Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The Arkham Knight is the titular secondary antagonist turned anti-hero in the 2015 video game Batman: Arkham Knight.

His identity is later revealed to be Jason Todd, whereby he immediately transitions his identity to The Red Hood . He appears as the anti-hero and playable character in the Red Hood DLC Story Pack.

He is voiced by actor Troy Baker, who also provided the voice for the Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins.


Arkham Knight appears as a member of the legion of past,present and Future ran by Eobard Thane as the Joker decided to bring his secret weapon to the team that he has been saving for a dire situation, though Deathstroke calls Joker out on this since Joker has been in a dire situation with Bender and Slade many times and yet Joker goes half cocked when facing them. Despite this he actually joins Deathstroke instead in his neo-equalist cult

He is one of Deathstroke's followers that attack Slade's ensemble and faces down with Eddy and The V Team who take him out. He and the rest of Deathstroke's followers help Reverb with trying to bring Slade, Anti Cosmo, Hades, Celes Chere, Harry Wells, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance and Wally West to a stop from getting to Bender, Skipper and the others from finding the Well of Disney.

He continues fighting with the Legion until he is revealed as Jason Todd and brought back to his senses where he is killed by The Joker

LOTM: Mageddon Trilogy[]

LOTM: Armageddon[]

LOTM: Weirdmageddon[]

