Kamen Rider Ark-Zero, Ark's Revived True Form
The Ark (アーク Āku) is a satellite currently submerged in Daybreak Town originally created by Gai Amatsu. Its recovery is the goal of both MetsubouJinrai.net and ZAIA Enterprise.
The Ark possesses some level of sentience and is the leading element of MetsubouJinrai.net. According to Horobi, the will of the Ark is to destroy humanity.
Despite its mission to exterminate humanity, the Ark only does so through the learning it has accumulated throughout its time submerged. It bears no actual hate towards humans, but rather their true nature that would ultimately destroy the planet. Being a creation of Gai Amatsu, it seems to have inherited much of his negative traits, such as its clear belief that humanity and even MetsubouJinrai.net are nothing but its tools. It also inherited its creator's arrogance, though it shows caution around its benevolent counterpart since it cannot predict its successor's actions.