Barriss Offee is a main antagonist in the last four episodes (and consequently the final antagonist) in the fifth season of the TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
She is a Mirialan Jedi Knight, General and Healer. She carries a blue lightsaber (later two red lightsabers) and was a friend to Ahsoka Tano, as well as a mentionable character in Season One and a secondary character/supporting protagonist in Seasons Two, Three and Four before becoming one of the main antagonists in Season Five.
The Umbrakinetic League[]
Barriss Offee was broken out of prison by Ra's Al Ghul offering her a chance to change the laws for the better and she agreed following Ra's Al Ghul to his hideout. Barriss Offee is participating in the purging of the multi-universe because she believes the Jedi are bad as the Sith using violence over less of diplomacy by talking to get things done, even though she has been fighting against the seperatists with the exact same methods and pulled her lightsaber against fellow Jedi Anakin Skywalker and framed her best friend Ahsoka Tano to die thinking that sacrifice was to help make things peaceful to open the eyes to the Jedi Order sadly it didn't. Barriss Offee decides the Sith won't be the only ones to die, but also her own Jedi order for betraying values they once hold in being a peacekeeper force and if she does end them, she will continue to make sure violence doesn't reach it's way towards the innocent for the Umbrakinetic League will help end The Clone Wars once and for all.
Ultimate Story[]
Barriss was introduced the US4 spinoff, Powerful Harmony. She came into the story very differently from how she was introduced in the Clone Wars series. Unlike the Clone Wars, she had already met and befriended Ahsoka as opposed to being introduced to her. The Benders first met her healing a clone trooper during their visit at a medical facility. She seemed very eager to meet them. Much like the rest of the Jedi Order, she can feel physically ill during the arrival of Heartless.
Very later on in the series, she was taken over by a Possessor Heartless who took advantage of her confusion from her conflict of interest and made her frame Ahsoka for a terrible crime. When Anakin found out about this, he and the Benders fought her until they were able to force out the Possessor and eradicate it. She came to, not having any memory of what she had done but was haunted by overwhelming thoughts of her confusion towards Ahsoka's actions versus the best interests of the order. When asked if she was in any trouble, Anakin responded by saying that she isn't; she was a puppet and puppets shouldn't be reprimanded.
The Multiverse Empire Storyline[]

Barriss in the Multiverse Empire Storyline