3 of them and that they will all go to see them.
Bender decides to make a beeline to Miseryville with Slade taking the Dolphin route and Anti Cosmo taking the Quahog Route as the three are all familar with them
At Miseryville, Bender, Marcy Wu, Luan, Grime, G-LO, Tigerclaw and Guzma all arrive and Grime states it look a lot like the other place. Bender and Luan both state that while true, it's acutally not a bad place to live and that his top scientist lives here. Bender tells Guzma he's not here to see Heloise, he is here to see Miseryville's ruler Lucius Heinous VII for the resources. Guzma and Tigerclaw both question this and Luan reminds them that Heloise is busy with her own things and that Bender could get her, but if it did his alligance with Deathstroke would be revealed. Wile E is Bender's guy to keep this under wrap, Guzma questions why Luan gets a pass, Bender states because Luan wanted in and that the two and Slade's crew are trying to keep the rest of the crew safe and give a normal life .
G-LO disguises herself as a mintoatur and lets the others all go in according. Marcy and Bender discuss how long it's been since he saw them, Bender states a very long while,
Luan decides to pull a prank on the tiny ruler which Marcy and Bender both look with dissapproval.
Lucius arrives from the toilet, looking through his misery catalogue and sits on a whoopie cusion which Luan laughs and Bender tells her to keep quiet. Lucius is ready to call his secuiry when Bender tells him to call it off it's just him
Lucius states it's been a long time to him and what brings the robot here and does Heloise know he's here. Bender states he's here without the others and Heloise doesn't know he's here with his crew as Marcy, Luan, Grime, Tigerclaw, Guzma and G-LO show up too with him
Lucius then asks why Bender and his guys are here. Marcy tells him that it's a matter of finding Bender's friend who went missing and that everyone other than him and her boyfriend think she's gone.
Lucius knows he's talking about Lizbeth and states that it did hit him pretty hard, and that he is cuirous if Bender really does have a way. Marcy states nether Bender or Her really have an answer but his resources could help uncovering a clue for them and if he does he can use the whole Misery Inc and have it tested. Luan asks is that really a good idea, Bender states it is and many of them can take a lot of
Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Cleo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Gus, Malcolm, Tigerclaw, Guzma, G-Lo, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Amity, Tom and Scrooge all come back with Lucius, Stewie and Dr.Blowhole and the latter 2 go to help out Harry, Wile E, Scudsworth and Benny with their stuff as they put the Innator repair into work.
As the Innator is finished, Marcy and Amity both decide on different things from Boiling Isles travel. Marcy thinks getting Eda could be of help to their situation, Marcy also states that she can introduce her friends to Eda. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender ask about her and Marcy explains she's the owner of that house they landed in went traveling to Boiling Isles. The three realize that it's the house with the talking owl and that Eda will know of them.
Slade and Bender both add that The Blights live there so that makes them easy targets for Odalia. Marcy states there is a difference and all of them will be there in case so it's not Odalia has home field advantage.
Luan, Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Bender decide on a pratical approach and state that they go see Eda and get info on this
Marcy sends off Launchpad to keep an eye on things and have Angus keep a eye on things. She, Tom, G-LO and Libby ponder how to take the approach with splitting up the low key allies and Marcy states she can have them scout info and that it will be necessary
Upon exiting out of the portal this is where Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Wile E, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Tom, Libby, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha , Grime, Ace, Hilda and Ms.Marvel all land into the Boiling Isles
Marcy, Cricket, Amity, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all feel like they never left The Boiling Isles as it hasn't changed from when they were last here. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo are intent on getting a drink though Marcy stops them and tells they can drink later, they see to see Eda first
As Marcy leads them to the Owl House, she sees Hooty who recongizes Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender and gets Eda. Eda is surpised to see Marcy, Cricket, Amity and Ronnie Anne all. Eda recalls to Marcy that these must be her friends then, she knows that the robot, the anit fairy and the masked man were in her house beacuse Hooty told her
Anti Comso states it's about time someone got his species right and Bender and Slade properly introduce themselves to Mrs.Clawthrone. Eda asks about the toad and first lieutant in the room and why they're, Grime and Sasha both explain that they're on their side and that there is a bigger foe afoot. Eda doesn't trust Sasha or Grime as they worked for Toffee, Bender and Anti Cosmo concede this point. .
Eda asks about the clues and the Box and Libby states they are recharging the box and needs to find the temples. Eda states that what's Marcy and Bender want and Amity states she's looking for Willow, Gus and Hunter and she's worried about them.
Eda explains the Boiling Isles is a place of danger in the demon realm and they all think they can just take to it just by showing up. Bender states that he, Slade and AC were here before and were at Hexside so they know something. Eda states she read about the three of them and how they exposed the Blights which she considered top quality work. Amity does state that the 3 of them though can't go back to Hexside as Bump will know them first hand
Eda states that she will take Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Libby, Scrooge, Grime and Kamela around to the Boiling Isles to a place she knows will work out for their clue as Eda did some research on the clue presented and states that they will have to go for the knee. Bender is rightfully confused though Eda states the one thing to do is put on some winter clothes as it's going to get freezing up there. Grime debates this as he's a toad and cold blooded and wants to go to Hexside, Sasha states that Grime needs to go with them as The Blights can't target both of them at once for being traitors. Anti Cosmo is cocrced by Sasha to find a way around this and he does
Eda shows the crew a map and tells them to follow her and to get ready in case something goes down. Bender and Harrison load riffles, Anti Cosmo gets his wand ready, Slade gets his bo staff ready, WIle E hands the rest of the team his ACME kit to use as well to prepare themselves as they all take a stance and head off.
Scrooge is quick to notice something and states that they may be watched and Bender asks who and Scrooge states he thinks maybe Mrs. Safrass.
Libby, Grime and Bender basically keep an keen eye on the atmsophere with Grime attacking pretty randomly to Libby and Bender's confusion. Grime statse that incase some foot soliders were around as he has insured he is always ready for action in these cases. Bender and Libby state that for a brute, he's pretty adept when he wants to be. Bender asks Libby if she is sure on this being where, Libby tells Bender she worked with Eda and they managed to get this as a location and that it will be fine
The box is acting up as Wile E shows to Slade, Harry, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Grime and Libby and that the box has been acting up everytime they go the right way. Bender comments on why he didn't say this before and that it could have been more helpful.
Eda manages to lead them all to the cavern and the crew all enter. Eda instructs them not to touch the wall as the walls are made of Titan's veins and signgiifes decay. Anti Cosmo turns himself into a rat to sneak up ahead and under detection as Bender, Slade, Harry, Libby, Grime, Wile E, Scrooge and Kamela follow Anti Cosmo
As the team follows Anti Cosmo, he leads them to Eclpise Lake and sees it dried up. Slade and Bender both comment is this what he sensed a dried up lake. Anti Cosmo states that it's still not a place of compelte dried up as Titan's blood is a way to open the portal to a diffferent realm as he learned from his work. Eda is impressed with this and asks where he learned this, Anti Cosmo states he, Marcy and Bender did some investgation of the Boiling Isles and it's magic as seeing The Boiling Isles made him curious of it's magic and the two did their own at the Disney Archives as well.
Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Grime, Wile E, Harry, Scrooge, Eda and Ms.Marvel all get ready to engage and all face off with the Cy Bugs despite their numbers being as big as possible. All do their own ends consisting of shooting, magic using, weapon using and super power using.
There are thousands of destroyed Cybugs that lurk around the group after their engagement with them and this is when Hit Girl and Wolverine show up to take care of the rest of them. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender are surised to see The V Crusaders and ask what are they doing here. Anti Cosmo and Bender state their theories and mission themselves which they hold themselves reponsible for THe Prankster being loose.
After the mayhem ensures with The Prankster's Forces, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Eda, Grime, Harrison, Hit Girl, Kamela, Kickass Libby, Scrooge, Slade and Wolverine all head away and learn that there is one last clue involved and it will take them to the temple where the first gem of the Calamity Box will be charged. Libby states she told The V Crusaders what Bender intended to do resepctfully
Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Callohun, Wolverine, Hit Girl and Kick Ass all conspire respectively and state that they're all in agreement about finding their mutual friend and associate. Calllohun does mention Boomer will have to know about Bender's investgations which Bender allows but he states Boomer won't be told anything else unless he asks directly.
Amity talks to the others about trusting her dad. Only Harry really seems to succeed and making a honesty conversation and ploy to have her consider her dad, since he's a dad. As Anti Cosmo and Slade don't have kids, Bender is a middling parent by his own word, Cleo and Kamela don't know their dads too well, Libby doesn't have one and most of them lost their fathers.
Marcy and Bender discuss what their next move is and is it a good idea to trust Alador, Bender is sure as is Marcy and that he is no Odalia and that G-LO did give true infomation. Both Alador and Hunter manage to sneak in the rest of the team with the help of Deathstroke's Associates into the Castle and they make it all the way to the door portal.
Marcy and Bender go in last and damage the door to make sure no one can follow.
Chapter 6[]
Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo,Harrison Wells, Luan Loud, Cricket Green ,Wile E Coyote, Cleo Sub Prime, King Andiras, Celes Chere, Ronnie Anne, Amity Blight, Tom Lucifor, Captain Grime, Sasha Wayblight, Libby Stein ,Scrooge McDuck, G-Lo, Ace Savry Junior, Hilda (Graphic Novel), , Ms.Marvel, Wolverine, Sergant Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all go through the portal and land in springfield
Everyone is trying to figure out what to head now. However Wolverine, Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all know what to do that they need to see Homer. Bender asks if Homer is trying to find Lizbeth too, Wolverine explains that V, Alucard, Zero and Linkara are one unit looking for her and they're another unit. Anti Cosmo, Luan and Slade all ponder out which other members could have been put on the job, Bender returns and tells the trio that V also sent off Clemont, Ryan Hardy, Peabody and Sherman also to investigate the disappearancet too. Slade states then V has 2 different units helping here and they can't figure out what's going on. Bender and Luan both theorize The V Crusaders want to cover their bases and with the time stone being the only known way to travel at this time the latter two can't use their wayback machine. Anti Cosmo states how that is even possible, Bender states he told this before and repeats this.
With them all arriving in Springfield, Harry asks for a car they can use for the whole team at once. Sasha asks and where are they going to find one. Cricket and Ronnie Anne both reveal that Cricket went to back and used Bender and Marcy's Bug to find Chip and take his car keys. King Andrias is utterly exicitied to take the wheel in a big wheel like that. Bender states he is going to drive and they all go to find the car
Led by Marcy, Bender, Ronnie Anne and Cricket they find Chip's car and Bender is estatic that it's a huge limosine and this is what he's talking about. Marcy is baffled at the fact his lincense plate says Chip Father, Bender says screw Chip, Bender's her daddy now. Marcy and Ronnie Anne ask did Bender just refer to himself in the 3rd person and call himself daddy respectively.
Bender and Marcy both get in the shotgun and driver seat and tell everyone to get in and that they're going in style.
After a hard time, nativgating through Springfield due to Marcy and Bender not being familar with Springfield , the team eventually finds the Simpsons Home and let The V Crusaders knock at the door. They Say it's them
Homer is surpised to see Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade and asks what do they know and how long as it's been. Bender states very long and that he may have found some way to to find Lizbeth or at least get closer to the goal. Homer is curious and Bender lends Marcy over to him who explains about the Calamity Box and what she is intending to do in regards as well as the deal with Andrias that she and Bender both made.
With the rest of the gang out and all about, Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Homer, Callohun, Wolverine, Kick Ass, Hit Girl and Celes all begin to ponder where they could find the first of the gem to power the box. Marcy is confused as is Bender as they thought it was going to be some kind of temple. Slade states that they chose to believe Andrias who while smart isn't on the ball at times.
Cricket and Ronnie Anne both feel something is indeed unusal and it's not Andrias being wrong and supringsly Harrison agrees with this. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Marcy all start to think on this and think if it took them to Springfield, with the former and Homer both thinking carefully.
A Six pack of Duff is found and Bender remembers this is how he met Homer first of all. Homer remembers something as well a bunch of creatures running among in the future with his son's DNA and that Bender tried to kill Homer
Callohun offers a look into the people who know how to do this. Marcy and Bender both state she can do that as they should look into the gem's location in a secret place
Luan, Bender, Slade, Harry, Marcy and Anti Cosmo decide they need to lay a trap in case Prankster follows them as they set off.
Taking the stolen limo, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Celes, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wolverine, Callohun, Homer Simpson, Kick Ass and Hit Girl drive on their way to head to Burns Manor so they can find the first of the 3 Calamity Gems.
Hit Girl/Mindy is revealed to have taken guns with her in case something goes down. Bender rubs his hands together happlily that someone is speaking his language and that this is gonna be fun on a bun. Mindy explains in case something goes down or they're being followed, like that Donbot. Bender nervously states which one, Dave and Mindy both say he should know, the one who's wife and daughter he messed with, tried to replicate his meat ball recipe and tesified concerning Donbot's assault on his favorite actor. Marcy and Luan both ask Bender when did he do all that, Bender states a long time ago he did all that, he's a criminal and he's proud of it but still wants to do right by them.
Callohun and Wolverine roll their eyes at this and explain the context that they had an ecounter with The Donbot and that's how they found about Bender's own actions against him and warn him that sometimes people don't forget what happens. And that Bender doesn't get to start over like that
Celes is busy watching something and she tells them that it looks like they're being followed. Mindy loads a pistol and says it's game on to the cock suckers. Bender states he's coming for the ride as he loads a shotgun
Marcy tells Bender, Cricket, Celes Slade and Luan to get to deal with who's following them as she, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Ronnie Anne will keep the vechile on drive.
Bender, Luan and Celes decide they should focus on Black Heron who is targeting them and face off with her 3 on one. Black Heron is fighting them because she feels like it and is just fulfilling a contact to her employer. Celes asks if it's Bradford, Black Heron states Toffee, Toffee gave a contract hit order to kill Anti Cosmo, Bender, Slade, Luan and Dr.Wells after taking over the multiverse except she got the order after he was killed as Toffee was unwilling to take risks with them all around
Luan and Bender both sigh and ponder how many more pawns are there on Toffee and Bill's chess board. Celes states it's not the time to think it's the time to take action and Bender loads up a riffle and goes to spot to get a clean shot on Heron while Luan and Celes fight off Black Heron.
Luan asks if Bender is okay with this, knowing what happened and all that, Bender states he completely trusts Luan and knows she can do this. He's observed her and knows under that goofy pun making comedian is a reponsible and capable girl that will do just fine. Luan and Bender hug and Bender heads to take the shot and Celes with Luan step up to fight Black Heron.
Odalia tries to trap Slade with his anger focused on her though Celes steps in and saves him and puts Odalia legs on ice and Slade has Anti Cosmo and Bender toss her in the sea. Slade snarks that is fitting payback and Celes states that Odalia started it. Bender gets back to Luan who is dealing with Heron herself as he keeps cover for the V Crusaders
Bender gets back to Luan who is dealing with Heron herself as he keeps cover for the V Crusaders
He gets back to Luan, Bender snipes Heron saying that she was outassassined and tells The V Crusaders to pack the Pine Apple up and that the leau is over
Slade tells Marcy she is not driving after this and good luck getting a learner's lincese that way. Marcy states it was her first time, Bender states but not the first time he's been in a crazy driving situation referring to back his chase with Skipper, Marceline, Agent 9, King Julian and Axel, When King Julian and Quackerjack drove a vechile, the two times he was chased by Joker's satelete laser system, Julian kicking the wheel to road house and Captain Hero driving a chariot drunk
Luan is trying to call Benny but is getting static which concerns her and she asks Bender and Marcy to try and get a hold of him. They try their phones and get nothing with Marcy and Bender stating either Benny is busy or asleep. Luan states or something else, Celes thinks on what, Luan states she doesn't want to do.
Harrison, Slade, Bender, Luan, Marcy, Anti Cosmo, Celes and The V Crusaders make their way through the Power Plant but there is no sort of danger other than Homer's co-workers other than his friends thinking Homer is doing something stupid or letting other people know all the secrets. Homer states he's the safety inspector which has Bender, Anti Cosmo and even Slade snicker with amusement that this guy is trusted with safety.
Homer leads them into his station and states it's a little cramped but he can look here. Marcy, Bender, Homer, Wolverine, Hit Girl, Callouhn and Kick Ass go looking through his compartment. Homer finds some donuts and eats them and this is when Wolverine and Callohun ask Homer they're on a mission and he wants to eat donuts. Homer states their his favorite. Marcy, Bender, Dave and Mindy do take 4 donuts and eat them too as Homer was sharing with them
Marcy, Bender and The V Crusaders keep their checking in Homer's work station and this is when Marcy and Bender both find a pink gemstone and Bender asks if Marcy if this is the one they're looking in . Marcy checks her phone and gives a thumbs up. Bender notices the colors and state that is she sure it's not sugar, spice and everything nice and it looks like the Powerpuff Girls had a box like this.
Bender, Marcy, Homer, Wolverine, Mindy, Dave and Callohun come back and are told about Benny's kidnap at Prankster's hands.
Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Marcy, Harrison, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, and The V Crusaders get back and Bender puts phone calls to Launchpad, Lucius, Stewie, Dr.Doof and Dr.Blowhole about exactly what's going on and be ready as The Prankster's use of Cleo's DNa causes dimenison shatters
After Cricket and Cleo discuss how Prankster got her DNA somehow Wile E, Harry, Marcy, Bender, Libby, Ace and Hilda all realize that she touched utensils and that Lorenzo Suave must have done so with that intent
Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, King Andiras, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, Wolverine, Homer, Hit Girl, Kick Ass, Callohun, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha, Grime, Kamela, Ace, Hilda, Guzma, Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth and Tiger Claw all observe as the dimension shatter and bring in another universe. This is when they all see the Nimbus with Bender moaning why is he here?, Marcy and Luan ask Bender on who and he states DOOP and by the looks of the president.
Guzma states Deathstroke is the president, Slade and Anti Cosmo correct him and say that the president they're referring is Nixon's head and that DOOP is part of NIxon. Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo all realize that it's New New York that crossed into their path.
The Nimbus then beams the entire crew up with the whole group wondering what the hell is going on.
Chapter 7[]
As he is locked up in the cell with the others in the prison, he explains to them that he comes from this timeline and he hasn't been in like a decade. Bender questions this further as he thought New New York was sealed off due to Scott The Network head. He theorizes the spear of destiny did more than he thought.
The Futurama Robot Cops come to see Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, Cricket and The V Crusaders and that Nixon wants to see them
The crew wonder what Nixon wants them and it turns that it's not just him and it's the Planet Express Crew and Zapp Brannigan. He is scolded by Farnsworth for being 10 years later for work and that got their contract renewed.
Fry, Leela, Zoidberg and Farnsworth have been looking for Bender for a while now as soon as they learned their Delviery Bay contract was renewed with Hulu. Farnsworth questions why Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo are the only ones here and Fry questions where Dib, Lizbeth, Boomer, Starfire and the others are
The Three explain that the others are all out of the game and they got back into due to Marcy and the remergance of Toffee
Bender explains his situation to Fry and Leela and they decide to help him and his crazy cast of friends he seems to have. This is only proven when Launchpad, Hunter and Alador arrive with the others in tact.
Nixon and Zapp stop Bender from trying to lead the plan and say that DOOP will lead this operation against this teenage terroist who split the dimensions.
Grumbling, He and Anti Cosmo discuss about this predicament , Anti Cosmo and Bender discuss the idea of asking the Professor about Lizbeth as maybe that can help figure things about her dissapearance. Bender doesn't disagree but wonders how they even got here, he recalled the asseess to his timeline was impossible
Thankfullt the others were listening while Bender and Anti Cosmo were discussing the Lizbeth case again to each other. WHen the two ask, Luan, states that they were working out some deal with DOOP and The Express Crew to deal with The Prankster and their henchmen and that Slade was going to take them to his manor to get equipped
Marcy takes the rest of the group to get the gang all together after Hunter and Alador land the plane with the people she and Bender ask for. Anti Cosmo and Bender discuss how they will do so and Harry overhears this and the two explain. Harry seems to agree with Anti Cosmo that maybe Farnsworth does know something and that he encourages that approach while they have it
Anti Cosmo feels Bender deserves some chance to at least to get one of Dib and the other's friends back or some closure if it's Lizbeth, Bender's kid or Brick and Butch. Slade announces he is taking the whole group to his manor to get equipped and make a plan and Bender and Marcy Wu rally the rest of the group in turn
As the whole gang is on their way to Slade's conteint and his manison. Harry, Bender and Anti Cosmo question Professor Farnsworth about Lizbeth and say what went down in their preivous adventure on the latter two's end. Luan even is curious as well. Farnsworth is heistant to tell Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harry or Luan, though Bender is angered if he doesn't learn the truth he will bend him like a girdler. Farnsworth asks what Bender is so fussy about, Luan and Anti Cosmo tell him about his kid's death as well Brick and Butch's death and what it did to him as well as Slade and AC.
Farnsworth tells Anti Comso, Bender, Harry and Luan that all he knows is that she manage to live for a few years before perishing legally and tells them to pay attention to the word legally. Bender beams up saying that he was right, wasn't her. Harry and Anti Cosmo say Bender was right and he thought he was crazy.
Farnsworth explains to the 4 that he suspects she may still be alive where she is now, even with the legal death it's just he can't seem to figure who she really is.
Arriving at Slade's contient and his manison, everyone is led into where Slade considers home and Bender helped put it together with Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Slade as a favor after the three of them saved him and Luan from The Mad God.
Slade asks for Marcy, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Hunter to come with him. Though Libby, Cricket and Ronnie Anne come along. Slade heads to the basement and reveals to Marcy, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Hunter, Libby, Cricket and Ronnie Anne what he has building for a while. He has been building a personalized ship to fit his entire army and has been furnishing it for weeks/months ever since The Weirdmagedon Cult returned. Anti Cosmo asks why Slade was working on it in such secret as he didn't know and Slade states because he couldn't risk it being revealed
Marcy notices that this must be the place where The V Team and Brick and Butch were buried which Bender confirms to her as he remembers that they were buried in the basement and then the graves were buried deep in the foundation
Marcy, Anti Cosmo and Bender look at the floor and state it's still feels like standing on a grave site. Bender and Marcy then talk about the event in private and how something needs to be done about Dib and the rest
Marcy and Bender discuss the rest of Bender's colleagues outside of Dib, Boomer, Lizbeth and the others. He tells Marcy about his relationships to Maka, Black Star, Death, Crona, Knuckles, Kratos and Scorpion and what they're all doing
Marcy states it makes sense Andrias would look for someone like him with a impressive resume of people he worked. Marcy confesses she has knew about the Soul Eater Gang and actually is fan of Soul Eater and their exploits, she goes on a rant about what she loves about it. Causing Bender to sigh happingly. Marcy admits she got off track and tells Bender to go on
Bender explains that Maka Albarn is basically a celebrated heroine, A partner of Lizbeth's and also a novelist who writes her own adventures she has had which contributed in the multiverse as well as her friends.
Black Star is still at the academy but actually is something of a teacher and has been bringing back the Star Clan.Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all helped Black Star due to their past with him in Blackpool which Anti Cosmo confirms telling Marcy about the Templars and Assassins novel Maka wrote
Crona according to Bender make it big as a poet and a grim one at that, Crona also contibutes to Maka's writing as well to solidify their realtionship. Marcy thinks Crona is a realtionship with Maka which makes both Anti Cosmo and Bender laugh.
Death The Kid is revealed by Anti Cosmo and Bender to have been the most successful of the 4 and using his markmen skills, his hobby of building things, his skateboarding skills, and his marital aritists to be a leader in the forces of good and is sitll in a relationship with that squirell girl Makoto who has been helping him
Bender is nostalgatic for those times and tells her about Knuckles just retiring to a content retirement due to finally striking filithy stupid rich with all the treasures he found on his advenutes. K'nuckles's friend Kratos still fights the good fight against the Corrupt Gods and as for The Scoprion Squad.
He still is spending quality time with Black Star and helping with rebuliding the Star Clan when not leading the Scoprion Squad and has been keeping tabs on things with Charlotte Morning Star though he is rather busy.
Slade states to Bender to stop remisncing and get in the ship
With the rest of the team all together, Slade, Bender and Marcy all lead the approach to deal with The Prankster and her associates. Slade owns the ship so he takes charge but allows the latter two to make their own calls and plays as they lead the team against The Pranks A Mob
Bender goes with the others to face Odalia Blight and Black Heron where he fights the former with Slade, Anti Cosmo and The Blights and then goes against the latter with Luan and Marcy Wu in tow.
Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo fight Odalia's adominations and they intiatlly do a great job until the three are outnumbered by them. Odala brags she will have Emperor Belos deal with them to get revenge on Amity and Alador for working with them and putting their claws into the Blight name
Alador and Amity refuse and have her back down and Odalia powerless is beaten senseless by Bender with the help of Slade and Anti Cosmo who state she got lucky for suriving Slade's attempt to take her life.
Later Black Heron ambushes Bender, Luan and Marcy Wu intend to fulfill her contract for Toffee leaving Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry to deal with Lorenzo and Libby, Ace, HIlda, Kamela and G-LO who joined the six to deal with Captain Putty.
Heron wants revenge for that snipe as well they did earlier and she intends to bring the trio down. SHe has F.O.W.L mooks by her side to give her the edge. UNlike last time, Bender isn't worn down by constnat ecounters and he just shoots them down like nothing with Marcy and Luan go after Black Heron and fighting her 2 on 1
Bender did this to allow Luan and Marcy their day in the sun to bring the ruthless spy so he can kill her after they get. Black Heron does hang in there but is outclassed by Luan and her spdier webs and super human strength and speed. Marcy even blanatly outsmarts her and leads her into traps to help Luan get her
After Luan and Marcy deal with Black Heron, Bender has his Shot Gun ready and points at Black Heron. Black Heron tries to plead for mercy and reason with him that Bradford is who he wants and that she can give him Toffee's other allies. Bender isn't for it and just shoots her in the head.
Libby,G-Lo ,Anti Cosmo, Bender, Harry, Luan, Marcy and Slade all go against The Prankster intend to stop her. Prankster gives one last chance to Bender and Marcy to give her Cleo so she can use her powers to get home and fix the dimensions. Once turned down, she fights the 8 of them.
Prankster sepearates the 8 of them knowing they were going to outnumber her. Bender and Marcy are the last ones to fight her and the only ones to fight her 2 on 1. As Luan Sassfrass considers them her main 2 foes. Bender and Marcy decide to make this battle count and after one long phase of dealing with The Prankster and her many tricks which include expolsive dolls, flowers with smoke in them, joy buzzers and card blades which put the two in the edge and shes uses her enviroment to her advantage which is a Bender trick admittingly
The two eventually defeat Prankster and talking to Marcy after the others talk about imprisonment. The two decide to cut a deal with her, with Luan, Libby and G-LO being medicators to them
Bender and Marcy state that they will help get to her universe despite the protests after she serves her time in junivelle hall. Though Luan Sassfrass has to call off her mob, stop her insane plans with Cleo, serve her time in junivelle hall and not break out at any time. Sassfrass asks why he is attempting this and Marcy tells Prankster that Bender and Prankster both know that she won't reveal who he really is and that Prankster can be trusted with Bender's PI Alias and it's a gesute of couretesy for the tip to get some help which he did.
To the shock of the heroes, Luna Sassrass agrees to this deal as she apprecaites the heroes know she is deserving of some trust and that she managed to get the great detective to do one thing his friends couldn't. Seek Therapy
The Police and the Cartel show up and Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry tell Bender, Marcy, Luan, Libby and G-Lo. Prankster and Bender are both questioning this when Putty shows up with a gun and is intend on bringing both criminal PI Bender in and the psyochotic teenage Joker wanna be Luan Sassfrass in to the criminals and the lawman.
Bender is disgusted with Putty's sheer greed and reasoning for this despite being pretty greedy himself. As Prankster and Putty confront the other about their supoosed and real betrayals in the 2 cases.
After Putty traps the group in the room, The Prankster prepared for Putty's betrayal and has a get away exit and tells Bender and the others to follow her.
The Prankster alters the deal if they can stop Putty, and expose his crimes she gets a lighter time in Juinvelle. Bender and Marcy think on this and decide to do so after talking to G-LO on the matters.
Bender and Marcy reveal that they have a confession of Putty's cimre and they could use it against him. The Prankster knowing Putty was always a greedy little smurf decides to send his rep packing with her loyal allies and anticpated his betrayal decides to follow what they want to have done
Bender, Marcy, Luan, Slade, ANti Cosmo, Harry, Libby, G-Lo and The Prankster all have the others distract the Cartel and they go after Captain Putty and Putty decides to just kill them and make it look self defense. He faces off with them as Libby and ANti Cosmo decide to get the confession of Putty's corruption on note
Captain Putty is eventually defeated by the group respectfully and frozen by G-Lo, Bender, Marcy and The Prankster. Putting Putty away, the heroes and PRankster's loyal allies work to reshift the dimensions to get everything back to normal.
Under Professor Farnsworth, Bender manages to make contact with the Anomality and with Slade, Luan ,Marcy, Cricket,King Andrias and Libby they manage to allow it to close as Anti Cosmo uses his magic to try to contain it with Cleo using her own dimenison powers to try and stop the anomality from forming with Harry , G-Lo, Wile E and the Planet Express helping with The Prankster working with her crew to close off the machine that they used to cause the crack
With the Anomality closed, New New York is brought back into the future with Luan, Marcy and Bender seeing the Crew off with them saying that the renewal will go as planned and they hopefully find a way to get him involved. Bender comes on board when he learns he will be paid for this. This allowing him another way to give Luan a stable future apart from his P.I Work, and Criminal work he does.
Bender is safe from the likes of Captain Putty and is holding Captain Putty in a cage and lets him down to the police. Saying that Putty is nuts for thinking, he's some kind of criminal mastermind and that he is just a simple multiversal private investigator as G-Lo and Libby both give the police Putty's file.
He is found by Slade and Anti Cosmo and is told they're deciding what to do in regards to Odalia. Bender remembering her nearly murder of Luan joins Andiras, Luan, Harison, Marcy, Libby, Amity's family and the two of them put Odalia under arrest.
Odalia calls her family ungrateful and she was doing all this to give them a favorable life and considers them traitors for siding with the people that ruined their family name. Harrison ducktapes her mouth and Amity, Eldric, Emira and Alador all denounce her as part of the family and call her for her selfishness and her willness to kill people who were no threat to her. Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo decide to forgo arrest and try to kill Odalia, Amity stops the three as despite everything Odalia is stll her mom. Marcy, Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo ask what to with her then. Alador states that there is a special prison for people for her in regards to magic and that they strip her of her magic and put her there instead. Luan and Libby agree with this and ask would this be okay and Marcy agrees while the other 3 are more relcutant
Bender and Anti Cosmo's idea to off Odalia is something Hunter thinks is a valid point. Bender then joins Marcy, Luan, G-Lo And The Prankster in seeing Captain Putty be put away. Captain Putty swears to kill them all or ruin them and he will dedicate his life to it. Bender and Marcy rub the fact in that the greedy little smurf basically doesn't have a dime to his name and that if he kept loyal to Mrs. Saffrass, this wouldn't have of happened
Bender, Marcy and Luan see Prankster arrested afterwards and sent to Juvie.The Prankster reveals she wanted to be caught after Putty's double cross and that she had fun with this whole cat and mouse game. Bender questions why did she turn herself in willinglly. Prankster states she did so as it was the best way out, if she didn't turn herself in she would proably die, get injured or do something truly insane. She accepts she won't go home now but knows she will when released and that part of the deal she made with them is that they will do so and that Titan, Lorenzo, Bash and Bella will join her when they do. Marcy and Bender both agree to this and Marcy believes they do deserve this for sticking with them against Putty
Prankster asks about Alador, Luan states he got his charges cleared for being blackmailed. Prankster states Luan is better than she thinks and her whole stand against both her and Putty say she has what it takes to be a heroine, and that she is good hands with the two of them and the others. Prankster with her hands behind back tries to wave and Bender, Marcy and Luan do just that.
Overseeing stuff with Lucius and the gang's clean up, they tell Bender they will bill it. And he is offered to help Fring's war with the cartel though he turns it down as he is following Lady Olviia's advice to take it easy for a bit While sending off Ace, Kamela and Hilda.
He is picked up with the rest of the team to go to the Newtopia Castle. At that Castle, Marcy, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Luan do their book club meeting with the others and they talk among each other about their mission. Marcy is insistent that they're friends with Sasha. Bender and Anti Cosmo state they do trust her a little more, but not fully. Marcy states it's a start and that when do they want to start the 2nd box. Bender states give it a few months.
Marcy asks if Bender will be okay, Bender states he will be fine eventually but he is at least a little more at peace now. Luan states a little, he seems more then a little. Bender states to Marcy that in a way like Luan Loud, Marcy saved him in some sense and he realized this during this quest. Anti Cosmo concedes Marcy saved him and Slade as well.
Marcy doesn't feel like she did, though Luan tells Marcy she's more of a heroine than she thinks, if she can earn the trust, respect and friendship of herself, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harry and even Slade and have them get to take orders from her, Marcy is special in the eyes of Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Harry as Luan bluntly puts it
Marcy doesn't agree but does appreciate that she means a lot to the 5 of them and managing to bring a multiversal Mob and stopping the alternate multiverse emerging does rank as impressive acheivements regardless as she smiles at Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo
Anti Cosmo asks if the others will know about Bender, himself and Slade and Bender states he worked an agreement with Launchpad to tell the others about what he found out and that if they have any questions, ask him. Anti Cosmo seems proud that Bender is trying to work on this aspect, as he and Slade decide to work on their trust on their army.
Countdown to Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

The Robot who knows the anti fairy who knows the head of an entire empire
Bender gets involved in the events between the two stories with Anti Cosmo, Lisa Loud, Wile E Coyote, Libby, Jessie Wells, Slade Wilson, Marcy Wu, Celes Chere, Mojo Jojo, Sideshow Bob, Captain Hook, Captain Cold, Golden Glider, Luan Loud, Harrison Wells, Captain Hero and Benny Stein as he learns about the invasion of the aliens from The Bad Guys under Deathstroke as he and Anti Cosmo discuss a case of their own that has affected M.O.D.A.B. Unknown to him , The Smoking Man has returned.
This case is about Dib's Father and it's connected to M.A.L.I.C.E, who he investigated for Slade to give to Anti Cosmo. Bender is also out to figure out who exposed Team Free Will at Sid's behest who he meets with Anti Cosmo properly.
Chapter 1[]
Bender is busy attending one of this therapy sessions with Mr.Candle that he decided to make ongoing. He mentions about the situations that he had done since he defeated The Prankster and assisted the former in putting Captain Putty behind bars.
Bender told Boomer and Nina about Brick and Butch's burials and how he knew of this as well as mentioning what he knows and believes on the Lizbeth case. He tells the theraptist that Nina doesn't want him putting ideas in Boomer's head if they're two far fetched and he was glad to get the monkey off his back. Mr.Candle asks him why he did so and Bender said to make things right, the therapist tells Bender that perhaps the robot was trying to correct something that couldn't be corrected, and seeked closure,
Next. Bender tells Mr.Candle that he was doing his P.I Work on a organization known as M.A.L.I.C.E and undercovered info for his hirer and that he went after The Cartel and Intergang for his boss using balloons to knock out the power and then killing every single member with his weapons that came cross him which he got for helping Luan with a party at the zoo. He states Marcy and him dicussed it afterwards at a diner and ensured Deathstroke and Fring could get their meeting in with them as they opposed them.
Candle asks about Dib and friends, as well as Luan. Bender tells Candle, that he was at the funeral of his dad, Bruce Wayne and that Dib, Bubbles, Milo and the others all were there as he was. He did notice some unusual man there too talking to Bubbles and Dib but didn't think anything of it. He suspected Vought was behind what happened and got into an arguement with the more idealistic members though Dib conceded that both of them were right and that he should get his P.I friend on the job.
And about Luan as Candle inequires, Bender's tone lowers and says that the kid got seprated from her family and Luan at least was with him so she wasn't taken away from Child Protection Services and that her parents trusted Luan with him. He's upset that even happened and that she is with Benny while he's here, Bender did manage to to visit her parents and decided to investigate and find their kids as well as swearing revenge on the cuplirt as well as who killed Batman. Bender then states that Luan's dad stopped him there by pointing that Bender wanting revenge isn't justice and that it won't bring back Batman and that this is the talk of gangsters who are blinded by their vendetta. This shook the robot, though he decided to pursue both cases for them over his own need when no one was looking.
Bender asks Mr.Candle about that last part, and is he taking steps back for not telling them this. Mr.Candle states as their session is coming to a close that in a way, he states that Bender surpsises himself by saving his friends from such incidents in the multiverses and not being an attention seeking egotist. Candle points out that he does this and no one knows he even did showcases what he will do when no one expects it, also the fact he settled on doing cases for his friends's sakes over his need to retailiate over those who wronged him is another instance of what he can really be in the dark.
The Robot leaves his session and sees Anti Cosmo in his vechile and Bender gets into the passenger's seat as he thanks Anti Cosmo for coming to get him. Anti Cosmo tells Bender that he was going to come get him anyway regading things. Bender and Anti Cosmo both have envelopes for each other, Bender says he has the M.A.L.I.C.E report for Slade and Anti Cosmo states that Slade has the Vought report for him.
Bender reports to Anti Cosmo that he tracked M.A.L.I.C.E, and yup Odalia was part of it alright and that The Millers had an hand in it this. He managed to get a record on the members of the group. The most interesting part was that They tried to use the Infinity Gems and the nano gauntlet. Anti Cosmo states that it must have been them who stole the nano gauntlet from Harrison, though questions the gems. Bender explains the gems came from an alternate universe and he asked Ace and Hilda who refer to the event they did deal, as they knew and what happened with Hilda's parents in this universe and the event. Anti Cosmo not questioning this asks who stole the gauntlet, Bender holds a photo of Sweet Pete and states he was helping Toffee and it was Toffee who told Sweet Pete of the gauntler and where to find it and that Putty uesd to work for him. Anti Cosmo states and what else were they doing.
Bender states alien invasions were in the idea of M.A.L.I.C.E, though their real leader wanted to do this, though his name wasn't findable. He states that said leader incriminated Team Free Will and that are in hiding and it even forced the Loud Kids into hiding with other families who he has been investigating, though he does know that Lisa ran away from her witness relocation home.
Anti Cosmo advises Bender shouldn't go after Vought alone due to their huge power and connection and that there are things even he shouldn't touch. Anti Cosmo does at least extend a offer that Slade and him could help Bender expose Vought.
Mr.Wolf and The Bad Guys show up at Anti Cosmo and Bender's spot and tell them that the president is heading somewhere and Mr.Wolf hands Bender a note as the unoffical detective on the pay roll.
Mr.Snake and Mr.Pirahana don't exactly seem to be impressed that his P.I is a robot. Though Mr.Shark is accomdating and asks the robot if anything is needed. Bender explains he has a guy who knows a guy who could help and what is needed.
Anti Cosmo and Bender decide that they must recruit Luan and Marcy and meet up with Slade, Harrison and Slade's empire
Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Wile E Coyote, Captain Hero and Benny Stein are all there and head to Slade's mansion to see Slade.
Slade asks about why is Benny even here, Benny tells Slade he's here for Luan, who has been acting strange which is shown when she turns invisible and back stunning the others.
Bender, Marcy, Slade, and the others are all shocked at this and back and wonder what's happening to Luan. Luan isn't so sure herself as this just started to happen, Benny said that this happened before a few times and other aspects to Luan
Captain Hero, Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Libby all discuss what is going on from Bender's report from The Bad Guys and Deathstroke. The crew suspect Vought was up to something as Slade and Anti Cosmo feel they're hiding something as to waht Libby and Bender both have looked into at that point. Captain Hero scoffs at the idea that someone as powerul as him could lead it considering Homelander a mere joke. Marcy warns him that could be grave as this guy in dangerous, she also tells Bender that Intergang is working with Homelander according to her knowledge not suprising Bender, Anti Cosmo or Slade who have been aware of Homelander's plans
Slade shows Anti Cosmo and Bender something he made in regards to a museum about the old multiverses they have and how he made it to allow those to remember the old times like he did and it could be a memorial of what lies in the past.
Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Jessie Wells, Libby, Benny, Wile E and Captain Hero all meet back up and through their work they figure that Vought may have some measure in this, and that whoever incrimianted Team Free Will may have associations with them too. It also apparent that they must investigate the monsters and aliens around and must split the work accordingly
Bender decides he will go find Lisa first as he can at least track her, Anti Cosmo decides to join him as does Wile E and Libby. Harrison tells Jessie to go with Bender as well when both of them comment, Harry states he wants to keep an eye on Luan due to what's happening to her and that he feels it's fair if both dads deal with each other's kids.
Anti Cosmo has his jet out and has Bender, Jessie, Wile E and Libby in it as they fly off.
Libby asks Anti Cosmo and Bender what's their objective. Bender tells her, that first thing is first they need to find Lisa as it may be wise to get her to go with them, as she may not be safe despite her intellgence. Jessie and Libby agree with this with Jessie asking how Bender knows where she is.
Anti Cosmo states a long time Lisa put trackers on her own family, to track their movements, lied about it and this is how she can find them. However as Anti Cosmo puts it the trackers were removed at some point so it's not like he or Bender can track the Louds that way
Libby, Bender and Anti Cosmo see some alien life as they fly to Lisa's location and Bender recongizes them as Irkens. Libby asks how he knows, Bender tells Libby that his friend Dib who's dad was killed was someone who was an alien conspirator and opposed the Irkens namely Zim who was sent to Earth because the Almightly Tallest wanted him gone as Anti Cosmo told him.
Anti Cosmo states is it just him or is the past coming back from the old days, Bender agrees that it's a bit true as the he hasn't seen Irkens. He and Anti Cosmo think it's sad that Dib took himself out of the believe of aliens after the Thanos and Darkseid incident and that he would be vindiciated.
Libby notices that the tracker Wile E put on Lisa is stopping and that they are here.The Five land in front of a house and they argue who to go knocking.
It's none other than the house Sid is residing it where they find Lisa .Lisa wonders what Bender is doing here and how he tracked her, Lisa comes down to see Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E Coyote and Jessie Wells and questioned why they're here.
Sid remembers Anti Cosmo and Bender as she saw them when they're were fighting Toffee and Bill Cipher and that they saved her and the former charged her wand to unlimited power. Anti Cosmo and Bender look uneasy as she says this. Lisa calms them and says that Team Free Will knows Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade helped them deal with The Cult and learned he was Anglesmith and that his secret was kept. Sid also admits her family saw Bender with Marcy Wu, Ronnie Anne and Cricket Green when investigating the latter's father attack.Bender snarks so much for stealth,
Scratch then shows trying to scare the intruders, Bender states and apparently Sid and Lisa have a pet ghost. Scratch takes offense at this and states he's not a pet. Libby and Scratch reunite and the former asked of Molly and Scratch states she was affected by the Team Free Will thing.
Bender and Anti Cosmo ask Lisa and Sid about this. Lisa and Sid tell the two, Jessie, Wile E and Libby about their encounter with M.A.L.I.C.E as well as what AC and Bender didn't know. Sid explains that because of Lydia's exposure as Lydil Red it caused a more domino effect on the team that the President himself has to interevre to save them.
Bender is disgusted that Team Free Will would be so badly despite being heroes and he wishes he could go a spree to show them the truth, But Lisa's dad made him reconsider.
Jessie ponders who could be targeting the Louds other than Morag, Sid question show Jessie knows Morag, Jessie states her dad, her and their boss became involved with the operation themselves. Anti Cosmo mentions that they can't reveal their employer as no one can know of their connection. Bender states that he kept Luan off them becuase The Loud Parents called him and told them to take care of Luan informing of what was going on. The robot states he was deciding to look for The Loud's kids and that he will insure Luan and the others are fine.
Sid calls his bluff and Bender states "becuase anyone who comes for the Loud Kids will have to go through him". He states to Sid if she's on board this will be extended to her.
Scracth saees The Changs and tells Sid and Lisa to brace themeslves as they're being followed. The Changs come in and question their daughter why Sid has so much company here, spefically the robot they saw at Great Lakes City. Bender comments on the long story
Sid, her family, Lisa, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Jessie, Libby and Scratch all hide and they hear that Sid and Lisa need to come in as they are fugitives and part of the team, as well as the Stein Girl for her and her "dad's" work. Anti Cosmo wonders how Vought could be involved and that must know something. Bender states that Sid has to come with them now and they won't let anything happen. The Changs worry that Sid will be killed, Bender reassures them that she will be fine and that he is the safest option.
Lisa reveals that she did make a tunnel for them to escape and they all head out.
The whole team heads out through the tunnel with Bender taking the lead with Wile E as Jessie speeds them to safety as Wile E and Bender fare off the rest of the authorities with Bender killing plenty of the men coming after them and taking their IDs realizing that Intergang was involved upon looking at them.
Chapter 2[]
With Bender, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Jessie, Wile E, Sid and Lisa managing to escape, Bender and Wile E Tell Deathstroke about what they dealt with. The 7 manage to also note that Intergang and Bruno Mannheim are serving Homelander likely. Wile E and Bender ponder out their possibilities as a result.
Bender and Wile E get back to the others and state the president is in space so they will have to report to him if anything goes down.
Sid and Lisa think out an idea of their own and they decide if they can't go to the Owl House, they can at least infrom Luz's mother about her being safe and trying to clear Team Free Will's name. Bender is in agreeance as is Libby, Jessie Wells and Anti Cosmo.
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Jessie Wells, Libby, Lisa, Sid and Wile E Coyote all arrive at the Noceda House and they all debate who will answer the door. With Wile E, Jessie, Lisa and Anti Cosmo all considered out of the picture leaving Bender, Sid and Libby to take care of business.
The three knock on the door and it's Luz's mother Carmilla and Bender introduces himself as P.I Anglesmith and his junior P.I Libby Stein and that they need to talk to her about her daughter and recent events surrounding her. Carmilla does tell the two that her daughter is here with her as she is trying to hide what Bender and Libby are asking about thinking they're here for her daugher. Libby reassures Carmilla that they are not turning in her daughter, they want to help her. This is when someone looking like Luz shows up and Sid who has been staying quiet notices this and goes after her. Bender and Libby both are let in and so does Wile E, Anti Cosmo, Jessie Wells and Lisa as well.
Bender, Libby and Anti Cosmo are busy talking to Carmilla, Carmilla explains to Bender about her daughter and she worries about Luz considering what the news has been going on about her and being part of The Team Free Will. Bender states that he can proably help her for this, Carmilla states she don't know how to pay him, Bender suprises Libby and Anti Cosmo by revealing that his payment can be discussed later. Anti Cosmo gives a glance to Bender about this, questioning why Bender isn't trying to collect immediatly.
This is when a knock is heard on the door and it's Hopkins who runs in immediatly to catch Vee and The 4 run after him. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Carmilla manage to throw him out and beat on him respectfully. Vee does bite Sid's Wand and aplogizes to her explaining she needs magic to keep form when Bender, Libby and Anti Cosmo question this
Hopkins decides to even the playing field and tips off Homelander who makes his way to the house.
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Sid, Lisa, Libby, Wile E, Jessie, Vee and Carmilla all studying up the Vought FIles and M.A.L.I.C.E files Bender Anti Cosmo, Libby and Slade looked into. When Anti Cosmo questions Bender about the potential pro bono case he's taking for Mrs. Noceda he wonders why. Bender explains she's a mom and wants to find her kid, He can relate on a personal level and understands this thinking on Stardash. Anti Cosmo asks if Bender is still thinking on it, Bender states not so much but this did have an effect on it.
Bender is then attacked by Homelander, A Train and The Deep with the others. Homelander instructs the two to bring the group in with him as Vought is going to collect them. Bender knowing Homelander and his 2 men are Vought's super heroes decide to play dirty against and encourages the team to do so. Refusing to be brought in by Vought's main super hero is his approach.
A Train battles Jessie Wells, Bender and Lisa and manages to use his speed powers to keep an even battle with them. Thanks To Jessie being a speedster too which allows Bender and Lisa both to land plenty of hits on them. Though A-Train does manage to use the two as targets to get the upperhand on Jessie.
Jessie is eventually able to bring off A Train off them by using lighting and then lets Bender and Lisa slam in another hit on them.
Lisa and Bender both decide to go after Homelander as a result despite knowing how outmatched they are. He is unable to bring down Homelander but is still rather forminable and manages to force Homelander into another play with Anti Cosmo's help and then helps him, Lisa, Sid and Wile E beat down The Deep.
Vee and Libby come back to the 6 and They explain that Homelander had Carmilla arrested so Vee is afraid that she lost her mother figure. Libby tells her that she should join them and help them. The others ask what was the light that blinded the house, Libby and Vee explain some light based Super heroine
Said Super heroine is Starlight, who introduces themselves to the 7, recogizing the 7 are against Vought and Homelander. Bender asks her who she is and what does she know about Vought. StarLight introduces herself but her real name is Anne Janunary and explains to all of them about her history with Vought International and the 7 she used to be part of.
Bender, Libby and Anti Cosmo realize now that they have another ally to go after Vought, which means they're one step closer. Irkens however show up and this is when they realize that they will have to make a detour and change of plans.
Chapter 3[]
As Anti Cosmo, Bender, Jessie, Libby, Lisa, Sid, Starlight, Vee and Wile E all run away from the Irkens even taking their ship to do so. Some of the group is questioning what those things even are, Anti Cosmo and Bender both being familar with them tell the group they're Irken Invaders, part of the empire of alien conquerers. Bender explains further that Dib was someone who knew they existed and Zim landed on earth and it took a while but he managed to expose Zim as an alien to people who would beleve him. He feels some sypthany over the fact people were asses to Dib on this.
Anti Cosmo tells Bender to feel it a little more when they're not being chased by Irkens.
Bender and Anti Cosmo help Starlight and Jessie with magic and arms respectively. Starlight managed to blind and send a few of the Irkens packing and Jessie knocks out even more of them with her speed and quick hits
Anti Cosmo and Bender manage to destroy and kill a few Irkens on the way and Bender even figures from an communication attempt that this was The Almightly Tallest's plan to go after him. On account that he's a defective GIR. Bender of course takes offense and rips off the invader's Pak and this kills him.
Sid, Lisa, Libby, Bender, Vee, Wile E and Jessie strap in as they brace for a harsh landing. This is exactly what happened though thanks to Starlight and Anti Cosmo it turns out not to be as bad as they thought
Bender, Lisa, Sid and Anti Cosmo however are more familar with this place than Wile E questioning where they are, the 4 know exactly where they are. They are in the Invader Zim Universe due to the purple sky.
Bender and Anti Cosmo discuss among themselves potentially seeing Professor Membrane as he might be able to help with this, or at least help with figuring out what happened to Batman and why Batman is Dib's dad as opposed to Professor Membrane
Anti Cosmo tells the others that they are going to seek the highest esteem of this universe, Professor Membrane. He shows them where they will be going .
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Libby, Lisa, Jessie Wells, Sid, Vee and Starlight all approach The Membrane Household and knock on the door. Anti Cosmo asks if Dib is here and Bender tells him he isn't and he knows. The Door is answered by Gaz who tells him that his master isn't here and to go away. Bender swats Gaz saying he's here for his father and they're here to get his help.
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Sid, Libby, Lisa, Jessie, Wile E, Starlight and Vee go looking around and they go into Dib's room and notice a transmission from The Swollen Eyeball Network at Dib's Laptop. Wile E and Lisa manage to get it and it turns to be from Agent Darkbootie the head who was looking for Agent Mothman who Bender knows is Dib. Agent Darkbootie called to inform that Dib was right about The Irkens and all that and that he and The Swolllen Eyeball Network wants to help Dib with this.
Agent Darkbootie questions Bender about Dib, and Bender states he hung up the towel like his other friends and that Bender is the only one playing operative here. Darkbottie asks Bender about his connections to Dib and Bender states that they were chased by Irkens and he knew about them since metting him.
Agent Darkbootie tells Bender, Sid, Libby, Lisa and Anti Cosmo that he will meet them with the rest of the agents and they will work on out to deal with The Irkens.
As Anti Cosmo, Bender, Jessie Wells, Libby, Lisa, Sid, Starlight, Vee and Wile E Coyote all head out to see Agent Darkbottie, this is when Professor Membrane shows up and recongizes Bender as Dib's close friend and what is he doing here. Bender inplores him about Dib and what his connection is to Bruce Wayne as he and Anti Cosmo have been looking into this. Professsor Membrane has pause on this, He states he knew this was coming as soon as he saw the news on Bruce WAyne and that he would have to explain things some day.
Professor Membrane fasicated by Libby, Bender and ANti Cosmo all looking into Vought states that they have been going into some serious territory pursuing Vought.
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Sid, Lisa, Libby, Vee, Starlight, Wile E, Jessie Wells and Professor Membrane all watch and The Smoking Man greets the former as it nice to see them again.
Bender and Anti Cosmo are in disbelief as they thought they killed him and The CSM admits that he's alive and well and has returned after a long time. Anti Comso has his wand ready to attack them as is Membrane is ready. The Smoking Man also knows of Professor Membrane and states that Homelander was looking for him too and know that he knows they here he needs them all dead.
The Irkens and Dregg all corner Sid, Starlight, Lisa, Vee, Wile E and Libby ask they try to save Anti Cosmo, Bender and Membrane. Bender tells them to save themselves as they will do their own thing and he needs to get more info on The Smoking Man's return with Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane all ponder back forth in their cell as they scheme a way to try to get out. This is when The Resisty is thrown in prison with them, and they recongize Bender as the robot Dib works with.
Bender asks about them, and they inform him that The Reissty is here to help with The Irkens like the big headed boy. Anti Cosmo takes it that not only the Swollen Eyeball Network have come to believe Dib but also these guys who already oppose the empire.
Professor Membrane just feels it's a illusion or a hologram and that this can't be real. Bender and Anti Cosmo tell him it's very much real
Starlight arrives to see The Resisty, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane. The Resisty informs Starlight, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professsor Membrane that they can break the latter 3 out.
Anti Cosmo and Bender however see this as an opporunity considering who else they saw. Anti Cosmo states that M.A.L.I.C.E members are locked in here and that Bender and him can figure out how The Smoking Man is still alive. Bender states he could escape true, but it may be a better play in the short term to get info, Starlight is in agreeance with this as she joins the two.
Bender, Starlight and Anti Cosmo end up encountering Killain, Steelbeak, The Miller Family and The Ys. The Millers are aware of Bender and Anti Cosmo and ask if they finally got Odalia to beat them. Anti Cosmo states that The Smoking Man returned and threw him and Bender in the slammer.
The Ys, The Millers, Killian and Steelbeak decide to get even with CSM and reveal Operation: Countdown to Bender, Anti Cosmo and Starlight. Scratch shows up randomlly with Carmilta Noceda stating that he doesn't of the operation. But knows Carmilla was caught to lure Luz out.
Bender and Anti Cosmo are glad she's fine, Carmilla asks if Vee is fine and the two state that he is indeed fine. The Reissty ask the two if they have a plan, Anti Cosmo and Bender state that they have indeed a plan.
Bender and Anti Cosmo both state that's impossible as the future is unassebile. Ren tells them that he was pulled in here with some of his friends part of their group and he was brought into this prison because he was a threat to this Conspiracy as he began invesitgating and looked into Operation Countdown. Professor Membrane and The Resisity prepare for their plan to escape with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Starlight, Carmilla, Scratch and Ren
Scratch states and what about M.A.L.I.C.E, Bender states that they will have to let them go. They have a grudge with The Smoking Man like they do, This doesn't thrill Scratch, though Anti Cosmo is looking into how he returned
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, The Resisty, Starlight, Carmilla, Scratch and Ren all get to work on their top secret plan. When they learn that they have a vistor. Blackfire shows up to gloat about Bender being in jail and she is not the visitor but she is pretty much with who is their real vistor.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane show horror as they realize that this Number 1 and secret associate is Dib himself. However They all come to realize that it ain't him based on the physical characteristics such as his smile, bulging eyes that resemble Zim's human disguise lenses, more pointed fingers, and two hair spikes instead of one, which resemble Zim's antennae.
Bender states he looks like Zim so he basically calls him Zib.
Zib screams at Bender to shut it, and to save it for the scrap heap for betraying him and M.O.D.A.B to work with that thing and his boss. Bender rolls his eyes calling him a drama queen, Zib states it's takes one to know one.
Bender and Anti Cosmo were revealed to have managed stop his plan to some extent when it came to the Multiversal Noir adventure. Though he came to this universe to tell His Dib and his friends, but settled on going after Bender to get back at him for his ties to Slade and Anti Cosmo.
Zib is content to avenge Dibs that ever trusted Bender Rorgieuz in every timeline as he reveals
Bender and Anti Cosmo swear to kill Zib for this and that Dib would never believe this, Zib states he will and that they'll be gone as Blackfire and Zib leave waiting for their demises.
Anti Cosmo and Bender recieve a call from Hades and HIM and they tell the duo that The Smoking Man was indeed alive, when they question it since it's all insane how he even did, the two demons have an answer. Hades reveals that THe Spear of Destiny had a potential hand in ressurecting people that were supposed to die, as HIM states that's the consquecnce of messing with time as even he won't do that.
Anti Comso states he is not looking for a history lesson, Hades admits that he found it weird, but it will explain certain stuff, and that when The Spear was used, he noticed that plenty of the underworld souls were missing, Bender asks if he knows which ones?, Hades states The SMoking Man was one, and that M.O.D.A.B being who killed him means that Bender is techinally targeted by him. Bender states that would explain Zib.
Anti Cosmo and Bender meet back with The Reisisty, Carmilla, Scratch, Starlight, Professor Membrane and Ren and Membrane decides to come clean about things as does Ren.
Professor Membrane tells them, that Dib was created by him but was meant for Batman for an opporunity to have a son of his own, alongside Gaz who was based on his dead wife. Membrane admits he was doing this when he worked for Vought, he used to work for Vought but backed out when their work got too much for him.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Starlight question how Membrane got away and how Batman is involved with this., Membrane states that Vought tried to kill him, Dib and Gaz after he tried to go after Homelander, Professor Membrane has also had to deal with The Seven all wanting his head, so he had to basically cease communciation with both of his kids. He gave Dib to Bruce Wayne, so he can fulfill his interests and excel under him. Bender states and Vought has been on his shit list that long
Anti Cosmo and Bender then question why he never tried to look for Dib, Professor Membrane admits that he saw Dib happy with them and decidn't he wanted his creation to be happy with his family of choice.
Ren tells Scartch, Bender and Anti Cosmo that he did hail from the future, but something happened in the timeline that forced himself and his friends into the past. Ren states that he has been trying to get into touch with his friends, who were teenage super heroes and monster slayers while trying to get in touch with his girlfriend
Bender sarcastically states that he is totally suprised that he gets involved with a woman out of his league,
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ren, Scratch and Starlight hear the Janitor calling out and it's Agent Darkboothe who was keeping a track as well of everything. He offers them a way to get out, Bender states they have been working on a way, but they'll take his help.
Agent Darkboothe hears what they planned and decides to add his own ideas to all of this
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, Starlight, Carmilta, The Resisty, Ren, Scratch and even Killian, Steelbeak, The Miller Family and The Ys all decide to wait for the right moment to attack and once guards do manage to get their backs. They all attack the Guards with Agent Darkboothe's orders for them all.
Ren, Bender, Carmilta and Anti Cosmo fight the rest of the guards who are henchmen of Zib. Carmita takes them by suprise with a well placed distraction allowing Bender, Anti Cosmo and Ren to basically kill every single one with shots to the head as Bender states he's learned not to be sloppy with this kind of work.
Zib however alerts CSM about this and with Makraov they drop a bomb on the prison. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ren, Carmilta, Professor Membrane, The Reissty, Scratch and Starlight all help The former members against Blackfire and her henchmen.
Blackfire gloats that even though they escaped, they will still be killed as Number 1 and CSM dropped a bomb to kill them with Makarov. Bender considered killing Blackfire though backs down considering she's Starfire's sister.
The Reisisty gets thier ship crashing into the prison with Agent Darkboothe and everyone escapes as Makarov, Blackfire, Zib and THe Smoking Man blow up the prison killing the latter's allies.
Wile E, Jessie, Sid, Lisa, Vee and Libby all with Darkboothe's allies are continuing their attempts to fight and take out the Martians they CSM sent after them. This is when The Resisty shows up with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Carmilta, Ren, Scratch, Starlight, Professor Membrane and Agent Darkboothe and all of them manage to basically force the Martians to back off as Libby uses old country music to basically kill the Martians.
This baffles them as The Martians retreat realziing the human has found their weakness though plenty are still killed by Bender, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Sid, Lisa, Wile E, Vee, Carmilta, Professor Membrane, The Reissity, Agnet Darkboothe and his men and Starlight.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Starlight reveal to them that they encountered former M.A.L.I.C.E. Members, Blackfire and Zib. Starlight tells the crew, that The Smoking Man was in contact with Vought for a long while, and it's not just recent. Professor Membrane states that this is a convincing halluncation despite everyone saying this is real to him.
Bender and Anti Cosmo continue that the latter's allies HIM and Hades looked into it and had a realization that maybe when Lydia, Ford and Marcus used the Spear of Destiny when dealing with Thawne that maybe The Smoking Man was brought back by accident and that they meet a Alternate UNiverse form of Dib or Zim. Bender believes both, Anti Cosmo states that Slade and Harrison must be informed of this, he expresses relief that he and Bender weren't completelty reponsible for the alternate multiverses problem and maybe someone else was behind this. The two conisder asking Ace and his Hilda on this.
Libby reveals that Operation Countdown is what The Smoking Man and Homelander are up to, it's vague as it's like someone was hiding the info even from themselves. She states it's about The Alien invasions being used by CSM to colonize humanity which Sid and Lisa admit was his plan the first time, but also the use of Compound V which was being smuggled to allow super heroes into the military and that Makarov is the main man behind this. Bender knows who she's talking is and annoyed that Vladmir Makarov is back on top of Blackfire and The Smoking Man.
The Reisisty is pleased that Bender is indeed wothy of this mantle to help them, and they decide to help Bender and his friends deal with The Smoking Man and The Irkens out of Gratitude.
Bender asks about what he talked about with, Darkboothe tells Bender that once this is all done they will credit Agent Mothman for being ahead of all this.
Anti Cosmo , Bender and Libby all enter the room saying that Wile E and The Resisty agreed to share contorls. Bender infroms them that they are going to The Hottest place in America as while yes they have no way to prove anything, they need a conspiracy theorist who will believe anything and he knows where.
Libby states and that she and Bender will insure the bringdown of Vought International which Starlight and Anti Cosmo agree to.
Chapter 4[]
Bender talks with Anti Cosmo as he feels uncomfortable with The Zib and The M.O.D.A.B Situation, as he feels guilty about feeling like he technically betrayed Dib and the others to ally with Anti Cosmo and Slade multitudes of times and that he was part of the team and maybe Zib was right about him being who he is. Anti Cosmo tells Bender that's not the case though understands what he means and that Zib clearly never gotten past the whole "him and Slade are evil" view and sees Bender this way due to it. Anti Cosmo also tells him that if that was the case, Dib and the others would have more problems working with the two of them and the fact they're not actively antagonistic to them as of late. Bender considers just telling Dib and the others about what he's gotten into, although he is cut off from Darkbootie who tells him and the others about The Irkens's leader being killed which he and Anti Cosmo suspect was Zib's doing.
Afterwards, He, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Wile E and Starlight also discuss the Conspiracy Theorist and the many connections Bender has through Slade as Bender is now considering a plan to kill The Smoking Man to protect M.O.D.AB and intends to use a connection of his, Anti Cosmo and Slade's to do so. Libby, Anti Cosmo and Bender decide that the Conspiracy Theorist can ultimately help out potentially with his insane theories as they set foot to Arlen.
Upon coming to Arlen, Bender and the others meet Dale Gribble who believes their theory and gives his own perception on all this with Bender trading his info with Dale. However Captain Putty and Homelander show up at The Gribble House looking for Bender and the others and this makes him question how Putty escaped. After Dale gets them out of his house, Dale tells them that they will need to find more out about Operation Countdown and must go to the military base to do so. Taking Dale's advice, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Joker, Professor Membrane, The Resisty, Scratch, Wile E and Starlight all head to the millitary so Dale can get his info, using this time to the fullest, He gets into contact with his gun seller and with The Resisty's help he manages to get his weapon and some ammo on the house, as Bender decides he must find a way to get the Smoking Man somehow so he can ultimately snipe him successfully, but per Anti Cosmo and Wile E's suggestion he needs Homelander away from CSM to do so.
When the others arrive with the info Dale found, Bender learns time and space distortion is part of the plan The Smoking Man has to take over the multiverse and they head to Alamo Land, CSM, Captain Putty, Blackfire and Zib attack them as they drive there forcing the crew to fight them. Bender takes on Zib with Professor Membrane who curses them for their perceived betrayals which Bender doesn't listen to as Anti Cosmo told him that Zib has the problem as opposed to him and that Dib may not like it, but it does get results and he is doing stuff for their sakes but he has to help Membrane though as Professor Membrane was troubled about his abuse to Dib. The crew avoids the crew and get to Alamo Land
He helps take on Homelander with Ren and Starlight with Sid and Lisa, despite how tired he is and learns that Tighten returned as well and puts it together that the Spear of Destiny also brought back Tighten too. As a result of this, he realizes that Anti Cosmo and Wile E are right in that he needs Homelander not in the area to snipe The Smoking Man.
Bender and Anti Cosmo have 3 communications going on one with Darkboothe who they tell the Operation Countdown to, then Deathstroke who they inform him of the Tazmarians particularly Blackfire who they encountered and lastly to Slade who they send Mick and Leonard back to after handing them what they found out for Slade.
Bender and Anti Cosmo tell Slade, Bliss, Black Star and Death The Kid what they know and send Snart and Rory back to them. Bender, Libby, Slade and Anti Cosmo all figure out the truth of what Vought was hiding. Batman knew this was going to happen, was attempting to recruit others to help stop the plan, but he was killed and slilenced by Homelander who couldn't let him leave alive and Vought hid all this up in red tape beuraticness. Slade advises them a way to counter this operation and that Spear Pillar was involved in the initial attempt as he found out so they need a way to deal with this.
Bender and Anti Cosmo know exactly what to do know and head to Johto in part to Slade's advice. Bender knowing that his friends are in quarantine due to Smoking Man's success decide he will snipe him not to set things right, but to bring down someone clearly dangerous to him in the past, present and future. Bender texts his friends that Anglesmith is on the case as he, Anti Cosmo, Professor Membrane and Camilla discuss their roles as parents and he watches as Membrane phones Dib in apologize about how he treated him in the past.
Chapter 5[]
Bender, Anti Cosmo and The gang arrive in Johto and make contact with Slade on their arrival and are informed of possible ways to counteract Operation Countdown. He learns Sinnoh and Arecus bare some involvement in this well. With Sid Remembering the Unown, Sid heads with him, Anti Comso and Lisa to the Ruin of Alphs to try to get a hand on the Unown as they may bare a connection to Arecus or other legendaries
Upon capturing a few thanks To Membrane designing Pokeballs. The Group settles on acquiring the Legendaries of Johto including the ones from the remakes.Bender leads his own half to capture Lugia and Ho-Oh, all the while attempting to learn about the GS Ball, as he and AC believe the best chance to deal with The Time Eater is getting something with the ability to control time.
As they go looking for Lugia and Ho-oh, Bender studies his designs and how he intends to kill the Smoking Man. Bender has to deal with some of the members of the conspiracy with the others. Though Blackfire and Zib do learn what he intends to do respectfully with their boss
After the groups remeet, they decide to settle on the roamers Raikou, Entei and Suicuine who wake up and begin roaming Johto apart from Suciune who agrees to help the team. Though he and Anti Cosmo decide to continue their hunt for the GS Ball and Celebi for Ren, Unknown to them, Scratch is on to this as well.
Chapter 6[]
Bender and Anti Cosmo visit Saul Goodman and inform him their plan to expose Vought, not intimated by Homelander's threats. Saul is apprenshive intially, but goes along with their plan to just that as he will be safe from the crossfire if Homelander and Vought go after him. They see Scratch and infrom him of their plan, before Calamity tells them through sings about The GS Ball
They are spied on Putty, Blackfire and Zib before they obtain the GS Ball from Kurt and go to the Ilex Forest. Before they place it they are attacked by Zib and the Elite 100.
Slade finds Anti Cosmo and Bender dealing with Zib and the Elite 100 and Slade arrives to assist the two against Zib. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender escape Zib as Slade prevented him from taking the GS Ball from them.
The three check the Ball and place it on the shrine and this summons Celebi. As The Voice of the forest and Slade is informed by Bender and Anti Cosmo about what they know on Celebi, the time travel effects of it's powers and their intent to bring Ren home to his universe. They needed Lugia and Ho-Oh's feathers so the ill effects wouldn't be suffered.
Slade has Celebi tested out and it teleports Bender, Anti Cosmo and Himself but not to an different time period. Somewhere in the mountains, Anti Cosmo tells the two it's New Hampshire and that there is an isolated cabin in front of them. The Three enter it and they find that Lydia and Lincoln were living here in isolation which is what Anti Cosmo and Bender were trying to inquire respectively. Slade checks the notes left and realizes that the two are them are in Sinnoh just like his two guys were in Johto. Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade put it together that The kids are in SInnoh and CSM is there too before heading back to the others
As soon as the trio returns, The Smoking Man and Homelander's forces attack and Slade faces them and like the others is almost fed to the Black Arms, Though Slade's insurance policy Shadow arrives to put an end to that. Slade informs the whole group that CSM has been found and that they will lead an counter strike against him and where ever his forces lie.
Bender leads a rescue on The Zim's Universe, Townsvile, Halverston and Area, Jump City, Duckberg and The Cul De Sac respesctfully while sharing Lugia with Anti Cosmo to use. Bender makes his plans to get ready to snipe the CSM with his details and plans while making a plot to get Homelander taken out.
With Luan, Marcy and Slade's Empire Bender takes on Blackfire and kills her apologizing to Starfire for doing so as he hands her to Hades, Him and The Flying Dutchman to take away to the underworld.
With The Boys, Starlight and A-Train, Bender also goes after Homelander with Slade and Anti Cosmo to distract him so he can get to The Smoking Man. They manage to kill Homelander as well with the help of Gwen and Kate Bishop as planned as well.
Bender and Anti Cosmo go on Lugia with Slade and Libby following and taking the rest of the Team Galactic Agents out doing so.The 4 ambush The Smoking Man at the Spear Pillar. CSM unleashs Primal Diagla, Primal Palkia and The Time Eater on them and they use Suciune, Ho-Oh and Lugia on them as Bender and Libby decide to use the Unown to stall CSM.
Bender notices Lincoln and Lydia taking him on and with Slade and Anti Cosmo's help he manages to snipe The Smoking Man in the head, Killing Him, Saul calls Bender and informs him of the law suit going as planned. They decide to clean up the situation as Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Lisa go to Royal Woods to drop the latter two
He gets a report from Deathstroke and he learns of the Upside Down and talks to Marcus who he visits on this, intending to investigate Hawkins thanks to what Marcus told him of his possession at the hands of the Mind Flayer while thinking on Gravesfield on suggestion from Camilla Noceda.
Returning to Royal Woods, Bender and Anti Cosmo discuss their plans after his sabbatical at The Louds's Restaurant. They also see Mulder and Scully as well talk about the Louds as well as they are served pie from Horner Pie Co foreshadowing Bender's feud with Big Jack Horner.
Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Bender appears physically in the 2nd half of the story as one of the duteragonists of the story. Before that, he is working with Marcy to figure out the next temple to recharge the 2nd gem of the Calamity Box. Bender for the 1st half is allied with Marcy in secret.
Chapter 5[]
As Anti Cosmo bring Luz into Slade's manor, Bender and him have Luz sit down as they try to calm her down and question about what Luz was supposed to do here. He and Anti Cosmo learn that Luz was here to shoot Slade as Slade has a body double to look like him and they tell Luz that they will handle this. Luz goes nuts on Bender and Anti Cosmo only to have Jessie calm her down. They get back to Slade and Slade calls Luz himself and learns that Odalia wanted to send Amity but Luz talked her into sending Luz her self. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade all figure out that Odalia has something else in mind, as she's a stubborn control freak and it feels off. They debate Jack Horner and his bakery business being a cover for his magic smuggling operation. The three compare it to the Salamancas and how they use food businesses to diguise drug dealing, Bender states how he managed to take his magic items in the attack Jack Horner was referencing against his bakers.
Luan and Harry arrive and they mention that they did the Gravesfield investigation like Bender asked, and Luan tells him about Philip Wittebane,, i.e Emperor Belos and what she and the doctor found on him. Luan tells him, Slade, and Anti Cosmo about what she dug up with Belos and everything that led up to the Boiling Isles. In turn, Bender tells Luan and Harry about what he discovered in Hawkins, as he did his own investigation. He went to Hawkins alongside Libby and informs Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry of his origins as Henry Creel until he was send through a gate to The Upside Down.
The 5 talk about Marcy and what happened with her and what she tried to contact them on. As they discuss Odalia and the others, Bender decides to go rescue Marcy despite the odds and Harry, Celes and Slade's Empire join him in this. With the intent not to spook the neighbors, Celes and Harry bring a few allies and Bender with them walk to the Bunker and are let in by King. With Celes, King and later on Sid and Marcy, the 5 save everyone else from their bond. Afterwards Bender fights Belos's allies and avoids Horner's attempts at revenge over him trying to break down Horner's smuggling operations. He manages to push the empire through with his sheer determination and he helps Sid take on Mina Loveberry, this is when he with Marcy, Lisa and Eclpisa witnesses Sid's magic emerge as she absorbs Mina's solarian magic being absorbed into her.
Upon regrouping, he and the others put things together about what's going on with Sid and Bender's own opposition of Belos and Vecna who he has been helping Marcy deal with behind the scenes. Eclipisa approaches Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade as she feels they can help her get her castle back as the three are on the same page as her. They agree and with Darius, Eberwolf and Raine the 6 invade Eclipsa's Castle and throttle Moon, Rhomoblus and Ominatrix Prime using Anti Cosmo's anti fairy minions to lock them in place, this is also done as Bender is annoyed with the ungratefulness they displayed despite having saved them from Toffee.
The Crew is sucessful and with the Anti Fairies having picked up something about Marcy and Bender's want to charge the 2nd stone of the Calamity Box, The gang head to Anti Cosmo's Castle
Chapter 6[]
Bender discusses with Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo the plate they have on their table in regards to Belos and his empire, Vecna and others. Bender then explains his investigations of Jack Horner and that he is after him for him trying to exort The Loud Family into business with him and that he visited and plucked unicorn horns from Equestra, So as Bender explains, he's doing this for Luan, Lynn SR and Twilight Sparkle. Sid comes up next as Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo feel that Sid's magic might be too powerful to control if it acts out. Collaborating with Slade and Anti Cosmo, they decide to head to Story Brooke to the Pawn Shop to get the Enchanted Cuff as a connection the three have. Marcy and Him then head to Storybrooke and manage to obtain it with a warning that magic comes at a price.
Bender and Marcy get back to the others and they split the work respectfully with them going for the 2nd gem of the box. He is joined by Slade, Anti Cosmo, Jessie, Vee, Captain Hero, Luz, Hunter, Libby and Vee respectfully. Seeing how big the temple really is, Bender goes with Libby, Slade and Anti Cosmo to the shadow temple and nativgate through it respectfully and find their own sacred item.
Things go south when Belos arrives in that he possessed Hunter and comes face to face with the person who causes Jack so much trouble and that he brought Jack to settle the score as well as Odalia, Rainbird and Mina. Bender and Marcy decide on taking on Jack Horner which they do and Bender also finds himself in Rainbird's crosshairs as the two trade snipes with one another. He tries to steal the nanny bag with Marcy during their fight with Jack Horner thought this ends up backfiring and Horner almost turns the two into confetti. However Sid's witch powers awakening puts a stop to that and in secret Bender steals a few of his magical items from the nanny bag as they end up all retreating.
Having found the blue gem, which Marcy tells Bender must have a connection to Anne, they leave and this is when Vecna and Demogorgons arrive. Vecna is aware Bender has been looking into him just like the kids and that he came so close to discovering everything on him. Vecna knows he was tailing the Hawkins investigation and that he looked where he was born and sent to the Upside Down. Vecna taunts him that Bender has just as much of a chance as the kids do against and sics the Demogorgons to kill him, Libbt and the others. Unimpressed, he mows through the Demogorgons and has Libby leave for her own safety to get Sid back to the others. He risks himself to save Luz and Hunter and Vecna tortures him in revenge with Marcy and the others until Slade forces him to flee. Upon regrouping, Bender finds out about Toffee hallunciations from Sid and that The Boiling Isles/Hexside is where they're heading off to.
Bender and Marcy discuss what Bender stole from Horner respectfully and the chance to take his name down, and they also pin point that it's Lydia and Lincoln who Vecna was mentioning.
Chapter 7[]
Bender goes with Sid, Luz, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Celes and Jessie to visit Hades and HIM to get a way to help Sid with her magic. as they discuss how they got their forces ready to go. Big Jack Horner and Odalia Blight then arrive to go after him, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo respectively who they manage to go after
He equipped with his sniper riffle, arrives to Hexside with the other and he saves Team Free Will from Belos's cronies and meets up with them. Bender and Team Free Will prepare to take on the two and He, AC and Slade reveal to Lincoln and Lydia what they know
Chapter 8[]
He joins Sid and her side to deal with Belos and his guys, while taking some of Vecna's guys out. Bender fights Jack Horner again with Luan and others killing him, and then he helps The Blights, Anti Cosmo and Slade deal with Odalia and kills her too
Bender manages to get Sid and Luz in to Belos's hideout to face the Emperor. He called Discord up for a favor to help deal with the Collector
Joining Eclpisa, King, Lisa, Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo manage to help Sid and Luz with killing Belos and give them the chance to do so
Bender, Slade's empire and Team Free Will all recover in Slade's manor at first due to their injuries. He comes to Eclpisa and Glbgor's ceremony with the others Bender, Anti Cosmo and Marcy discuss where to go now with the Calamity Box
Chronicles of Zaragoza[]
Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]
Bender meets up with Marcy to discuss what they have dealing with in Don Eladio and the Cartel, as well as their invite to Slade's award ceremony as Slade is being celebrated for his latest innovation he came up with. Marcy introduces him to Hailey Banks who she just recruited to help her and the Gang with their own situation. Bender and Marcy go to Slade's ceremony for his aware and they were the only 2 invitees who could arrive.
After seeing Slade's work and innovation, Marcy and him stay at a hotel as Slade set accommodations for the two and his men to stay in a nice hotel. However Bender and Marcy are both ambushed by Don Eladio's men who try to kill the two. Anti Cosmo and Slade also find themselves ambushed as well and it starts a whole chain of battling between Slade's Empire and Don Eladio's Cartel.
He, Slade, Marcy, Anti Cosmo and Harry find themselves hiding in a trunk planning their next move, unknown to them it's Dakota and Cavendish's vechile. They end up getting out in the future, where Bender reunites with The Boys and learns of their situation. He, Marcy and Slade's crew decide to help and then they meet Thawne of Flashpoint who Bender tries to kill thinking he's the Thawne that took Stardash away. Marcy and Atom Eve stop him from doing this and have some talking, Bender reluctantly decides to work with Thawne of Flashpoint.
Through their time here, Bender fights Dark Arrow's Henchmen, namely Stormfront who wants him, Slade and Anti Cosmo dead for ruining in her mind the name of Vought. The 5 travel with the Time Travlers, Thawne, The Boys, Mark and Eve around dealing with The New Reinsmen. At one point they arrive in Summerville, Oklahoma where Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade make an unnerving discovery, Ciel's Corpse they find. Upon learning of the cause of death, Bender goes after Thawne trying to strangle him as a result of him killing Ciel. He does back off when given proof.
Eventually, he does decide to help Thawne Flashpoint with the others and liberate the people The New Reinschmen imprisoned while killing Stormfront. However he witnesses a truly brutal fate when Thawne Flashpoint is brutally ripped straight through by The Original Thawne. Thawne reveals himself to Bender and Slade's Crew as he is alive again to them, Bender is prepared to fight Thawne, though Dakota and Cavendish tell him to get to the car and they're taking their him and the others home as Thawne trys to break him, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Slade respectfully and tries to kill them in revenge for Bender "ruining" his life.
Bender is dropped off in his timeline where the 5 work with the rest of Slade's Empire and others to take out and kill the Cartel members respectfully. Upon killing Eladio, things feel great until Eobard Thawne returns empowered as the Negative Force Avatar on all of them. Thawne summons his Council of Thawnes to get rid of the heroes and that Thawne will destory the multiverse with his power and will go on a killing spree both to spite Bender and take everything away from Slade and Anti Cosmo. Anti Cosmo, Slade and himself work to track down and kill the leading Thawne as everyone takes on his own followers.
Eventually Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Dakota and Cavendish manage to bring him down and Bender personally executes Thawne leaving Death to claim him.
Bender walks with Marcy, Anti Cosmo and Slade in London intend to find where The V Crusaders resign so they can inform them of Ciel's death and inform them of the process made with Lizbeth.
Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica[]

Bender is summoned on the case by Scratch and Ford in regards to the haunting. He admits, he and Anti Cosmo were already on this due to someone contacting him. He and AC also went to see Libby who was recovering from her dad being a deadbeat. When Ford's attempt to get Lydia and Lincoln fails, He goes after them directly and finds them pointing how hard it is to get in contact to them Upon informing them of the situation, he waits til the morning and brings up them to update on this with the others. Bender offers to work with them to Ford alongside Anti Cosmo as they go to New York City. Bender and Anti Cosmo find Venkman and get more info out of him as they head off to find the Spenglers
He, Anti Cosmo, Molly, Libby and Hailey end up dealing with Ghosts in Summerville and learn about what is really going and they are embark on their journey going to many places of interest. Learning about Freakshow and his plans. While meeting back with Sarah, Will, Dixie and Gonner on top of this as well.
Anti Cosmo and Bender go their own path in Halvertson and Area and learn that Milo's Cousin is in league with Freakshow as well that Lizbeth's older Sister is the person who got Bender and Anti Cosmo on the case. Working with Wimona, Bender and Anti Cosmo manage to save the Zaragozas from their poession as does the others save Milo's Little brother. Through this the Ghostly Trio join up with the heroes as they deal with other horror monsters. All the while Bender and Anti Cosmo have to diguise themselves as the Captain to help all of the little kids during Halloween.Bender and Anti Cosmo discover Wimona knows he's Anglesmith but is keeping between the three before the two leave with the others
Bender and Anti Comso cross paths with their foes multiple times and eventually manage to wear down Whooping Crane/Wendell enough so Lydia and Lincoln can deal with him.Through Balto and his family who he reunites with Aleu and Ruby Gillman, Bender finds his way to Big City and fights to protect Big City as well as Dib's home
Afterwards he joins Anti Cosmo, Lincoln, Lydia, Cricket, Marcy and Hailey in fighting Freakshow and then stopping the Diasteroid. Bender joins Ronnie Anne afterwards for helping celebrate Halloween as he and Slade decide to look into something that is of most interest.
War Of The Streams/House of Disenchanted Cards[]

Bender doesn't appear, though he has Dale bug the Underwoods as Deathstroke assigned him an P.I Case against Frank Underwood and his cabinet. Frank Underwood counters by having wire taps on Bender's phone allowing him to track the robot respectfully which Bender only realizes due to Hughie figuring out this respectively after deciding to follow Mother's Milk on this.
In the lower deck storyline, he appears as one of the main characters and serves as the secondary main protagonist behind Slade and Anti Cosmo.
Bender and Wile E end up both stuck in Dreamland due to Underwood, and Bad Bean is after the two to keep them from helping their allies against Underwood. They are joined by Mop Girl, Hughie, Starlight and Billy respectfully and eventually Captain Hero who they found in Steamland and three work with the rest of Dreamland to deal with Bad Bean and Dagmar's loyaltists who Claire Underwood got under her wing as well as the cabinet of Underwood.
Upon being freed by the others, Wile E, Bender and Hero then head to Slade's empire to deal with Doug Stampler, then Bender helps Anti Cosmo and Slade deal with Claire Underwood after the latter two kill Frank Underwood.
Bender returns as one of the many main characters of the finale, unlike his storylines M.O.D.A.B gets involved as well as The B Team, he serves as one of the main leads behind only Lydia and Lincoln and shares his focus storyline with many of his friends, Anti Cosmo in particular. He is at odds with Victoria Neuman and the returning Captain Putty and Zib while assisting the other main teams. Like Ford and the others, he is going down the border with his friends to claim the Cartel head's boss Don Eladio's house though he must return to a place that has haunted him, Luan, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero and Stan. Later he goes up against N.Tropy and his forces where his own plotlines come back to him through his old friends and team.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
It is nothing more than a normal day back at the M.O.D.A.B House where everyone is attending to their days and plans.
While Django, Marceline, Bender, and Jorgen all seem to enjoying breakfast at the same time. This is when a call is taken in by Professor Membrane. Dib asks his dad what's up and is everything okay, Professor Membrane says everything is fine to his son and he asks if they are still on after school for what he wants to do. When Dib says yes, Membrane said that he'll pick him up afterwards he's done with his meeting at Vought, The others ask if he'll bring back what he has been up to there, Professor Membrane says he will, though he does have a problem that he made something that could help Vought with their Supe Issues, but he left it in the last place he went and feels his rival for control will find it and use as leverage against him.
Bender offers to go get it for the Professor which surprises Dib, Starfire, Boomer, Skipper and Heloise that he wants to do so. Professor Membrane agrees to this and tells him that he'll provide the details and that he'll be there earlier for his son.
THe others ask why is Bender so eager to help Professor Membrane, he says that the two go back and he has some of his own businesses to attend to. Everyone asks him on what, Bender just claims he is claming a house.
Jorgen thought he and Bender were going to watch soaps today and then rock with Marceline and Django. Bender says they will it's just he won a big house in a bet and he has to go claim it first. Skipper, Heloise and Starfire ask about the house and Membrane, Bender tells the three that it orginally belonged to a mexican gangbanger and that he is why Professor Membrane is back in Dib's life. The three look unsuprisinged and ask even how long did he hold out on this, Bender admits he kinda had to so Dib would never know he did something this admirable on his behalf. Starfire in particular is suprised at the humbleness he displays here. Bender says he just needs to get somethings from Phineas and Isabella and then he make his way there.
Hughie finds Bender who is in Town with the other Boys. Hughie tells Bender that he is hiring him for a job and that he needs Bender to investigate Vicky. Bender questions why not Marvin MIlk to do the job. M.M tells Bender that for all his skills, Vought and Neuman know who he is and Frenchie states that is why he can't attempt to kill her as well as Hughie insisting he can't. Bender asks what do they know on her, Hughie says he can tell Bender all about it.
Bender calls up Luan, Anti Cosmo and Slade and informs them that he is taking another assignment of his own as well as claiming the house which he beat Anti Cosmo and Slade in a bet for. When the two ask why he's delaying it, Bender informs the two that it has to Professor Membrane and Vought, Anti Cosmo and Slade ease up on this upon hearing it's about him. Luan asks what the Professor wants, Bender says he left something at a lab he worked on for Vought International and feels someone might be snooping around for it as a way to go get him
Anti Cosmo ponders this and asks if it's about that person that Hughie and Annie told them about. Luan asks what he means, Anti Cosmo explains that Hughie, Annie as well as Butcher know someone who had ties to the intital head of Vought before Homelander and later Professor Membrane gathering what Libby told him. Bender adds that he's going there first before hand as per what Hughie asked him to do, Anti Cosmo tells Bender to wait up for him.
Bender meets up with Anti Cosmo at Manhatten, New York City and asks if he's ready for this. Anti Cosmo says he was born ready and did he get the others to assist him or are they going in alone. Bender says he got some of them to help the two out, he does mention as well that so many things take place in New York City. Anti Cosmo shows Bender that he found the place they're looking for and it wasn't easy since anyone who can have told Slade and him about it found their heads exploded off.
It's Night time and at Manhattan outside of an apartment is Dale Gribble's vechile where Bender, Wile E, Libby and Anti Cosmo are there with Dale as they are casing the apartment and their target. Bender says he will enter the apartment with Anti Cosmo and Libby so he can investigate and find everything needed. Anti Cosmo turns himself into Bender's headlight/hat to help him
Libby says how she's the bloodhound of truth and that she'll investigate more Vought stuff with the two. Bender tells Libby she'll help with what he needs to keep his target's kid distracted. Libby is hapyp to just help.
Dale hands the three ear buds to use to communicate so they can uncover infomation and report back to him. Wile E questions why he can't just spefically just bug the place using his cover as an exterminator. Dale in his own paranoid tendencies says that their target is part of the government and he is fearful that they will come after him like what happened with the Underwoods. Bender says he's not fearful enough to not infiltrate things here. Libby, AC and Bender head out as Wile E asks Dale about cotingencies, Dale said he got his gun club ready and is armed, Wile E grabs a scope riffle and decdies to wait in case something goes on.
Bender, Libby and Anti Cosmo all enter the apartment and the three go do their own search for infomation. A Girl shows up on them and Bender sends Libby to go play with her. Anti Cosmo is releived that worked, Bender said that why he had Libby come. Anti Cosmo and Bender both manage to do sleuthing in their apartment and manage to get some infomation. The Duo discover that their target has a different name known as Nadia Khayat. Anti Cosmo uncovers her nature as a supe as well as her powers though he and Slade already knew. Bender discovers her plans as well regarding the poltics plan as the two send this over to Wile E and Dale who do get this down.
However the lights come on and it's Victoria Neuman herself who greets the two, Both Anti Cosmo and Bender are surpised. Bender because Neuman calls him Titanius Anglesmith or should she say Bender Rogrieuz and Anti Cosmo because she knew he was Bender's fedora. Neuman rolls her eyes pointing out security clearly doesn't note them as trouble. Bender tries to play her bluff by using what he knows on her with Anti Cosmo and how he will expose her. Neuman stops him by saying she will pop everyone he cares about if he harms her daughter. Bender says he's not here to hurt her or harm her, he has one of his own. Neuman calms herself realzing this is true, she does compliment Bender for thinking on her level. Anti Comso decides to ask how will she stop him and Bender from exposing her. Neuman says she'll stop them by exposing M.A.D on them they expose her, she exposes them. Anti Cosmo questions what she knows, Neuman says that she knows what the duo and Anti Cosmo's boss did to get Professor Membrane into Vought and their actions against them. Bender asks if this is about Homelander?, Neuman says it's isn't and she's grateful Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade and The Boys killed him. It's about what they did a long while ago and back in Mexico with one of Vought's biggest secrets. Bender is stunned someone knows about that.
Vicky says they're in a stalemate here and if they have to fight, it won't be through this coercion. She won't expose their actions if they don't expose her. Libby comes out saying how the mission went, Neuman seems relived that Libby keep her kid company, and seems to respect the tenacity they have. She also makes Anti Cosmo and Bender know that she is aware they were acting on the Boys's behalf.
Dale drives Wile E, Bender, Libby and Anti Comso to THe Boys's hideout and seems that the 5 are a bit dissapointed Neuman found the latter 3. Dale said Bender should have let him or Wile E shoot Neuman upon revealing her extortion. Bender, Anti Cosmo and Wile E all disagree with this, Bender says if they did then she would have lived and then exposed them for what they did down there, he doesn't want to remember what happened down there due to how much it impacted him.
The 5 knock at the door to find the boys and Marvin Milk lets them in into the hideout and asks what they found. Bender, Libby and Anti Cosmo hand the files they found, Hughie, Starlight and Frenchie all look into the files. Hughie admits that they knew this already but are still thankful of the investigation, Dale is quick to ask about Billy. Bender says he's not feeling too good due to something he did a bit ago.
Libby asks about what happened with, Bender explains it had to do with Compound V which AC and Wile E helped look into and he's got a little while to live. Billy Butcher sees Bender, Hughie, Starlight, Libby and Anti Cosmo and inquires to them if they found anything on Neuman. Hughie explains that they just found the usual but did find some useful stuff. Anti Cosmo does explain the situation that Neuman held on him and Bender, Bender says AC not to say anything about that, he doesn't want to talk about. Starlight adds but he'll tell Slade, she even questions how much those 3 have been involved in. Anti Cosmo says him, Slade and Bender have been involved in more than they know. Bender and Hughie decide to do their best to help Butcher with Hughie asking Bender for a way to help Butcher.
Hughie, Starlight, Marvin and Frenchie all meet with Anti Cosmo and Bender and they talk about everything the duo found in their search. Both the Robot and the Anti Fairy note how what they did in China Town is coming to light due to Vicky and Marvin decides to investigate Bender and Anti Cosmo's actions to see if Neuman can find any traces of this knowledge.
Frenchie asks what's with the secrecy to the two, they're acting like Butcher which Marvin also notes. Bender tells the two that what happened now there is events he can't have anyone know about unless he wants it to as he doesn't want to remember himself. Anti Cosmo says that it's a senstivie topic for him, even most of his own friends don't even know Starlight is curious how much the two and Slade have been involved in and Marvin says that since the two asked to find traces maybe he can do that too
Hughie, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Starlight then promise Butcher they will do what they can to help out. Billy does say that he will keep trying to fight despite all of this.
Bender, Wile E, Libby and Dale have met up with Bean, Captain Hero, Cleo, Stan, Wendy, Marcy, Luan and Hailey to discuss their trip to get to Don Eladio's house and claim it. Bender adds on that everyone can have some part of it and is curious what everyone wants
When Marcy just want somewhere to put her stuff from Amphibia and to get away from her parents. Bender and Luan ask Marcy on this and Marcy says Bender already knows why and that she knows with her gang looking for the last compoment of the box charged, she knows she'll have to leave with Anne and Sasha so she wants a back up place.
Bender, Cleo, Wile E and Luan get a knock and it's the Space Bandits who hand Bender the way to the house of Don Elaio. Zix informs him that they scoped the area and there isn't any Cartel enforcers left and anyone who did Tee took care of. Cleo asks who they are, The Space Bandits introduce themselves to her as Wile E helps set up intel to Bender so he can talk to Phineas and Isabella about what they provided for him for this case he took on Neuman.
Afterwards, Bender, Bean, Wile E, Dale and Captain Hero all went down to a bar to go drinking and to let a bit loose before taking their leave. The five of them discuss what they are going to do on their way there and how they will do so.
Bender gets a phone call from Professor Membrane, he first sees The Powerpuff Girls and Dib and he tells them he's drinking out with pals. Professor Membrane tells the girls and Dib to take easy as he needs to talk. Professor Membrane tells Bender where he and his friends will need to go to get his thing, after saying where Bender's eyes widen realizing he had to go back to the China Town equivlant of Mexico and he tells Membrane are the kids not there. Professor Membrane says they are now, and Bender informs him that Neuman knows what he did there and knows they're working together and if he exposes her, she will kill who he cares about and he's on edge.
Professor Membrane says she's worried because it can endanger her as it's biological welfare. Bender says he'll do what he needs to. He approaches Dale, Wile E, Captain Hero and Bean informs them of what is happening with Membrane
Wile E and Bean both ask is he really comfortable with returning there, Bender realizes he has to do despite his triublations. Captain Hero himself shows uncomfortableness with going back and is the one to ask how the others should know. Bender instructs Dale, Hero and Bean to call up Luan, Cleo, Stan and Wendy about all this. Wile E asks about him and Bender says the two are going to get Slade and his others on the line
Bender and Wile E call up Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Celes and Jessie. Slade questions about why go to him when AC is their middle man. Bender says that this is serious and that they found out where and it's the China Town Equilvant of Mexico. Jesse is curious if Bender really is okay with this. Wile E mentions and that isn't enough, Victoria Neuman knows about this as well. Slade tells the two that Anti Cosmo already told him and the others about it. Bender adds that what Membrane wants him to get is something biolgocial in welfare. Jesse and Harry both think this may have to do with Vought, Celes offers to go after Neuman for them, Though Slade stops her pointing Neuman's advantage.
Bender asks Anti Cosmo and Slade to go look into more Neuman, he knows Neuman is holding this on them, but as long as they don't expose her they wouldn't have to worry as much. Anti Cosmo agrees
Bender gets another text and he takes it as reads that if he is interested in a job to take, and upon uses reverse phone look up he learns it's from Royal Woods.
Bender has his hot ride ready as he had Phineas and Isabella deck out a hot rod for him so he can take it down there for his crew. As Phineas hands him his key, Skipper, Starfire and Heloise arrive as well with the latter deciding to tune the vechile with him. Skipper and Starfire ask about his trip, and offer to join him. Bender explains to the two this is something he must do himself considering the circumstances, Isabella asks on this. Bender says this is personal for him as well as for Luan, Starfire understands and says to just make sure Luan is safe for both of their sakes.
Skipper, Heloise, Phineas and Isabella watch as Bender drives off hoping he knows what he is doing.
Bender arrives in Royal Woods and he sees Luan who says she'll be with him in a minute as she is sorting her business with Luna and Benny. Luna asks what kind of house Bender is getting, Bender tells her he's getting a big house belonging to a kingpin in the crime underworld. Lisa arrives asking him if there is a way he can put a good word for her, which he says that he had business at Lynn's Table
Lisa, Luan and Luna end up discussing what is going on, as Luan tells the two she is a bit scared to set into China Town as she and her friends dub considering what happened to her and Bender down there. Luna and Lisa both seem aware it's a cesspool, though Luan says that's all she can say at the time.
Bender gets a seat at Lynn's Table and he hears someone asking if You coming to me, or am I coming to you? Bender comes to them and tells his mystery person to take off the sunglasses. It turns out that it's Lincoln and Lydia who he talking to. Lydia says Bender got the text and that this is a safe place. Bender asks what the kids need, Lincoln tells him that he has a job for him as he and Lydia want answers in regards to an event. The two tell him about the Team Free Will Massacre and what happened explaining who was killed and where they found the bodies. Bender asks if anyone else knows, Lydia says he's the 1st person outside of some Team Free Will teammates who knows, Even Ford doesn't know they know the fullest details. Lincoln adds that some new friends he and Lydia made also are looking into this too. Bender checks the files and decides to help and he tells Lydia and Lincoln he'll charge them $300 for it, the payment plan is up to them, and this is low due to them being friends and him knowing the team. He even shows the two Rick's portal gun that he had gotten back from Bill Cipher and Toffee's lair which Lincoln asks about what he'll do with that, Bender says he'll give it to his guy for it. Lydia says she and Linc would look more into it, but they want to be kids and are going to camp. Bender points despite that 1st part, they're dating and the relationship is serious and says that he doesn't hold it on them, they need to keep that sense as he knows both of them are getting closer to the end of childhood in both senses. He advises them as the three are set to leave, that whoever is doing this has some grudge on them and likely some crazy one if this person would go so far to something like they told him. Lydia keeps that in mind. Lincoln shakes his hand and thanks him for taking it despite his workload.
Bender meets up with Luan who is packed up and gives her the shotgun seat. Luan and Bender discover Skipper, the penguins and Heloise did more tune ups to the car and left a note for the two. Luan just laughs how The Penguins and Heloise spoil Bender persumably in part to how long Bender, Skipper and Heloise worked together. Bender smiles at this and Anti Cosmo pops up and Bender tells Anti Cosmo about the Team Free Will Massacre and Lydia and Lincoln, Anti Cosmo notes that those two may have discovered a very deep worm hole just like how they did. Bender inquires if AC can get a hand on this like him, Anti Cosmo warns him about the workload he is taking but decides the two do need to get the bottom of this.
Bender has his hot ride ready as he had Phineas and Isabella deck out a hot rod for him so he can take it down there for his crew. As Phineas hands him his key, Skipper, Starfire and Heloise arrive as well with the latter deciding to tune the vechile with him. Skipper and Starfire ask about his trip, and offer to join him. Bender explains to the two this is something he must do himself considering the circumstances, Isabella asks on this. Bender says this is personal for him as well as for Luan, Starfire understands and says to just make sure Luan is safe for both of their sakes.
Bender arrives in Royal Woods and he sees Luan who says she'll be with him in a minute as she is sorting her business with Luna and Benny. Luna asks what kind of house Bender is getting, Bender tells her he's getting a big house belonging to a kingpin in the crime underworld. Lisa arrives asking him if there is a way he can put a good word for her,
Bender gets a seat at Lynn's Table and he hears someone asking if You coming to me, or am I coming to you? Bender comes to them and tells his mystery person to take off the sunglasses. It turns out that it's Lincoln and Lydia who he talking to. Lydia says Bender got the text and that this is a safe place. Bender asks what the kids need, Lincoln tells him that he has a job for him as he and Lydia want answers in regards to an event. The two tell him about the Team Free Will Massacre and what happened explaining who was killed and where they found the bodies. Bender asks if anyone else knows, Lydia says he's the 1st person outside of some Team Free Will teammates who knows, Even Ford doesn't know they know the fullest details. Lincoln adds that some new friends he and Lydia made also are looking into this too. Bender checks the files and decides to help and he tells Lydia and Lincoln he'll charge them $300 for it, the payment plan is up to them, and this is low due to them being friends and him knowing the team. He even shows the two Rick's portal gun that he had gotten back from Bill Cipher and Toffee's lair which Lincoln asks about what he'll do with that, Bender says he'll give it to his guy for it. Lydia says she and Linc would look more into it, but they want to be kids and are going to camp. Bender points despite that 1st part, they're dating and the relationship is serious and says that he doesn't hold it on them, they need to keep that sense as he knows both of them are getting closer to the end of childhood in both senses. He advises them as the three are set to leave, that whoever is doing this has some grudge on them and likely some crazy one if this person would go so far to something like they told him. Lydia keeps that in mind. Lincoln shakes his hand and thanks him for taking it despite his workload.
Bender meets up with Luan who is packed up and gives her the shotgun seat. Luan and Bender discover Skipper, the penguins and Heloise did more tune ups to the car and left a note for the two. Luan just laughs how The Penguins and Heloise spoil Bender persumably in part to how long Bender, Skipper and Heloise worked together. Bender smiles at this and Anti Cosmo pops up and Bender tells Anti Cosmo about the Team Free Will Massacre and Lydia and Lincoln, Anti Cosmo notes that those two may have discovered a very deep worm hole just like how they did. Bender inquires if AC can get a hand on this like him, Anti Cosmo warns him about the workload he is taking but decides the two do need to get the bottom of this.
Bender and Luan both take their drive to pick up the others and Wile E informs the two that Bean and Captain Hero will be a bit late to the party. Bender, Luan And Wile E arrive at South Park and pick up Stan and Wendy. Wendy says that Stan slept at her house for the night, after that date they had and says why did Bender send Dale to get them briefed. Bender explains because Hero already offered to get Luan. Stan questions if the other 3 are fine with all this. Bender, Wile E and Luan don't really know what to say on this but do save face. Wendy notices the portal gun and questions what he will do it, Bender says Professor Membrane will look into it as after Rick and Castiel's deaths he found it in the Fearamid.
Anti Cosmo, Celes, Harry, Jessie and Slade all call up the crew, with Bender passing the phone to Luan and Wile E. The group get to Cleo, who has her bags ready and Bender, Wile E, Luan, Stan, Wendy and Dale help her. Cleo says she was looking into something as she went to the cell Prankster was at, Bender and Wile E both go on her for going to The Prankster's cell without their knowledge. Cleo says she was working away on trying to get the portal ready for her as it's close to her release time. Dale explains they can't trust her randomness as she has still ran crimes even afterwards, though Wile E does add she has helped them still when it was unnesscary. Bender agrees that they have a deal with her as does Luan.
As the seven up take their drive up, Bender has Dale take the wheel as The Space Bandits are calling him up. Zix and Travoltron have managed to find Bender's 1st truck stop equivalntly he can stop on the trip. They have also managed to insure that there is no security hazards at Don Eladio's house as well as Tee did some of his own recongissance.
Cleo asks about the pool, Zix advises her that she should check it first before tipping her toes in there. Bender asks Tee and Travolttron about the condition, and they say it will need some refurnishing. Wile E keeps his map out as he helps Dale nativgate. Luan, Stan and Wendy have a map out and they are checking off the places to try and avoid down there when they arrive there
Wile E and Bender both inspect Dale's guns and Dale explains they will hide them when the time which is Bender agrees to due to both of them sharing this perpsective.
On the way over there to Mexico, to clam Don Eladio's former house, The Party stop at a gas station to fill their tank with Bender and Luan wait outside for the others while putting calls in. Bender calls up Hughie first and asks if he, Starlight and the others can help him with something. Hughie asks what does he want, as Bender helped him and the Boys with Neuman what's his favor. Bender asks if Hughie can look into a potential serial killer for him as he got a case of his own he's doing for some friends and with his hands being pretty full he'll need some help. Hughie asks about the cure for Butcher for his cancer and tumor, Bender says he has some inquries being worked on referring to Zix, Travoltron and Tee being on it.
Bender hangs up and Luan asks about The Boys, Bender tells her that he needed to oursource a task to them considering their hands are full. Luan agrees considering how many criminals she had to fight in Royal Woods. Luan admits every since she took the role of Spider Luan she went up against many criminals and exposed them. She explains ever since they took on the Cartel and upon learning her powers have reponsibiltiy, she decided to take the role of Royal Woods's defender. Bender says was he that bad an infleunce, Luan says he's the one that told her don't be like him,
The Two get another call and it's from Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry who are asking how their trip is going. Bender explains that they're at a gas astation, Slade seems a bit content they have reached here without too many hazards. He informs Bender and Luan that he had a talk with Jessie and decides they might as try to help they dealt with this too. Anti Cosmo asks about what the two mentioned before the trip, Bender tells Anti Cosmo that he outsourced this to Hughie to help considering how hands full they are and how they are trying to help with the tumor and cancer has. Slade and Anti Cosmo had Celes and Jesse go to something for themselves first and with their other allies hence why they called before they set off.
Luan asks Bender about the oursourced assignment, Bender mentions to Luan that it's something between him, Anti Cosmo, The Boys , her little brother and his girlfriend. Luan asks what it was, Bender tells Luan it has to do with a serial killer and how Lydia asked spefically for him and not anyone else. Luan is curious about this, Bender says it's a case of how far the rabbit hole and Lincoln and Lydia have discovered a deep rabbit hole much like he and AC did.
Part 2[]
As the gang, decides to make a stop at night, Wile E uses his brains to start a fire so they can camp out at night for the team. Dale puts a cigarette on the camp fire so he can smoke, this Bender rolls his eyes for being an amateur as he lights his cigar with his finger.
Cleo asks if there's any word on Bean and Captain Hero, Stan says they are just getting the girls and their stuff is going under way as Luan, him and Wendy know. Luan comments on how unorgangized the girls are, Wendy says to Luan that they're girls what should she expect considering how she can be. Bender is overviewing his many notes with Luan and WIle E asking if he thinks he's doing too much work for the crew, Luan spefically mentions that is what Anti Cosmo did a while ago
Bender says he knows he's too doing too much, but at least he oursourced The Massacre work to Hughie and The Boys to look into if he decides to not do something himself. Wile E asks about that with Luan saying it's something between her brother, his girlfriend, him and AC when it's comes to the fullest details. Wile E asks about Butcher, Bender says that he has no idea how to save him but does have his questions about how Starlight and other members of seven were able to surive with Compound V. Wile E thinks on getting medical files though Bender does point that they're on high watch by Victoria who will deduct their move if they try anything in Manhattan
Cleo offers to help Bender, Luan and Wile E to find his medicial files. She has the powers to do so as she shows by making a portal hole to get some soup. Luan thinks and asks if she can pass Neuman if she's there as Wile E and Bender warned them about Victoria's head popping powers. Cleo says that she can do this if needed and that it's not like she can't copy the files. Wile E agrees with this and asks Bender should they do this now or later. Bender decides to settle on waiting til they get to Don Eladio's House. Cleo asks about the Professor, Bender, Luan and Wile E all already discussed this and they'll just have to wait til they get to the house before calling him up on progress
Cleo used her powers to get Luan, Bender and Wile E to go to Dreamland and to see Mop Girl. Bender and Wile E explain to Mop Girl what they want to do regarding helping Billy Butcher. Mop Girl explains that she did note to something to Bender and Wile E about Billy. Bender inquires to what she thinks and Mop Girl has a idea and tells them to get their friends
Wile E goes to get Luan and Cleo as Mop Girl takes the 4 down to the secret corridor of Dreamland and says for Cleo use her powers here which she does. Luan, Bender, Cleo and Wile E all enter the portal and Mop Girl follows them there which is Manhatten and the five go into the hopsital.
Cleo pulls up the B files as Bender stands watch with Mop Girl ready to do something in case. Wile E grabs the file and goes looking into the B files and finds Billy Butcher's file. Luan pulls it up and notes that he was dealing with Temp V and seems baffled Billy was abusing Temp V to get a chance at Homelander.
Bender and Mop Girl decide to discuss Victoria Neuman as Bender is uneasy that Neuman knows what he did in China Town and wanders how she could have gotten a hold of that. Mop Girl feels that Bender may have done something to attract Vought's attention at the time and it reached Neuman's hands. Bender buys this and tries to think on what he did, Mop Girl possibly something to do with The Cartel as someone was trying to kill Bean but hit Zog and Mop Girl did try to do something to get rid of the bullet through Zog.
Wile E, Luan and Cleo arrive with the photograph of files and show Bender who sees them and the 4 of them go back with Mop Girl to check them. As Luan, Wile E, Bender, Cleo, and Mop Girl overlook the files, Neither Bender or Wile E seem to remember anything about Membrane and Temp V and that he didn't say anything about it. Luan does give the likely story that Professor Membrane didn't know.
Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl discuss any contigencies that might be needed. The Latter might be ruling Dreamland, but she is still quite a bit beneath notice which could to the trio's advantage. Bender asks about Sorcio's stuff which Wile E is holding in his hands as he is stealing from him, Bender goes on Wile E for stealing his stuff, when Bender is also stealing Odival's stuff saying there's no rule for grave robbing. Mop Girl gets the Boys to calm down and says that they to get going and tells the two that whatever Victoria has on them should be checked into beyond the grave.
Bean, Captain Hero, Marcy Wu, Libby and Hailey all manage to get back to Bender who has arrived a pit stop with and he asks if they have all their crap in gear. Libby and Bender decide to take a look around with Bean, Hero, Hailey and Marcy Wu and they enter a saloon and Bender decides to get some drinks with Bean and The Captain. Both him and Libby suspect something is wrong since no one is here.This is when the doors lock and close down, Hero tells them to save themselves but someone steps on his cape. It's Captain Putty accompanied by Zib who point out how long it's been since they all been together.
Bender rolls his eyes of Course it's Captain Putty, but he is more concerned about Zib being there. Putty isn't amused by Bender disrespecting him. Zib says how they have all stumbled in his ingenious trap.
Firecracker adresses how he is getting too close to something that can't come out, Libby with her blood hound like instincts says that Neuman sent them didn't she. Cate glares at Firecracker saying that isn't the point to do and she uses her powers on Libby to put her through heck. Bender says that to Hero that confirms it, and hands a helmet to the Captain and Marcy that Wile E made. Bender shoots Sam to distract Cate and then saves Libby.
Bender fights Zib and his chaos bots and he finds the chaos bots very simple to deal due to him being a robot and he easily kills them despite their size and Zib brings how his Membrane like tecnhology to fight off Bender.
Bender, Marcy and Captain Hero are still going as Bean and Hailey have been put down though they have managed to deal with Firecracker, Sam and Black Noir II. Eventually joined by Luan and Wile E with the others, Bender and Luan take on Putty and Zib and manage to drive the chaos bots Zib has period which Luan takes from him using her web powers and stops Zib from using his weapons as Bender shoots at Putty with his own firearms and he manages to hinder Putty from trapping him with his elastic powers. Putty decides to pull out and Zib and the others do just that. Libby and Bender are both able to recover some actual info and they observe it together with Marcy joining them as they study the powers and allies that Putty and Zib brought with them to the salloon, Luan joins the three and they all study what Bender was sneaky enough to do with Libby by photoing the area. Marcy considers asking if Slade may know something, Bender considers sending out the photoed area to Anti Cosmo and him. Luan had a 3rd sense that Compound V was in their system as what she did recall what Marvin told them a while ago.
Wile E sets up a communication device a la video camera to get in touch with Slade and Anti Cosmo while Bender, Luan, Marcy and Hailey all wait for him to finish setting up with photos in Bender's hands and a Chaos Bot's remains in Hailey's hands
Slade and Anti Cosmo pick it up and ask where have they been, Marcy said that they had a Boys Problem that Neuman was behind and Putty and Zib are with her. Slade isn't too shocked as he has his own encounter with them at the University. Bender says then he took those photos for nothing, Slade stops him and inquires about the photos. Bender shows Slade them, Slade observes them and states that they are the ones he was referring to and that he found out about this from the university
The 4 ask about the university, Anti Cosmo answers that it's an college only for young adult superheroes and is how the shagged hair guy and the blond got involved in the operations of Neuman. Luan asks will she be sent there after graudating, Bender is still suprised her family doesn't know, Luan admits she is a very good secret keeper. Hailey butts in and shows the chaos bot remains to them and that if Slade can study it.
Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Luan and WIle E all discover how Hailey knows of the chaos bots and her own encounters with them as Hailey has a suspcion on them. Anti Cosmo takes it up and uses his wand to bring them there, He asks how close are they to the house. Wile E takes out his map and says very close and that he and Bender will call in afterwards. Slade also lets him know that there is a matter they will need to discuss.
Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero, Libby, Cleo, Stan, Wendy, Dale Gribble, Hailey Banks all arrive at Don Eladio's house and Bender has the keys and hands them to Luan who opens the doors and Wile E tells the others to start looking and get their stuff ready.
Bender, Wile E, Luan and Cleo check out the basement and the rooms and they notice just how much fine alcohol that Eladio had, Cleo comments on this and it's riduclous how much of this he had, Bender says as a cartel don, he gets all the money so he can do what he wanted, he was lazy the obvious lazy. Luan and Wile E agree with this and Wile E brings a dust buster to get all the dust out of the basement, noting how little the Don used it. Cleo decices to check the pool and says it's just how Bender, Wile E and Luan said it would be. She wants to go for a swim, though Wile E stops her saying he needs to check to see how much of the water is full of grease from that bloated pimp, as he mentions how Eladio was obessed or chained to it. Bender and Luan both crack a smirk at this suprising Wile E was able to make a joke with Bender asking if Wile E is going to do it, check for spirits and creatures from Japan. Cleo tells him not to think of that film. Wile E takes this seriously and decides to use a PD Meter
As the 12 all meet back up barring Wile E who is skimming the Pool, they discuss that Bender gotten in contact with the Space Bandits to secure the perimeter for them so Vicky doesn't try anything on them.
Part 3[]
Bender shows Luan, Libby, Hailey, Stan and Wendy the portal gun he kept from the first time he met Marcy Wu. He cant believe the time is coming to an end. Libby and Hailey never really saw this and ask about it. Luan says it came from Rick Sanchez who was with Team Free Will at the time during their encounter with Toffee and Bill Cipher, he gave up his life to protect them.
Stan asked why Bender had it so long then as does Wendy as they recall it was a long time since that event. Bender tried to have Wile E fix it though even the coyote couldn't do it and he was trying to fix it with Lisa as well though she wasn't able to do either. Hailey compares to the dimenison scissors that Marcy found which Luan and Bender both recall was with Star Butterfly at the time
Libby gives the idea to give it to Professor Membrane as he could assist in doing so as he may have a better idea how to fix it. Bender agrees with this and gives a call to Professor Membrane
He explains to the professor his situation with the portal gun and hands it over to him. Hailey is curious if Slade can discover anything on her chaos bots situation, Bender is confident he can and decides he'll go out for booze if they're okay with that. Luan asks didn't he bring any, Bender says he drank before he crossed the border with Dale
Bender is busy drinking at the bar once again after not getting a drink at the saloon thinking on things when he hears a poof and it's Anti Cosmo. Anti Cosmo sits next to him and shows him what he found and that Anti Cosmo explains that there was a supe college for others to go for their powers. Bender says he knew that, but Anti Cosmo reveals that it was a shadier work than said and that Miss. Neuman had some hand in one thing. Bender asks on what, She pulled strings to get a student in the college so she has something to expose. Bender shows AC the medical file of Butcher and both Anti Cosmo and Bender both seem a little peturbed of his measures to go after Homelander. They also share what they found out on Team Free Will through the Bandits and that they have noticed a pattern in the deaths and that were no witnesses during it, Bender feels someone is really trying to hide their hand, and he sends this info to Lydia and Lincoln on Anne's phone, Anti Cosmo adds something to it as when he and Bender DJed for one of Luna and Luan's event.
The two feel some blood and notice Neuman is in their presence. Bender and Anti Cosmo prepare to attack her. But Victoria tells the two to sit down and to chat, they agree. Neuman knows Bender is looking into Butcher's cancer and knows that's why he broke into the medical records. Anti Cosmo says if Neuman exposes this, he'll expose her puppet strings. Victoria just shakes and says she doesn't care AC and Bender may know she puppet stringed at a supe school, Victoria explains she did so as she sympathizing with the student and her powers being her own powers there are certain things she won't mind being exposed. Neuman admits she overheard them talk and knows they're looking into the Team Free Will Massacre and asks what they will expect to find.
Anti Cosmo says that it's a job that Bender took for his friends in the team who are still looking for and how he and Bender are working on this spefically. Neuman says and they expect to get results quickingly. Bender says yeah he is. Neuman saids that he can't, but does admire Bender's determinaton.
Anti Cosmo and Bender discuss what the anti fairy came for. Bender is a bit hesistant to reveal the China Town events to others despite him, Luan, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero, Stan and Wendy have all been there for them due to what he as well as Stan remembering down there. Anti Cosmo feels likewise but he is aware that with Neuman out to expose this if Bender or himself acts against her or reveals what she doesn't want known maybe they need to first.
Anti Cosmo also hands Bender somethings he and the others got at The College that he found out which include the events of Gen V so Bender can look into them further. Bender asks why couldn't he just get Hughie for that and the Boys. Anti Cosmo decides he needed to have Bender do what the anti fairy do for him and Slade as it's not like they can make it obvious the Boys have their help as well. Bender says he will insure Starlight and Hughie receive it as he has been looking into Butcher's file about what he came down with and it's look like a cancer but also somekind of tumor as well
Bender and Anti Cosmo both arrive at this with a shot gun shot and blast of magic at Zib. This breaks Cate's control a bit over Cleo.
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Luan, Libby, Wile E and Captain Hero all engage off with Zib to protect the force field as Cate tries to keep controlling Cleo with Marcy, Hailey, Dale, Stan and Wendy do their best to break Cate's control. Marcy manages to by firing a arrow at Cate to distract her and then Zib decides to cut his losses after using some techonlogy to keep an even playing field with Anti Comso, Bender, Hero, Wile E, Luan and Libby,
Ada Wong arrives saying that she been keeping eyes on Bender and his guys, Bender asks how long has she done so. Ada says that isn't important and that can he and his guys tell her about Leon, Bender and Luan both point out how she already knows and Ada notes this but she got ground that he is returning to China Town and if Dib and the others still are in the dark about it
Anti Cosmo takes his own leave as well. In Which Dale, Captain Hero and Marcy hold Cleo asking if she was okay. Cleo she felt like someone was controlling her mind and making her do things. Bean says it was Cate that was doing it. Bender decides to go to bed at that point.
Bender, Luan, Wile E and Libby manage to get a hold of the Boys and Starlight. Bender informs Hughie of the visit Neuman made at that bar me and Anti Cosmo were at. Hughie asks if she threatened the, Bender says she didn't. Luan asks if he wants the costume back, Hughie says for her to keep it he doesn't want to remember that Web Weaver Costume. Libby is curious though Starlight and Marvin both tell Libby not to press it for Hughie.
Bender says that he learned about Red River and asks what does Hughie and Marvin know about it. Marvin says he'll investigate with Hughie with it and asks if Slade didn't do already. He says Anti Cosmo told him that, as Slade knows he's being watched and needed to send a message. Neuman told him and AC About it to some extent as well as Slade. Hughie isn't too suprised with how Vicky just showed up to chat with the two instead of threatening them. Starlight admits she has know idea on most of the other supes other than Fire Cracker who she shares with the 4 her history with. Libby said she was suprised she was just a jerk to her, Starlight admits she isn't always pleased with this. Starlight says whatever Bender or the others can find on the other supes or whatever tell them.
Bender, Luan and Wile E then send Libby off as they discuss how they can figure out some more on all this and where else to go. Wile E considers looking into the cancer treatement for Billy as does Bender and Luan and how he'll do so on as they head down to China Town. Bender and Luan though feel that he'll need more than that maybe, Slade already with Anti Cosmo found stuff in Goodkin University and that if there was someone that also helped Professor Membrane with the supe Virus or knew anything other than Neuman. Luan said she considered and already brought in Zix and the others to go looking around on what Membrane was doing at the time.
Bender, Luan, Wile E, Libby return back to the others, as do Wendy, Dale and Hailey with their other stuff. Bean informs the 7 about the Bandits's investigation and what they found out. Bender is privy to The Woods and Shetty, he worked with Wile E and Libby as well while also having recovered what happened after seeing Ada Wong. Bender, Marcy, Luan and Wile E watch as everyone backs up to head down to the Ranch, each of the 4 have made their own plots. Wile E shows the cancer research area that is close to the ranch they can use as Bender and Luan also observe that people there were assisting Professor Membrane which Bender figured out after using tech skills with Luan. He advises Luan to stay away from that Virus when they do get there. Luan says she will, she won't let it get her but she doesn't have to worry anyway due to not getting her powers from Compound V.
Maeve infroms Bender that Starlight had something for him and takes him to The Boys alongside Slade and Anti Cosmo. Bender learns of Billy finding James Roger's sheild and proves Hughie right when he doesn't suspect Neuman knows of this. Hughie and Starlight also inform him of the trip to Aloha in regards to May and he learns that Dawn snuck along and knows of the events herself. After meeting up and learning of the situation with Hughie and the Boys. Bender texts the info to Lydia and Lincoln about The Boys found out about May and James Rogers.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Dale, Bender and the others set the co-ordinates for Bolsa's Ranch so they can make some heaveway to check it for any traps. Wile E shares his cancer research with his friends as he intends to look into it for Butcher, Bender tells Bean about it who is questioning as well later on what occured with The Boys.Mop Girl arrives with some info on what AC, Slade and the others found on the chaos bots which Hailey is able to confirm and what the two will be doing, Bender observes and has an idea that Hailey can tell him about the situations she has been through and Hailey does explain.
Luan decides to use the Ranch as a way to ditch the Temp V and Compound V and destroy with Captain Hero. Bender says he got a link that going to the Aether Foundation will be something he needs to do later regarding a body. Hero decides to try it which Luan and Bender both stop him from going doing any damage to Dale's vechile
The three puzzle on what Neuman wants with it regarding Professor Membrane, and what it means
Bender, Libby and Dale discover Slade and AC's investigation regarding the chaos bots there and the whole plot with Temp V. Anti Cosmo asks Bender about the Investigation and he says he will be heading to the aether foundation. AC decides to join afterwards, Slade also informs them that his allies Mick, Leonard and Cat R Waul will be joining them soon. Marvin did more digging around and rallies back about what happened when it came to their actions with Midas, as well as Slade and Anti Cosmo's whack a mole quest which Bender does say they were doing while he was working the other end. Hughie and Starlight are also able to give some assess to Bender so he can go investigate in The Aether Foundation.
Bender and the rest of his friends arrive at Bolsa's Ranch and make some investigations around to see if anything is unusual here and to manage to find some info on the Shetty Virus's location. His investigations have him figure out it's somewhere underground and secured. He is then told by Hughie and Billy that the two decided to join up with them to make way to Bolsa's Ranch. Bender and XR learn from Slade and Harry about what happened with the Dufus family and their theory after him and Mop Girl deliver it to them as XR got him a file that he will want to give.
Bender tells Luan to hold down the fort as he heads out with Anti Cosmo to begin his investigation in the Aether Foundation. Dawn arrives on her bike to ask if they're ready. Luan inquires what the two are doing regarding Lincoln. Anti Cosmo and Bender come clean and admit their actions to why they are acting on this hunch they have. Anti Cosmo also informs Bender to acquire anything that they can on Aether for Slade's eye.
Part 5[]
Dawn, Lincoln, Lydia, Bender and Anti Cosmo all collide with each other and enter Aether Paradise and begin to go looking around. With Tek Knight not being too far behind unknown to them. Dawn uses her Pokemon to try to see if they find May's Pokeballs, Thinking if possible they were killed too. Bender and Anti Cosmo joining Lincoln and Lydia manage to discover a worm hole which the latter two mention their encounter with Ultra Beasts.Which They find in the Lab Areas envidence of the actions that they were looking into the wormholes
Anti Cosmo and Bender look to find some notes on the Ultra Beasts seeing an opporunity to harness the worm hole work and considering some have opened up it can be used to help Slade with his great plan and Bender can find a way to see how this all works. The Five show back with Bender and Anti Cosmo asking them if they found what they wanted and viceversa for Slade. Lincoln has an idea of how to see this happen and recalls what he watched in Mirage Master and that they need a machine to see the memories of May's Pokemon to see what happened
Bender is willing to take the unethical mean and he straps some of May's Pokemon to the machine as Dawn and Lincoln go to make Poffins so they can calm them down. Bender and Anti Cosmo apologize to May's Pokemon as Lydia watches as The Two watch them assess the memories of May's Pokemon. This is how they discover how May was killed shocking Lydia, Bender and Anti Cosmo through a stab wound through a portal and then turning it into an infection that claimed her life.
Bender and Anti Cosmo visit Lincoln and Lydia at the breakfast dinner and meet Will Robinson who learns the two were helping them and Dawn in their own work last night. Bender gets threatened by Amy who is intent to shoot him through Lincoln gets her to stop. Bender meets the Streaming Reisistance and does get Peacemaker and Enid's appreciation to work with him, while Wednesday isn't so willing to work with him.
Getting into Jake's trunk, Bender goes into the woods and joins Anti Cosmo, Lydia, Lincoln and Enid where they manage to find some more detail on James Rogers's death. Bender and Anti Cosmo also discover something as well on Neuman and how one of her own TV appearances was the cause of the riot that occurred that made Cate and Sam "Heroes". Bender is found by Fifi and Cate Dunlap who wants a rematch. Bender no sells Cate's attempt to control him and forces her off him easy as he and Anti Cosmo decide to take her on while providing cover for the kids against Fifi Dufus. Bender manages to overpower Cate and counters her own attempts to control the others by having AC and himself basically control herself by giving a order.
Bender and Anti Cosmo then watch Lincoln pin down Fifi and they point their weapons ready to kill Fifi. Fifi then decides to blow up the Woods, which Bender holds up his gun to help deal with Fifi's followers. Myrtle and Sterling arrive and help the 4 escape, as Myrtle recongizes him as her granddaugher's mentor and helps him escape. Bender, Lincoln and Lydia follow suit as The Woods crumbles which he believes is good riddance
Bender before leaving back hands The Robinsons a file as he had someone look into what happened with Will and Penny that caused the situation with their eldest sibling and parents. Joining Lincoln and Lydia at their cabin, Lydia, Lincoln, Bender and Anti Cosmo reflect on what was discovered with May and the Ultra Beasts as well as what happened with The Smoking Man and Judge Holden. Who Bender and Anti Cosmo found out about during their time in Mexico a while ago.
Marvin informs Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade that he use whatever he has to find some evidence on what went down and asks what did the latter look into when it came to their own search and is informed of what they will have to do so he decides to take his search to Jump City. He also discovers time travel was linked to Fifi's husband's survival.
Part 6[]
Bender decides that it might be a good idea to split his work task with his gang and considering he needs to get to the bunker for the Shetty Virus and to overcome what he had dealt. He goes downtown and brings Luan, Stan, Wile E, Libby and Dale with him. As the six go down to the China town as Stan and Bender put it, he explains to Libby and Dale why he considers it like this and how everything that went down the way it did for them all, especially as he and Wile E witnessed them together. He reaches the bunker and ends up joined by Butcher and is in contact with Anti Cosmo and Slade about what they found with the worm holes and their encounter with Tek Knight. Who was following him and Anti Cosmo when they investigated Aether with Lincoln, Lydia and Dawn.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
Bender, Luan, Stan, Wile E, Libby and Dale with Billy Butcher manage to find the Shetty Virus and Bender prepares to call Professor Membrane about finding the Virus. However he and the others are stopped by Z9, Captain Putty as well as George and Harold who are equipped with the many equipment they have from their universe which is a struggle between them as Putty tries to steal the Virus back for Neuman. This Bender aims to prevent, though he has his own supscions about the kids himself. While they are successful in getting the group away, Bender gets in an arguement with Billy when it comes to the virus and he decides to just give it over to Lisa Loud instead so they can use more effectively for the Professor.
Being informed of the encounter with the Gen V group and Vought, Luan has some after thoughts about what happened with them with WIle E and Dale agreeing with this and the 4 decide to make a plan incase what Dale and Wile E suspect is the case regarding them. He tells Slade about what they did and learns that Anti Cosmo and Slade had discovered something about Neuman and that it could help him and his friends which Anti Cosmo decides to give over to him later. Bender also is called from the Boys and learns Neuman's reasoning for hunting him and that part of it comes down to his deals with Solider Boy who was the first supe of Vought before Bender and his friends dealt with Homelander and he explains this to Marcy later on with Luan and WIle E.
That Night, He and Libby discuss a previous case from Jerome Horwitz Elementary that they did a while ago when the two investigated the Alien Lunch Ladies and everything they had to do with it, Since this is how he and Libby were familiar with the situation. Visited by Anti Cosmo, Bender and Libby inform him of this and learning of the Streaming Resistance being with George and Harold since Anti Cosmo and Bender did work with them previously. The two consider a potential revisit to Jerome Horwitz Elementary, though Bender does mention what Libby and Bender looked into the many alien juices, the milk shakes that turned people into zombies and the root beer used to reserve the effects, He also thinks there may some connection to Lydia and Lincoln on this and Anti Cosmo informs him of Victoria killing Kang's Associates and other allies by her boss.
Part 8[]
Bender and Anti Cosmo investigate Jerome Horitz Elementary and discover what The Spot's actions had some hands in as it all went down as such with the quarrinitne that occured and the effects of the dark matter. The Two also run into Grace Wain and Spider Noir and the 4 of them join up to find Melvin Borg who is here and they interograte him about what he knows on the Team Free WIll Case. Bender gets what he needs from the metal man with a very near attempt to try and cut an arm off and discovers an description of the purpators and learns they were two of them.
Bender has Grace deactivate him. Bender and Anti Cosmo are attacked by OMENS which were sent by Rodrigo Redneb to kill Melvin Borg and anyone who witnesses it and they prove to be tough for them, Grace and Spider Noir though they are able to surivive and get away with Bender straight out killing a third of them.
The two talk to Lisa and Luna and learn that Camp Mastadon could a good place to look at matters on their info.
Bender is in correspondence with Luan, Anti Cosmo, Marcy, Professor Membrane and Mojo Jojo about what has all been occuring with the Shetty Virus, The Investigation, And what's going with Dib and co as the two make their way over there. He and Anti Cosmo call up Slade and Harry earlier to show them what they had come across there and how it goes back to what them and Marcy did a long time ago albeit not without showing that Bender was working on a case to expose a corrupt mayor which he and Anti Cosmo uncovered footage of him cheating on his wife. Slade tells Him and AC that he will catch them with them soon.
Bender and AC end up running into Lincoln and Lydia on an early morning, He and AC discuss N.Tropy and Neuman and tell Lincoln and Lydia their leader Neuman is a villain and the head popper which the two buy on account on what they know. Bender also meets Toby and AAAGGGRRHH as well and learns that they were helping him and his friends as was Lydia and Lincoln deal with Milton Midas. One talk about double lives later and a return to the cabin, Bender finds that Dee Dee is on this too and explians how he and AC know her to Lincoln, Lydia, Clyde, Truman, David, Will, Bruce, Larke, Troy as well as meeting Dustin Henderson, Nate Wright, The Robot, Rave, Mrs.Frizzle and Erica Wang. The latter he and AC both recongize as an younger verison of the women they met when they had Melvin Borg in their clutches. Anti Cosmo, AAARRGGUHH, Bender and Toby all hide as Neuman come back as Bender, Anti Cosmo, Erica, Lincoln, Lydia are aware of Neuman being evil now and can't reveal their hand.
As the 4 hide, Bender complains about the troll breathing on him, as he notes that Marcy captured the data needed for Bender which he gets as he hides with AC, Lydia and Lincoln about what has happened with Deathstroke and what Marcy discovered.
Part 9[]
When Neuman leaves with the Team Free Will Crew, Bender stays with Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Amy, The Robot, Erica Wang, Anti Cosmo, Toby and AAGURRHH to discuss how they will take care of things against Neuman. While He and Anti Cosmo disagree with Lincoln and Lydia, they decide to take the pacifistic approach for now. The two do brief Erica on how to deal with her brainwashed friends as what her future self told them.
Bender calls it in for his team and decides to put his group to work with him and the rest of Team Free Will. He decides on Stan, Hailey, Captain Hero and Wendy to help him, Team Free Will, Slade's Team and The Streaming Resistance with the whole operation that have going on. He and Anti Cosmo get back to Slade and inform of what they have seen and dealt with regarding Neuman and what they did discover with the kids.
After arriving to see Professor Membrane and the others, Bender regroups with Lincoln and Lydia with AC so the 4 can rediscuss through their plans when it comes to everything. With, Amy, Jake, Peacemaker, Max, Emilia, Vigilante, Bruce Wayne, Daniel LaRusso, Erica Wang, Larke Tanner, Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Selina Kyle (Gotham), Troy Jeffries, Truman X, Will Robinson, Anti Cosmo, Toby, Slade, Celes, Captain Hero, Stan, Wendy, Penny, Professor Membrane and Hailey he enters and keeps his eyes alert as he helps Bruce and Selina infltrate the Tek Cave so he can work with Slade and Anti Cosmo to get the upperhand on Vought and Neuman. Bender also notices Dib and the others here too and wonders what they're doing and asking Professor Membrane who brought them as a cover for himself. Victoria decides to bring out and expose Bender for his actions regarding Vought starring from his time in Mexico and how he hid his Payback actions, which he and Slade manage to prevent . However Tek Knight hijacks it and Troy Jeffries goes nuclear due to the Compound V and Temp V. He notices Zib and puruses him learning of the trap that was used on Larke's boyfriend Troy. He suspected this himself and that Zib is going to blow up the manor with Tek Knight to keep Bender and his friends from exposing Tek Knight, Neuman and the rest of Vought despite turning on Vicky herself.
He rejoins Lincoln and Lydia later with Anti Cosmo and Slade as the five decide to finish the job, this is out the three hold off Vought and he ends working with Kate and Ren which suprises him to see again and Lizbeth unknown to him notices him. Later Slade holds off the forces of Fifi and Vought, so He, Anti Cosmo, Lydia and Lincoln discover what they need to know on Tek Knight and Neuman when Sam, Cate and Fifi's men arrive on them. He and Anti Cosmo fight off Sam and Cate to allow Lydia and Lincoln to escape and deal with Fifi's men, He takes on Sam and despite what he has to deal with his sheer power, Bender is able to get the upper hand on him through sheer tricks and using Cate's powers against her. After escaping, he runs into Starfire, SKipper and Heloise who know he knows something and says he does and he makes a point to see Dib and the others who aren't surpised to see him here and decides to inform the group of his own actions regarding Vought. After returning He and Anti Cosmo work with them, Will, Amy and Toby to corner and hook Neuman to a lie detector to get what they need from her though he considers falling back on killing her, Hughie talks him out of it which he decides to agree to. Though he is left with answers about how far her boss went after Lincoln and Lydia and likely has been plotting against him and his friends too since The Smoking Man incident.
Tom Lucitor arrives as a result to warn him, Anti Cosmo, Lydia, Lincoln, Toby, Will, Amy, Steve and Hughie they that are in grave danger due to something that could spell the end of the world as they know it that Neuman's boss is working towards. After returning from Tom and Jack Sullivan, knowing of the death god Unummu, Bender With Anti Cosmo tells Dee Dee and Nate of this development, He and Anti Cosmo stay to process the info before returning to their teams and notice Lydia, Lincoln and Toby as a result goofing off though he admits they'll talk later as his dirt is coming to light with Dib, his friends as well as Starfire, Heloise and Skipper which he explained. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Lincoln and Lydia all discuss Lincoln's grandparents in what they found and forgot as He brings up the theory that time travel was what happened. They also discuss Double Lifes as Bender had to inform his M.O.D.A.B team of certain events much like how Lincoln and Lydia had to when it came to their own actions, and Lydia, Lincoln, Bender as well as AC feel that their double lives are coming to an end. After this, Lincoln, Bender, Lydia, Anti Cosmo and Toby discuss the god of the underworld in question and that Ronnie Anne did deal with him before. Bender considers calling in Kratos as back up with Anti Cosmo for a favor.
Chapter 4[]
He and Anti Cosmo both discuss what they just learned about Urcumuu and how they will have to insure their allies on this and what they will do later, which Bender does by telling Luan and Wile E of this regards. The Two stay working with Marcy and The Mar Mar Gang to dicsuss what they did find though this leads into a problem with The Zerbon Brotherhood where Marvin, Rocket and other aliens help deal with. Marcy and Bender are later picked up by the others.
Neuman's forces attempt to harm him again, though this is mostly for their own reasons, as he also has to deal with Tek Knight and Vought where with the others, he is able to kill Black Noir II and Firecracker with the others.
Luan tells Bender what else she and the others found regarding what Vought has on them and Bender learns of Stan Edgar and the OG Black Noir which he investigates and learns of the situation with Kang the Conqueror which he learns more about this from the rest of the Boys.
Putty and Zib try to arrest Bender and his gang for killing Vought Heroes, though this goes south in this regard which later has him and Anti Cosmo go to the God of War Universe to find Kratos who they learn has a son and manage to get his assistance when the inevitable happens.
Chapter 5[]
Through meeting with the rest of The Mar Mar Gang, Bender discovers how what happened with him and the others when it came to the situation that eventually led to Thawne. This situation led to something that could link back to Lizbeth and that it happened a few more times as well.
He and the group return to find Hughie and his group where both Bender and The Boys discuss what they did manage to find, with Tek Knight and his forces take measures on them as well as the Zebron Brotherhood and Z9 which gets the help of the Arcadian Guardians upon their head to Mexico. He also discovers that they helped him and his friends against Milton Midas.
Bender heads on his way to find the rest of Team Free Will after finding Slade and his Empire to deal with the potential end of things. Later He and Anti Cosmo find Spider Gwen and ask for her help in this situation on the Lizbeth thing and what they have dealt with Tek Knight. Gwen agrees to look into this for the duo. Bender and Anti Cosmo inform Luan, Slade and the others of what they found and manage to find Team Free WIll and Neuman. Bender is intend to deal with Neuman upon seeing her but is told that she wants to help them. He is hesitant, but has to agree for Hughie. To his surprise Butcher is here with the intent to kill Neuman which Bender is adamant about for the moment.
Due to this Ucrumuu rises and this leads to the situation escalating.
Chapter 6[]
Bender watches as Butcher rips Neuman in half with his parasite and he notes he is possessed to an extent. Bender teams up with Slade's group and The Boys as well as his group to fight off Butcher and the demons. He is able to put in his work against them and manages to kill Butcher though he takes no satisfaction in this.
He then assists Team Free WIll and The Streaming Resistance in finishing off the demon himself. After learning of Neuman being in the hopsital, he and Anti Cosmo tag along with Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Mulder, Scully and The Streaming Resistance to learn what they know on what she knows on N.Tropy and everything that went down with her as well. This adds some more stuff for him to investigate into.

He then visits Slade's Empire after their meeting and shows to Anti Cosmo what the paper he found and that the two were able to do this time make a difference, unlike the last time. Bender and Anti Cosmo visit The Streaming Resistance's knighting and meet Lydia and Lincoln on what they did do and Bender had a talk with Ford earlier about their roles as a father figure to their own like kids. He and Anti Cosmo both ask how will Lydia and Lincoln's dirt come to light change things for Team Free Will where the two ask about him and AC, which he admits that it will come up when it does. At least the 4 of them and The Streaming Resistance have gotten closer to the truth.
Book 2: Interlude[]
Main Relationships[]
He is Dib's best friend and sidekick, Like said he is very loyal to him and has acted as leader whenever Dib was absent. While Dib is annoyed with Bender's ruthless means of doing things, he is still his friend and often needs him for his brutal honesty. Dib sees Bender as a capable leader in his AWOL moments and always leaves the group to him in focus circumstances. A possible reason Bender likes Dib that much is because Dib is like Fry who is his best friend in his universe. Dib does get annoyed when Bender adventures solo and doesn't tell him. In The first two stories Bender acted like a parental substitute towards him and Bubbles and even after they found Batman and Harley Quinn Bubbles and him still see Bender as one, this may be because Dib just knows him better. Despite Bender being more capable of leadership he still believes Dib is the best leader for the team. The two however have break off from each other after Gosalyn's death since Dib puts blame on him for his recklessness.
After Dib's death, Bender didn't take it well like Skipper and Axel. While at first glance it was beause he was his best friend, but it was for a completely different reason. In Bender's back story before he met Dib, he lost his young son and his wife left him as a result of him being unable to cope with it after half of a year of when his son died. Bender was saved by him when he ran into Dib and Bubbles through his spaceship. From that point on, he had Dib's back even though he lied and did ambiguous things to him, he had what he believed to be Dib's intentions at heart. When Dib left Bender during Discord's time and eventually died, Bender described it as losing his son all over again. He also likes Bubbles quite a bit, as she makes Dib happy.
Originally a rival of his due to her contrasting ways in morals and someone he barely could stand. He also advised her not to find her family or anything out on her which earned him ire from Dib, Bubbles and Milo. However, the two became great friends and defended each other endlessly. Lizbeth and Bender like Bender with Dib are great foils yet similar.
Bender is tough and ruthless but can be intelligent and scheming when he wants to be while Lizbeth is resourceful and smart, but can be an action heroine when required. The clearest instinct of their friendship now is Lizbeth's acceptance to joining Bender when Jimmy Neutron died in The V Team Island Adventure and helping him against his foes. Bender and her see eye to eye very often, and they know each other well enough to do what is needed.
Like Dib his close friendship to Lizbeth is because she is much like Leela who is his other best friend in his universe. With both of them in on Totally Mobian Spies it is very likely that she will discover his outside adventure before that. She rejoins his team seen another opportunity to work with Bender. In a technical way they are best friends as Lizbeth and Bender are two of the most recurring characters in M.O.D.A.B alongside Skipper and Django to appear so they have had time to become friends. Like stated in the trivia below, Lizbeth's anger is the only thing Bender fears since he believes the nicest people are the scariest when they are angry at others, this is indeed confirmed as he and Skipper both displayed true fear when she called them out. They once rivaled each other and now they are close friends. Bender has described Lizbeth as "the sad sack" of the team.
She gets back at him for his deceiving in the Multi-Universal War of Destiny by keeping herself out of his war against the League of Darkness, and knowingly she helped him deal with his enemies Malefor and Dr. Weil. While Milo blames him for Dib and Bubbles' death, Lizbeth on the other hand lets him know it wasn't his fault and doesn't hold responsible and blames Discord.
Her disappearance is a big motivation for Bender in Phase 4 and leads him to indirectly cause some actions out of his friendship he values with her despite the vitriol they have and gets Anti Cosmo, Luan and eventually Slade into his motivation.
Opposites attract they say, but this is going too far one would think. Bender and Starfire are one of the series' best and strongest couples due to this. Unlike Starfire, he wasn't in love with her at first, but she was due to her stalking him. Despite this he was clearly friends with her as she followed him everywhere he went and he didn't seem bothered. Eventually they got married and the two have lived well together. He likes Starfire because she's nice, hot, strong and other reasons, The two of them have a great bond and they certainly enjoy the other's company. Unlike most couples neither one is the most closer to Earth since one or the other can fly off the handle on certain things like a real marriage in a way which is what makes this couple so effective. Both of them also act as parents to Luan Loud in their own way and see her as their child despite being from a different family.
While they originally didn't talk on well, as The V Team Island Adventure, Skipper became Bender's right hand bird and loyal follower. These two are best friends and they work together a lot of the time. Skipper and Bender clearly are brothers in a way since their team work is legendary like his with Dib, Sometimes the two are secretive and only tell each other of what they scheme. Skipper, like Starfire follows Bender constantly and keeps a eye on him so he doesn't get himself in trouble. He tag teams with Bender when a dual fight is needed so they can even the odds against their foes. Skipper follows Bender to the hilt and his most frequent partner of all his partners. Skipper is probably the one person who has stayed on Bender's side the longest which obviously makes him perfect for his right hand bird, Apart from perhaps his penguin commando Bender is without a shadow of doubt Skipper's best friend. It is entirely possible that Bender's great friendship with Skipper comes from him living among penguins in his universe. Skipper and Bender believe in similar things and they both share beliefs that some villains are too evil or dangerous to live. When Bender goes around, Skipper won't be far behind him. Both Skipper and Bender love New York City and that is where they both live in their respective series. They also have a high tolerance of Julian, although both of them have and in the future will threaten Julian when he does something stupid. Skipper's loyalty is very much established when he defends Bender in his verbal fight with Dib and Bubbles. Skipper and Bender both have a serious care for one another to the point of sacrificing what they want to make the other happy. Skipper also is Bender's Confidant as he confesses how sick and routine his life is.
Bender's oldest friend and ex-girlfriend. These two have been friends for centuries and have lived together too. His love of Marceline was the reason why he clashes with Joker, Joker's treatment of her is just barbaric and he wanted to help her. Bender's friendship with Marceline is so close that he even introduced her to his Planet Express friends and even included her in almost all of his adventures after The V Team Island Adventure when they re-meet on Starfire's home planet. It is even implied that these two will kill Joker for real since they are Joker's main enemies.
They do kill Joker after a showdown with him after everyone else par them, Noob, Hans and Lizbeth are caught. While Bender loves Starfire, his desire to die if he evers wants to is to die with Marceline since they both have extended lives due to their conditions. They have a lot of common interests include their love to be chaotic, and singing which extended to Frida's band though he, Skipper, Julian and Frida did most of it and more. In fact The4everreival's friend even said that Marceline and Bender are a better couple than him and Starfire
Bender's relationship to her is similar to Angewomon with Mysterion. Marceline as his oldest friend knows about him that maybe anyone as they have had much time to know each other. Alongside Ice King, Joker and her father Bender is one of the people who knows her best. Marceline may still love him though as she went a long way to find Bender and save him in Tuxedo Lovelace vs CarnEvil and they may have unresolved sexual tension with each other.
Eddy and The V Team[]
Some of Bender's main enemies, but they settled down and became his rivals and allies. The first two stories put them against each other as adversaries. But the next two stories started a trust between Bender and Eddy as the two teamed up against other villains and worked well together. To many he is The V Team's main rival due to his similarities with them. Bender particularly locks wits with Scourge and Eddy since they go on him more than the others. It is potentially planned that Bender will team up with Fiona, Lara Su, Lien Da and Wave if and when their adventure begins against Iron Lady. He knows Eddy is innocent for his frame and decides to clear his name then they work together again to stop Iron Queen.
The Joker[]
If there is one enemy who irks Bender out, Joker is that enemy. Joker is the Professor Moriarty to Bender's Sherlock Holmes. Joker is Bender's archenemy, evil counterpart and longest enemy as well. Their enemy relationship started out 100 years ago considering Bender's oldest friend and ex girlfriend Marceline. who was dating Joker but fell for Bender due to his kindness to her and not using her like Joker did.
Since Bender caused his accident with Marcline's help. Joker has begun his rampage against Bender and in every story he appears try to irk Bender as much as he can. Both him and Joker are obsessed with letting each other down to the point they won't let anyone intervene with them. Bender has called Joker many names and has violently assaulted him many times for his acts. Despite this they are similar in a few ways and Bender uses this to get to Joker and vice versa. Despite Joker hating Bender, Joker seems to regard Bender his BFF and Bender admits he may be right. IN their final battle he is taken down for good, While Bender hated him, he was going to miss that son of a b****.
Unlike many characters Bender doesn't fear the Joker, due to his knowledge on Joker and Bender plans to destroy every trace of his legacy know with him gone and knowing Joker has plans to always be feared and remembered. Bender and the Joker have one of the Multi-Universe's most notable rivalries possibly only eclipsed by Optimus Prime and Megatron. It is eventually revealed that The Joker is also Bender's creator and he was meant to be the leader of Joker's robot forces but Joker lied to him and tried to kill him when Bender refused to. Technically the Joker IS Bender's father. It is unknown if he is aware of this. Joker is his true arch-enemy due to the amounts of hell Joker put the heroes through, and only with help from Marceline and Discord, did Joker go down when he returned with Darkseid's help.
He hates Joker for seriously good reason and let's just say there was one thing Joker did that make Bender Want to fucking kill him everytime he sees Joker. The Joker was reponsible for the Jack White act which prescued robots above all species, Joker made him the number 1 threat to humanity and put billions of dollars on his head. It was also revealed that The Joker decided if Bender was to kill him in Legends of Light and Darkness, Joker would take him and all robots down with him with the Jack White Act that hunts threats of non humanity into extinction. The Joker was also reponsible for the death of his son in Legedns of Light and Darkness and taunted him over getting loved ones involved in his wars, Joker killed his kid and toyed with him by sending piece by piece to him. He almost caused him to commit sucide and this action haunted him. WHen Marceline and Bender learned about Discord she warned him about getting Dib and the others involved as this would be happen again and she doesn't want to see him in the broken condition he was back then. The Joker also revealed that he is Bender's father and that he went so far to abandon his other son so he could take revenge on him which as always the plan every time he showed up and taunts him about being responsible for Bubbles losing her sisters.
Joker lost the role of archenemy to Eobard Thawne as of TGTTA 2.
Emperor X[]
Like Lizbeth, Bender did not like Emperor X at first, but warmed up to him and his family, when he saved X's kid from Joker and personally took X out for the better. He likes Emperor X's no-nonsense attitude and attributes it when he leads. Let's just say if Bender didn't rescue Alpha X, X would still be a villain and not the trusted allies they see each other. Bender, Dib and the others also recruited his empire into their group following the adventure where they could call on them whenever needed. Alongside the Joker, LadyDevimon and Alpha X, Bender is one of the key players to X's reformation as he went out of his way to oppose the former and keep the latter two out of harm's way.
Disney Angels[]
Bender's involvment with them is positive ever since he defeated his arch-enemy in Slade Strikes Back and he collaborated with them against the next enemies of LOTM's first season with Angewomon. Bender liked them enough to let Starfire, Skipper, Axel and some of his other friends in his assistance with them.
While he likes all of their allies, he espically likes Indiana Jones, Jorgen Von Strangle (One of his main allies), Ikari and Commander Keen. Bender decides to send Dib and Bubbles to go help them in Season 2, Although he is still keeping an eye on things with them. He does have one difference to them though.
Unlike the Children of Autobots he has a difference in handling villains, he doesn't believe in 2nd chances and he doesn't hesitate to kill villains who really push him like the Joker, Joker's forces, Eddy's brother and those who push his buttons of loathing treachery like Lemongrab and Goliad. He learned about the abduction of the angels, he schemes ways to rescue them, but knowing he has other duties with Vilgax, Iron Queen etc He sends Donald, Goofy and some of his other members to help til the war is done and to keep an eye on Dib, Axel and Bubbles. One of the few differences between them is killing, while the Disney Angels and their group don't kill villains, Bender won't hesitate to kill villains. This does put him in conflict with them at times, but he does state that their differing point of views shouldn't decide anything or make any conflict as they're allowed to see things differently. This certainly helps in part to his alliance with Slade who has Disney Villains working with him.
Bender and Heloise have a good friendship and trust in each other. They bare many similarities such as being incredibly violent to people who piss them off and loving towards their love interests. They met at the end of The V Team Island Adventure and then the Jack of Blades arc, She joined the team in The Great Time Travel Adventure and after Roxas' disappearance, Heloise joined Bender as his new teammate for The B Team. In the new story, Heloise, Him and Skipper are the 3 main protagonists and we may learn more about the relationship she has with him and Skipper. Bender learns Heloise's past and like anyone he really likes, he decides to murder Strange next time he sees him calling him the most disgusting piece of trash he ever laid eyes after The Joker. As Heloise joined his team, she alongside Skipper became Bender's most consistent alley in summer of 2012. Bender decides to face Iron Queen and her Syndicate with the team because of what she did to her daughter Heloise proving he does care for her well being. She and him often have Skipper with them as the three are in ways inseparable. Bender seems to be one of Heloise's best friends as well and will continue this by being alongside Skipper his greatest alley. Heloise like Bender is rather violent and has murdered a lot of people but they both aim at the irredeemable targets like Joker, Hugo Strange and Red Skull.
Slade and his Ensemble[]
Notably his first enemies he's faced was Slade Wilson and his team. While originally an enemy of his, Slade and Anti Cosmo have recently been more like allies to him as opposed to enemies. Slade and Anti Cosmo teamed up with him and his friends in The V Team Island Adventure and The Great Time Travel Adventure against Uka Uka and Hunson Abadeer. They teamed up with him again in Legends of Light and Darkness mostly with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes Chere
Slade and the crew change their ways truly where Slade and Anti Cosmo have joined his circle of true companions. It turns out one big reason for this development is that Bender used to work for Slade before he met Dib running his operations before Slade set his sights on the multiverse. It is unknown why he left Slade before The Beginning, but it is implied that before he did He went on and off of going back to the future and past when it came to his allegiance to Slade.

Bender chilling with Anti Cosmo during Xmas
As of Phase 4, Anti Cosmo and Bender became actual friends and joined up in the detective business and alongside Slade they work under Marcy Wu as the three decided to go after Toffee and Bill Cipher. Bender works with Anti Cosmo and Slade multiple times in Phase 4 to face The Prankster, The Smoking Man, Homelander, Vecna, Emperor Belos and The Multiverse Cartel, attends therapy just like them and were all haunted by Brick, Butch, And The V Team's death. Anti Cosmo and Bender's relationship is comparable to Laurel and Hardy.
Bender's reckless decisions even worries Slade and Anti Cosmo in Anglesmith Origins and they try to not get him to help at first with the Infosphere. Only relenting when no one else wants to help. Working with them and Luan, Bender learns the importance of life and death and establishes his full connections with them against The Cartel as their offer got him out of his funk. The Three keep their work alliance against the rest of the Cartel and Thawne who they learn returned. Alongside Anti Cosmo and his wife Celes, Slade trusts him the most of his allies.
Twilight Sparkle[]
Twilight is one of the newest allies to him, and the one he has the most interactions to him. He met Twilight Sparkle with Skipper and Heloise early on on Isle Defino. She explained her situation to him and he took immediate action. Twilight herself trusts Bender a lot and knows his insane plans fairly well as she is surrounded by insane in her town. Twilight has allied up with him very frequently much like 2rd, 3rd and 5th in commands Skipper, Heloise and King Julian. Even though she`s his newest main friend, he cares about her to the point of brutalizing Veger for what he did to her and her brother and Bender lets Twilight's friends join them in Totally Mobian Spies to dish out a little shit on them. She seems to understand the improbable insanity he schemes better than most people do. Bender also likes Twilight's friends mainly Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They share a common enemy in Discord and while this may have been a reason they worked well, they are still great friends.
Princess Celestia[]
The only one he listens to without hesitation. He may hesitate to listen to Dib or others, he always listens to her. Celestia holds him in high regard and is happy to get him and his friends help. Celestia also is the one who gets him in his missions. While she can rely on many people, Bender and his pals (mainly Skipper, Heloise and Twilight) are the ones she goes to. It is revealed that Celestia told Bender not to inform Dib about Discord as she learned about them through him. Celestia now is keeping her eye on both Dib and Bender.
Bender and Q have a rather funny history with each other as Q always like pestering him much like he does with Captain Picard and Bender of course can't tolerate it. The two met after their dealings with the Master as Q was turned into a human for messing up in the continuum and Bender with his 2 of his closest friends Starfire and Skipper decided to have him join them during their plans with The Disney Angels albeit secretly. Once the team faced Unicron, they knew were outmatched but Bender and the 2 called Q to get the enterprise which he did and then Q sacrificed himself to make sure the three were safe. Bender, Skipper and Starfire all thought it was the end of Q, but au contraire mon robot he's back. Q was forgiven, his brothers and sisters took him back and he became immortal again, omnipotent again. Q then bid a til next time to the trio. Next time couldn't have been sooner as during a haunted house exploration, Bender and Skipper ran into him again and he joined forces with the B Team once more. Of course now with Him being friends Q, how will Bender react when he learns Q knows Scorpion and Scorpion hates Q
Bender did not think much of Scorpion when he first met him but Bender was blown away seeing how he fights he was also in shock to hear someone other then him and Batman beat the Joker and even more that Scorpion let him live. Scorpion had proven himself to be a powerful ally to Bender and the rest of his team and Bender is glad to have him. While Friends, Bender won't know what to do when they meet and Q is there. Since Scorpion finds Q annoying, Scorpion knows about his new team allegiance to Knuckles
With the Joker dead good, it seems Discord has become his new arch-enemy as he was introduced in The Grand Summer Season Trek and he was working for Vilgax. But Vilgax didn't know that both Bender and Discord played him like chumps into their plans against each other. Discord regards Bender as a worthy opponent as he does with Skipper and Heloise, to the point where he will let no one get in between his rivalry with the robot. He, Skipper and Heloise defeated Discord at the end and with the help of Twilight, her friends, Sora, Profion and Django the trio sealed him back in his stone prison saving the Multi-Universe. Being the spirit of chaos and disharmony and to Twilight and Celestia (The incarnation of evil) he wasn't going to go away anytime soon and Bender, Heloise and Skipper wait for his return to stop him again. Discord is not just an archenemy to Bender but also to many of the members of his team especially him, Skipper, Heloise and Twilight Sparkle. Like Joker, Bender takes him very seriously and knows when Discord is around things get ugly and quick. He believes Discord feels he should never be gone for good. Discord and him are quite alike in many ways what with their scheming, brilliance yet lazy, love of breaking rules and love for the theatrical.
Bender and Discord face each other again with and his pals Dib, Lizbeth, Milo, Bubbles and the others joining, though he wished to keep them from knowing Discord and his history as well as keep Discord from knowing His history with the heroes. Discord was foiled by Bender and his team (mainly Skipper and Heloise) in the previous two stories. Discord is the person he has the most hatred for due to his actions in the Multi-Universal War of Destiny due to how much Discord pissed him off in particular. Discord though reforms in the final story and while Bender doesn't trust him or forgive him, he does accept the chance to give a second chance for him.
All Later Stories with this alliance and they will show he really has changed though his wackiness certainly hasn't. Discord is even shocked and disgusted by his other archenemy The Joker and what he did.
His Secondary arch-enemy after Discord and his mother. MOM is the mother of all robots in Futurama but she only cares to use them for power. Bender used to love her like his robot brothers and sisters but he turned against her when she tried to kill him for calling tech support. He never forgave her for this action and with MOM joining the Dystopia League with his enemy Discord, he is making his goal to kill her since she betrayed his trust hard twice.
Captain Knuckles[]
Bender and him met in The Grand Summer Season Trek where only Bender of the main members of M.O.D.A.B appeared. They worked together against Vilgax and his team by splitting the job. Knuckles is one of Bender's best friends and confidants despite have only met in this adventure only so far. Bender and Knuckles will probably work together again against a future enemy. Once again they're up against Discord someone, they both dislike a lot. After the story, Bender and Knuckles talk about Knuckles sends Death the Kid to join Bender since Knuckles sees both Bender and Kid as best friends, Knuckles decided to cheer him up by sending Kid to help him and his team.
HK-47 is Bender's long lost cousin. Everything Bender learned about interrogation he learned from HK-47.
Phineas Flynn[]
One of his newest best friends as of Legends of Light and Darkness. While he was an ally, he gradually grew in importance into one of his main allies which he is in Legends of Light and Darkness, LOTM Next Gen Island Tour, Blackpool and LOTM: Darkness Incarnate
Like Heloise, he admits he will never outgrow him when Bender told him that he feels Dib, Bubbles and the rest will
Isabella Garcia Shapiro[]
Like Phineas, she has grown into one of his best friends at the same time. She serves as his moral compass whenever he takes things too far as Heloise encourages it. Like Phineas, she admits that she will always need him. While she is closer to Phineas, Isabella stills like Bender, Heloise and Skipper like her best friends.
Haytham Kenway[]
Bender and Haytham met in Blackpool. Haytham will be Bender's next rival. Bender sees Haytham as an honorable villain although he and his team will be disgusted for what Haytham did to his son and everyone else in the Assassin's Creed Universe. Though with Anarky around, he's stuck in the middle of the conflict between the lawful Kenway and the chaotic Anarky and may have to find a proper ground that allows Black Star, him and the rest to take the 2 collective big bads without giving one another edge.
Haytham Kenway's son and an upcoming new best friend, after hearing of Connor's mother's death and Haytham's betrayal, Bender and his B Team feel sorry for Connor and decided to recruited him on their team. Connor sees Bender as his step father, a nice step father. They both fight their same enemy, Haytham Kenway and his Templar Orders. After defeating Templar Orders,Connor joins Bender to defeat BlackGarurumon and Mister Sinister since Bender helps Connor defeat his father, Connor helps Bender defeats BlackGarurumon, Mister Sinister, Jesse, Loki, Albert Wesker, The Smoking Man, Dukat, Crowley and Peter Pan
The two met in Blackpool First and second half as close friends. They both have same archenemy, Rodrigo Borgia and his True Templars. Ezio is one of Bender's best and closest friends. After hearing what happened to Ezio's family, Bender swore that he will have his revenge on Rodrigo Borgia and other villains.
He has a decent relationship with Castiel and sees him a comrade, though he would become closer to Team Free WIll's future leader Ford Pines.
Black Star[]
Black Star is one of Bender's closest friends. Though, Bender get's annoyed of Black Star's comedic and crazy ideas. They are similar to Deadpool and Cable. Black Star acts like a sidekick to Bender during Blackpool. Black Star does something arrogant by sometimes pranking Bender and steal one of Bender's project idea. Though they are good friends.
Rodrigo Borgia[]
One of his archenemies. After hearing everything about Rodrigo Borgia, Bender is disgusted for what Rodrigo Borgia did. Not only that Rodrigo felt like killing Ezio's family but also tries to murdered his own son by giving him a poison apple and molested his own daughter. Rodrigo is one of the villains that Bender wants him dead and suffer. Bender sees Rodrigo worse then Haytham Kenway.
Stardash is his daughter and a fellow hero like her parents. She joined him in his adventure of the islands though Bender was reluctant due to Dib being dead and Boomer as well as Lizbeth being out of his life, so he decided to have her kept out of harm's way. However Stardash got a bit miffed and decide to age herself so she can become stronger and be able to fight, once she did that, Bender got a bit miffed, but accepted her as a freedom fighter and a warrior who may be stronger than her mother.
Bender is a bit of a doting parent towards his kid, he's a bit of a goof that does embrass her a bit. He also doesn't take shit from any student that tries to bully or harass Stardash at her school, Bender will threat, kidnap, torture, manipulate, blackmail, extort and will even go so far to kill any teacher or student who screws or treats his kid awful.
This has got him banned from school premises, because he takes such actions against kids, and he has also done this when someone messed with Dib, Lizbeth, Boomer or someone else. Stardash's friends at her school also think she has the coolest dad for being fun to be around, and wonder why the school committees and some parents want Bender arrested or punished considering he's giving assholes their comeuppance, though Stardash favors her mother slightly over him. Her Death seriously affected him at the hands of Thawne, and it led him to his path in Phase 4 and his close fathership to Luan Loud who favors Bender to Starfire in a reversal situation. He wanted to bring her back in Anglesmith Origins, to regain what he lost, as unusual for him he blamed himself. He gave up on this as he realized he needed to accept the card he was given dealing with Death helped with this, Accepting this motivated him to be the attentive father figure to both Libby and Luan.
White Star[]
Black Star's father and a "new" rival of Bender, after betraying the heroes after the Multi-Universal War of Destiny and joining the Templars in Blackpool, Bender is pissed and will keep an eye on White Star. Bender sees White Star as his "new" rival but he will let Black Star to fight his own father.
Rick Sanchez[]
His new Top Scientist working with him in his team. Bender and Rick meet when the latter crashed into his boiler room and after a feud between each other, they bury the ractchet and decide to work together. Due to Heloise's disappearance, Bender relies on him a lot, though he also likes drinking with him too. While Heloise is closer to him, Rick got his own place in his companions. He also witnessed Rick give up his life to save the others from Bill Cipher and Toffee's failsafe despite not knowing Bender and Rick were on the same case until that point.
Luan Loud[]

Like Rick, Luan Loud became a close friend to Bender upon meeting the Loud Family. Both of them get along as a result of their sense of humor as Bender is one of the few who finds Luan's puns funny. They also have a dislike for Bender's nemesis The Joker who they killed working together. He also works for Luan and Funny Business Inc as well to do something with his free time, cause hey what better way to have some fun on a bun. He is also protective of her in the same way he is with the others if anyone boos or insults her during her passions, he will let them have it and doing anything bad to her has become one of the worst ways to anger him. He takes his relationship with her seriously and treats her like his kid but also like a equal. They work as multiverse Private Detectives who also entertain for others as per Bender and Luan's partnership. Luan and Bender are also the only non Slade's Ensemble Members to know Brick, Butch and The V Team's real burial places and how they died. It was Luan who advised him to be a Multiversal P.I to get his mind off the situations he had to go through.
Anglesmith Origins explores how close and deep Bender is to Luan in particular, he confides in her about his real fears of Death, mainly helps Slade and Anti Cosmo on Luan's insistence, killed members of The Cartel to keep her safe, and in a way she saved him from being truly killed by Death. Luan is arguably Bender's healthiest relationship of the characters he is friends with, this is a complete role reversal to the toxic relation ship with The Joker.
Eobard Thawne[]
A New main enemy for Bender, and was his main adversary in TGTTA 2, They fought before the story and Thawne returns to get even with him and Slade. Eobard became Bender's worst enemy even more so than The Joker when it's revealed how much crap Thawne did to him and his friends in the past, like Thawne's actions that caused Dib and Bubbles's death, how he killed Lizbeth and Boomer. Screwing with his life and trying to erase him and his friends from reality with the Spear of Destiny. Thawne also killed his and Starfire's daughter out of this sheer grudge which is why Bender hates Thawne more than Joker, As The Joker for as evil as he is never succeeded in killing someone really close to him. Thawne was willing to destroy the multiverse itself to spite him and didn't care if he died too as it was in Eobard's Words "worth it." This alone cemented him as Bender's worst enemy over main of his enemies even The Joker.
Deathstroke (Arrow)[]
While Eobard was his archenemy, Deathstroke served as his main rival of the story and who Bender and co thought was the actual head of the Legion. Deathstroke unlike Thawne and Joker is not vengeful or hateful towards Bender and sees him as a worthy opponent. The Feeling is mutual on Bender and friends's part, Deathstroke also was one of the few to get the drop on him and his friends. Deathstroke and Bender's friends all by the end dropped the hatchet to fight off and defeat Thawne when Deathstroke and Eobard's deal was broken and Deathstroke was spared by as a result of this after the defeat of Bill Cipher and Toffee.
When Deathstroke became president, he hired Bender to work for him to protect Bender from the walls closing in regarding his more questionable (cough.cough Criminial) actions. Deathstroke was the one who came up with the term Titantius Anglesmith and since the events of Darkseid and Thanos has been trying to get Bender to work for him, and succeeded at the end of Anglesmith Origins. He is more of a secondary boss to him, as Bender is a free lancer and works with Slade and his empire more.
Marcy Wu[]
Marcy established herself as one of Bender's clients who found him with the help of King Andrias to assist them against Toffee and Bill Cipher. Bender recultantly agreed and began working for her. While they had a worker relationship at first, they eventually became friends and partners as they sticked together who can learn something from each other. Unlike his other alliances, Marcy and Bender are on equal footing with each other and Bender begins to develop a father like fondness for Marcy like he does for Luan.
In The Prankster Point Paradox, Marcy and Bender are the main protagonists and they help each other with their goals. Finding Lizbeth and recharging the calamity box for Marcy's friend Anne. Bender tells Marcy exactly what happened before they met, and Marcy is aware of M.O.D.A.B and the other teams. They also take out The Prankster together and investigate The Juarez Cartel, being the first two characters to figure this out. Marcy is implied to have been the person other than Luan that got Bender into truly enjoying life again if his narration of Angle smith Origins is true.
Libby Stein[]
"He may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy"
- Bender on Libby's Father Matias Torres
Bender develops a rapport with Libby Stein who looks up to him and similar to Luan and Marcy, he sees her like another kid of his very own who he cares. Where as Luan sees him as a mentor figure and Marcy sees Bender as a partner, Libby sees Bender like a father figure due to her lack of a dad in her live and he is all too happy to provide this.
This becomes all the more prominent when Libby met her father and he shattered her thoughts on her, as he treated her like just some fan of his book and cared more about making a trilogy out of his book. This angered both Bender and Libby's Mom Leah who both thought he was a blind fool who couldn't see the greatest miracle he had. Unlike Luan and Marcy Wu, he makes a point to keep her out of his cartel dealings as she isn't exactly a fighter like they are or destructive with pranks.
Wile E Coyote[]
Bender met Wile E in Anglesmith Origins like Bean and Captain Hero. Unlike the two, he was never odds with him such mere annoyed with his haughtness. WIle E and Bender met when they both went to an animated retirement home for cartoon characters as both of them went through crisises. Bender with his encounter with Death and Wile E with the Roadrunner. Though they had some annoyance with each other, they soon became friends and Wile E helped him find The Infosphere. After that, Bender helped Wile E sue ACME and got a job with Deathstroke as his partner. Unlike Bean and Captain Hero, Wile E has stayed with Bender helping him in his fights with The Weirdmagedon Cult, The Pranks A Lot Mob, Vought, The Conspiracy, Belos's Empire, Circus Gothica and The Underwood Cabinet while also helping him try and find Lizbeth. Like Luan, Bender has Wile E take charge on occassion when he looked into the letters sent to him with Anti Cosmo as Wile E helped Slade deal with The Blights.
Bender met Bean and her friends in Anglesmith Origins, and they were at odds like he was with Captain Hero. Unlike Captain Hero, Bean was only against him as a person to get to the Infosphere and not personally. The two eventually joined forces in part to Luan to stop Kostas Becker and the Cartel from getting to it. After this Bean joined Bender's group and helped him construct his P.I Business as Anglesmith which led to him taking resident in Dreamland under Luci's bar. The two work together when it comes to threats and help each other like when Bender helped Bean against Dagmar and Bean helped him with his Lizbeth finding situation.
Captain Hero[]
The Two met in Anglesmith Origins, and were intially at odds as Hero was working with The Cartel and Kostas Becker. However They became friends at the end when Hero helped Bender and his friends deal with Becker and destroy The Infosphere. Hero joined Bender and his group and helped him recruit G-LO with Luan. Hero's disturbing tastes have left even him unsettled at times like necrophilla. However Bender keeps Hero around due to his power and fun demeanor and can trust him when push comes to shove.
Death (Puss In Boots)[]
The Wolf is Bender's main adversary in Anglesmith Orgins and Bender develops a fear of The Wolf in a way he has never being scared of anyone before. This causes him to show a high sense fear whenever he sees the him or hears the whistle. This only heightens when Bender learns he is Death and Death has been furious with Bender and has been after him to teach him a lesson in humility. Bender eventually has to confront him on the Infosphere sigh and remembering what he learnt from Luan, he fought Death and admitted that he will never defeat Death but that won't stop him from fighting for his life. This leads Death to let him go and spare him as he is content with Bender learning his lesson showing he is tough but fair and reasonable. Death stands out as the single villain to be undefeated by him, this Bender very much admits .
Allies, Enemies, On Off Allies/Enemies[]
Best Friends: Dib, Lizbeth, Skipper, Starfire, Marceline, Heloise, Jorgen Von Strangle, King Julian, Twilight Sparkle, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Slade Wilson, Anti Cosmo Cosma, Dr. Strange, Knuckles Riso, Death The Kid, Luan Loud, Marcy Wu, Discord, Libby Stein,
Other friends: (Met in Phase 1)Bubbles, Milo, Django, Ice King, Finn,Agent 9, Axel, Edd, Darkwing Duck, Goslayn, Peep, Emperor X, Launchpad, Carl the Evil Cockroach, Heloise, Luciaus, Dr. Blowhole, Dr. Doofenshcimtz, Stewie Griffin, Oscar, Disney Angels, John Tangelo, Nibbler, The Planet Express crew, Scorpion, Subzero, Smoke, Noob, Hans the Puffin, Marlene, Princess Bubblegum, Frida Suarez,
(Met in Phase 2) Princess Celestia, Gnowman, Spike, Shining Armor, Snide, Sagat, Dr. House, Stan Smith, Flame Princess, Solid Snake, the Chief, Luigi, Meowth, Mandark, the Shadowness, Princess Morbucks, Meta Knight, Q, Brick, Butch, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Harley Quinn, Professor Pericles, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Worf, Riker, Falco Lombardi, Ahsoka Tano, Jerry, Sandy Cheeks, Kitty Katswell, Profion, Lucario, Big Boss, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Princess Candance, Alex, Asami Sato, Frost, Merlida, Sam, Clover, Jazz Pants, Kirby, Tiff, Tuff, King Dedede, Escargoon, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Master Chief, Cortana, Solidius Snake, Jill Valentine, Zuko, Hellboy, Captain Jack Sparrow, Cammy White, Obi-Wan, Tak, Chadbot, Jimmy Neutron, Katara, Danny Phantom, Raiden, Betty Barrett, the P Team, Tuxedo Lovelace, Gabriel Haywood, Shadow Queen, Xigbar, Sally Acorn, Demyx, Professor Calamitous, Jake Miller, Applebloom, Sweetie Pie, Swolattoo, Protoman, X5, Sparkley, Noah Parker, Hugo Brass, Aang, Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, El Tigre, Mushu, Sherry Birkin, Megaman, Roll, Phantom R, the Arbiter, Wizardmon, Fox Xanatos, Balthazar Blake, Kera Young, Vanelope, Angry Video Game Nerd, Stoick the Vast, Alie, Axl, Giro, Jack Frost, Slade Wilson, Anti Cosmo Cosma, Slade's Ensemble,
(Met in Phase 3) Zordon, Tooth, North, Sandman, Bunny, Nostalgia Chick, Orion, Gohan, Jack Bauer, Marie, R2-D2, C-3PO, Shade, Suede, Will Vandom, Dr. Manhattan, Stan Marsh, Wendy Testaburger, Harpuia, Makoto Naynaya, Scamp, Angel, Annette, Nostalgia Critic, Sabrina Spellman, Harvey Kingle, Salem, Silver, Green, Klonoa, Wreck-It-Ralph, Monodramon, Hexadecimal, Jesu Otaku, Flash Sentry, Irene Addler, Saul Goodman, Starscream, Captain Knuckles, Eliza and Patty Thompson, The Helper Squad, Kratos, The Striker Force, Discord, Black Star, Taki, Tsubaki, Mr. Gold, Dr.Strange, Ozymandias, Alexander Fox Xanatos, Android 16, Batman, Batman Beyond, Big Barda, Blythe Baxter, Carl Clover, Dan, Eska, Grey, Jessie, James, Mister Miracle, Mysterion, Norman, Sam, Sunil, Zoe, Tony Animeda, The Flash, Sora, Anna, Biyomon, Jean Grey, Jaeris, Zhuge Liang, Suki, Starkiller, Cruger, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Yasha, Connor, Major Kirrahue, Buffy Summers, Dixie, Gonner, Knuckles, Sarah, Bart Simpsons, Colonel Star and Stripes, Rick Sanchez, Mory Smith, Lydia, Colress, Amanda Payne, Harrison Wells, Grovyle, Rip Hunter, Steven Universe, Connie, Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz, Amaya, Mick Rory, Attauri, Pearl, Amytehst, Garnet, Peridot, Lapis, Mallow, Ford Pines, Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, Mr.Gus, Lincolin Loud, Lori Loud, Leni Loud, Luna Loud, Lynn Jr, Lucy Loud, Lana Loud, Lola Loud, Lisa Loud.
(Met in Phase 4) Bean, Elfo, Luci, Captain Hero, Wile E Coyote, Hilda, Cleo Subprime, G-Lo, Libby Stein Torres, Tom Lucifor, Scrooge Mcduck, Cricket Green, King Andiras, Amity Blight, Angus, The Green Family, Chip, Dale, XR, Charlie Mangue, Ms.Marvel, Ace Jr, Hilda, Eda Clawthrone, Kick Ass, Hit Girl, Sid Chang, Professor Membrane, The Resisty, Starlight, Dale Gribble, Joker (Persona 5), Vee, Camilla Noceda, Luz Noceda, King Clawthrone, Lillith Clawthrone, Globgor, Queen Eclipsa, Darius, Eberwolf, Raine, Anne Boonchuy, Mulder, Scully, Jaune Arc, Johanna, Frida, David, Larke Tanner, Molly Mcgee, Troy Jeffries, Ford Pines, General Yunan, Lady Olivia, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Alador Blight, Hailey Banks, Nacho Varga, King Zog, Oona, Mora, Mark Greyson, Atom Eve, Cavendish and Dakota, Eobard Thawne (Flashpoint), Trevor Spengler, Phoebe Spengler, Pippi Longstocking, Ruby Gillman, Hailey Banks, Mop Girl,
Neutral: 343 Guilty Spark, Reaver, Hunson Abadeer, Robot Devil, Sasha Wayblight (Rival), Captain Grime, Scratch Mcgee, Death (Puss In Boots),
Enemies: Eobard Thawne (Archenemy), The Joker (Secondary Archenemy), Discord (Formerly), Anarky, Uka Uka, Brother Blood, Darkwarrior Duck, Alt. Doof, Taurus Bulba, the Master, Unicron, Megatron, Jack of Blades, MD's allies, No Heart, Albert Wesker, Pete, Emperor Pete, Eggman Nega, Vilgax, Porky Minch, M.Bison,and their allegiance, The Iron Queen, Mecha Sally, Ghestsis, Iron Queen's Syndicate. the Patriots, the Children of Megatron, MOM, Robot Santa, Charmcaster, Vlad Bender, Pterano, Rinkus, Sierra, Kefka, the Horned King, Terrance Lewis, Scar, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, Dormammu, Valvatorez, Selvaria Bles, Zak Monday, Black Knight, Umlaut, Anti-Sora, Chaos, Umleat, BIG Cheese, the Dystopia League, Sigma, the Sigma Organization, Nudar, the Scammer Aliens, Malefor, the League of Darkness, Darkseid, the Darkseven, Model W, Hazama, Relius Clover, Sari Sumdac (Formerly), BlackGarurumon, the Children of BlackGarurumon, Mister Sinister, the Sinisters Of Evil, Haytham Kenway, the Templar Order, GBF and his Squad, the Terrorist Unit, Morpheus, Nox Decious, Emperor Dalek, Mecha Mario, Peter Pan, Loki, Dukat, Phony Disney Characters and their mother, The Legion of Past, Present and Future Evil, Dr.Alchemy, The Network Head, Dennis (SpongeBob), Toffee, Bill Cipher, Bill Cipher's Cult, The Core (Amphibia), Ratiskor, The Prankster (Rival), The Pranks A Lot Mob, The Juarez Cartel, Emperor Belos, Big Jack Horner, The Belos Empire, Vecna, Kostas Becker, Don Eladio, The Cartel, Freakshow, Circus Gothica, Frank Underwood and the Underwood Cabinet
- Despite being a jerk he has the most functioning relationship with a girl among his friends this is to due to him being in more relationships than anyone until Lincoln's relationship with Lydia of phase 4.
- Like Emperor X they seem to be a hit with ladies and maybe really get around until they meet their true loves

- Bender is one of the only seven characters to appear in every story in a series after his debut alongside Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Discord and Twilight Sparkle until To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud and Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult for the latter 6.
- He was the first teammate to join the team to not be exactly heroic, he is often diabolical what with his more amoral planning and his willingness to kill villains. This will be a plot point in TGTTA 2 and other stories.
- Because of his anti-heroic personality he is a great foil for his more straight-laced friends
- He is one of the few non living members of Dib's team
- Was for a long time the single Futurama character in the series until the Great Time Travel Adventure where Nibbler, Zapp Brannigan and the Planet Express showed up and helped him against Hunson Abadeer (Marceline's Dad). Still he is the main character from it
- His largest roles are The Prankster Point Paradox and Anglesmith Origins while his smallest role was Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult as he didn't enter the plot until halfway through.
- As of TGTTA 2 and Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, he is the only character to have appeared in every story involving M.O.D.A.B or his team. After that storyline, he did begin to miss some storylines.
- Is a leader in his own right as the spinoffs prove and may be even better than Dib as fewer members have died under his leadership
- Has meet some of the Children of the Autobots before collaborating with them
- Bender is the oldest character in Dib's group and one of the oldest things in the Multi-Universe This is all due to his constant time traveling and never using one to get back from the past and he got much older in The Great TIme Travel Adventure as a result of this
- Was the only main character apart from Marceline not to suffer a mental breakdown in The Great Time Travel Adventure. He did suffer one before Phase 4 as he buried Brick and Butch Jojo and The V Team under Slade's Manor and confided in Luan about it.
- Was the maker of the brutally hilarious where's my money and Quagmire beats up Brian bits heroes do on occasion. As he did both of these to The Joker in Slade Strikes back to many users' benefit as they laughed at Joker and cheered on Bender. He did it again against Veger and also helped Finn with Skipper unleash the latter on Hugo Strange. He did this again to Discord both at once in The Multi-Universal War to Destiny and the former on Joker in Legends Of Light and Darkness.
- Probably has sworen more than anyone in the series so far in English, that may be because he's from a more mature show.
- He, Joker, Dipper, the Master, Wesker and Skipper's names rhyme with er
- It is note worthing that his main friendships and romances are based off his interactions with characters from his universes. Dib to Fry, Lizbeth to Leela, Starfire to the only fembot he truly loved, Skipper to his time thinking he was a penguin, King Julian to Professor Farnsworth, Marceline to Amy and possibly Jorgen or Double D to Hermes. This changed when he developed his friendships with Luan Loud, Wile E Coyote, Bean Grunkitz, Anti Cosmo, Captain Hero, Marcy Wu and Libby Stein Torres
- He has admitted he is a drama queen, and he is also the biggest drama queen in the Multi-Universe and is very aware of the 4th wall. Not so surprisingly Skipper, Rarity and King Julian do it too to varying degrees
- He gives names to his feet and hands. He calls his hands Grabby and Squeezy and his feet Stompy and Smashy
- He eithers weights 500 pounds or 2 tons
- He has many functions to him that a robot shouldn't have
- He somehow attracts royalty as he has Queen (Formerly Princess) Starfire as a wife, Marceline the Vampire Queen and Princess Morbucks attracted to him
- He Can magically grow a third leg to use as a tripod
- He apparently didn't know about robot reproduction as his mother was a religious fanatic.
- He prefers old-fashioned photography over digital for some reason despite his eyes being digital
- His best male friends are Dib, Skipper, Jorgen Von Stangle, Scorpion, Phineas, King Julian, Rick Sanchez, Anti Cosmo and Wile E Coyote
- His best female friends are Starfire, Marceline, Lizbeth, Heloise, Isabella ,Twilight Sparkle, Luan Loud, Marcy Wu and Libby Stein
- Was for a while the only robot apart from XJ9 in a hero team minus the Autobots until is was revealed that Sari Sumdac was one too. He is still the only manbot though in the team until Protoman and Axl joined him
- He and Sari are both immune to Iron Queen's control over robots because he's more advanced of a robot than hers and also Sari
- He acts like a parental substitute towards Dib, Bubbles and Finn. As of Phase 4, he picks the role up with Luan Loud, Marcy Wu and to some extent Libby Stein. He takes these far more seriously as Luan is like his kid, Marcy is his partner and Libby looks up to him.
- He claims that a robot has mighty powers that allow them to get sick of things faster than humans
- He has the last chemical dark room in existence which he uses to develop photography
- Probably has spend the shortest time in college in the entire Multi-Universe having spend 32 seconds there and then dropping out. He hung with a tough guy gang doing so
- He carries many things that no one would ever bother to carry, some examples of this being a beating human heart, and the arm of the Prime Minster of Norway.
- He is highly lethal in cooking because he improvises, improvising usually works but fails DEAD ON here. It should be A LAW for him never to improvise cook since it has killed plants. That being said he can bake just fine.
- He lives in New New York which is New York 1000 years in the future, like King Julian and Skipper. He was born or bulit in Tijauna Mexico
- His mother was either a robot arm or MOM of Robot Oiling industry. He also said that grandmother was a bulldozer and that his aunt is a screw
- As a criminal he has a very long rap list for everything he has commited. As a matter of fact he has the longest rap sheet possible, after he commited 15 felonies all at once. Look at the song "Robot Hell" for some of the things he did. In fact it's easier to list what he hasn't committed, though it has been established that he won't stink to totally betraying and killing his friends. This Rap List has gotten him trouble with the mutliverse law and works with President Deathstroke to keep him safe. His Skills have made him a high level criminal
- His vanity plate is ! DVS BSTD which means "one devious bastard" and quite fitting at that what with his devious underhanded personality at times and when he anilated The Children of Blackgurumon's armies with a powerful poison.
- If Bender ever to chose to end in his immortal life, he would just LOVE to being crushed to death by a big rig driven by the Incredible Hulk followed by the Master Chief putting a Plasma Grenade (or Sticky Grenade as it's also called) on his face the by causing him to explode!. This may mean that he wants Master Chief to mercy kill him when he decides he has enough of life,
- As he is highly pragmatic, He prefers cruel mercy over murder, He makes exceptions for those like the Joker and traitors and anyone who really crosses him like The Children of Blackgurumon who he didn't hesistate to poison every member along with Discord and then excute them mob boss style. Other exceptions were The Smoking Man (Who he sniped for endangering Dib and the others), Big Jack Horner (To Protect The Loud Family), Emperor Belos (Who he helped Sid and Luz kill and stomped on his remains with the others) and Claire Underwood (Who was going to expose him and his friends/allies)
- While he says he doesn't believe in 2nd chances for bad guys, he has let villains in on his team or help like Slade, Anti Cosmo or Solidus Snake despite their antagonstic history with him. This may be because they have good intentions like Slade, a relatable point of view like Solidus or good relations like Eddy. It even extended to Discord and in Phase 4 he developed an odd actual friendship with Slade's right hand man Anti Cosmo that is a recurring plotline of their stories together.
- He is one of the few heroes to be a founder of more than one team as he alongside Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer and Edd found M.O.D.A.B and then he formed The B Team alongside Skipper
- He is quite terrifying to his enemies. Bender (as well as his team) are quite feared because they tend to just about anything done no matter how impossible and Bender's histories against his enemies Especially Joker and Discord. Fitting he was Terrifed of Death who went down as the solo foe that he never truly defeated.
- For a long time he couldn't get up when he was knocked on his back, that was more because he was on his side. He overcame this by learning through the majestic turtle
He seems to have the most clones in the Multi-Universe rivaled by fellow member Big Boss. Sir Bendtron, Vlad Bender and newcomer Majin Bender
- . Bender is the Solid Snake and possible Big Boss equivalent
- . Sir Bentron is possibly the same as Bender
- . Majin Bender is the Liquid Snake equivalent
- . Vlad Bender is the Solidus Snake equivalent
- He believes a good looking depressed guy smoking a cigarette is not a movie and that French sirens sound like gay guys having a threesome.
- He has only ONE fear, and surprisingly it's his friend Lizbeth's anger. This is justified due to him believing the nicest people are the scariest when they get angry, this was played more for comedy compared to Anglesmith Orgins where his fear of the Hooded Wolf/Death is very much taken seriously.
- Has cameoed in Many other Fox cartoon shows such as Family Guy and Simpsons.
- Calls Christmas "X-mas."
- One time alongside Skipper, Axel and Scorpion he drove drunk, played snowball rugby while dancing to "Wooly Bully."
- It's worth noting that he saved the day without the other main members of M.O.D.A.B at least once and it was against Vilgax, Discord and Vilgax's allegiance. Proving that unlike the 7 members he can work without them, but because they're his friends he does work with them. This was also done for the first half against The Sinsters of Evil and The Children of Blackgurumon. Another time would be against Toffee and Bill Cipher's cult though he was unaware of Team Free Will's hand. He would repeat this with The Prankster though not without Launchpad, Lucius Heinous VII, Dr.Doof, Stewie and Dr.Blowhole helping. Countdown and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy had him work with Team Free Will, Deathstroke's Associates, The Mar Mar Gang, The Bad Guys, The Boys and Slade's Empire to defeat The Smoking Man, Vecna and Emperor Belos. Later stories had him fight The Cartel under Don Eladio and late Frank Underwood as well as Freakshow with the help of the others.
- He loves keeping secrets from others. This is most often shown when Bender goes on an adventure without Dib and meets his many new allies and/or works with Eddy. This bothers Dib and is one reason he disagrees with Bender on occasion. He also is a consummate lair often and lies to his friends often about his activities. He has been attempting to work on this a bit as of Multiversal Noir but old habits die hard.
- He once had a weakness in not being able to give second chances, though it seems this isn't the case as he tried to offer Sari a second chance to be a good guy again. Also, while he doesn't trust Discord, he does seem willing to give him a chance. The same goes for Luan Sassfrass (The Prankster)
- Bender is one of the only four characters alongside his best friend Skipper and main allies Slade and Anti Cosmo who has seen the end of the Multi-Universe and the creation of another one which was possible through a forwards time machine.
- Bender is one of three characters from Phase 1 to still be a main character in Phase 4 alongside Anti Cosmo and Slade. This was done to give the 3 their own storyline running in tangent with Lydia, Lincoln and Team Free Will. Adding to that, Bender and Meowth are the only characters to be regular characters in Phases 1 and 4 and while plenty of the cast do appear in the latter, they are more in guest roles.
- Bender is the only character to be on all 4 Phase Title Cards and fittingly is the only character to be a main character in all 4 phase storylines. As a result he is clearly the character with the most appearances overall
- In Phase 4, Bender has the 2nd most appearances of the cast appearing in 11 storylines out of 18 tied with Anti Cosmo and Slade.
- Anglesmith Origins confirms he is the main character of the series written by The4everevival, though he is the deuteragonist behind Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud of Phase 4. This was done, to make sure He didn't keep hogging all the spotlight which he did previously. This is why he got the B Plotline of Phase 4 as opposed to the main plot.
- Phase 4 has Bender's character take more inspiration off J.J. "Jake" Gittes of China Town who also is a private detective and anti hero.
- His age is improbable but at bare minimum 27000 years according to the comic Rust in Peace, though he could be anywhere from this to 27,400,000,000 years old considering the times he had traveled back in time and took the long path back. Regardless this makes him among the oldest characters in modern fiction.
- He is one of the icons of the Legends of The Multiverse Wiki