"I choose you!" |
Ash Ketchum | |
Ashy / Ashy Boy (by Gary Oak Dear (by Alola Sunrise Saleswomen) Little kid (by Iris) Lucario Trainer (by Bea) | |
Personal Information | |
Walking on his journey Capturing and training Pokémon | |
Professional Status | |
Skills | |
Debut | |
Voice | |
Gallery | |
Ash Ketchum is the main protagonist from the anime Pokemon series.
Ash is a really energetic, optimistic kid. He is a good-natured kid who loves Pokemon and dreams of one day becoming a Pokemon Master. He's also not very bright as he has a tendency to make mistakes that even notices know not to make. However, in spite of that, he is shown to use his head and figure his way out of things whenever he needs to.
He can also be head-strong and has known to lead himself and his friends into trouble, much to their annoyance. He's not always responsible but he does take is Pokemon training seriously as he tries to do his best every chance he gets.
Anime Empire[]
As the advisor to the emperor, Ash has served as second in command ever since X became king.
Chronicles of Great New Empire[]
Ash acts as a soldier to the Hevenburg Force.
The Ultimate Story[]
Ash made his first appearance as one of the main characters of the Journey Through Kanto. He started out his journey arriving late at Professor Oak's corral, however, Lisa and her group had also shown up late from trying to get Buttercup to take a bath. Ash met his first Pokemon, Pikachu, who also knew Lisa and held on of the Pokemon stones inside of her.
Ash traveled through Kanto, fought against all 8 of Lisa's Super Smash Gym Leaders and earned the 8 badges, making him qualify for the Pokemon League.
During the Pokemon League, Ash soon came face-to-face in a Pokemon match against Blossom, Buttercup, Maggie and the Leader of the Super Smash Pokemon League, Lisa Simpson, whom he had befriended during his journey. He was able to beat all of them with Lisa hardly being an easy challenge. Shortly afterwards, Ly appeared before him, who although was pleased to have seen him beat all 4 of her loyal subordinates, challenged him to a battle as well, one that all those who are familiar with her knew that he would not beat her. Ash fought hard the best that he could and although he put up a good fight, he lost. Ly then revealed to him that the purpose of this battle was to not be beaten by him but to teach him the importance of accepting losses and always being ready to pick himself back up whenever difficult obstacles stand in his way. She reminded him that the road to becoming a Pokemon Master is very challenging and he will come across battles that he won't win, but he must never allow that to stop him and to take important lessons from every battle ever taken whether in victory or defeat. Ash took her words into consideration and was proud to have battled against Ly even though he lost.
Everyone around them was touched by Ly's words in different ways. While some took them into consideration, others were less than pleased, even glaring, to which Ly had been expecting, but reminds all of her allies to take those with optimism into consideration as they are the ones who they need to please more than those with feelings of contempt.
After Ash returned home from his battles in the the Pokemon League, Ly informed him and the rest of the group of a mysterious Pokeball somewhere within the Orange Islands and were ordered by her to retrieve it as it contains some mystical properties.
After he adventures within the Orange Islands, he was assigned a task within the Johto region for Ly. He left with Brock but Misty and the girls couldn't join him. Instead, he would see them again when they would journey into the region along with the Starfox team.
He took part in the final battle of the Ultimate Story where the group fought against Razorbeard and won. Then on Ripple Star, they fought against the Dark force that has plagued the Earth since the beginning of Lisa's journey and won.
Ash reappeared in Ultimate Story 2 after Dinosaur Planet along with Brock, Gary, Ribbon, Lady Bow, Prof. Oak and Tracy talking about the girls and Pikachu not having returned to Earth after visiting with Fox and the Starfox team. They decided to leave for Corneria and found that the group wasn't there at all. They soon discovered that they were on another planet called Dinosaur Planet. Upon arriving on the planet, they met with Fox. They asked him to take them to where the girls were and after a bit of a mishap with Gary complaining, Fox agreed to take them to Cape Claw where his friends were relaxing, including the girls. Ash was overjoyed to see Pikachu and Misty. He chatted with her and Fox before leaving with Brock and Tracy to return to Earth.
Roly's Multiversal Adventures[]
He said hi to Roly while getting on board him, and liked the way his new coat of paint looked. Even Pikachu had to agree with him. But of course, Roly is taunted later.
Fire Rebellion Infinity[]
Ash Ketchum makes an appearance to help the heroes by stopping Giovanni and his sinister plans.
Crossover War Heroes Series[]
Crossover War Heroes: Iron-Blooded Kid Warriors[]
Ash appears late in the story, along with Pikachu. He and Pikachu decided to join Tekkadan for the first time.
Pikachu has been with Ash since he began his life as a Pokemon trainer, and is a VERY close friend to Ash and is shown to have a lot of similarities in personality and determination in battles. Pikachu sometimes is also shown to be smarter than Ash.
Misty joined Ash in Pokémon Emergency!, traveling with him because she wanted him to replace her bike, which was destroyed by his Pikachu. She would continuously travel with him until Gotta Catch Ya Later!, when she returned to Cerulean City nearly full-time to lead her family's Gym, though she briefly traveled to Hoenn and met up with Ash's Advanced Generation group in The Princess and the Togepi and A Togepi Mirage!, and again from The Scheme Team until A Real Cleffa-Hanger to "escort" her back home. She met up with her friends one more time.
It is believed by many fans that the 2 of them are in love and would become a couple. Many of these fans named this relationship Pokeshipping. There have been many incidences indicating this to be true to which many Pokeshippers love to point out. While it is possible that the original version of these characters are to be a couple and eventually married, that is not the case for the Ultimate Story as Fanfictiondreamer had another guy for Misty to end up with. Because of this, Ash and Misty mainly have a brother-sister relationship in the Ultimate Story to which Fanfictiondreamer believes would be greatly frowned upon by the Pokeshippers to put it lightly. She wanted Ash and Misty to end up together in the Ultimate Story much like the original material, but other things got in the way and because of that, it was not meant to be.
Brock first joined Ash in Showdown in Pewter City after Ash battled him in the Pewter City Gym. After his father Flint offered to take over the duties of Gym Leader, Brock followed Ash through Kanto, leaving briefly from Poké Ball Peril to A Tent Situation to work for Professor Ivy. In The Rivalry Revival, Brock returned to be with Ash and Misty until Gotta Catch Ya Later!, though he, unlike Misty, would return shortly, in You Can Never Taillow, sticking with Ash until Home is Where the Start is!. He would again return in Two Degrees of Separation!, and so traveled through Sinnoh with Ash until Memories are Made of Bliss!.
Gary Oak[]
Gary Oak is a recurring character in the Pokémon anime. He is a Pokémon Researcher from Pallet Town and grandson of Professor Oak. He is a childhood friend and former rival of Ash Ketchum. His Japanese name is derived from Shigeru Miyamoto.
Ash may have traveled to Hoenn alone; however, shortly after his arrival, he met May, a young girl who desired to travel around the world and a fellow Trainer who was just starting her journey, and then ended up destroying her bike just like that of Misty. Though she initially did not care for Pokémon, she eventually found Pokémon Contests, in which she competed while in Hoenn and then later in Kanto. May traveled with Ash through the entire Advanced Generation saga, from Get the Show on the Road to Home is Where the Start Is!, after which she went off to Johto to compete in Contests there. She, like Misty, reappeared briefly during the Diamond & Pearl series to compete in the Wallace Cup from A Full Course Tag Battle! until Strategy with a Smile!.
Max is May's younger brother. He does not have any Pokémon of his own because he is too young, but he often befriends certain Pokémon. He traveled with the group from There's no Place Like Hoenn until Home is Where the Start Is, when he went home to Petalburg City. However, he made a promise to Ash that as soon as he got his own Pokémon, he would battle Ash.
Like his journey into Hoenn, Ash ventured to Sinnoh alone, where, in When Pokémon Worlds Collide!, he would meet Dawn. From that point, after saving Ash's Pikachu and having her bike fried in a similar way to May's and Misty's, Dawn would travel with Ash and Brock through Sinnoh, which she did until Memories are Made of Bliss! when all three friends split up.
Dawn rejoins Ash's group in the Best Wishes series in Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times! to compete in the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup. Dawn would leave the group in Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure! and travel to Johto to compete in the Wallace Cup. Dawn Rejoins Ash multiple times in The Journy Series and even ends up going to see Ash's final battle with Leon.
Paul is a recurring character in the Pokémon anime. He is a Pokémon Trainer from Veilstone City who was first seen at the end of Two Degrees of Separation!, though his full introduction was in When Pokémon Worlds Collide!. He is Ash's main Diamond & Pearl series rival.
Iris is said to be a wild girl, as proven by the fact that she swings on vines. She decided to travel throughout Unova and the Decolore Islands with Ash from Enter Iris and Axew! until Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!.
Cilan, a Pokémon Connoisseur and one of the Gym Leaders of the Striaton City Gym, travels with Ash and Iris in their journey through Unova and the Decolore Islands from Dreams by the Yard Full! until Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!.
Trip was Ash's only unfriendly rival in the Best Wishes series. The rivalry formed when Trip found out that Ash was from Kanto, a region Trip thinks very little of. Trip believed Ash to be a redneck from the boonies who needed to go back to the basics of Pokémon, causing a heated rivalry. However, they were shown to respect each other to some extent in various episodes. Like with Gary and Paul, the two became friends when Ash beat Trip at the Vertress Conference.
Team Rocket[]
The Team Rocket trio, sometimes abbreviated as TRio or JJM, is a trio of members of Team Rocket, consisting of Jessie, James, and Meowth. For some reason, they want to take Pikachu from Ash and give him to Giovanni. Because of this, they are a constant source of trouble for Ash and company.
Serena is a beginning Pokémon Trainer from Kalos. She is a fashionable girl who met Ash once before when they were younger. While the daughter of a famous Rhyhorn racer, Serena eventually sets her goal to be a famous Pokémon Performer. She started traveling with Ash in Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race! until Till We Compete Again! where she traveled to the Hoenn Region to participate in Pokémon Contests in order to further her skills as a Performer.
Clemont is an inventor Ash met after being ejected out of the Lumiose City Gym. His backpack, called the "Clemontic Gear", carries a variety of inventions and gadgets. He traveled with Ash from A Battle of Aerial Mobility! until The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination!, then rejoined the group in The Moment of Lumiose Truth!, he decided to stay in Lumiose City in Till We Compete Again! when Ash returned to Kanto.
Bonnie is Clemont's little sister. She is a young and cheerful girl, who despite being too young to officially train Pokémon, holds a great interest in them. She is proud of her big brother's accomplishments, but is not above criticizing him. She started traveling with Ash in A Battle of Aerial Mobility! and stayed in Lumiose City with her brother when the group went their separate ways in Till We Compete Again!.
Lillie is one of Ash's classmates. She is terrified of physically interacting with Pokémon, and tends to freeze up whenever one Pokémon enters her personal space. She was the second of Ash's classmates he would meet. She was watching a Tauros race between Lana, Mallow and Sophocles as Ash accidentally stumbled upon the racing track and spotted Lillie on the other side. They became classmates when Ash enrolled himself at the Pokémon School shortly thereafter.
Mallow is one of Ash's classmates. She is talented cook for both people and Pokémon, and is a self-proclaimed poster girl at her family's restaurant. She met Ash while she was having a Tauros race against Lana and Sophocles and they ran him over when he accidentally stumbled upon the track. They became classmates when Ash enrolled himself at the Pokémon School shortly thereafter.
Lana is one of Ash's classmates. She enjoys many seafaring activities such as fishing while riding on Lapras. She was the first of Ash's classmates in the Sun & Moon series series to meet Ash when she accidentally fished him up while he was riding on a Sharpedo. They would later meet again at the Pokémon School and become classmates when Ash enrolled himself.
Sophocles is one of Ash's classmates. He enjoys inventing helpful devices and machinery. He met Ash while he was having a Tauros race against Lana and Mallow and they ran him over when he accidentally stumbled upon the track. They became classmates when Ash enrolled himself at the Pokémon School shortly thereafter.
Kiawe is one of Ash's classmates. He is very gruff compared to his classmates and makes deliveries between islands on his Charizard. Ash first spotted Kiawe flying on his Charizard when he was lost in a forest. They formally met while Kiawe was in a battle with Team Skull and Ash joined in, making Kiawe the last of Ash's classmates Ash would meet.

All of Ash's Pokemon at the Lab
As a Trainer, Ash has caught and befriended a sizable number of Pokémon over the course of the anime. His philosophy on training is that Pokémon are individuals and that a combination of trust, friendship and hard work are needed to overcome adversity. In fact, several of Ash's Pokémon were caught because they allowed him to, after he befriended them. He seems to battle best with Pokémon that are similar to Pikachu: ones that are speedy and maneuverable, yet able to perform high-powered attacks; however, he is willing to work with any Pokémon that comes into his care.
Ash's battle style is generally spontaneous and fairly unorthodox, and his Pokémon often reflect these traits. He has been shown to use unusual strategies. For instance, during the Diamond & Pearl series, he incorporated a twisting-spinning type maneuver in his Pokémon's offensive and defensive techniques, which eventually lead to him creating the original technique, Counter Shield. Also, sometimes he would use someone else's battle strategies as shown with Paul and Tierno, though when using the latter, Ash stated that his own unique strategy is the one he can truly count on, instead of simply mimicking others.
In Menslady's stories, Ash has these Pokemon:
See also[]
- Ash was designed by Atsuko Nishida.
- Ash's height is around 4'7" (140 cm).
- Ash's hat in the original series was similar to Red's hat in his original design from Pokémon Red and Green before undergoing several changes until the final design.
- Ash originally wanted a Squirtle to be his starter Pokémon, but Professor Oak told him it was taken by a Trainer who was not late.
- In the anime, Ash is the first and, so far, only Trainer:
- With a known hometown to not be native to any of the regions he is the Champion of.
- With access to Z-Moves, Dynamax/Gigantamax, and Mega Evolution at the same time.
- Who has used more than one of those in a single battle.
- Shown to have won two of the same Gym Badge, as he's earned a Rain Badge from both Juan and Wallace.
- Ash has never officially caught a female-only Pokémon or a Legendary Pokémon.
- Ash has caught at least one of the starter Pokémon of every region he has visited, except for Galar.
- Ash has caught at least one Flying-type Pokémon in every series.
- However, he has never caught a Flying-type Pokémon introduced after Generation VII.
- Moreover, Flying is the most common type among Ash's non-temporary Pokémon under his ownership, with a total of twelve representants.
- As of A Chilling Curse!, Ash has caught at least one Pokémon belonging to all eighteen types (this includes Pokémon he owns or has owned that have been retroactively made Fairy-type).
- Also, as of Battling Turned Up to Eleven!, he has used at least one move of every type with his Pokémon.
- All of Ash's Grass-type Pokémon are part of a three-stage evolutionary line.
- Ash's favorite move is Thunderbolt, as revealed by himself in Climbing the Walls!.
- According to Takeshi Shudō's anime novelizations, Ash's birthday is exactly 10 years, 10 months, and 10 days before the day he began his Pokémon journey. However, in Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!, Delia states that Ash started his journey on his tenth birthday.
- Ash is still considered a 10-year-old in promotional materials and in main series episodes as recent as Sleuths for Truth!, despite at least a year having been implied to have passed between A Goldenrod Opportunity and Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!.
- Kunihiko Yuyama, creative supervisor for Pokémon Journeys: The Series and executive director for prior series, has stated in a interview with Daniel Arsham in Arsham's Pokédex, a collection of Pokémon-related artwork, that Ash does not age because the anime is set in an endless early summer.
- When Veronica Taylor was interviewed in the documentary "Adventures in Voice Acting", she stated that during her audition for the role of Ash, he was known as Casey at the time. This name would later be given to a recurring character from Johto.
- Ash can draw, as shown in Up Close and Personable! when he drew a Dewgong. However, his drawing was insulted by Angie.
- Ash has been shown to be a good climber at various points in the anime, such as in Enter Iris and Axew!, Climbing the Walls, and Some Kind of Laziness!, to the point of Misty saying "He climbs like a Mankey" in Celebi: The Voice of the Forest, and Brock calling him a "human Aipom" in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
- Ash has lost once to every Normal-type Gym Leader he has met. Out of the four Normal-type Gym Leaders he has battled against, Cheren is the only one against whom Ash has never won.
- The only region where Ash didn't lose any official Gym battles is the Orange Archipelago.
- Also, Ash did not lose any official trials in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon, although he has lost to Nanu in an unofficial battle.
- Ever since facing Wattson in Watt's with Wattson?, Ash has not won a Gym Badge in the same episode in which he meets the Gym Leader.
- If only Trainer battles are counted, Ash's longest winning streak lasted a total of 87 episodes, spanning from his loss to Rinto in Trials of a Budding Master! to his loss to Misty in JN138.
- If not, as all of his eligible Pokémon were defeated in a Raid Battle against an Articuno in Battling in the Freezing Raid!, the longest period Ash has been on a winning streak is exactly 70 episodes, going from Battles in the Sky! to A Meeting of Two Journeys!.
- Ash has defeated more regional Champions onscreen in the anime than any other Trainer, having won against Iris, Steven, Cynthia, and Leon.
- Additionally, he has also defeated Wallace, the former Hoenn Champion.
- Ash shares at least one Pokémon of the same evolutionary family with one of his rivals in each series.
- Time After Time! and The Mew from Here! are the only main series episodes during his time as a protagonist to not feature Ash in any capacity.
- In promotional material for the Manalo Conference, Ash was given the title of (Japanese: ゼンリョクチャレンジャ Full-force challenger).
- National Ash Ketchum Day is celebrated every September 15, the anniversary of Ash's first Pokémon League Conference victory, first being celebrated on said victory's first-year anniversary in 2020.
- In the Pokémon: Twilight Wings episode Letter, a Trainer who bears a resemblance to Ash can be seen at the entrance to Wyndon Stadium with a Pikachu.
- In Crossover War Heroes Series, Ash Ketchum and Pikachu act as one of Yuinshiel's Followers and Subordinates in order to end many evil organizations.