Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
SC6 Azwell

Azwel (アズウェル, Azuweru) is a brand new character in the Soul series of fighting games. He first appeared in Soulcalibur VI, which marks his debut appearance in the new, rebooted Soulcalibur timeline.

He is the main antagonist of Libra of Soul's story mode, and is nicknamed Leader of Humanity (人類の教導者 Jinrui no Kyōdōsha?).

Сhronicles of Great New Empire[]

Azvel is the most faithful priest of the Giygas cult. He gathers huge crowds of people and other beings to start the War of Darkness.


Azwel is a middle aged man of average size with sickly pale skin and scar-like markings stretching across his body, many of which meet at the center of his forehead and shoulder length purple hair. When Soul Charged, his markings glow purple and his eyes a bright yellow, with arms covered in a red and blue crystalline material.


Azwel is a cunning and charismatic genius who possesses mannerisms of a playwright with a messiah complex who advocates his love for humanity. Underneath it all, however, Azwel comes off as irredeemably cruel, self-aggrandizing, spiteful, and sociopathic sadist. His warped idea of "love" for humans is merely for his own self-gratification and can be likened to that of psychological abuse and emotional manipulation he inflicts to his victims, especially through his experiments. He also made no hesitation in remorselessly murdering any high-ranking members of the Aval Organization when they became suspicious of his schemes, including Grøh's master, Orzal.



