Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Arsyn is a villainess from Taylor Swift's music video Bad Blood. She was first shown as she fights alongside with the main protagonist Catastrophe in the beginning of the video, doing so against a group of masked men at a building somewhere in Europe. After the fight, Arsyn looks in her compact and notices Catastrophe with a breifcase. At that very moment, Arsyn betrayed Catastrophe so she attempted to steal the briefcase from Catastrophe before kicking her ally Catastrophe through the window. In the end of the video, the evil Arsyn resurfaced with her henchwomen in black as they were about to confront Catastrophe and her friends. The final scene in the video shows Arsyn and Catastrophe face-to-face with each other and beginning their fight before fading to black.

LOTM: Jisatsu Squadron[]

Arsyn appears to be working with Zardonic to hunt down Shampoo and Zhalia Moon to intimidate them and fighting them into knowing where the Cronus Energon current location is from Negaduck.

